Mrs.Bellos Midterm Review

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Groups of states or territories controlled by one ruler are called an?


What happened to the people that the Aztecs conquered?

Forced to pay

Jesus' teachings include?

Forgiveness of sins, salvation, and love all

Canada was originally settled by whom?


Mayan Wealth was made through?

Farming and trade

What Roman is known as the father of modern medicine?


Scholars that study and write about the historical past are what?


Donald Johnson and Tom Gray are famous for finding a 3 million year old skeleton called what?


Alexander the Great was from where?


The job of women in ancient Greece was to?

Make healthy sons for the army

The holy book of Islam is the?


Muhammed died at?

The dome of the rock in Jerusalem

A direct result or long term effect of Marco Polo's travels was?

Trade with and interest in different cultures developed

When a new lord took over a manor, the serfs?

stayed with the land

How many times are Muslims supposed to pray per day?


Tenochititlan was built on?

A lake

The Roman waterway system was called the?


The Spanish attempted to invade England with a fleet of ships called the?


Objects made by humans such as clothing, coins, artwork, and tombstones are called what?


Few peasants lived past the age of?


The Incan Emperor had ____ power.


Iron Plows and new harnesses for hours contributed to what revolution?

Agricultural Revolution.

Spices, silk, and gunpowder first originated in what region of the world?


What are the Christian sacraments?

Baptism, communion, last rights at death

The French prison that housed political prisoners and weapons was called what?


The first trip around Africa was by?

Batholomeu Dias

What Muslim Empire was stopped in Europe at this battle

Battle Of Tours

Napoleon's final defeat was at the?

Battle of Waterloo

Monotheistic means?

Believing in one God

The black death is also known as?

Bubonic Plague

What methods did the Mayans use in farming?

Burn and clear forests, build raised fields along rivers to prevent flooding, and let a field go fallow

The Catholic Church had their own laws known as?

Canon Law

Enlightenment writers often faced censorship because they?

Challenged the old order

He was the first to try to unite Europe into an organized empire after the fall of Rome?


Jihad is a Muslim holy war against whom?


When vikings arrived at a new town/city to plunder and loot, what was the first place they went in order to steal valuables?


What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire?


What was one important result of the Estates General?

Created National Assembly

He ruled England during and after the Glorious Revolution; he was named Lord Protector of England.


The Byzantine in Russia created an alphabet called?


The results of the American and French Revolutions inspired peoples seeking ___ and independence.


The spreading of Jewish people throughout the world was called the?


Millions of Native Americans died from what?


How often were the Olympics?

Every 4 years

Ivan the Great is known for?

Expanding Russian empire from 15,000 to 45,000miles.

A field that is left bare for a year with no crops growing on it is called what?


To tithe is to?

Give 10% of your income to the church

The Incas put great value in?


The Byzantine Empire has a flame-thrower like weapon called?

Greek Fire

The Byzantine Empire combined which religions?

Greek, Roman, and Christian

This is an association of merchants or artisans who cooperate to uphold standards of their trade. The middles ages version of a labor union.


All Muslims must travel to Mecca once in their lifetime if they are able, this is known as what?


Feudalism developed as a way for medieval societies to?

Have protection for themselves

Columbus named the Natives in the Americas Indians because?

He thought he was in India.

Who is known as the father of history?


Castles were usually built on what?

High grounds and near towns to protect them

Who wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey?


The domination of one country by another is called?


Which of the following were beheaded during the French Revolution?

Louis XIV, Marie Antoinette, Robespierre

Cuzco is the capital city of what Native American group?


The Spice Islands were located near?


Which son of Abraham did the Muslims descend from?


Sikhism combines what two religions?

Islam and Hinduism

What country was the center for the rebirth in art, literature, and science during the Renaissance?


Napoleon got money to fund his war and conquests in Europe by selling this to the United States.

Louisiana Territory

The most holy city in the world during medieval times was ___.


Which religion has Sabbath on Saturday?


Taxes in the feudal system were collected by who?

Kings, the church, and Lords

The Dark Ages refers to Western Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. This period is known as the Dark Ages because?

Learning stopped.

The most famous Viking was?

Leif Ericsson

This is one reason Constantinople stayed unconquered for so long.

Long sea and land walls

What were the innovations in weaponry used in the Hundred Years' War?

Longbow and Canon

He was the Sun King of France and famous for saying "I am the state"?

Louis XIV

Who is the Protestant reformer who broke from the Catholic Church?

Martin Luther

The fertile crescent is also know as what?


Who is famous for painting the Sistine Chapel and sculpting David?


What problems contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire?

Military attacks, political turmoil, economic weakness

He was emperor of the Aztecs when the Spanish arrived.


What is the name of the world's most famous painting?

Mona Lisa

Muslim's believe what?

Muhammed was God's last and greatest prohpet; God is all powerful and compassionate; Arabic is the sacred language

The world in 1050 A.D. included a ___ empire from Spain to India.


Eastern Orthodox Christians differ from the West because?

Priests can marry

Johann Gutenberg invented the?

Printing Press

To get to Mesoamerica?

Native Americans crossed the Beringea near modern day Alaska

The transition from nomadic life to settled farming is referred to as the what?

Neolithic Revolution

People who move from place to place to find food are called what?


The Battle of Hastings on Christmas Day 1066 A.D. meant?

Norman controlled Britain

The famous place in Tanzania (East Africa) where many ancient clues are found is called what?

Olduvai Gorge

This civilization in the America's was known for carving giant stone heads.


The highest church official in Orthodox Christianity is?


The three most famous Greek philosophers are?

Plato, Aristotles, Sokrates

The pyramid of power in the Church formed from most powerful to least powerful.

Pope, Bishop, Priest, Parishioners

Spain and what other country were early leaders in the Age of Exploration ?


Nobles were?

Rich land owners

Which nursery rhyme may actually be telling the story of the black death?

Ring around the Rosey

The architect of the reign of terror was whom?


These were supporters of Cromwell and Parliament during the English civil war.


What two countries did not fall to Napoleon in Europe?

Russia and England

A peasant bound to the land was called a?


Who was at the bottom of the Aztec social pyramid?

Serfs and slaves

Knights trained from the age of ___ and up.


Who is the most famous playwright/author of the Renaissance?


Buddhism was started by whom?

Siddhartha Gautama

What country sponsored Columbus in his quest to the Americas?


The term "Islam" means?

Submit to God

A martyr is someone who does what?

Suffers or dies for their beliefs

The world's first civilization developed in southern Mesopotamia and was called what?


The Incas were located in?

The Andes Mountains

This institution dominated Medieval life.

The Church

What was the Declaration of the Right of Man and Citizen modeled after?

The Declaration of Independence for the United States

The French Revolution drew on many ideas of?

The Enlightenment

The holy book of Judaism is called the what?

The Torah

The holy book of Hinduism is called the what?

The Vedas

The clergy of France was a part of which estate?

The first estate

The new type of killing machine that was developed during the French Revolution was?

The guillotine

The two houses of the British Parliament are called?

The house of commons and the house of lords

The peasant class (possible 98%) of France was part of which estate?

The third estate

What was the main reason for the Age of Exploration

To get Asian spices cheaper

The first trip to India via ship was by?

Vasco de Gama

Governers of Spanish colonies were called what?


The Incan Emperor was an autocrat, this means he?

Was the religious leader too

The Mayans had a number system that included?


What is a primary Source?

a piece of writing written by someone who experienced something. (ex: writing about an event that happened to you)

Christians and Muslims battled during 4 crusades for control of the ___.

lands in the Middle East

Under his feudal contract, a vassal was required to?

pledge service and loyalty to his lord

To be spiritually saved, Christians believed they must?

receive the sacraments

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