Ms. Grubbs Final Exam 2022

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How does Macbeth react to the death of his wife?

-"She should have died hereafter" -"Tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow" --Life "creeps in" but is also "brief" --Metaphors of Life: ---Brief candle ---Poor player (metatheatrical metaphor) --- A story (told by an idiot) -Signifying nothing

What is Macbeth's first line?

-"So foul and fair a day I have not seen" -It is similar to the witches' line "fair is foul and foul is fair" *--They both use paradox*

The following is a theme of Macbeth:

-#loyalty -Sight -Blood -Time (the passage of time) -Fate (Weird) -Gender -Witchcraft -Transience of Life

What is a trending topic of the Jacobean period?

-#loyalty -Witches -Religion -Kingship

Who are famous women authors of this period?

-(Jane Austen) -Mary Shelley -The Bronte Sisters

Frankenstein is what kind of story?

-A frame story (Walton finds Victor and Victor tells his story) -Epistolary Novel (its written through letters)

A couplet often signals the end of what?

-A sonnet -A scene -A monologue

What is a symbol associated with Lady Macbeth?

-Blood -Candle (she carries it in the sleepwalking scene, which shows how she's changed from someone who wants complete darkness to someone who needs light "continually".)

What are strong examples of "Parent/Child Relationships (Motherlessness)" in Frankenstein?

-Frankenstein abandons his Creature -Frankenstein's own mother dies

What are strong examples of "The importance of Nature" in Frankenstein?

-Frankenstein hides from Nature to create the Creature -The Creature finds refuge and "safety" in Nature

What are strong examples of "The dangers of Science (or of playing God)?

-Frankenstein takes the power of creation into his own hands and it.does.not.turn.out.well.for.him.

Who is the "real" monster of Frankenstein and how do you know?

-Frankenstein: he created the creature, he abandons the creature, he hurts the creature, etc. -The Creature: he kills people, he makes Frankenstein's life difficult, people hate him (this, in his perspective, makes him monstrous) -Knowledge -Society -Desire for power

Where did Shakespeare perform?

-Globe Theatre -Blackfriars Theatre -Court

Why does Frankenstein destroy his second creation?

-He fears it will make baby monsters -Or else it might not like the first monster -Future generations might curse him for doing so.

How does Macduff react to the death of his family?

-He puts his hat/hands over his face (theme of sight) -He cries -He blames God -He blames himself

What may have influenced the author to write Frankenstein?

-Her Life --He dad disowning her --Her mother dying because of giving birth to her. --Her husband treating her horribly (and probs having an affair with his sister) --Big expectations from her mother's (Mary Wollstoncraft) work -New Scientific Advancements --Autopsies --Electricity -The Romantics (see below) -Lord Byron etc.

What are the elements of 19th century Romanticism and how do they show up in Frankenstein?

-Importance of Nature -Melancholy -Imagination -Common Man -Emotion -Life & Death / Time

What is the impact of the Scientific Revolution on British culture?

-It encourages the use of the Scientific Method --Categorization --Control -Scientific inquiry --Witchcraft becomes less popular --Medical care is more effective --People using electricity

What does this quote from Paradise Lost show? "All is not lost...We may with more successful hope resolve To wage...eternal war Irreconcilable, to our grand Foe, Who now triumphs, and in the excess of joy Sole reigning holds the tyrrany of Heaven"

-It shows Satan's hopeful/inspirational language. -It speaks to the theme tyranny & rebellion

How does Macbeth reflect the Jacobean period?

-It's set in Scotland & James is from Scotland -It has witches & James (& others) believed in witches -A major theme is #loyalty & James was very afraid of those who were not #loyal to him (The Gunpowder Plot) -Shakespeare's company had a lot of money (King is their patron), so they use it to make cool costumes & special effects (witches & ghosts appearing & disappearing, sword fights)

Who/what encourages Macbeth to kill Duncan?

-Lady Macbeth -The dagger he hallucinates

How does "Gender" show up in Macbeth?

-Lady Macbeth, Macbeth & Malcolm think men are stronger/more evil than women -But Macduff says men can be both strong and sad

How does "Sight" show up in Macbeth?

-Macbeth and Banquo question their eyes when they see the witches -Macbeth hallucinates the dagger -Lady Macbeth is afraid to kill Duncan because he looks like her father -Macbeth sees Banquo's ghost -Lady Macbeth hallucinates blood on her hands

How does "Blood" show up in Macbeth?

-Macbeth gets King Duncan's blood on his hands, "This is a sorry sight" -Lady Macbeth gets blood on her hands, too. -Lots of people die

How does #loyalty show up in Macbeth?

-Macbeth is not loyal -Macduff is loyal to Duncan/Malcolm -Macbeth fears his subjects won't be #loyal to him.

How does "Transience of Life" show up in Macbeth?

-Macbeth's "Tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow" -Macbeth says the witches disappeared "like breath into the wind"

12th Night celebrations represent:

-Mischief -A Topsy-Turvey World -Shifting identities

The answer to the previous questions suggests that a major theme of Twelfth Night is:

-Not knowing what's real -Identity

What was that / were those space(s) like?

-Open-air (Globe) or universal-lighting (Blackfriars & Court) --The actors often spoke directly to audience members -Three-quarter audience -Three entrances on stage -Two entrances above the stage (divine) -One entrance (trap door) below the stage (evil)

How does the theme of Grief show up in Twelfth Night?

-Orsino grieves the fact that Olivia doesn't love him. -Olivia mourns the loss of her brother and father -Viola grieves the (apparent) loss of her brother

Who was an English monarch when Shakespeare was alive?

-Queen Elizabeth I -King James I

What happens to the creature at the end of the novel?

He floats away on a piece of ice into the "darkness and distance".

How does Shakespeare create a sense that we're on the battlefield with the soldiers?

He goes back and forth between the two camps

Why does Macbeth say, "This is a sorry sight"?

He has blood on his hands.

What is Jonathan Swift's Modest Proposal?

A satirical essay on the proper way to "deal with" Ireland's poor Catholics.

The following excerpt is an example of what kind of lines? LADY MACBETH: Did not you speak? MACBETH: When? LADY MACBETH: Now. MACBETH: As I descended? LADY MACBETH: Ay.

A shared line and a short line

What is a symbol associated with Macbeth?

"The dagger of the mind"

Know the following characters, what they do, and what happens to them:

-Robert Walton: Explorer at North Pole, Writes letters to his sister which provide the narrative. He is similar to Frankenstein because he's obsessed with knowledge and power because he's lonely. -Victor Frankenstein: Mourns his mother's death, Creates and then abandons the Creature, tries to avoid the creature, listens to the Creature's story, promises to make a 2nd creature, but then destroys her, seeks "revenge" after the Creature kills Elizabeth. -Elizabeth: Victor's adopter sister, then wife (for a hot second) before the creature kills her. She gets Scarlet Fever and passes it to her and her adopted (Frankenstein's) mother. Passive -Henry Clerval: Frankenstein's best childhood friend. He is the "foil" to Frankenstein: he is curious, but not isolated. Does not suffer from illness. -The Creature: Teaches himself how to communicate, reads Paradise Losr, Feels associated with Satan from PL, tries to help the family in the woods, receives rejection from them, seels revenge against Victor Frankenstein by killing his brother, friend, and wife. Trusts in Frankenstein. Leads Frankenstein to the North Pole, where he ultimately feels remorse for his actions, mourns F's death, and, promises to leave humanity alone. -Justine: Frankenstein's family's friend who is convicted of William's murder (even though she's innocent) Passive. She had William's locked (with his mother's picture) in her pocket. -William: Frankentein's brother. The Creature kills him. Justine is executed for that murder. -The Family in the Woods: Poor, The Creature feel drawn to them and helps them by providing wood for them, but when they see him, they reject him

How is Frankenstein autobiographical?

-Shelley's dad disowned her like Victor abandoned the creature -All the daughters are motherless (like Shelley) -The creature is motherless (like Shelley) -"Parenthood" is bad / dangerous --Shelley's mother died after giving birth to her. --Most of Shelley's own children died young -Her husband treating her horribly (and probs having an affair with his sister) --He often wrote under the pseudonym "Victor" -She had the writing / genius genes: --Her mother was Mary Wollstoncraft (a major feminist and author)

What are characteristics of the Byronic Hero?

-Super (in some way) -Brooding -Threatening -Mysterious -Isolated (by self or society)

What is the most important piece of information about the Bronte sisters?

-THEY LIVED IN THE SAME TOWN WHERE MRS. GRUBBS' ANCESTORS ALSO ONCE LIVED. -Never mind the fact that Mrs. Grubbs' ancestors were long gone by that point. -It basically means she is intimately connected to the Bronte sisters. -Which basically means Mrs. Grubbs is also an amazing author and thinker, lol.

What do the witches call Macbeth?

-Thane of Glamis -Thane of Cawdor -King -Wicked

What do shared lines usually indicate?

-That the characters are uniquely connected. --Ex: Romeo and Juliet share lines when they first meet = its true love. -That characters are speaking quickly --Ex: Macbeth & Lady Macbeth share lines right after Macbeth kills King Duncan

Who are famous Byronic characters?

-The Bronte Sisters: --Rochester from Jane Eyre --Heathcliff from Withering Heights -Lord Byron: --Don Juan from Don Juan

The Chimney Sweeper" shows what elements of the Romantic period?

-The Common Man -Imagination (dream) -The importance of nature -Emotion

How does "time" (the passage of time) show up in Macbeth?

-The First word is "when" -Sounds (drums & bells) signal time passing --The drum when Macbeth first enters --The bell when Macbeth goes to kill Duncan -Macbeth's "tomorrow" speech says time "creeps in"

What are themes of Frankenstein and what are strong examples of them in the story?

-The importance of Nature -Parent/Child Relationships (Motherlessness) -The desire for knowledge & power -Isolation & Companionship -The dangers of Science (or of playing God)

What is the impact of the American, French, and Industrial Revolutions on British culture?

-They shift the cultural perspective to the common people (as opposed to the nobility). --They show injustices in society ---Urban life is really difficult

How does the theme of Family show up in Twelfth Night?

-Viola and Olivia mourning their family members -Viola and Sebastian are brother and sister -Olivia calls Viola her "sister" and Orsino her "brother" at the end

How does the theme of Identity show up in Twelfth Night?

-Viola disguises herself as Cesario -Olivia's questions to Cesario -Viola's response to those questions, "I am not that I play" -"What country, friends is this?" shows Viola's fear of her identity as a stranger -Cesario is "no stranger" after just a few days at Orsino's court -Sebastian is mistaken for Cesario

What are strong examples of "Isolation & Companionship"?

-Walton is (intellectually) alone on his ship until Frankenstein shows up. They become intellectual companions. -Victor isolates himself to make the Creature --Henry Clerval is the opposite of this. He gets out in the world and has a healthy / happy curiosity. -The Creature longs for companionship (ex: he tries to befriend the family & asks Frankenstein to make him a friend)

What are strong examples of "The desire for knowledge & power"?

-Walton is exploring, looking for knowledge -Frankenstein seeks knowledge -Frankenstein seeks power over death & life The Creature seeks knowledge (learns to read, etc.)

What are similarities and differences between Frankenstein, Walton, the Creature, and Henry Clerval?

-Walton, Frankenstein, and the Creature: --Are isolated --Long for companionship --Seek knowledge --Want power -Henry Clerval is the FOIL to Frankenstein: --He has a healthy and happy curiosity because he doesn't isolate himself.

The novel's layers of Frankenstein are:

-We are reading --The Sister's letters ---That Walton writes ----As Victor tells the story -----And shares what the Creature told him.

What is the Glorious Revolution and what does it show about British culture?

-When Parliament brings in William & Mary (Protestant rulers) and removes the Catholic leader all without bloodshed or death. -It shows the power of the people is growing

How many syllables are in a regular iambic pentameter line?

10 syllables \

What sound signals Macbeth's first entrance in Act 1 Scene 3?

A drum (war/death & the passage of time)

Whose ghost does Macbeth see at the Banquet?


Who is Macbeth talking about when he says he has "filed [his] mind;...[murdered] the gracious Duncan;...Put rancors in the vessel of [his] peace / Only for them"?

Banquo's sons

Why did Shakespeare write this part of the scene?

Because James was his major patron & it shows Shakespeare's #loyalty to King James I.

Why do people think Justine killed William?

Because she had his locket (with his mother's picture) in her pocket

Who gets blood on their hands?

Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

Who is the following quote ABOUT? "you are no stranger"

Cesario, theme of identity

What theme from Frankenstein does the following quote illustrate?: "I desire the company of men who could sympathize with me, whose eyes would reply to mine".

Companionship (and isolation)


Countess, mourns her brother & father, loves Cesario, marries Sebastian


Duke, he loves Olivia, marries Viola

T/F: Actors have no power over the meaning of a line in performance.


T/F: Macduff falls to the temptation of ambition, just like Macbeth.

False. He gives the crown to Malcom, the rightful king.

What is antithesis and how does it show up in Twelfth Night?

Figurative device that shows contrast -Ex: "And what should I do in Illyria? / My brother, he is in Elysium"

What happens to Frankenstein at the end of the novel?

Frankenstein dies of exhaustion on Walton's ship after having told his story.

Why is Satan the most important in British Literature?

He is the first "villain" who is persuasive and inspirational in the same way a hero might be.

What does the creature do at the end of the novel?

He mourns Frankenstein, shows remorse & guilt, and vows to die.

What does the monster tell Frankenstein after Frankenstein destroys his second creation?

He threatens Frankenstein by saying, "I'll be with you on your wedding night".

How does the following quote show his ultimate point? "I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already devoured most of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children."

He uses satire to attack the landlords for the way they have treated the parents of these poor children.

What unexpected news does Macduff tell Macbeth?

He was born via c-section & therefore, "not born of a woman"

What theme does the quote "I am the man" represent?


The dominant Romantic element in "Kubla Khan" is:


What does the bell that Macbeth hears before going to kill Duncan symbolize?

It represents the passage of time & also death

How does the novel change after Frankenstein's narrative ends?

It returns to Walton's perspective

How does the following quote show how Frankenstein portrays women generally? "I commit my cause to the justice of my judges, yet I see no room for hope. I beg permission to have a few witnesses examined concerning my character, and if their testimony shall not overweigh my supposed guilt, I must be condemned..."

It shows how Justine is passive even in the face of her own execution.

Where is the major caesura in the following quote? "Stealing and giving odor. Enough; not more."

It's after "odor", where the period is.

In Macbeth's last scene with the witches, they conjure eight kings. The last one holds a "glass" or mirror that reflects who?

King James I, who is a descendant of Banquo

Who gives the advice, "look like th' innocent flower/But be the serpent under 't"?

Lady Macbeth

The Byronic Hero is based on whom?

Lord Byron AND his characters

Know the following characters, what they do, and what happens to them:

Macbeth: A thane who receives a prophecy from the witches that he will be king. He (encouraged by Lady Macbeth and a dagger he hallucinates) kills King Duncan and is crowned King. He becomes paranoid and guilt-ridden. So he kills his friend Banquo and all of Macduff's family. Macduff and Malcolm mount a force against him. Macduff kills him. Lady Macbeth: Macbeth's wife. She wants to be Queen (and strong and evil). She asks evil sprits for help. She encourages Macbeth to kill Duncan and gets his blood on her hands. This hurts her marriage to Macbeth and ultimately leads to major mental health issues. She sleepwalks and hallucinates and dies by suicide. Banquo: Macbeth's BFF, the witches say his sons will be king. Macbeth has him killed, but his son escapes. Is the ancestor of King James I. King Duncan: King of Scotland. Macbeth kills him. Macduff: A Thane loyal to King Duncan (but not so much to Macbeth). Raises an army with Malcolm against Macbeth. Surprises Macbeth by saying he was "untimely ripped" from his mother and then kills Macbeth. Banquo's son: Escapes the murderers who kills him father, which tortures Macbeth. (Goes on to have sons of his own.) Malcolm: King Duncan's son, who should be King. He retreats after Duncan is killed but raises an army to oust Macbeth. Is not empathetic

How does the witches' prophecy about Birnam wood come true?

Malcolm & Macduff's troop use the branches to camouflage themselves.

Who is named king at the end of the play?

Malcolm (King Duncan's son)

Who is the author of Frankenstein?

Mary Shelley

What does a caesura usually indicate?

Mid-line pause (breath or to change attitude) -Ex: "Stealing and giving odor. Enough; not more."

What plot point does the quote, "Unless the master were the man. How now? / Even so quickly may one catch the plague?" reveal?

Olivia loves Cesario

Who SAYS "Unless the master were the man. How now? / Even so quickly may one catch the plague?

Olivia says this.

Who SAYS "If music be the food of love, play on"?

Orsino says this. It's the first line of the play.

Macbeth is afraid that evil deeds may "return to"_______

Plague th'inventor

After his wedding, Frankenstein's motivation is his _______

Revenge (this is similar to the creature's motivation, too.)

Who is the most important character in Paradise Lost?


The monster finds profound similarities between himself and what literary character?

Satan from Paradise Lost


Sebastian's sister, dresses up as Cesario (Orsino's servant), loves (& marries) Orsino.

What plot point does that quote reveal?

She is in love with Orsino

What happens on Frankenstein's wedding night?

The Creature kills Elizabeth (Frankenstein's sister/wife)

How does Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language reveal the impact of the Scientific Revolution?

The Dictionary determines what is a "real" word, pronunciation, spelling, etc. and authority over those words.

To where does Frankenstein pursue his creature?

The North Pole

What is the impact of those Revolutions on British literature?

The Romantic movement rises (see below)

What do the witches call themselves?

The Weird Sisters

How does "Fate (Weird)" show up in Macbeth?

The Witches, Macbeth is afraid of fate, The prophesies come true (M=king, Banquo's sons = King, the forest moving, Macduff, etc.)

What is "When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be" about?

The author works through those fears of death / not getting to complete his life's work (which is inspired by the clouds and stars) and finding peace with the unknown by standing alone in the midst of nature.

The Second Apparition says:

The baby says, "None of woman born shall harm Macbeth"

When did Shakespeare live?

The early modern period

What can the number of syllables in a line tell us about the character saying the line?

The emotional state of the character -Ex: 9 or 11 syllables can show the character is "off balance"

What is his ultimate point?

The government should enact policies that actually help poor children & families rather than separate them & force them to work for no pay.

The First Apparition says:

The knight who says, "Beware Macduff"

The Third Apparition says:

The one who holds a tree and says, "Macbeth shall never vanquished be till Birnam Wood do come to Dunsinane"

The dominant Romantic element in "Tintern Abbey" is:

The power of nature

How does "Witchcraft" show up in Macbeth?

The witches

How does Frankenstein portray women?

They are passive (as society expects them to be)

What does the answer to the previous question suggest about the witches?

They can see the future / fate

What do the witches prophesy about Banquo's sons?

They will be kings

What is metatheatricality and how does it show up in Twelfth Night?

This is when a play references itself. -Ex: Olivia asks Cesario, "Are you a comedian?" and Viola/Cesario responds with, "No, my profound heart. And yet, by the fangs of malice, I swear I am not that I play"

How many murderers show up to try to kill Banquo in Act 3 Scene 3?


Who SAYS "Whoer'er I woo, myself would be his wife"?


Who SAYS "I am the man"?

Viola says it when she realizes she is "the man" that Olivia loves.


Viola's brother, marries Olivia

What is the first line of Macbeth?

When (theme of time)

What was the Gunpowder Plot?

When militant Catholics (Guy Fawkes) try to blow up King James & Parliament

For protestant Jacobeans, Catholics were as dangerous as


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