Muh Six Snix Flix Chapter 7

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What is the strongest security protocol for 802.11 today?


Which offers stronger security?


If a firm has many access points, it should use ________ initial authentication mode in 802.11i.


In what initial authentication mode of 802.11i is a central authentication server used?


A change in power from 2 mW to 17 mW corresponds to approximately ________ decibels.


Which of the following secures communication between the wireless computer and the server it wishes to use against evil twin attacks?


The Wi-Fi Alliance calls 802.11i ________.


A security might use SNMP Get commands to ________.

collect information to look for a rogue access point

Bluetooth Low Energy ________.

conserves battery power

802.11i 802.1X initial authentication mode was created for ________.

corporations with multiple access points

In VPNs designed to frustrate evil twin attacks, the shared secret between the client and the server is ________.

not transmitted

Bluetooth uses ________ operation.


If a master has multiple slaves, Bluetooth will use ________ operation.


Wi-Fi direct ________ uses access points.


A change in power from 100 W to 1 W corresponds to approximately ________ decibels.


A change in power from 2 mW to 205 mW corresponds to approximately ________ decibels.


In 802.11i PSK mode, the pass phrase should be at least ________ characters long.


Compared to an omnidirectional antenna, a dish antenna quadruples radiated power. How much is this change in decibels?

6 dB

Which is the correct formula for decibels?

A) 10 * P2/P1 B) 10 * (P2/P1)2 C) Log10(P2/P1) D) none of the above Answer: D

An 8/1 increase in power corresponds to approximately ________ decibels.

A) 3 B) 6 C) 20 D) none of the above Answer: D

Which initial authentication mode is used for message-by-message encryption, authentication, and message integrity?

A) 802.1X B) PSK C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D

The ________ standard dominates IoT transmission today.

A) Bluetooth B) Zigbee C) Wi-Fi direct D) none of the above Answer: D

A lamp in a Zigbee network would probably be a ________.

A) client B) server C) router D) none of the above Answer: D

If a drive-by hacker succeeds in connecting to an internal access point, the network traffic is ________.

A) still protected by a firewall B) still protected by encryption C) both A and B D) neither A nor B Answer: D

Bluetooth LE ________.

A) uses about 0.1 to 0.5 watts B) assumes that transmissions will be infrequent C) has terse connection openings D) all of the above Answer: D

Passive RFID chips get the power needed to transmit from ________.

A) wall power B) coin batteries C) the electricity that always flows through the air in small quantities D) none of the above Answer: D

In 802.1x initial authentication mode, the VERIFIER is the ________.

A) wireless client B) wireless access point C) authentication server D) none of the above Answer: D

A Bluetooth profile for sending a command from a wireless light switch to a lamp is probably a ________ profile.

Bluetooth LE

802.11i provides ________.

Both confidentiality and message integrity

802.11i can defeat rogue access points.


Employees who set up rogue access points usually have malicious motives.


Nearly all public Wi-Fi hotspots encrypt your transmissions.


You can test whether an evil twin attack has taken place against your wireless client.


Communication after authentication is protected most strongly if the ________ initial authentication is used.

It does not matter which initial authentication mode is used.

Bluetooth ________ is likely to be used most of the time in IoT transmission.


A group of devices on a desk that communicate wirelessly is called a ________.


In 802.11i ________, hosts must know a shared initial key.

PSK initial authentication mode

________ can operate in the 2.4 service band.


In Zigbee, ad hoc networking's mesh is operated by ________.

Zigbee Routers

Bluetooth LE normally uses ________ for power.

a coin battery

When two devices communicate using NFC, how close must they be?

a few inches

An evil twin access point is usually ________.

a laptop computer

Which of the following is true of Bluetooth?

a master may have multiple slaves and a slave may have multiple masters

In 802.11i, protection is provided between the client and the ________.

access point

Zigbee is designed to be used in a(n) ________ network.

ad hoc

In Bluetooth LE, ________ notify other Bluetooth devices that it is available.


You should use a VPN ________.


A rogue access point is usually created by ________.

an employee

Which of the following is usually set up by a hacker outside the building?

an evil twin access point

In Bluetooth LE, ________ provide information.


Classic Bluetooth provides transmission speeds of ________.

both 3 Mbps and 24 Mbps

What initial authentication mode does 802.11i use?

both 802.1X and PSK

Which of the following is an ad hoc networking protocol?

both Zigbee and Z-Wave

Site surveys should be done ________.

both after the initial provisional placement of access points and periodically afterwards

Which of the following is a risk in 802.11i PSK mode?

both unauthorized sharing of the pre-shared key and a weak passphrase me be selected.

A security might use SNMP Set commands to ________.

change an access point's power

After two wireless clients authenticate themselves via PSK to an access point, they will use ________ to communicate with the access point.

different pairwise session keys

If Wi-Fi supported the basic printing profile, ________.

documents could be printed without downloading drivers

A VPN provides ________.

end-to-end security

For a game joystick, you would use the ________ Bluetooth profile.

human interface device

NFC transmission standards have been set for ________.

its service band

Selecting locations for access points first involves ________.

laying out circles of a chosen diameter in a diagram of the building

In IoT device transmission, published distance limits are relevant for ________.

legitimate users

The protection of communication between a wireless client and the access point is ________.

link security

IoT transmissions usually involve ________.

low transmission distances

The state of security in IoT transmission standards is ________.


After authentication in 80.11i PSK mode, a wireless client communicates with the access point via a(n) ________ key.

pairwise session

Centralized access point management ________.

reduces management costs

802.11i PSK initial authentication mode was created for ________.

residences with a single access point

A ________ is an unauthorized internal access point.


When a wireless client in an evil twin attack transmits, ________.

the evil twin reads the frame, encrypts it, and passes on the frame

If a company uses 802.11i for its core security protocol, an evil twin access point will set up ________ 802.11i connection(s).


In 802.1x initial authentication mode, the authenticator is the ________.

wireless access point

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