⑦ Multiple Choice ①~③ (60 points)

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I didn't think so

Man: That was a delicious dinner. Woman: Really? (______). It was too spicy for me.


Miranda apologized for being late and explained to the client that she had been ( ______ ) in a meeting.


Monica saw a beautiful statue of a horse on her trip to Paris. She walked around it to take pictures from different (_______ ).


Most customers at Anthony's restaurant ( _____ ) nonsmoking tables,so he made the restaurant nonsmoking only.


Mr. Johnson studied karate for many years and (_____) became the karate teacher at his local sports center.

What sport will you play?

A: I heard you're going to join a new team when you start high school, John. (______)? B: I haven't decided yet. There are many different ones that I want to play. A: Why don't you try rugby? B: I'm afraid that I`ll get hurt, but it does sound like fun.

show up

A: I wonder where Joyce is. She said she was going to be here at eight o'clock. B: She's always late, so don't worry about her. I'm sure she'll (______) in a few minutes.

left off

A: I'm sorry I had to end our lesson early yesterday, Greg. Do you remember where we ( ______ )? B: Yes, we were doing the questions on page 8 of the textbook.

we'll deliver them to your home.

A: I'm sorry, but we just sold the last pair. B: Oh, that's too bad. They look really nice. A: We can ask the salespeople at our other store if they have a pair. If they do, (______). B: Thanks, but I need them for a wedding next week. I'll look online to see if I can get a pair sooner.


A: It ( _____ ) like it's going to rain, and we don′t have an umbrella. B: Yeah, We'd better hurry home.


A: Kaylee is so ( ______ ) .she told me that she thinks she's the most beautiful girl in the school. B: I know. She also thinks She's the smartest.


A: Please fill out this application form carefully. If you don't write everything ( _______ ), you'll have to fill out a new one.


A: Scott, it's ( _____ ) outside. Put on a warm jacket. B: I will, Mom. I'm going to wear my gloves and hat, too.


Although the novel was based on real historical events, most of the characters in it were ( ______ ).


Andrew cooked his steak for too long. When he started eating it, it was dry and difficult to ( _______ ).


At the audition for the dance show, the student first had to perform ( ______ ). Then, they were asked to dance together as a group.


Can you ( ____ ) what it was like 500 years ago?


Charlotte volunteered at a marathon. Her job was to ( ____ ) water into cups and hand the cups to the runners.


Cindy's son knows a lot about computers. Whenever Cindy's computer needs to be ( _____ ), she asks him for help.


Don asked Kathy to look over his report for him before he handed it in to the teacher. Kathy found several spelling ( ______ ) , so Don fixed them.

an eye on

Dorothy kept ( ______ ) her brother's baby while he went to the supermarket. She made sure that the baby was safe.

do not get the variety of food

Due to these challenges, many Inuit (______) that they need for a healthy diet.


Greenville used to have a problem because its residents produced a lot of garbage. Now, though, the city has a program to make ( ______ ) of the garbage by burning it to create electricity.

by degrees

Haruka did not make much money when she first started working as a hairstylist, but her salary increased ( ______ ). She had more and more customers each year.


In recent years, the university has seen a large decrease in ( _____ ). To make up for having fewer students, tuition had to be raised.

to ride

Last Sunday, my brother and I went to the beach on our bicycles. Wow! That's a long way. It must have taken a long time ( _____ ) so far.


Nevertheless, these have been difficulties with starting new greenhouses in other Inuit communities. (______), the attitude of the local people towards these greenhouses is not always good.

rely on modern grocery stores

Nowadays, global warming has greatly limited their traditional food supply. Most Inuit communities (______) instead.


Peter was worried about starting his new job, but his co-workers were so friendly that they made him feel ( ______ ) home right away.


Roger went to a local park yesterday afternoon. He ran around the park ( _____ ) to music.


Shortly after the king died, his eldest daughter was ( _____ ) queen and a crowning ceremony was held for her.


Stacy watched a horror movie with her friend at the theater. During the movie, she was so scared that she began to ( _______ ), so her friend held her hand.

taking down

The reporter spent all day sitting in the courtroom ( ______ ) what everyone said in his notebook. He had a lot of notes to read by the end of the trial.


The scientist ( ______ ) himself among his peers through his outstanding achievements. He had received many awards and published a number of books.


When David's dog died suddenly, it took David a long time to get ( ____ ) the shock. Finally, he began to feel better.

get down to

William had so many e-mails to respond to in the morning that it was lunchtime before he could ( _____ ) preparing for the presentation he had to give that evening.

Do you know why?

Woman: Adam looks really tired today. (______). Man: He said he ran in a marathon yesterday.

Take the car to the dealer.

★Do you hear that knocking sound coming from the engine? ☆Yeah. That's strange. ★Have you checked the oil recently? ☆I added some last month, so it should be fine. And we had the scheduled maintenance done just a couple of thousand miles ago. ★Well, we'd better get it checked out. We can go shopping at the mall some other time. ☆OK. The dealer's just down the road. Our warranty should cover us if they find something major. ★Question: What will the couple do next?

The man enjoys what he is doing now.

☆Lewis. You made it! ★Yes, I wouldn't have missed this high school reunion for the world. It's so nice to see you. How've you been, Beth? ☆Very well, thanks. I have three kids now, and I'm a branch manager for the National Bank. ★How do you manage everything? ☆It's not easy! How about you? I hear you've started your own media promotion company. ☆That's right. I work twice as hard, but I enjoy being my own boss. ★Yeah, but I think it's worth it. ☆Question: What do we learn from the conversation.

bake a cheesecake

A: Cindy, I'm excited about the picnic with our friends tomorrow. What are you going to bring? B: I think I'll (______). A: Oh, that sounds great. You're such a good cook, so I'm sure it'll be delicious. B: You're too kind. I'll try my best.


A: Did you know that the singer Kim Ellis ( _______ ) in a movie? B: Yes. She played a nurse in the movie Grand City Hospital.

add to

A: Do you have anything to ( _____ ) my presentation? B: No, I think you've explained everything clearly.。


A: Excuse me. Are there any special events at this art museum right now? B: Yes. We're having an ( _____ ) of paintings by Russian artists of the 20th century.


A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the difference between these two stereo systems? B: They're (______) the same, but this one has slightly bigger speakers.


A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the library is? B: Sure. You just ( ________ ) by it. It's behind you, on the right.


A: Excuse me. I want to buy a train ticket, but the ticket machine won't take my money. B: Oh, sorry. That medicine is out of ( ______ ). I can sell you a ticket here.


A: Hey, Jessica. I heard that you're Canadian. Which part of Canada do you come ( _____ )? B: Well, I was born in Toronto, but I grew up in Vancouver.


A: I heard that Ms.Daniels is getting married. B: I also heard that ( ____ ) . however, I asked her about it, she said it wasn't true.

What will you do this weekend

A: I want to go to see a musical sometime soon. (______), Tom? B: I'm going camping at Greenville Lake. A: Really? So, you'll be busy on both days. B: Yeah, but I'll be free on Tuesday after work. Let's go then.


A: Kim, What's wrong with your leg? B: I broke it when I was skiing, so I had an ( ____ ) at the hospital last week.

practice at home.

A: Lydia, you look like you've lost weight. Are you on a diet? B: No. I've been doing kickboxing three times a week. A: Oh, wow. If you're taking so many classes, it must be very expensive. B: Actually, it isn't. I (______) I always watch free online lessons.


A: Mom, I think my camera is broken. Can you (______) it for me? B: Hmmm. No, I can't. But I'll take it to the camera shop later this afternoon.

not always

A: Robin, your dog is scary. He's barking at me. B: I'm sorry He's ( ______ ) like this He's excited right now because he's meeting new people.


A: They have so many pretty dresses in this shop. Which one are you going to buy? B: That's a difficult ( _____ ). I like a lot of them.

we'll order the Chicken Set, too

A: Welcome to Cowboy's Great Steaks. May I take your order? B: We'd like to older one Great Steak Set. My wife and I are not very hungry, so we will share it. A: I'm sorry, but every person at the table must older at least one meal. B: Oh, in that case, (______).

like the red ones

A: Welcome to Sally's Clothes Shop. Can I help you, ma'am? B: I want to try on some shoes. I really like the ones in that poster on the wall. A: Do you mean the black ones on the right? B: No, I (______). I think they'll look good with my new dress.


A: What are you going to do during summer vacation, Steve? B: I'm going to work part-time. I hope to ( _____ ) enough money to buy a new computer.

for fun

A: Why are you reading that book on European history, Jasmine? Is it for a class? B: No, I'm just reading it ( ________ ). I love history.


After Thomas hurt his knee in a skiing accident, his doctor told him to (______) playing sports for at least two months.


After his shower, Yannis used a towel to wipe the ( ______ ) off the bathroom mirror so he could see his reflection.

joined the event

Every year, Sarah's town holds a big volunteer event. People of all ages living in the town get together to clean up local parks. This year, Sarah (______). Early on Saturday morning, Sarah gathered at Memorial Park with the other volunteers.


Janelle was able to ( ______ ) long-distance running three months after injuring her knee. She was happy that she was able to train again.


Jennifer ( ____ ) moving to a new apartment in the city. However, in the end, she decided to keep living in the same apartment.


Jeremy collected $20 from all the members of his class to pay for the graduation party, but it was not enough. he is going to ask them all to pay ( ______ ) dollar.


Jim waited to begin repairs on the fan until the movement of the blades ( ______ ) completely. He knew they would cause injury even when they were moving slowly.


Ron's sister had a baby boy on Thursday. He could not wait to meet his new ( _____ ).

Can I try it on?

Salesclerk: Do you need any help, sir? Customer: Yes. I love the color of this jacket. (______). Salesclerk: Of course. The mirror is over there.


Sean started running three years ago. It was her for him at first, but now he can ( ____ ) run for an hour without stopping.


The car company's newest car became very popular, and the company made a huge ( _______ ). The president gave a large bonus to the car's designer.


The staff members at EZ Bank were ( ______ ) because their computers were so slow. They could not help their customers quickly enough.

put off

The tennis match has been ( _____ ) until next weekend because five members of the tennis team are sick.

On the other hand

They discovered that hedges- short, woody plants with many leaves- are more effective at reducing air pollution along narrow, busy roads. This is because hedges stand at the same 'breathing height' as pedestrians and cyclists (______), the leaves on trees are too high to protect people near the road from pollution caused by cars.


Treating customers with ( _____ ) is very important. If salespeople are rude or have bad manners, shoppers are unlikely to return to the store.


When the flight was delayed, the airline gave each passenger $20 to ( ______ ) them for the time that they lost.

Ask Debbie to be more careful.

★Can you believe this? Our electricity bill was $235 last month. This family has got to be more careful with the air conditioning. ☆You said that last month, and I've been really careful. But I don't function as well as you do in this heat. ★I know you've been trying, honey. Actually, I'm referring more to Debbie. Yesterday, she accidentally left the air conditioner on in her room with the window wide open. And she wasn't even home most of the day! ☆That will have to stop. We definitely need to sit her down and have a chat. ★Question: What do these people decide to do?

Glen relies on the woman too much.

★Do you know if Glen has finished the monthly report yet? I'm expecting it by midday tomorrow. ☆I don't think so. He said he's still waiting for some departments to submit figures. ★He needs to put more pressure on the department heads. ☆Actually, he asked me if I could push them a bit. He seems a bit reluctant to deal with them. ★OK, but he can't keep asking you to come to his rescue like this. ☆I know. He's going to have to learn how to handle things himself. ★Question: What do we learn from the conversation?

He does not need to lose weight.

★Hi, Bonnie. I just got home. Where are you now? ☆At Great Earth Foods. Is there anything you want me to pick up? ★No thanks... Oh, wait. Could you get me some yogurt? And make sure it's light or low fat. I have to watch my weight. ☆OK, but I don't know why you keep saying that. You look fine. Anyway, I'll be home in about half an hour, so we can eat at around 7? ★Question: What does the woman (☆) tell the man?

Improve his book's story

★How are things going with your book, John? ☆It's finished. I decided to call it Spirit of the Wind. I've been trying to find a publisher, but it's not looking good. ★You haven't had many responses, then? ☆Only rejection letters! I guess it's not as good as I thought. ★Did any of them give you feedback? ☆Well, a couple of the editors said the story's too simple. I guess I'll have to work on that. ★Well, good luck. Question: What does John say he will do?

Order some flowers on the Internet.

★It was really nice of the Edisons to take our kids camping last weekend. We should send them some flowers as a thank-you present. ☆Good idea. Let's do it together on the Internet tonight. ★OK. But you'll have to show me how to do it. I've never bought anything online before. ☆No problem. It's easy. ★Question: What will the man and woman do tonight?

Ask a colleague to speak for him.

★Oh, no! I have two meetings scheduled tomorrow at two, and it's too late to change either of them. ☆Then you'll just have to miss one of them. Will that be a problem? ★Unfortunately, yes. I have to give a presentation to a client at their office, and I want to bring up the issue of the budget at the department meeting. Why do I keep doing this? ☆Because you're just too busy. .Your boss asks far too much of you. ★I'm going to have to make some phone calls. Jack or Margaret will have to bring up the budget issue for me. ☆Question: What will the man do?

The man does not need another sweater.

★This sweater's only $75. What do you think? It looks well-made to me. ☆I didn't know you like red. ★I do. I just don't buy it very often. ☆Mitch, you've already got several sweaters with the price tags still on them. Don't you think your closet is getting a bit full? ★OK, I get the picture. Shame, though. I think it would look really good on me. ☆Question: What does the woman imply?

Selling cakes is not appropriate.

★What's up, Cindy? You look deep in thought. ☆Yes, the PTA asked me to brainstorm fund-raising ideas for the basketball team. ★Well, how about something like a car wash? ☆That's an option, but some parents are pushing for a cake sale. ★I'm not sure encouraging kids to eat sugary food sends the right message. What about a talent show? ☆Or easier yet, a dance! We could hire a DJ, use the school gym, and charge admission. ★That's not a bad idea. I'm sure it would draw a crowd. ☆Question: What is the man's opinion?

He is going to be very busy.

☆Did you get your history report done this weekend? ★Are you kidding? This math homework ate up all my time. How about you? ☆I'd planned to do both those assignments over the weekend, but I was too exhausted after all our tests last week. I ended up just taking it easy. ★Lucky you. ☆Yeah, well, now I have to make up for lost time. ★Question: What does the man imply?

He should take the day off from work.

☆Hello. ABC Real Estate. ★Diane. It's Alan. I woke up with a fever this morning. I'm really not feeling well. ☆Oh no. Well, take the day off and go see a doctor. ★But we were supposed to work on the sales report this afternoon. ☆Alan, don't worry, we can finish that when you feel better. Now go to the doctor, OK? ★Question: What is one thing the woman tells the man?

It is less useful than he had hoped.

☆Hey, Brad. How's that new tablet computer you bought? ★Well, it's handy for some things, but not really worth the price. ☆Are you having problems with it? ★No. But I was hoping it would make life easier. It hasn't replaced my laptop computer as I'd hoped, so it's just one more electronic device to carry around. ☆I know what you mean. Technology doesn't always simplify our lives. ★Question: What does Brad say about his tablet computer?

There were sharks in the area.

☆How was your trip to the beach, Bill? ★It was OK. The weather was great, and we had a wonderful barbecue on Saturday night, but we couldn't go swimming. ☆Oh no. Why not? Was the water too cold? ★No. Sharks had been seen in the area, so the beach was closed for the weekend. ☆Question: Why couldn't the man go swimming at the beach?

Her company supports her education.

☆Say, Jane, want to get together for lunch tomorrow? ★Sorry, Mark, I'm tied up. I have a business class at the college. ☆How do you manage to keep your job and go to school at the same time? ★My company is giving me release time and paying for my courses. And when I complete the program, I'll get a promotion. It's a terrific deal! ☆That's amazing! I wish my employer was that generous. Is your company hiring, by any chance? ★Question: What does Mark learn about Jane?

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