Multiple Choice Questions from John 7-12

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John 3 talks about the kingdom of God. What memory passage prophesies that the kingdom of God would be everlasting? a. Psalm 145 b. Psalm 103 c. Hebrews 10:35-29 d. Psalm 27

a (vs 13)

According to Deut 16:16, in what 3 feasts were all the males of Israel to appear before the LORD with an offering? a. The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles b. The Feast of Harvest, the Feast of Passover, and the Feast of Booths c. The Feast of Atonement, the Feast of First Fruits, and the Feast of Tabernacles d. The Feast of First Fruits, the Feast of Dedication, and the Feast of Booths


According to John 10, How is Jesus the ultimate fulfillment of Moses' prayer in Numbers 27:15-17? a. He is the shepherd that leads the sheep of God b. He is the worker of miracles c. He is the one who calls the sheep by name d. He is the one who laid down his life for the sheep


According to John 11:24, What principle does Martha believe in that the Sadducees do not? a. The Resurrection at the end of the world b. The Father hears the prayers of Jesus c. Jesus has power to heal from Sickness d. Jesus is the Son of God


According to John 7:6-7, Why did Jesus' brothers not have an appointed time for them to go up to the feast? a. Because they belonged to the World b. Because they didn't care if they were late c. Because they were not on a mission from the Father d. Because they testified about the evil of the world


According to Psalm 40:8, what is the Will of God? a. Obeying his law b. Love your neighbor c. Pray without ceasing d. Sing praises to his name


Cross reference to John 8:41, where in the Old Test. does Jesus say Israel is his firstborn son? a. Exodus 4:22 b. Leviticus 2:9 c. Numbers 34:12 d. Deuteronomy 7:18


In John 7:33-34, What does Jesus hint about to the people? a. His death, resurrection, and ascension b. That the Pharisees will hate him c. The promise of the Holy Spirit d. The many miracles that he will still perform


In John 8:12, Jesus declares, "I Am the Light of the World." Where in the Old Testament do we first learn one of God's names is I Am? a. Exodus 3:13-14 b. Genesis 21:10 c. Leviticus 2:1-3 d. Exodus 13:4-6


Mary used one pound of what type of Ointment when she anointed Jesus' feet? a. Pure Spikenard b. Alabaster c. Myrrh d. We don't know


Under what circumstances were the children of Israel required to purify themselves before Passover? a. If they touched a dead man b. If they journeyed out of Israel c. If they conversed with Gentiles d. If he was uncircumcised


What Memory Verse speaks of Isaiah seeing the glory of God as mentioned in John 12? a. Isaiah 6:1-5 b. Isaiah 40:3-5 c. Isaiah 53:1-12 d. Isaiah 12:2-5


What can we learn about the woman caught in adultery in John 8 from Deut. 22:23-24? a. The only case in which the punishment for adultery was stoning was when the woman was betrothed to another man, so she must have been engaged when she committed the sin b. Because the prescribed punishment was stoning, she must have been the instigator of the sin c. The only case in which the punishment for adultery was stoning was when the woman was married already, so she must have been a married woman d. Because she was not brought before the elders, she must have been forced into the sin in the field


What event best describes what the disciples are referring to in John 11:8? a. The attempt to stone Jesus at the Feast of Dedication b. The attempt to take Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles c. The attempt to kill Jesus after the incident with the Adulterous woman d. The attempt to persecute Jesus after he declared himself as the Bread of Life


What is the Greek word for time in John 7:6? a. Kairos b. Hora c. Chronos d. Sukkah


What memory verse could best be used to support the idea that Abraham rejoiced to see God's day? a. Genesis 22:8 b. Deut 30:19-20 c. Hebrews 11:3 d. Hebrews 10:35-39


What memory verse is quoted in John 12:38? a. Isaiah 53:1-12 b. Isaiah 6:1-5 c. Daniel 12:2-3 d. Hebrews 10:19-25


What rite of the feast of Tabernacles is Jesus referring to in John 7:37? a. The water-drawing rite b. The lamp-lighting rite c. The dwelling-in-tents rite d. He is not referring to any rite in that passage


What verse in John 1-6 is a cross reference to John 7:19? a. John 1:17 b. John 3:22 c. John 5:46 d. John 6:47


When did the Feast of Dedication become an official feast and why? a. In 164 B.C. to commemorate the purging of the temple after its pollution by Antiochus Epiphanes and the rebuilding of the altar after the Syrian invaders had been driven out by Judas Maccabaeus b. In the Law of Moses, to remind the people of the holiness of God c. In the days of King David, to celebrate the return of the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem d. In the days of Nehemiah, to celebrate the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem


Where in the Old Testament do we learn that the poor are always with us? a. Deuteronomy 15:11 b. Exodus 30:8 c. Proverbs 7:18 d. 1 Kings 10:3


Which of the following is the best summery for Chapter 7 a. A pair of cycles: Jesus teaches at the feast, his teaching spurs debate and speculation, the Jewish leaders try to arrest Jesus and the results b. Jesus teaches the people about the Father of lies c. Jesus teaches the people about Abraham and truth d. Jesus does many mighty works and the people believe


Which passage from the law are the Pharisees referencing in John 8:13? a. Deuteronomy 19:15 b. Deuteronomy 18:15 c. Numbers 17:8-9 d. Leviticus 3:2-4


Who were Jesus' brethren? a. James, Joseph, Judah, and Simon b. Those that believed in him c. His disciples d. We don't know


Why were the Children of Israel to dwell in booths during the Feast of Tabernacles? a. To remember their journey through the wilderness when the Lord brought them out of Egypt b. To remember when the Lord delivered them from the people of the Land c. To remember the hardships they faced when they were slaves in Egypt d. To remember that all of God's gifts are blessings that can be taken away


What are the three popularly held ideas by the Jews of what the messiah will be like in John 7? a. No man would know where Christ came from, he would do many miracles, he would come from Bethlehem b. He would do many miracles, he would free them from Roman oppression, he would be the first to open blind eyes c. He would not come from Galilee, He would be unknown until he redeemed Israel, He would put a stop to hypocritical religious practices d. He would keep all the laws of Moses perfectly, he would perform many miracles, he would not come from Galilee

a. (Vs 27, 31, 42)

According to 2 Samuel 13:23, what city is beside Ephraim? a. Antipatris b. Baalhazor c. Qumran d. Hebron


According to Deuteronomy 29:3-4, Who are the large majority of the Jews of Jesus' day a lot alike? a. Pharaoh and the Egyptians b. The Israelites c. Korah and his followers d. Moses and Aaron


According to John 7:20, what did the people accuse Jesus of? a. Blasphemy b. Having a devil c. Being a Samaritan d. Not being at the feast


According to Mark 12:41-42, In what part of the Temple was the treasury located? a. The Court of the Gentiles b. The Court of Women c. Solomon's Porch d. The Outer Court


According to Mark 14:3-9, where was Jesus when he was anointed with Oil by Mary? a. In Bethany, the Home of Simon the Tanner b. In Bethany, the Home of Simon the Leper c. In Bethany, the Home of Mary and Martha d. In Bethany, the exact location is unknown


Based on the Feasts, about how far about is Chapter 7 from the feeding of the 5,000? a. The following week b. About 6 months latter c. About 1 year latter d. About 1 month latter


How long was the feast of tabernacles? a. 1 day b. 1 week c. 8 days d. 1 month


How many times did Jesus get anointed with Oil? a. Once - The story is told in all four gospels b. Twice - One story is told in Mathew/Mark/John, the Other in Luke c. Twice - One story in Mathew/John, the other in Mark/Luke d. Once - The story is only told in John and Matthew


In John 12:38, What does the arm of the Lord symbolize? a. The physical arm of Jesus b. The many miraculous signs that Jesus performed c. The teaching of Jesus d. The Glory of God


The glorification of the Son in John 12:27-33 is the time for the KRISIS of the World. a. Salvation b. Judgement c. Exaltation d. Redemption


The institution of the Feast of Tabernacle was associated with the gathering of what Harvest in the Old Test. (Deut 16:13) ? a. The Harvest of Grain b. The Harvest of Grapes and Corn c. The Harvest of Vegetables d. The Harvest of Fruit


What Miracle does Jesus perform in John 11 that proves his authority over life and death? a. Heals a blind man b. Raises Lazarus from the dead c. Healed the Nobleman's son d. Turns water to wine


What Old Testament Scripture is Jesus referencing when he says "If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink." a. Isaiah 58:11 b. Isaiah 55:1 c. Psalm 69:17 d. Zechariah 3:8


What do we learn about Jesus' brothers in Acts 1:14? a. They had abandon the faith b. They were in the upper room with the other disciples c. They were found in continual service to God d. They went to the temple weekly to offer sacrifices


What event in John 12 is reported in all four gospels? a. The anointing with oil by Mary b. The Triumphal entry c. The Father's voice heard like thunder d. Certain Greeks asking to see Jesus


What kind of Authority does Jesus display in John 8:36? a. Authority to open blind eyes b. Authority to liberate slaves c. Authority to speak the words of the Father d. Authority to teach in the temple


What memory verse is a cross reference to John 7:3-8? (The counsel of the wicked is not permitted to set the agenda of the Lord) a. Psalm 139 b. Psalm 1 c. Psalm 103 d. Luke 9:23-24


What work did Jesus do that made the people marvel in John 7:21? a. Jesus knew letters but had never studied b. Healed a man on the Sabbath c. Fed the 5,000 d. Healed a blind man


Where does the Old Testament scripture say "ye are gods"? a. Isaiah 9:14 b. Psalm 82:6 c. Psalm 69:15 d. Daniel 10:19


Where in the Law is it commanded that the adulterous woman should be stoned? a. Leviticus 22:33-35 b. Deut. 22:21-24 c. Numbers 12:44 d. Deut. 18:19-20


Where in the old Testament is the need for purification before the Passover addressed? a. Leviticus 13:9 b. Numbers 9:6-11 c. Deuteronomy 19:3-4 d. Exodus 24:15


Where was circumcision first instituted? a. With Isaac, Genesis 21:3 b. With Abraham, Genesis 17:1 c. With Jacob Genesis 25:9 d. With Moses, Exodus 4:24-26


Where was the water drawn for the water ritual of the Feast of Tabernacles? a. Jacobs Well b. The Pool of Siloam c. The Pool of Bethesda d. The Jordan River


Which two Tribes of Israel inherited the Region of Galilee? a. Judah and Dan b. Zebulun and Naphtali c. Asher and Zebulun d. Issachar and Manasseh


Who is the "Prince of this World" in John 12:31? a. Jesus b. Satan c. Hared d. Demons


Who wrote the passage that Jesus quoted in John 10:34? a. David b. Asaph c. God d. Caiaphas


According to 2 Samuel 13:23, what kind of workers did Absalom have in a city near Ephraim? a. Famers b. Husbandmen c. Sheepshearers d. Gold and silver smiths


According to John 11:37, What miracle did Jesus perform that caused the people to suppose that he could have healed Lazarus from his sickness? a. The healing of the Nobleman's son b. The healing of the paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda c. The healing of the Blind Man d. The Many Miracles he performed at the different feasts in Jerusalem


According to John 9:8, Who asked if the man that was blind was the one who sat and begged? a. The Jews b. The Pharisees c. The Neighbors d. The Chief Priests


According to Matthew:26:7,12; Mark 14:5,8; John 12:3, where did Mary anoint Jesus? a. On His feet only b. On his head only c. On his feet, and his head, and possibly more of his body d. On his hands and his feet


According to the D.A. Carson Commentary of John, When did the Roman perfect Valerius Gratus anoint Caiaphas High Priest? a. 30 AD b. 33 AD c. 18 AD d. 9 AD


At what time during the feast did Jesus go up to the temple and teach the people? a. On the last day b. All through out c. In the middle d. On the first day


Besides the triumphal entry, what other significant, biblical event entailed the waving/carrying of palm branches? a. When David was anointed King b. When the ark of the covenant was brought to Jerusalem c. At the Feast of Tabernacles d. On the Day of Atonement


In John 7:11, Who sought Jesus at the feast? a. His disciples b. His brothers c. The Jews d. Certain Greeks


In John 7:51, What portion of the law is Nicodemus referencing? a. Deut. 9:10 b. Exodus 24:19-22 c. Deut. 1:16 d. Numbers 2:7-8


Martha is pictured as more active than Mary in John 11:20. Where else in the gospels is she pictured this way? a. Mark 12 b. Matthew 15 c. Luke 10 d. Luke 18


The Feast of Tabernacle took place in the month of Tishri. What modern month does this feast take place in? a. April-June b. July-August c. September-October d. November-December


What Prophet prophesied about the feast of Dedication and the circumstances of it's origin? a. Hosea b. Moses c. Daniel d. Zachariah


What is NOT a contrast Jesus makes between himself and the Jews in John 8? a. Jesus is from above and not of this world, but the Jews are from below and of this world b. God is Jesus' Father but the Jews Father is the devil c. The Jews descended from Abraham but Jesus did not d. Where Jesus goes, the Jews cannot come


What is not a contrast in John 10? a. The Shepherd vs. the Thief/robber b. The Shepherd vs. the Hireling c. The Shepherd vs. the Porter d. The Shepherd vs. the Stranger


Where in the Old T. was circumcision made part of the Mosaic law? a. Exodus 21:8 b. Exodus 15:18-19 c. Exodus 12:44 d. Exodus 25:15


Where in the Old Testament does it say, "Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord"? a. Isaiah 30:18 b. Zechariah 9:9 c. Psalm 118:25-26 d. 1 Kings 14:28-29


Which Famous Old Testament figure did the Pharisees use to support their argument in John 9:28-29? a. Abraham b. David c. Moses d. Isaiah


Which Old Testament Figure/s are named in John 7? a. Moses b. Abraham c. Moses and David d. Isaiah


Who does "The Jews" refer to in John 7:1? a. The Jewish people b. The Jewish Men c. The Jewish Authorities in Judaea d. The People of Israel


How many times in John 1-12 is "The Prophet" that Moses prophesied about mentioned or referenced? a. 1 b. 3 c. 5 d. 7

c. (1:21, 25, 45; 6:14, 7:40)

According to John 12:43, and John 5:44, Why does Jesus say the Pharisees cannot believe? a. Because their hearts are hardened b. Because their Eyes are blinded c. Because they love the praise of men d. A and B


According to The Carson Commentary of John, Why does Jesus reference Moses in John 7:19? a. In order to establish what the will of God is, mentioned in vs. 17 b. Because the Jews were familiar with Moses c. To support his argument that the Jews didn't know that he was from God because they didn't do God's will, for example they didn't obey his law d. A and C


Contrary to the Pharisees proclamation in John 7:52, which prophets came from Galilee? a. Jonah and Nahum b. Joel and Obadiah c. Elijah and Elisha d. A and C


How much money did the ointment cost in John 12? a. 300 Denarii b. The equivalent of a years wages c. 30 Pence d. A and B


In 2 Chronicles 13:19, What happened to the town of Ephriam mentioned in John 11? a. It was destroyed b. It prospered like the trees of Lebanon c. Solomon ordered the town to send large stones to help build the temple d. Abijah took the town from Jeroboam


In John 11 sleep symbolizes death. What memory passage also uses sleep to symbolize death? a. 1 Thes. 4:13-18 b. Daniel 12:2-3 c. 1 Thes. 1:9-10 d. A and B


In John 11, Jesus both gives resurrection and is the resurrection. What other symbol from John 1-12 does Jesus both give and is? a. The Living water b. The Bread c. The Light d. B and C


In John 7:32, who sent officers to take Jesus? a. The Pharisees b. The Scribes c. The Chief Priests d. A and C


In what other miracles does Jesus use spit to perform healing? a. The healing of the deaf/mute in Decapolis - Mark 7:33 b. The healing of the blind man of Bethsaida - Mark 8:23 c. The healing of the leaper - Mark 9:17 d. A and B


Since Jerusalem is South of Galilee, Why does the text say that Jesus went up to the feast? a. Because in that Culture, South was up and North was down b. Because Jerusalem is located on a mountain higher than the Galilee region c. In that culture they always said they went up to a place no matter where it was d. Because Jerusalem was considered the closest place to God so whenever you went to Jerusalem you went up


What charges are made against Judas in John 12:4-6? a. He betrayed Jesus b. He was a thief c. He did not care for the poor d. All of the Above


What did the Jews accuse Jesus of when he told them that they were not of God but of the devil in John 8? a. Having a devil b. Being a Samaritain c. Of blasphemy d. A and B


What is another name for the Chief Priests of John 7:32? a. Pharisees b. Scribes c. Temple Authorities/Officers d. Sadducees


What is not a word picture used in John 1-12 of the eternal, high quality, life that God gives? a. Water/bread b. Light c. Good pasture d. A vine and branches


What is not one of the three times Gods voice is audibly heard from heaven during Jesus' ministry? a. At Jesus Baptism b. At the Transfiguration c. When Jesus prayed for the Father to be glorified d. When Jesus cried out while on the Cross


What is not one of the times that the temple was dedicated or re-dedicated to the Lord in the Old Testament. a. When Solomon built the temple in 1 Kings 8:2, and 2 Ch. 53 b. When Hezekiah rebuilt/restored the temple in 2 Ch. 29 c. When the people returned from captivity under the prophet Ezra in Ezra 6:16 d. When Josiah called to people together to sacrifice to the Lord at the beginning of his reign in 2 Kings 22


What promises surround the O.T. prophesy of Jesus coming as a humble king to Jerusalem on the back of a donkey? a. The cessation of war b. The proclamation of peace to the nations and the extension of the king's reign to the ends of the earth c. The blood of God's covenant will release the prisoners d. All of the Above


What reasons does Jesus give in John 8:14, 16 that he is qualified to bear witness about himself? a. He knows where he came from and where he is going b. He does not judge alone but with the Fathers permission c. The Father sent him d. All of the Above


What two Characteristics does Jesus use to describe the devil in John 8:44? a. A Murderer and A deceiver b. A Deceiver and A luster c. A Luster,and A murderer d. A Murderer and a liar


What two symbols from the feast of Tabernacles did Jesus apply to himself in John 7 and 8? a. Food and Water b. Booths and shelters c. Animal sacrifices, and the presence of all the males d. Water and light


When does the Feast of Tabernacles take place? a. The 1st day of the 1st month b. The 5th day of the 1st month c. The 14th day of the 12th month d. The 15th day of the 7th month


Where in Isaiah was it prophesied that the opening of blind eyes would be a sign of the messiah? a. Isaiah 29:18-19 b. Isaiah 35:5-6 c. Isaiah 42:7 d. All passages prophesy that the messiah will open blind eyes


Where in the Old Testament is Jesus portrayed as the Shepherd of the Sheep? a. Isaiah 40:11 b. Ezekiel 34:10-16 c. Isaiah 53:7 d. A and B are both correct


Which of the following I Am statements does not occur in John 1-12? a. I Am the Light of the World b. I Am the Good Shepherd c. I Am the Resurrection and the Life d. I Am The True Vine


Who in the Gospel of John is referred to specifically as the one who Jesus Loved? a. John the Apostle b. Lazarus c. His mother Mary d. Both John the Apostle and Lazarus


Why was the Spikenard oil so expensive? a. Because it came from the Nard plant grown in India b. Because it was such a large quantity c. Because it was pure d. All of the Above


How many times in John 7-12 do the Jews accuse Jesus of being demon possessed? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

d. ( 7:20; 8:48, 52; 10:20)

How Many times does John 7-12 reference or quote the Old Testament? a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 11

d. (7:38, 40, 42, 51; 8:5, 17; 10:34; 12:14, 34, 38, 40)

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