MUS 1030

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Tchaikovsky's career as a composer was made possible by ____. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

financial support from a wealth widow

What excerpt presents original theme? Johnannes Brahms Symphony no 4 in E Minor, op 98, finale

first one low, deep, bass sound

WOTF is true of Henry Purcell? Baroque Quiz

he eventually gained the reputation as the greatest of all seventeenth century English composers

How does music of the Classical Era differ from the music of Baroque? Classical Era

melodies are less ornate and more periodic

What is a basic element of music? Introduction quiz


The Polish origins of Chopin's mazurkas make them an example of 19th century Romanticism Quiz


A counter-reaction to modernism that drew on more traditional uses of the elements was ___. Since 1900


Stravinsky uses what kind of scale to convey the folk music of "Pagan Russia" Igor Stravinsky "The Rite of Spring"


It incorporates a melodic idea based on a ________? Jingju "The Reunion"

pentatonic scale

Which family of instruments does the movement exclusively? Tania Leon A la Par, second movement ("Guaguanco")


What does this song feature? William Billings "Chester"

periodic phrase structure

melody conveys a strong sense of ? John Cage - "Sonata II" from Sonatas and Interludes

periodic phrase structure

Instrument? John Cage - "Sonata II" from Sonatas and Interludes


which instruments enter to depict the sound of rose petals dropping around :20 seconds? Arnold Schoenberg "Columbine"

piano, flute, and clarinet

La Traviata contains which 2 types of pieces? (in order) Giusseppe Verdi "La Traviata Act 1, selection 'Follie!'"

recitative ; aria

Which instruments are heard? Charles Ives, "The Unanswered Question"

strings, trumpet, and wind ensemble

What solo instrument is responsible for introducing the central theme of the fugue? The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach Brandenburg Concerto no 2 in F Major, BWV 1047, finale


Which instrument plays a solo part? Charles Ives, "The Unanswered Question"


Chopin suffered from Romanticism Quiz


This song includes _____. William Billings "Chester"

two and then three part harmony

through his art, Verdi sought to Romanticism Quiz

unify Italy, which was still a loose confederation of small states

Giovanni Gabrieli _____. Baroque Quiz

worked as a composer in Venice in the decades before Monteverdi's arrival

Chamber music was ____. Baroque Quiz

written for an intimate setting such as a small room

traditional Turkish instrument heard? Austin Wintory "Nascence" from Journey


Form? Duke Ellington "Cotton Tail"

32-bar song form (AABA)

The 2 characters heard Frank Schubert "Erlkonig" D 328

narrator and Erlkonig

neoclassical music combines modern ideas with the form and content of ? Quiz ch 54

18th century music

What inspired 20th century works? Germaine Tailleferre, concerto for harp and orchestra

18th century works

What contains text that encourages fighting for a cause? Clara Schumann "Forward!"


This section of Union includes the familiar tune of ____. Louis Moreau Gottschalk Union: Concert Paraphrase on National Arts

"Hail, Columbia" , "Yankee Doodle" , and "The Star Spangled Banner" tunes are all heard in the Union

Monteverdi uses word painting on which word? The Baroque Era: Claudio Monteverdi "Orpheus," selection from Act 2

"salita" (height) - rising melodic line "fugge" (flies) - rapid rhythms

Swan theme? Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

(du du du du DU du DU du) over and over again

Instruments heard? Antonin Dvorak String Quartet in F Major op. 96 (American) 3rd movement

2 violins, viola, and cello

In Schubert's "Erklonig" one singer depicts a narrator and ______. Romanticism Quiz

3 other characters: father, son, and Erklonig(death ghost)

the ballad requires how many singers? Frank Schubert "Erlkonig" D 328


What is the form around which Johnson constructs this and other verses? Robert Johnson "Terraplane Blues"

12-bar blues

The largest pipes of an organ can be up to ____ feet high to produce the lowest notes Baroque Quiz


approx. date range of Baroque Era? The Baroque Era


the music in this excerpt from the 4th movement was used earlier, in the ____ Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C minor

3rd movement

meter? Corey Dargel "On This Date Every Year"

5 beats per measure

Quality recorded music wasn't available until 1897 with invention of the _______. Since 1900

78 rpm disk

What is it associated with? Robert Johnson "Terraplane Blues"

African American musical traditions

The Classical Era in music coincides in part with the ____. Classical Era

Age of Enlightenment

What is the melody based on? Aaron Copland "Hoe-Down"

American folk tune

melody based on pentatonic scale? Classical Era: Master Musicians of the Ikuta-ryu Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom

this postmodern piece mixes which 2 elements? Tania Leon A la Par, second movement ("Guaguanco")

Cuban popular dance and atonal harmony

How are the ultra smooth lines and persistently soft volume created in this excerpt? Claude Debussy "Voiles"

Debussy suggested that the piano is to be played like "an instrument with out hammers"

What is the overall melodic contour heard during this excerpt from Eagle Dance? The Middle Ages: San Ildefonso Indians of New Mexico Eagle Dance

Descending: It begins high and gradually works its way to a low pitch

Germaine Tailleferre wanted to write music that sounded Quiz ch 54


A major inspiration for Tailleferre was Quiz ch 54

French harpsichord music of the 17th and 18th centuries

The bright but constantly shifting music heard at :09 , :31 , and 1:00 associated with the character Loge is known as a ____. Richard Wagner "The Valkyrie"


Tailleferre was part of a group of composers who referred to themselves as Quiz ch 54

Les six (the six)

What's the German genre of song that typical involves voice and piano? Romanticism Quiz


Character piece? Frederic Chopin Mazurka in B-flat Major, op. 7, no. 1


what melody can be described as song like? Frederic Chopin Mazurka in B-flat Major, op. 7, no. 1


At the end, how is Rothbart's spell broken? Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

Odette leaps to her death

The melody played by the oboe in this excerpt is known as the _______. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

Swan Theme

How can a listener tell that this piece is a concerto? The Baroque Era: Antonio Vivaldi The Four Seasons, "Winter," first movement

There is a clear contrast between the larger ensemble and the solo violin

Which excerpt incorporates "Hail, Columbia" into a polyphonic texture? Louis Moreau Gottschalk Union: Concert Paraphrase on National Arts

When Yankee Doodle starts and Hail, Columbia comes in

What is a scenario? Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

a basis outline of the story to be told through music and dance

in this movement, Bartok contrasts the two A sections played by the woodwinds with a B section played by ? Bela Bartok Concerto for Orchestra "Game of Pairs"

a brass choir

What structural event occurs at the end? The Middle Ages: Guillaume de Machaut "No More than One Man Could Count the Stars"

a cadence

what is the timbre? Clara Schumann "Forward!"

a cappella chorus

What does it call for the voices to sing in? Clara Schumann "Forward!"

a higher register

Opera was the result of ___. Baroque Quiz

a small group of philosophers, musicians, and poets who met in Florence to consider reviving the ancient Greek synthesis of music and drama

A short, lyrical work such as this one, which imitates a song in both in form and texture and contains a clear melodic line throughout is sometimes called ________. Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Piano Trio in D Minor, op. 11, 3rd movement ("song")

a song without words

The omnious character of this excerpt sets the mood for the 4th movement of Symphonie fanastique, whose program depicts _____. Hector Berlioz "Symphonie fantastique," 4th movement (March to the Scaffold)

a young artist who dreams he will be executed by guillotine

The combo of different instruments Berlioz uses at different times in the piece to create a variety of timbres demonstrates his ____. Hector Berlioz "Symphonie fantastique," 4th movement (March to the Scaffold)

ability to write for a large orchestra

The declamatory style of singing with orchestral accompaniment in this is called Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, The Marriage of Figaro, Act 1, "Cosa sento"

accompanied recitative

technique ? Leonard Bernstein "Tonight"

additive form

The 20th century brought greater access to music in part through ____. Since 1900

advances in technology

In Baroque art and music, artists tried to express a single emotion, otherwise known as a(n) ______. Baroque Quiz


How does Haydn vary timbre and dynamics in the opening of the minuet? Classical Era: Haydn's Symphony no 102 3rd and 4th movements

alternating between high and low strings and by shifting between loud and soft

During the civil war, as with soldiers today, music provided ? Romanticism Quiz

an important emotional outlet for soldiers in the field and their families back home

In the finale of her Concertino for Harp and Orchestra, how does Tailleferre use the wind instrument? Quiz ch 54

as soloists, one at a time

Harmony? Ruth Crawford , piano study in mixed accents


What kind of harmonic system does Schoenberg use in Columbine Arnold Schoenberg "Columbine"


what instruments accompany the tenor sax in this excerpt? Charlie Parker "Ornithology"

bass, drums, and piano

In Baroque opera, the group of instruments that always accompanies a singer is called the ______. Baroque Quiz

basso continuo

After the 1st few bars of the premiere of Igor Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring in Paris, 1913, the dancers could not hear their musical cues because audience members ____. Since 1900

begin to laugh loudly and disruptively

Form? John Cage - "Sonata II" from Sonatas and Interludes


form of Moorish Dance which alternates between A and B musical sections? The Renaissance: Tielman Susato "Moorish Dance"


What technique did Johnson employ to exaggerate certain words Robert Johnson "Terraplane Blues"

blue notes

At the end of "Erklonig" the __________. Romanticism Quiz

boy is seized by the Erklonig and dies in his fathers arms

timbre? Germaine Tailleferre, concerto for harp and orchestra

bright and transparent

How does Copland create contrasting timbres in his "Hoe Down"? Aaron Copland "Hoe-Down"

by alternating between a full orchestra and small groups of instruments

what effect does Rothbart's spell have on Odette? Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

by day she is a swan, by night she is a princess

How does Brahm's create musical drama in symphony no. 4 in E Minor finale? Johnannes Brahms Symphony no 4 in E Minor, op 98, finale

by varying the orchestration and tempo to create a sense of forward movement and contrast

A stopping point in a song The Middle Ages: Francesco Landini "Behold, Spring"


A typical element of folk music heard in this excerpt from "American" String Quartet is ____. Antonin Dvorak String Quartet in F Major op. 96 (American) 3rd movement

call and response

lead singer is heard before the group, this is called ? The Baroque Era: Mbuti Pygmies "Marriage Celebration Song"

call and response

WOTF best characterizes the Sharks-Jets melody when they first sing? Leonard Bernstein "Tonight"

choppy melody with ostinato bass

Who's responsible for interpreting a ballet's scenario? Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale


While Tchaikovksy's music provides clear points of reference for the most dramatic moments, the music is still abstract enough that ____. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

choreographers have staged the finale in various ways

What brings piece to an and (period). Classical Era: Mozart's symphony


What is created by the notes that form the peaks of the jagged melodic contour Scott Joplin "Maple Leaf Rag"

compound melody

In a conventional melody, an antecedent phrase is followed by Quiz ch 54

consequent phrase

the dramatic interest of this movement is driven in part by ___. Classical Era: Mozart's symphony

contrasting principal melodies

Beethoven offers variety in timbre by Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C minor

contrasting the winds with the strings

This movement is part of a larger _____. Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C minor

cyclic work, bc the symphony's 4 movements are linked by a common musical idea (sssL)

The characters heard in this excerpt from this are singing _____. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, The Marriage of Figaro, Act 1, "Cosa sento"

different themes to convey contrasting emotions

how are multiple violin parts performed in this piece? Corey Dargel "On this date every Year"

digital looping

Opera is best described as a _______. Baroque Quiz

drama sung from beginning to end

What musical meters are used? The Renaissance: Thomas Weelkes "Since Robin Hood"

duple, then triple

What nonmusical idea do all of these excerpts have in common? Antonin Dvorak String Quartet in F Major op. 96 (American) 3rd movement

each composer sought to infuse some of his or her works with nationalistic elements, though not necessarily from his or her own country

Each character in this scene from The Marriage of Figaro can be distinguished because Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, The Marriage of Figaro, Act 1, "Cosa sento"

each of the three characters has a distinct melody

What are the tonal characteristics ? Tania Leon A la Par, second movement ("Guaguanco")

establishes a low note as the central tone, and is wholly atonal

The opening of this work is also the beginning of the movement's ? Classical Era: Mozart's symphony


What meaning did Beethoven supposedly provide for symphony no 5's opening idea? Romanticism Quiz

fate knocking on the door

what timbre is last to enter? Philip Glass "Knee Play 1" from Einstein on the Beach

female speaker

How is the Swan Theme presented in this excerpt? (finale) Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

fragmented and played in the violins

What instrumentation is used to present the Swan Theme? Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

full orchestra

How does the use of the oboe influence the character of the Swan Theme? Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

gives melody a sense of plaintive longing

what instrument marks important structural points? Gamelan Gong Keybar of Belaluan, Bali Kebyar Ding III "Oncangoncangan"


The song is an example of what musical genre? Mahaila Jackson "It Don't Cost Very Much"


The Symphonie fantastique captures Romanticism's fascination with ____. Romanticism Quiz

gothic, grotesque subject matter

along with vocal sound, wotf instruments gives gospel music its distinctive timbre? Mahaila Jackson "It Don't Cost Very Much"

hammond organ

instrument that reintroduces the main theme? Germaine Tailleferre, concerto for harp and orchestra


Rhythmic motif of du du du duuuuuu Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C minor

s, s, s, L

How does the composer achieve symmetry in the form in this movement? Bela Bartok Concerto for Orchestra "Game of Pairs"

he introduces and concludes the movement with the side drum

How does Palestina keep the music moving forward from phrase to phrase? The Renaissance: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Pope Marcellus Mass, "Gloria"

he uses elided cadences

The first melody heard at the start of the piece, played by the sax and trumpets is called ? Duke Ellington "Cotton Tail"


What kind of rhythmic device is used? Scott Joplin "Maple Leaf Rag"


Word painting with fairies in the music are represented by what? Felix Mendelssohn Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream

high pitch fast, sounds like scurrying

Which best characterizes the "sleep" Leitmotif heard? Richard Wagner "The Valkyrie"

highly chromatic, with notes that don't naturally occur in the diatonic

The texture in B flat major is _____. Frederic Chopin Mazurka in B-flat Major, op. 7, no. 1


Tchaikovsky's intensely private nature helped him conceal his ____. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale


main emphasis of bebop? Charlie Parker "Ornithology"


During Schubert's lifetime, Lieder were meant to be performed ____. Romanticism Quiz

in the home, frequently at a salon gathering

Why was music considered by ETA Hoffman to be "the most Romantic of all the arts?" 19th century

instrumental music could evoke ideas and emotion that couldn't be captured by words

The term "program music" refers to a(n) Baroque Quiz

instrumental work that is in some way associated with a story, event, or idea

Why was the Supreme Court building in DC, designed to evoke the architectural style of ancient Greece Quiz ch 54

it creates a link with an ancient tradition and laws

how is the harmony in Tailleferre's finale different from that of the Classical period? Quiz ch 54

it incorporates slightly dissonant inflections

WOTF is a drawback of performing foreign language operas in English? Baroque Quiz

it is difficult to create translations that retain the sense of the original language and mesh well with the music

What is happening in the bass Tania Leon A la Par, second movement ("Guaguanco")

it is playing an ostinato rhythm

Mendelssohn's overture to a midsummer night;s dream is a good example of program music because Felix Mendelssohn Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream

it transforms the ideas of plot and character from Shakespeare's play into a work of instrumental music

What stringed instrument accompanies the voice? Jingju "The Reunion"


This excerpt is drawn from which portion of the raga? Ravi Shankar "Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi"


Writers of the Enlightenment recognized the structural parallels between instrumental music and _____. Classical Era


When did composers begin to write full length ballets with extended plots? Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

last quarter of 19th century

One of the most important things that Felix Mendelssohn did was ? Romanticism Quiz

lead a performance of JS Bach's Saint Matthew Passion, which had been forgotten

what is the metered rhythm? Ravi Shankar "Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi"

listen for 4

The new spirit that took hold in all of the arts and represented an abolishment of tradition and a quest for novelty was called _______. Since 1900


Third movement of piano trio in D minor which features a single melody that is altered each time it returns - is in _____. Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Piano Trio in D Minor, op. 11, 3rd movement ("song")

modified strophic form

The unusual ____ in this song brings the listener to an unexpected place in harmonically Robert Schumann "Dedication"


What does this song use to create a distinct sense of contrast Robert Schumann "Dedication"

modulation, melody, and rhythm

Texture? Ruth Crawford , piano study in mixed accents


texture? Austin Wintory "Nascence" from Journey

monophony, homophony, polyphony

How does the accompaniment change in the middle? Frederic Chopin Mazurka in B-flat Major, op. 7, no. 1

moves from a series of varied chords to a drone bass

What does this piece avoid doing? Gamelan Gong Keybar of Belaluan, Bali Kebyar Ding III "Oncangoncangan"

moving in a particular "direction"

We hear a typical gospel harmonic progression, formed by the bass moving in which direction? Mahaila Jackson "It Don't Cost Very Much"

moving up chromatically

Genre? Jingju "The Reunion"


In which genres did Monteverdi primarily compose? Baroque Quiz

opera and madrigal

A ballet is essentially a(n) Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, Act IV, finale

opera without words

In this concerto, Mozart retains elements of the ritornello principle by highlighting the timbral contrast between the ____. Classical Era: Mozart's Piano Concerto in A Major

orchestra and piano

which musical genre was Bach known to compose? Baroque Quiz

orchestral works and cantatas

What musical device does the organ play in long, slow notes? Philip Glass "Knee Play 1" from Einstein on the Beach


Gamelan compositions are built of a series of ? Gamelan Gong Keybar of Belaluan, Bali Kebyar Ding III "Oncangoncangan"


What statement best matches this excerpt? Johnannes Brahms Symphony no 4 in E Minor, op 98, finale

particular excerpt is a full orchestra

By the mid 19th century, music became a vehicle for expressing _____. 19th century

political sentiments

Writing _________ was one way Chopin showed his nationalist political sympathies Romanticism Quiz


Which kind of texture results from the 5 groups singing at the same time Leonard Bernstein "Tonight"


harmony? Igor Stravinsky "The Rite of Spring"


this piece, which combines modern and traditional elements, can be considered examples of ? Corey Dargel "On this date every Year"


the earliest operas were performed in ____. Baroque Quiz

private theaters at the courts of the nobility and royalty

By the mid 19th century, pianos were____. 19th century

produced in factories, making them more affordable than ever before

Which type of composition became more important in 19th century as composers sought to integrate purely instrumental music with outside ideas? Romanticism Quiz

program music

the section of the sonata form heard is___. Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 5 in C minor


What singing style makes the text of the opening section relatively clear and distinct The Baroque Era: Claudio Monteverdi "Orpheus," selection from Act 2

recitative style

Vivaldi was known as the ______. Baroque Quiz

red priest

Crawford creates interest and variety by giving unusual prominence to the melodic element of ? Ruth Crawford , piano study in mixed accents


Schubert represents the contrast forward movements of the pair on horseback by using ______. Frank Schubert "Erlkonig" D 328

repetitive rhythmic form

Mozart's the Marriage or Figaro ___. Classical Era

represents a mood of discontent with the established order

we hear a solo sax, then trumpet plays a short musical motif and the solo sax Duke Ellington "Cotton Tail"

responds with improvised answer

In opera, the new homophonic texture ___. Baroque Quiz

restored a greater sense of balance between text and music

the dense mixture of pitched and unpitched sounds give special prominence to the role of John Cage - "Sonata II" from Sonatas and Interludes


this song makes use of ? Igor Stravinsky "The Rite of Spring"

rhythmic irregularity

To create contrasting melodies, Chopin uses _____. Frederic Chopin Mazurka in B-flat Major, op. 7, no. 1

rising major scale. descending descending minor scale

What 19th century movement emphasized imagination, emotion, and longing? 19th century


form? Germaine Tailleferre, concerto for harp and orchestra


Form? Aaron Copland "Hoe-Down"

rondo (ABACA)

in the context of harp technique, a glissando is a Quiz ch 54

scale played so fast it becomes a blur

The melodies in this piece have a sound of simplicity because _____. Antonin Dvorak String Quartet in F Major op. 96 (American) 3rd movement


The quick, triple meter of this suggests that this movement from Dvork's "American" String Quartet is ___. Antonin Dvorak String Quartet in F Major op. 96 (American) 3rd movement


Which theme is based on a series of upward leaps? Classical Era: Mozart's Piano Concerto in A Major


form? Charlie Parker "Ornithology"

sectional form

The music of the 19th century reflects a? 19th century

sense of freedom from convention

How does Schumann emphasize the word "Vorwarts" (Forward) near the beginning of this excerpt around :10 ? Clara Schumann "Forward!"

sets in unison to a phrase that sounds like a trumpet call

the paired melody instruments being tuned to tones very slightly apart creates? Gamelan Gong Keybar of Belaluan, Bali Kebyar Ding III "Oncangoncangan"

shimmering timbre

what does johnson do with his voice to capture the pleading of the word "please"? Robert Johnson "Terraplane Blues"

sings in falsetto

Ravi Shankar plays the ____ in this song Ravi Shankar "Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi"


What form is this in? Felix Mendelssohn Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream

sonata form

During the Baroque Era, churches ______. Baroque Quiz

spent large sums of money on lavish decorations and powerful organs

What unorthodox vocal technique does the singer use? Arnold Schoenberg "Columbine"


Unlike the excerpt from Verdi's La Traviata, this excerpt from Wagner's The Valkyrie features _____. Richard Wagner "The Valkyrie"

syllabic singing with one note per syllable of text

What does it primarily feature? Richard Wagner "The Valkyrie"

syllabic text setting

In addition to art songs, Schubert also wrote Romanticism Quiz

symphonies, piano sonatas, and dozens of works for chamber ensembles

What is created by he accented notes that occur off beat in the melody? Scott Joplin "Maple Leaf Rag"


what is unique? Ravi Shankar "Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi"

tabla (drums)

Which instrument is responsible for creating a drone in this excerpt Ravi Shankar "Raga Sindhi-Bhairavi"


Throughout this song, the melody is sung mostly by which voice parts? William Billings "Chester"

tenor and soprano

The diversity of this demonstrates that the musical form of an opera scene is most often reflected of its ____. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, The Marriage of Figaro, Act 1, "Cosa sento"


Mendelssohn has the full orchestra play loudly for ____. Felix Mendelssohn Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream

the 3rd theme, representing Theseus, the ruler of the humans

What does this song show certain affinities at points with ? William Grant Still "A Black Pierrot"

the blues

"Energetic" and "restful, peaceful" are descriptions that characterize ______. Robert Schumann "Dedication"

the first and second melodies of "dedication," respectively

Which recurring musical idea is heard just before the Guillotine falls in Symphonie fantastique? Romanticism Quiz

the idee fixe

This excerpt from the end of the movement, includes the movements only appearance of ________. Hector Berlioz "Symphonie fantastique," 4th movement (March to the Scaffold)

the idee fixe, interrupted by the fatal blow of the guillotine

Fanny Mendelssohn faced 2 major obstacles as a composer: Romanticism Quiz

the immense fame of her younger brother and being female

how does "Nascence" evoke the sense of a journey? Austin Wintory "Nascence" from Journey

the melody always has the same basic phrase shape, and many of the same notes and rhythms, but some of the details differ each time

the development section differs from the exposition and recapitulation in that _____. Classical Era: Mozart's symphony

the music is harmonically unstable and the opening theme is fragmented and transformed

What happens about halfway through the second section? Classical Era: Haydn's Symphony no 102 3rd and 4th movements

the opening idea returns in the tonic key

What is rhythm? Introduction quiz

the ordering of music through time

Why might Tailleferre have chosen a rondo for the form of the concertino for harp and orchestra finale? Quiz ch 54

the rondo was typical of 18th century concerto finales

The five themes heard in the overture correspond to __. Felix Mendelssohn Overture to A Midsummer Night's Dream

the setting and characters in a midsummer night's dream

The complicated embellishments of well-known melodies in Union require ____. Louis Moreau Gottschalk Union: Concert Paraphrase on National Arts

the skills of a virtuoso

What best describes the treatment of harmony? Frank Schubert "Erlkonig" D 328

the song begins and ends in G minor, but moves to other keys in between

What extramusical connotations can be heard in Cherry Blossom? Classical Era: Master Musicians of the Ikuta-ryu Cherry Blossom

the sorrow of a dying flower

During the Classical Era there were rapid advances in technology, including ______. Classical Era

the steam engine, cotton gin, and manufacturing

Afredo's singing differs from Violetta's in that ___. Giusseppe Verdi "La Traviata Act 1, selection 'Follie!'"

the tempo is slower with longer and smoother notes

What best describes the texture? Jingju "The Reunion"

the texture is heterophonic with instruments and voice sounding nearly, but not exactly, the same.

Contains contrasting groups of instruments, but features a texture of independent layers that work against rather than with one another Charles Ives, "The Unanswered Question"

the unanswered question

What undermines the sense of a harmonic center in this piece? Claude Debussy "Voiles"

the use of the whole tone scale

Why does Bartok call this movement "Game of Pairs"? Bela Bartok Concerto for Orchestra "Game of Pairs"

the wind instruments function in pairs

Theme 1 has both an upward and downward contour, but theme 3 differs in what way? Classical Era: Mozart's Piano Concerto in A Major

theme 3-conjunct, downward contour

Similar to the 2nd movement of Haydn's string quartet in c major, Cherry Blossom is an example of what type of musical form? Classical Era: Master Musicians of the Ikuta-ryu Cherry Blossom

theme and variation

The form being used is ____. Johnannes Brahms Symphony no 4 in E Minor, op 98, finale

theme and variations

What is the form used? Classical Era: Haydn's String Quartet in C Major, second movement

theme and variations

Based on these excerpts, which best describes the form of "March to the Scaffold"? Hector Berlioz "Symphonie fantastique," 4th movement (March to the Scaffold)

there are 2 contrasting sections: A, gloomy melody in minor mode, and B, a solemn and brilliant tune in major mode

The melodies in this piece have a sound of simplicity because ____. Antonin Dvorak String Quartet in F Major op. 96 (American) 3rd movement

they are based on a scale similar to a pentatonic scale

What best describes the different strophes heard ? Frank Schubert "Erlkonig" D 328

they are written in modified strophic form, w variations among the different strophes

How did the Industrial Revolution influence the spread of pianos? Romanticism Quiz

they were produced in mass quantities, allowing middle class households to purchase them

A chord is ____. Introduction quiz

three or more notes played at the same time

What is the texture of No More than One Man Could Count the Stars? The Middle Ages: Guillaume de Machaut "No More than One Man Could Count the Stars"

three-part polyphony

How does Copland create a musical portriat of the vast open spaces of the American West? Aaron Copland "Hoe-Down"

through his orchestration across a wide register (or "open scoring")

based on the first two verses, what is the form? William Grant Still "A Black Pierrot"


Harmony? William Grant Still "A Black Pierrot"

tonal with strong chromatic inflections

What creates the shivering effect heard? Classical Era: Master Musicians of the Ikuta-ryu Cherry Blossom


What kind of rhythm is used? Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Piano Trio in D Minor, op. 11, 3rd movement ("song")

trochaic tetrameter rhythm

Which instrument is featured in this variation? Johnannes Brahms Symphony no 4 in E Minor, op 98, finale


How are these instruments used? Austin Wintory "Nascence" from Journey

used alone, without voices

form? Mahaila Jackson "It Don't Cost Very Much"


How does Haydn change the melody when phrase A repeats? Classical Era: Haydn's String Quartet in C Major, second movement

violin 1 repeats phrase A in a higher range

Which instrument is playing the melody in this excerpt? Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Piano Trio in D Minor, op. 11, 3rd movement ("song")

violin-high pitch

Violetta's singing on the word "gioir" ("enjoy") demonstrates ecstady in its use of____. Giusseppe Verdi "La Traviata Act 1, selection 'Follie!'"

virtuosic singing style

Ravi Shankar is known for his ? Romanticism Quiz

virtuosity and composition on sitar

What kind of soloist? William Grant Still "A Black Pierrot"


Beethoven's 9th and final symphony is famous for including Romanticism Quiz


Which is in triple meter? Louis Moreau Gottschalk "Union: Concert Paraphrase on National Arts"

when it sounds like "Star Spangled Banner"

During his lifetime, Beethoven was Romanticism Quiz

widely recognized as the greatest living composer of instrumental music

What does this feature? Bela Bartok Concerto for Orchestra "Game of Pairs"

wind instruments prominently

How many voices does Josquin des Prez make use of? The Renaissance: Josquin des Prez "The Cricket"


Portions of which sections of the chorale can be heard in this excerpt? The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata 140: Awake, a Voice Calls to Us, selections

A and B

The reformation caused a rift among Christians that began in 1517 when a long list of complaints was nailed on the doors of a church in Wittenburg by ____. The Renaissance

Martin Luther

The slow introduction alternating between long and short notes followed by a fast section are characteristics of what is called a(n) _____. The Baroque Era: Henry Purcell "Dido and Aeneas," selections

French overture

the group of instruments accompanying the singer known collectively as The Baroque Era: Claudio Monteverdi "Orpheus," selection from Act 2

basso continuo

What does Play of Virtues feature? The Middle Ages: Hildegard von Bingen, Play of Virtues

both syllabic and melismatic setting of the text

The thematic material in this alternates between which 2 instrument groups? The Renaissance: Tielman Susato "Moorish Dance"

brass and woodwinds

How does Handel emphasize the idea of God's power? The Baroque Era: George Frederic Handel "Messiah," selections

by having the text sung in uniso and by introducing trumpets

The Italian term for "loud" is _____. Introduction quiz


What is the texture? The Baroque Era: Claudio Monteverdi "Orpheus," selection from Act 2

four-part polyphony

What describes the rhythm of Play of Virtues? The Middle Ages: Hildegard von Bingen, Play of Virtues

free rhythm

What kind of rhythm does Eagle Dance have? The Middle Ages: San Ildefonso Indians of New Mexico Eagle Dance

free rhythm

this modulates, which demonstrates the _____. The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach Brandenburg Concerto no 2 in F Major, BWV 1047, finale

harmonic basis of form

The simultaneous singing of two or more versions of a melody is called ? The Baroque Era: Mbuti Pygmies "Marriage Celebration Song"


The rhythmic interlocking of voices is called a ____. The Baroque Era: Mbuti Pygmies "Marriage Celebration Song"


What is the musical texture during Orpheus's recitative in "Tu se' morta"? Baroque Quiz


What is the texture? The Baroque Era: George Frederic Handel "Messiah," selections


The overarching intellectual and cultural movement of the Renaissance-which explored human interests and values through the pursuit of science, philosophy, literature, painting, sculpture, and music-is known as ___. The Renaissance


The type of polyphony heard in this excerpt us known as ? The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach, Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578 ("Little" Fugue)

imitative counterpoint

What does this employ? The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach Brandenburg Concerto no 2 in F Major, BWV 1047, finale

imitative counterpoint

What musical technique does Byrd use? The Renaissance: William Byrd "Sing Joyfully"

imitative counterpoint

The castrati _____. Baroque Quiz

possessed both the high range of a woman's voice and the physical power of a man's voice

An instrumental work such as "Winter" which is in some way associated with a story, event, or idea is an example of ______. The Baroque Era: Antonio Vivaldi The Four Seasons, "Winter," first movement

program music

Renaissance is the French word for ___. The Renaissance


A type of opera singing that lies somewhere between singing and speaking is called ? Baroque Quiz


What are three possible strategies for creating musical form? Introduction quiz

repetition, variation, and contrast

The formal relationship between the soloist and chorus in Caro Mea is an example of ______. The Middle Ages: Plainchant Alleluia, "Caro mea"

responsorial chant

What best describes the overall melodic contour of each phrase in Play of Virtues? The Middle Ages: Hildegard von Bingen, Play of Virtues

rising sharply, then gradually falling

The entrance of the full ensemble as heard in this excerpt marks the beginning of a _________. The Baroque Era: Antonio Vivaldi The Four Seasons, "Winter," first movement


This contains what? The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata 140: Awake, a Voice Calls to Us, selections


Which alternates between sections for the soloist and sections for the orchestra, reflects which structural principle? The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach Brandenburg Concerto no 2 in F Major, BWV 1047, finale


What is played by themselves? The Middle Ages: Alfonso el Sabio "Songs to the Virgin Mary, no. 147, 'The Talking Sheep'


What instrument has a solo? The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach, Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578 ("Little" Fugue)

solo organ

During the Baroque Era, the arts were an important means of projecting power and authority, as demonstrated by kings and queens of the era The Baroque Era

sponsoring and commissioning the most famous musicians to write music for their courts

The composer illustrates the word "skip" by using ____. The Renaissance: Thomas Weelkes "Since Robin Hood"

syncopation, or accents off the usually accented beats

Which instruments best help the dancers keep their rhythm for the entire song? The Renaissance: Tielman Susato "Moorish Dance"

tabor and tambourine

What does Baldassare Castiglione's The Book of the Courtier reveal about music in the Renaissance? The Renaissance

the ability to sing and play an instrument was socially desirable

Why does Purcell create an ostinato that is slow, descending, and chromatic? The Baroque Era: Henry Purcell "Dido and Aeneas," selections

the aria is a sorrowful lament

What enhances the timbral contrast among various instrumental voices heard? The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach, Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578 ("Little" Fugue)

the arrangement

The church prohibited performances of operas during The Baroque Era

the penitential season of Lent

What happens each time the opening melody returns? The Baroque Era: Barbara Strozzi "Revenge"

the singer embellishes it

What change in texture occurs from the first half of Play of Virtues to the second half? The Middle Ages: Hildegard von Bingen, Play of Virtues

the texture changes from monophonic solo to monophonic unison

Describe the melodic motion in the various voices The Middle Ages: Guillaume de Machaut "No More than One Man Could Count the Stars"

the upper voice moves slightly faster and is more active than the lower two voices

How does Purcell intensify the emotion over the course of this ? The Baroque Era: Henry Purcell "Dido and Aeneas," selections

the voice moves into a higher range

What is the texture used? The Renaissance: Thomas Weelkes "Since Robin Hood"

three-voice polyphony

Baroque musicians tried to create an effect on their audiences The Baroque Era

through the artful portrayal of emotion

What is the main difference between the two excerpts of Bach's Fugue in G Minor? The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach, Fugue in G Minor, BWV 578 ("Little" Fugue)


What musical element allows us to hear the difference between a piano and a trumpet playing the same pitch? Introduction quiz


Why does Handel set the words "dash them" to a large downward leap? The Baroque Era: George Frederic Handel "Messiah," selections

to suggest an object being thrown from a great height

The combo of two violins and basso continuo, a favorite in the Baroque Era, produces what texture? The Baroque Era: Barbara Strozzi "Revenge"


What meter is used? The Baroque Era: Barbara Strozzi "Revenge"


The rhythm of Behold, Spring is organized around what kind of steady pattern? The Middle Ages: Francesco Landini "Behold, Spring"

triple meter

In Behold, Spring, Landini makes use of what type of texture? The Middle Ages: Francesco Landini "Behold, Spring"

two-part polphony

When all the musicians of an ensemble sing or play exactly the same melody together, the resulting texture is called _____. Introduction quiz


During the Baroque Era, star singers and instrumentalists known as _____ were coveted by rulers and the public alike The Baroque Era


What does the Eagle Dance makes use of? The Middle Ages: San Ildefonso Indians of New Mexico Eagle Dance


How does Palestrina enhance the harmonic language of the phrases "Adoramus te" and "Glorificamus te" The Renaissance: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Pope Marcellus Mass, "Gloria"

with both phrases, he begins with a consonance, moves to a dissonance, and then resolves back to a consonance.

Byrd's text setting offers a clear example of ____. The Renaissance: William Byrd "Sing Joyfully"

word painting

The replication of sounds suggested by key words such as longo verso is called? The Renaissance: Josquin des Prez "The Cricket"

word painting

Mbuti Pygmies live in the _______. Baroque Quiz

Ituri Forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo

What is the smallest unit of music? Introduction quiz

a note

The purely instrumental opening heard is called a(n) ? The Baroque Era: Henry Purcell "Dido and Aeneas," selections


Because this music is sung by multiple singers without instrumental accompaniment, it can be categorized as _____________. The Renaissance: William Byrd "Sing Joyfully"

a cappella choral music

An instrumental work for a soloist and a larger ensemble is called _____. The Baroque Era: Antonio Vivaldi The Four Seasons, "Winter," first movement

a concerto

Palestrina uses _____ to reflect closure of the passage of text The Renaissance: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Pope Marcellus Mass, "Gloria"

a full cadence

The singer embellishes and extends the word "Alleluia" by adding _____ to certain syllables. The Middle Ages: Plainchant Alleluia, "Caro mea"

a melisma

A work such as Bach's work, which is sung during a service of worship, is called a _____. The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata 140: Awake, a Voice Calls to Us, selections


Music such as "Revenge" w only one player performing each part, is called ? The Baroque Era: Barbara Strozzi "Revenge"

chamber music

These excerpts demonstrate that both movements of Bach's work use the same ___. The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach Cantata 140: Awake, a Voice Calls to Us, selections

chorale melody

The genre of a work like this, which involves multiple soloists and an orchestra, is called ______. The Baroque Era: Johann Sebastian Bach Brandenburg Concerto no 2 in F Major, BWV 1047, finale

concerto grosso

Notes separated by large leaps exhibit what is called_____? Introduction quiz

disjunct motion

The long note held underneath the melodic line heard in this excerpt is called a _________. The Middle Ages: Alfonso el Sabio "Songs to the Virgin Mary, no. 147, 'The Talking Sheep'

drone bass

What statements best describes the rhythm? The Middle Ages: San Ildefonso Indians of New Mexico Eagle Dance

it is free at the beginning and then becomes metered

What is true of E. E. Bagley's National Emblem? Introduction quiz

it transforms the triple-meter melody of "The Star-Spangled Banner" into a duple-meter match

The texture heard throughout Caro Mea is ________. The Middle Ages: Plainchant Alleluia, "Caro mea"


What is the musical texture of Play of Virtues? The Middle Ages: Hildegard von Bingen, Play of Virtues


What is the texture of The Talking Sheep? The Middle Ages: Alfonso el Sabio "Songs to the Virgin Mary, no. 147, 'The Talking Sheep'

monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic

What is the texture heard during Eagle Dance? The Middle Ages: San Ildefonso Indians of New Mexico Eagle Dance


How does the texture of the music change over the course of the song? The Renaissance: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Pope Marcellus Mass, "Gloria"

more voices enter, creating a fuller polyphonic texture

How did the invention of printing by movable metal type in the mid-fifteenth century affect music? The Renaissance

notated music could now be disseminated rapidly and relatively cheaply

The pattern of nine notes repeated over and over during this is called ? The Baroque Era: Henry Purcell "Dido and Aeneas," selections


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