Muscle Labeling (poke-a-muscle pics)
Identify the muscle highlighted in the red region
Identify the muscle that the arrow is pointing to
Vastus Lateralis
Identify the muscle that the arrow is pointing to
Vastus medialis
Identify the muscle that the arrow is pointing to
Identify the muscle that the arrow is pointing to
tibialis anterior
Identify the muscle that the arrow is pointing to
Deltoid (posterior)
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
Wrist Extensors
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
adductor longus
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
biceps brachii
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
biceps femoris
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
deltoid (anterior)
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
external abdominal oblique
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
gluteus maximus
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
latissimus dorsi
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
pectoralis major
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
rectus abdominis
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
rectus femoris
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
serratus anterior
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
triceps brachii
Identify what the arrow is pointing to
Identify what the highlighted muscle