Muscles of the Lower Limb (Name, Action, Origin, Insertion)

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origin of the adductor magnus

ischial and pubic ram; ischial tuberosity

Origin of the Semitendinosus

ischial tuberosity

Action of Gluteus Medius

Abducts and Medially Rotates Thigh

Action of the Gluteus Minimus

Abducts and Medially Rotates Thigh

Muscles of the medial thigh

Adductor Brevis Adductor Longus Adductor Magnus Pectineus Gracilis

Action of the Adductor Brevis

Adducts and medially rotates thigh

Action of the adductor longus

Adducts, flexes and mediallyrotates thigh

Origin Of Rectus Femoris

Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine

describe the Flexor Hallucis Longus

Bipennate Muscle; lies lateral to inferior aspect of tibialis Posterior

Describe the Soleus

Broad flat muscle, deep to gasterocnemius on posterior surface of calf

Insertion of Gastrocnemius


Describe the Semimembranosus

Deep to Semitendinosus

Describe the Extensor Hallucis Longus

Deep to extensor Digitorum Longus and Tibialis Anterior Narrow Origin

Action of the Extensor Digitorum Longus

Dorsiflexion of Foot, extension of digits 2-5

Action of the Extensor Hallucis Longus

Dorsiflexion of foot extends big toe

Describe the Tensor fasciae Latae

Enclosed Between fascia Layer of anterolateral aspect of thigh; functionally associated with medial rotators ans flexors of thigh

Action of the Rectus Femoris

Extend the Knee, Flexes Thigh at the Hip

Action of the Vastus Lateralis

Extends Knee

Action of the Vastus Medialis

Extends Knee

action of the Gluteus Maximus

Extends Thigh; laterally rotates thigh

Action of the Vastus Intermedius

Extends the Knee

Action of the Semimembranosus

Extends thigh, flexes knee, medially rotates leg

Action of the Semitendinosus

Extends thigh; Flexes Knee, Medially Rotates Leg

Action of the Biceps femoris

Extends thigh; flexes Knee; Laterally rotates leg

Insertion of Tibialis Anterior

First Cuneiform, first metatarsal

Actions of the Iliopsoas

Flexes Thigh when Pelvis is Fixed

Action of the Papliteus

Flexes and rotates leg medially to unlock knee

Action of the Sartorius

Flexes thigh ans knee; laterally rotates thigh

Muscle that move the ankle of the Posterior Leg

Gastrocnemius soleus Tibialis Posterior Flexor Digitorum Longus Flexor Hallucis Longus

Insertion of the Gluteus Maximus

Gluteal Tuberosity of Femur

Muscle of the Gluteal and Posterior Thigh

Gluteus Maximus Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Tensor Fasciae Latae Biceps Femoris Semimembranosus Semitendiosus Popliteus

Origin of the Vastus Lateralis

Greater Trochanter, Linea Aspera of Femur

Insertion of the Biceps Femoris

Head of Fibula; Lateral Condyle of Tibia

Action of the Tibialis Posterior

Inversion of the Foot, plantarflexion of foot

origin of the Semimembranosus

Ischial Tuberosity

Origin of the Biceps Femoris

Ischial Tuberosity, Linea aspera

Describe the Iliacus of the Iliopsoas Muscle

Large fan-Shaped, more lateral muscles

Describe Vastus Lateralis

Largest Head of the Group; forms lateral aspect of thigh; a common intramuscular injection site

Origin of the Tibialis Anterior

Lateral condyle, Upper 2/3 of tibia

Describe the Semitendinosus

Lies medial to biceps femoris; its long, slender tendon begins about two-thirds of the way down thigh

origin of the Vastus Medialis

Linea aspera, Intertrochanteris Line

describe The Flexor digitorum Longus

Long narrow muscle; runs medial to ans partially overlies tibialis posterior

Describe the Psoas Major of the Iliopsoas

Longer, thicker, more medial muscle of the pair (butchers refer to this in beef and pork as the tenderloin)

origin of Gastrocnemius

Medial and Lateral Condyles of Femur

Insertion of the Semimembranosus

Medial, Proximal Tibial Shaft

Describe the Biceps Femoris

Most Lateral muscle of the group; arises from two heads

Describe the Vastus Intermedius

Obscured by rectus femoris; lies between vastus lateralis and vastus medialis on anterior thigh

Insertion Of Vastus Medialis


Insertion of Rectus Femoris


Insertion of Vastus Lateralis


Muscle that move the Ankle on the lateral leg

Peroneus (Fibularis) Longus Peroneus (Fibularis) Brevis

Action of Soleus

Plantarflexion of Foot

Action of the Gastrocnemius

Plantarflexion of Foot

Action of the Flexor Hallucis Longus

Plantarflexion of Foot, Flexes Big Toe

Action of the Flexor Digitorum Longus

Plantarflexion of Foot; flexes Digits 2-5

Action of the Peroneus (Fibularis) Longus

Plantarflexion, Eversion of foot

Action of the Peroneus (fibularis) Brevis

Plantarflexis, Eversion of Foot

Origin of the Gluteus Maximus

Posterior ilium, Sacrum, Coccyx

Muscle of the Anterior Thigh

Rectus femoris Vastus Lateralis Vastus Medialis Vastus Intermedius Sartorius Iliopoasa (iliacus/Psoas Major)

describe the Pectineus

Short flat muscle; overlies adductor brevis on proximal thigh; abuts adductor longus medially

Describe the Peroneus (Fibularis) Brevis

Smaller Muscle; deep to fibularis Longus enclosed in a common sheath

Describe the Gluteus Minimus

Smallest and deepest of gluteal muscles

Describe the Rectus Femoris

Superficial Muscle of Anterior thigh; runs straight down the thigh; longest head and only muscle of group to cross hip joint

Describe Tibialis Posterior

Thick Flat muscle deep to soleus; placed between posterior Flexors

Describe the Gluteus Medius

Thick Muscle largely covered by gluteus maximus; important site for intramuscular injection (Ventral Gluteal Site) Considered Safer Than Dorsal Gluteal Site Because There is less chance of injury sciatic Nerve

Describe the Popliteus

Thin Triangular muscle at posterior knee; passes downward and medially to tibial surface

Muscle that move the ankle, foot, and toes on anterior leg

Tibialis anterior extensor digitorum extensor hallucis longus

Describe the Extensor Digitorum Longus

Unipennate muscle on anterolateral surface of leg; lateral to tibialis Anterior Muscel

Describe the adductor magnus

a triangular muscle with a broad insertion; is a composite muscle that is part adductor and part hamstring in action

Action of Gracilis

adducts thigh; flexes and medially rotates leg

action of Pectineus

adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh

Action the adductor magnus

adducts, flexes, ans medially rotates thigh

Describe the Gluteus Maximus

largest and Most Superficial of Gluteus muscles; forms bulk of buttock mass; fascicles are thick ans coarse; a site of intramuscular injection (dorasl Gulteal Site); Overlies large Sciatic Nerve; covers ischial Tuberosity only when standing ; when sitting, moves superiorly, leaving ischial tuberosity exposed in the subcutaneous position

insertion of the adductor magnus

linea aspera; entire medial femur

Describe Gracilis

long, thin, superficial muscle of medial thigh

insertion of semitendinosus

medial, proximal tibial shaft

Describe the Adductor Longus

overlies middle aspect of adductor mangus; most anterior of adductor muscles

Describe the Sartorius

straplike superficial muscle running obliquely across anterior surfaces of thigh to knee; longest muscle in body; crosses both hip ans knee joints

Describe the Peroneus (Fibularis) Longus

superficial Lateral Muscle; Overlies Fibula

Describe the Gastrocnemius

superficial Muscle of pair; Two Prominent bellies that form proximal curve of calf

describe the Tibialis Anterior

superficial muscle of anterior leg; laterally parallels sharp anterior margin of tibia

Describe the Iliopsoas (Iliacus/Psoas Major)

composed of two closely related muscles whose fibers pass under the inguinal ligament

Action of the tibialis anterior

dosiflexion of foot, inversion of the foot

Action of the Tensor Fasciae Latae

flexes and Abducts Thigh

Describe the Vastus Medialis

forms Inferomedial Aspect of the thigh

Describe the Adductor Brevis

in contact with obturator externus muscles; largely concealed by adductor longus and pectineus

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