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San Francisco Rock


The Little Bird Told Me decision

A 47 recording of a little bird told me by RB star paula watson for the independent label supreme was covered in 1950 by singer Evelyn knight for decca record Supremem sued decca and lost the case. A judge ruled that musical arangements are not copyrightable property This case opened the gates for cover versions

"Wrappin it up"

A big full ensemble texture lots of call and response patterns between brass and reeds A steady flowing groove with the bass drums and guitar playing on all four beats while giving a slight push to the second and fourth beats

Nat King Cole

A brilliant piano improviser One of the first african american musicians to cross over regularly to the predominantly white pop charts Coles biggest commercial successes were sentimental ballads accompanied by elaborate orchestral arrangements

Alan Freed

A national celebrity Preference for original RB records instead of the white cover versions put him at odds with the music industry Rock N Roll dance party TV show cancelled in 58 when the camera showed a black teenafe singer dancing with a white girl Charged with inciting a riot at a concert in Boston Accused of accepting bribes from record companies Found guilty of commercial bribery Unemployed and suffering from alcoholism charged with income tax evasion Died before his case came to trial

Country Music in Swing Era

A number of other factors contributed to the expansion of country music during the war -The formation of BMI provided for country songwriters to publish their compositions and to recieve royalties -The American Federation of Musicians recording ban created more recording opportunities for hillbilly musicians. most of whom were not allowed to join the union -Small independent record labels Themes of Sentimentality, mortality, and patriotism already prominent in hillbilly recording of the 1920s played an important role in country musics popularity during the war

Shake Rattle and Roll


New San Antonio Rose

AABA thirty two bar form Introduction -Big Ban swing sound A section played twice by trumpets and saxophones while the rhythm section maintains a bouncy dance rhythm

The Coasters "Charlie Brown"

About a class clown Culture of the 50s evoked through slang terms like cool and daddy-o The coasters were adept at delivering a dense cleverly worded text very clearly at a fast tempo Intensity of vocal style owes much to R&B Comic effects suggest roots in vaudeville routines

Technology in Great Speckled Bird

Acuff although known as folksy, down home country singer, was not averse to trying new technologies within the string band tradition New version of the standard six string guitar called the dobro The blunt edge of a steel knife is used to play melodic patterns on the dobro allowing the player to glide between pitches interweaving with the singers voicce- called bottleneck guitar

Roy Claxton Acuff

Acuff's rise to fame was in large part due to popularity of two songs that are still closely associated with him -Wabash Cannon Ball -Great Speckled Bird

Mills Brothers

African American vocal harmony group The most successful and longest lived of the swing era vocal groups Perfected a secular version of the African American jubilee quartet tradition Their smooth jazz influenced style appealed to a broad audience

Alan Freed and Rock N Roll

Alan Freed -Disc jockey and concert promoter Dubbed the Pied Piper of Rock N Roll Supporter and champion of RB

It wasnt god who made honky tonk angels

An answer record to hank thompsons hit the wild side of life The first recording by a solo female performer to top the country and western charts

Dont Be Cruel

Based on the twelve bar blues Presleys vocal is heavy with blues derived and country inflections -Striking regional accent -Hiccupping effect on please -Strong backbeat from R&B -Opening electric guitar and intense stylistic elements is a wash of electronic reverb An attempt by the engineers at RCA's Nashville studios to emulate the distinctive slap back echo sound of Preseley's previous recordings in Sun Records

William "Count" Basie

Bassie's band was the most closely associated with the blues tradition Bassie was born in New Jersey His early experiences was as a piano played and bandleader in Kansas city, Missouri

Ernest Tubb

Began his career in the 30s as a disciple of Jimmie Rodgers His first big hit was walking the floor over you -Secured hin a spot on the grand ole opry Helped him create a nationwide following

Buddy Holly

Began with country music, then fell under the influence of Elvis and formed a rock n roll band the crickets Thatll be the day rose to number on one on the pop charts in late 1957 and established his sound -Combined elements of country R&B and mainstream pop

Berry Gordy Jr. And Motown

Berry Gordy Expert songwriter and producer who created blues and gospel based pop music designed to appeal to the widest possible listening public

Western Swing

Blended the country string band with blues and jazz Developed in Texas and accordingly reflected that states diverse musical traditions

Frank Sinatra

Born in Hoboken, New Jersey, into a working class Italian family Sinatra was heavily promoted on radio at the movies and in the press and his popularity soared

Charles Edward Anderson (Chuck Berry)

Born in St. Louis Missouri -Absorbed blues and R&B styles -One of the first and most successful black musicians to consciously forge his own version of blues and R&B styles for appeal to the mass market

Willie Mae Big Mama thornton

Born in montgomery alabama The daughter of a baptist minister -began her career as a professional singer, drummer, harmonica player, and comic on the black vaudeville circuit and later settled in Houston where she sang in black nightclubs In the early 1950s arrived in los Angeles and began working with Johnny Otis, a greek american drummer

Honky Tonk Style

Born in oil boomtowns of texas and oklahoma after WW2 Loud bars were called honky tonks Music had to to loud and heard Songs were about the pleasures and problems of the honky tonk audience Sentimental or religious songs would nto have worked

Beach Boys

Brain Wilson inspired by the beatles album rubber soul produced what is arguable rocks first concept album pet sounds Released in mid 1966 Modest seller compared with some other beach boys albums Had an enormous impact on other musicians Paul McCartney affirmed that Pet sounds was the single greatest influence on the beatles landmark 1967 album sgt. peppers lonely hearts club band

Bossa nova

Brazillian genre, blend of samba rhythms and the west coast style of modern jazz Joao gilberto most often credited with initiatiing first recording of he genre made by antonio carlos jobim The girl from ipanema on the albume getz/gilberto sung by joao gilbertos wife astrud with stan getz on tenor saz -Biggest hit of the bossa nova era

Long tall sally

Built on the twelve bar blues adapted to reflect the more traditionally pop friendly format of verse chorus -the first four bars of each blues stanza are set to changing words verses while the remaining eight bars, with unchanging words, function as a repeated chorus

Swing and the Music business

By the late 1930s the record industry had begun to recover from the Great Depression and the rise of radio between '35 and '45 well over half of the records that sold more than a million copies were made by big dance bands Swing music pulled the American music industry out of the Great Depression

Features of Big Band Swing music

Call and Response -One of the signal features of swing music -Arrangers began treating the brass and reed instruments as separate sections and setting them off against on another Rhythmic feeling of swing music is more continuous and flowing -Bass uses a technique called walking the bass -Drummer plays all four beats on the bass drum (four on the floor) and a regular pattern on the largest cymbal (a ride cymbal)

Big Joe Turner and Shake Rattle and Roll

Called a blues shouter because of his spirited sometimes raucouc vocal delivery Born in Kansas City started out singing with local bands Partnership with boogie woogie pianist pete johnson in the late thirties made him nationally famous From 45 to 51 made recordings with many different labels before singing with atlantic in 51 Shake Rattle and Roll was turners biggest rock n toll record for atlantic

Benny Goodman

Career boosted by John Hammond -Hammond an influential jazz enthusiast and promoter was an A&R (artists and repertoire) man with columbia records Hammond arranged Goodmans first recording dates with columbia He pushed the band in the direction of the more strongly jazz influenced music played by most black dance bands

Independent Labels

Chess Records most important blues race label Signed the most popular blues recording artists including muddy waters and howlin wolf Founded by Leonard and Phil Chess (Polish Jewish imigrants) Atlantic Records Founded in 47 by ahmet ertegun son of the former turkish ambassador to the united states and her abramson former A&R man for national records Based in New York City Artist roster included Ruth Brown, Big Joe Turner, Ray Charles, Ben E. King, and Otis Redding

Early Rock n Roll starts Three prominent african americans performing in rock: R&B side

Chuck Berry -Addressed his songs to teenage American (White and Black) in the 50s Little Richard -Outrageous performance style attracted attention through strangeness, novelty and sexual ambiguity Fats Domino -Most directly embodied the continuity of R&B with rock n roll

Independent Levels

Chuck Berry. little richard, and fats domino all achieved their successes recording on independent labels. -chuck berry - chess in chicago -Little Richard- specialty records in hollywood -Fats Domino- imperial in los angeles

Charlie Brown

Combines aspects of two formal designs AABA structure and twelve bar blues A section are twelve bar blues stanzas -Divide the twelve bars into a verse chorus structure -Four bars of verse followed by eight bars of chorus The twelve bar blues stanzas start off with vocal solos -A continuous full accompaniment does not join in until the fifth bar of the structure The B section in contrast is eight bars providing a harmonic and rhythmic release from the succession of blues structures.

You cant hurry love

Composed by Holland- Dozier- Holland, produced by brian holland and lamont dozier Performed by the supremes The formal structure of the song reflects the meaning

Be My Baby

Composed by Phil Spector, Ellie Greenwich and Jeff Barry Performed by the Ronettes Number two 1963 This was one of the biggest hits among the many produced by Spector. It is an excellent illustration of Spectors wall of sound -Full orchestral string section, pianos, full array of rhythm instruments, background chorus Single but effective verse chorus form

Honky tonk style

Country musicians adapted traditional instruements and playing techniques to the rowdy atmosphere of the juke joint The typical instrumentation of a honky tonk band included a fiddle a steel guitar a takeoff guitar a string bass and a piano The guitar were electronically amplified Musicians played with a percussive insistent beat well suited to dancing Honky tonk vocal styles were often directly emotional

Cover versions and Early Rock n Roll

Cover versions -Copies of previously recorded performances often adaptations of the originials style and sensibility, and usually aimed at cashing in on their success Often Bowdlerized imitations of RB songs Usually performed by white singers such as Pat Boone Helped fuel the market for Rock N Roll

Hank Thonpson

Created a popular variation of honky tonk music by combining it with elements of western swing His biggest hit was the wild side of life number one on the country charts for fifteen weeks in 52

Latin music in the Swing Era

Crucial period for the development of Latin music in the US Led to the rise of the mambo latin jazz and decades later, salsa music Great number of latin american musicians immigrated to new york city

ASCAP the AFM and the decline of the Big Bands

Decline of the Big Bands -The swing era lasted almost exactly a decade, ending almost as suddenly as it had begun -By the close of 1946, many of the top dance bands in the country had either broken up or formed smaller more economical units -Related to changes in the music business as well as shifts in popular musical taste

Rhythm and Blues

Described music performed almost exclusively by black artists for sale to african american audiences A looser cluster of styles rooted in southern fold tradition -Swing influenced jumo bandsd, tin pan alley style love songs performed by crooners, various styles of urban blues, gospel influenced vocal harmony groups

Muddy Waters

Discovered in the mississippi delta by allan lomaz in 41 Moved to chicago in 43 Played both acoustic and electric slide guitar The single greatest influence on the british blues boom in the 60s


Distantly modeled on country song Ida Red -Primary elements have roots in R&B -Thick buzzing timbre of Berrys electric guitar Blues notes and slides in both voice and guitar Socking backbeat of the drum Derived from twelve bar blues structures

Nashville sound

During the 1960s country musicians opted for a new sophisticated approach to the vocal presentation and instrumental approach to the vocal presentation and instrumental arrangement of country music This approach came to be known as -Countrypolitan a fusion of country and cosmopolitan Nashville was at the center of this development and the style was often called the nashville sound

Southern music in the post war era

During the late 30s and the 40s millions of people had migrated from the rural south in search of employment in defense related industries This migrant population greatly expanded the target audience for southern derived music Race music and Hillbilly music underwent a series of name changes In 49 billboard began using the terms rhythm and blues and country and western

Bob Dylan

Dylan stood out, imagery and metaphor, frequently searing intensity of feeling, quirky sense of irony Influenced by Woody Guthrie

Country Crooners

Eddy arnold The most popular country crooner -Dominated the country charts from 47 to 54 and scored eleven top 40 hits on the pop charts Key elements of his style are evident from his early recordings -Smooth warm baritone voice -Propensity for sentimental songs

Individualistic approach to Writing

Ellington experiemented with the same basic musical resources as other big band arrangers -Devised unusual musical forms -Combined instruments in unusual ways -Created complex distinctive tone colors -Wrote for extreme registers of instruments -Wrote dissonant chord voicings Ellingtons experiements were aided by the remarkable stability of his band -He grew to know the individual players strengths and weaknesses -He wrote parts specifically for particular musicians

Bugalu or latin soul

Emerged n New York City as a fusion of the rumba and mambo with black american popular music Biggest hit was Watermelon Man recorded by Ramon Mongo santamaria El Watusi bu ray barretto and his charanga moderna -Pop char success largely as a result of the watusi dance craze

Chubby Checker

Evans a former poultry plucker signed to philadelphia based parkwat records in 58 His cover of the twist in 60 reached number one The cond and the dance step were promoted on Dick Clarks nationally broadcast television program American Bandstand The twist was essentially an individual noncontract dance without any real steps

Less Commercial Success

Even though Ellington was well respected as a composer an had some big hits he had less commercial success than other band leaders Ellington was socially conscious and felt his music was meant to reflect the experiences of Black America His music is regarded today as the highest level of American arT

Im so lonesome i could cry

Evokes the flavor of old timey country music: Waltz like triple meter straightforward strophic form the vocals have an intensity that brings the pain behind the words to life The vocals have sustained vowel sounds placed on the downbeats

Western Swing

Exerted a permanent influence on country music after WW2 Introduction of amplified steel guitar and drum set -The incorporation f African American and Latin American musical influences -The emphasis placed in live performances on improvised instrumental solos called takeoffs

"Wrappin' it up"

Fletcher Henderson- recorded in New York The Henderson band is considerably larger than most syncopated dance bands of the 1920s -Five brass instruments -Four reed instruments -Rhythm section consisting of piano, bass, drums, and guitar -Total of 13 musicians

Thatll Be the day

Form -Structured like a typical pop song, alternating verses and choruses of eight bars each -At the instrumental break the crickets play a twelve bar blues pattern On some later records like Oh bot and Peggy sue Holly used a twelve bar blues structure for the song itself

Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys

Formed by Brian Wilson his two brothers a cousin and a friend in hawthorne california Brian wilson was the guiding spirit of the band during the groups first decade The defining model of the beach boys -Create original material based on and extending early rock styles. Branch out beyond the forms, sounds, and lyrics of traditional rock n roll to create something truly unique

Bill Haley

Former DJ and western swing bandleader from pennsylvania Dropped his cowboy image changed the name of his accompanying group from the saddlemen to the comets The comets were signed by Decca Records Moved towards the RB jump band sound -Encouraged by AR man milt Gabler


Frank Grillo Maracas

Cotton Club in Harlem

From 1927 to 1931 the ellington band appeared at the Cotton Club in Harlem The band often had to accompany exotic revenues and Ellington developed a style that he called jungle music characterized by -Dense texture -unusual harmonies -muted growling sounds in the brass

In The Mood

Glenn Miller Number one on the charts for 12 weeks best known recording of the swing era tune based on a short riff featured in the saxophones twelve bar blues with an eight bar bridge Famous improvised trumpet solo later transcribed and permanently written in the music Trick ending with the ban getting quieter and quieter and then exploding into a big finish

"Wrappin it up"

Great example not only of the rythmic flow and texture of swing music but also of the balance between simplicity and complexity that characterizes the best big band arranging. -The arrangement was later provided to Benny Goodman who recorded it in 1938

The Grateful Dead

Helped with the transition from urban folk music to folk rock to acid rock adopted electric instruments lived communally in the haight ashbury district participated in public LSD parties The devoted fans of the grateful dead they were a social phnomenon unparalleled in the history of american popular music

Mexican style music

Herp Alpert and the Tijuana Brass -Ameriachi sound -10 albums in the billboard top ten between 1965 and 1968 the lonely bull

Frank Sinatra

His singing style combined the crooning style of Bing Crosby with the bel canto technique of Italian Opera He was influenced by female jazz and cabaret singers such as Billie Holiday and Mabel Mercer

Buddy Holly

Holly's vocal style exhibits of both fine country singing and fine blues singing full of country twang and hiccups Expressive blues notes Mixture of toughness and vulnerability The Crickets instrumental lineup -Two electric guitars (lead and rhythm), bass, and drums, provided strong support for Holly's voice During instrumental breaks Holl's lead guitar playing was active riff based and hard edged in a way that reflected the influence of Chuck Berry

Big Bands

Hundreds of large dance orchestras directed by celebrity bandleaders dominated the national hit parade Many of the bands crisscrossed the country in buses playing for dances and concerts at local dance halls, theaters, and colleges

The Rolling Stones

I cant get no satisfaction -Perhaps their most famou hit record, number one in 65, composed by band members mick jagger and keith richards, memorable buzzing guitar hook, unrelenting beat, inabashedly self orientated and ultimately sexual lyrics, the song perfectly exemplifies the distinctive low down hard rocking essence of both the rolling stones.

Kansas City

In the 1920s Kansas city was still a frontier town Many of the greatest jazz musicians honed their improvisational skills in Kansas City at competitive all night jam sessions -Provided a chance for budding virtuosos to test their musical skills and endurance against one another During the 1920s and early 1930s, black dance bands in Kansas city had developed their own distinctive approach to playing hot dance music

Beatles: Yesterday

Instrumentation- acoustic guitar and strings Distinguishing feature of Beatles style -Reference to popular style -Emphasis on melody -Imaginative Instrumentation -Responsiveness to text AABABA- variation of Tin Pan Alley thirty two bar AABA form

Eleanor Rigby

Instrumentation: string quartet- violins, viola, cello The lyrics desccribe two lonely people whose lives have been exercises in futility The harmony emphasizes the feeling of loneliness by alternating between two chords without reaching a goal The melody does not lead anywhere there is no sense of melodic development Verse-Chorus form- alternation of a persistent refrain and narrative

The Swing Era 1935 to 1945

Jazz inspired music called swing initially developed in the late 1920s by black dance bands in New York, Chicago, and Kansas City The word Swing derives from African American English

Glen Miller

Joined the army air corps in 1942 led a band in the military was killed during world war 2 when his plane went down over the english channel

Buddy Holly

Killed in a plane crash in 59 along with richie valens and the big bopper The beatles modeled their insect based name their four piece instrumental lineup, and aspects of their vocal style on the crickets

Louis Jordan

Led the most famous jump band they tympany five Began making recordings for Decca Records in 39 The first jump band musician to appeal to a mass audience Flamboyant style and humorous lyrics His ensemble setup -two trumpets, two saxophones, bass, piano, and drums- became the standard for R&B

The brill building; Rock n rolls Tin Pan Alley

Located at 1619 broadway in New York City which once house Tin Pan Alley publishers During the 1960s home to a new wave of pop rock songwriting teams Singer songwriters and songwriting teams -Barry mann and Cynthia Weill -Carole kinf and Gerry Goffin -Neil Sedaka and Howard Greenfield

"Choo Choo ch' Boogie"

Louis jordans biggest hit Released in 46 by Decca records topped the R&B charts for an amazing eighteen weeks reached number seven on billboards pop hit list and sold over two million copies Exemplifies key elements of the jump blues style of R&B Cowritten by milt gabler jordans producer and two country and western musicians who worked at a radio station in New York City

Great Speckled Bird

Lyrics -Composed by a southern preacher -Portray the church as an embattled group of individuals -The speckled bird is a metaphor for the church, a sign of Gods word, and a wehicle for the salvation of the faithful Based on Jeremiah

Popular Music and technology

Magnetic tape -Better sound quality than previous methods of recording -Recordings could be edited and overdubbed Battle of the Speeds -In 48 columbia records introduced twelve inch 33 1/3 rpm, long playing disks -In 49, RCA Vistor introduced seven inch 45 rpm discs the format for hit singles Radio -Increase influence of disk jockeys on popular music The first commercial FM broadcast took place in 39

Country Music in the Swing Era

Millions of white southerners migrated in search of industrial employment, forming enclaves in urban centers and creating a new urban audience for hillbilly music -At the same time the appeal of country music also appears to have spread among many people who were not born in the south Listeners throughout the century were exposed to country music on the radio

Women in R&B: Ruth Brown

Miss rhythm began her professional career at the age of sixteen in 49 signed with the new independent label atlantic records inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame

Listening Hootchie Cootchie Man

Muddy Waters 53 Features Muddy's lineup in the early 50s -two electric guitars -bass, drums -amplified harmonica Combined blues form with strophic verse chorus structure Typical Chicago electric/ urban blues

Motown Records

Named after the Motor Town of Motor City of Detroit the automobile production capital of the America Founded in 1960 by Berry Gordy Became the first black owned and controlled indie record company to rise to major label status The core group of backing musicians for the label were known as the funk brothers. They played on more hits than the beatles elvis presley and the rolling stones combined


New Yorks Harlem had many famous nightclubs and dance halls -The savoy Ballroom -The cotton Club -The apollo theatre Originally populated by European immigrant groups by the late 1920s Harlem was home to a substantial well-educated and relatively prosperous black middle class

The Rolling Stones

Of all the British invasion acts other than the Beatles the Rolling Stones have had the greatest cumulative influence in America They cultivated an image as bad boys in deliberate contrast to the friendly public image projected by the beatles

Boogie Woogie

One important influence on the rhythmic conception of the Kansas city bands was the boogie woogie blues piano tradition Sprang up in the southwest territory Developed in the environment of the barrelhouses Solo pianists developed a powerful style that could be heard over the crowd noise

Mills Brothers

One of the first black musical groups to broadcast on network radio and score commercial success in mainstream pop market

Cover version by the Crew Cuts

One of the most famous cover versions of the era -Number One for nin weeks in 1954 -No Sax solo group nonsense syllable singing and timpani stroke -Sounds more like a novelty record -Crooner Style

Traditional Ethos of Great Speckled Bird

One source of its great appeal to southern born listeners Reinforced by Acuffs straightforward unadorned vocal performance The sixteen bar strophe is performed a total of five times The melody of Great Speckled Bird is similar to that of...


Original elements -explosive tempo, the lyrics describe a lovers quarrel in the form of a car chase, humorous details, Breathless ending in which the singer catches maybellene in her cadillac at the top of a hill Implied class distinction in the lyrics

Herman (Little Junior) Parker and Mystery Train

Original version recorded in 53 by Herman Parker -Singer songwriter and harmonica player -His RB band little junior's blue flames recorded mystery train for sam philips sun label in memphis tennessee RB instrument lineup typical of the era: electric guitar acoustic bass, piano, drums, and saxophone -The chugging rhythm conveys a trains steady inexorable momentum

The chords and Sh-Boom

Orignial version composed and performed by the chords Good example of the RB vocal group style -Number two RB number five pop in 1954 -Standard AABA love ballad with unexpected elements in the arrangement and performance

Nancy with the laughing face

Peaked at number ten on the billboard charts String instruments dominate the instrumental accompaniment Conventional thirty two bar AABA form -Cowritten by the Tin Pan Alley veteran jimmy van heusen and television and film comedian phil silvers in honor of the birth of Sinatra daughter Nancy

Nature Boy

Performed by Nat king cole -recorded in 48, held the number one position on the billboard pop charts for eight weeks The song is in a minor key -Infrequent in mainstream popular music -Associated in the popular imagination with sadness, longing, and exotic images of the orient

It might dark to travel

Performed by bill monroe and the blue grass boys Recordedin nashville Classic example of bluegrass a blend of angle american string band music Traditional singing of the appalachian mountains influences from black music especially the blues Breakneck tempos sophisticated vocal harmony arrangements, and impressive instrumental proficiency demonstrated on the mandolin, banjo, and fiddle

Paper Doll

Performed by the Mills brothers Their biggest hit record Sold over 6 million copies Stayed on the pop charts for 36 weeks twelve at Number One A sophisticated vocal arrangement of a tin pan alley love song originally written in 1915

Listening "My girl"

Performed by the temptations Moderate tempo love balladin verse chorus form

James Brown

Please please please strophic form "say it loud- im black and im proud" for all intents and purposes a rap number- a striking anticipation of important black music to come Browns records are sampled by hip hop artists more than those of any other musician Borwn exults and excels in live performance

Hound Dog

Presleys version of a song that had been a major R&B hit in 1953 for Big Mama Thornton on the other side of Dont Be Cruel Big Mama Thornton's version is full of sexual innuendo Such sexual implications are gone in Preseley's rendition

Simon and Garfunkel

Producer changed their song and it became a number 1

Elvis Presley

RCA Victor -brought out Presley's contract from sun in late 55 for 35000 -Turned the hillnilly cat into a mainstream performer without compromising his appeal to teenagers. Presleys manager Colonel Thomas Parker saw to it that Presley was seen repeatedly on television variety shows and in a series of romantic Hollywood films

Targeting Young People

Record companies began to target young people for the first time. People under 21 made up one third of the total record buying population of the united states Many hit records of the 40s and 50s wer romantic songs performed by crooner with an orchestral back up Larger record companies (Columbia, Decca, and RCA) were focusing their attention on mainstream pop

Phil Spector: Producer as Artist

Recorded at Gold Star Studios in Los Angeles with a group of studio musicians known as the wrecking crew Preferred the sound of female vocal groups and spearheaded the rise in popularity of the girl group phenomenon of the early 1960s Retired from steady writing and production work in 66 -By age 25 his star was on the wane and he became a troubled recluse

Bill Haley and the Comets

Recorded commercially successful cover versions of RB hits in the mid 1950s Largest success came in 1955 with rock around the clock the first record to become a #1 pop hit Recorded in 54 and not a big hit when first released -popularized in 55 a blackboard jungle a film about inner city teenagers and juvenile delinquency

A chance on Love

Recorded in 1940 by the Benny Goodman Orchestra A fletcher Henderson arrangement of a Tin Pan Alley son Vocal by Helen Forrest AABA form

The Wild Side of Life

Recorded in hollywood Written by william warren and arlie carter basedon warrens personal experiences with a honky tonk angel Reflects major theme in honky tonk music -Dislocations of urban working class life -Transience of male female relationships

The Electric guitar

Rock N Roll elevated the electric guitar to a central position in American Popular music Engineers began to experiment with electronically amplified guitars in the 20s The solid body guitar -Developed after WW2 -First used in RB blues and country bands Came into the mainstream with a somewhat dubious reputation -Carryover from the medieval European association of stringed instruments with the devil -Associated with the music of marginalized regions and people

Rock n Roll Business

Sales of record players and radios expanded significantly after the war Total annual record sales in the united states rose from 191 million in 51 to 514 million in 59 Gradual diversification of mainstream popular taste and the reemergence of independent record companies

Changing the world: The Beatles

Sgt. Peppers lonely hearts club band Redirected attention from the single song recording to the record album

Urban Folk Music

Showed up on the pop charts in the early 1950s Combined a number of seemingly contradictory tendencies Inspired by rural folk music yet performed by urban intellectuals Drew inspiration from the populist protest songs of Woody Guthrie yet was used by the record industry to generate millions of dollars in profits

Atlantic Records

Signed by atlantic records -atlantic producers ahmet ertegun and jerry wexler encouraged her to record strong material well suited to her particular voice 13million sellers and 13 top 10 pop hits "Respect" Composed by Otis redding each strophe builds effectively to the crucial word respect at which point the backing group joins in call and response with franklin

Paper Doll

Slow Section - refrain Guitar Introduction A B Fast section - double time feel A B

Chuck Berry

Songs became celebrations of American Teenage culture and its music -Roll over beethoven praises RB at the expense of classical music School day Rock and Roll music Sweet little sixteen Johnny B Goode

Gordys image for motown

Soul music based on the doo wop vocal group tradition Slick cosomopolitan sound- appealing to the ear Carefully constructed musical arrangements overseen by Gordy In-House songwriting and production teams for a sense of sonsistency

The Texas Playboys

Southern String Band music Old fiddle tunes and other types of dance songs Combined with elements from big band swing including call and response riffs and instruments such as trumpets saxophones and the drum set

Phil Spector

Spector became an assistant to Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller, he co produced Stand By Me by Ben E. King as age 21 he was in charge of his own independent label Philles records -He supervised every aspect of his records' sound

Son of the pioneers

Started as a vocal trio -at the instigation of Len Slye who later left the group and became a film star under the name Roy Rogers The sons of pioneers sang in many cowboy movies and represented the cosmopolitan end of western music

Cool Water

Strophic form Repeated chorus sung in unison by three men

One O clock Jump

Structure of the tune -then choruses of twelve bar blues -the basic arranging technique heavy use of riffs and call and response patterns divided between the brass and reeds -A succession of improvised jazz solos -The closest thing to a melody does not appear until the next to last chorus

Soul Music

Stylistically soul music combined the following elements From gospel music: high soaring vocals, highly decorated emotional vocal techniques, call and response between lead singer and backup singers, smooth choreographed dance movement, hand clapping From Rock n Roll: drumming patterns, rebellious attitudes, songs directed at younger audiences From Rhythm and Blues: lyric style, dialect, instrumentation

Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys

Surfin Safari Surfer girl The warmth of the sun California Girls

Hank Williams

Symbol of the honky tonk style Most significant figure to emerge in country music during the immediate post WW2 period His vocal style blended elements of blues gospel and traditional country singing

Rock n roll

Term derived from the many references to rockin and rollin in RB songs and race records Sexual implication, which eventually faded -Came to refer simply to a type of music

Elvis Presley

Thats alright mystery train The biggest rock n roll star to come from the country side of the music

Territory Bands

The Bennie and Moten Orchestra and Walter Page's Blue Devils toured the southwestern United States developing a hard swinging powerful style with lots of room for improvised solos Linked to the country blues tradition Relied heavily on riffs Less formal music education- looser less precise feeling Relied Heavily on Head Charts arrangements that evolved during jam sessions and were written down only later Tended to swing more intensely and with greater abandon than the East Coast dance bands

Dance Styles

The Lindy hop Named in honor of Charles Lindberghs solo transatlantic flight

Xavier Cugat

The bandleader who did the most to popularize latin mnusic during the swing era Spanish born violinist bandleader film star and unabashed showman aka the rhumba king Band at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York -Training ground for latin music stars including Desi Arnaz of I love Lucy fame

Brian Wilsons journey

The beach boys first top 10 hit, the famous surfin USA simply borrows the mmusic of Chuck Berrys Sweet Little Sixteen with new words The Beach boys' next hit surfer girl reinvigorated the sound and spirit of the doo wop ballade by infusing it with california beach content


The big radio networks were feuding with ASCAP over royalties in 1940 the radio networks formed a rival licensing agency broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI) BMI allowed songwriters outside of tin pan alley to collect Royalties form the rise of their songs in the broadcast media -This boosted country and western and rhythm and blues musicians in 1941 ASCAP called a strike withdrawing the rights to broadcast and material composed by their members In 42 the American Federation of Musicians called a strike against the recording companies In the end, the strike put many dance band musicians out of work.

Songwriters and producers of Early Rock N Roll

The boundaries that separated songwriters and performers began to blur in the early years of rock n rolls mainstream success The roots of rock n roll lie in R&B and country music -Performers often wrote their own songs -Songwriters frequently performed and recorded their own works Of the five early rock n roll stars we have discussed in detail only Elvis Presley did not regularly write his own material The independent songwriter became less important -A major shift brought about by the rock n roll revolution

Nancy with the laughing face

The brief orchestral introduction begins with four bars of waltz rhythm (three beats per bar) then shifts into the four beat meter of the song Sinatras voice is relaxed and unforced with warmth and a slight vibrato

The Wall of Sound

The characteristic Philles sound was remarkably danse yet clear. It became known as the wall of sound -Multiple instruments doubling each part of the arrangement -Huge amount of echo known as reverberation or reverb -Carefully controlled balance so that the vocals were pushed clearly to the front The thick texture and presence of strings on these records led them to be called teenage symphonies

American Pop and the British Invasion

The decade of the 1960s was one of the most disruptive controversial and violent eras in American Histroy -Civil rights movement -Vietname War -Assassinations of John F. Kennedy and the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. Popular music played an important role in defining the character and spirit of this decade Rock n roll developed into rock

Post War Era

The entertainment industry grew rapidly after the war By 1947 record companies achieved retail sales of over 241 million Independent record labels became an important force in the entertainment industry

The Counterculture and psychedelic rock

The explosive entrance of fol rock into american popular culture coincided with the development of innovative approaches to rock n roll This was also a period of increasing political restlessness and ferment in the united states

Bill monroe

The father of bluegrass music -Bluegrass music is a style rooted in the venerable southern string band tradition in 1935 formed a duet wuth his brother charlie started his own group the blue grass boys and the following year joined the cast of the grand ole opry

Jump blues

The first commercially succcessful category of R&B During the war the leaders of some big bands were forced to downsize Specialized in hard swinging boogie woogie based party music spiced with humorous lyrics and wild stage performances

Kitty Wells

The first female superstar of country music Her repuation was spread by network radio appearances kitty wells specialized in songs of love and betrayal with titles like playing for that back street affair Disc jockeys voted to dub kitty wells the queen of country music

Gene Autry

The first sucessful singing cowboy Born in Texas Recieved a boost from regular appearances on the National Barn Dance broadcast nationwide from the Chicago radio station WLS The big shift came in 34 when Autry moved to hollywood and got a bit part in a cowboy movie

Rise of Big Singers

The focus of popular attention had shifted away from celebrity instrumentalists and bandleaders toward a new generation of vocalists. Many of the top vocalists started their careers during the swing era The musicians' union recording ban of 42-44 did not apply to vocalists -Many of the vocalists sang under their own names, many times with choral accompaniment

Mama he treats your daughter mean

The form is another example of the blending of blues and tin pan alley derived forms -the twelve barform here is expanded by adding four extra bars in the middle of the song Browns vocal style -Warm, somewhat husky tone -Strong Rhythmic feeling -Little upward squeals at the ends of words such as mama man and understand

James Brown

The god father of soul and soul brother number one Rough restrained vocals, relentless rhythms, active open textures

Benny Goodman

The goodman band appeared on the NBC radio show lets dance The goodman band embarked on a tour in the summer of 1935 The tour did not begin successfully They were a huge success at the Palomar Ballroom in Los Angeles. West Coast Audiences had heard the band on the lets dance radio show This Success signaled the birth of the swing era

Hank Williams

The hard living hard loving rambling life that Hank williams led had its price Divorce Fired from Grand Ole Opry Dependent on alcohol and painkillers Died on new years day after suffering a heart attack in the back of his car on the way to a performance

The singing Cowboy

The heroic image of the old cowhand was adopted by many country musicians during the depression years as a substitute for the often denigrated image of the hillbilly Many country singers whatever their place of birth wore cowboy hats and shirts and adopted nicknames such as tex slim hank or the lone cowboy

Benny Goodman

The king of Swing Born in chicago the son of working class eastern European Jewish immigrants Made his first records under his own name in 1927 Freelance musician during the depression years

Cover version by Elvis Presley for Sun records

The last record that elvis made with sam philips before he signed with RCA Victor More aggressive and raw than the original. The expression of a young white singer looking with optimism toward an essentially unbounded furture, flush with new possibilities for stylistic synthesis that would help ensure both intensely satisfying personal expression and an unprecedented degree of popular success.

Listening to shake rattle and roll

The lyrics wre bowdlerized by produce Milt Gabler to ensure airplay on white radio stations This song was only a minor hit when it was released

The mambo craze

The mambo was the most popular form of latin dance music in the US in the years just before the rise of rock n roll -Associated in the popular imagination with romance, excitement, and excess -In fact a tightly regimented musical form

Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller

The most innovative songwriting-producing team of the early rock n roll years not recording artists Began writing R&B songs as teenagers Wrote and produced many hits for Elvis Presley Worked with one of the most popular vocal groups of this period the coasters

Roy Claxton Acuff

The most popular hillnilly singer of the swing era -Formed his own band, the crazy tennesseans -Joined the regular cast of Grand Ole Opry and soon became its biggest star Performed in a style that was self consciously rooted in southern folk music -His band used instruments from the southern string band tradition, including the fiddle, banjo, and guitar

Nat "King" Cole

The most successful black recording artist of the postwar period In both musical and commercial terms the greatest postwar crooner He made his first recording in 36 in the sold swingers a jazz band led by his his brother Eddie Cole


The most successful instrumental group associated with surf rock Seattle based ensemble Adopted aspects of the style after it became popular in California The Ventures hit number four with Hawaii Five o Theme song of the hit TV show Featured on american bandstand

Urban Fold Music

The music of the common people, expressing the feelings of the poeple of a particular region the lyrics hold more significance than the music, although the melodies of some fol songs are very beautiful -elvis and early rick n roll fans were maturing rock was juvenile -folk music offered a more serious look at society and culture -encouraged group singing -protest folks offered lyrics relevant to the newly discovered social and political ideas of maturing audiences

Damado Perez Prado

The musician who did the most to popularize the mambo throughout lating america and the US -Born in cuba -Influenced by American Big Band recordings -Crossed over to a non latin audience with hits such as mambo no 5 and cherry pink and apple blossom white

Other British Invasion Bands

The other british invasion acts hat had a long term impact in America started as the Beatle did: with firm roots in American R&B and rock n roll One the whole, the rolling stones, the animals, the who, the kinks, and eric clapton remained closer to these roots during their careers than the beatles did

Aretha Franklin

The queen of soul daughter of evangelist and singer reverend CL Franklin sang in her father gospel church choir Discovered by John Hammond

Patti Page

The singin rage She was known for blending pip and country sensilities Sold more records than any other female singer of the early 50s -Had success with love songs and novelties like the doggie in the window Her biggest hit was recording of the tennesse waltz -Number one on the pop charts for thirteen weeks -sold more than six million copies

The Beattles

The started out as a performing band modeled on Buddy Hollys group the crickets

The Rise of Rhythm and Blues and the teenage market

The target audience for rock n roll during the 1950s consisted of baby boomers, american born after WW2 Much younger target audience Shared some important characteristics of group cultural identity New levels of racial tension in America -supreme court decision in Brown v. Board of education mandating the end of racial segregation in public schools

Choo Choo Ch Boogie

The title of the song draws a parallel between the motion of a train and the rocking rhythm of boogie woogie music Boogie woogie provided an important link between R&B and country music during the postwar period

The twist

The twist began as the B-side of a 1959 single by the veteran R&B group Hank Ballard and the midnighters -the twist was a teen oriented rock n toll song using a twlelve bar blues structure that featured a simple hipswiveling dance step Ballards indie label king did not promote the song and instead promoted the A-side of the single "teardrops on your letter" which peaked at number eighty nine on billboards" hot 100 chart

"Wrappin it up"

Thirty two bar ABAC structure Into eight measures -Bars 1-4: brass and reeds play call and response figures -Bars 5-8: Brass and reeds play shorter call and response figures then play together to lead into the main body of the arrangement

Hound dog

Thortons deep raspy commanding voice projects a stark image of female power rarely if ever expressed in popular music of the 50s The bluntness of the lyrics is reinforced by the musical acccompaniment The tempo is relaxed and the performance is energetic but loose The basic form of the song is twelve bar blues

The latin stream in the 1960s

Three distinct tributaries of Latin influence on mainstream popular music emerged between 26 and 66 Buglau or latin soul Bossa nova Mexican music

Dance music and Teenage Symphonies

Three important treands emerged in the early 60s 1. A new kind of social dancing developed inspired by the twist and other dance oriented records 2. Members of the first generation to grow up with rock n roll were beginining to assume influential positions in the music industry 3. The Tin Pan Alley system wes reinvented for the new music and new audiences

The Weavers

Three members of the group including seeger were accused of being communists during the early 1950s (their main accusor later admitted that he had fabricated the charges and went to prison for perjury) Decca record unwilling to withstand the heat, dropped their contract and the Weavers never again appeared on the pop music charts

La Bamba

Traditional Mexican Folk Song -In the style of Son Jarocho a fiery, up tempo genre that alternated vocal refrains with rapid improvisational passages accompanied by an ensemble of stringed instruments

Glenn Miller

Trombonist/bandleader from 39 to 42 the Miller Orchestra was the most popular dance band in the world most of his songs are still popular with swing dancers

Like A rolling Stone

Unique timbre and sound for the time Strophic Strophes are long The verse portion of the song are forty bars long. the chorus varies in length At six minutes the song was by far the longest 45 rpm pop single ever released up to that time

Chicago Electric Blues

Urban blues tradition of the post war era -derived more directly from the mississippi delta tradition of charley patton and robert johnson The rural blues tradition had almost completely died out as a commercial phenomenon by WW2 The old delta blues emerged in a reinvigorated electronically amplified form


Verse chorus form based on the twleve bar blues Chorus follows twelve var blues chord pattern Verse no chord changes all on home or tonic chord Voice delivers rapid fire lyrics using brief repetitive patterns of notes Verses build enormous tension so that when the choruses and chord changes return, there is a feeling of release and expansion

Good Vibrations

Virtually every aspect of the record is unusual. No name for the form, unique yet effective Wilson uses a rich sound palette to communicate the sensuous experience that is the essential subject matter of good vibrations Mmeorable melodic hooks and a wide colorful palette of chords Extremely costly recording to produce Milestone in the developing history or rock production

New San Antonio Rose

Vocal Section -AABA -Supported with soft harmonies in the brass and reeds -B section- trumpet duet in the style of a mexican mariachi band -A section - Concludes the arrangement a saxophone soli statement of the A section

Edward Kennedy (Duke) Ellington

Widely regarded as one of the most important American musicians of the 20th century Born in Washington DC the son of a navy blueprint maker Came from a middle class background and received formal musical training at a young age As a kid he hung around the bars and pool halls where ragtime pianists played

Great Speckled Bird

Widely regarded as the national anthem of country and western music Acuffs first hit record Recorded in Chicago in 1936 Acuff's rendition crossed over to the mianstream pop charts reaching number thirteen on the billboard hit parade in 1938

Good Vibrations

Wilson furthered his experimentation with the late 1966 single good vibrations which reached number one on the charts and has remained probably the Beach Boy's most famous song Written and produced by Brian Wilson Performed by the Beach Boys Innovative hit single

Brain Wilsons Journey from imitation through emulation to innovation

Wilson had moved past obvious emulation into a period of aggressive experiementation with his inherited styles and forms I get around -The beach boys' first number one record -Turns up tempo rock n roll anthem into a thoroughly individual kind of expression


Written by Ary Barroso performed by Xavier Cugat and His waldorf astoria orchestra one of the most recorded songs of all time Musical logic centered on two elements -Repeated syncopared pattern to create momentum and hook the listener -Sweeping almost cinematic melody with an ABCD form Juztaposes European song composition and the vitality of Afro Brazilian music

Cool Water

Written by Bob Nolan; performed by sons of the pioneers Bestseller in the country music market Features the vocal trios smooth carefully rehearsed harmonies

New San Antonio Rose

Written by Bob Wills performed by Bob Wills and His Texas Playboys The biggest hit, a country bestseller, reached number 11 on the pop charts The performance exemplifies the unique blend of stylistic elements achieved by Wills

Hound Dog

Written by Jerry Lieber and Mike Stoller Sung by big mama thorton one of the top selling RB record of 53 number one for seven weeks

Mama he treats your daughter mean

Written by Johnny Wallace, Herbert J. Lance and Charles Singleton Performed by Ruth Brown Released in 53 Held the number one position on the RB charts for five weeks in 53 nd reached number twenty three on the pop charts

Mambo no. 5

Written by perez prado performed by perez prado and his orchestra Modular form constructed out of a small number of melodic rhythmic building blocks Prado himself contributed not only on piano but also by dancing leaping and shouting onstage

One O' Clock Jump

Written count Basie and Harry James Performed by Count Basie and His Orchestra Recorded in 1937 by Decca Example of the Kansas City Bands relaxed but energetic rhythmic approach -emphasis on jazz improvisation -Reliance on informal and flexible head arrangements

Vocal Harmony groups

although this tradition is today sometimes called doo wop the earliest performers did not use this term -During the postwar era, variants of the African american vocal harmony tradition both sacred and secular moved into the R&B market


ballads of broad appeal not "teen" records Her vocal style while sophisticated still retained hints of rural bluesy inflections Croonin backup vocals sounded like pop music high register piano sounded like honkytonk country music She died in a plane crash in 63

Patsy Cline

began her career as a hit maker in 57 with her recording of walkin after midnight which was successful both on country and pop charts In 61 she had two big crossover hits, I fall to pieces and crazy

Antoine "fats" Domino

born and raised in New Orleans An established presence on the R&B charts for several years before scoring rock n roll hits pop breakthrough was in 55 with aint that a shame

Ray charles

born in albany georgia, blind from age 6, originally got into music in seattle during the 40s leading a jazz trio in the clubs on jackson street, the sounds was based around Nat King Cole trio. He signed with Atlantic Records and scored several RB hits

Papas got a brand new bag

browns most successful pop record Riffs in brass Syncopation Percussive style of playing guitar bass and brass Call and response twelve bar blues form broken up with an eight bar bridge Complex interlocking polyrhythms

paps got a brand new bag

chapter 10

Blowin in the wind

dylans adaptation of the old negro no more auction black vocal style was nasal cutting and harsh strophic form syncopation of lyrics adds rhythmic weight to the most pointed words in the song

Richard Wayne Penniman (little richard)

early career as an R&B performer -hit the pop charts in the 56 with the cong tutti frutti -Delivered in an uninhibited shouting style complete with falsetto whoops Epitomized the abandon celebrated in rock n roll lyrics and music - the sound of his recordings and the visual characteristics of his performances made little richard a strong influence on later performances

The Texas Playboys

established itself in Tulsa Oklahoma. making daily radio appearances playing nightly in a local ballroom and touring in southweat territories relocated to cali

Antoine Fats Domino

first african american to beat white cover versions in the mid 50s recorded a number of standards in contrast to artists like chuck berry and little richard 56 remake of blueberry hill proved to be his most popular record recorded a rocking uptempo version of my blue heaven

Jefferson Airplane

first nationally successful band to emerge out of the san francisco psycheldelic scene The biggest Celeb. was vocalist Grace Slick who along with Janis Jopliin was one of the most important female musicians on the San Francisco scene "Somebody to love" Acid rock approach dense musical texture Plenty of volume and lots of electron distortion

Bob Dylan

first poet of mass media born in Minnesota took hi sstage name from his favorite poet, dylan thomas

Phil Spector: Producer as Artist

he established the role of the record producer as creative artist at age seventeen he has a number one record as a member of the vocal group the teddy bearws, whose hot song to know him is to love him he composed and produced.

The Genius of soul

highly skilled arranger exceptionally fine keyboard player Outstanding vocalist, had a distinctive timbre -first important soul artist

The moondog rock and roll party

in 1951 Freed histed a radio program on the independent station WJW in cleveland called the moondog rok and roll party WINS and New York City -Freed moved his very successful radio show to WINS in New York in 54

Preseleys Popularity

known as the king of rock n roll Elvis is the best selling solo artist in the history of popular music Elvis Presley's principal importance as a musical influence and innovator rests on his achievements during the early years of Rock n Roll

Janis Joplin

most successful whit blues singer of the 1960s Joined the band Big Brother and the holding company Joplins full tilt singing style and directness of expression inspired by blues singers such as bassie smith and by the RB recording of big mama thornton

Country and Western and R&B crossovers

much of the significantly popular r&B and country music did not cross over into the mainstream pop market during the late 50s and 60s Artists and records that appealed to select or regional audiences were much less likely to find their way onto the pop charts than those that managed to cut across such distinctions

Johnnie Ray

partially deaf since childhood rose to become one of the biggest international pop stars of the early 50s crowned the prince of wails and parodied as the guy with the rubber face and the squirt gun eyes His hit CRY reached number one on both the pop and RB hit parades -He was the only white performer to reach the top of the black charts between 1946 and 1956

Adaptation by Ritchie Valens

peformed and recorded in los angeles Lyrics in Spanish Helped create a distinctive Los Angeles Rock N Roll sound Sonic texture of the recording shaped by the unique tone quality of the instruments used Valens recording career lasted only 8 months cut short by the plane crash that also killed Buddy Holly and the Big Bopper

Charles recording stood out

played the piano with unmatched brilliance, used the best available studio musicians to accompany him, demanded the best out of everyone involved in his recordings "Whatd i say" and "georgia on my mind"

Choo Choo ch boogie

series of verses in twelve bar blues form alternated with an eight bar chorus Opens with a twelve bar instrumental introduction -a trumpet and tw saxophones imitate the sound of a train whistle The rhythm section establishes a medium tempo boogie woogie ehythm a shuffle twleve bar verse and eight bar chorus both sung by jordan Twelve bar boogie woogie piano solo Twenty bar saxophones solo instead of a piano solo

Goodnight Irene

sing along version of a song composed by Huddie Ledbetter The most successful of their recordings -Number one on the pop charts is 50 The strophic form of the song is clearly related to the folk ballad tradition with a series of verses and a recurring chorus

Rock N Roll

the advent of rock n roll during the mid 1950s brought about enormous changes in American popular music Styles previously considred on the margins of mainstream popular music were infiltrating the center and eventually came to dominate it. RB and country music recording were no longer geared toward a specialized market

Sixty minute man

the dominoes first big hit recorded in new york city and released by the independent label federal record in 51 A large part of the songs popularity was due to it lyrics whih catalogue the singers lovemaking technique in some detail

Have mercy baby

the dominoes pushed vocal group R&B firmly in the direction of a harder edged explicitly emotional sound it was the first record to combine -The twelve bar blues form -The driving beat of dance priented r&B and the intensely emotional flavor of black gospel singing

Eric Clapton

the most influential of the young british guitarists who emerged during the mid 1960s Member of the yardbirds band Clapton played in the band Cream- a major influence on early heavy metal music Crossroads written by robert johnson performed by Cream more indebted to post war urban blues and RB than to the delta style

Jimi Hendrix

the most original inventive and influential guitarist of the rock era the most prominent african american rock musician of the late 1960s Band named the Jimi Hendrix experience the creative employment of feedback distortion sound manipulating devices like the wah wah pedal and fuzz box aggressive dissonance and incredibly loud volume

How did the Lindy Hop Differ?

the older dances emphasized bouncy up and down movements the lindy was smoother with more fluid horizontal movements The lindy provided greater scope for improvisation including the breakaway a movement when dancers would part company and dance solo Hellzapoppin

Bob Wills

the seminal figure in the national popularization of western swing A fiddler from East Texas whose musical career ran from the 20s through the 60s Raised in a family of fiddle players wills played with several dance bands in the southwest before forming his own group the texas playobys

Soul Music

the term rhythm and blues disappeared from pop music vocabulary during the early 1960s and was replace by the term soul Sould music became the symbol of the black communitys effect to achieve cultural definition during the 60s Stylistically soul music combined -Gospel singing -rock n roll and -Rhythm and blues

The Dominoes

the vocal harmony group most responsible for moving away from the pop orientated sound of the mills brothers -created a harder edged sound more closely linked to black gospel music Led by vocal coach Billy Ward In 1950 ward started rehearsing with a number of his most promising students and a seventeen year old tenor singer named clyde mchphatter

Hey Good Lookin

written and performed by hank williams hey good lookin was a minor crossover hit danceable character and pop friendly thirty two bar AABA form borrowed from tin pan alley models Teen friendly lyrics that address cars dancing and young romance terms like hot rod ford soda pop go steady and date book

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