Music appreciation final
Which time period is generally considered the Renaissance period?
1450 - 1600
The dates given in this course for the Classical period are:
1750 - 1825
The following music excerpt features: (18:28-18:45) total play bar 35:31
A mixture of polyphonic and homophonic textures
The Baroque concerto is...
A piece that contrasts a soloist or group of soloists against an orchestra
The tempo in this example could be described as: (1:30-2:00) (full play bar 2:41)
Listen to the following selection. Which of the following Italian tempo terms best applies to this selection? (00:00-7:31)
Identify the event that did not occur during the Classical period:
American Civil Rights Movement
During the Baroque period, the musical feature that lent harmonic support to the main melodic line of a composition was called:
Basso continuo
A famous troubadour had an imaginative biography written about him, worked in the service of Eleanor of Aquitaine, and composed the song below. He was:
Bernart de Ventadorn
Which Classical genre is represented by this example? (00:00-00:51) full play bar 4:58
Chamber music
The Renaissance period saw inventions and developments that:
Changed the physical and intellectual landscape of Europe.
The following excerpt is most likely from a (1:30-2:02) total play bar 2:55
Collection of works for solo keyboard
Which one of the following is not a general characteristic of Romantic music:
Compositions were based on logic and controlled feelings.
Two important composers from the Renaissance period were:
Desprez and Palestrina
The trumpet melody in the following excerpt can be best described as: (3:27-3:30) full play bar 7:19
The direction of the following melody can be best described as: (00:25-00:31)
Downward at first and then static
Which of the following excerpts is an example of an aria? (00:16-00:46) full play bar 3:40
Example A
Listen to the following two examples from a piece in rondo form presented in the text. Which excerpt represents the Theme? (00:00-00:19) full play bar 4:25
Excerpt A
Which excerpt most likely represents theme and variations form? (00:00-15:33)
Excerpt A
Which piece is not from a Renaissance mass? (00:00-00:26) full play bar 3:06
Excerpt A
Which excerpt is an example of a lai, or variation of a virelai, by Guillaume de Machaut? (00:00-00:31) full play bar 2:38
Excerpt B
Which of the following madrigals is by Carlo Gesualdo? (00:00-00:37) full play bar 3:56
Excerpt B
The sections of the Classical sonata-allegro form are:
Exposition, Development, and Recapitulation
According to the text, Beethoven strongly influenced the music of Haydn.
Anicius Boethius invented a system that made possible the memorization and written transmission of melodies.
Bach was known as a master of presenting a singular musical texture throughout his vocal music to help communicate the text.
Beethoven is sometimes referred to as "The Father of the Symphony."
Goliards are famous for their inspired performances during the services at the monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos in Spain.
The following excerpt has smooth melodies that imitate one another on entrances. (00:00-3:42)
The following excerpt is an example of ritardando. (00:00-00:10)(playtime) (full playtime 00:59)
The following excerpt is consonant. (00:00-00:14) full play bar 2:56
The following excerpt is dissonant. (00:00-00:27) full play bar 1:00
The following excerpt is from Chopin's Revolutionary Étude. (3:16-3:30) full play bar 6:50
The following excerpt represents monophonic texture. (00:00-00:20) full play bar 00:59
The following excerpt represents polyphonic texture. (00:00-00:13) total play bar 5:54
The following musical excerpt represents strophic form. (00:00-3:22)
The following selection is from Berlioz's Symphony Fantastique. (00:00-00:47) full play bar 8:27
The relationship between consonance and dissonance has remained constant throughout history and consistent from culture to culture.
The term harmony refers to the horizontal aspect of music.
Two simultaneous pitches of the same letter name and pitch (e.g., C, G, or D) constitute a harmony.
Usually, folk tunes, songs, spirituals, and hymns are not good examples of strophic form.
The composer of this excerpt is... (00:00-00:16) full play bar 3:43
Guillaume de Machaut
This piece is a good example of: (00:00-00:17) total play bar 4:40
Homophonic texture
Which type of musical texture is primarily represented in the following example? (00:00-00:36) full play bar 14:06
This excerpt demonstrates: (1:47-2:05) full play bar 5:21
How dissonant harmonies create tension and instability throughout
One characteristic of this excerpt that suggests it might be from the Baroque Period is: (00:00-00:29) full play bar 3:06
It contrasts a group of instruments with a solo instrument.
The composer pictured above, an international artist of Hungarian heritage, decided to become a technical wizard at the keyboard after hearing Paganini playing the violin. What is his name?
This instrument, which was very popular during the Renaissance, is called a
This is an excerpt from a: (00:16-00:40) full play bar 1:55
The following excerpt represents: (00:14-00:24) full play bar 2:58
Melody with harmonic accompaniment
Which of the following statements is correct?
NOT Texture in music refers to the feeling created by the combination of melody and harmony.
In the following example: (1:05-1:33)
NOT the same rhythm is played in the melody and the accompaniment
Which statement reflects the musical features of the following music example? (1:06-1:33) full play bar 2:53
Performed by a small orchestra
Which of the following was NOT a popular form during the Renaissance period?
Which type of musical texture is primarily represented in the following example? (00:00-00:19) full play bar 3:27
According to Monteverdi, what is the difference between prima practica and seconda practica?
Prima practica emphasized equality of voices whereas seconda practica emphasized a hierarchy of voices
According to the text, which of the following are Post-Romantic composers?
Rachmaninoff and Holst
A musical genius, but also someone with strong anti-Semitic views, the man pictured above was one of the most influential composers of the Romantic Period. His name is:
Richard Wagner
Which of the following statements best describes musical form in the Romantic period?
Romantic composers worked with traditional forms but expanded them in innovative ways to meet their expressive needs.
This movement from a piano sonata by Beethoven exemplifies: (00:00-4:25)
Rondo form
The tempo of this example could be described as: (00:00-00:19) (full play time 2:55)
Which of the following statements best characterizes the "mood" of the Romantic period?
Rules and logic are less important that the free expression of human feelings. Humans can only "fully become" by exploring their inner feelings.
The Five was a group of nationalist composers who sought to incorporate elements of ______________ in their work.
Russian music
This excerpt is an example of: (00:38-1:07) full play bar 2:21
Secular music
The melody in the following excerpt is comprised of: (00:27-00:50) total bar play time 7:19
Several small melodic ideas
This piece of music is an example of: (00:00-3:59)
Strophic form
Listen to the following example. Which form does it represent? (00:00-2:06)
Ternary form
Does the following excerpt move mainly by disjunct, conjunct, or repeated tones? (3:27-3:40)
The excerpt features all three
If the printed program at a concert indicated that the first movement of a symphony was titled Allegro and the second Andante, you would expect:
The first movement to be fast, the second slower
Meter in music can best be described as:
The grouping of pulses into consistent units
Which of the following choices is the defining characteristic of polyphony?
The independence and equality of concurrent melodic lines
Rhythm is defined as:
The organization of sound in time
When a melody acquires significant importance within a given composition, it is called a:
The following composition, featuring 40 voices, was written by: (00:00-12:15)
Thomas Tallis
A musical phrase does not necessarily need to have a sense of completion in and of itself.
According to the text, reaction to the beat of music is often spontaneous and automatic.
Composers and arrangers can introduce some elements of variation in a piece of music without altering its basic form.
In general, operatic arias of the Romantic period, for example those by Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), provide good examples of homophonic music.
In this musical excerpt, it is fair to say that each melodic phrase exhibits a melodic contour that moves in a downward direction. (00:00-00:29) full play bar 11:36
Tempo is an Italian universal musical term that refers to the speed at which a music composition is played.
The following excerpt is dissonant. (00:00-00:16) full play bar 2:49
The following musical excerpt is from a recitative. (00:00-4:33)
The great European churches and cathedrals of the Medieval period were important to the development of Western music
According to the text, which two essential factors do composers manipulate to hold the listener's interest?
Unity and variety
An important artistic product of the Romantic period was:
Vincent van Gogh's paintings
Which of the following is a composition for an orchestral ensemble?
The following excerpt is: (3:38-3:52)(full play bar 7:19)
The Triumphal March from the opera Aida
Which genre is represented by this example? (1:13-2:12) full play bar 6:40
The smallest harmonic unit is made up of three pitches called a chord.
The two most important French composers of organum and descant during the Medieval period were:
Léonin and Pérotin
Which of the following were sacred genres in the Medieval period?
Masses and motets
Which statement is correct?
Melodic motion and melodic repetition are both effective ways of creating tension and relaxation.
The characteristics of a melody may be best described in terms of:
Shape, direction, and range
The following example from the Classical period may be classified as a/an: (1:20-1:57) full play bar 9:32
Which of the following describes this example? (1:36-2:15) full play bar 3:40
Wide dynamic range and repetition in the melody to express deep feelings
Who would be the most likely composer of the following excerpt from a piano concerto? (1:31-1:52) full play bar 6:40
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Farinelli was a famous:
According to the text, in rondo form, the repeating themes are separated by:
contrasting episodes
The following excerpt represents a melody without harmonic accompaniment. (00:00-00:13) full play bar 4:32
Which of the following were secular genres in the Medieval period?
Rondeaus, ballades, and lai