Music Theory for Dummies
A pattern of regular or irregular pulses in music.
Double-Dotted Note
2 dots placed after a note or rest extends its value by three quarters. Rarely seen in modern music today.
A symbol used to notate a period of silence.
A symbol used to represent the duration of a sound and, when placed on a music staff, the pitch of the sound.
Demisemiquaver Note
A thirty-second as long as whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/8 of a beat.
Thirty-second Note
A thirty-second as long as whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/8 of a beat.
Thirty-second Rest
A thirty-second as long as whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/8 of a beat.
Simple Time
A time signature in which the accented beats of each measure are divisible by two, as in 4/4 time.
Compound Time
A meter whose beat count
Time Signature
A notation made at the beginning of a piece of music, in the form of two numbers such as 3/4, that indicates the number of beats in each measure of bar and shows which note value constitutes one beat. The top (or first) number tells how many beats are in a measure, and the bottom (or second) number tells which kind of note receives the count of one beat.
Dotted Note
A note followed by an augmentation dot means the note is worth one and half times its normal value.
Eighth Note
An eighth as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/2 a beat long.
Eighth Rest
An eighth as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/2 a beat long.
Quaver Note
An eighth as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/2 a beat long.
Quaver Rest
An eighth as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/2 a beat long.
Rhythm Sticks
Fat, cylindrical hard wood instruments used to practice picking up beats in music.
Five horizontal, parallel lines, containing four spaces between them, on which notes and rests are written.
A bar used to connect shorter notes with flags
A curved line that connects notes of the same pitch together to increase the length of the pitch.
Augmentation Dot
A dot placed after a note or rest that extends its value by half of the original value.
Crotchet Note
A quarter as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1 beat long.
Crotchet Rest
A quarter as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1 beat long.
Quarter Note
A quarter as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1 beat long.
Quarter Rest
A quarter as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1 beat long.
A segment of written music, contained within two vertical bars, that includes as many beats as the top number of the key signature indicates. A measure is also called a bar.
Semiquaver Note
A sixteenth as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/4 of a beat long.
Semiquaver Rest
A sixteenth as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/4 of a beat long.
Sixteenth Note
A sixteenth as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/4 of a beat long.
Sixteenth Rest
A sixteenth as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 1/4 of a beat long.
Half Note
Half as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 2 beats long.
Half Rest
Half as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 2 beats long.
Minum Note
Half as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 2 beats long.
Minum Rest
Half as long as a whole note. In 4/4 time, lasts 2 beats long.
Note Value
Indicated by the size and shape, it determines how long a specific pitch should by held by the voice or an instrument.
Breve Note
Lasts 8 beats long. Generally used in slow-moving processional music or in medieval music.
Breve Rest
Lasts 8 beats long. Generally used in slow-moving processional music or in medieval music.
Double Whole Note
Lasts 8 beats long. Generally used in slow-moving processional music or in medieval music.
Double Whole Rest
Lasts 8 beats long. Generally used in slow-moving processional music or in medieval music.
Semibreve Note
Lasts the longes of all the notes. In 4/4 time, it lasts for an entire 4 beats.
Semibreve Rest
Lasts the longes of all the notes. In 4/4 time, it lasts for an entire 4 beats.
Whole Note
Lasts the longes of all the notes. In 4/4 time, it lasts for an entire 4 beats.
Whole Rest
Lasts the longes of all the notes. In 4/4 time, it lasts for an entire 4 beats.
One of a series of repeating, consistent pulsations of time in music. Each pulsation is also called a beat
The highness or lowness of a tone produced by a single frequency.
The little line that comes off the top or the bottom of the note stem. Notes shorter than quarter notes have flags.
The rate or speed of the beat in a piece of music.
The round part of a note. Every note has one.
The vertical line attached to the note head. All notes except for the whole note have one.