My Brother Sam is Dead Chapters 1-4 Questions (Including Literature Circle packet, Pro-Americans, and Pro-British Questions) : )

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When? During what historical event?

1775, during the Revolutionary War\

How does Mr. Beach feel about young men fighting against England?

He thinks it is not worth the risk of dying and he thinks it is wrong.

Chapter 4

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What have you read that suggests that a sixteen-year-old male in colonial times was considered a young man rather than a teenager?

He was considered a young man because he went to college, got to drink beer, and he enlisted in the American army (the Patriots).

*Setting* Where is the book taking place?

Redding, Connecticut

What was the religion of most people in Redding, and what was the political belief of the majority?

The people in Redding were mostly Anglican (Church of England). The political beliefs were Tories or Loyalists.

Chapter 1

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Chapters 2 & 3

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Hope you all do well on the quiz!!!

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Literature Circle Sheet Questions

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Pro-Americans and Pro-British

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What made Tim realize that "the war had finally come to Redding"?

He saw the Rebels arrive galloping on their horses. Then some went into the Tavern. He heard the soldiers arguing and fighting with his parents about the gun.

What was Sam planning to do with the "Brown Bess" What were Sam's reasons for the plan and why was Tim against this plan?

He wants to get it because if he doesn't get it a Lobsterback (British soldier) will kill him. Tim is against this because he thinks that father will kill him.

What does Mr. Meeker mean when he says, "What's the use of principles if you have to be dead to keep them?"

If you are fighting for something you believe in that you might be killed for, there might be a better way to solve the problem.

How did Tim react when Sam posed the question, "Which side are you going to be on?"

It made him nervous. He was torn between his father and Sam. He is on the Rebels' (American) side but didn't say it.

What does Mr. Meeker mean when he says, "You may know principle, Sam, but I know war."?

It means that Mr. Meeker has seen the realities of war (death, injuries, and depression) and Sam believes strongly in his ideas but doesn't understand war or the realities of war.

(Chapter 3) How was life affected in Redding at the beginning of the Revolution?

It wasn't affected at all at the beginning. It was normal. Just hard work and chores.

Who are the subordinate/supporting characters?

Jerry Sanford Tom Warrup Betsy Reed Mr. Beach Mrs. Meeker Mr. Meeker

Sam, Mr. Meeker, and Mr. Beach each represented a different point of view toward the war with Britain. Explain each person's position about fighting and the reasons for his opinion.

Mr. Beach: thinks fools and hotheads want rebellion; doesn't think the rebellion will last more than a week Mr. Meeker: thinks it is treason to go against the King Sam: for the rebellion; wants to fight for his own freedom


Patriot Continental soldier Rebels minutemen Whig


Redcoats (soldiers) Lobsterbacks (soldiers) Loyalist (lives in America) Tory (lives in America or Britain)

How did Sam think his brother Tim could help the Rebel cause? What did Tim think about this idea?

Sam thought that he should spy on the Loyalists in the Tavern. He couldn't decide to spy on them or not. It also made him nervous and scared.

What historical event was mentioned by Sam at the beginning of the novel? How has this effected his life?

The Battle of Lexington was mentioned and this has effected Sam's life because now he can't see his family very often, he is under strict circumstances, and now his father, Mr. Meeker, is fighting with him much more often because Mr. Meeker is a Loyalist and Sam is a Patriot.

Who or what is the antagonist?

The war and himself (Tim Meeker)

What does Sam reveal about discipline among the Rebel troops?

They don't have any discipline amongst the Rebels. The Rebel soldiers lie to their to their superiors and sneak away and lie about where they were.

Why were the soldiers so brutal to Mr. Meeker?

They knew he had a gun and they came to steal it.

*Characters* Who is the protagonist?

Tim Meeker

How do you know that Mr. Meeker still loves Sam even though he has told him never to return as a soldier?

We know that Mr. Meeker still loves Sam even though he said never to return as a soldier because the whole point of him saying that was to protect him from dying and to keep him safe.

What is the catalytic event?

When Sam comes home and tells everybody he has joined the Patriot army.

*Plot* What is the prologue?

no prologue

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