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the various types of psalms include praise, royal, lament, and theological psalms.

false -hymns -laments -thanksgiving -psalms of confidence -psalms of ascent -royal psalms -kingship (enthronement) psalms -wisdom psalms -imprecatory psalms

most of the predictions of the OT prophecies deal directly with events in the modern era


much of the division over the creation event is caused due to disagreement over the meaning of the hebrew word for "sun"


on christian liberty paul concluded in 1 corinthians that there are no limits in christ?


one key to understanding parables lies in understanding the mind of the modern reader


the OT law was a unique concept limited to israel in the ancient near east


the difference between parable and allegory is minimal


the epistles were written primarily to expound theology


the focus of the book of jude is the future role of israel in the kingdom of God


the issues related to jesus' cleansing of the temple included the selling of sacrificial animals, which was forbidden in the OT law


the modern view of the bible approaches it as highly reliable


the new testament was finally agreed upon in AD 1095


the pastoral principles focus mainly on deep theological matters


While Paul and Silas were in prison at Philippi their jailer was led to faith in Christ.


according to the text, and the traditional view, moses wrote genesis


for forty days after the ressurection jesus' made a number of appearances


isaiah was commissioned as a prophet the year uzziah died


israel's disobedience was choosing not to keep the law


many people stop following jesus after he fed the five thousand because he was not interested in their efforts to make him their king


one of the key issues underlying paul's letter to the philippians is the preexistence of christ.


one of the main things we see in the biblical account of creation is that God created and did it in an orderly fashion


one problem with interpreting parables is endless allegorical misinterpretations


rehoboam managed to lose most of his kingdom in part due to a tax revolt that failed to properly settle


the problems in the corinthian church centered on all of the following: church division, immorality, questions about marriage, and the second coming of jesus


the revelation conveys God in control of the church, but not of history


the term gospel comes from a greek word meaning "son of God"?


the terms "minor" and "major" prophets really just denotes that some were more important than others


the toledot in genesis 2:4 shows how certain relationships were broken by the fall and specifies some of the consequences of these severed relationships


the traditional view of the bible is also known as the liberal view


until just after WWII the oldest OT manuscripts we had dated from about 200 bc


the NT took longer to be accepted by the overall christian community in part because of the fact that they were widely dispersed through the roman empire


the book of habakkuk predicts the babylonian conquest


the book of revelation is one of encouragement to the readers


the historical context of "the letter to the seven churches" is suffering


the israelites entered the land in a very orderly and dramatic fashion


the israelites wanted a king like other nations to cut down on corruption and the oppression by foreign nations


the law presents israel with opportunities to show its loyalty to God


the peak of jesus' popularity was at the time of "the feeding of the 5,000"


the primary focus of the book of hebrews is "jesus is better"


the promises at the heart of the abrahamic covenant are land, nation, and blessing


there was once a riot in jerusalem when it was falsely assumed paul brought a gentile into the temple


they define the bible in part as the word of God given in human words in history


A lack of sound exegetical principles has been the cause of much of the bad speculative interpretations of the book of Revelation.


Ahaz was known for his great faith


David was first crowned in Judah only because the north had already fallen to the Assyrians.


Hebrews is the last letter that we know for sure that Paul wrote.


Isaac was Joseph's father


It is not imperative that today's readers of the Gospels understand 1st century Judaism.


Joshua appointed Caleb his successor.


OT narrative is pretty direct in letting the reader know if the events spoken of were good or bad. we do not have to judge for ourselves.


Part of the Abrahamic Covenant includes the promise that his son would be in charge of building the temple


Paul was the only survivor of the ship wreck off of Malta.


Peter was executed in about the year 44ce


Peter's 1st letter is sent to a church experiencing peace and prosperity.


Romans 14: Teaches we should condemn people who disagree with out interpretations of scripture.


Since it is in the NT Israel is not an issue in the book of Romans.


Since parables are so simple they generally are not misinterpreted


The Levites were given the largest piece of territory in the Promised Land.


The conquest took about 40 years to complete.


The law was a benefit to Israel only from a physical health perspective, that is, the dietary laws saved many lives.


as bad as ahaz was his son hezekiah was even more evil


gnosticism is a 1st century cult that was born out of early christianity


in the ancient near east, "birthright" is not the privilege of the first born regarding their inheritance


in the battle of jericho everyone in the city was wiped out


in the southern campaign of the conquest of the promised land Joshua and his men were crushed by their enemy in the valley of Aijalon due to disobedience


james son of zebedee was executed by nero in 64ce


jeremiah advised the king to fight the babylonians to the last man


Why was Lamentations written?

to express the sorrow at the fall and destruction of jerusalem

1st Timothy and Titus reinforce each other in that they both emphasis developing leadership within the church.


Apodictic laws outline what must always be done in all situations by all people. Casuistic laws specify certain situations and certain people, not everyone in all cases.


In Romans 1 Paul basically sums up that everyone is guilty before God of sin.


Jesus' deeds and sayings were preserved orally prior to the writing of the Gospels.


Most of the events the prophets predicted in their time are now in our past?


OT narrative normally does not directly teach a doctrine


during the reign of hezekiah the angel of YHWH killed how many assyrian soldiers outside the walls of jerusalem?


how many times does john reference the OT in revelation?


Rahab was a


Paul was converted on his way to


the "book of the law" was rediscovered during the reign of


the "synoptic" gospels are

Matthew, Mark, and Luke

a key theme of the book of isaiah is

all of the above -restoration -redemption -the suffering servant (WRONG!) -all of the above

the forms of prophetic utterances include

all of the above -the lawsuit -the woe -the promise -all of the above

What key prophecies did the prophets of this period give regarding the Messiah?

all of the above? -he would provide the ultimate redemption (WRONG!) -he would come from bethlehem -he would be more than just a human being -all of the above

One of the reasons Paul writes the letter to the Romans

all of the above? -was to greet old friends -was to introduce himself (WRONG!) -was because rome was a very important city -all of the above

whom did paul meet in corinth in the winter of 51CE?

aquila and priscilla

who performed the reconnaissance at kadesh?


David was not allowed to build the temple because of

he was a warrior

what three languages were the 66 books of the protestant bible originally written in?

hebrew, armaic, and greek

which answer below is not a problem area for translators?

historical distance -historical distance -euphemisms -grammar and syntax -matters of gender -none of the above problem areas with translation: Weights, measures, money. Euphemisms. Vocabulary. Wordplays. Grammar and Syntax. Matters of Gender.

Part of the purpose of the second Letter to the Corinthians was to clarify what happened in Ephesus.


the northern kingdom ended when

it was conquered by Assyria in 722

to interpret properly the then and there of biblical texts, you should

learn the special rules that apply to each biblical genre

why were there apparently no synagogues in philippi?

likely related to the edict that cast the Jews out of Rome in the year 49CE

what happened when the people got tired of waiting for moses?

none of the above options are: -they returned to egypt -they went on to the promised land but were turned back by God -they elected new leadership (WRONG!) -none of the above

which of the following are not among the common causes people misinterpret biblical narratives mentioned in the text?


what were the issues of worship paul addressed in 1 corinthians?

role of women, the Lord's supper, use of spiritual gifts

Saul's features that appeared to make him the right choice for being the king included all except

spiritual discernment

what is the first concern of translators?

that the original text they are using is as close as possible to the original wording as when it left the author's hand

one of the things the disciples ask jesus before his ascention to heaven was about

the "kingdom"

in the protevangelium we see the beginning of God's redemptive plan for humanity

true Genesis 3:15 is known as the protevangelium. This is a compound of two Greek words, protos meaning "first" and evangelion meaning "good news" or "gospel". Thus the verse is commonly referred to as the first mention in the Bible of the "good news" of salvation.

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