NASM Chapter 7 Human movement science

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Reciprocal Inhabitation

When an agonist receives a signal to contract, its functional antagonist also receives an inhibitory signal allowing it to lengthen


A joint having more range of motion than it should


A movement in which the heel bone moves laterally

How should the amortization phase of the stretch-shortening cycle be described?

The transition from eccentric loading to concentric unloading

Altered Length-tension relationship

When a muscle's resting length is too short or too long, reducing the amount of force it can produce

Altered reciprocal inhibition

When an overactive agonist muscle decreases the neural drive to its functional antagonist

Muscle imbalance

When muscles on each side of a joint have altered length-tension relationships


When range of motion at a joint is limited

Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle force and velocity during a concentric contraction?

As the velocity of the muscle action increases, its ability to produce force decreases. Force and velocity during a concentric action are inverse, in that as one increases the other will decrease. This effect is the opposite during an eccentric muscle action.


Below an identified reference point

Stored energy from an efficiently functioning stretch-shortening cycle is released during which muscle action?

Concentric During the stretch-shortening cycle, stored energy occurs during the eccentric action and is released during the concentric action.


Contract isometrically to support and stabilize the joints


Create forces to assist prime movers but are not intended as the primary force producer

The muscles of the lower leg, hamstrings, and low back region make up which of the following global muscular subsystems?

Deep longitudinal subsystem (DLS)


Describing a muscle action resulting in the shortening of a muscle


Describing a muscle action that occurs when a muscle develops tension while lengthening

During a squat, the lowering phase would be described as what type of muscle action?

Eccentric The lowering phase of a squat is eccentric; whereas, raising up from the lowering phase is concentric.


Flexion occurring at the ankle

Pronation of the foot describes what multiplanar movements?

Eversion, dorsiflexion, and ankle abduction

Plantar Flexion

Extension occurring at the ankle

TRUE OR FALSE? The primary characteristic of closed-chain movements is that the distal segments, such as the person's hands or feet, are not fixed and are able to move freely.


Motor Learning

How repeated practice and experience of motor control processes leads to a relatively permanent change in skilled motor behavior

Motor Development

How skilled motor behavior changes over time throughout the life span

Motor Control

How the central nervous system integrates internal and external sensory information with previous experiences to produce a motor response

Motor Behavior

How the human movement system responds to internal and external stimuli

Which type of exercise accommodates effort whereby the harder the individual pushes or pulls, the more resistance they feel, despite the movement speed remaining constant?

Isokinetic An isokinetic exercise adjusts the resistance (load) so that no matter how much muscular tension is produced, movement speed remains constant.

What term is used to describe muscle tension that is created without a change in muscle length and no visible movement of the joint?

Isometric During an isometric muscle contraction, muscle tension is created without a change in length and with no visible movement of the joint.

What are the three overarching types of muscle actions?

Isotonic, isometric, and isokinetic

Which subsystem is responsible for providing both frontal plane mobility and stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex?

Lateral subsystem

Which of the following muscle groups work both eccentrically and concentrically in the sagittal plane during a squat?

Quadriceps During a squat, the quadriceps work eccentrically during the lowering phase and concentrically during the rising phase, both in the sagittal plane.


Movement in the frontal plane away from the midline of the body


Movement in the frontal plane back toward the midline of the body

One of the most important concepts in motor control is that muscles are recruited by the nervous system in groups. What are these groups called?

Muscle synergies


Muscles that act as the prime movers for a joint motion


On or toward the back of the body


On the opposite side of the body


Perform the opposite action of the prime mover

What is the scientific term that describes the nervous system's role in the contract/relax relationship between agonists and antagonists?

Reciprocal inhibition When the agonist for a movement receives a signal (i.e., motor neuron impulse) to contract, the CNS also sends a signal that simultaneously inhibits (i.e., mutes) the antagonist's activation, causing it to relax.


Relatively closer to the midline of the body

Which plane of movement can be described as an imaginary line that bisects the body into right and left sides?

Sagittal The sagittal plane is described as an imaginary line that bisects the body into right and left sides.

Which of the following effects may occur if the amortization phase of a plyometric exercise is prolonged?

Stored energy will dissipate, and the unloading phase will be less powerful. If the amortization phase is prolonged, stored energy will dissipate, the neurological stretch reflex will not be optimally activated, and the concentric "unloading phase" will be less powerful.

What does the term force refer to?

The ability of one entity to act on another entity, causing acceleration or deceleration

What is the most accurate description of motor control?

The ability to initiate and correct purposeful controlled movements Motor control is the ability to initiate and correct purposeful controlled movements and involves mechanisms used by the central nervous system to assimilate and integrate sensory information with previous experiences.

Which of the following examples describes a muscle that is functioning as an antagonist?

The biceps brachii being active during elbow extension

How should an eccentric muscle action be described?

The development of muscle tension during lengthening of the contractile tissue The development of muscle tension during lengthening of the contractile tissue is an eccentric muscle action, which is the negative or lowering phase of an isotonic contraction.


The normal extensibility of soft tissues that allows for full range of joint motion

What concept describes how the function of one segment of the body can impact other areas?

The regional interdependence model

What is the imaginary line that bisects the body into right and left sides?

The sagittal plane

Performing a biceps curl with a dumbbell in the hand is an example of which type of lever?

Third Class A third-class lever has the effort arm between the resistance arm and fulcrum; thus, the biceps curl is a classic example, as the fulcrum is at the elbow joint, the effort is the tendon attachment at the forearm, and the resistance arm is the load at the hand.

The deep longitudinal subsystem includes which of the following muscle groups?

Thoracolumbar fascia and contralateral gluteus maximus WRONG

What measurement is dependent upon the length of the lever arm and the angle between the force application and the lever arm?

Torque Torque is a measurement (in Newton meters) of the amount of force that can cause an object to move (rotate) around an axis.

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