Nat. Geo. 13 Colonies: Section 1

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When did the first settlers arrive in North America?


How long had people lived in Jamestown before it was burned down during Bacon's Rebellion?

69 years

What was the underlying cause for the wars between the colonists and the Powhatan between 1622 and 1670?

Both groups laid claim to the same land.

Why did William Berkeley accuse Nathaniel Bacon of being a traitor?

He challenged the power of the governor and his fellow wealthy planters.

How important do you think John Smith was to the settlers? Use evidence from the reading to support your opinion

He helped to keep settlers alive and productive.He established trade with the Powhatan to exchange goods for corn and put the settlers to work planting crops, fishing, and building houses.

Why did Nathaniel Bacon have public support for his rebellion?

He used colonists' frustration to rebel against the colonial government as well as more land from the Powhatan.

Why did the settlers choose Jamestown as the site for their colony?

In order to defend themselves in the event the Spanish attacked, they settled on an island.

How did the treaty of 1646 lead to Bacon's Rebellion?

It required the Powhatan to live on lands north of the York River, limiting the area that landless freemen could purchase for themselves.

What was the first English settlement in North America?

Roanoke Island

What happened as a result of the marriage between John Rolfe and Pocahontas?

The Jamestown colonists and the Powhatan lived in peace for a number of years.

Describe how the Powhatan and the colonists viewed Jamestown. What happened as a result of their viewpoints?

The Powhatan saw the area that became Jamestown as a place to hunt, fish, and farm. Although the Powhatan did not live there, they still saw Jamestown as part of their ancestral lands. The colonists believed that the English king owned the land surrounding Jamestown, and they took it away from the Powhatan. Since the Powhatan and the colonists viewed the land differently, they eventually fought and the Powhatan were driven from their lands.

Think about what you learned about Jamestown in this chapter. In what ways did geography affect the relationship between Jamestown and Werowocomoco?

The Werowocomoco village was above the river on the bluffs. Jamestown's location on low, swampy land made it necessary for settlers to seek help from the Powhatan to survive.

How did the prices of tobacco and land lead to tension between the colonists during the late 1600s?

The low tobacco prices made it difficult for landless men to afford high land prices.

What action on the settlers part was key to the development of American constitutional democracy?

The settlers developed a new form of government that included a representative assembly. This was key to the development of an American constitutional democracy.

Why did the original settlers at Jamestown struggle to establish their colony?

They had little experience farming, hunting, or fishing in this area.

Compare and contrast the original settlers of Jamestown with those who arrived after 1612.

They were more interested in searching for gold than in establishing permanent colonies. They had little experience farming, hunting, or fishing, so they most likely were from the middle and upper classes. Later settlers, however, seemed to have more interest in living in the colonies permanently. Many of the later settlers were indentured servants who came to work the tobacco fields, so they most likely had experience farming and working hard.

What is a charter?

a document detailing rights and privileges

Who was John Rolfe?

a tobacco farm owner

Why did John Rolfe's marriage to Pocahontas bring about peace between the Powhatan and the colonists?

because it bound the two groups together

What types of items did the Powhatan and the Jamestown settlers trade with each other?

copper pots, spoons, beads, etc.

What can you infer about the lives of the colonists based on the artifacts on pages 94-95?

provided toys for entertainment; thimble shows that there were tailors who repaired or made clothing; silver ear picker shows methods of personal hygiene, monogrammed wine bottles indicate that the colonists brought or made and drank wine

What purposes do exploring and preserving sites like Werowocomoco serve?

provides information about the changes in Native American societies over time, such as how they maintained control over their territories and interacted with European settlers. Preserving these sites allows future researchers to build on accumulated knowledge.

What did Kelso learn about the Jamestown settlers from his excavations?

settlers had hard, short lives; skeletons indicated that many settlers died during the starving time.

Why did King James I issue a charter to the VIrginia Company?

to detail the company's rights and privileges in settling the colonies

Why did the Virginia Company encourage people to settle in the American colonies?

to farm tobacco

What was the purpose for establishing an English settlement in Virginia?

to gain wealth through mercantilism. Settlers provided raw materials to make goods in England that could then be shipped to the colonies for sale or trade.

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