NCE Exam

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What is the mean IQ score?


Richard Nelson Bolles book 'what Color is Your Parachute?' is a career self-help book originated in ___________.


List Erik Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development in order. 1: Trust vs. ____________ 2: Autonomy vs. ______________________ 3: Initiative vs. ________________ 4: Industry vs. ___________________ 5: Identity vs. __________________ 6: Intimacy vs. ________________ 7: Generativity vs. ________________ 8: Integrity vs. __________________

1: Trust vs. Mistrust 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt 3: Initiative vs. Guilt 4: Industry vs. Inferiority 5: Identity vs. Confusion 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation 7: Generativity vs. Stagnation 8: Integrity vs. Despair

List Freud's 5 psychosexual stages in order.

1: oral 2: anal 3: phallic 4: latency 5: genital

The t test is used to examine whether _____(#) groups are significantly different from each other. The F test is used to ask whether there is a difference among three or more groups.


The most common alpha level is 0.05. This means there is a __% or less chance that experimental results were due to random error (that the null hypothesis is correct).


Truax and Carkhuff created the first empathy scale to reliably operationalize empathy into specific behaviors and statements. It features _______ (#) levels of empathy. This scale has been used to teach empathy to students.


The DOT (Dictionary of Occupational Titles) used _____ (#)-diget numeric codes to identify careers.


Nathan Ackerman was an influential psychoanalytic family therapist known for integrating psychoanalytic and systems theory ideas.


_________________ was the founder of rational-emotive behavioral therapy (REBT), an offshoot of CBT that focuses on replacing self-defeating thoughts and feelings.

Albert Ellis

Social cognitive counseling theory (career dev) focuses on how self-efficacy beliefs, outcome expectations, and goals influence career choice. It takes from Albert ______________'s Social Cognitive Theory, which emphasizes a dynamic and reciprocal interaction between person, environment, and behavior.


Edwin ___________'s psychodynamic career counseling theory asserted that unconscious or 'neurotic' conflicts from childhood influence career choice, and that careers can be used to solve them. A.A. Brill had a similar theory, which emphasized sublimation.


Introversion and extroversion were terms coined by __________________. He was influential to the creation of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which uses the bipolar scales extroversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling and judging/perceiving.

Carl Jung

The three factors that ___________________ considered necessary for therapy were: genuineness, unconditional positive regard, and empathetic understanding.

Carl Rogers

_______________ validity concerns whether our methods of studying variables are accurate. Indicators validity can include face, content, predictive, concurrent, convergent, and discriminant validity.


____________________ research designs may include the cross-sectional method, longitudinal method, and sequential method.


In Freud's model, the Id represented unconscious drives, and the Super-Ego represented morality. The ________ was the rational part of the mind that balanced the two.


____________ designs are designs with more than one IV. In these designs, researchers look at the 'main effect' (the effect of the IV taken by itself) and interactions between IVs.


Leon _______________'s cognitive dissonance theory asserts that individuals try to reduce dissonance (inconsistency) in order to achieve consonance (consistency).


The Barnum effect (also called the _______ effect) refers to the tendency for people to believe that personality descriptions apply specifically to them, when they are filled with information that applies to everyone. See: horoscope.


Who does the NCE exam consider the 'father' of career counseling?

Frank Parsons

The Gelatt Decision Model (career dev) refers to information as the 'fuel' of decisions and organizes it into 3 systems: predictive (probable alternatives), value (preferences), and decision (evaluation of outcome).


The _____________ Group (Ginzberg, Ginsburg, Axelrad and Herma) created a developmental approach to career choice with 3 stages: fantasy, tentative, and realistic.


Linda ___________________s theory (career dev) emphasizes 'circumscription' and 'compromise.' Circumscription is the process by which a person weeds out occupations that do not fit their identity. This occurs over 4 developmental stages. During the compromise stage, individuals attempt to compromise between occupations that fit their self concept, and occupations that are accessible.


The psychologist who studied maternal deprivation in rhesus monkeys using wire or wool monkeys was _______________.

Harry Harlow

'A woman is dying and requires a special drug to live. A druggist offers her the drug at a price she cannot pay. Her husband, Heinz, steals the drug from the druggist. Was her husband in the wrong?' This moral evaluation by Kohlberg is called the ___________________.

Heinz dilemma

John ______________'s theory of career choice is depicted as a hexagon featuring six personality types with suggested work environments. The types are: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. Personality types are measured using the Self-Directed Search. This is considered the most popular career development theory today.


The Self Directed Search (SDS) is based on the work of ____________ and is used to identify which of six personality types the user is. The Strong Interest Inventory (SCII) is based on the work of ____________ and measures career interests.

Holland; Holland

The probability of making a Type ___ error is represented by your alpha level (α), which is the p-value below which you reject the null hypothesis. A p-value of 0.05 indicates that you are willing to accept a 5% chance that you are wrong when you reject the null hypothesis.


A Type ___ error (alpha error) is when the null hypothesis is rejected, even though it is true. A Type ___ error (beta error) is when the null hypothesis is accepted even though it is false.


The probability of making a Type ___ error is called Beta (β), and this is related to the power of the statistical test (power = 1- β). You can decrease your risk by ensuring your test has enough power.


The ____ is the variable that the researcher manipulates, and the _____ is the variable that is being measured or tested.


Nomothetic is to universal as ideographic is to ________________.


___________ scales assume equal intervals between values. There is no true zero. Ex: Aptitude test score.


_______________ tests compare traits within the same individual. The individual picks one of several options. Normative tests compare individuals to other individuals who took the test


_________, a behaviorist, proved that phobias are learned by teaching poor Little Albert to fear furry animals.

John Watson

Robert __________'s Constructive Development Theory includes the following stages: 1. Incorporate stage: Focuses on sensory information and reflexes. The child lacks a sense of self. 2. Impulsive stage: Focuses on perception and impulse. Objects begin to have meaning for the child. 3. Imperial stage: Involves self-centeredness and the awareness that the child can act on their desires. 4. Interpersonal stage: Involves empathy, reciprocity, and compassion toward other's needs. 5. Institutional stage: Ethics and values develop. Autonomy and the self develop and the person acts on principle, rather than impulse. 6: Inter-individual stage: Involves autonomy and tolerance, with an understanding that different value systems exist.


John ____________'s Learning Theory of Career Counseling looks at 4 factors: 1) genetic endowment and unique abilities 2) environmental conditions and life events 3) learning experiences 4) task approach skills This theory was based on Albert Bandura's social learning theory. John emphasized learning, not interests.


The four kinds of conflict identified by ________________ were approach-approach, approach-avoidance, avoidance-avoidance, and double approach-avoidance. Approach-approach: 2 good options Avoidance-avoidance: 2 bad options Approach-avoidance: An option with pros and cons Double approach-avoidance: 2 options with pros and cons

Kurt Lewin

The Occupational Outlook Handbook or OOH is a database published by the US Department of _________ and includes statistics on careers. The DOT (Dictionary of Occupational Titles), now replaced by the O*NET, is similar.


Henry ___________'s need-press theory explained behavior in terms of the influence, or press, of the present environment and past experiences. He also created the TAT. Robert Hoppock based his theory is based on this one.


According to the NCE exam, do behaviorists believe in symptom substitution? Y/N


________________ scales have no numerical/quantitative properties. (Ex: introverts/extroverts.


_________________ scales utilize rank ordering where te intervals between items are unknown. Ex: two, three and four star hotels.


Fritz _______'s gestalt therapy (1940s) is an experiential, humanistic therapy that emphasizes the here and now. It uses a variety of creative techniques, including the empty chair, playing the projection, converting questions to statements, and exaggeration.


_________________ was interested in children's moral reasoning, which is based on the following: children's understanding of rules, understanding of moral responsibility (who is to blame for bad things?), and understanding of justice. He suggested two kinds of moral reasoning: Heteronomous morality (morality imposed from the outside) and Autonomous morality (morality according to personal ethics.)


The ______________ Principle states that more probable behaviors will reinforce less probable behaviors.


In _____________ scales, zero indicates the absence of the variable measured. Ex: weight


Anne _______'s early childhood needs-theory approach (career dev) suggested that vocational choice is tied to genetics, parent-child relationships, unconscious motivators, current needs, interests, education, and intelligence. Her approach classified occupations using 8 'fields' (service, business contact, organizations, tech, outdoor, science, general culture, arts/entertainment.) and 6 'levels' (professional and managerial 1 & 2, semiprofessional/small business, skilled, semiskilled, unskilled).


Virginia __________, a leader in experiential family therapy, developed the Process of Change Model. The model divides change into 4 stages (late status quo, chaos, practice and integration, and new status quo). She emphasized good communication and identified 4 patterns that prevent it: placating, blaming, being overly reasonable, and being irrelevant.


Edgar ____________'s 8 Career Anchors theory identifies 8 career attributes. An individual will choose their career in order to have particular attributes/anchors. The anchors are: 1) autonomy/independence, 2) security/stability, 3)technical/functional competence, 4) managerial competence, 5) entrepreneurial creativity, 6) dedication to a cause, 7) challenge, and 8) lifestyle.


___________ studied operant conditioning (the strength of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment). ___________ studied classical conditioning (unconditioned and conditioned stimuli and responses).

Skinner; Pavlov

Binet and Simon created the first IQ test in Europe around 1905. The test was intended to identify schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. The __________-Binet IQ test is the Americanized version (adapted by Lewis Terman).


Donald __________'s Life-Span, Life-Space Theory (career dev) takes into account how social role, self-concept and age influence career development. The roles 8 he identified included child, student, leisurite, citizen, worker, parent, spouse, and homemaker. The 5 developmental stages he identified included Growth, Exploration, Establishment, Maintenance, and Decline (ugh). The theory is depicted with a rainbow diagram.


'Implosive therapy' is an outdated term for flooding using the imagination. T/F


A 't test' is used to determine how significant the differences between groups are. T/F


A correlation coefficient is number that shows how closely to variables are related to each other. T/F


A primary group is a group that aims to prevent a problem. A secondary group aims to treat a problem of mild or moderate severity. A tertiary group aims to treat serious or chronic problems. T/F


A reliable test is not always valid, but a valid test is always reliable. T/F


Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Bob Smith. T/F


Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology focused on feelings of inferiority, the drive for superiority, and birth order. He was an extreme homophobe. T/F


An experiment is quasi-experimental when the control features of a true experimental design are not achievable. T/F One-group posttest-only design, one-group pretest-posttest design, nonequivalent control group design, nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design, interrupted time series design, and control series design are examples of quasi-experimental design.


CMC (computer-managed counseling) refers to when a computer helps with tasks such as bookkeeping, scheduling, and printing billing statements. CAC (computer-assisted counseling) refers to when a computer provides services typically provided by a counselor (such as assessments or check-ins). T/F


Carkhuff and Gazda created scales for measuring counselor competence. T/F


Daniel Levinson created a sexist and useless stage theory having to do with midlife crisis in men and in women. He wrote two books, 'Seasons of a Man's Life' and 'Seasons of a Woman's Life.' T/F


David Tiedeman and Robert O'Hara viewed career choice as a two-part process: anticipation and implementation. T/F


Dollard and Miller's frustration-aggression theory asserts that aggression occurs when a person is frustrated by being unable to achieve a goal. T/F


Empiricism is to behaviorism as organicism is to gestalt psychology. T/F


If data is 'parametric,' it follow certain parameters: normal distribution, numbers can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided; variances are equal when comparing two or more groups; and the sample should be large and randomly selected. T/F


In a group setting, there are three kinds of roles: task roles (helps the group complete a task), maintenance roles (helps the group function), and self-serving roles (helps individuals fulfill needs at the expense of the group). T/F


In statistics, the number of degrees of freedom is the number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary. 'Degrees of freedom' is a number calculated by # of participants in the experimental groups minus 2. T/F


In the ABC theory of personality (from Ellis's rational-emotive behavioral therapy), A stands for activating event, B stands for belief system, and C stands for emotional consequence. T/F


Inferential statistics are used to determine whether the results would match what would happen if we were to conduct the experiment again. T/F


It is worse to make a Type I error, than a Type II error. T/F


Konrad Lorenz was an ethologist (studied animal behavior to understand human behavior) who primarily studied geese. He emphasized imprinting (rapid learning during a critical period of development), group selection and aggression in the context of WW2. T/F


Maxie C Maultsby is to rational emotive therapy, what Ellis is to rational-emotive behavioral therapy. T/F


Operant conditioning is also known as instrumental learning. T/F


Pavlov used the term 'experimental neurosis' to refer to the distress his subjects displayed when differentiation tasks were too difficult. T/F


Posttest-only, pretest-posttest, and matched pairs are basic experimental designs. In these designs, there are only two levels of the IV. T/F


Stanley Schachter was a social psychologist who developed a two-factor theory of emotion (physiological arousal + cognitive label). As an only child, he believed in the superiority of first-borns and only children. T/F


Stephen Karpman created the drama triangle. T/F


Test-retest reliability, alternate forms reliability, split-half reliability, Cronbach's alpha, interrater reliability and item-total correlations are methods for testing reliability. T/F


The 1969 court case 'Tarsoff v the Board of Regents of the University of California' had to due with duty to watn of imminent danger. T/F


The Kuder-Richardson coefficients of equivalence measure internal consistency of test items, or whether test items are measuring the same thing. T/F


The four modes of DBT are skills training, phone counseling, therapist consultation team, and individual treatment. T/F


The term 'career maturity' is associated with John Crites. T/F


The term 'eclectic' is associated with Frederick C Thorne. T/F


The term 'representational thought' refers to the ability to understand symbols. T/F


When talking about IQ in terms of percentile, the 50th percentile would be the average score (IQ 100). The 99the percentile might be around 150. The 0.01 percentile might be around 40. T/F


A ______ Code is a numeric code used to indicate visits to a health care professional for purposes other than for disease or sickness (e.g., academics, occupational issues, etc).


The WAIS-IV, or _____________ Adult Intelligence Scale, measures intelligence in adults.


The WISC-IV, or _______________Intelligence Scale for Children, measures intellectual ability of children from 6 to 16 years.


Carl ___________ was an experiential family therapist known for involving the whole family in therapy. His techniques included using humor and the absurd, involving a co-therapist.


Joseph ______________ created systematic desensitization as well as the subjective units of disturbance (SUD) scale.


In diagrams of experimental designs, O stands for observation or dependent variable; _____ stands for the treatment; E stands for the experimental group; C stands for the control group, R stands for random sampling, and NR for no random sampling.


Are 'sour grapes rationalization' and 'sweet lemon rationalization' real terms according to this exam? Y/N


John Bowlby was a psychoanalyst who contributed to attachment theory. Bowlby studied institutionalized children. Y/N


A Type II error is made when we ___________ the null hypothesis even though it is false. Probability of making a type II error is determined by the alpha level, sample size and effect size. Setting a low alpha level to reduce risk of a Type I error will increase risk of a Type II error. Large sample and effect sizes protect against Type II error.


'______plastic' is to external change as '_autoplastic' is to internal change.


A result has statistical significance if there is a low probability that changes in the IV are due to random error. The probability required for significance is the _____________________.

alpha level

Neal Miller and Ali Banuazizi experiments with rats were the first to prove that ___________ processes such as heart rate and blood pressure can be controlled through conditioning. This can be seen as an early ancestor of Biofeedback.


The ACA ethical principal of _______________ means fostering the right to control the direction of one's life;


In a token economy, reinforcers that can be earned using tokens are called ______________ reinforcers.


The ACA ethical principal of _________________ means working for the good of the individual and society by promoting mental health and well-being.


EEG Feedback (Electroencephalogram feedback), or neurofeedback, monitors _________ waves.


A probability level of 0.5 is standard for social science research. P = 0.5 means that there is a 5% chance that the difference between the control group and experimental group is due to _____________.


In a spiral test, questions get progressively more difficult. A __________ test is a test where several sections are spiral.


Freud's defense mechanism '_________________' occurs when a person develops a positive aspect of themselves in order to compensate for an aspect perceived as negative.


During Piaget's ___________________ stage (ages 7-11), children are able to apply logic to concrete events. Children understand reversibility. Children's self-consciousness increases, resulting in two types of thought: Imaginary Audience (belief of being observed by others) and Personal Fable (belief that child is exceptional).

concrete operational

A _______________ variable is a variable that varies along with the IV, making it difficult to tell which is responsible for the effect on the DV.


Lawrence Kohlberg's second stage of moral development is called the ____________________ stage. It's levels are 'interpersonal accord and conformity' and 'authority and social-order maintaining.' Morality is motivated by social conformity.


In testing, the item difficulty index is calculated by taking the number of persons tested who answered the question _______________ divided by the total number of persons tested.


In Berne's transactional analysis, the words 'complementary' and 'parallel' refer to successful communication and the word '____________' refers to miscommunication.


Norbert Wiener was a mathematician whose work with machinery in Los Alamos, NM was applied to family systems, resulting in the idea of ________________ (family feedback loops that maintain homeostasis).


In Freudian psychoanalysis, Eros is to love as Thanatos is to _________.


In a classic study from the 1930s, Lewin, Lippitt, and White identified 3 leadership styles: autocratic (authoritarian), democratic, and laissez faire. Which is considered most effective?


Urie Bronfenbrenner created __________ __________ theory. This theory distinguishes between the microsystem (close relationships), mesosystem (microsystems, such as family and school, interacting), exosystem(broader systems the child interacts with), and macrosystem (national or global level systems).

ecological systems

Edward Thorndike's law of ___________ asserts that behaviors that create pleasure will be repeated, and behaviors that create displeasure will not.


'Emic' is to specific as 'etic' is to universal.


The ACA ethical principal of _____________ means honoring commitments and keeping promises, including fulfilling one's responsibilities of trust in professional relationships.


Which of Jean Piaget's 4 developmental stages is the sensorimotor stage? What ages does it cover? What major skill is learned in this stage?

first; ages 0-2; object permanence

In family therapy, _______ order change is change on the behavioral level that does not impact the operating rules of the family system. ___________ order change is change that effects or changes the operating rules.

first; second

In continuous reinforcement schedules, reinforcement is provided every single time after the desired behavior. Partial reinforcement schedules can include _________schedules (number of responses or amount of time between reinforcements is set and unchanging), _____________ schedules (the number of responses or amount of time between reinforcements change randomly), ________ schedules (reinforcement occurs after a certain number of responses have been emitted), and ____________ schedules (reinforcing a behavior after a period of time has passed.).

fixed; variable; ratio; interval

The interval or ratio intermittent reinforcement schedules are considered fixed when the number of responses or the amount of time remains constant, and __________ when it changes. __________ schedules are considered more effective.

fixed; variable; variable

During Piaget's ___________________ stage (ages 11-16+), children are able to use abstract thinking, metacognition, and multi-step problem solving.

formal operational

Which of Jean Piaget's 4 developmental stages is the formal operational stage? What ages doe sit cover? What 3 major skills are learned in this stage?

fourth; ages 11-16+; logic; abstract thought; metacognition

Berne, the founder of transactional analysis, identified a typology of counterproductive social interactions, identifying these as___________. In a first degree game, nobody gets hurt; in a second degree game, someone gets hurt; in a third degree game, someone gets seriously hurt.


Fritz Perls is the founder of __________ therapy.


EKG Feedback (Electrocardiogram feedback), or neurofeedback, monitors the activity of the ___________.


A maturationist believes that behavior is directed by _______________ factors, but that certain behaviors will not manifest unless certain environmental and developmental factors are present.


___________ __________ conditioning (also known as second order conditioning) is when a neutral stimulus ("CS1") comes to signal an unconditioned stimulus through conditioning. Then a second neutral stimulus ("CS2") is paired with the first (CS1) and comes to yield its own conditioned response.

higher order

In group work, _______________ interventions are those that address the group as a whole, and _____________ interventions are those that address individual members.

horizontal; vertical

Freud's defense mechanism '_________________' occurs when a person identifies with a person, group, profession, or other identity perceived as positive. '_____________________' occurs when a person (such as a child) takes on the values or belief system of another person.

identification; introjection

Does increasing a test's length increase or decrease reliability?


The ACA ethical principal of ___________________ means treating individuals equitably and fostering fairness and equality.


Effect size is a quantitative measure of the magnitude of the experimental effect. The __________ the effect size the stronger the relationship between two variables.


The terms relational ethics, family legacy, and family ____________ are associated with Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy.


Which hemisphere of the brain is dominant in 95% of people?


The z-score or standard score is the number of standard deviations by which the value of a data point is above or below the ___________.


Logotherapy means healing through _____________ and was founded by Viktor Frankl.


EMG Feedback (Electromyographic feedback) uses electrodes to measure ____________ tension.


Mark Savickas's career construction postmodern approach was rooted in ______________ therapy, and emphasized life themes.


A positive contingency is something that is added to a person's experience; a negative contingency is something that is taken away. Contingencies can be reinforcers or punishers. If a rat can push a lever to make a loud noise stop, is this a positive or negative contingency? Is it a reinforcer or punisher?

negative; reinforcer

The ACA ethical principal of __________________ means avoiding actions that cause harm.


The t-distribution (chart or graph) is used when data are approximately _____________ distributed. A t-score is the number of standard deviations from the mean in a t-distribution. You can typically look up a t-score in a t-table.


Francis Galton believed that intelligence is ______________ distributed and primarily genetic. He referred to it as a 'unitary faculty.' He supported scientific racism and eugenics.


Irvin Yalom's original stages of group development were orientation, conflict, cohesion, and termination. In 1977, Tuckman and Jensen suggested 5 stages: forming, storming, _____________, performing, and adjourning.


The _________ hypothesis states that the IV has no effect. The research hypothesis states that the IV does have an effect.


Lawrence Kohlberg's third stage of moral development is called the ____________________ stage. It's levels are 'social contract' and 'universal ethical principals.' Morality is motivated by internalized moral principles.


Lawrence Kohlberg's first stage of moral development is called the ____________________ stage. It's levels are 'obedience and punishment' and 'self-interest.' Morality is motivated by consequences.


During Piaget's ___________________ stage (ages 2-7), children engage in symbolic play and demonstrate curiosity. Their thought demonstrates: Centration: Focusing only on salient aspects Conservation: Quantities remain consistent in different containers Irreversibility: Difficulty reversing sequence of events in mind Class inclusion: hierarchical categorization Transitive inference: Using previous knowledge to understand


The WPPSI-IV, or Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, is a measure of cognitive development for _________________ and young children.


The term 'group therapy' was first used and introduced to the APA by Jacob Moreno (1889-1974). Moreno was the founder of _________________, and believed that spontaneity and creativity are essential to human progress.


A Pearson ____ correlation coefficient is used to describe the strength of the relationship between two variables when both have interval and ratio scale properties.


Intermittent reinforcement schedules are when some, but not all, instances of a behavior are reinforced. ________ schedules are when a certain number of responses are emitted before reinforcement. An __________ schedule is when a response is reinforced after a certain amount of time since the last reinforcement. __________ schedules are considered more effective.

ratio; interval; ratio

A measure is said to be _____________ if awareness of being measured changes the subjects' behavior.


The 8 steps of __________ therapy are: 1. Build a good relationship 2. Examine the current behavior 3. Evaluate behavior-helpful or not? 4. Brainstorm alternatives 5. Commit to new plan 6. Evaluate results-no punishments or excuses 7. Accept logical & natural consequences 8. Don't get discouraged


William Glasser (1960s) was the founder of __________ therapy. This kind of therapy focuses on 3 R's: realism, responsibility, and right-and-wrong. It deemphasizes mental illness and focuses on problem solving. It included control theory, also called choice theory, which is the idea that the only person you can control is yourself.


Tom Anderson used a one-way mirror and ______________ team in family therapy. The family would listen to the treatment team discussing the case.


A Type I error is made when we __________ the null hypothesis even though it is true. Probability of making a type 1 error is determined by choice of alpha level. With an alpha level of 0.05, the probability of a Type I error is also 0.05.


Type I error is to ______________, as Type II error is to __________.

reject; accept

In single-case or single-subject experimental designs, there is only one research subject. In order to confirm that the IV is what brought about a change in the DV, a ____________ design is often applied. A (baseline) -> B (treatment) -> A (baseline) is such a design.


______________________ is a phenomenon wherein people change their decisions or opinions to become more extreme and risky when acting as part of a group. Group polarization is a similar phenomenon in which people's views become more extreme following a group experience.

risky shift

Which of Jean Piaget's 4 developmental stages is the preoperational stage What ages does it cover? During this stage children engage in ___________ play.

second; ages 2-7; symbolic

During Piaget's ___________________ stage (ages 0-2), children are developing their reflexes and 'circular reactions.' They are egocentric.


The alpha level is also known as the _________________ level.


Leon Festinger's ___________________ theory asserts that individuals evaluate their own opinions and abilities by comparing themselves to others. Self-comparison reduces uncertainty and defines the self.

social comparison

A ______________ is a tool for charting the relationships within a group.


Cloe Madanes is associated with ____________ family therapy.


Jay Haley created _______________ family therapy. His approach emphasized giving directives to clients. One of his techniques was the 'double-bind'- a form of paradox.


Donald Meichenbaum's _________________________ training, clients learn to monitor their inner dialogue, rehearse a new inner dialogue, and then apply it in stress-inducing situations.

stress inoculation

GSR Feedback (galvanic skin response feedback) measures changes in _________ gland activity that are reflective of emotional arousal.


Murray Bowen's intergenerational family _____________ theory introduced concepts such as triangulation, differentiation, and the genogram.


Which of Jean Piaget's 4 developmental stages is the concrete operational? What ages does it cover? What two major skills are learned in this stage?

third; ages 7-11; conservation; reversibility

Freud's ___________________ model was introduced in his book The Interpretation of Dreams (1900). It divides the mind into three systems: the unconscious, preconscious, and conscious. _________ psychology utilizes this model.

topographical; depth

Frank Parson's ___________________ matching theory (career dev) attempts to match individual aptitudes with job requirements. This theory has been called 'trait-and-factor,' 'matching,' or 'actuarial.'


Eric Berne's __________________ analysis posits three ego states: the Child, the Adult, and the Parent. Social interactions are analyzed to determine the ego-state of the communicator.


Prochaska created the _______________________ model of change, which asserts that the steps for change include precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.


In gestalt therapy, 'retroflection' means doing to yourself what you would like to do to someone else, and '______________ business' refers to unresolved emotions.


According to Yalom and the NCE exam, which are more effective: structured group exercises, or unstructured group exercises?


The F test is the analysis of _____________. The F statistic is a ratio of two types of variance: systematic variance and error variance. The larger the F ratio, the more likely it is that results are significant.


When a study has more than one DV, an analysis of _______________ (ANOVA) can be used to used to analyze the differences among means. When a study has two IV, a two-way ANOVA is used.


The ACA ethical principal of _________________ means dealing truthfully with individuals with whom counselors come into professional contact.


The space between what a learner can do with and without assistance was termed the ___________________________ by Lev Vygotsky.

zone of proximal development

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