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B The IBC limits dead-end corridors to 20 ft in unsprinklered buildings

According to the IBC, dead end corridors in unsprinklered buildings are limited to a maximum of A) 10 ft B) 20 ft C) 40 ft D) 50 ft

A A building can receive a LEED credit for using a carpet system that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute's IAQ Carpet Testing Program. Such carpet may be on the Greenguard Registry or have a Green Seal label, but neither is sufficient for LEED credit. The SCAQMD sets standards for VOCs, but meeting their requirements is not sufficient for receiving LEED credit.

A building can receive LEED credit if the carpet used meets the requirements of the A) CRI IAQ program B) Greenguard registry C) Green Seal product standards D) South Coast Air Quality Management District

B Smoke seals will be required, but the most important thing is that the glass doors will have to be replaced, either with solid, 20 minute rated doors or with 20 minute rated doors with glass that is also 20 minute rated. Because this will significantly change the appearance of the existing entry, it is the first thing the client should be told to expect. Either pivoted floor closwers or hinges may be used as long as they are also fire rated and the door is side swinging.

A client has requested a new entry to her consulting business, which is located in an old, unsprinklered building. The client's space must conform to current IBC requirements. The current entrance consists of a pair of all glass doors mounted on floor closers. The entrance opens onto a 1-hour rated building corridor. What should the designer tell the client to expect regarding the new entrance? A) Smoke seals will have to be located around the edges of the glass doors B) The glass doors will have to be replaced C) One of the doors will have to be removed D) the floor closers will have to be changed to hinges

C The primary consideration for travel distance is whether or not the building is sprinklered. Then the codes may decrease the distance for certain occupancies.

A designer is developing a space plan for a full floor tenant in a high rise building. What two things does the designer need to know when determining the maximum travel distance? A) the construction type and height of the building B) the occupancy classification and whether the design involves an exit or exit access C) the occupancy classification and whether the building is sprinklered D) the construction type and whether the building is sprinklered

C The International Building Code refers to NFPA13 in detailing the requirements of sprinkler system design and installation. The other model codes refer to NFPA13 as well.

A designer is planning a library in which tall bookshelves will be used. If the project is located in a city that has adopted the International Building Code, where would the designer look to find requirements on the minimum allowable space between the top of the shelving and the sprinkler heads in the ceiling? A) IBC B) INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE C) NFPA13 D) IPC

A Only tempered and laminated glass are considered to be safety glazing, because they meet the requirements of 16 CFR 1201.

A designer selection glass to meet the requirements for safety glazing in a hazardous location should specify A) tempered or laminated glass B) tempered or wired glass C) heat strengthened glass or wired glass D) laminated glass or wired glass

B ASTM is the American Society for testing and Materials and is one of the organizations that establish a wide variety of standards covering testing methods, products, definitions, and more. Although its committees develop test methods, it is not a testing laboratory.

ASTM is an example of A) model code group B) an industry standard writing organization C) testing laboratory D) a federal code writing agency

C Under the UBC, any stair 44 in or wider requires handrails on both sides

According to the UBC, the minimum width of a stair when handrails are required one either side is A) 36in B) 42in C) 44in D) 60in

A An accessible route must serve all accessible spaces and parts of a building

An accessible route must serve A) all accessible spaces and parts of a building B) the corridors, stairs, elevators, and toilet rooms of a building C) entrances, parking, toilet rooms, corridors, and drinking fountains D) entrances, corridors, toilet rooms, and elevators except those available only for maintenance personnel

D Options A and B are incorrect because Greenguard and Green Seal are both product rating systems. Greenguard certifies for acceptable emission levels while Green Seal certifies products that meet certain environmental standards. Option C is incorrect because ISO 14000 refers to the International Standards Organizations collection of standards and guidelines that relate to a variety of environmental standards, including labeling, life cycle assessment, and others. ISO standards are used to measure the performance of other organizations that certify products other environmental claims. Only LEED certifies the entire building as it meets sustainability standards.

An interior design project that carries a gold rating has been designed and certified under which of the following systems? A) greenguard B) Green Seal C) ISO 14000 D) LEED

B A life-cycle assessment evaluates the environmental impact of using a particular material over its entire useful life, including disposal. It could be used ot compare the impacts of two or more materials so the architect could select the most sustianable one.

An interior designer is evaluating various alternatives for a particular building product as they relate to sustainability. The interior designer would most likely use A) an environmental impact study B) a life cycle assessment C) an impact assessment D) a matrix comparison chart

D As measured from the nosing, a handrail for barrier free design must be 34 in to 38 in high

As measured from the nosing, a handrail for barrier free design must have a height of A) 28 in to 32 in B) 30 in to 34 in C) 32 in to 36 in D) 34 in to 38 in

C The environment protection agency (EPA) banned the spray application of asbestos containing fireproofing and insulating materials in 1973.

Buildings constructed prior to which year are likely to contain spray on fireproofing and insulation containing asbestos? A) 1968 B) 1970 C) 1973 D) 1978

D Although it is sometimes done by a specialty contractor,, radon detection and remediation can be done by anyone.

Certified contractors are required to abate all the following hazardous materials EXCEPT A)asbestos B) lead C) PCBs D) radon

C Looking at the required maneuvering clearances it is clear that the side approach with the door swinging into the room only requires a minimum of 42 in (assuming the door has no closwer). this would allow the use of a 44 in minimum corridor. The front approach ( door swings into room) and latch side approach ( door swings into corridor) both require a minimum of 48 in. The front approach ( door swings into corridor) would require a 60 in corridor ( a 36 in door plus 24 in of side clearance)

During space planning, the designer must locate a 36 in door leading from a corridor where limited space is available, into another room. One option is to orient the corridor either perpendicular or parallel to the wall separating the corridor from the room and to swing the door in any direction. The door will have a latch only, with no closer. In order to provide for accessibility and minimize the width of the corridor, which of the following door orientations and approach directions would best meet the criteria? A) front approach, door swings into room B) latch side approach, door swings into corridor C) hinge side approach, door swings into room D) front approach, door swings into corridor

C According to the IBC, exit access corridors must have a 1-hour rating.

Exit access corridors in non-sprinkled buildings must have a rating of: A) 30 minutes B) 45 minutes C) 1 hour D) 2 hour

A Exits are not limited in length (because they are protected), can be something as simple as a door, and are usually required in buildings with sprinklers.

Exits are always A) protected by fire rated construction B) limited in length C) corridors or stairways D) required in buildings without sprinklers

A Exits may never pass through kitchens

Exits may NEVER pass through A) kitchens B) foyers C) reception rooms D) lobbies

D By definition a material that does not ignite or burn is considered noncombustible.

If a material does not burn, it is considered to be? A) fire retardant B) fire rated C) flame resistant D) noncombustible

D A 90,000ft building would be approximately 300 ft or about 250 ft wide and 360 ft long. The size combined with typical rectangular planning of corridors would create very long distance to exits.

In a 90,000 FT2, single story office building, what would be of greatest concern in space planning? A) dead-end corridors B) corridor widths C) horizontal exits D) travel distances

C The only way to locate sprinklers such that the maximum spacing between heads is 15ft and the maximum spacing from the walls is 7 1/2 ft is to use four heads

In a fully sprinklered office building, how many sprinklers would be required in a room measuring 20ft x 25ft A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 6

B Scoping provisions tell the designer how much of something is required. Although there are scoping provisions in the ADA, local codes may be more stringent, i which case the interior designer must conform to the more restrictive requirements. ANSI A117.1 may or may not be applicable in a given jurisdiction. If it has been adopted by the building code, it is important to review to see if the requirements are more restrictive than those of the ADA. The latest edition of A117.1 leaves scoping up to local jurisdiction. ADAAG is the ADA Accessibility Guidelines and is part of the ADA, so this option is irrelevant. The Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards are applicable to federal buildings and projects that receive federal funding and would not be used for a commercial project.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the ADA, what other accessibility requirements should the interior designer be most concerned with when doing design development for a commercial project? A) ANSI A117.1, Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities B) scoping provision of the local building code C) ADAAG D) The uniform Federal Accessibility Standards

A Barrier-free design requires that objects do not protrude into the accessible path in such a way as to present a hazard. In addition, tactile signs must have a minimum 1/32 in raised surface, and accessible routes must not be reduced in width.

In developing a signage system for a health care clinic, the designer decides that the room identification signs should be mounted perpendicular to the wall near the door to each room. What would be of LEAST concern in the design work? A) the color of the lettering and its background B) that the amount the Braille lettering is raised above the surface C) whether or not the width of the accessible route was reduced D) the mount height to the center of the sign

C The Steiner tunnel test (ASTM E84) is used to measure the flammability of wall finishes and is the test most often required in building codes. The methenamine pill test is for carpet. The smoke density test does not measure flame spread, which is of vital importance. The vertical ignition test is for window coverings.

In order to specify an acceptable type of wall covering, which of the following tests should the designer require that the wall covering pass? A) methenamine pill test B) smoke density chamber test C) Steiner tunnel test D) vertical ignition test

A This question implies that the design process cannot proceed without some basic data that the interior designer might not otherwise have about a building. The most improtant pieces of information are construction type, adjacent occupancies, and sprinkler condition. Construction type could affect the maximum area of the client's proposed use and how the designer would have to detail shaft walls and structural enclosures. Adjacent occupancy groups would affect what rating the designer felt would be needed between the clients's space and the existing spaces. Knowing whether or not a building was fully sprinklered would affect maximum allowable area, finishes, and other design and detail decisions. Fire-zone classifications are generally irrelevant for interior design work. Accessibility requirements are necessary, but the requirements themselves do not relate to the building

In starting a design project in a multi-use building, what information would an interior designer need to determine? I. construction type II. adjacent occupancies III. sprinkler condition IV. fire zone classification V. accessibility requirements A) I, II, and III B) I, IV, and V C) II, III, and IV D) II, IV, and V

D The most restrictive building type is Type I, which the least restrictive is Type V.

In which building type are fire resistive construction requirements likely to be LEAST restrictive? A) Type I B) Type II C) Type III D) type IV

C Although ventilation rates vary depending on the use of the space, 15 cfm/person (8 L/s/person) is the lowest recommended by ASHRAE 62-2001

The absolute minimum fresh air ventilation rate recommended by ASHRAE standard 62 is A) 5 cfm/person (3 L/s/person) B) 10 cfm/person (5 L/s/person) C) 15 cfm/person (8 L/s/person) D) 20 cfm/person (10L/s/person)

B In order to get LEED credit, an independent commissioning team that does not include anyone responsible for the project must be used. Even without seeking LEED credit, commissioning requires a joint effort of the mechanical engineer, the contractor, the electrical engineer, the building owner, and others.

The building commissioning of an interior design project seeking LEED credit is the responsibility of the A) building architect B) independent commissioning team C) project's interior designer D) project's mechanical engineer

D Any rights not specifically reserved for the federal government by the United States Constitution revert to individual states. The states, in turn, can delegate control of construction to local jurisdictions. Only a few states have a state building code. In nearly all cases, the local or state code is based on the IBC or one of the model codes.

The majority of building codes in the United States are established by A) federal laws B) model code writing agencies C) state governments D) local governments


The minimum clear width for a door is? A) 30 in B) 32 in C) 34 in D) 36 in

C The International Plumbing Code and similar model codes base toilet fixture requirements on the basic use or occupancy of the building.

The minimum number of toilet fixtures required for an interior design remodeling is determined by occupant load and A) accessibility requirements B) building type C) occupancy group D) square footage

C Normally, the three parts are identified as they go from the least protected to the most protected: exit access, exit, and exit discharge

The three parts of a means of egress include the I. Public way II. Exit III. Exit access IV. Exit enclosure V. Exit discharge VI. corridor A) I, II, and III B) I, III, and Vi C) II, III, and V D) II, IV, and V

D The occupancy and occupant load are used to determine the number of exits

The two most important factors in determining the number of exits required for a particular room or space are A) occupancy and the distance from the room exit to the building exit B) the exit widths and common path of egress travel C) the occupant load and building size D) the occupancy and the occupant load

A Emergency warning systems must provide both visual and audible alarms

What are the most important design elements to incorporate into a hotel, to provide safe egress for physically disabled people? I. visual alarms II. audible alarms III. Flashing smoke detectors IV. large emergency lettering V. tactile signage A) I and II B) I and III C) II and IV D) II and V


What is included in the rise of a stair? A) the vertical distance from one nosing to the next B) the average height of a step C) the distance from finish floor slab to finish floor slab D) the number of steps between landings

D The size of accessible stalls, whether standard, end, or row type is more or less fixed. Factors that could affect the total space required would be use of an inswing door ( which adds to the area required) and whether the design uses a side or front approach ( latch side takes the least room) Grab bar locations and the toilet position relative to the stall are fixed and would not be of initial concern

When considering the initial space planning of an accessible toilet room, which of the following design elements should be the most concern? A) door swing and toilet position B) grab bar location and approach dimension C) stall depth and grab bar location D) Door swing and approach dimension

C The solution that is least expensive and most sensitive to accessibility requirements is to provide a power assisted door opener.

When dong design work for remodeling toilet rooms to make them accessible, the designer finds that it is impossible to provide adequate clearance on one side of a door. What is the best course of action? A) Propose to the client that walls be demolished and replanned to provide the necessary clearances. B) Apply to the building department for a variance because of the remodeling problem. C) Specify a power assisted door opener that meets accessibility standards, and incorporate this into the design. D) Suggest that a unisex toilet be built nearby that complies with all accessibility requirements.

A Building codes limit flammability of finishes based on the occupancy of the building and whether the finishes are in an exit or not. A sprinkler system may allow a reduction in one flame spread class rating but is not the overriding variable. Flame spread requirements are also independent of the rating of the assembly on which the finishes are places.

When selecting interior partition finishes to meet flame spread standards, the most important considerations are: A) the occupancy group, and the location in the building where the finishes will be used. B) whether or not the building has an automatic sprinkler system, and the construction type C) whether or not the partition is a fire barrier, and the ratings of assemblies in the partition D) the hourly rating of the partition on which the finish will be installed, and the construction type

A The most restrictive requirements for finish materials are in enclosed vertical exitway enclosures.

Where are flame-spread ratings in a building most restrictive? A) in exit enclosures B) on corridor floors C) in access ways to exits D) in enclosed spaces

B Bagasse (the reidue from the processing of sugar cane) and rice straw are both alternative agricultural products that are made into panel products. Wheat straw is a little more common and is also used for straw particleboard.

Which of the following agricultural products is NOT used in the production of panel products? A) bagasse B) poplar C) rice straw D) wheat straw

A The main thing to remember is that corridors are part of the exit access. This means that they are used for calculating travel distance, but they do not necessarily have to be fire rated ( although they usually are). Also, by definition they must be used exclusively for egress

Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about corridors? A) Corridor construction must be fire-rated B) Corridors are part of the exit access C) Corridors must be used exclusively for egress D) Corridors are included in calculating travel distance

B Closers are always required with fire-rated door assembles ( protected openings)

Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about fire-rated door assemblies? A) Either hinges or rated pivots may be used B) Under some circumstances a closer is not needed C) Labeling is required for both the door and frame D) glass area is limited based on rating

A Although post occupancy evaluatios are good tools for verifying that earlier decisions regarding IAQ are being maintained, the other three options would be the best ways to establish air quality at the beginning of a project.

Which of the following is the LEAST effective for maximizing indoor air quality? A) conduction a post occupancy evaluation B) developing a maintenance manual C) planning separate rooms for large copiers D) specifying materials with low VOCs

D ASTM E119 tests the entire assembly, not just the finish materials like ASTM E84 (also known as the Steiner tunnel test). The ASTM E119 test is best at evaluation any barrier, like a partition, that is intended to prevent the spread of fire.

Which test gives the most accurate evaluation of the safety of a partition system? A) ASTM E84, Standard Test Methods for surface burning characteristics of Building Materials B) Steiner tunnel test C) room corner test D) ASTEM E119, Standard Test Methods for Fire tests of Building Construction and Materials

C All carpet manufactured or sold in the United States is required to pass the pill test. The flooring radiant panel test is used for corridor flooring and types of flooring in only a few occupancies. The Steiner tunnel test can be used, but is not a realistic test on carpet because the material is tested on top of the tunnel.

Which test is most frequently used to evaluate carpet in the United States? A) flooring radiant panel test B) Steiner tunnel test C) methenamine pill test D) methods of fire tests of building construction and materials

B The two most important variables are the use of the space (occupancy) and the number of people that must exit the space ( occupant load).

Which two factors most typically determine whether a room must have at least two exits? A) occupancy and travel distance B) occupant load and occupancy C) travel distance and occupant load D) exit width factor and occupancy

C All the sink installations listed as possible options can work if they meet measurement requirements. But a wall hung lavatory gives the most open access, usually exceeding the minimum requirements.

Which type of sink is best for barrier free design? A) vanity B) pedestal C) wall hung D) free standing

B Option A is incorrect because post consumer materials are those that have served their intended use. Option C is incorrect because recycled products are finished materials or products that have been reused as they are or converted into another material. Option D is incorrect because renewable materials are those that can be grown or naturally replenished faster than humans can deplete them.

Wood chips and sawdust made into panel products are examples of A) post consumer materials B) post industrial materials C) recycled products D) renewable products

C Options A, B, and D include doors that would provide less than a clear 32 in wide opening.

Working under the IBC, a designer has calculated that a total exit width of 8ft is required from a store. What combination of door widths would meet most exiting requirements? A) one 36in in door remotely located from a pair of 34 in doors B) a pair of 32 in doors remotely located from one 38 in door C) three 36 in doors remotely located D) three 34 in doors remotely located

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