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Animal and poultry flesh are not consumed because it means taking the life of the animal. Taking the life is forbidden.

Fiods are not consumed Hindu diet.

Renal failure (urine is not concentrated is not diluted anymore)

Fixed urine specific gravity indicates

Syndrome Of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (Siadh)

Fluid retention- opposite of diabetes insipidus.

antidote for Benzodiazepines.


60-80 seconds

For a client taking warfarin, the PT should be between

client should use a pillow between the legs for the first six weeks post surgery when lying on the nonoperative side or when supine.

For the first 6 wks after hip replacement (arthoplasty)

3rd stage, lasts 5-30 minutes

From the birth of infant to birth of placenta

(3rd degree): Total destruction of epidermis and dermis, decreased blood flow due to eschar. Painless, varied color edema. extensive contact with hot objects,

Full thickness burn.

By day 10.

Fundal position: Becomes pelvic organ again usually by _____

At or 1 cm/finger breadth above the umbilicus for the first 12 hours. Descend by one finger breadth each succeeding day

Fundal position: each succeeding day after 12 hours

At or 1 cm/finger breadth above the umbilicus for the first 12 hours.

Fundal position: for the first 12 hours. postpartum,

• 15 = Highest Score • 8 = intubate REPORT Decreasing GCS score!

GCS Score Highest Score intubate

of 35.

General guidelines recommend attempting to get pregnant for at least one year before undergoing fertility testing and treatment until the age

health care provider may recommend treatment and testing right away.

General guidelines recommend attempting to get pregnant for at least one year before undergoing fertility testing and treatment until the age of 35. If between the ages of 35-40, it is recommended to attempt 6 months of unprotected intercourse before seeking treatment. If over the age of 40,

6 months

General guidelines recommend attempting to get pregnant for at least one year before undergoing fertility testing and treatment until the age of 35. between the ages of 35-40, it is recommended to attempt

insulin has no peak time and can be given at night (long-acting insulin)


long acting insulin with a duration of 24 hours. The onset of long acting insulin is 3-4 hours. A small amount has no peak.


conversion of proteins and fats into glucose.

Glucocorticoids Cortisol or steroids provide

Almonds Yogurt Sardines Cheese Many juices are fortified with calcium and other nutrients.

Good sources of calcium

#of pregnancies #of luve births

Gravida____ Para____

More than 40

HDL (when statins are effective)

Lungs: "Cheyne Stokes Respirations" Neck: "Can not FLEX chin toward chest" Eyes: "Fixed & Dilated" • 8 mm Foot: Babinski reflex Seizures & Coma Abnormal posturing: Decorticate • Decerebrate CUSHING TRIAD LOW HR LOW RR HIGH NARROW BP

Late DEADLY Signs: ICP

accountable for the task.

In delegation, The nurse delegates care to the LPN/LVN and unlicensed assistive personnel. Delegatir remains

Fluid volume overloadd 2-8

Increased CVP indicates Normal CVP

Altered LOC: Restlessness, Agitation Decreased Mental

Increased ICP Early Sign:


Increased drainage after initial placement of the chest drainage system is an expected finding. Drainage greater than _____mL in the first hour would be an unexpected finding and the health care provider should be notified.


Increased joint pain and stiffness after periods of activity. Joint pain is precipitated by activity and relieved by rest Pain may be due to articular distension, or stretching of the joint fibers It may involve single or multiple joints

Garlic, ginger or ginko Alcohol: client can take 1 beer a day

Increased risk of bleeding when aspirin combined with....

Potent medications such as Long-term IV antibiotic therapy, Chemotherapy, IV potassium chloride Long term parenteral nutrition (PN) Blood Hemodynamic monitoring

Indications for central venous access device

Developmental delays Abdominal pain Irritability

Indications for lead poisoning

Insulin requirements will increase during pregnancy and decrease after delivery.

Insulin requirements will _____during pregnancy and _____ after delivery.

200-300 mL

Intake and output should be within ____ of each other.

Normal when it coughs

Intermittent bubbling in water seal chamber

30 min per 8 hour shift

Internal Radiation Nursing Care Limit Time with Client to

Less than 5 mm o Negative response for everybody 5-9 mm Positive for people who: Are in close contact with a patient who has infectious tuberculosis HIV infection immunocompromised organ transplant 10-15 mm Birth in a high-prevalence country congregate settings last ke prison, nursing home More than 15 mm Positive for all people

Interpreting Tuberculin Test Results Less than 5 mm 5-9 mm 10-15 mm More than 15 mm

Position - Semi Fowler's Place neck in neutral position Teach avoid valsalva maneuver avoid flexion of hips, waist, and neck Suction only as necessary but no longer than 10 seconds 100% O2 before and after suctioning Perform neuro checks using GCS Teach to take a breath when turn

Interventions for increased ICP? Position - neck Teach

We Never give for patients who are already DRY.

Ipratropium Contraindication ALL anticholinergics:

Avoid anticholinergic with glaucoma

Ipratroplum for a patient with glaucoma

dyspnea, chronic fatique, paleness, severe palpitations, sensitivity to cold and profound weakness Irin deficency anemia is caused by blood loss, increased metabolic energy demands, gastrointestinal malabsorption and dietary inadequacy

Iron deficiency anemia Symptoms Caused by


Irregular contractions

Hepatitis pop

Isoniazid ss

Rheumatoid arthritis

Joint pain and stiffness after stressful event (infection, work stress, childbirth)


Kernig Resistance, pain, or an inability to extend the knee is indicative of a positive Kernig's sign. Brudzinski can't flex

less than 139 mg/dL

LDL (when statins are effective)

Active phase:

Lasts about 3 hours in a primipara and 2 hours in a multipara

Discontinuing IV Supporting ventulation IV Ca gluconate Hemidialysis

Treatment of hypermagnesimia


Treatment: If contractions do not increase in frequency, duration, and intensity. If labor does not progress.


Treatment: If contractions too intense. If contractions preterm.

Oxytocin contractions do not increase in frequency, duration, and intensity. If labor does not progress.

Treatment: Oxytocin

• High protein, high calories, tolerated fat. Pancreatic enzyme replacement is required. Postural drainage, chest physiotherapy. Breathing Expectorants, mucolytic agents.

Treatment: cystic fibrosis

Irrigate the NG tube with 20 mL of normal saline. Lead invasive, best to try it first to unclogged the NG

Two hours after the insertion of an NG tube attached to suction, a client vomits a moderate amount of green fluid. Which action by the nurse is best? 3. Replace the NG tube with a larger one. 4. Irrigate the NG tube with 20 mL of normal saline.



symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Upper and lower extremity joints warm to touch and reddened in appearance. Crepitus and grinding are evident when the joint is moved. The joint may be painful to touch.

client's weight should be placed on the upper arms at the hand grip, not the axilla.

Using crutches The client's weight should be placed on the

VRE requires contact precautions.

VRE vancomycin-resistant enterococcus requires precautions.

Deep breath, exhale, bear down During removal of chest tube to prevent air entering pleural space

Valsalva maneuver (teach how to do it and when it done)

Cord compression

Variable Deceleration why

Airborne A fit-tested respiratory device is used with pathogens transmitted by airborne route. The client should also be put in a private room with monitored negative air pressure. Keep the door closed and client the client in the room.

Varicella precautions

amniotic fluid alkaline, vaginal secretions acidic.

Verify membranes have ruptured: Obtain sample of vaginal fluid with sterile, cotton-tipped applicator. Test fluid with Nitrazine paper amniotic fluid _______pH vaginal secretions______pH

Absent respirations and pulse occur with ventricular fibrillation. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is necessary for all clients with ventricular fibrillation and includes bag-valve-mask ventilation and chest compression defibrillation 150 joules Epinephrine IV every 5 min if needed

Vfib (with no pulse) immediate interventions

Vitamin K decrease the effectiveness of Warfarin

Vit K and warfarin

Warfarin has prolonged action. The duration is 2-5 days and the client should be taught that a risk of bleeding continues for several days after the medication is discontinued.

Warfarin duration

2-3 days after

Warfarin what is the greatest risk for bleeding after starting the therapy

C and B6

Water soluble vitamins


Wear and tear disease with stiffness after periods of inactivity, resolving within 30 min

Beta-blockers -lol

What BP medicine increase risk for bronchospasm

22 to 28

What are normal HCO3 Bicarbonate

Lung reexpanded or there is a leak

What if the water doesn't fluctuate in chest tube


What insulin has no peak time and can be given at night (long-acting insulin)

Redness, warmth Decreased ROM

What is expected to see in sickle cell anemia (extremities)

Inform the client about the eventual results of refusal of care.

priority action for declining treatment

Assess the pH of the gastric aspirate (should be less than 4)

priority action for enteral feeding

Administer O, by mask at 6 L/min. Left lateral sideline

priority action for late deceleration


priority adverse effect cimetidine (assessment most important to investigate)

Administer morphine sulfate 4 mg IV, relieve pain and dilate (Drink water to push calculi out)

priority for renal calculi

Request an orientation to the unit and inform the supervisor that the nurse has not cared for this type of client in several years.

priority safe care of clients when floating to a new floor

"Avoid all sexual contact until you have been tested." Don't notify sex partners until diagnosis of chlamydia established

priority suspected chlamydia infection


progressive opacity of the lens. clouded, blurred, or dim vision.

Antiemetic orthostatic hypotension. The nurse needs to determine if dehydration is contributing to the dizziness. Adverse effects of promethazine include anorexia, dry mouth and eyes, constipation, and orthostatic hypotension. The client is at risk for dehydration due to vomiting, which exacerbates the orthostatic hypotension


Position the client on the right side with the head elevated 45°. Risk for aspiration with projectile vomiting

pyloric stenosis. The most important action the nurse should take immediately after feeding the client? Risk for?


rapid acting insulin with a duration of 3 to 5 hours The onset of this insulin is 15 to 30 minutes and the peak is 30 minutes to 1 5 hours


reduction in the number of white cells in the blood, typical of various diseases.


required in stage V (end-stage kidney disease) when the kidney is no longer functioning.

Multiple sclerosis

sclerosis progressive neuromuscular disease that is caused by an immune-mediated destruction of the myelin sheath that covers the nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. Muscle weakness, paresthesias (numbness, tingling, burning sensation) and motor problems are common

The client is at greater risk for suicide necessitating close monitoring. (first 6 weeks due to increase energy level) SSRI

sertraline hydrochloride. One week later, significance of increased energy level

Regular insulin

short acting insulin with a duration of 6 to 10 hours. The onset is 30 to 60 minutes and peak is 1 to 5 hours.

substance which can inhibit platelet aggregation, such as aspirin, NSAIDS, or alcohol injections Injections due to high risk of bleeding

should be avoided for the client diagnosed with hemophilia

The client is at high risk for bleeding because of their low platelet count because of chemotherapy and bine marrow suppresion

soft-bristled toothbrush,

Oliguria, Swelling

stage Il of kidney disease what happens


sterile dressing change should be assigned to the LPN or RN

Headache and vertigo

symptoms of Ménière disease.

Some babies with tetralogy of Fallot have episodes called tet spells, when they suddenly turn bluish and may faint. These spells are serious. A tet spell may be caused by activities that change the pressure in your baby's heart and increase the flow of oxygen-poor blood to their body.

tet spell

pneumothorax because of the proximity of the central veins and the lung cavity. A pneumothorax can occur due to perforations of the pleura by the catheter.

the most probable cause of symptoms after insertion of central venous pressure line.

Erbs 3rd intercoastal space left midsternal boarder

the nurse places the stethoscope to auscultate the heart sounds heard at Erb's point. where is Erb's point?

Signs and symptoms of bleeding.

thrombocytopenia purpura Which teaching is a priority

bleeding and should recognize signs and symptoms of overt bleeding as well as occult bleeding. client should immediately report tarry, black stools, bleeding from gums, seizures or sudden weakness of a limb. The nurse will protect the client from a situation that can cause bleeding, avoid IM injections, apply firm pressure after needlestick, ice areas of trauma, and avoid insertion of indwelling urinary catheters. The nurse will test urine and stool for occult blood, and teach the client to use an electric razor and soft toothbrush.

thrombocytopenia purpura risk for

Prothrombin time (PT) The international normalized ratio (INR) is the standardized system of reporting the PT based on a referenced calibration.

to measure the therapeutic level of warfarin.

Pavlik harness

to treat hip dysplasia in a newborn client to stabilize and keep the hip joint in proper alignment. During the early newborn period, ____is applied to hold the hips in wide abduction. socks placed

intraocular pressure (IOP) and is used to diagnose glaucoma. The normal IOP reading is 10-21 mm Hg, requiring no action by the nurse

tonometer measures

applies suction for 10 seconds during withdrawal of the catheter. suction regulation pressure is 80-120 mm Hg when applying suction.

tracheostomy care: Suction for how many sec? Regulation pressure?

Insulin therapy Regular or crystalline insulin is given intravenously.

treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis.

magnesium sulfate IV

treatment of preeclampsia.

brief interruptions of consciousness.

typical absence seizures.

1O10-1030 remember like time How Clear urine is

urine specific gravity normal range

tonometer normal IOP reading is 10-21 mm

used to diagnose glaucoma.

Prothrombin time (PT)

used to measure the therapeutic level of warfarin.

A partial thromboplastin The therapeutic level is 1,5 to 2 times the control.

used to monitor the effectiveness of heparin,

Hot chocolate, tea contains caffeine; beverages that contain caffeine are usually restricted prior to an electroencephalogram (EEG) for 12 to 24 hours. The client should also avoid sedatives prior to the test.

usually restricted prior to an electroencephalogram (EEG) for 12 to 24 hours.

PT should be between 60-80 seconds or 1.5-2 times INR in the range of 2-3

warfarin should lab value

Cimetidine Ciprofloxacin

• 2 drugs that INCREASE toxicity risk Theophylline

Vaso-occlusive crisis: Can occur priapism

• Most common complication of sickle cell disease. • Painful due to hypoxia and necrosis of tissues or organ. • Occurs when sickled cells block blood flow to an organ or body part.

Antiseizure meducations like carbamazepine

Treatment for trugeminal neuralgia


"I become easily fatigued and am always cold. My periods are irregular and my hair is brittle." what it can be and what to ask to confirm it?

Altered LOC: Irritability, Restlessness - Decreased Mental Status - Flat affect and drowsiness


5 - 15 mmHg

(INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE) Imaging • CT scan ICP monitoring • Normal:

lumbar puncture (spinal tap)


Imaging • CT scan ICP monitoring • Normal: 5 - 15 mmHg


Observe the amount and color of lochia. Priority

A client undergoes admission to the postpartum unit after the vaginal birth of a 9-lb 2-oz (4.139 kg) newborn. Which is the priority action by the nurse when providing care to this client?

colorectal cancer.

-A recommended health promotion activity for an older adult is a stool DNA test every 3 years. This test is one approach to screen for American Cancer Society (ACS) ______recommends that people at average risk of colorectal cancer start regular screening at age 45.

prostate cancer

-A recommended health promotion activity for an older adult male is a digital rectal examination every year to screen for ____

Dark and pigmented (melanocytes-stimulating hormone)

-Addison disease skin

to Lower BP only (not HR)

-pril, -sartan A • ACE (-pril) Lisinopril "chill pril" A • ARBS 2nd choice BP HR

effectiveness of heparin,

3) A partial thromboplastin time is used to monitor

Low BP (nothing helps) Supper pain Syncopy Shock Severe Vomiting and diarrhea (hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia)

5 s of addisonial crisis

Kaposi sarcoma

A cancer that causes lesions in the soft tissues. skin, lymph nodes, internal organs, and mucous membranes lining the mouth, nose, and throat. It often affects people immune deficiencies, such as HIV or AIDS.

Periorbital edema.

A child client has a diagnosis of impetigo. The nurse notes the infection has not improved. The nurse learns the parent has not been caring for the child's skin because it "takes too much time." It is most important for the nurse to assess for which finding? Can cause acute glomerulonephritis -> periorbital edema

Hemorrhage and shock

A client had a cesarean delivery, the highest priority on monitoring the client for which two potential complications?

Applies pressure over the hole with a dressing. Decreases the chance of atmospheric air will enter the pleural space.

A client has a chest tube. Two days after insertion, the chest tube is accidentally pulled out of pleural space. Which action does the nurse take first?

Maintain respiratory function. Lack of acetylcholine results in easy fatigue and muscle weakness especially muscles engaging in repitative action. Weakness of resp muscles can lead to resp arrest if untreated

A client is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. When caring for this client, the nurse gives priority to which nursing goal?

Postoperative activities and restrictions to protect the eye from increased Intraocular pressure such as bending from knees, blowing the nose and vomiting.

A client is scheduled for extracapsular cataract removal. It is most important for the nurse to include which information during preoperative teaching?

Transition phase: Contractions reach maximum intensity

Contractions last more then one minute

Measure the urine specific gravity. Can be diabetes insipid us if low specific gravity

A client undergoes hospitalization for a head injury. The client receives 0.9% sodium chloride at 100 mL/hour and has an indwelling urinary catheter. The client's urinary output is 1,000 mL in 3 hours. Which action by the nurse is best?

Shock, requires imm attention

A client with a BP of 90/60 mmHg and apical P of 120 beats/minute. This indicates

weight bearing on the affected leg.

A four-point gait requires

Begins an IV with normal saline. Dehydration perpetuates cell sickling. Intake at leasr 200mL/hr

A pregnant client diagnosed with sickle cell disease is in vasoocclusive crisis. Which action does the nurse take first?

Impetigo Antibiotic cream Can be with other children 24 hours after starting antibiotic

A toddler-age client has fluid-filled vesicles, honey-colored crusts, and reddened areas around the mouth and axillae. What is that?

A• Antihypertensive (Low BP-NOT HR) A• AVOID pregnant (NOT BABY SAFE) A• Adds Potassium "HyperKalemia" (normal 3.5 - 5.0)

ACE & ARBS -prils & -sartans

2 inches

ADULTS CHILDREN 1-8 press down CPR:

A - Albuterol 1st I - Ipratropium 2nd M- Methyl-predniso-lone (brand: Solu Medrol)

AIM for Acute Asthma Attack

5-35 U/L

ALT elevation indicates liver damage. Normal levels run between



10-40 U/L

AST These enzymes are released from the liver due to damaged cells. Normal levels are between

Beta Blockers Atenolol NSAIDS Naproxen, Ibuprofen

AVOID with asthma and albuterol

Angioedema High K Dry cough 1st dose syncopy

Ace inhibitors serious SS (-pril)

Adding medications to an IV is within the RN scope of practice. It is not within the LPN/LVN scope of practice.

Adding medications to an IV is LPN/LVN scope of practice.

Adrenal insufficiency Cortisol and aldosterone

Addison disease insufficiency.

volume depletion. fluid volume deficit

Addison disease, fluid volume

hydrocortisone therapy and vasopressors, rest, and monitor vital signs. The client should increase fluids and salt during hot weather or excessive perspiration.

Addisonian crisis Nursing care

Salt intake and fluids

Addisonian crisis increase

Cortisol (no cortisol) Damaged adrenal cortex Adrenolectomy (pt needs to take glucicirticoids to supplement cortisol) Pituitary hand damaged

Addisonian crisis key player


Administer a tube feeding for the client with dysphagia. RN or LPN

BP goes down HR goes up

Administer nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingually. Which finding does the nurse expect to observe (BP, HR)?

Na wasting (clients urinate a lot) K saving Weight loss

Adrenal crisis Na+water? K? Weight

Can continue normal activities after the fluid has drained from the abdomen

Advantages continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).

First Generation Antipsychotic Agents high sedation, moderate-high orthostatic hypotension

Adverse Effects chlorpromazine

Normal. frequent urge to void is common after cystoscopy. The tissues have been traumatized, and the bladder responds with an urge to void when moderate amounts of urine are present. This is normal and will subside soon. Abnormal. Urinary retention.

After cystoscopy urination normal and abnormal?

Administers the vitamin K slowly. Intramuscular injections given slowly for better absorption and decreased pain during injection

After inserting a needle into the ventrogluteal muscle to inject vitamin K, which action does the nurse take next?

MTV is on air. • MMR measles, mumps, rubella • Tuberculosis • Varicella (chicken pox)

Airborne precautions deseases

Bone health It can treat or prevent osteoporosis. It can also treat Paget's disease of the bone. Can cause esophagitis


Phase three (transition):

Contractions: 2 to 3 minutes apart.

prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This medication should be taken with 6 to 8 ounces of water to prevent esophageal irritation. Alendronate should be taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes or more before eating or taking other medications. Take weekly

Alendronate Indication Instructions to avoid esophageal irritation

Alka Seltzer contains aspirin and should be avoided with increased risk of bleeding (bone marrow suppression)

Alka Seltzer contains ______ And should be avoided with_____

Benzodiazepine? How you can recognize a Benzodiazepine is that the middle of the generic drug name will have either "ze" or "zo" and most end with "pam" or "lam" Benzos are medications used to help treat panic attacks, seizures, alcohol withdraw etc.

Alprazolam (classufucation, for what)

Cushing syndrome or hypercortisolism (increase cortisol).

Although there is truncal obesity, clients will have thin arms and legs due to muscle wasting. Clients may also present with edema, purple skin striations, and decreased resistance to infection.

Meniere's disease

An inner ear disorder that causes episodes of vertigo (spinning). It usually starts in one ear, but later may involve both. Smoking, infections, or a high-salt diet may worsen the disease.

Altered mental status.

An older adult client is diagnosed with a fractured femur. The nurse recognizes which observation is an early sign of fat embolism?


An older adult client tells the nurse that reading has become difficult and colors seem to have changed, glare at night. What can be the problem

1.5 to 2 Heparin therapy

Anticoagulation is effective when the aPTT is___ times the control. For what check it?

caloric needs decrease as a person gets older. If the calorie intake remains the same as in younger life, the person is likely to gain weight.

As the person ages calorie intake?

Pantoprazole, a proton pump inhibitor (PPI)

Assist control mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) What medication decreases the risk of aspiration of gastric contents.

Symptomatic bradycardia (for example syncope) If doesn't help pacer may be indicated

Atropine indicated for


Benzodiazepines are CNS


Benzodiazepines should NOT be used with

Glaucoma, can cause increase in intraocular pressure

Benztropine Contradicted in

food, milk, or large glass of water to reduce gastrointestinal upset.

Better to take an aspirin with

normal saline to prevent clotting or hemolysis of blood cells.

Blood is hung with

prevent clotting or hemolysis of blood cells.

Blood is hung with normal saline to

5 ug/dL

Blood lead levels of or above _____ require further testing or monitoring.

four hours of removal from the refrigerator. This action minimizes the risk of bacterial growth.

Blood must be infused within

5 mL/min for the first 15 min

Blood must be run slowly at first (no faster than

A febrile reaction

Blood transfusion most common reaction. It is seen in clients after multiple transfusions.

transfusions. hemolytic reaction

Blood transfusion. hemolysis or destruction of blood cells. Symptoms include hematuria, cyanosis, and kidney pain. blood


Blurred vision, headache, rainbows around lights.

type of internal radiation therapy in which seeds, ribbons, or capsules that contain a radiation source are placed in your body, in or near the tumor.


Placenta previa (painless, soft utetus)

Bright red vaginal bleeding

This is a marker of inflammation

C- reactive protein levels are elevated.

Neutropenic 1. NO fresh Flowers, or fresh Fruits 2. AVOID crowds & sick people!

CHEMOTHERAPY Doxorubicin & Cisplatin Precautions?

First stage: Phase one (latent):

Contractions: 30 to 60 seconds long.

Phase three (transition):

Contractions: 45 to 90 seconds long.

3-12 High indicates fluid overload

CVP normal

hypervolemia or fluid volume overload.

CVP reading of 15 mm Hg indicates

(2nd degree): Epidermis affected deeper than 1/3 of dermis. Painful, red/white, moderate edema, blisters are rare. prolonged contact with hot object

Caused by energy transferring from heat source to body. Deep partial-thickness

Deep partial-thickness (2nd degree):

Caused by energy transferring from heat source to body. Epidermis affected deeper than 1/3 of dermis.

Superficial partial-thickness (2nd degree):

Caused by energy transferring from heat source to body. Epidermis affected to 1/3 of dermis, intact blood supply.

(2nd degree): Painful, red exudes fluid, edema, blistered. brief contact with hot objects

Caused by energy transferring from heat source to body. Superficial partial-thickness

Trauma Surgery Age related changes

Causes of retinal detachment

Insufficient thyroid hormone Hashimoto thyroiditis Decreased metabolic rate

Causes: Thyroid Disease- Hypothyroidism

due to autism.

Characteristics include poor eye contact, fixed facial expression, and delay of the development of spoken language.

diminished numbers of white blood cells leukocytosis, red blood cells low erythrocytes, and platelets.

Chemotherapy causes bone marrow depression because it affects rapidly growing and dividing cells. All cells produced in the bone marrow are affected, resulting in

This is a normal finding, indicating the lungs have fully expanded and there is no drainage from the chest.

Chest tube. The amount of drainage in the collection chamber has not changed in the last 12 hours. What does it mean? Does it indicate problem?


Chickenpox (varicella zoster) precautions

normal play activity 3-year-old, parallel play

Children this age enjoy being with each other during playtime, even though they may not communicate with each other.

CHEMOTHERAPY • Give antiemetics (nausea med) prophylactically • Saline rinse before and after meals • Increase fluid intake for next 3 days • Teach how to manage fatigue

Cisplatin nursing teaching

CHEMOTHERAPY Renal toxicity - Creatinine OVER 1.3 = Bad kidney - BUN OVER 20 - Urine ouput 30ml/hr or LESS = Kidney Distress

Cisplatin toxic for what?

(1st degree): Painful, red, no edema. Sunburn, flash burns.

Classifications of burn depth: Superficial

• Admin. bolus of IV normal saline

Client admitted for bacterial meningitis with a BP of 78/56... priority action?

Spine immobilization & CT scan to rule out intracranial bleed

Client found on the floor, appearing lethargic, bleeding at the back of head, heart rate of 45 BPM & a blood pressure of BP 220/88. First action?

Immediately report this finding to the HCP!!!

Client with suspected meningitis... when neck flexes, the hip and knee also flex. Priority action?

fluids and electrolytes. Replacing potassium via an IV will prevent hypokalemia from occurring. Symptoms of hypokalemia (less than 3.5 mEq/L) include muscle weakness, paresthesias, and dysrhythmias, and it increases sensitivity to digitalis. IV potassium can cause irritation and phlebitis so the nurse will assess the IV site every 2 hours/per agency policy.

Clients with NG tubes connected to nasogastric suction lose a large amount of

rest. If the client is given an activity to perform, the tremors seem to go away as the client pursues the purposeful activity due to the diversion.

Clients with a diagnosis of Parkinson disease usually only exhibit tremors at

Benzodiazepine How you can recognize a Benzodiazepine is that middle of the generic drug name will have either "ze" or "zo" and most end with "pam" or "lam" Benzos are medications used to help treat panic attacks, seizures, alcohol withdraw etc.

Clorazepate (classification)

Clubfoot - surgery Positional deformity of foot - manipulations, proper alignment

Clubfoot Positional deformity treatment

Neuroleptuc malignant syndrome Therapy antipsychotics altered consciousness, elevated body temperature, severe EPS, hypertension, tachy, diaphoresis, incontinence, elevated serum creatinine phosphokinase

Complication of what and symptoms NMS

Complications: Fistula formation. Anemia. Intestinal obstruction. Abscess formation. Osteoporosis. Malnutrition. Adhesions. Dehydration with uc

Complications: crohn's and ulcerative colitis

Need to start transfusion within 30 minutes after taking it from blood bank

Considaration with blood product

Avoid taking blood pressure and blood specimens from area with picc Change dressing 2-3 time a week or when wet or nonoclusive Flush with 2 mL of normal saline and 1mL of heparin

Considerations with PICCTURE line

Air bubbling through the water seal chamber intermittently is normal when the patient coughs or exhales, but if there is continuous air bubbling in the chamber, it can indicate air leak that should be evaluated.

Continuous bubbling in water seal chamber in chest tube

Stages of Labor: First stage: Phase one (latent):

Contractions 10 to 30 seconds long.

First stage: Phase two (active):

Contractions 3 to 5 minutes apart.

First stage: Phase one (latent):

Contractions 5 to 30 minutes apart.

Metallic implants. Claustrophobia. Pacemakers, although new protocols allow imaging in selected cases. MR-incompatible prosthetic heart valves. Contrast allergy. Body weight (MRI tables have specific weight limitations)

Contraindications for MRI, m for?

Active phase: Membranes may rupture spontaneously. Contractions stronger and last about 40 to 60 seconds

Contructions lasts one minute

Latent phase: Contractions are mild and last 20 to 40 seconds

Contructions less then one minute phase?

ANTI-INFLAM PREVENTS activity induced asthma Take 15 minutes before exertion for maximum effects



Cushing syndrome causes an increase in sodium and blood volume which will cause

IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS BEFORE giving Check WBC + Pits • REPORT leukopenia Low WBC < 4000 • Monitor for bleeding • No pregnant patients - Use Contraception Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.)



Deceleration may appear at random and may be unrelated to contractions


Decelerations that mirror mom's contractions?

Diabetes Insipidus

Decreased production of ADH from posterior pituitary or decreased kidney response to ADH. Causes; Brain tumor. • Head injury. Brain surgery. Lithium therapy.

(4th degree): Deep wounds to muscle or bone. No pain or edema, black color, monitor for shock, amputation or grafting possible Extensive contact with electrical or other burning situations.

Deep thickness burn.

Deep thickness (4th degree):

Deep wounds to muscle or bone. burn.

Deep thickness (4th degree):

Degree burn No pain or edema, black color, monitor for shock, amputation or grafting possible

Diabetes insipidus Decrease

Diabetes insipidus urine osmolarity ____ specific gravity (less than 1.005)._____

African American Hispanic American Native American Hx of hypertension! HDL less than 60 Family history of diabetes Overweight Triglycerides more than 150 Age more than 50

Diabetes mellitus (DM). risk factors

only in Crohn disease.

Differential diagnosis between Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis: Presence of granulomas

Ulcerative colitis usually limited to colon.

Differential diagnosis between Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis: Ulcerative colitis usually limited

POTASSIUM (K+) BELOW 3.5 (Increases the RISK for Dig Toxic)

Digoxin K

Digoxin: 0.5-2. TOXIC OVER 2.



Do we have to check blood sugar before taking the beclomethasone by metered dose inhaler?

Everything is in normal range (people before paperwork)

Document when

tricyclic antidepressants.

Doxepin (is contraindicated for clients diagnosed with glaucoma)

PIMP stands for: • Pertussis or whooping cough • Influenza or the flu • Meningitis (bacterial or viral) • Pneumonia

Droplet precautions deseases

Diphenhydromine Benztropine Discontinue antipsychotic

Dystonia-abnormal muscle movements (neck twusting) EPS TREATMENT

E- Edema "Angioedema" P- Pruritus & Hives I- Insp. / Exp. "Wheezes"

EPINEPHRINE anaphylaxis

hyperthyroidism or worsen it in some cases Seafood and milk is known for its high levels of iodine

Eating too many iodine-rich or iodine-fortified foods may lead to

Enlarged joints — osteoarthritis Inflamed (hot and reddened) joints —— rheumatoid arthritis

Enlarged joints —— Inflamed (hot and reddened) joints ——

24 hours Avoid adding formula to formula already in bag

Enteral feeding through gastrostomy tube, hang a new bag and tubing every


Estrogen therapy what to check

Hypertension Hyperglycemia Is increased

Everything is ____ in Cushing's

treatment consists of reducing antipsychotic med dose and administering anticholinergic meds like benztropine

Extrapyramidal Side Effects (more common with First Generation Antipsychotics Akathisia -restlessness treatment

Anticholinergic benzotropine Reducing dose of antipsychotic

Extrapyramidal Side Effects (more common with First Generation Antipsychotics Pseudo-Parkinsonism manifested by tremors, rigidity, motor retardation, excessive salivation, masklike expression, and shuffling gait Treatment

dystonias, akathisia, Parkinsonism, and tardive dyskinesia (TD). Long term use of psychiatric drugs No concern with ABC

Extrapyramidal Symptoms. EPS include

Overweight and Obesity Infection Joint Injuries Occupation (bending knee) Smoking Age Gender (women) Genetics

Factors that Increase Risk of Getting Arthritis

At the time of admission

Fall risk assessment done

Left side Oxygen IV

Fetal bradycardia, nursing interventions

enlarged during menstruation.

Fibrocystic disease of the breast involves benign cysts of the breast. It presents as soft, tender, freely moving cysts that become

1st generation antiphycotics Anticholinergic effects (blurred vision, everything dry, photosensitivity) Agranulocytosis (check WBC) EPS Complication: NMS (altered consciousness, ekevated body temperature, severe EPS, hypertension, tachy, diaphoresis, incontinence, elevated serum creatinine phosphokinase)

Haloperidol classification and side effects

Surgical procedure that stretches the spine to correct scoliosis. Potential Neuromuscular compromise

Harrington rod insertion. Potential.....

Urine Specific Gravity, diluted urine

Head injuryDiabetes insipidis what to check to confirm


Headache & Photophobia Hard stiff neck High Temp "Fever"

whisper test helps determine if the client has a normal level of hearing, or if there is hearing impairment.

Hearing screeening test that assesses the clients hearing

The Rinne

Hearing test determines if hearing is different through air or bone. The test uses a tuning fork paced against the head on bone and beside the ear through air. In the question situation, the nurse first wants to determine if hearing is impaired, not necessarily which type of hearing may be lost.

Weber test

Hearing test. Uses tuning fork and helps determine if one ear hears better than the other. It is rarely used and is not a screening test.

peptic ulcer disease and stomach cancer.

Helicobacter pylori is frequently associated with

Blood-streaked sputum (a sign of lung cancer)

Hemoptysis (sign of)

fecal-oral route by ingestion of fecal contaminants. This may include transmission through contaminated water. may include transmission through contaminated foods. 3) Raw shellfish may be a transmission route of hepatitis

Hepatitis A is spread


High BUN indicates (can be in DKA Because of pilyuria)


Hold beta blocker when

"The brace should be worn 23 hours a day."

How many hours a day wear brace to correct a scoliosis deformity.

Don't apply lotions Avoid sun Lukewarm water, par dry Cotton clothes Soft bristle toothbrush

How to care for irradiated skin

Elevate the whole foot of the bed, DONT USE PILLOW Affected limb shoukd be above level of the heart

How to elevate resudual limb after amputation

Less animal fat

How to keep low cholesterol

On the right side

How to position the client after liver biopsy

Regularly! every 4 hours or as needed

How to take morphine in cancer pain?

weakness and paralysis.

Hyperkalemia causes muscle

by acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease, use of potassium supplements, or burns.

Hyperkalemia is caused

hypertonic tube feedings without water supplements, diarrhea, diabetes insipidus, inadequate water ingestion,

Hypernatremia is caused

methimazole Radioactive iodine therapy Surgery Monitor cardiac output Promote visual health Promote balanced nutrition

Hyperthyroidism Graves disease Excess secretion Pharmacologic therapy methimazole

Nasogastric drainage, vomiting, diarrhea, and the use of diuretics all involve the loss of extracellular fluid, which contains potassium.

Hypokalemia is caused by

vomiting, diuretics, excessive administration of IV dextrose and water, excessive water intake, or a prolonged low-sodium diet.

Hyponatremia is caused by

1.5 inches

INFANTS press down Perform CPR:

25-35 (3-5 first trimester, 12-15 second, 12-15 third)

Ibs gains during pregnancy

1st 3-5 Ibs 2nd 12-15 3rd 12-15

Ibs weight gains during first, second and third trimester

discontinue the IV and start a new IV. Apply warm compress to infiltrated site, and elevate arm.

If IV infiltrate happens

push one spray into the air

If the patient haven't used the inhaler for several days, he/she should

parenteral administration fluids and medications used to quickly and effectively control symptoms and provide relief. Nursing interventions are planned to minimize vertigo and keep the client safe. Severe vertigo often triggers nausea and vomiting, making it difficult for clients to retain medications, food, and fluids ingested orally. Consuming foods high in sodium can cause fluid retention, which can aggravate Mėnière disease.

In an acute attack of Ménière disease

Positioning the client on the left side decreases the weight of the uterus on the vena cava and increases oxygen flow to the placenta. Increasing the infusion of LR is called fluid resuscitation and decreases the viscosity of the blood. The end effect is increasing oxygenation to the fetus. O2 Stop infusion of oxytocin

Late decelerations (nursing action)

with spina bifida due to the repeated procedures and examinations these clients receive over the course of their lives. Clients have repeated exposure to latex containing products such as urinary catheters,

Latex allergy is a serious health hazard for clients with


Less than 7.35 acidosis or alkalosisis

Short-acting insulin, peak effect 15 minutes, eat after injection


rapid acting insulin with a duration of 3 to 5 hours


Lithium: 0.6-1.2. TOXIC OVER 2.


Frequent urination Dehydration Loss of sodium Fine tremors and change of handwriting maybe expected Instruct the client to drink water (12 glasses of water daily)

Lithuum therapy adverce effect

ACE INH help relax your veins and arteries to lower your blood pressure. -pril

Look for dry cough with what medication

Benzodiazepine you can recognize a Benzodiazepine is that the middle of the generic drug will have either "ze" or "zo" and most end with "pam" or "lam" expect Benzos are medications used to help treat panic attacks, seizures, alcohol withdraw etc.

Lorazepam (classification)



Reduce thyroid hormone

Low iodine diet

IVIG Interferon Steroids - Prednisone Muscle Relaxants - Baclofen Immunosupressanrs - cyclosporin (check WBC and Plts)


Determine if the client is immunocompromised.

Mantoux induration 5 mm Implementation

Low noise Quiet room Low light photophobia Low pressure all over (no flex, no cough)

Meningitis interventions

Hypermagnesemia (toxicity, ss: hypotention, facial flushing, muscle weakness, absent deep tendon reflexes, shallow rr)

Mg level 2.5

140/90 mm

Mild preeclampsia: Blood pressure____ 2+ to 3+ proteinuria. Slight generalized edema.


More than 7.45 acidosis or alkalosis

Followers do not partake of alcohol, caffeine, or other stimulant beverage.

Mormon Dietary Restrictions

cancer that forms from white blood cells called plasma cells.

Multiple myeloma

droplet precautions. Droplet precautions are used with pathogens transmitted by infectious droplets. The client should be put in a private room or with a client diagnosed with a like infection. Maintain spacial separation of three feet. The client may keep the door open.

Mumps require precautions.

Adrenal crisis

Na wasting K saving

1/2-1 inches

Newborn length should add ___ every month

Double triple If the newborn weights 8 Ibs, by 6 month - 16 Ibs, by 12 month 23 Ibs

Newborn weight Weight should ____ by 6 month Weight should ____ by 12 month




Normal Bp fit newborn

is 2-8 mm Hg.

Normal CVP


Normal Mg levels

Less than 160

Normal Serum triglycerides (when statins are effective)


Normal creatinine level


Normal feral hr

Less than 4

Normal gastric pH


Normal hemoglobin A1c is below


Normal intake _____ mL per day.

93% on room air.

Normal newborn oxygen saturation is greater than


Normal platelet count is 150,000 to 450,000/mm3 What value indicates the client is at risk for bleeding.

3.5-5.5 g/dL

Normal serum albumin

60 mL

Normal urine output hourly

Promote bed rest. Monitor intake and output. Seizure precautions. Vital signs. Fetal heart tones. Administer antihypertensive medications and others as prescribed.

Nursing care: severe preeclampsia

Watch Sodium, glucose, potassium

Nursing intervention in Addisonian adrenal cris

Educate never stop medication abraptly Monitor for thyroid storm (fever, HR and BP increased, very restlessness) Obtain weight, EKG Sedatives Avoid iodine foods (seaweeds, eggs, dairy) No aspirin Toxicity symptoms hypothyroidism slow HR, hypothermia

Nursing interventions with hyperthyroidism

Position leg in abduction using abduction splints or wedge or 2 to 3 pillows between the legs. Flex hip no more than 90 degrees. • Elevate head of the bed no more than 45 degrees. • Turn from back to unaffected side.

Nursing responsibilities: hip arthplasty

This requires assessment of the nurse. Immediately after the procedure electro convulsive therapy, orient client, take blood pressure and respirations, and stay with the client during times of confusion. Unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) can obtain vital signs after the client is alert, orientated, and stable.

Obtain vital signs for the client immediately after ECT. RN or LPN

Decreased concentration of urine.

Older adults concentration of urine.

sense self-worth and self-acceptance that is not based on appearance. Making jewelry

One of the goals for a client diagnosed with anorexia is to achieve What avtuvity recommeneded?

Check for any edema or weight gain. Can be heart failure

One week following a myocardial infarction, a client reports experiencing fatigue to the nurse. The nurse notes the client is slightly short of breath and the pulse rate is 110 bpm. Which action by the nurse is best?

stimulate beta cells in the pancreas to release endogenous insulin

Oral hypoglycemic agents act to

balancing activity and periods of rest, heat and cold applications, low-impact exercise, weight loss, nutritional support, and acupuncture

Osteoarthritis Non-pharmacologic treatments

Painkess gradual loss of hearing and the sensation of ringing, buzzing or roaring in the ears.

Otosclerosis characteristic findings include

To cause contraction of the uterus to start labor, increase the soeed of labor, stop bleeding foliwung delivery

Oxytocin used for



Abruptio placenta

Painful vaginal bleeding

Placenta previa

Painless vaginal bleeding

Priority nursing action is to stop the chemo, flush the line and administer ondansetron

Patient Scenario: During chemo infusion, child reports nausea and vomiting Priority

Based on the patient's signs and symptoms, the patient may be experiencing discontinuation syndrome which can happen if a patient suddenly quits taking an SSRI (Fluoxetine). The nurse should immediately ask the patient when the last dose of Fluoxetine was taken.

Patient is taking Fluoxetine patient presents to the ER with severe stomach pain, diarrhea, insomnia, and ataxia. In addition, the patient reports experiencing electrical shock sensations and tingling in his body. Whar kind of med is Fluoxetine and what patient is experiencing?

alcohol consumption and opioids

Patients taking Benzo Benzodiazepine should AVOID.

skin breakdown 2-3 times per day, avoid lotions and powders, and place the diaper under straps. If the treatment does not achieve the correct hip placement in a few months, then surgery is indicated and a postoperative spica hip bandage or body cast is applied.

Pavlik harness is used to treat hip dysplasia in a newborn client to stabilize and keep the hip joint proper alignment. During the early newborn period, a Pavlik harness is applied to hold the hips in wide abduction. An undershirt is placed on the client under the chest straps. Knee socks are placed on the client under the foot and leg pieces: The parents are taught to check

deficiency of Vitamin B3 (niacin).

Pellagra is not considered an autoimmune disease. It is a disease resulting from

sitting upright, whereas angina pain is relieved with rest

Pericarditis is often relieved by

Vitamin B12

Pernicious anemia, lifelong injections of

of Pneumocystis Pneumonia

Persons in stage 3 HIV (AIDS) with a CD4 +T cell count less than 200 cells/mm3 are at high risk for the development

Seizure prevent = Phenytoin Swelling prevent Dexamethasone Phenobarbital Mannitol!

Pharmacology ICP

Phenobarbital is a barbiturate.

Phenobarbital (classification)


Phenylketonuria consumption of foods that contain low

Phenytoin: 10-20. TOXIC OVER 20.

Phenytoin: TOXIC OVER

droplet precautions.

Pneumonia requires precautions.

Prone (30 min at least 3-4 hours a day) to prevent hip flexion contractures

Position after amputation

Droplet precautions

Precautions cold and influenza

corticosteroid is important to withdraw this medication gradually to minimize the reaction of the body to the sudden loss of exogenous steroids. Stopping the medication suddenly may result in adrenal insufficiency.

Prednisone for rheumatoid arthritis

vena cava syndrome Help the client to turn onto her left side.

Pregnant client suddenly says, "I am dizzy. I feel as if l'm going to faint." topic?

It is important that client eat small meals more frequently. How the client specifically plans to ensure adequate nutrition is important information. Fatique is a complication of anemia. The client may be too fatiqued to climb stairs If necessary, the nurse needs to arrange for the client to have a bed on the first floor until the anemia is resolved. Encourage the client to balance rest and activity

Problem the patient has at home with anemia

Antiemetic After cataract surgery guven to prevent presure on suture lines by preventing nausea

Prochlorperazine Cataract surgery?

Applying ice to the knee and elevating the leg is the most appropriate action to take initially because it will help to stop the bleeding, decrease the swelling, and help alleviate the pain.

Pt with hemophilia develops painful swelling after bumping the leg. What to do?

APT-M 2245

Pulmonic Aortic Tricuspid Mitral Intercostal spaces

The decrease in blood flow to the fingers of a patient with Raynaud Phenomenon may interfere with the pulse oximeter's ability to read correctly when applied to the fingers. A special oximeter that is applied to the forehead can be used for an accurate reading if available. Hands turn blue when its cold or the person is under stress

Raynaud disease

True labor

Regular contractions

Protein is restricted because the diseased kidneys do not filter well. Carbohydrates and fats do not require as much filtration and so the majority of calories should be from these nutrients. Fluids are usually restricted because the kidneys do not function very wel. Both sodium and potassium are limited in the diet because the kidney does not filter the byproducts very well anymore.

Renal diet: Proteins? Carbohydrates and fats? Fluids? sodium and potassium?


Restlessness means


Risk factors for fractures

Risk for Infection Bleeding Anemia Kidney Stones Renal Failure • Bone Pain

Risks in leukemia

foods that stimulate intestinal motility, such as vegetables and fruits, fatty, spicy, and sweet foods, alcohol, and caffeine. Avoid when diarrhea

Roughage Avoid when

most serious effect being respiratory depression, which is generally preceded by sedation. Other common adverse effects associated with opioid therapy include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, sedation, delirium, hallucinations, falls, hypotension, and aspiration pneumonia, weak cough, urinary retention. Adverse events can occur with the use of any opioid; among these are fentanyl, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone.

SE opioids

syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) Clients retain water and experience fluid volume overload and doutional hyponatremia.

SIADH Clients experience fluid volume _____ and

Diarrhea Abd pain Ulcers in mouth Anal fissures Weight loss

SS Crohn's

nocturia and a decreased voiding force. Other findings include urinary frequency, hesitancy, dysuria, and decreased ejaculatory force, hesitancy.

SS benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Weight loss-burning calories Heat intolerance- increase body temp HR and BP increase Diarrhea-GI system overdrive

SS hyperthyroidism

Flashes of light Retina perceives light and transmits impulses to the optic nerve

SS of retinal detachment


SS ulcerative collitis Mnemonic ulcer

Schilling test is used to diagnose pernicious anemia. The client fasts for 12 hours and is then given a small dose of radioactive B12 orally, followed by a large, nonradioactive dose IM. The client then will collect a 24-hour urine. If the urine is not radioactive, the radioactive B12 stayed in the GI tract. Schilling test includes the collection of urine for 24 hours.

Schilling test for what

Complete dilation to the birth

Second STAGE of labor from to

Less than 200

Serum cholesterol (when statins are effective)

Serum triglycerides less than 160 LDL less than 140 Serum cholesterol less than 200 HDL more than 40

Serum triglycerides LDL Serum cholesterol HDL Levels when statins are effective?

Hyponatremia Hypoglycemia Hyperkalemia

Severe Vomiting and diarrhea (hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia) in addisonian crisis lead to

preeclampsia: Indications: blood pressure of 150-160/100-110 mm Hg. 4+ proteinuria. Facial edema. Headache. Epigastric pain. Dizziness. Anginal pain.

Severe preeclampsia: ____blood pressure Facial ______ _____pain.


Short-acting insulin, peak effect 15 minutes, eat after injection

vaso-occlusive crisis Risk for infection, give a client to wear a mask

Sickle cell disease when hemoglobin S molecules stick together and form aggregates. Occurs what condition? Risk for?

water enema or Fleet's is given until returns are clear the morning of the procedure.

Sigmoidoscopy (what to do prior?)

The client will be asked to change into a gown and assume a side-lying position on the exam table, usually with the knees to the chest. The HCP will insert a sigmoidoscope into the rectum. The average length of the procedure is 15 minutes. tap water enema or Fleet's is given until returns are clear the morning of the procedure. The procedure is done to screen for colon cancer or explore possible causes of abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, changes in bowel habits, chronic diarrhea, and other intestinal problems. The air expands the colon, which provides a better view of the colon lining. When the scope is moved or air is introduced, the client may feel abdominal cramping or the urge to move the bowels.

Sigmoidoscopy is a direct visualization of sigmoid colon, rectum, and anal canal. Describe procedure

dyspnea, cough, rales, and jugular vein distention.

Signs and symptoms of circulatory overload include

low potassium level Hypokalemia

Signs and symptoms of ehat? muscle weakness, paresthesias, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and dysrhythmias. increase the client's sensitivity to digitalis.

low sodium level

Signs and symptoms of what? include nausea, muscle cramps, increased intracranial pressure, confusion, and muscular twitching.

Ménière Disease Treatment: Salt and fluid restriction to decrease amount of endolymphatic fluid. Antihistamines. Antiemetics. Surgery.

Signs and symptoms: Tinnitus. Unilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Vertigo.

Some early warning signs of overdose are confusion, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or vision problems. Other signs of overdose are changes in the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat (becoming irregular or slow), palpitations (feeling of pounding in the chest), or fainting.

Signs of digoxin overdose

Severe nasal congestion Hypertension Bradycardia Pounding pulse

Spinal cord injury at the level or above T6 (T1-T-6), complication: autonomic disreflexia SS

autonomic disreflexia SS Severe nasal congestion Hypertension Bradycardia Pounding pulse

Spinal cord injury at the level or above T6 KTI-T-6), complication:

Edema. skin will be pale and cool to touch, Crackles Tachycardia.

Ss of flyid volume overload

Kidney function is reduced, but the healthier kidney is able to compensate. Since the kidney is not as able to concentrate urine, the client has polyuria and nocturia,

Stage I kidney disease Kidney function is diminished. Assessment.


Stapedectomy: • Surgical removal of stapes and replacement with a prosthesis to treat hearing loss caused by

blood at 5 mL per min for first 15 min.

Start transfusion (how many mL per min for the first 15 min)

Steatorrhea is.stool that is fatty, greasy, and foul smelling. This is due to malabsorption of fats in the diet.

Steatorrhea due to


Suction pressure


Suffix -mab tells us? (adalimumab)

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Long term use of psychotics

Symptoms very high fever (102 to 104 degrees F), irregular pulse, accelerated heartbeat (tachycardia), increased rate of respiration (tachypnea), muscle rigidity, concerns with ABCs, altered mental status, autonomic nervous system dysfunction resulting in high or low blood pressure, profuse perspiration, and excessive sweating.

cataract is progressive opacity of the lens. Cataracts are painless. clouded, blurred, or dim vision.

Symptoms of cataracts

excessive urine output, severe dehydration, excessive thirst, anorexia, and weight loss. - Low specific gravity

Symptoms of diabetes insipidus include

loss of deep tendon reflexes (9.6-12 mg/dL) (> 7 mEq/L), respiratory depression (12-18 mg/dL) (> 10 mEq/L), and cardiac arrest (24-30mg/dL) (> 25mEq/L).

Symptoms of magnesium sulfate toxicity

water intoxication.

Syndrome Of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (Siadh) Results in water

• Fluid restriction - 500 to 600 mL/24 hours. Sodium replacement. Diuretics.

Syndrome Of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (Siadh) Treatment:

Fluid restriction Na replacement Diuretics

Syndrome Of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (Siadh) treatment

Hypothyroidism (5-10)

TSH is high

Hyperparathyroidism (less than 0)

TSH is low

treat men with symptoms of an enlarged prostate (benign prostate enlargement). It's also occasionally taken to treat kidney stones. Tamsulosin is available on prescription and you can also buy it from pharmacies. Administer at night to to minimize the chances of getting dizzy or fainting

Tamsulosin When to administer?

1. High Fowler position to inhale deeply 2. Seal the lips tightly around the mouthpiece 3. Inhale slowly for better placement if alveoli 4. Hold the breath for at least 3 seconds 5. Exhale slowly through the mouth for 2-6 secinds 6. Cough and deep breathe 2-3 times to clear the airway

Teach about use of incentives spirometer 6 steps

Avoid hot and cold beverages

Teach with trigeminal neuralgia tic douloureux

Verify membranes have ruptured: Test fluid with Nitrazine paper - amniotic fluid alkaline, vaginal secretions acidic.

Test Nitrazine paper


The The nurse identifies which factor most contributed to the vaso-occlusive crisis?

Pernicious anemia

The body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells.

affected leg and moved with the affected leg.

The cane should be placed in the hand on the side of the

One third full.

The client should be instructed to empty the ileostomy pouch when it is

Help the client to turn onto her left side.

The client suddenly says, "I am dizzy. I feel as if l'm going to faint." Topic: priority action for vena cava syndrome

prevent weight bearing on the affected leg.

The client uses a swing-through crutch gait to prevent ___ on the affected leg.

prevent weight bearing on the affected leg

The client uses a three-point crutch gait to prevent


The client with Cushing disease may have hyperglycemia, as well as an increased


The client with a BMI of less than_____ is underweight.

fundus is about at the umbilicus or 1 cm above the umbilicus within 12 hours of the birth. After this time, it should descend 1-2 cm each day.

The fundus is about ______the umbilicus within 12 hours of the birth. After this time, it should be _____.

"I am able to give liquid medicines through the tube." Many liquid medixations contain sorbidolwhich can cause osmotic diarrhea

The home health care nurse makes a visit to a client receiving enteral feeding through a gastrostomy tube. The client's adult caregiver reports the client has frequent loose stools. Which statement made by the adult caregiver needs further investigation by the nurse?

Stapedectomy is the removal of otosclerotic lesions and the creation of a tissue implant with a prosthesis to maintain adequate conduction. After surgery temporary hearing loss. Hearing may be impaired temporarily postoperatively due to edema and packing improvement in hearing takes several weeks following a stapedectomy.

The improvement in hearing following a stapedectomy when?

pyloric stenosis

The infant client with a palpable olive-shaped mass in the epigastrium and frequent vomiting. What is that?

1.7 to 2.2

The normal range for blood magnesium

Client appears to be physically relaxed. If pt stoped moaning and crying it dosent mean he doesnt have pain The clien may expeess pain relief but mat still be experience pain.

The nurse administers morphine sulfate to an adult client. The nurse expects to observe which finding?

Crackles are heard during auscultation in both lungs. High urine output.

The nurse assesses a client receiving parenteral nutrition (PN). Which assessment most concerns the nurse? priority complication PN

30 minutes

The nurse assesses circulation of a client's extremities every ___while the client is in extremity restraints.

responsibility and accountability.

The nurse assign a client to another nurse and both _____ are transferred.

Assess for nausea and vomiting. (Can increase intraocular pressure)

The nurse cares for a client following a scleral buckling. Which nursing action is most important?

LPN/LVN and unlicensed assistive personnel.

The nurse delegates care to the

Avoid Na, protein (increase ammonia), NCAIDS such as ibuprofen

The nurse instructs a client diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis and ascites. Which client statement indicates that the teaching is effective? Avoid

The client reports severe nasal congestion. T6 and higher autonomic disreflexia

The nurse performs a home care visit on a client diagnosed with a spinal cord injury at the T1. Which observation most cancerns the nurse?

30 sec

The nurse preoxygenates the client with 100% O, for at least _____prior to suctioning.

eye may water and itch for several weeks after the surgery." will increase my intake of fluids and roughage." Don't dim the light, can impair vision!

The nurse prepares a client for discharge following a scleral buckle repair of a detached retina. eye may water and itch for_____ after surgery What to eat to avoid constipation ? Dimmer light or not?

Bedrest Ultrasound to lacate placenta No vaginal exams/ intercourse Amniocentesis for lung maturity Daily hemihlibi, hematocrit 2 units of blood

Treatment for placenta previa

Exhale when turning or moving The nurse should discourage coughing, Valsalva maneuver, bearing down because it will cause increased intracranial pressure. The nurse will encourage the client to deep breathe and turn side to side.

The nurse provides care for a client diagnosed with a closed head injury and increased intracranial pressure. Which action by the nurse is best?

Obtain the client's blood pressure. Can be a circulatory collapse in the vascular space CIRCULATION!

The nurse provides care for a client immediately after an abdominal paracentesis. It is most important for the nurse to take which action? 1. Weigh the client. 2. Measure the client's abdominal girth. 3. Obtain the client's blood pressure. 4. Check the dressing.

Contractions are at 2 minute intervals and last 90 to 120 seconds.

The nurse provides care for a client receiving an oxytocin infusion to induce labor. The nurse stops the infusion if which occurs? Contractions are at ____ intervals and last_____seconds.

Administer the pain medication as prescribed

The nurse provides care for a preschool-age client after surgery. Using a pain-rating scale, the child indicates severe pain. The nurse notes that the child is sitting quietly looking at a book. Which action by the nurse is best? Continue to assess or administer pain meds?

Sits forward with the neck extended, contraction of supraclavicular muscles. Using accessory muscles, bronchospasm

The nurse provides care for a toddler-age client after a bronchoscopy and removal of an aspirated peanut. Which assessment requires an immediate intepvention by the nurse? O 1. BP 90/60 mm Hg, apical heart rate 110 beats/min with a sinus arrhythmia. O 2. Weak cough effort with scant production of sputum, drowsy but arousable. O 3. Abdominal muscles contract during inspiration, respiratory rate 30 breaths/min. O 4. Sits forward with the neck extended, contraction of supraclavicular muscles.

Polycythemia. (Body tries to compensate by producing more RBC) to carry limited amount of O2

The nurse provides care for an infant client diagnosed with a cyanotic congenital heart defect. The nurse understands that chronic hypoxia from this disorder can result in which finding?

Give the client a small towel to hold. (Safest, most effective)

The nurse provides care for an older adult client three hours after a transurethral resection of the prostate. The client has a continuous bladder irrigation, is confused, and continuously pulls at the catheter tubing. Which action by the nurse is best? 1. Give the client a small towel to hold. 2. Explain to the client that the catheter should not be touched. 3. Ask the client's spouse to sit with the client. O 4. Explain to the client's family why distraction is needed.

Obtain the BP in the sitting and standing positions. Dehydration. Circulation. River in the body is not full. When pt moves BP going down.

The nurse provides care for an older adult çlient just transferred from a long term care unit. The record indicates that the client has refused to eat or drink for several days Which action by the nurse is best?

Covers the eye with a protective shield and send to eye specialist

The nurse provides care for clients in the outpatient clinic. A client comes stating, "I think I have a piece of glass in my eye." Which action does the nurse take first?

Antianxiety Can channel blocker Lipid-lowering agent Seizure buspirone. verapamil. carbamazepine.

The nurse reviews the health records of several clients. Which client does the nurse identify as requiring teaching about the need to avoid grapefruit juice?


The nurse understands which cranial nerve is affected in tic douloureux?

isometrics exercise contractions of a particular muscle or group of muscles, such as quadriceps setting or straight leg raises

The only safe method of enhancing muscle strength and venous return in a casted extremity is by ____

100 beats per minute.

The pulse of a newborn should be auscultated apically for 60 seconds and should be greater than

bearing weight.

The three-point gait keeps the affected leg from

Theophylline: 10-20. TOXIC OVER 20.

Theophylline: TOXIC OVER

Graves disease Excess secretion

Thyroid Disease- Hyperthyroidism • Causes:

levothyroxine Monitor cardiac output Prevent constipation Maintain skin integrity

Thyroid Disease- Hypothyroidism Myxedema coma therapy

In transition phase: frequency,

Timing of Uterine Contractions every 1 to 2 minutes,

active phase:

Timing of Uterine Contractions every 2 to 5 minutes;

In latent phase:

Timing of Uterine Contractions every 5 to 10 minutes;

If contractions too intense. If contractions preterm.



Too much iodine

Less than 200

Total cholesterol should be

More than 2

Toxic digoxin level

Toxic hepatitis refers to inflammation of the liver due to medication or exposure to toxic chemicals, alcohol or acetaminophen. NO INFECTION!

Toxic hepatitis

Tracheoesophageal defects are a group of congenital anomalies in which esophagus ends in a blind pouch, and the trachea is attached to the esophagus via a fistula. The infant will exhibit respiratory difficulty from birth, and experience choking with the first feeding. 3 Cs: Chocking Coughing Cyanosis An excessive amount of oral secretions

Tracheoesophageal defects what are 3 SS or 3Cs?


Transfusion reactions cause BP

room temperature to prevent chills.

Transfusion. blood is warmed to

Transsphenoidal means through the sphenoid sinus. This is the air sinus (cavity) at the back of the nose. The client is not allowed to brush teeth for 1-2 weeks to allow the incision to heal.

Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy (microadenoma of the pituitary glandis) the surgical removal The client is not allowed to

Pureed, soft, or semisoft foods are easier to swallow than liquid foods. client may need learn to use the unaffected hand for feeding, but this is not the priority intervention

What is helpful for person with hemiplegia when eating?

Cerebral palsy

What is that? Poor head control after 3 month Stuff arms Arching back Limp body posture hypotonic

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen High doses of corticosteroids

What medication reduces the child's immune response, which could compromise the effectiveness of the vaccine?

Acetaminophen can impede vit K cycle from the liver

What medication to avoid with Warfarin

infiltration check the site, If no infiltration is present, then the nurse can reposition the client's arm or raise the solution.

When an intravenous infusion stops running, most common cause.

Vtack without pulse Vfib

When we defibrillate

Serum creatinine. NSAID - RENAL!

Which assessment is a priority to make prior to administration of ketorolac? (liver or renal toxicity?)


Which medication prescribed for asthma causes of dysrhythmias?

It causes Na and water retention

Why Cushing goes with hypertention?

To promote healing by decompressing the bladder. An overextended bladder may interfere with wound healing by pressing on the wound. The indwelling urinary catheter is usually removed when the client begins ambulating.

Why need indwelling urinary catheter immediately after surgery.


Why no fluctuations in water chamber? (chest tube)

Increase flexion which we have to avoid

Why not to use pillow with amputation fir elevation

They are manipulative and disruptive (no card games, no support groups for them) Also don't leave them alone

Why social activity is contraindicated for manic phase patients?


With DKA client becomes dehydrated and hematocrit is

Diuretics Ace inh

With what meds monitor K?

12 hours

____hours after birth. newborn assessment for withdrawal (start tachypnea, high pitched cry, hyperactive Moro) Before that time don't assess for withdraw

stomach doesn't secrete the necessary substance for B12 to be absorbed

a client diagnosed with pernicious anemia asks why vitamin B12 cannot be given in pill form. Which response by the nurse is best?


abnormal, involuntary, rapidly oscillating eye movements. The movements may be horizontal, vertical, rotary, or mixed in direction. It may reflect labyrinth or vestibular dysfunction, neurologic disease, barbiturate intoxication, congenital factor, or occupational factors.

Addisonian crisis is

acute adrenal insufficiency precipitated by physical and psychological stressors.

Meningitis. Observe for headache, stiff neck, and increasing temperature.

acute otitis media. What important to prevent?

Aminophylline is used for long-term control of reversible airway obstruction caused by asthma and COPD. Its therapeutic action is bronchodilation, therefore the respiratory rate should decrease. Aminophylline is known to cause tachycardia, nervousness, restlessness, and nausea. Aminophylline is used cautiously in clients with cardiac impairment.

aminophylline Considerations What does this drug do?

appointed by the relevant government body, NOT the health care provider.

an incapacitated client has not previously authorized a health care proxy, and has no one readily available for the role, a guardian may become _____ health care proxy should know the client well and be able to carry out the client's end-of-life wishes. Desires for treatment or refusal of treatment may be included in the durable power of attorney document. It may help the health care proxy make better decisions if needed.

myringotomy primary purpose of the procedure is to relieve the pressure on the eardrum to avert a rupture

an incision made into the posterior, inferior aspect of the tympanic membrane to relieve pressure on the eardrum and drain the middle ear. The nurse will instruct the client to keep external ear and canal dry while the incision is healing

12 to 18 months

anterior fontanel takes _____months to fully close.


antidote for Benzodiazepines.

cross-reactive foods with latex.

apple, avocado, banana, carrot, celery, chestnut, kiwi, melon, papaya, raw potato, tomato.

multiple sclerosis

autoimmune disorder with viral and genetic components. It is a chronic progressive disease characterized by deterioration of the myelin sheath of the central nervous system (CNS) and subsequent scarring via plaques throughout the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms include ataxia, weakness, spasticity, nystagmus, paresthesias, incontinence, and emotional instability.

Not alone with group and social interactions (cook, make something but not watching TV)

best activity depressed client

prevent chills.

blood is warmed to room temperature to

8.2 to 10.2 mg/dL

calcium level is in the normal range

Increase fluid intake (at rush for fluid volume deficit)

care for an ileostomy at home. Fluids? (client at Risk for what) Avoid?

autoimmune disorder

cause of multiple sclerosis

roll the client to the left side and apply oxygen.

is sustaining late decelerations, the appropriate action is to


lab value that is used when the client is on a heparin drip.

Late decelerations !Fetal hypoxia and acidosis usually result! The goal of the nursing actions is to increase oxygenation to the fetus. O2, left side Increase IV infusion The infusion of oxytocin must be turned off to decrease the frequency of contractions.

caused by uteroplacental insufficiency or maternal supine hypotensive syndrome.


causes a loss of calcium and a thinning of the bones. This may cause a spontaneous fracture resulting in the client falling

pneumothorax (collapse of a lung) is a potential complication during the insertion of any central venous pressure line, especially a subclavian line because of the proximity of the central veins and the lung cavity. A pneumothorax can occur due to perforations of the pleura by the catheter. Symptoms include pain and respiratory distress

central venous pressure line is inserted in a client. Following the catheter insertion, the client reports dyspnea, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

Autonomic hypereflexia Places the client in a sitting position to decrease BP to the head to reduce the risk of cerebral hemorrhage

cervical spine injury and severe headache.


child can roll over from stomach to back and begins to distinguish and recognize strangers. Age?


child goes up and down stairs alone, runs well with a wide stance, builds a tower of six to seven blocks, and has a vocabulary of about 300 words.

Encourage the child to continue coughing. Not abdominal thrusts because it's not time to begin it. It's appropriate when child is not able to speak or breathe or developed stridor

child who appears to be choking. The nurse observes that the child is conscious and coughing. The other children report that the child was eating raisins. Which action will the nurse take first?

Anemia, seizures

chronic lead poisoning. Which symptoms does the nurse expect to see?

corticosteroids. Amounts of hormone replacement may need to be adjusted during times of stress due to the inability of the adrenal gland to produce increased amounts of steroid.

client diagnosed with Addison disease is unable to produce adequate amounts of

Prednisone. Estrogen. Atenolol.

client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Which medication, from the client's list, requires frequent blood glucose monitoring?

LDCT every year. (Low dose CT scan)

client has a 30-year pack history of smoking, is a current smoker, or has quit in the past 15 years, the ACS recommends a

Hematuria Hematuria (blood in urine) indicates hemolytic reaction due to ABO incompatibility Other symptoms of ABO incompatibility include nausea, vomiting, hypotension, increase in pulse rate, and decreased urinary output The nurse will stop the transfusion administer oxygen and prescribed diphenhydramine, and maintain the client's

client receiving a blood transfusion. The nurse is most concerned if

diet high in protein, vitamin C, and calories.

client recovering from a serious burn needs what diet


client who is taking warfarin should have an INR in the range

A scant amount of bright bloody bleeding. Report excessive amount of bleeding.

colostomy. 24 hours after the surgery the colostomy drainage will be which description?

Polycythemia vera

condition where the body makes extra red blood cells which causes hyperviscosity (thickening) of the blood. Symptoms increased blood volume and viscosity. Symptoms from an increase in blood volume include headache, dizziness, tinnitus, fatigue, paresthesias, and blurred vision. Symptoms related to blood viscosity include angina, claudication, dyspnea, thrombophlebitis, and an elevated blood pressure

bleeding within the past 6 months. History of stroke. Timeframe 3-4 hours

contraindication for thrombolytic therapy

after 1 hour."

correct information for a client diagnosed with HIVIAIDS I should discard an open bottle of water after

Foods to avoid include apple, avocado, banana, carrot, celery, chestnut, kiwi, melon, papaya, raw potato, and tomato. Other foods may also have some reaction for some individuals.

cross-reactive foods with latex. Foods to avoid with latex allergy

variable deceleration

deceleration? On the fetal tracing, the heart rate will go up and down and present when the cord is being compressed.

early decelerations.

decelerations. The baby's head is pressing against the pelvis or soft tissue


decrease in peripheral vision is a symptom of (often caused by an abnormally high pressure in eye)

Accumulation of sodium and water inside the neurons in the affected area.

describes death of neurons after an ischemic stroke


desired diet for iron deficiency anemia includes iron sources as well as vitamin

intermittent cramping pain in my lower abdomen

diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. pain

High protein, high calories, tolerated fat. Pancreatic enzyme replacement is required.

diet cystic fibrosis


diet helps to reduce thyroid hormones.

prednisone because 1. prednisone -- risk for hypokalemia, 2. digoxin -- risk for digoxin toxicity with hypokalemua or hypomagnesemia)

digoxin drug interaction with

Aplastic anemia

disease condtion due to bone marrow depression

Bell palsy The cause is unknown, but viruses and inflammatory diseases can predispose a client to it.

distortion of one side of the face, inability to close the affected eye, and lacrimation. Treatment includes steroids initiated within the first 72 hours of the symptoms appearing to reduce inflammation. The nurse will educate the client about comfort measures, facial muscle exercises, and prevention of corneal abrasion.

No eggs and meat just dairy

lacto-vegetarian diet is a diet that

Reduce carbohydrates, simple sugars and high fiber (it increase gi motility) Eat 6 small meals include foods that contain fats and protein at every meal. (fats and proteins move slower in gi) Lay down or sit in a recliner for 30 to 60 minutes after eating. (use gravity to slow gi motility) wait for 1 hour after I eat before drinking fluids.(increase fluids -- > more rapid gi tempting)

dumping syndrome. Considerations about meal consuming

First Generation Antipsychotic Agents high risk for EPS

dverse Effects fluphenazine

high risk for EPS

dverse Effects haloperidol

Nausea and vomiting client needs to be seen first. The digoxin should be held symptoms monitored while waiting to see the health care provider.

early effects of digoxin toxicity

Serum amylase normal range is 60-160

elevated in acute pancreatitis.

Oxygen equipment. Ambu bag Suction equipment

equipment at the client's bedside? safety for client at risk for tonic-clonic seizures

characteristic of diabetes insipidus.

excessive urine output, severe dehydration, Low specific gravity

client should notify the health care provider immediately if there is a fever. A fever is a symptom of serotonin syndrome, which is a rare, life-threatening event caused by SSRIS. Symptoms include abdominal pain, fever, sweating, tachycardia, hypertension, delirium, myoclonus, irritability, mood changes, and may result in death. Citalopram is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat depression. Adverse effects of citalopram include mania, hypomania, insomnia, impotence, headache, and dry mouth. It takes some time before improvement is seen when taking this medication.

fever and citalopram (SSRIs)

Fistulas. Abnormal tracts b/n two or more body areas (skin, bladder, vagina)

finding is expected by the nurse as a common complication of Crohn disease?

Check the drainage tubing for kinking or obstructions.

for a client one hour after transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) with a continuous bladder irrigation. The client reports to the nurse, "I really have to urinate!" Which action will the nurse take first? priority action TURP


fungal infection common in HIVIAIDS. Common symptoms white patch-like lesions in the mouth, loss of taste, and dysphagia. Dysphagia could indicate the lesions have spread to the esophagus.

reduced health care costs and the focus is on client outcomes.

goal of managed care is

suspected meningitis

headache and sensitivity to light. rash on the back and has been napping frequently. What it is?


hemophilia "It is an X-linked recessive trait found primarily in

Activated partial thromboplastin time. At leadt ince a wk

heparin therapy. which laboratory test is used to monitor the effectiveness of heparin?

unprotected sex with anyone who has hepatitis B? recent blood transfusion? share needles with anyone?

hepatitis B virus is shed in the body (route)

cough and deep breathe

herniorrhaphy hermia repair, the chent should avoid

premature rupture of membranes (PROM)

highest risk of developing a postpartum uterine infection?

Cushing syndrome Symptoms include an increase body fat causing a buffalo hump, truncal obesity, and moon face.

hypercortisolism (increase cortisol).

decreased deep tendon reflexes, drowsiness and confusion, and muscle weakness.

hypomagnesemia. causes deep tendon reflexes,

Addison disease

hyposecretion of corticosteriod hormones from the adrenal gland. Reduced aldosterone secretion results in increased sodium and water excretion, resulting in volume depletion.

NSAID Bleeding Avoid in cirrhosis (risk for bleeding)

ibuprofen (risk for)

Eat raw meat Eat refrigirated leftovers more than 24 hours after preparation Use alcohol-based mouthwash (it dries oral mucosa) No direct contact with soil Use razor blade

incorrect action for a client diagnosed with leukopenia

Vitamin C

increase the absorption of iron.

Eczema Milk, wheat, eggs

inflammatory rash caused by an allergic immune response. What food yo avoid


inherited disorder where there is an absence of an enzyme needed metabolize the essential amino acid phenylalanine. The treatment is dietary with consumption of foods that contain low phenylalanine levels, such as vegetables, fruit, juices, and some low protein breads and cereals. Oranges are allowed on the diet. No protein diet!

Decrease the myocardial irritability and myocardial automacity. Used in ventricular arrhytmias

intravenous lidocaine purpose of this medication?


involuntary drifting of one eye out of alignment with the other eye. A "lazy eye" may be inherited or paralytic.

dried beans, dried fruits, eggs, fortified cereals, liver, lean red meats, and poultry

iron Good dietary sources

Pernicious anemia

is caused by the inability of gastric mucosa to absorb vitamin B12 due to deficiency of intrinsic factor


is consistent with hyperkalemia.

Cisplatin Can cause ototoxicity

is one of the most powerful chemotherapeutic drugs used for the treatment of ovarian cancer

incorrect client will be asked to lie still while a scanning probe is passed back and forth over the body.. the client will recieve trace amount of radioactive colloid by IV infusion

liver scan description


long acting insulin with a duration of 24 hours.

Reflex hammer (check reflexes) and calcium gluconate (block the cardiac effect of hypermagnesemia)

magnesium sulfate IV for treatment of preeclampsia. important to have at the bedside?

Headache, nausea, and fatigue may occur after hemodialysis due to dsequilbrium syndrome This is caused by the rapid removal of electrolytes and solutes from blood contributes Improve over time

may occur after hemodialysis due to dsequilbrium syndrome

Place the manometer at level of the right atrium.

measuring the central venous pressure, it is most important to take which action?

Halo traction

method of gently stretching and straightening a severely compressed or curved spine. The procedure is typically a first step in correcting severe scoliosis, kyphosis, and other spine deformities.

Stimulant for ADHD Cause weight loss, appetite successor NEED TO INCREASE HIGH-calorie nutritious foods

methylphenidate For what and considerations

Methylphenidate is a CNS stimulant used for ADHD. Watch for elevated blood pressure. Assess the client for restlessness, dilated pupils, tremors, and possible tonic-clonic seizures.

methylphenidate watch for

attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) Central nervous system stimulant.


chronic hepatitis C infection and alcohol-induced liver disease.

most common causes of cirrhosis are

Social isolation

most common result of hearing loss.


most common underlying cause of tetany.

Schilling test is used to diagnose pernicious anemia. The client fasts for 12 hours and is then orally, followed by a large, nonradioactive dose IM. The client then will collect a 24-hour urine. given a small dose of radioactive B12 The most important information how to correctly collect a 24-hour urine otherwise the test may be unsuccessful

most important information in Schilling test


musculoskeletal changes that occur with aging. Which change is likely to cause a client to fall?

Addisonian crisis

nausea and vomiting, extreme weakness, severe hypoglycemia, signs and symptoms of shock.

12-month-old child

needs help walking, eats with fingers, and says three to five words other than "dada" and "mama."

pyloric stenosis, fluid and e imbalance immediate intervention

newbom client experiencing projectile vomiting and imitabiity

Determine blood glucose level. hypoglycemia

newborn's admission to the nursery, the nurse observes the baby having spontaneous jerky movements of the limbs. What tf?

18.5 - 24.9.

normal BMI

100-120 bpm.

normal fetal heart rate is between

3.5-5.5 g/dL (35-55 g/L).

normal value for serum albumin

Increased pulse rate, increased BP, increased respirations. (Signs of heart failure)

nurse provides care for a client receiving a blood transfusion. The nurse observes which symptoms if fluid overload occurs dúring the transfusion? hr, bp, rr

smallest gauge needle possible (24 and 26)

nurse will use what needle when starting an IV for older adult clients.

30 - 39.9.

obese BMI

benign prostatc hyperplasia (BPH). decreased ejaculatory force

older male clent reports hesitancy and dribbling with urination Nocturia, decreased voiding force.

Lispro is a rapid acting insulin

onset of this insulin is 15 to 30 minutes and the peak is 30 minutes

Syndrome Of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone (Siadh) Results in water imbalance causing water intoxication. Fluid retention

opposite of diabetes insipidus.

25.0 - 29.9.

overweight BMI

4 or less

pH of gastric aspirate is


painless abnormal bone growth in the middle ear and is a leading cause of deafness.

change the maternal position and assess the FHR again.

pattern of variable deceleration is most likely a result of compression of the umbilical cord. The nurse should

The emergent (resuscitative) phase decreased cardiac output and decreased kidney perfusion. Urine output is decreased and urine is concentrated and has a high specific gravity.

phase is the first phase of a burn injury and occurs during the first 24-48 hours. Fluid is lost through open wounds or extravasation of plasma from damaged blood vessels near the burned area into the interstitial tissues. Hypovolemic shock is a common cause of death in the emergent phase of a major burn. Blood pressure is decreased. Urine output?


phase: Lasts for about 6 hours in the primipara and 4½ hours in the multipara.


positive PPD reading, what is that?


posterior fontanel closes at around ____months of age.

Maintains the client on bedrest to minimaze the movement of the eyes to reduce the progression of detachment

preoperative care for a client diagnosed with a detached retina, the nurse takes which action?

unstable blood glucose level.

primary reason for maintaining a constant rate of infusion with parenteral nutrition (PN) is to prevent which complication?

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