NCO Academy Course 15 Set B

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~ *UMD Definitions* Identifies which command the UMD applies: 0J - Air Education and Training Command (AETC) or 1C - Air Combat Command (ACC)

CID (Command Identifier)

~ *Wellness* This dimension also includes any issues dealing with physical well-being such as diseases, alcohol and tobacco use, regular exercise, and a healthy diet.

Physical Health

*Discipline Model* Purpose is to correct and rehabilitate those who repeatedly or grievously violate standards.


~ *Wellness* The personal relationship one has with a higher power (a God or other transcendent force).

Spiritual Support

~ *Team Development Stage:* Occurs when the members within the team start to "jockey" for position and when control struggles take place.


~ *Team Development Stage:* The most difficult stage where members acknowledge what the intent/eventual goal of the team is.


~ Body's reaction to an external demand by the continually changing environment. It has physical & emotional effects on people & can create positive or negative feelings or behaviors.


~ Psychological Symptoms of Stress

Stress can cause dissatisfaction, tension, anxiety, irritability, boredom, and procrastination.

~ Physiological Symptoms of Stress

Stress can create changes in metabolism, increase heart and breathing rates, increase blood pressure, bring on headaches, and induce heart attacks.

An ongoing process involving interaction of individuals within a team to move toward or away from achieving the desired objective.

Team Dynamics

A state of order & obedience within a unit that involves the ready subordination of someone's will for the good of the unit; demands habitual but reasoned obedience.

Unit Discipline

^ This computer product details the organization structure, the position number for each authorization, and other pertinent data that commanders and managers need to manage manpower resources.

Unit Manpower Document (UMD)

~ Discrimination based on color, national origin, race, religion, or sex.

Unlawful Discrimination

Team-centered, systematic, common-sense problem solving approach aimed at increasing combat capability, making Air Force units more effective and efficient, and enhancing and enabling the Warfighter.

Eight-Step Problem Solving Process

*Wellness* Deals with those issues that affect and detract from your ability to accomplish the mission.

Emotional Health

*Wellness* Finding ways to encourage positive thinking and acceptance of yourself.

Emotional Health

^ Four Dimensions of Wellness

Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Social

~ *Resource Stewardship* Powers businesses, manufacturing, transportation, etc.


*API Phase* The Organization Level Decision Makers (OLDM) appraises each proposed idea by evaluating the current method, the proposed method, the expected benefit(s), and the total cost of implementation. OLDMs include such personnel as wing commanders and MAJCOM commanders.


You must "pull your own weight," and at times you may have to deny some personal preferences for the good of your group, section, and unit.

Group Discipline

~ *Resource Stewardship* Physical goods that are required by personnel to complete assigned duties


~ An allegation of unlawful discrimination based on race, color, national origin, religion, or sex.


~ Causes for Regression in Team Development

New Member, New Goal, Team Schedule, Unresolved Conflict

Five Essential Qualities of Effective Followership

*Effective Followership* - Self-Management - Committed - Competent - Integrity - Initiative


(J) Perceived Justification (A) Perceived Alternatives (C) Perceived Consequences (A) Perceived Ability

~ 0-0-1-3 Formula

*0-0-1-3* - 0 = Number of underage individuals drinking - 0 = Number of individuals driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol - 1 = Maximum number of alcoholic drinks per hour - 3 = Maximum number of alcoholic drinks per night

AFSO 21's Five Desired Effects

*AFSO 21* - Increase productivity of people - Increase critical equipment availability - Improve response time & agility - Sustain safe & reliable operations - Improve energy efficiency

AFSO 21's Three Levels of Priorities

*AFSO 21* - Just Do It - Rapid Improvement Events (RIE) - High Value Initiative (HVI)

Four Phases of the API Program

*API* - Ideation/Submission - Evaluation - Implementation - Hold-the Gains

NCO's Role in the BER Process

*BER Process* - Know when both BERs are scheduled - Be prepared to request funding for mission-related issues and provide justification - Continuously assess work center's current financial status and provide leadership an update

*Suicide Prevention* Common barriers to seeking help include:

*Barriers to Seeking Help for Suicide* - Denying the problem exists - Avoiding the problem all together - Fear that accessing help will result in a negative career impact - Fear that the chain of command will be contacted (i.e., breach of privacy and confidentiality

^ Team Roles

*C.A.R.E.* - Creator - Advancer - Refiner - Executor (- Flexer)

~ As an NCO/leader, effective methods to communicate concerns of substance abuse with a suspected abuser are:

*Communicate Observations* - Private counseling or feedback session - Firm questions, yet sensitive to subordinate's situation and needs - Inquiring with a nonjudgmental, open-minded attitude - Sincerity and genuine concern in actions - Using observed behaviors and other facts as the basis for discussion

^ Three Levels of Contemporary Motivation

*Contemporary Motivation* - Membership (lowest level) - Performance (mid-level) - Involvement level (highest level)

~ Without Creators: ? Without Advancers: ? Without Refiners: ? Without Executors: ? Without Flexers: ?

*Creators:* no new concepts *Advancers:* ideas stall; don't come to light *Refiners:* new directions not thought through; details overlooked *Executors:* no implementation *Flexers:* gaps in the team

Three Skills for Effective Leadership

*D.A.C.* - Diagnose - Adapt - Communicate

Four Components of Decision Analysis

*Decision Analysis* - Decision Statement - Determine Objectives - Locate Alternatives - Risk Analysis

Four Processes in the Decision Making Process

*Decision Making Processes* - Situation Appraisal - Problem Analysis - Decision Analysis - Potential Problem Analysis

When diagnosing the status of on organization observe:

*Diagnosing* - *The situation* (based on the current situation and what we want it to be in the future) - *The people* (based on the indicators or morale, esprit de corps, discipline, and proficiency) - *The environment* (based on resources and structure)

~ *Wellness* _____ happens when your social network gives you access to information, advice, guidance and other types of assistance should you need them. It's comforting to know that you have people you can turn to in time of need.

*Feeling of Security* happens when your social network gives you access to information, advice, guidance and other types of assistance should you need them. It's comforting to know that you have people you can turn to in time of need.

Four Ways to Increase Your Chances of Success as a Follower

*Follower Success:* - Control your emotions - Offer solutions to problems - Know the importance of timing - Use the chain of command

~ Moving from Forming to Storming, members:

*Forming to Storming* - Abandon comfortable conversation for interactions that risk the possibility for conflict - Continue discussions of the group's purpose committing to one that some members may not completely accept or agree with - Criticize and personally attack one another

^ Five Methods to Identify Substance Abuse

*ID Substance Abuse* - Self-identification - Commander referrals - Medical identification - Substance-related incidents - Drug-testing

*Wellness* _____ means having people who consider you a friend and reinforces the idea that you're a good person to be around.

*Increased Sense of Self-Worth* means having people who consider you a friend and reinforces the idea that you're a good person to be around.

Five Areas for Personal & Professional Leadership Development

*Leadership Dev* - Self-Awareness - Values and Principles - Motivations - Support Team - Integrated Life

Four Leadership Styles

*Leadership Styles* - Authoritarian Leader - Country Club Leader - Impoverished Leader - Team Leader

^ *Discipline Model* Administrative Tools for Maintaining Discipline

*Maintaining Discipline* - feedback (formal and informal) - verbal and written counseling, admonishment and reprimand (VWCAR) - recommendation to the commander to establish a UIF on an individual - recommendation to commander to place a member on the control rosters - administrative demotions - non-recommendation for reenlistment - referral performance reports - recommendation for administrative discharge/separation

According to Management, 2nd ed., when leaders assess the environment, you must examine what two areas?

*Management Areas* - Resource Availability - Leader Actions

Four Air Force Manpower Competencies

*Manpower Competencies* - Organization Structure - Program Allocation and Control - Requirements Determination - Performance Management

~ Moving from Norming to Performing, members:

*Norming to Performing* - Become highly cohesive, compassionate, and uphold synergy as a standard - Expect maximum participation and cooperation from all members - Trust each other whole-heartedly - Will reject or cast out those who choose not to advance with the team

Organizational Stress Management Strategies

*Organizational Stress Management * - Selection and Placement - Goal Setting - Job Redesign - Organizational Communication - Wellness Programs

~ Obtaining PTSD depends on several factors:

*PTSD* - How intense the trauma was or how long it lasted - If you lost someone you were close to or were hurt - How close you were to the event - How strong your reaction was - How much you felt in control of events - How much help and support you got after the event

~ Warning Signs/Symptoms of PTSD

*PTSD* - Reliving the event - Avoiding situations that remind you of the event - Feeling numb - Hyperarousal

Types of Position Power

*Position Power* - Legitimate - Connection - Coercive - Reward

*Discipline Model* Key Actions of Prevention

*Prevention* - Set standard - Establish rapport - Create climate of accountability

*AFSO Priorities* Four Components of RIEs

*RIE* - Strong leadership buy-in - Knowledgeable and open-minded participants - A tightly focused event scope - An implementation plan and metrics to track results

Four Categories of Resources

*Resources* - Human - Financial - Physical - Informational

Three Types of Rewards

*Rewards* - System Level Rewards - Supervisory Rewards - Personal Rewards

_____ create expectations that may be hard to reconcile or satisfy. An individual experiences role overload when time does not permit him or her to complete all assigned tasks. _____ is when the individual is not sure what his or her role expectations are.

*Role conflicts* create expectations that may be hard to reconcile or satisfy. An individual experiences role overload when time does not permit him or her to complete all assigned tasks. *Role ambiguity* is when the individual is not sure what his or her role expectations are.

~ Moving from Storming to Norming, members:

*Storming to Norming* - Set aside differences and willingly listen to each other's inputs - Begin trusting one another - Encourage participation and cooperation - Depend on one another's skills and abilities to reach shared - Agree to disagree, accepting the perspectives and opinions of each member

~ Behaviors Derived from Stress

*Stress Behaviors* - Anxiety - Irritability - Decreased attention to detail - Unclear thinking - Sleep troubles - Appetite changes - Emotional display over dead or wounded - Loneliness and isolation - Diminished confidence—loss of trust in self and unit

Individual Stress Management Strategies

*Stress Management* - Time Management - Physical Exercise - Relaxation Training - Social Support

~ Risk Factors of Stress

*Stress Risk Factors* - Duration of deployment greater than six months - Repeat deployments with sufficient time to recover and reset - Sleeping less than 6-8 hours per day on average - Witnessing death close up, especially of other Airmen or civilian non-combatants - Being responsible for the death of serious injury of a non-combatant or allied combatant - Being physically injured - Handling remains, especially other Airmen - History of previous stress injuries, whether sustained during or prior to service - Previous mental health problems - Lack mutual trust with other unit members - Being impacted by family, relationship, or other home front stressors - Being young and inexperienced - Potential exposure to nuclear, biological, and chemical agents

~ Warning Signs of Stress

*Stress Warning Signs* - Hyperactivity - Memory loss - Loss of feelings in limbs - Loss of mobility - "Spaced out" appearance - Irritable or angry outburst - Hallucinations - Misconduct - Significant mood changes - Withdrawal - Depression - Apathy - Confusion - Reckless behavior - Poor hygiene - Trembling or cowering - Inability to sleep or fear of sleep - Frantic, panicky behavior - Emotional Outbursts

~ *Suicide Prevention* Advanced Warning Signs

*Suicide Prevention Advanced Warning Signs* - Expresses an intention of harming self or others - Behaves in a manner which would lead you to conclude that there was imminent risk of this harm - Decreased or impaired emotional status - Thoughts of suicide - A suicide plan - Access to the method of suicide described - Stating they intend to complete the plan

~ *Suicide Prevention* Risk factors for Airmen include:

*Suicide Prevention Risk Factors* - Male E1-E4s between the ages of 21 and 25 are at the highest risk for suicide - Members receiving care from multiple clinics/agencies are at risk for poor hand-off care - Airmen appear most at risk to commit suicide between Friday and Sunday - On average, 1 out of every 3 Airmen is having a major life problem right now, but are not currently getting help for it.

*Decision Making System* Examples of System 2 Reflective Thinking

*System 1* - Complex tasks - New situations - Processing abstract concepts - When time allows for planning and more comprehensive consideration

*Decision Making System* Positive Impacts of System 1 Reactive Thinking

*System 1* - Decisiveness - Time management - Routine decisions made quickly - Perceived as credible/reliable - Helps balance System 2 thinking (over thinking - Provides you with intuition or "gut feeling"

*Decision Making System* Negative Impacts of System 2 Reflective Thinking

*System 1* - If people take too long, they could appear reluctant to make decisions - Possibility of "over thinking" simple tasks

*Decision Making System* Positive Impacts of System 2 Reflective Thinking

*System 1* - Improves critical thinking and problem solving skills - Forces consideration of logical arguments - Allows time to monitor and process your system of thinking

*Decision Making System* Negative Impacts of System 1 Reactive Thinking

*System 1* - Mistakes - Overlook details - Miss improvement opportunities - Perceived as poor judgment/unreliable - Impacts others - Sometimes misinterpret, or estimate/underestimate chances of success, rely on mistaken analogies, reject options out of hand - Trusts feelings and hunches - Judge things credible when they are not

*Decision Making System* Examples of System 1 Reactive Thinking

*System 1* - Routine duties/paperwork - Assigning tasks - Driving

5 Common Team Dysfunctions

*Team Dysfunctions* - Absence of Trust - Fear of Conflict - Lack of Commitment - Avoidance of Accountability - Inattention to Results

Proactive Steps to Prevent Violence in the Workplace

*Violence Prevention* - Training - Establish Clear Policies - Give Members a Voice - Stress Management - Marital/Relationship Counseling - Alcohol/Drug Abuse - Diversity Training & Conflict Resolution - Reducing Risk When Taking Disciplinary Action

Though most organizations have their own format, ACRs should include as a minimum:

1. List of attributes that identify the affected position 2. List of attributes that represent the desired change (typically bolded) 3. Justification for each proposed change

Seven Basic Rights of the Accused

1. presumption of innocence 2. protection from compulsory self-incrimination 3. pretrial investigation 4. representation by counsel 5. fair and impartial trial 6. right of appeal 7. protection from double (former) jeopardy

*This leadership style may be needed:* - In an emergency situation - When needing to accomplish a very critical and time sensitive task

Authoritarian Leader

^ This motivational theory says that a person will tend to change their behavior *based on consequences*, resulting from prior behavior. If a person receives a reward for prior behavior, they tend to repeat that behavior. On the contrary, if a person receives punishment, they will often avoid the behavior.

ABC's of Behavior- B.F. Skinner

~ *UMD Definitions* Identifies the position's required/authorized specialty.

AFSC (Air Force Specialty Code)

Constantly finding efficiencies to channel saved monies toward improving combat capabilities across the Air Force.


~ *Common Team Dysfunction:* Unwillingness to confide in and share knowledge, feelings, and concerns with one another.

Absence of Trust

~ Continued use despite recurrent interpersonal or social problems.


~ Failure to fulfill major role obligations because of recurrent drinking.


~ Recurrent drinking in hazardous situations; recurrent legal problems related to alcohol.


~ The physical, psychological, or sexual maltreatment of a person or animal.


~ When someone doesn't meet the criteria for substance or alcohol dependence but meets one or more of the criteria occurring in the same 12-month period.


~ *Effective Leadership* Involves adjusting your behaviors and other resources to what you have diagnosed/observed in a way that helps close the gap between the current situation and what you want to achieve.


^ Optimal problem solving results from both adaptors and innovators working on the problem together because it brings all sides of a problem.

Adaption Innovation (A-I) Theory

~ *Team Development Stage:* Occurs when a team disbands or moves on to a new task.

Adjourning and Transforming

^ *Discipline Model* Administrative tools are _____ in nature, not _____.

Administrative tools are *corrective* in nature, not *punitive*.

This causes serious physical injury to another; using a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument; committing an assault by any means of force that causes temporary but substantial disfigurement, temporary but substantial loss or impairment of any body organ or part or a fracture of any body part; committing an assault while the victim is bound or otherwise physically restrained or while the victim's capacity to resist is substantially impaired.

Aggravated Assault

~ Program designed to identify & help individuals before their alcohol or drug problem causes significant damage to their health & career.

Air Force Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program (ADAPT)

^ In 2013 the AF/CV requested the four outdated Air Force-wide idea generating programs be consolidated into an all-encompassing program. On 28 February 2014, the this program was created and replaced the following programs: Innovative Development through Employee Awareness (IDEA), Best Practices (BP), Productivity Enhancing Capital Investment (PECI), and expanded the Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21).

Airman Powered by Innovation (API) Program

Includes driving while intoxicated, public incidents of intoxication and misconduct, under-age drinking, or similar offenses and is a breach of discipline.

Alcohol-Related Misconduct (ARM)

~ Primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive and fatal.


~ Any synthetic derivatives of testosterone that build muscle mass.

Anabolic Steroids

^ *Team Roles* Refiners focus on _____.

Analysis; challenge all concepts

~ *Suicide Prevention* - Lack of compassion: Inability to care - Criticism: Blaming


Law that prohibits agencies from involving the government in a contract or obligation for the payment of money before an appropriation is made unless authorized by law. The act prohibits against over obligating or overspending an appropriation.

Antideficiency Act (ADA)

This further requires agencies to transmit a copy of each report to the Comptroller General on the same date the report is transmitted to the President and Congress.

Antideficiency Act (ADA)

An act that results in exceeding limitations (misuse) of funds authorized and appropriated by Congress in support of contract obligations.

Antideficiency Act Violations

*Suicide Prevention* - Over-protectiveness: Reduce autonomy - Under-protectiveness: Casual avoidance


^ Any change to the UMD requires a _____ signed by the appropriate commander.

Any change to the UMD requires a *Formal Authorization Change Request* signed by the appropriate commander.

~ Term that means setting aside money for a specific purpose.


The military version of the civilian Miranda Warning.

Article 31 Rights Advisement


Article 7 of the UCMJ

"Insubordinate conduct toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer."

Article 91 of the UCMJ

"Failure to obey an order or regulation."

Article 92 of the UCMJ

Three Legal Sources of NCO Authority

Articles 91, 92, and 7 of the UCMJ

~ What an individual hopes to attain or has a desire to accomplish.


~ What are some factors to consider when diagnosing the developmental needs of Airmen?

Aspirations, Personality, Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control, Attitudes and Values

~ A violent physical or verbal attack, an unlawful threat, or an attempt to do violence or harm to somebody else.


~ _____ is when an individual responds positively or negatively to a person, place, thing or situation and _____ are beliefs that are regarded as very important.

Attitudes and Values

^ *Leadership Style* - High task, low relationship - Very task oriented and hard on their workers (autocratic) - Little or no allowance for cooperation or collaboration - Very strong on schedules - Expects people to do what they are told without question or debate - When something goes wrong, they tend to focus on who is to blame rather than on exactly what is wrong and how to fix/prevent it - Intolerant of what they see as dissent (even though it may just be someone's creativity) - They make it very difficult for their subordinates to contribute or develop

Authoritarian Leader

~ *Common Team Dysfunction:* Holding others accountable usually leads to confrontation. Members are likely to avoid these situations.

Avoidance of Accountability

~ How can you practice/advocate the de-glamorization of substance misuse?

Being responsible about drinking at social outings. When sponsoring a social event, ensure nonalcoholic drinks are also available and share the consequences of risky behavior. Be responsible for your guests by not serving intoxicating drinks after a specific time. Never promote alcohol-drinking contests; in fact, don't promote drinking at all!

Funding document that represents cash for commitment or obligation that is issued by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Budget (SAF/FMB) to a major command or field operating agency.

Budget Allocation

Similar to a budget allocation except that it is issued by major commands or field operating agencies to subordinate units.

Budget Allotment

Two-part process that occurs twice within each budget cycle to identify and redistribute funds to meet unfunded requirements such as unforeseen or initially unanticipated mission-related expenses.

Budget Execution Review (BER)

Perpetual cycle of planning, programming, revising, adjusting, and spending (system of timelines and milestones).

Budget Process

~ *UMD Definitions* Shows the category in which the civilian would be hired. Some examples are provided below. Again, a complete list of all the CEC codes can be found in the Reference Tables in MPES. (Salaried=GS, Wage=WG, etc.)

CEC (Civilian Employment Group Category)

*This leadership style may be needed:* - In a highly efficient and disciplined work center that isn't rewarded properly or are motivated by rewards.

Country Club Leader

TSgt Johnson, section NCOIC, noticed A1C Carney seems irritable and to himself. Concerned, she brought him into the office and said, "A1C Carney, you are usually enthusiastic, but lately you look like you don't want to be here. What's wrong?" Because of the respect he has for her, so he decides to open up and says, "My son has rashes all over his body and has been seen several times at the base clinic, but he is not getting any better." Johnson said, "I can understand how that could be frustrating. If you're not getting adequate care, there is an agency at the clinic that can help you. As matter of fact, I know someone in the patient advocacy office. Let me give him a call and see what he could do for you." Few days later, Carney's son had an appointment with a specialist and the problem was resolved. This scenario *BEST* illustrates use of _____ and its impact on NCO effectiveness. a. connection power b. referent power c. information power

CORRECT ANSWER: a *a. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Leader Influence chapter, connection power is the perception of the leader's association with people of influence inside or outside of the organization. This was achieved by Johnson using her connection with the individual at the patient advocacy office to help Carney. This scenario best illustrates Johnson using her connection power and its impact on the NCO effectiveness.* b. This answer is INCORRECT. This scenario does not illustrate use of the referent power which, according to the Leader Influence chapter, is based largely on a leader's personal traits. This scenario best illustrates Johnson using her connection power to provide proper medical treatment for her Airman's son. This action shows positive impact on the NCO effectiveness. c. This answer is INCORRECT. This scenario does not illustrate use of the information power which, according to the Leader Influence chapter, is based on a leader's access to data and information that is important to others. This scenario best illustrates Johnson using her connection power to provide proper medical treatment for her Airman's son. This action shows positive impact on the NCO effectiveness.

TSgt Caskey is the Cost Center Manager for an organization. She is very knowledgeable about finance and ensures the organization has the funding required for operation. However, she has an assignment and is training her replacement TSgt Griggs. At a training session, Caskey said, "Sergeant Griggs, it's that time of the year when we have to submit a document of how we are going to spend the upcoming fiscal year funding. To do that, we have to list and justify all needed items and services, and the cost. Additionally, we have to identify and justify items or services that can't be funded with the current budget." Because of her extensive knowledge and preparation, the organization was able to execute a strong budget and have the unfunded request on the top priority of the wing. This scenario *BEST* illustrates how a well-developed ________________ can impact mission success. a. Financial Execution Plan b. Budget Execution Review c. Budget Process

CORRECT ANSWER: a *a. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Resource Stewardship chapter, a Financial Execution Plan is an Air Force product used to balance available funding while delivering goods and services to customers. A well-developed plan includes a prioritized list of known unfunded requirements with justification for each unfunded requirement and a spend plan that projects when and how funds will be spent throughout the fiscal year. The scenario depicts Caskey's understanding of importance of how a well-developed Financial Execution Plan can impact mission success. By training Griggs and developing a solid plan, the organization was prepared to execute the budget and postured for the unfunded request.* b. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no evidence in the scenario of Budget Execution Review which, according to the Resource Stewardship chapter, is a two-part process that occurs twice within each budget cycle. The first part requires every level of command to identify, validate, and prioritize its unfunded requirements, and then submit them to higher headquarters for funding consideration. The second part requires each level of command to review and prioritize (rack and stack) all subordinate command unfunded requirements. The scenario best illustrates Caskey's understanding of importance of how a well-developed Financial Execution Plan can impact mission success. By training Griggs and developing a solid plan, the organization was prepared to execute the budget and postured for the unfunded request. c. This answer is INCORRECT. The scenario does not depict a development of Budget Process which, according to the Resource Stewardship chapter, is a perpetual cycle of planning, programming, revising, adjusting, and spending. Each cycle lasts one fiscal year (FY) which begins on 1 October and ends on 30 September of the following year. The scenario best illustrates Caskey's understanding of importance of how a well-developed Financial Execution Plan can impact mission success. By training Griggs and developing a solid plan, the organization was prepared to execute the budget and postured for the unfunded request.

TSgt Wyatt is the NCOIC of the Structural Repair training section. On Wednesday morning, he overhears SrA Thornton loudly discussing how he had been drinking the night before. Wyatt knows Thornton drinks but until now, he has never heard of him doing it on a weeknight. Wyatt calls Thornton into his office and asks, "Thornton, I overheard your story. Is everything ok?" Thornton responds, "Yes sir, everything is fine. I went out drinking last night, but I only had a few." Wyatt says, "It sounded like you had more than a few." Thornton replies, "It's OK sir, I've got it under control." Wyatt then says "Just be careful, and call me if you need anything" Thornton comes to work the next morning and goes to Wyatt's office, hangs his head and says, "Sir, I went out drinking again last night. I don't know how much I had to drink, and don't remember how I got home. It's getting a little out of control, but I don't know what to do. Can you help me?" Due to _____, the *MOST LIKELY* outcome of this scenario is _____. a. a self-identification; the prevention of an alcohol related incident b. a failure to self-identify; an alcohol related incident c. an intervention; the prevention of an alcohol related incident d. a failure to intervene; an alcohol related incident

CORRECT ANSWER: a *a. This answer is CORRECT. The scenario best indicates the act of self-identification which, according to Emergent Leadership chapter, is when an individual that is not currently under investigation or pending action because of an alcohol-related incident willingly discloses they have a substance misuse problem with the intent of entering treatment. Once assessed, the ADAPT program manager along with the treatment team will determine an appropriate clinical course of action, most likely preventing an alcohol related incident.* b. This answer is INCORRECT. See alternative a. c. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication in the scenario of an intervention, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, is a professionally structured event that includes the member's significant others. Intervention is the processes of helping the member recognize, at the earliest possible moment, that he or she needs treatment for self-destructive drinking or drug abuse, and includes effective communication, referral, and treatment. d. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication in the scenario of the need for an intervention, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, is a professionally structured event that includes the member's significant others and is the processes of helping the member recognize, at the earliest possible moment, that he or she needs treatment for self-destructive drinking or drug abuse. Intervention is not necessary in this scenario, since Thornton has self-identified to Wyatt that he has a substance misuse problem and needs help.

On the way to her office, MSgt Brock hears sobbing coming from the women's restroom. She enters to find SSgt Noble. "What's wrong? I've never seen you behave like this before," Brock asks. Noble responds, "Nothing I do is ever enough. The more I try, the worse things get. I can't seem to make ends meet since my husband left me." Shaking uncontrollably, Noble removes a prescription bottle from her pocket and swallows a couple of pills. "I want to just go to sleep and never wake up," she says. "I understand why you'd feel that way," Brock says. "I'm concerned about you. Are you thinking about hurting yourself? Let's go to my office and talk. There are lots of support programs and services that can help us work this out." The scenario *BEST* illustrates _____ and their impact on NCO effectiveness. a. warning signs of suicide b. improper or illegal use of drugs c. behavioral symptoms of stress

CORRECT ANSWER: a *a. This answer is CORRECT. This scenario best illustrates the warning signs of suicide, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, include thoughts of suicide, a suicide plan, and access to the method of suicide described. Brock recognizes these warning signs and offers to help Noble, as every good Wingman should.* b. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication of substance misuse, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, refers to any pattern of unconventional misuse of any substance for nonmedical purposes that produces a known health risk or constitutes a danger to self or others. Noble has prescription medication and has shown no signs of misuse as yet. c. This answer is INCORRECT. Although Brock mentions Nobles behavior has changed, nothing in the scenario indicates behavioral symptoms , which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, include changes in productivity, absence, and turnover, as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking or consumption of alcohol, rapid speech, fidgeting, and sleep disorders.

TSgt Marble, the base dining facility NCOIC, believes that the dining facility personnel are here to support and provide a good quality of life for Airmen. She expects the dining facility to operate in flexible, efficient, and customer oriented way. TSgt Marble met with her dining facility Airmen and like a good supervisor, established rapport with them. She did not discuss much of her expectations because she thought doing the right thing and maintaining standards are common knowledge in the Air Force. They are drilled into Airmen Basic Military Training and Technical school. TSgt Marble's use of _____ will *MOST LIKELY* result in _____. a. task discipline; substandard performance by her Airmen b. task discipline; stellar performance by her Airmen c. prevention; substandard performance by her Airmen d. prevention; stellar performance by her Airmen

CORRECT ANSWER: c a. This answer is INCORRECT. There is nothing in the scenario to indicate there is an issue with task discipline, which, according to the Discipline chapter, is how well we meet the challenges of our job and having a strong sense of the responsibility in performing our jobs to the best of our abilities. Even though the Airmen had training in complying with the standards, the supervisor has to reinforce that clearly through regular feedback. Marble assumes the Airmen understands and does not comply with the prevention concept. b. This answer is INCORRECT. There is nothing in the scenario to indicate there is an issue with task discipline, which, according to the Discipline chapter, is how well we meet the challenges of our job and having a strong sense of the responsibility in performing our jobs to the best of our abilities. Even though the Airmen had training in complying with the standards, the supervisor has to reinforce that clearly through regular feedback. Marble assumes the Airmen understands and does not comply with the prevention concept. *c. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Discipline chapter, prevention is the first and most important step to prevent behaviors that are detrimental to personnel or productivity of a work center. Additionally, the supervisor must communicate standards and expectation clearly. Marble assumes the Airmen understand and does not communicate it to them, which will more than likely result in substandard performance.* d. This answer is INCORRECT. Marble is using prevention but using it ineffectively which will likely not result in stellar performance from her Airmen. According to the lesson, the supervisor must communicate standards and expectation clearly. Personnel are less likely to ... perform in a substandard manner if they have a clear understanding of where their supervisor stands on standards, desired performance, and supervisor expectations.

Tired of hearing about all the problems with the K-9 mobility crates, TSgt Johnson asks his Superintendant for advice on how to fix the problem and hears, "Don't invest in new crates based on feelings and complaints. Instead, take your time and use a process that will help you analyze, develop, and select the best crates for the mission. Using such a process will not only help you gain confidence in your course of action, it makes it easier to justify your choice to leadership." Johnson smiles and says, "Your right, I really need to stand back and look at the whole picture instead of getting caught up in everyone's complaints. By doing that I'll know we'll get the best return on our investment." The narrative *BEST* explains: a. Problem Solving b. Decision Analysis c. Resource Stewardship

CORRECT ANSWER: b a. INCORRECT: Although the narrative hints at Problem Solving, it does not BEST explain the Eight-Step Problem Solving Process, which according to the Continuous Improvement chapter, "Is a team-centered, systematic, common-sense problem solving approach aimed at increasing combat capability, making Air Force units more effective and efficient, and enhancing and enabling the Warfighter" *b. CORRECT: The narrative BEST explains Decision Analysis, which according to the Continuous Improvement chapter, "Decision Analysis is a systematic process based on the thinking pattern that you use when making choices." As NCOs, when you have to make critical decisions and solve complex problems, you should use a "systematic" process to make good, confident, reliable, and justifiable decisions. ...a process that allows you to stand back and look at "the whole picture" of the situation, in order to make the wisest and safest choice—through careful consideration of ALL the factors.* c. INCORRECT: Nothing in the narrative explains Resource Stewardship, which according to that chapter, "Resource Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of resources under one's control." For the NCO, this requires the efficient and effective use of assigned personnel, material, financial, information and technology, energy, and warfare resources to ensure mission success.

TSgt Tuckman is tasked to lead a team in identifying efficient ways of doing engine swaps. Though most of the team members already know each other, he starts the first meeting by asking each member to introduce themselves. Then, Tuckman states the team's objective and opens it up for discussion. During the discussion, several people have disagreements. One member says, "I think the real issue is with the location." Another member responds, "That's not the issue! There are too many layers of inspections." Tuckman lets it go on for a little while and then refocuses the group on the objective. After several minutes of discussion, the team identifies the problem area and then develops a plan to swap engines more efficiently. This scenario *BEST* illustrates TSgt Tuckman's understanding of the _____ impact on team success. a. Five C's of a team and their b. stages of team development and their c. P.E.P. Cycle and its

CORRECT ANSWER: b a. This answer is INCORRECT. According to Team Building chapter, the Five C's of a team are the qualities of community, cooperation, communication, coaching, and coordination, needed in making of a strong team. Although there is slight indication of communication in the scenario, there is not enough information to determine TSgt Tuckman's understanding of the Five Cs. *b. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Team Building chapter, stages of team development are known as the Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. It helps determine the progress of the team's development by identifying typical events that occur during each stage and how to properly manage them. In the scenario, there are indications of the work group going through those stages (Forming: introductions and team objective; Storming: disagreements; Norming: when Tuckman refocuses the group; Performing: identifies the problem and develops a plan.) and Tuckman is helping the team move along in those stages to ensure team success.* c. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication in the scenario for P.E.P. Cycle which, according to the Team Building chapter, is a Panic-Elation-Panic cycle that an idea naturally goes through. There is no indication in the scenario of panic or elation.

At this week's Roll Call Chief Jordan briefs that there has been a recent incident of harassment in the workplace. The Chief emphasizes that all Airmen should be treated the same irrespective of their color, national origin, race, religion, or sex. Additionally, he states that no members should be excluded from events and activities, and that all work center members should come forward with complaints without fear of retaliation. The Chief closes by stressing that the way team members relate to one another can make or break a unit. The Chief's briefing *BEST* explains _____ and its impact on unit effectiveness. a. workplace bullying b. unlawful discrimination c. sexual harassment

CORRECT ANSWER: b a. This answer is INCORRECT. According to the Emergent Leadership chapter, workplace bullying includes actions, decisions, and behaviors such as unwarranted or invalid criticism or blame without factual justification; treating some members differently than others, and excluding certain members from events to isolate them socially. It also includes physical intimidation (proximal), shouting, swearing and taking actions that embarrass or humiliate the target. Workplace bullying, in general, is not illegal. *b. This answer is CORRECT. The briefing BEST explains unlawful discrimination, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, includes discrimination based on color, national origin, race, religion, or sex.* c. This answer is INCORRECT. According to the Emergent Leadership chapter, sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in certain circumstances (listed in the chapter). The harasser may be a man or a woman, and the victim does not have to be of the opposite sex.

TSgt Bell completed the NCOA about a year ago and constantly applies the lesson principles he learned. He ensures the Airmen are trained and understand their responsibility as a technician. With a clear understanding of their job, they have been excelling in their work. At the last roll call, Bell presented one of the Airmen with an award for excellence. However, some of the Airmen were little disappointed that they didn't win. TSgt Bell's _____ will *MOST LIKELY* _____ subordinate effectiveness. a. use of system and personal rewards; increase b. use of system and supervisory rewards; increase c. lack of supervisory and personal rewards; decrease d. lack of supervisory and system rewards; decrease

CORRECT ANSWER: b a. This answer is INCORRECT. There is an indication of a system rewards in the way of training; however, there is no indication in the scenario of personal rewards which, according to the Leader Influence chapter, are reward that come from within us. The scenario shows Bell providing system and supervisory rewards which will most likely increase subordinate effectiveness. *b. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Leader Influence chapter, system level rewards are things the organization provides for being a member such as training which is identified in the scenario. Additionally, supervisory rewards are given to those who go beyond the standard such as Bell presenting an Airman with an award for excellence. The efforts of Bell will most likely increase subordinate effectiveness.* c. This answer is INCORRECT. There is an indication of a supervisory reward in the way of an Airman receiving the award of excellence; however, there is no indication in the scenario of personal rewards which, according to the Leader Influence chapter, are reward that come from within us. The scenario shows Bell providing system and supervisory rewards which will most likely increase subordinate effectiveness. d. This answer is INCORRECT. There is an indication in the scenario of a supervisory and systems reward in the way of an Airman receiving the award of excellence and training given to the technicians. With these rewards, according to the Leader Influence chapter, will most likely increase subordinate effectiveness.

Although she has been extremely irritable as of late, most people enjoy being around SSgt Hightower because of her outgoing personality. Normally a very successful AF recruiter, Hightower missed her quota last month and now it looks like she will miss it again this month. At a flight meeting, her flight chief MSgt Taylor, says, "I am not happy with our production!" Taylor then points at Hightower and says, "You have the worst record of all...not only will you miss your quota again, you've lost two from the Delayed Enlistment Program and are in danger of losing one more." Jumping to her feet, Hightower yells, "I don't appreciate you calling me out in front of others...I don't need this...I quit!" The scenario *BEST* illustrates _____ and their impact on NCO effectiveness. a. organizational factors of stress b. some of the warning signs of stress c. individual factors of stress

CORRECT ANSWER: b a. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication of organizational factors of stress, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter are associated with task, role, and interpersonal demands; organizational structure; organizational leadership; and the organization's life stage. They can include pressure to avoid errors or complete tasks within time limits, work overload, a demanding and insensitive boss, and unpleasant coworkers. *b. This answer is CORRECT. The scenario best illustrates the warning signs of stress, which according to the Emergent Leadership chapter, include irritability, emotional outburst, and significant mood changes. SSgt Hightower is showing some of these warning signs (emotional outburst and substandard job performance).* c. This answer is INCORRECT. There is no indication of individual factors of stress which, according to the Emergent Leadership chapter is comprised of an individual's personal life, and primarily focuses on family and personal economic problems.

TSgt Brady is a team chief of an engine shop. He was just notified by his shop chief, MSgt Thomas that they are projected to receive six more aircraft within a year. Brady states, "Sergeant Thomas, I can't see how we're going to support six more aircraft. We already have to work additional hours to support the aircraft we have now." Thomas replied, "I share your concern and voiced my opinion with the squadron superintendent, but he replied he has confidence that we can work it out."" The mission of this squadron will *MOST LIKELY*: a. succeed due to refocusing of Performance Management b. fail due to lack of Requirement Determination c. sustain due to Program Allocation and Control

CORRECT ANSWER: b a. This answer is INCORRECT: There is no indication that Performance Management will help in the scenario which, according to the Resource Stewardship chapter, is a manpower competency that concentrates on programs such as Productivity Enhancement Capital Investment, Fast Payback Capital Investment, Productivity Investment Fund, and Air Force Innovative Development through Employee Awareness that increase workforce efficiency and organization cost effectiveness. In the scenario, Requirement Determination is needed to request ACR in order to increase manpower, but there is no evidence of that by the squadron superintendent. Without the ACR request, the mission of the squadron will suffer. *b. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Resource Stewardship chapter, Requirement Determination is a competency that centers on the Authorization Change Request (ACR) which is a multi-purpose instrument used to propose adjustments to a Unit Manpower Document. ACRs are commonly used to request increases, decreases, or realignments of manpower requirements and/or to change attributes on the UMD. There is no evidence in the scenario that the squadron superintendent is requesting a manpower increase to support the additional aircraft. Without this request, the mission of the squadron will suffer.* c. This answer is INCORRECT: There is no indication that Program Allocation and Control will help sustainment of the unit's mission effectiveness. According to the Resource Stewardship chapter, it is a competency that centers on the Unit Manpower Document and funded and unfunded position requirements. It has nothing to do with requesting a manpower increase, but provides data needed to make decisions on manning. In the scenario, Requirement Determination is needed to request manpower increase, but there is no evidence of that by the squadron superintendent. Without the ACR request, the mission of the squadron will suffer.

Since TSgt Bair is good at connecting and negotiating with all types of people, he was charged with improving the unit's performance evaluation process. To help with the task, he selects unit members who are good at viewing problems from different perspectives and who are able to review solutions rationally. He also selects other members who are not inclined to let rules and boundaries discourage them. TSgt Bair's understanding of _____ will *MOST LIKELY* _____ team success. a. team dynamics; enhance b. team dynamics; degrade c. team roles; enhance d. team roles; degrade

CORRECT ANSWER: c a. This answer is INCORRECT. According to the chapter, team dynamics is an, "Ongoing process involving interaction of individuals within a team to move toward or away from achieving the desired objective." There is no evidence in the scenario illustrating team dynamics. TSgt Bair is using his understanding of team roles to select his team. b. This answer is INCORRECT. *c. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Team Building chapter, there are roles that people find most comfortable fulfilling based on their most natural thought processes and behavioral tendencies. TSgt Bair used his understanding of team roles to pick creators, refiners, and advancers to give his team the best chance for success. Because TSgt Bair used his understanding of team roles to build his team, this will most likely enhance team success.* d. This answer is INCORRECT. TSgt Bair's understanding of team roles will enhance, not degrade, team success.

TSgt Smith is preparing to conduct a performance counseling session with A1C Green for being late to roll call. Smith had verbally counseled him twice before for the similar behavior. When Green arrived, he sat him down and told him how valuable he was to the squadron and appreciated his work. However, he told him that being late to roll call is unacceptable and gave him a stern warning and dismissed him. A week later, Green arrived late for roll call again and missed the mission briefing. Smith's actions concerning A1C Green *BEST* illustrate ineffective use of _____ and its negative impact on his effectiveness. a. punishment b. imposed discipline c. progressive discipline

CORRECT ANSWER: c a. This answer is INCORRECT. The scenario does not best illustrate punishment which, according to the Discipline chapter, can only be administered by officers on G-series orders to the enlisted members. The scenario depicts ineffective use of the Progressive Discipline Process which, if followed, Smith should have given Green some sort of documentation for his substandard behavior. b. This answer is INCORRECT. The scenario does not best illustrate imposed discipline, which, according to the Discipline chapter, is enforced obedience to the legal orders and the regulation. Imposed Discipline is evident in that Green must be at roll call, but the real issue is Smith failing to use the Progressive Discipline Process to correct the substandard behavior. *c. This answer is CORRECT. According to the Discipline chapter, supervisors should take the least amount of action necessary to correct behavior and then progress up from there. Smith is not using the Progressive Discipline Process effectively; rather than use progressive discipline (i.e. LOC then LOA then LOR), he continues with verbal counseling for the same infraction which has not been effective.*

After listening to her subordinates complain about a current workplace procedure, TSgt Gerry personally observes the process to gather first-hand data. Then, she and her subordinates review some key process indicators, conduct a performance gap analysis, and set some challenging but achievable targets. After they analyze the primary causes of all the complaints, they come up with some countermeasures and determine their workability before implementing them. TSgt Gerry and her subordinates' use of _____ will *MOST LIKELY* _____ mission effectiveness. a. Decision Analysis; increase b. Decision Analysis; decrease c. Eight-Step Problem Solving; increase d. Eight-Step Problem Solving; decrease

CORRECT ANSWER: c a. INCORRECT: TSgt Gerry and her subordinates did not use Decision Analysis, which according to the Continuous Improvement chapter includes four steps: 1) decision statement, 2) objectives [musts and wants], 3) gathering alternatives, and 4) risk analysis. b. INCORRECT: TSgt Gerry and her subordinates did not use Decision Analysis, which according to the Continuous Improvement chapter, includes four steps: 1) decision statement, 2) objectives [musts and wants], 3) gathering alternatives, and 4) risk analysis. c. CORRECT: Because the team used the first five steps of the Eight-Step Problem Solving Process, it is highly likely that they will continue through the rest of the steps to solve the work center problem, and solving the problem will most likely increase mission effectiveness. According to the Continuous Improvement chapter, problem solving is a team-centered systematic common-sense approach that involves an eight-step process designed to increase combat capability, make Air Force units more effective and efficient, and enhance and enable the war fighter. In the scenario, TSgt Gerry and her subordinates have used steps 1 through 5 of the eight steps: 1) Observe first-hand what is taking place, 2) Review key process indicators and conduct performance gap analysis, 3) Set challenging but achievable targets, 4) Determine root cause (analyze the primary causes of all the complaints), and 5) Develop countermeasures and determine their workability. d. INCORRECT: The team's use of the first five steps of the Eight-Step Problem Solving Process will more than likely increase, not decrease mission effectiveness.

~ Advocating for the resources you need. Promote and defend the programs, processes, and leadership decisions that ensure the smart use of the resources you use. Include your Airmen in process improvements by regularly soliciting ideas and inputs on how you can improve operations for future Airmen.


~Behavioral Symptoms of Stress

Changes in productivity, absence, and turnover, as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking or consumption of alcohol, rapid speech, fidgeting, and sleep disorders.

*Five C's* *Training opportunities and advancement* are two essential components that encourage and motivate members to grow and excel; creates a positive outlook for your team to meet/even exceed their goals


~ *Position Power* A leader states: "If the task is not performed to standard, I will have everyone work the weekend to complete the task."

Coercive power

~ *Position Power* Deals with the leader's perceived ability to provide sanctions, punishment, or consequences for not performing.

Coercive power

~ Stress that happens when there is a change in mental function or behavior because of combat. The changes can be positive by allowing an increase in confidence in both self and peers, or it can create symptoms of a combat/operational stress injury.

Combat Stress

~ *Effective Followership:* Being committed to the organization and to a purpose beyond themselves, effective followers strive to excel at everything they do.


*Five C's* Give *feedback* early and often; make sure everyone knows what's going on.


~ *Effective Leadership* Listening, explaining instructions, justifying recommendations and decisions, selling ideas, and providing feedback are just a few of the skills leaders need to be effective. Furthermore, effective leaders are willing to clarify a leader's intent in order to clearly communicate it and to operate on trust, empowerment, and understanding.


*Five C's* Making sure every member of our team *feels like an essential and important part* of the team/unit; explaining the organization's mission, culture, values, and expectations.


5 C's of a Team

Community, Cooperation, Coordination, Communication, Coaching

~ *Effective Followership:* Build their competence and focus their efforts for maximum impact. They strive to reach higher levels of performance and expand themselves.


~ *Position Power* A leader states: "If you perform exceptionally well on the task I'll ensure that your name is mentioned when I speak to the Commander."

Connection power

~ *Position Power* Comes from the perception of your association with people of influence inside or outside of the organization. This power source falls under the "who you know" category and can quickly erode if you use it as a primary source of influence.

Connection power

^ The model says that people can be in one of three levels of commitment to the organization.

Contemporary Motivation

Fiscal law authority that allows the government to continue operations at a minimum level for a specific amount of time, usually a few days to a few weeks.

Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA)

Employs a collection of methodologies including Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints, and Business Process.

Continuous Improvement (CI)

The strategic, never-ending, incremental refinement of the way you perform tasks.

Continuous Improvement (CI)

^ Tool used by commanders to set up a six month observation period for individuals whose duty performance is substandard or who fail to meet or maintain AF standards of conduct, bearing, and integrity, on or off duty.

Control Roster

*Follower Success* Rather than plead your case or demand action, remain calm and rational. Present your opinions in a mature, adult manner.

Control your emotions

*Leadership Style* - Low task, high relationship - Relies upon reward power to maintain discipline and to encourage goal accomplishment - Almost incapable of employing coercive and legitimate powers because they fear using such powers could jeopardize his or her relationship with the team members

Country Club Leader

*Five C's* Making sure everyone knows and understands the organization's *mission and purpose*; allowing members the opportunity to assist by sharing ideas, and suggestions to foster team cohesion and mutual respect.


*Five C's* Ensure all members realize *how important they are* to the mission; explain member responsibilities in detail and how their actions affect the organization's success.


~ *Discipline Model* Designed to address inappropriate behavior, and seek to bring subordinates' behavior back within acceptable boundaries using the least amount of force necessary.


The organization that gathers and distributes cost data.

Cost Center (CC) - refers to the basic production flight or work center

Regulates the daily use of work hours, supplies, equipment, and services in producing or doing things. Also, continually monitors the relationship between resources used and products produced to allow for informed resource realignments.

Cost Center Manager (CCM)

A systematic procedure based on the thinking pattern that you use when making choices.

Decision Analysis

~ *Decision Making Processes* This process is used for making a choice. *When to use:* When the path ahead is uncertain, too many choices, or the risk of making the wrong choice is high, _____ clarifies the purpose and balances risks and benefits to arrive at a solid and supported choice.

Decision Analysis

~ The mental (cognitive) process that results in the selection of a course of action from among several alternative scenarios.

Decision Making

~ What is to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully?


To carefully think about & discuss strengths, areas of improvement, current & future roles, and responsibilities w/followers to create a detailed plan that develops personal & professional growth over time.

Deliberate Development Plan

~ Substance which contains any quantity of a substance that is habit-forming or has a potential for misuse because of its stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect as determined by the Attorney General of the United States (amphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, mescaline, STP, PCP, inhalants, etc.).

Depressant/Stimulant Substance

~ What is to create or produce, especially by deliberate effort over time; to expand by a process of growth?


*Effective Leadership* The step a leader takes to determine what is going on in an organization. It is a cognitive skill requiring the leader to understand what the situation is now, and what it can reasonably be expected to be in the future.


* USMC* Leads to prompt execution of orders and the initiation of proper actions when orders aren't given. Readily determined by looking at the image your people present, the attention to detail they take in completing tasks, the amount of teamwork they display, and how much direction they require to get something done.


~ Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement. It is a state of training, resulting in orderly conduct.


A system of three arenas that if used correctly can help maintain discipline in the Air Force.

Discipline Model (DM)

~ The illegal, wrongful, or improper use, possession, sale, transfer, or introduction onto a military installation of any drug defined in AFI 44-121.

Drug Abuse

~ Anything used, intended to be used, or designed to be used in planting, propagating, cultivating, manufacturing, growing, harvesting, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, or introducing a controlled substance into a human body by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or otherwise.

Drug Paraphernalia

* USMC* Loyalty to, pride in, and enthusiasm for a unit shown by its members. People should display satisfaction and commitment to the organization, respect toward other members, confidence in leadership, and knowledge about the organization.

Esprit de corps

~ *Progressive Discipline Process* Where the supervisor clearly explains to the subordinates each standard and Line of Acceptability (LOA).

Establish Standards

Three Parts of the Progressive Discipline Process (PDP)

Establish Standards, Monitor, Apply the PDP

~ Leader actions that affect the organizational environment

Establishing direction and priorities, creating policy, making decisions, and providing information

^ *Team Roles* Flexers focus on _____.

Everything; combination of all four roles

^ The basic level is the *hygiene* level. A person expects certain things when they work, "environmental needs". If people don't get these, they become dissatisfied. The second level is *motivators*. These aren't expected but are seen as rewards or bonuses.

Expectation Theory- Fredrick Herzberg

*Personal Power* Because of his vast knowledge in the career field, TSgt Dunaway is often sought after for advice on how to perform operational tasks.

Expert power

*Personal Power* Suggests that leaders gain power and the ability to influence through their education, experience, and job knowledge. As a leader, you must know your job inside and out in order to gain the trust of your followers and work effectively from this type of power.

Expert power

*Suicide Prevention* - Helplessness: "I can't do anything to help" - Hopelessness: "Nothing I do matters"


~ *Common Team Dysfunction:* Avoid conflict as its negative connotation threatens trust, communication, morale, welfare, and mission accomplishment.

Fear of Conflict

*Suicide Prevention* Three Common Reactions to Suicide

Fear, Anxiety, Anger

~ _____ is to offer or suggest information or ideas as a reaction from an inquiry.


*Resource Stewardship* Required to procure the material, energy, information and technology, and warfare resources


Air Force product used to balance available funding while delivering goods and services to customers within the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) appropriation.

Financial Execution Plan (FEP)

Ensures an equitable distribution of the President's Budget (PB) for the next fiscal year consistent with accomplishing AF program objectives and is the main vehicle for distributing anticipated funding in an equitable manner.

Financial Execution Plan (FEP)

Used by all levels of an organization to identify and prioritize key requirements to current year spending and for developing next year's budget.

Financial Execution Plan (FEP)

Approves budgets, financial plans, and revisions. Also, distributes the annual funding, establishes priorities, and ensures consistency with programs and missions.

Financial Management Board (FMB)

The senior advisory committee chaired by the Commander or Deputy Commander and includes group commander level members and the Comptroller (at installations), Directors, and special staffs (at commands).

Financial Management Board (FMB)

Reviews program and cost factors, compares actual with prior year costs, reviews justifications, periodically evaluates performance against estimates, and submits a recommended financial plan to the FMB.

Financial Working Group (FWG)

~ *Team Development Stage:* If feelings are shared, feedback is kept to a minimum; productivity is usually little to none during this stage.


~ *Team Development Stage:* Occurs when the team meets and starts to work together for the first time.


^ Five Stages of Team Development

Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning/Transforming

Refers to an authorized and _____ position needed to accomplish the assigned workload and are allocated by category (officer, enlisted, and civilian).

Funded Requirement

~ *UMD Definitions* Refers to the authorized grade that is funded by Congress. It consists of the alpha characters for military rank and the current GS rank or TBD for civilian positions.

GRD (Authorized Grade)

*Wellness* Having a _____ among people who truly care and accept you for who you are is important. Knowing you are not alone can go a long way toward coping with stress.

Having a *sense of belonging* among people who truly care and accept you for who you are is important. Knowing you are not alone can go a long way toward coping with stress.

Biennial memorandum submitted to the Secretary of Defense from each Military Department and Defense agency.

Program Objective Memorandum (POM)

^ How do you utilize the P.E.P. cycle?

Help team members embrace ideas during the elation phase. When team leaders catch ideas at the top of the P.E.P. cycle and hand off ideas appropriately, team members become highly motivated and, in turn, the team becomes very effective.

^ Views motivational needs as individual needs from both supervisor & subordinate. Hierarchy has five groupings; lowest being physiological needs which come first.

Hierarchy of Needs- Abraham Maslow

*AFSO Priorities* Produces significant returns against key Air Force challenges. These processes are *more complex* and involve a cross functional team to ensure that identified improvements are incorporated into the day-to-day operations of an organization. Typically require *4 to 6 months* in order to successfully define and implement the required process changes.

High Value Initiative (HVI)

*API Phase* The OLDM confirms results and either: 1) makes resource savings available 2) recommends a new standard of performance and measurement

Hold-the Gains

~ The relations between two or more people.

Human Relations

^ The prevailing perceptions of individuals concerning interpersonal relationships within their working, living, and social environment.

Human Relations Climate

*API Phase* Ideas are generated, screened, and improved to ensure fact-fortified ideas are forwarded for further evaluation.


*API Phase* Plans are developed and executed.


The enforced obedience to legal orders and regulations. It is essential in combat or in emergencies when there is no time to explain or discuss an order.

Imposed Discipline

*Leadership Style* - Low task, low relationship - Relies upon a "delegate and disappear" management style - Is not committed to task accomplishment or maintenance - Allows teams to do whatever they wish and prefers to be detached from the team process by allowing it to suffer from a series of power struggles

Impoverished Leader

*This leadership style may be needed:* - A self-sufficient work center where the people are very independent and don't require a lot of supervision.

Impoverished Leader

~ Not taking action associated with workplace violence when warning signs are evident.


~ *Common Team Dysfunction:* When members place their individual needs and goals ahead of the team and the organization.

Inattention to Results

~ *Resource Stewardship* Technological advancements (cell phones, computers, email, Internet-enabled devices, etc.)

Information & Technology

~ *Personal Power* As the President of the Junior Enlisted Airman's Committee (JEAC), SSgt Smith obtains information important to the junior enlisted on base.

Information power

~ *Personal Power* Based on a leader's access to data and information that is important to others. This power is based on a leader having information that others want or need to know.

Information power

~ *Effective Followership:* This characteristic refers to motivation, determination, perseverance, and risk-taking. Being a good follower requires more than just meeting the standards.


~ *Leadership Development* Leaders must know how to integrate and balance every aspect of their life (family life, personal life, professional life, including community and friends).

Integrated Life

~ *Effective Followership:* One of the most important characteristics of an effective follower may be the willingness to tell the truth. It is imperative that followers provide truthful information to their leaders.


^ *Team Roles* Advancers focus on _____.

Interaction; communicate new ideas/carry them forward

*Stress* Pressures created by other individuals. Lack of social support from coworkers and poor interpersonal relationships can cause considerable stress, especially among individuals with a high social need.

Interpersonal demands

~ The processes of helping the member recognize at the earliest possible moment that they need treatment for self-destructive drinking/drug abuse. This professionally structured event includes significant others in the member's life.


^ *Contemporary Motivation* An Airman who takes the initiative within the work center. This person can accomplish assigned task with little supervision.


^ *Contemporary Motivation* Individuals that operate on this level are performing for their own reasons. (What I get from within.)


*Wellness* Addresses questions such as meaning, purpose, values, self-worth, dignity, and hope.

Spiritual Health

^ *AFSO Priorities* A quick fix to a process irritant; a simple answer to an obstacle in an individual process. It is an improvement that, when implemented, yields immediate results.

Just Do It

~ *FEP Sections* This is a short narrative justifying each requirement identified in Section 1.


~ *Common Team Dysfunction:* Doubt in others or mission will cause members to struggle to commit fully to ideas, decisions, or tasks made by other members of the organization.

Lack of Commitment

*Position Power* A leader states: "Meet me in my office first thing in the morning in your service dress uniform."

Legitimate power

*Position Power* Comes from your title, role, or position within the organization itself. This type of power provides you with the authority to make decisions and requests based on your position within the organization.

Legitimate power

^ Mid-range level of written disapproval for serious infractions and/or repeat infractions and is most often presented in a formal setting.

Letter of Admonishment

Either verbal or written, is more severe than counseling or admonishment and indicates a stronger degree of official censure.

Letter of Reprimand

~ What is the amount of control people believe they have?

Locus of Control

~ Any intoxicating product of plant (including hashish) or any cannabis synthetic.


~ Individual Factors of Stress

Marital difficulties, relationship problems, financial worries, and discipline troubles with children

^ *Contemporary Motivation* An Airman that performs at the bare minimum to get by within the work center.


~ *Contemporary Motivation* Individuals at this level give time to the organization out of dependency. (What I get just for being here.)


Significant events in the budgeting process. (CRA, BER, End-of-Quarter, Close-out, etc.)

Milestones Associated with Budgeting Process

~ Founded upon respect for and loyalty to properly constituted authority; it is that mental attitude and state of training which renders obedience instinctive under all conditions.

Military Discipline

^ What is the primary focus of the NCO tier?

Mission Accomplishment

*FEP Sections* Lists all mission-critical requirements funded within the projected fiscal year's budget along with the element of expense investment code (EEIC) associated with each requirement.

Mission-Critical Requirements

Four Sections of an FEP

Mission-Critical Requirements, Justification, Unfunded Requirements, Spend Plan

* USMC* The amount of enthusiasm and dedication to a commonly shared goal that unifies a group. Assess it by observing the personal conduct, appearance, response to direction, and motivation of your people.


US Marine Corps' Four Categories

Morale, Esprit de corps, Discipline, Proficiency

^ This theory has three parts: *achievement, power, affiliation*. - *Achievement*: seek challenges on the job and try to achieve mastery of certain tasks or certain jobs. - *Power*: seek status and control in their positions or jobs; motivation comes from the position of authority, prestige, or power they receive from the job they perform. - *Affiliation*: seek affiliation by looking for social aspects of the job.

Motivational Profile Theory- David McClelland

~ *Leadership Development* Leaders must know what motivates themselves and others and how to balance both external and internal motivations.


~ Defined as "the right to act and command."

NCO Authority

~ Any opiates or cocaine to include any compound containing cocaine or its synthetic equivalents, derivatives, or products.


~ *Team Development Stage:* Emotional conflict is held to a minimum for the sake of the team and previously competitive relationships become more cooperative.


~ *Team Development Stage:* Members reconcile disputes, "agree to disagree," and abandon negative/unproductive energy, redirecting all efforts to achieve the team's objective. They accept the team/ground rules/responsibilities, and respect each member.


~ *Team Development Stage:* Productivity is high in this stage. Rules are finalized and accepted and when team rules start being adhered to.


~ Creates a culture that fosters & promotes a resource-conscious attitude. Coach & support the awareness & development of Amn by teaching, training, &educating them to effectively use resources.


Provides NCOs with a systematic and deliberate method for looking at the current situation, determining what problems exists, and then deciding an appropriate and/or effective action.

OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act)

A legal binding agreement between the government and another party.


*Follower Success* If you feel a problem is important enough to bring to your supervisor's attention, chances are you have given it some thought already. Take time to think of a way to fix the problem.

Offer solutions to problems

~ Stress when there are changes in mental functioning or behavior due to military operations other than war.

Operational Stress

~ *Manpower Competencies* This competency deals with the functionality of organizations, specifically activation, inactivation, redesignation, and reorganization.

Organizational Structure

*Stress* Managerial style of the organization's senior executives.

Organizational leadership

*Stress* Level of differentiation in the organization, the degree of rules and regulations, and where decisions are made. Excessive rules and lack of participation in decisions that affect an individual are examples of structural variables that might be potential sources of stress.

Organizational structure

~ Happens when one responds to a workplace violence incident with an "I can handle it" attitude instead of consulting professional help.


Two Basic Concepts to Applying the PDP

PDP is progressive and where the supervisor places a subordinate on the PDP depends on the *severity of the infraction* and the *judgment of the supervisor*.

~ *UMD Definitions* Refers to a 10-digit number assigned to each manpower authorization. The first 8 digits provide identification and interface capability between manpower and personnel data systems. The last two digits represent the CID.

POS (Position Number)

~ *UMD Definitions* Refers to a status code that identifies authorizations that require a PRP or SCI qualified individual.

PRP/SCI (Personnel Reliability Program/Sensitive Compartmented Information)

~ What is the P.E.P. cycle?


~ *Wellness* Expanding your knowledge about your lifestyle and how food, good nutrition, and physical activity can be an integral part of your lifestyle.

Physical Health

~ *Team Development Stage:* Creativity is high as members are willing to share ideas without fear of negative criticism and reprisal. Team starts to produce through effective and efficient working practices.


~ *Team Development Stage:* Heightened morale and loyalty to the team and its success. Members work together to diagnose problems by collectively brainstorming and collaboratively selecting solutions.


^ *Contemporary Motivation* An Airman who performs well as long as he/she receives praise and recognition for their work and accomplishments.


^ *Contemporary Motivation* Individuals at this level may or may not be fearful of consequences for not doing much more than people at the previous level. (What the boss can provide.)


*Manpower Competencies* This AF organizational practice concentrates on increasing workforce efficiency and cost effectiveness by tapping into the brilliant minds of its Airmen.

Performance Management

^ *Individual actions* taken to deprive a person/group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex.

Personal Discrimination

*Power* The extent to which followers respect, feel good about, are committed to their leader; and see their own goals being satisfied by the goals of their leader.

Personal Power

^ *Rewards* These rewards come from within you. When you fully enjoy your work, you strive to exceed every standard and reward yourself for a job well done. (Involvement Level)

Personal Rewards

~ What is how an individual behaves or thinks (introvert, extrovert, Type A or B)?


~ *Resource Stewardship* Considered "most valuable resource"


~ What is a method of achieving an end; a detailed program?


*Power* Provides you with the authority to make decisions and requests based on your position within the organization.

Position Power

^ *Team Roles* Creators focus on _____.

Possibilities; generate new ideas/concepts

~ An anxiety disorder that may occur in an individual following exposure to a traumatic event.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

*Decision Making Processes* This process protects actions or plans. *When to use:* When a project simply must go well, risk is high, or myriad things could go wrong, a _____ reveals the driving factors and identifies ways to lower risk.

Potential Problem Analysis

~ A judgment against or an opinion contrary to anything without just grounds or sufficient knowledge.


~ *Discipline Model* The first and most important; goal is to stop problems before they occur.


Three Arenas of Discipline Model

Prevention, Correction, Punishment

~ Processes (or models)/actions designed to keep somebody from doing something undesirable.


*Decision Making Processes* This process identifies the cause of a positive or negative deviation. *When to use:* You may find people, machinery, systems, or processes that are not performing as expected. _____ points to the relevant information and leads the way to the root cause.

Problem Analysis

* USMC* The ability of a unit to perform its mission; based on professional/ technical standards of excellence.


*Manpower Competencies* This competency centers on the Unit Manpower Document and funded/unfunded position requirements.

Program Allocation and Control

*Wellness* Equips you with a particular strength during troubled times.

Spiritual Health

Proposes total program requirements for the next six years. It includes rationale for planned changes from the approved Future Years Defense Program baseline within the Fiscal Guidance issued by the Secretary of Defense.

Program Objective Memorandum (POM)

~ Any attitude or action of a person or institutional structure that subordinates a person or group because of race.


*AFSO Priorities* Usually lasts a week and applies a series of problem solving steps to determine root causes of problems, eliminate waste, set improvement targets, and establish clear performance measures to reach desired effects.

Rapid Improvement Events (RIE)

^ *Team Roles* Executors focus on _____.

Realization; follow up on team objectives/implement ideas and solutions

~ *Follower Success* Choosing the right time to challenge a decision is important. Do NOT challenge during an emergency or time-critical situation, or when there are others around and it could embarrass your leader.

Recognize the importance of timing

*Personal Power* Based largely on a leader's personal traits. Leaders seen as likeable, or charismatic, or who inspire trust and confidence can often evoke this type of power.

Referent power

^ *Personal Power* SrA Armstrong is well liked among his peers and supervisors. He is often chosen to lead small teams and is very effective in earning their trust and encouraging the team to complete the tasks correctly within the time allotted.

Referent power

Types of Personal Power

Referent, Expert, Information

*Manpower Competencies* This competency centers on the Authorization Change Request (ACR), which is a multi-purpose instrument used to propose adjustments to a UMD.

Requirements Determination

~ Budget representative for an organization.

Resource Advisors (RA)

~ Participates actively in resource management, including the planning, programming, budgeting, acquiring, consuming, storing, and disposing of resources.

Resource Advisors (RA)

Requires the efficient and effective use of assigned personnel, material, information and technology, energy, warfare and financial resources to ensure mission success.

Resource Stewardship

^ The careful and responsible management of resources under one's control.

Resource Stewardship

^ Directs work by subordinate functions (usually CCs) that use resources to do that work. Also appoints a resource advisor to oversee technical details of operations relating to resource use.

Responsibility Center Manager (RCM)

~ Heads an organization that plans, organizes, directs, coordinates activities of subordinate organizations and functions.

Responsibility Center Manager (RCM)

~ *Position Power* A leader states: "If you perform exceptionally well on the task I'll compensate you with time off."

Reward power

~ *Position Power* Leaders who are able to provide things that people like such as pats on the back or days off, formal recognition within the organization, etc.

Reward power

~ Includes, but not limited to, such factors as relationship difficulties, substance misuse, legal, financial, medical, mental health, and occupational problems, along with depression, social isolation, and previous suicide threats/gestures, which may increase the probability of self-harm.

Risk Factors

*Stress* Pressures placed on a person as a function of the particular role he or she plays in the organization.

Role demands

~ *UMD Definitions* Indicates the security access necessary for normal recurring work to be performed in the work center by the designated authorization.

SAR (Security Access Requirement)

~ *UMD Definitions* Refers to a three-character code, which indicates the requirement of special experience or qualification. The individual must possess the prerequisites in AFI 36-2101 prior to the MPF assigning him/her to the position.

SEI (Special Experience Identifier)

Eight-Step Problem Solving Process (Steps)

STEP 1: Clarify and Validate the Problem *O*ODA STEP 2: Break Down the Problem/Identify Performance Gaps *O*ODA STEP 3: Set Improvement Targets O*O*DA STEP 4: Determine Root Cause O*O*DA STEP 5: Develop Countermeasures OO*D*A STEP 6: See Countermeasures Through OO*D*A STEP 7: Confirm Results and Process OOD*A* STEP 8: Standardize Successful Processes OOD*A*

~ *Wellness* Occurs when one has difficulty finding meaning and purpose to life, experiences loss or guilt, or when suffering with a serious illness.

Spiritual Pain

~ *Leadership Development* Getting to know yourself to understand your strengths and developmental needs.


~ What is based on how an individual may think and feel about themselves and on feedback from external sources (how others see them)?


~ A willing & instinctive sense of responsibility to do whatever needs to be done; far above your acceptance of imposed discipline. Reflects personal commitment & sense of duty.


~ What is how much confidence they have in performing a particular task?


~ *Effective Followership:* This quality refers to the ability to determine one's own goals within a large context and to decide what role to take at any given time.


~ Attitudes and beliefs that one sex is superior to another.


~ Form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

Sexual Harassment

~ *Decision Making Processes* This process separates, clarifies, and prioritizes concerns. *When to use:* When confusion is mounting, the correct approach is unclear, or priorities overwhelm plans.

Situation Appraisal

~ *Wellness* Includes having positive interactions with other individuals.

Social Health

*FEP Sections* Illustrates how projected funds will be spent over a 12-month fiscal year period.

Spend Plan

~ Morals, ethics, or habits established by an authority, custom, or an individual as acceptable behavior.


~ Exaggerated belief about a category of people. It rationalizes a person's conduct toward that category.


~ Any mind-controlling or mood-altering drugs. This includes illicit drugs, prescribed & over-the-counter medications, and alcohol.


~ The use of any illicit drug or the misuse of any prescribed medication or the abuse of alcohol.

Substance Misuse

Collaborative effort shared among various agencies to include the mental health (ADAPT), drug demand reduction, and health promotions.

Substance Misuse Prevention

~ Defined as heightened individual and community awareness of suicide, suicide risk factors, and the fact that suicide is only the "tip of the iceberg" of psychosocial problems.

Suicide Awareness

~ A community-based approach, that includes family, friends, and many different professional and social service providers, committed to reducing suicide by creating a safety net that provides protection and adds support for those in trouble by addressing the entire iceberg of afflictions to individuals, families, and their communities.

Suicide Prevention

^ *Rewards* Given to those who go beyond the standard, they include such things as praise, public recognition, time-off, bonus pay, promotions, special assignments, greater roles and responsibilities, etc. (Performance Level)

Supervisory Rewards

~ *Leadership Development* Leaders must recognize their _____ (family, co-workers, leaders, mentors, and subordinates).

Support Team

*Decision Making System* Relies heavily on situational cues, prominent memories, trial and error, and heuristic thinking (discovering solutions for self) to arrive quickly and confidently at judgments, particularly when situations are familiar and immediate action is required. Many of the judgments that you make every day are automatic or reactive, rather than reflective.

System 1 (Reactive Thinking)

*Decision Making System* Broad and informed problem-solving and deliberate decision making. It is useful for judgments in unfamiliar situations, for processing abstract concepts, and for deliberating when there is time for planning and more comprehensive consideration. Argument making is often part of the deliberation process.

System 2 (Reflective Thinking)

^ *Rewards* Rewards just for being a member of the organization. These are things the organization provides such as pay, training, annual leave, medical and dental benefits, etc. (Membership Level)

System Level Rewards

^ The action by an institution (or system) that, through its policies or procedures, deprives a person or group of a right because of color, national origin, race, religion, or sex. Such discrimination can occur overtly, covertly, intentionally, or unintentionally.

Systemic Discrimination

~ Two System Approach to Decision Making

Systems 1 and 2 Thinking

Be an active role model in effectively using and managing the resources of your organization. Be on the lookout for and correct the activities and personnel that waste or misuse resources. Also ensure you commend those who appropriately conserve.

Take Ownership

How well you can do your job; requires a strong sense of responsibility in working to the best of your abilities, volunteering for the tough jobs, and working overtime to accomplish the mission.

Task Discipline

*Stress* Factors related to a person's job. They include the design of the individual's job (autonomy, task variety, degree of automation), working conditions, and the physical work layout.

Task demands

~ Potential Sources of Stress

Task demands, role demands, interpersonal demands, organizational structure, organizational leadership

^ *Leadership Style* - High task, high relationship - Leads by positive example - Endeavors to foster a team environment in which all team members can reach their highest potential - Encourages the team to reach team goals as effectively as possible while strengthening the bonds among members - Forms and leads the most productive teams

Team Leader

^ *This leadership style may be needed:* - On a work center where there is a mixture of the examples provided

Team Leader

When ideas bounce back and forth among the Creators, Advancers, and Refiners before being passed off to the Executor.

The "Z" Process

^ *X & Y Theory* These managers tend to direct, control, and closely supervise - the term "micro-manage" could be used to describe them. They assume that most people prefer to be directed, and are not interested in assuming responsibility—all they desire is safety.

Theory X

^ *X & Y Theory* This manager assumes that people are not lazy by nature and can be self-directed and creative if properly motivated. They are supportive and facilitating.

Theory Y

Provides a meaningful line of inquiry to help collect information after learning of a possible threat of violence.

Threat Assessment Protocol

~ Submission deadlines associated with quarterly and annual budget requirements.

Timelines Associated with Budgeting Process

*Progressive Discipline Process* To ensure compliance, _____ subordinate behavior and reinforce. Subordinates need to know they will be held accountable for the established standards of behavior and performance and that their supervisors maintain oversight.

To ensure compliance, *monitor* subordinate behavior and reinforce. Subordinates need to know they will be held accountable for the established standards of behavior and performance and that their supervisors maintain oversight.

^ Provides commanders with an official repository of substantiated derogatory data concerning an Air Force member's personal conduct and duty performance.

Unfavorable Information File (UIF)

Refers to authorized but _____ positions needed to accomplish the assigned workload.

Unfunded Requirement

*FEP Sections* Another list identifying mission-essential requirements that exceed projected funding. Again, include a narrative justifying each requirement.

Unfunded Requirements

~ *Follower Success* Work problems through your immediate supervisor first. If your supervisor is unable/unwilling to help and you feel the issue is important, advise your supervisor of your intent to discuss it with the next person in the chain. When your supervisor becomes the problem, try everything within your power to work it out with them before going higher.

Use the chain of command

~ *Leadership Development* As a leader you must know your deeply held values, adhere to the ethical principles that guide your leadership, and avoid ethical traps.

Values and Principles

*Workplace Violence* TYPE 4

Violence committed in the workplace by someone who *doesn't work there* but has a personal *relationship with an employee*—an abusive spouse or domestic partner.

*Workplace Violence* TYPE 3

Violence directed against coworkers, supervisors, or managers by a *present or former employee*.

*Workplace Violence* TYPE 2

Violence directed at employees by customers, clients, patients, students, inmates, or any others *for whom an organization provides services*.

*Workplace Violence* TYPE 1

Violent acts by criminals who have *no connection with the workplace* but enter to commit robbery or another crime.

~ *Resource Stewardship* War-related materials (training equipment, body armor, and armored personnel carriers, etc.)


*Progressive Discipline Process* When infractions occur and performance or behavior falls below the LOA, you should _____.

When infractions occur and performance or behavior falls below the LOA, you should *apply the PDP*.

^ Theory of "Negligent Supervision"

When one employee alleges that an employer should have taken reasonable care in supervising a second employee who is threatening the first with violent conduct.

While _____ authority holds airmen accountable when they fail to meet standards, _____ authority encourages airmen to trust you and want to follow you, based on your referent power.

While *legal* authority holds airmen accountable when they fail to meet standards, *earned* authority encourages airmen to trust you and want to follow you, based on your referent power.

^ The repeated, unreasonable, and unwanted actions by individuals or groups directed at individuals or groups with the intent to intimidate, harass, degrade, or offend. (Abuse or misuse of power; psychological violence.)

Workplace Bullying

~ This most often involves aggressive behavior toward peers, subordinates, supervisors, and other members of the workforce. This can range from verbal abuse to physical violence.

Workplace Violence

~ This theory focuses on the attitudes of the supervisor & subordinate with the "Theory X" and "Theory Y" styles of supervision.

X & Y Theory- Douglas McGregor

Three Forms of Counseling

informal, formal, referral

Three Categories of Substance Abuse

the use of any illicit drug, the misuse of any prescribed medication, or the abuse of alcohol

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