NE Bio II Exam 2

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Which of the following statements concerning an F factor is FALSE?

It is found in recipient cells, not donor cells.

The two groups representing "jawless" fishes are:

Myxini and Petromyzontida

Which genus is used to produce beer and wine?


__________ is credited with the discovery of prions as a new biological principle of infection.

Stanley Prusiner

Which of the following statements concerning euglenoids is FALSE?

They are all photosynthetic.

What do ribbon worms and flatworms have in common?

They have three germ layers

Which of the following statements about tunicates is false?

Tunicates are freshwater organisms.

An arthropod with chelicerae, pedipalps, and silk glands would be:

a spider.

Viruses are classified by:

an international committee.

The most recent group of plants to evolve are the:


The __________ is the male sexual structure that produces sperm in plants.


In deuterostomes the first opening develops into the:


Mushrooms that we eat are technically referred to as:



bodies consist of hundreds of reproductive segments.

Which chordate group has the most species?

bony fishes.

A bacterium that uses the oxidation of inorganic compounds to provide energy for manufacturing nutritious organic compounds is a:


_______ are characterized by having a micronucleus and a macronucleus.


Microphylls are found only in __________.

club mosses

Asexual reproduction in sac fungi involves production of spores called:


Which of the following is not a seedless plant?


The bacterium that causes botulism disease is harmless until it:

contains a certain prephage DNA.

Which of the following are in the class Anthozoa?


Retroviruses differ from other RNA viruses by:

having reverse transcriptase instead of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.

Most bacteria are:


A __________ is a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi.


If a flower has sepals, petals, and stamens but lacks carpels, then that flower is:

incomplete and imperfect.

The nervous system of many species of flatworms:

is a 'ladder type'.

If a marine invertebrate were placed into freshwater, it would have difficulty surviving because

it would have difficulty with osmoregulation.

The Archea differ from the Bacteria and eukaryotes by having different ________ in their cell membranes, but the Archea are similar to eukaryotes in their _______ process.

lipids; translation

The gametophyte is the dominant stage in the life cycle for which of the following plant groups?


The oldest known fossils suggest that the _______ may have been the first plants to inhabit land.


The neural crest cells of vertebrates influence the development of all of the following except the:


Most conifers have separate male and female reproductive parts on the same tree. This condition is referred to as:



move by means of a rotating flagella.

Segmentation is important in annelids as an aid in:


Marsupials include the:


Viral proteins can damage host cells by:

overwhelming the host cell with a large number of viruses.

The female gametophyte generation in angiosperms is found in the:

ovule of the ovary.

The type of venation in monocots is known as:


Scorpion pincers are enlarged:


Mad cow disease is an example of a disease caused by a:


Gram-positive bacteria would stain _______ in a gram stain because of a thick layer of ________ in their cell walls.

purple, peptidoglycan

The specificity of viruses to different types of cells is due to _______ sites on the host cell.


Seeds are reproductively superior to spores because:

seeds contain a young plant and also are protected by a seed coat.

Who am I? I belong to the metazoa but not the eumetazoa.


Viroids cause a variety of pland diseases and are composed only of:

strands of RNA.

Which structure is used to help regulate buoyancy of fish?

swim bladder

The most significant difference between the Archea and the Bacteria is:

the absance of peptidoglycans in the cell walls of the Archea.

Koch's postulates include all the following except:

the microorganism must be visible in the electron microscope.

How many sperm cells contribute to the process of reproduction in angiosperms?


The first land animals, arthropods, moved onto land about:

450 million years ago.

Fungi can grow under all of the following conditions except:

A dry environment.

The first bacterium that was clearly identified as the cause of an infectious disease was:

Bacilus anthracis, which causes anthrax.

The first members of classes Osteichthyes and Chondrichthyes appeared in the __________ period.


Which algal group contains individuals that are typically unicellular and form siliceous shells?


The leafy fern that you might have as a house plant is the __________ generation.

diploid sporophyte

Radial cleavage is found in the:


The lining of the digestive tube is formed from:


Which of the following adaptations is NOT associated with the ability of birds to fly?

enlarged visual centers

In most deuterostomes, the mesoderm forms by:


Clavicps purpurea produces a(n) ______, which infests grain and has been important in many historical events, as ingestion of infested grain milled into flour can cause hallucinations and even death.


The sori of most ferns are found on the:


Even though bacteria lack membrane-bound organelles, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria, the can still perform the functions of these organelles by localizing certain metabolic enzymes on:

the plasma membrane.

Penicillin works most effectively against gram-positive bacteria because:

they have a thick peptidoglycan cell wall, and penicillin affects the synthesis of peptidoglycans.

One unique characeristic associated with some of the extreme halophilic Archaea is that:

they have photosynthetic ability involving a purple bacteriorhodopsin pigment.

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