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A Distributed Relational Database Architecture


A component in Windows 95 that enables you to connect your computer to a network via a modem. If your computer is not connected to a LAN and you want to connect to the Internet, you need to configure Dial-Up Networking (DUN) to dial

Database Server

A computer System that processes database queries.

File Server

A computer and storage device dedicated solely towards saving files. Any standard user on a network can store files on a network.


A computer or a device on a network that manages network resources. There are many different types of servers. Just to name a few, here are four common ones:

Network server

A computer that manages network traffic.

Print Server

A computer that manages one or more printers


A device that connects together two separate LANS, or two different segments of the same LAN that uses the same protocol. (IE/ Token Ring)


A device that forwards data packets over a network. Typically, you'll see a router connected to AT LEAST two networks, most commonly two LANS, two WANS, or a LAN and its ISP's network. Routers will typically use headers and forwarding tables to determine where to send a specific data packet. They'll use protocols such as ICMP to configure the best and most efficient route to the correct destination.

Client-Server Architecture

A form of a network architecture in which each computer or process on the internet is either called a client or a server. Client server are widely implemented, and are also sometimes called two tier systems.

Modular Computer

A multi processing computer system where processing, memory, and peripheral units can be added or removed without screwing up the whole system.


A node on a network that serves as an entrance to another network. In enterprises, a gateway is the computer that routes information from a workstation to the outside network that is serving the Web Pages. It also acts as a proxy server and firewall. In homes, the gateway is the Internet Service Provider that allows the home to connect to the internet.

Proxy Server

A server that sits between a client application, such as a web browser, and a real server. It intercepts all requests to the main server to first see if it can fulfill the requests on its own. If it cannot perform the functions, it will forward the request to the main server so that the main server can fulfill the duties. Proxy servers have two main purposes: to improve performance and to filter requests. The reason why it's useful to have Proxy Servers to filter requests it could be used for regulation on where you can go on a network. For instance, a company can use a proxy server to help prevent employees from accessing a certain set of web pages. Another useful characteristic of a Proxy Server is that it can greatly increase performance in a network by saving the results of all requests for a certain amount of time. So say that John and Mary are both connected to a proxy server which they use to access the WWW. So say that John wants to search something up on the proxy server. The proxy server will then save the request that John made. So if Mary searches up the same thing as John in a certain time period, instead of forwarding the request to the main server as it would've have previously done, it will send Mary the results that if sent John, which it already held in its memory. A lot of major companies like Yahoo will have a whole bunch of proxy server arrays just for the sole purpose of saving time.

Three-tier architecture

A special type of client/server architecture that consists of three processes. The client, the database server, and the application server. The client is the user interface, the application server is responsible for processing data, and the database management system stores the data acquired by the application server. There are two main advantages to a three-tier system, one being that the extra tier allows any of the tiers to be modify or replace without affecting the rest of the tiers. The second advantage to this is that separating the application function from the server makes it easier to implement load balancing.

Centralized Network

A specific sort of network in which all users of the network connect to a central server. The server then in turns performs all communication actions between all of the users of the network. The server would store both the communications and the user account information. For example, say that our good friend Bufanaquishria wants to message our other good friend Mo'Nique on the instant messaging service KIK. KIK messaging would then in turn be using a sort of centralized network to allow these two to speak to each other.

Fiber Optics

A technology that essentially transmits data glass or plastic fibers to transmit data. Each independent fiber is capable of transmitting messages modulated into light waves. There's a lot of enticing advantages to Fiber Optics: Fiber optic cables have a much greater bandwidth than metal cables, which means that they can carry more data. Fiber optic cables are less susceptible than metal cables to interference. Fiber optic cables are much thinner and lighter than metal wires.


A worldwide bulletin board system that can be accessed through the Internet or through many online services. USENET contains over 14000 forums, which are called newsgroups, that cover ever imaginable interest group. Say Mary Beth wants to check out a forum on folding paper airplanes. USENET will undoubtedly have a specific forum just for that.

Domain Controller

According to the Alpha Male Microsoft, in Active Directory server roles, ( BT dubs, in Active Directory terms, there are only two categories, member servers and domain controllers) it's a server that is responsibruh for allowing host access to Windows domain resources. Stores user account information, authenticates users and enforces security policy for a Windows domain.

member server

According to the Big Boy that is Microsoft, in Active Directory server roles, (Active Directory is a directory service that's part of Windows 2000) a member server is a computer that runs an operating system in the Windows 2000 or 2003 server family that is in a domain and is not a domain controller. They usually function as: file servers, application servers, database servers, Web servers, certificate servers, firewalls and remote-access servers.

application server

Also known as appserver


American National Standards Institute. It was founded in 1918 and is a volunteer organization that now employs around 1300 people. Its main job is to create computer standards for the computer industry. It sets standards for a wide range of things, including computer programming languages, electrical specifications to communications protocol. For example, FDDI is a ANSI standard.

Closed Architecture

An architecture whose specifications are closed to the public, which basically means that it's source code is not available to the public and can't be altered or have new products added to it. You don't have the flexibility that an Open Architecture would have, for instance, you can't connect systems together.

Open Architecture

An architecture whose specifications are public. This includes standards along with privately designed architectures whose specifications are made public by the designers. A big advantage of Open Architecture is that anyone can add new products for it. But a con of this is that a manufacturer is basically allowing others to copy or duplicate the product. Linux, for example, a prominent operating system used by many, is considered open, because it makes its source code available to the public for free.

public key encryption

An encryption protocol that essentially uses "keys" in order to encrypt a message. It consists of two keys, a public key and a private key. For example: take two folks, Ishaniqua and Danieliquan. Say that ishaniqua wants to send a private message to Danieliquan. What Ishaniqua will do is she'll use a public key to encrypt the message that she wants to send to Ishaniquan, and Danieliquan will use the private key in order to decrypt the message that Shaniqua sent to Danieliquan.

Data Link

At this layer, data is encoded and decoded into bits. It incorporates transmission protocol knowledge and management and handles errors in the physical layer, flow control, and frame synchronization. This layer is divided up into 2 different layers, LLC (Logical Link Control) and and MAC (Media Access Control). The MAC sublayer controls how the computer on the network gains access to the data and transmits it. The LLC controls frame synchronization, flow control, and error checking. Examples include: PPP, ATM


Basic Rate ISDN services consists of two 64 kbps B-channels and one D channel for transmitting control info.

Autonomous Systems

Basically a group of routers.


Basically a network device used to regenerate or replicate a specific signal. Repeaters are often used in transmission systems to regenerate analog or digital systems distorted by transmission loss.

Digital Certificate

Basically an attachment to an electronic message used for security purposes. Uses public key encryption to do this.


Basically it allows one network to send the data that it wants to send across another network. Tunneling works by sending a network protocol within separate packets carried by the second network. For example, say King'Kong'Quisha wants to sell crack to her friend Sha'Quonda over the internet, but she doesn't want anyone to see what is going on. King'Kong'Quisha could use PPTP, which is a tunneling protocol created by Microsoft to send the payment information to Sha'Quonda without the pooolice ever finding out. King'Kong'Quisha could use the Internet to send the info via a VPN.


Basically like ISDN, except it uses broadband transmission. Additionally, it does this over fiber optic cables. Broadband ISDN can support 1.5 milliion BPS. Sadly, this particular ISDN is not widely implemented.

Modular Architecture

Basically the design of any system that consists of separate components that can be put together. The sexy part of this sort of architecture is, say for instance Tyrone is really dumb, and he takes out a component of the system. While, Tyrone is in luck, because since the architecture is modular, he can take out a single part without affecting the whole system.


Basically the same thing as a forum. It's an online discussion group. On the internet, there are literally thousands of newsgroups covering everything imaginable to the human brain. However, to read and post things on newsgroups, you have to first install a newsreader, a program that runs on your computer and connects you to a news server on the Internet.


Border Gateway Protocol, its a form of a EGP that enables groups of routers, (also known as autonomous systems) to share routing information so that efficient, loop-free routes can be established. BGPs are often used between and within ISPs. This protocol is defined in RFC 1771.


Bridge Router, basically its a device that functions as a bridge or a router.


Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. So say Qua'Lifriaqui'Sha'Niquia wants to keep to access something that uses CHAP to authenticate something to ensure that Qua'Lifriaqui'Sha'Niquia's friend Watermelondrea cannot access that particular thing. So the authentication agent will send Qua'Lifriaqui'Sha'Niquia a random value that will only be used once and an ID value. IN addition, the authentication agent will also share an additional "secret". Then, the authentication program will join together the random value, the ID value, and the random secret together into a one-way hash using MD5. That particular value is then sent to the authentication agent, who then calculates the value, and compares the result received from Qua'Lifriaqui'Sha'Niquia. If the values match, then Qua'Lifriaqui'Sha'Niquia is authenticated.


Computer Aided Design, a combination of hardware and software that enables folks to design a whole lotta Sh%T, ranging from furniture to airplanes. So say that V'Lanta'la'mana'ma'nisha is a designer, and she just designed an airplane, well, CADs make it so that V'Lanta'la'mana'ma'nisha can view all angles and all intricate details of her design, with just a click of a button.


Data Service Unit, it is a The dSU is a device that performs protective and diagnostic functions for a telecommunications line.


Data Terminal Equipment, it's used exchange data with a modem


Data Transfer Rate, The speed with which data can be transmitted from one device to another


Database Management System a collection of programs that allow you to store, modify, and extract information from a database.


Deep Packet Capture is the process of capturing all of the data packets passing through and from a data medium. It basically captures all of the packets that aren't typically found in standard packet monitoring or filtering systems.


Detailed Seller Ratings, used for EBAY, completely useless


Digital Audio Tape, a special type of magnetic tape that uses a scheme called a helical scan to record data. Like other tapes, DAT is a sequential access media.


Digital Volt meter


Direct Attached Storage, storage that isn't connected to the main system. The most common example of this would be a detachable hard drive


Direct Memory Access, basically a technique to transfer memory straight from the main memory to a device without going through a CPU.


Direct Sequence Modulation: Basically a transmission protocol used in LANs


Distributed Computing Environment, a suite of technology services developed by the Open Group for creating distributed applications that run on different platforms. DCE is a popular choice for very large systems that require robust security and fault tolerance


Distributed Coordination Function. The fundamental MAC technique of the IEEE 802:11 based WAN standards.


Document Type Definition. A DTD states what tags and attributes are used to describe what tags and attributes are used to describe content in an SGML, XML, HTML where each tag is located and which tags can appear within other tags.

Integrated Architecture

Essentially, the design of any system that consists of having all of the components together from the get-go, so it can't be taken apart without collateral damage. So say Tyrone the ******* takes out a component of the system. Well, Tyrone is duly f*@cked, because he just screwed up his network.


Fiber Distributed Data Interface, dumbed down, it's a set of ANSI protocol that basically uses fiber optics to send data over networks. Additionally, they're token passing networks and are usually used as backbones to WANS. (Can support data rates of up to 100 Mbps per second)


High Performance Parallel Interface, a standard technology for physically connecting devices at short distances and high speeds. It became an ANSI protocol in 1990 and is used primarily to connect supercomputers and to provide high-speed backbones to LANs. Basic HIPPI transfers 32 bits in parallel for a data transfer speed of 0.8 GBps.


In networking, it's the same thing as tunneling.


Integrated Services Digital Network, aight yall, listen up, so BASICALLY, THIS IS HOW ITS GON WORK IN THIS BI@CH. ISDN is an international communications standard for sending voice, video, and data over digital telephone lines or normal telephone wires. ISDN supports 64 kbps.


Internet Engineering Task Force, which is the main standards organization for the Internet. Basically the IETF is a large, open, international organization comprised of people concerned with the evolution of Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet.


Internet Message Access Protocol, another protocol for receiving messages. Similar to POP, but newer and with additional features.


Internet Service Provider, basically it's a provider that provides internet services, including internet and business services.


Internetwork Packet Exchange: Basically a networking protocol used by Novell Netware Operating systems. Its very similar to UDP/IP in that it's a datagram protocol used for connectionless communications. COVERED BY ARVIND.

Load Balancing

Load Balancing is distributing processing and communications activity evenly across a computer network so that no one system is overwhelmed. Load balance is especially important for servers where they're not sure how many requests will be made to the network. For instance, really popular websites will have several servers supporting the website, so if one server gets overwhelmed by the requests that the website is getting, it will forward the requests to the other servers.


Long story short, it's how two devices initiate communication amongst each other. Handshaking begins when one device sends a message to another device telling the other device that they wanted to initiate a communications channel. The two devices in question then send each other messages so that they can then agree on a communications protocol.


Password Authentication Protocol. It's the most basic form of authentication in which a user's name and password are transmitted over a network and compared to a table of password user pairs. The main weakness of PAP is that the username and password are transferred in the clear, or unencrypted.


Point of Presence, basically a physical location that is an access point to the Internet.


Point to Point Tunneling Protocol. Essentially a new sort of technology for establishing Virtual Private Networks. This was developed jointly by Microsoft, US Robotics, a whole SH$T ton of random remote access vendors. So let's say that our good friend La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice wants to set a VPN. Chances are that La'Taniana'Bo'Vanashrianiqualiquanice will be using PPTP in order to establish such a network.


Point to Point protocol. Essentially a data-link protocol to establish direct connection to the internet. So let's say that our good friend Guuuuuurrrrrrllllll wants to establish a connection to the internet. Guuuuuurrrrrrllllll just might be using PPP to establish this sort of connection to the internet.


Post Office Protocol. A protocol used to retrieve e-mail from a mail server. Most email applications use POP, although some use the newer IMAP.


Primary Rate ISDN services that consist of 23 B channels (In the US) or 30 B channels (in Europe) and one D channel


Privately owned or controlled, basically the opposite of open. It also implies that companies aren't allowed to duplicate the products. Increasingly nowadays proprietary is seen as a major disadvantage, since consumers like to mix and match different products.


Secure Sockets Layer is a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL uses public key encryption. SSL works like this: When a web browser wants to connect to a website using SSL. This prompts the web server to send the browser a copy of the SSL certificate. The browser then checks to ensure that the certificate is authentic. If it is, the browser will then send a message to the server. The server then responds to the browser by giving a digital signature to the browser. After that a secure session can begin with the web server and the browser. (fun fact, you may notice that instead of http, it now starts with https)


Short for Attached Resource Computer Network, its one of the oldest, simplest and least expensive types of LANs. ArcNet was introduced by Datapoint Corporation in 1977. It uses token ring architecture, supports data rates of 2.5 Mbps, and can connect up to 255 computers. A big bonus to ArcNet is that it permits various types of transmission media, such as coaxial cable, fiber optics, to be mixed in the same network.


Short for Internet Control Message Protocol. It's basically an extension to the internet protocol defined by RFC 792. ICMP can support packets containing error, control, and informational messages.


Short for exterior Gateway Protocol, a generic term for a routing protocol that is used to exchange routing information between two hosts in a network of autonomous systems. An EGP is typically used between hosts on the Internet to share routing table information.


So in 1991, a swaggilicious professor named Ronald Rivest created an algorithm that is used to create digital signatures. It's intended for devices with 32 bits, and is relatively safe. It uses Hash.


The OG band of frequencies before it is modulated for transmission at a higher frequency.


The client part of a client-server architecture. Usually a client is an application that runs on a personal computer or workstation and relies on a server to perform operations. A good example of this would be a email client, which allows you to send and receive email.


This layer conveys the bit stream throughout the network medium at the electrical and mechanical level. It provides the hardware means of sending and receiving data through a carrier. This layer includes Ethernet, the RJs, FDDI.

Session Layer

This layer establishes, maintains, and terminates sessions. So for instance, this layer also sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges and dialogues between each application at each end.

Presentation Layer

This layer provides independence from differences in data representation by translating from application to network format and vice versa. The presentation works to transfer the data into a format that the application layer can accept. This layer also formats and encrypts data. This layer is also called the Syntax Layer.

Network Layer

This layer provides switching and routing technologies, creating logical paths, known as virtual circuits, for transmitting data from node to node. Routing and forwarding are functions of this particular layer, along with addressing, internetworking, error handling, congestion control and packet sequencing. Examples include: Appletalk DDP, IP and IPX.

Transfer Layer

This layer provides transparent transfer of data between different hosts and is also responsible for error recovery along with flow control. It ensures complete data transfer. TCP and UDP

Application Layer

This layer supports applications and end-user processes. Communication partners are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication and privacy are offered, and any constraints on data syntax is identified. Telnet and FTP.


To make the system accessible. Basically allows others to duplicate products, increasingly nowadays we see more and more open sources across the industry


Windows DNA, which is short for Windows distributed interNet Applications Architecture


a Newsreader is a client application that enables someone to read messages posted to Internet newsgroups, and to post your own messages. For instance, Internet Explorer, a popular web browser, has built in newsreaders, but there are plenty of free and fast newsreaders on the internet just waiting to be downloaded.

Virtual Circuits

a connection between two devices that poses as a direct connection even though it can be physically linked to each other. Another swaggalicious fact is that it's often used to describe the connections between two hosts in a packet-switching network. So they have a connection to each other, even though they may not be directly linked to each other. They could go through multiple destinations before reaching each other.

peer-to-peer architecture

a form of an architecture where each workstation has equivalent capabilities. This is direct contrast to client server architectures, where some computers are dedicated to serving other computers. P2Ps tend to be more simpler than other networks, but they don't perform as well under heavy loads.


a packet of data sent over an IP network

B channels

bearer channels are in layman's terms the primary data carrying channels to an ISDN connection.

D channels

delta channels are in layman's terms the channel in an ISDN connection that carries control and signalling information.


short for Business Continuity Planning, BCP covers both DRP and also business resumption planning. It's the preparation and testing of measures that protect business operations and also provides the means for the recovery of technologies in the event of any loss, damage or failure of facilities.


short for Disaster Recovery Planning, DRP is a plan for business continuity in the event of a disaster that destroys all or part of a business's resources, including IT technology, data records, and the physical space of an organization. The goal of a DRP is to resume original operations in as little time as humanly possible. There are several stages to a DRP, including:


short for Request For Comments. It's a series of notes about the Internet, starting from 1969, back when the now modern day internet was known as the ARPANET. RFC's can added, the process goes as follows. So essentially anyone can propose something to become a RFC. Say our good friend Unidastazovamerikaaliqua wants to propose an Internet Document, and she's hoping that that particular internet document will become a RFC. So Unidastazovamerikaaliqua will first forward the internet document to the IETF, but from there, it's up the IETF's discretion on whether or not Unidastazovamerikaaliqua's Internet Document will become a RFC. So let's just say that Unidastazovamerikaaliqua's document gets approved. Well, if that particular (now) RFC gains enough traction, it could end up becoming an Internet Standard. (Notes, each individual RFC is designated a specific RFC number. Once published, a RFC will never change. But it can be modified, so if it becomes modified, the RFC will be given a new RFC number.


swaggiliciously put, it's a protocol for sending email messages between servers. Most email services use SMTP to send messages. Then POP or IMAP can be used to receive those messages. So say that Sha'Nay Nay wants to send a message to Ka'Likatifrianiqua. She'll use SMTP to send out the message to Ka'Likatifrianiqua, and Ka'Likatifrianiqua will receive it and read it using POP and IMAP

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