Network+ Practice Exam

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c. FF02

In IPv6 addressing, which of the following prefixes indicates that an address belongs to a multicast group? a. 00FF b. 1F3E c. FF02 d. 0001 e. FEC0

d. ::1

In IPv6, which of the following is the loopback address? a. b. 127:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 c. FE80::1 d. ::1 e.

d. It replaces each outgoing packet's Source address field with a public IP address.

In NAT, how does an IP gateway ensure that outgoing traffic can traverse public networks? a. It modifies each outgoing frame's Type field to indicate that the transmission is destined for a public network. b. It assigns each outgoing packet a masked ID via the Options field. c. It interprets the contents of outgoing packets to ensure that they contain no client-identifying information. d. It replaces each outgoing packet's Source address field with a public IP address. e. It modifies the frame length to create uniformly sized frames, called cells, which are required for public network transmission.

d. They will be unable to access the Internet and nodes 10 through 20.

In the following figure, if router B suffers a failure, how will this failure affect nodes 1 through 9? a. They will only be unable to access the Internet. b. They will be unable to access the Internet and either nodes 10 through 14 or 15 through 20. c. They will be unable to access the Internet, and all other nodes on the LAN. d. They will be unable to access the Internet and nodes 10 through 20. e. Their connectivity will not be affected.

d. Tracert

You work for an ISP. Several of your customers have called to complain about the slow response from a popular Web site. You suspect that network congestion is at fault. Which TCP/IP utility would help you determine where the congestion is occurring? a. FTP b. Nslookup c. Nbtstat d. Tracert e. Telnet

a. PLC

You work for a soft drink company where the temperature of the sodas must be monitored before the drinks are bottled. What device does this industrial network require that can detect this information but is not capable of adjusting the thermostat of the food processing equipment in reaction to temperature changes? a. PLC b. MTU c. RTU d. Actuator e. HMI

a. Traffic policing

The following graph, which represents traffic activity for an ISP's client, indicates that the ISP is utilizing what traffic-shaping technique? a. Traffic policing b. Caching c. Load balancing d. Access list controls e. Fault tolerance

d. 802.11n

Which of the following makes use of channel bonding to maximize throughput? a. Bluetooth b. Satellite c. 802.11g d. 802.11n e. WiMAX

c. 53

Which of the following ports would be used during a domain name lookup? a. 22 b. 23 c. 53 d. 110 e. 443

c. L2TP

Which of the following protocols encapsulates data for transmission over VPNs? a. CHAP b. SNMP c. L2TP d. SFTP e. MPLS

a. RIP

Which of the following routing protocols has the poorest convergence time? a. RIP b. EIGRP c. OSPF d. BGP e. IGRP

a. EAPoL

Which of the following standards describes a security technique, often used on wireless networks, in which a port is prevented from receiving traffic until the transmitter's credentials are verified by an authentication server? a. EAPoL b. SSH c. SSL d. Kerberos

d. SSH

Which of the following utilities could you use to log on to a UNIX host? a. NTP b. ARP c. Ping d. SSH e. SNMP

a. LTE

Which of the following wireless networking standards can reliably transmit data the farthest? a. LTE b. WiMAX c. 802.11b d. 802.11c e. 802.11n

e. WPA2-Enterprise

Which of the following wireless security techniques uses RADIUS and AES? a. WEP b. WPA c. WPA2 d. WPA-Enterprise e. WPA2-Enterprise

a. LTE & c. 802.16m

Which of the following wireless standards provides an entirely IP-based, packet-switched network for both voice and data transmissions? (Choose two.) a. LTE b. 802.16e c. 802.16m d. HSPA+ e. 802.11n

d. Fiber-optic cable

Which one of the following media is most resistant to EMI? a. Coaxial cable b. UTP cable c. STP cable d. Fiber-optic cable e. Microwave

c. SIP

Which signaling protocol is modeled after HTTP and is limited to IP networks? a. H.323 b. RTCP c. SIP d. MGCP e. RTP

d. TCP, port 23

Which transport protocol and TCP/IP port does telnet use? a. UDP, port 23 b. TCP, port 21 c. UDP, port 22 d. TCP, port 23 e. UDP, port 21

a. Hub & e. Repeater

Which two of the following devices operate only at the Physical layer of the OSI model? a. Hub b. Switch c. Router d. Bridge e. Repeater

c. OSPF & e. EIGRP

Which two of the following routing protocols offer fast convergence time and can be used on interior or border routers? a. RIP b. RIPv2 c. OSPF d. BGP e. EIGRP


If a Windows workstation is configured to use DHCP, but cannot find a DHCP server, it will assign itself an address and subnet mask. Which of the following IPv4 addresses might it assign itself? a. b. c. d. e. 987.65.432.1

c. Network layer

At what layer of the TCP/IP model is routing information interpreted? a. Physical layer b. Data Link layer c. Network layer d. Application layer e. Transport layer

a. Entrance facility

If an organization follows structured cabling standards, where would its demarc be located? a. Entrance facility b. Work area c. IDF d. Cross-connect facility e. Backbone

b. Change his gateway address.

A colleague calls you for help with his home office Internet connection. He is using an 802.11n access point/router connected to a DSL modem. The access point/router's private IP address is and it has been assigned an Internet routable IP address of Your friend cannot connect to any resources on the Internet using his new Windows workstation. You ask him to run the ipconfig command and read the results to you. He says his workstation's IP address is, the subnet mask is, and the default gateway address is What do you advise him to do next? a. Display his DNS information. b. Change his gateway address. c. Change his subnet mask. d. Try pinging the loopback address. e. Use the tracert command to contact the access point/router.

b. Firewall log

A regional bank manager asks you to help with an urgent network problem. Because of a sudden and severe network performance decline, the manager worries that the bank's network might be suffering a DoS attack. Viewing which of the following types of network documentation would probably give you the quickest insight into what's causing this problem? a. Wiring schematic b. Firewall log c. Logical network diagram d. The main file server's system log e. Physical network diagram

a. unicast

A user watching a YouTube video over the Internet is an example of what type of communication? a. Unicast b. Multicast c. Broadcast d. Point-to-multipoint e. Multipoint-to-point

b. VoIP call connection

A virtual PBX would provide your organization with which of the following services? a. Data storage in the cloud b. VoIP call connection c. Expedited Internet routing d. QoS guarantees for video streaming e. Load balancing for WAN connections

e. Virtual bridge

A virtual switch includes several virtual ports, each of which can be considered a: a. Virtual repeater b. Virtual router c. Virtual gateway d. Virtual hub e. Virtual bridge

a. 802.11a-ht

An implementation of multiple 5-GHz APs that talk to each other in order to obtain 802.11n-type speeds is accomplished with what unofficial wireless standard? a. 802.11a-ht b. 802.11g-ht c. 802.11ac d. Super G e. 802.11i

b. Verify that the amount of resistance presented by terminators on coaxial cable networks is appropriate & c. Check for the presence of noise on a wire (by detecting extraneous voltage)

As a networking professional, you might use a multimeter to do which of the following? (Choose all that apply.) a. Determine where the patch cable for a specific server terminates on the patch panel b. Verify that the amount of resistance presented by terminators on coaxial cable networks is appropriate c. Check for the presence of noise on a wire (by detecting extraneous voltage) d. Confirm that a fiber-optic cable can transmit signals from one node to another e. Validate the processing capabilities of a new router

d. Onboarding

At the beginning of the school year, students at your school must configure their computers and other devices to obtain trusted access to the student portion of the school's network. What is this process called? a. Authenticating b. Remote wiping c. Backleveling d. Onboarding e. Updating


Due to popular demand from employees who need to roam from one floor of your office building to another, you are expanding your wireless network. You want to ensure that mobile users enjoy uninterrupted network connectivity without having to reconfigure their workstations' wireless network connection settings. Which of the following variables must you configure on your new access points to match the settings on existing access points? a. Administrator password b. Scanning rate c. SSID d. IP address e. Signal strength

Ethernet uses variably sized packets, whereas ATM uses fixed-sized cells.

Ethernet and ATM both specify Data Link layer framing techniques. How do they differ?

a. They will not issue data to hosts other than the client that originated the request.

How do most modern FTP servers prevent FTP bounce attacks? a. They will not issue data to hosts other than the client that originated the request. b. They will deny requests to ports 21 or 22. c. They will not allow anonymous logons. d. They require clients to communicate using SSH. e. They maintain an access list to determine which clients are legitimate

c. It enables switches to calculate paths that avoid potential loops and artificially blocks the links that would complete a loop.

How does STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) prevent or stop broadcast storms? a. It examines the source IP address field in each broadcast packet and temporarily blocks traffic from that address. b. It enables routers to choose one set of best paths and ensures that alternate paths are used only when the best paths are obstructed. c. It enables switches to calculate paths that avoid potential loops and artificially blocks the links that would complete a loop. d. It enables firewalls to keep access lists that name hosts known for high-volume broadcast traffic and block those hosts from transmitting to the network. e. It helps routers define the boundaries of a broadcast domain.

d. 128

How many bits are in an IPv6 address? a. 16 b. 32 c. 64 d. 128 e. 256

e. Microsoft's network is bounded by firewalls that do not accept incoming ICMP traffic.

In the process of troubleshooting an intermittent performance problem with your network's Internet connection, you attempt to run a tracert test to The tracert response displays the first 12 hops in the route, but then presents several "Request timed out" messages in a row. What is the most likely reason for this? a. Your network's ISP is experiencing connectivity problems. b. The Internet backbone is experiencing traffic congestion. c. Your client's TCP/IP service limits the tracert command to a maximum of 12 hops. d. Your IP gateway failed while you were attempting the tracert test. e. Microsoft's network is bounded by firewalls that do not accept incoming ICMP traffic.


Recently, your company's WAN experienced a disabling DDoS attack. Which of the following devices could detect such an attack and prevent it from affecting your network in the future? a. A honeypot b. SIEM c. HIPS d. Nmap e. NIPS

a. Identify nodes belonging to a multicast group

Routers use IGMP to: a. Identify nodes belonging to a multicast group b. Communicate with other routers about the best path between nodes c. Reserve bandwidth for priority transmissions, ensuring high QoS d. Filter out potentially harmful packets e. Predict the expected round-trip time of a packet over a WAN


Suppose you have created six subnets on your network, which leases a group of Class C IPv4 addresses. What subnet mask must you specify in your clients' configurations to adhere to your subnetting scheme? a. b. c. d. e.


Suppose your WAN contains a segment that relies on the l0GBase-EW standard. Which of the following transmission technologies might it use? a. SONET b. Satellite c. Broadband cable d. DSL e. Metro Ethernet

d. Goodput

While attempting to load a video to, the operation freezes and the upload fails. Which characteristic of the connection is being affected? a. Signaling b. Signal-to-noise ratio c. Throughput d. Goodput e. Attenuation

e. Your wireless networking client will be able to see the access point and successfully associate with it.

Suppose your Windows laptop's wireless network adapter is configured to use the 802.11n wireless networking standard. Also, suppose a café you visit has an 802.11ac access point. Assuming you have the correct SSID and logon credentials, what will happen when you attempt to associate with the café's wireless network? a. Your wireless networking client will be able to see the access point, but will be unable to associate with it. b. Your wireless networking client will not be able to see the access point. c. Your wireless networking client will be able to see the access point and attempt to associate with it, but the incompatible frequencies will prevent successful authentication. d. Your wireless networking client will be able to see the access point and attempt to associate with it, but the incompatible security techniques will prevent successful authentication. e. Your wireless networking client will be able to see the access point and successfully associate with it.

c. Stateless firewall & d. Packet-filtering firewall

The software on a firewall you recently installed on your network examines each incoming packet. Based on a set of criteria, including source IP address, source and destination ports, and protocols, it blocks or allows traffic. What type of system is this? (Choose all that apply.) a. Content-filtering firewall b. Stateful firewall c. Stateless firewall d. Packet-filtering firewall e. Application layer firewall


To ensure that your private network is always protected, you decide to install three redundant firewalls. Which of the following would allow you to assign the same IP address to all three? a. SMTP b. CARP c. SNMPv3 d. IMAP e. NTP

d. 15

Using RIPv2, what is the maximum number of hops a packet can take between its source and its destination? a. 3 b. 5 c. 10 d. 15 e. 18


What STP configuration ensures that a laptop connected to a switch cannot alter the STP paths on the network?

c. Agent

What element of network management systems operates on a managed device, such as a router? a. MIB b. Polling c. Agent d. Nmap e. Caching

d. To establish VPN tunnels

What is one function of a VPN concentrator? a. To prioritize traffic on a VPN b. To consolidate multiple VPNs into a single, larger VPN c. To cache a VPN's frequently requested content d. To establish VPN tunnels e. To collect traffic from multiple VLANs into a VPN


What is the default subnet mask for the following IP address: a. b. c. d. e.

d. To add logical addresses and properly route data

What is the function of protocols and services at the Network layer of the OSI model? a. To manage the flow of communications over a channel b. To add segmentation and assembly information c. To encode and encrypt data d. To add logical addresses and properly route data e. To apply electrical pulses to the wire


What is the network ID for a network that contains the group of IP addresses from through and is not subnetted? a. b. c. d. e.

b. It identifies a host's IPv6 address.

What is the purpose of an AAAA resource record in your DNS zone file? a. It identifies a host's IPv4 address. b. It identifies a host's IPv6 address. c. It identifies a host's MAC address. d. It identifies a mail server address. e. It indicates an alternate name for the host.

In-band management

What kind of management does SSH provide for a switch? a. Remote configuration b. Management console c. In-band management d. Virtual terminal e. KVM


What protocol is used to transfer mail between a Sendmail server and a Microsoft Exchange server? a. SMTP b. SNMP c. IMAP4 d. POP3 e. TFTP

a. 100Base-FX (p. 249, 228)

What type of network could use the type of connector shown below? a. 100Base-FX b. 100Base-TX c. l0Base-T d. 1000Base-T e. 10Base-2

c. Remove the workstation's route to the default gateway whose IP address is

What would the command route del default gw eth1 accomplish on your Linux workstation? a. Delete the default gateway's route to the host whose IP address is b. Remove the assignment of IP address from the eth1 interface c. Remove the workstation's route to the default gateway whose IP address is d. Add a route from the workstation to the default gateway whose IP address is e. Remove the designation of default gateway, but keep the route for the host whose IP address is

e. Layers 1 and 2

Which OSI layer(s) operate differently in wired versus wireless network connections? a. Layers 5, 6, and 7 b. Layers 1, 2, and 3 c. Layer 1 d. Layer 2 e. Layers 1 and 2

b. 10GBase-ER

Which of the following 10-gigabit technologies has the longest maximum segment length? a. 10GBase-SR b. 10GBase-ER c. 10GBase-T d. 10GBase-LW e. 10GBase-SW


Which of the following QoS techniques enables packet-switched technologies to travel over traditionally circuit-switched connections? a. ATM b. SONET c. MPLS d. Frame relay e. Clustering

a. Full mesh

Which of the following WAN topologies is the most fault tolerant? a. Full mesh b. Bus c. Peer-to-peer d. Ring e. Hierarchical

b. Port mirroring

Which of the following allows a protocol analyzer on your network's backbone switch to monitor all the traffic on a VLAN? a. Trunking b. Port mirroring c. Looping d. Spanning Tree Protocol e. Caching

e. Router

Which of the following devices separates broadcast domains? a. Hub b. Switch c. Bridge d. Repeater e. Router

b. (Dual-ring)

Which of the following diagrams illustrates a SONET network?

e. TACACS+ operates as a software application on a remote access server.

Which of the following does not accurately describe TACACS+ in comparison to RADIUS? a. TACACS+ relies on TCP, not UDP, at the Transport layer. b. TACACS+ is typically installed on a router or switch, rather than on a server. c. TACACS+ encrypts all information transmitted for AAA rather than just the password. d. TACACS+ was developed for proprietary use on Cisco products. e. TACACS+ operates as a software application on a remote access server.

e. (star)

Which of the following figures reflects the type of physical topology commonly used on a 100Base-T network?

a. Determines the locations of endpoints & d. Establishes sessions between endpoints

Which of the following functions does SIP perform on a VoIP network? (Choose all that apply.) a. Determines the locations of endpoints b. Provides call waiting and caller ID services c. Prioritizes calls for any single endpoint in a queue d. Establishes sessions between endpoints e. Encrypts VoIP signals before they are transmitted over the network

c. To limit broadcast domains

Which of the following is a reason for using subnetting? a. To facilitate easier migration from IPv4 to IPv6 addressing b. To enable a network to use DHCP c. To limit broadcast domains d. To reduce the likelihood for user error when modifying TCP/IP properties e. To reduce the number of routing table entries

d. Kerberos

Which of the following is a single sign-on authentication method? a. IPsec b. EAPoL c. SSL d. Kerberos e. CHAP

a. C3:00:50:00:FF:FF

Which of the following is a valid MAC address? a. C3:00:50:00:FF:FF b. c. ::9F53 d. FE80::32:1CA3:B0E2 e. D0:00:00:00

e. IPsec

Which of the following is often used to secure data traveling over VPNs that use L2TP? a. PPTP b. PPoE c. Kerberos d. SSH e. IPsec

b. Its TCP/IP stack is not installed properly.

While troubleshooting a workstation connectivity problem, you type the following command: ping The response indicates that the test failed. What can you determine about that workstation? a. Its network cable is faulty or not connected to the wall jack. b. Its TCP/IP stack is not installed properly. c. Its IP address has been prevented from transmitting data past the default gateway. d. Its DHCP settings are incorrect. e. Its DNS name server specification is incorrect.

b. Whether the firewall is placed in the appropriate location on the network & c. Whether the firewall has been configured to allow access from IP addresses in the satellite office

You are a network administrator for a WAN that connects two regional insurance company offices—the main office and a satellite office—to each other by a T-3. The main office is also connected to the Internet using a T-3. This T-3 provides Internet access for both offices. To ensure that your private network is not compromised by unauthorized access through the Internet connection, you install a firewall between the main office and the Internet. Shortly thereafter, users in your satellite office complain that they cannot access the file server in the main office, but users in the main office can still access the Internet. What two things should you check? a. Whether the firewall has been configured to run in promiscuous mode b. Whether the firewall is placed in the appropriate location on the network c. Whether the firewall has been configured to allow access from IP addresses in the satellite office d. Whether the firewall has been configured to receive and transmit UDP-based packets e. Whether the firewall has been configured to allow Internet access over the main office's T-3

d. Establish a theory of probable cause.

You are a networking technician in a radiology clinic, where physicians use the network to transmit and store patients' diagnostic results. Shortly after a new wing, which contains X-ray and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machines, is added to the building, computers in that area begin having intermittent problems saving data to the file server. After you have gathered information, identified the symptoms, questioned users, and determined what has changed, what is your next step in troubleshooting this problem? a. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem. b. Escalate the problem. c. Document findings, actions, and outcomes. d. Establish a theory of probable cause. e. Determine the next steps to resolve the problem.

b. Crimping tool & c. Wire stripper

You are a support technician working in a data closet in a remote office. You suspect that a connectivity problem is related to a broken RJ-45 plug on a patch cable that connects a switch to a patch panel. You need to replace that connection, but you forgot to bring an extra patch cable. You decide to install a new RJ-45 connector to replace the broken RJ-45 connector. What two tools do you need to successfully accomplish this task? a. Punch-down tool b. Crimping tool c. Wire stripper d. Cable tester e. Multimeter

a. Scope

You are configuring a DHCP server. Which of the following variables refers to the range of IP addresses that you will make available to all nodes on a segment? a. Scope b. Lease c. Zone d. Prefix e. Period

e. NIC teaming

You are configuring a connection between two backbone switches, and you want to make sure the connection doesn't fail or become overwhelmed by heavy traffic. Which of the following techniques would help you achieve both aims? a. Round-robin DNS b. CARP c. Clustering d. Trunking e. NIC teaming

b. ifconfig -a at the Linux server's shell prompt

You are creating a new Linux server as a virtual machine on your Windows 8.1 workstation. Which of the following commands will tell you the IP address that is assigned to your virtual server? a. ipconfig/all at the Windows command prompt b. ifconfig -a at the Linux server's shell prompt c. ethtool -a at the Linux server's shell prompt d. ip addr at the Windows command prompt e. ipconfig -a at the Linux server's shell prompt

e. Event Viewer

You are helping to troubleshoot a recurring problem related to obtaining and keeping a DHCP distributed IP address on a colleague's Windows 7 workstation. What application would allow you to configure the workstation totally these errors and send you an email message every time such a problem occurred? a. Network and Internet Connections b. System Logger c. PuTTY d. System Manager e. Event Viewer

c. Nmap

You are part of a team participating in a posture assessment of your company's WAN. Which of the following tools or strategies will help you gain a broad understanding of your network's vulnerabilities? a. MIB b. War chalking c. Nmap d. WPA cracking e. PGP

c. Cat 5e

You are rearranging nodes on your Gigabit Ethernet network. Due to a necessarily hasty expansion, you have decided to supply power to a wireless router in a makeshift data room using PoE. What is the minimum cabling standard you must use to connect this wireless router to the network's backbone? a. RG-6 b. RG-59 c. Cat 5e d. SMF e. Cat 6

Nothing; in Windows 8.1, the DHCP option is selected by default, and the client will obtain IP addressing information upon connecting to the network.

You are setting up a new Windows 8.1 client to connect with your LAN, which relies on DHCP. You made certain that the client has the TCP/IP protocol installed and is bound to its NIC. Which of the following must you do next to ensure that the client obtains correct TCP/IP information via DHCP? a. Make certain the client's computer name and host name are identical. b. Enter the client's MAC address in the DHCP server's ARP table. c. Make sure the Client for Microsoft Networks service is bound to the client's NIC. d. Enter the DHCP server address in the Windows 8.1 TCP/IP configuration. e. Nothing; in Windows 8.1, the DHCP option is selected by default, and the client will obtain IP addressing information upon connecting to the network.


You are the network administrator for a large university whose network contains nearly 10,000 workstations, over 100 routers, 80 switches, and 2000 printers. You are researching a proposal to both upgrade the routers and switches on your network and at the same time improve the management of your network. To make automating network management easier, what type of protocol must the new routers and switches support? a. TFTP b. SMTP c. NNTP d. ICMP e. SNMP

c. Protocol analyzer

You have been asked to help improve network performance on a store's small office network, which relies on two switches, two access points, and a router to connect its 18 employees to the Internet and other store locations. You decide to determine what type of traffic the network currently handles. In particular, you're interested in the volume of unnecessary broadcast traffic that might be bogging down shared segments. Which of the following tools will help you identify the percentage of traffic that comprises broadcasts? a. Butt set b. OTDR c. Protocol analyzer d. Multimeter e. Cable tester

e. WiMAX

You have been asked to provide a connectivity solution for a shuttle-bus system at a large theme park. The owners of the park want a wireless network that reaches all parking lots and drop-off points throughout the park's 2.4-square-mile campus. Each shuttle is to be equipped with a wireless antenna to provide real-time pick-up and drop-off directives to each driver. The park owners plan to install their own base station antennas in order to have complete control of the amount and type of traffic traversing the WAN, but they are very concerned about the cost of equipment installation. Considering the needs and priorities of the theme park owners, what is the best solution for this client? a. Metro Ethernet b. 802.11n c. NFC d. 802.11ac e. WiMAX

b. SSL

You have connected to your bank's home page. Its URL begins with "https://." Based on this information, what type of security can you assume the bank employs for receiving and transmitting data to and from its Web server? a. Kerberos b. SSL c. IPsec d. L2TP e. Packet-filtering firewall

e. Syslog

You have created a new Web server on a computer running the Linux operating system. Which of the following programs will generate messages when modules don't load correctly or services encounter errors? a. Event Viewer b. IDS/IPS c. Packet Sniffer d. Network Monitor e. Syslog

b. Bridged

You have installed and configured two virtual Web servers and a virtual mail server on a physical server. What networking mode will you assign to each server's vNIC to ensure that the virtual machines' hosts on the Internet can access the virtual machines? a. NAT b. Bridged c. Host-only d. Internal e. Grouped

b. The workstations are located beyond the access point's range.

You have just rearranged the access points on your small office network. Now a group of employees complains that they cannot reliably get their workstations to connect with a new 802.11ac access point. You have confirmed that the workstations are using the correct SSID, security type, and passphrase. You have also confirmed that the access point is on and functioning properly because when you stand in the computer room where it's located, you can connect to the access point from your smartphone. Which of the following is likely preventing the other users' workstations from associating with the new access point? a. The users are attempting to log on using incorrect user IDs. b. The workstations are located beyond the access point's range. c. The workstations are set to use 802.11g. d. The users have turned off their wireless antennas. e. The workstations' wired NICs are causing addressing conflicts with their wireless NICs.

d. 400

You have purchased an access point capable of exchanging data via the 802.11n or 802.11ac wireless standard. According to these standards, what is the maximum distance, in meters, from the access point that wireless stations can travel and still reliably exchange data with the access point? a. 20 b. 75 c. 100 d. 400 e. 550

c. nslookup PRTSRV

You suspect that a machine on your network with the host name PRTSRV is issuing excessive broadcast traffic on your network. What command can you use to determine this host's IP address? a. netstat PRTSRV b. ipconfig PRTSRV c. nslookup PRTSRV d. ifconfig PRTSRV e. nbtstat PRTSRV

d. Trunking

You want to add the five virtual machines that exist on your host machine to the Staff VLAN at your office. Which of the following must your host machine's NIC support? a. CSMA/CA b. Channel bonding c. MIMO d. Trunking e. OSPF


You work for a large fashion design firm. Because of a recent TV promotion, your company has received national recognition. At the same time, your WAN has received more security threats. To help fend off these threats, you decide to implement an IPS/IDS. Following is a simplified network diagram that represents your private network and its public network connection. Where on this diagram would you place the IPS/IDS device?

e. White with orange stripe and orange

Your 100Base-T network is wired following the TIA/EIA 568B standard. As you make your own patch cable, which wires do you crimp into pins 1 and 2 of the RJ-45 connector? a. White with green stripe and green b. White with brown stripe and brown c. White with blue stripe and blue d. White with red stripe and red e. White with orange stripe and orange

d. Warm site

Your company is experiencing a growth spurt and is ready to invest in a more sophisticated disaster recovery plan. Currently the only backup plan consists of a few spare computers in a storage closet, with data on the servers duplicated weekly to an off-site backup service. The owners of the company have committed to acquiring additional servers to duplicate critical servers in their current network, and they want the servers to be configured identically to the servers now in use. The new servers will be stored at an off-site data center, and updated every time the on-site servers are updated. What type of disaster recovery site is your company creating? a. Hot site b. Ambient site c. Site survey d. Warm site e. Looking glass site

a. 802.11g b. 802.11n c. 802.11b

Your network manager has purchased a dozen new access points and all are configured to use the new 802.11ac standard in the 5-GHz band. These access points will be backward-compatible with older access points that run which of the following standards? (Choose all that apply.) a. 802.11g b. 802.11n c. 802.11b d. Bluetooth e. None of the above

c. Less than 52 minutes

Your organization contracts with a cloud computing company to store all of its data. The company promises 99.99% uptime. If it lives up to its claims, for how many minutes each year can you expect your data to be unavailable? a. Less than 448 minutes b. Less than 99 minutes c. Less than 52 minutes d. Less than 14 minutes e. Less than 6 minutes


Your organization has just ordered its first T-1 connection to the Internet. Prior to that, your organization relied on a DSL connection. Which of the following devices must you now have that your DSL connection didn't require? a. Modem b. CSU/DSU c. Switch d. Hub e. Router

d. Baselines

Your organization is reassessing its WAN connections to determine how much more bandwidth it will need to purchase in the next five years. As a network administrator, which of the following data can you share that will help management make the right decision? a. Wiring schematic b. Logical network diagram c. Syslogs d. Baselines e. Physical network diagram

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