New Deal

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Why did the National debt increase so much?

All new programs cost money

What was the Brain Trust?

An informal group of intellectuals who helped FDR

What 2 things did the Fair Labor standards Act do?

Banned child labor and established a minimum wage

What was illegal for businesses to do in regards to unions?(2)

Blacklisting and spying union activities

How did FDR accomplish his first step? (3things)

Closed banks, inspected how well banks were doing, and banks deposit/ reopen

How did the TVA improve the quality of life in that area? (3 things)

Created jobs, helped farmers, provided hydroelectric power to area

List one of the litterature classics written during this era

Gone with the wind

What did the FDIC do?

Guaranteed bank deposits uo to $5000

How did FDR try to help homeowners?

Helped refinance homes

What were 3 of the 4 components of the second New Deal?

Higher taxes on the rich, stronger support for union, and more social welfare benefits

How did Hoover and FDR differ on the solving the economic problems?

Hoover did nothing. FDR pushed for government funded programs.

How did the New Deal help or hinder the arts?

It provided funds for artist

How was packing the court viewed by others? How'd this affect FDR and his programs?

It upset many people and congressman. he withdrew his request

If FDR had been allowed to add more justices, how would this have been a bad thing?

It would make opinions unbalanced and in his favor

What did the increase of unions lead to?

Many strikes and sit down strikes

What were sit-down strikes?

Many workers went to the job but refused to work while sitting to not allow replacement workers

What is the national debt? What was the effect of the new deal on the national debt?

Money the federal government has borrowed but hasnt paid back.It rose more than double

List 3 wats African Americans were discriminated against during the new deal

New deal reinforced segregation, received lower pay than whites, a rise in lynchings occurred

What did the Social security Act provide? (3)

Old age pension for workers, survivor benefit Aid for children

How did FDR try to help farmers?

Pay them not to grow certain crops which would raise farm prices

Why was each group criticizing the president?

Political left- didn't want change. Political right- wanted change Demagogues-wanted FDR to redistribute wealth

What three groups were criticizing the president?

Political right, left, and Demagogues

What were some of the projects that the WPA completed?(3)

Provided jobs, build playgrounds, build schools

What did FDR do in his first 100 days?

Pushed program after program through congress to create jobsand growth in the economy.

What was the biggest source of entertainment during this era?


What were fireside chats? What was the purpose behind them?

Radio measages by FDR to explain his policies to public and calmed people

What did the new deal do in terms of the presidency?

Raised peoples expectation for presidency

List 3 ways the women were discriminated against during the New Deal

Received lower wages, jobs went to males, relief programs favored men/boys

What was the New Deal?

Reforms enacted by the Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration to end the Great Depression.

How did FDR try to pack the Court?

Replaced older judges

What was FDR's first step in trying to improve economic conditions?

Restore confidence in banks

What was the end result of FDR's first step?

Restored confidencd in banking

Why did FDR try to add more US Supreme Court justices?

So they would favor his programs

List 4 programs and what they do that developed during the new deal that are still with us today.

TVA- provides electrisicty. FDIC guarenress money in banks. SEC- Regulate stock market. Social security- retirement/pensions for elderly

What did the new deal fail to address?

The Great Depression

Why was the NRA declared unconstitutional?

The federal government got too much power

How did Eleanor Roosevelt support the New Deal programs?

Traveled all over usa to support programs

What eventually got the United States out of the Great Depression?


What was the bank holiday?

When FDR ordered all banks closed

How did Hoover and FDR handle the bonus army march on Washington?

With congress, FDR helped veterans get their bonuses.

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