New Testament misc

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Charismatic Communities

Communities of believers that were led not by appointed leaders but by the Spirit of God, which had bestowed a particular gift (Greek: charisma), useful for the functioning of the entire group, upon each member of the community. According to Paul (see 1 Corinthians 12-14), the gifts (Charismata) included such abilities as teaching, preaching, healing, prophesying, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, and so on.

AD 62

Completion of the Second Temple


Comprised of many wealthy elite, especially in Jerusalem, they exercised considerable religious and political influence among Jews at the time of Christ.

Concept of God

Concept of a supreme being

721 BC

Conquering of Israel under the Assyrians

607 BC

Conquering of Judah under the Babylonians

John Gospel

Contains the prologue, "In the beginning was the Word ....." This gospel emphasizes the Incarnation of the Word. Compares Jesus as a light that shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it.

Paul likely writes Romans from

Corinth in the year 57 or 58

Where did Titus pastor his church?


How Jesus was executed


Saul was struck by a light and converted when on the road to ____


Background of Son of Man in Jerusalem

Daniel 7 this is the person who will fulfill God's promises to Israel

What is the significance of Jesus' title as the Son of Man (6)

Daniel 7: 1) Divine Authority 2) Kingdom Crusher 3) Establishes God's Kingdom 4) Lord of Sabbath 5) Lowliness and Suffering Death 6) Non-Confrontational Name

Famous king of Israel from whom Jesus was descended


Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)

Day long feast in which a goat is released into the wilderness to symbolize the redemption of the people's sin


Day of rest and worship


Day of rest and worship for the Jews

For what is Phoebe known in Romans?

Delivering Paul's letter to the Romans, based on her position as a deacon or minister and benefactor

586 BC

Destruction of Solomon's Temple by the Babylonians

AD 70

Destruction of the Second Temple

When James directly addresses his readers as "you" he is using a Greek rhetorical device called


A follower of a great rabbi like Jesus


1947 AD

Discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls


Dispersion of the Jews

What is the Corinthian issue with disorderly (2) worship?

Disruption from women in the congregation

The fourth Gospel introduces Jesus as

Divine Logos

AD 81 - 96


Theme of Galatians

Don't mess with Grace

Thomas the Apostle

Doubted the resurrection.


Early-fourth-century church father known as the "Father of Church History" as his ten-volume book. History of the Christian Church, was hte first to provide an extensive chronicle of Christianity's early years, from the days of Jesus down to Eusebius' own time (the early part of the reign of Constantine). Eusebius is the primary source of information for many of the events and writers of the first three centuries of the Church.

Holiday celebrating the resurrection


Holy family fled here to escape from King Herod who was killing all the young children



Egyptian goddess worshiped in mystery cults throughout the roman world

Name the characteristics of elders in the church as listed in the pastoral epistles of 1 Timothy and Titus.

Elders are teachers who direct affairs of the church, worthy of double honor, ruled in the synagougues: blamless, one wife, hospitable, sober, not greedy.


Elijah the prophet, Christ talked to him on the mount of transfiguration.

Where is the most likely place for John to have written his Gospel?


Theology of last things; writing about the end of the world



Essene site overlooking the Dead Sea

One of two great sacraments, it is based on Jesus' last meal with his friends


What was the Jewish perception of eunuchs? (5)

Eunuchs were disqualified because they: 1) Unable to be fruitful and multiply 2) No circumcision 3) Ambiguity 4) Physical body was a mirror of the corporate body 5) Excluded from the temple

Where did rationalistic attitude begin with scholars in universities and seminaries?


Who is the audience of John?


What is the central emphasis of Ephesians

Everyone has the same position in Christ, one of lowly, humble, service, so therefore give up your earthly position and privilege like Christ did.


Expanded the temple that took 80 years to build

T/F - Luke portrays the disciples more negatively than Mark


Paul says salvation comes through this, not from works of the Law


What word does not occur in John?


Paul and James agree that

Faith is realized in action

Theme of James

Faith without works is dead


False names - idea that books were not written by the actual named signed, but by one of ___'s followers


Famous historian of Athens in the fifth century b.c.e., best known for his account of the twenty-seven-year Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta. Thucydides' account, like those of other Greek historians after him, contained a large number of speeches, which he frankly admitted to have composed himself as appropriate for the occasion (cf. the speeches in Acts in the New Testament).


Famous philospher, historian, and biographer of the second century, known particulalry for his essays on moral philosophy and the biographies he wrote of Famous greek and Roman men.


Famous proto-orthodox church father and "heresiologiest" (i.e. Heresy Hunter) of the second century, whose five-volume work, Against Heresies, writen arround 180 c.e., is a major source of information for Gnostic and other "heretical" groups


Famous proto-orthodox church father and "heresiologist" (i.e. heresy hunter) of the second century, whose five-volume work, Against Heresies, written around 180ce, is a major source of information for Gnostic and other "heretical" groups


First Gentile converted to Christianity

Most scholars think that 1 Thessalonians is Paul's

First canonical letter written


First emperor of Rome


First emperor to demand to be acknowledged as a god


First-century Jewish historian, appointed court historian by the Roman emperor Vespasian, whose works The Jewish War and The Antiquities of the Jews are principal resources for information about life in first-century Palestine

Sower, Wheat and Tares, Mustard Seed, Pearl of Great Price, Unforgiving Servant

Five "Parables of the..." to know

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

The Prodigal Son is a parable about God's willingness to do this.


For Paul, a person is only really free when she is

Free in Christ

Book of Acts demonstrates an "outline"

From Jerusalem, to Judea, to Samaria, to the Ends of the Earth

1 Epistle


The Galatian churches consist mostly of

Gentile Christians



Olive Press

Gethsemane means this


"A glorified change brought upon select mortals which lengthens their connection with mortality until the time of their resurrection"

On Paul's return to Jerusalem after his third journey, he was arrested when he spoke WHAT word?


Way, truth, life

"I am the ______, the ______, and the ______."

Let him deny himself...take up his cross...follow me

"If anyone comes after me _____________, ___________, and ___________."


"Seen Together"

In the parables he was represented by a father, a rich man, and the host of a banquet


Jesus taught that the kingdom of God belonged to not us but who?


Lost Sheep

God cares for every one of us, we must care for all

Second Peter uses the example of the flood from Genesis to support the author's argument that

God destroyed the world once in response to evil and will do so again

Thorn in his flesh

God gave something to Paul to keep him from Arrogance. What was it?

The motif in Jude of "keeping" and "being kept" conveys what theological understanding?

God is in control of all things

John 4:24

God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in the truth


God is the basic assumption of the bible

What is the importance of 2 Samuel 7

God promises David an everlasting Kingship (Davidic Covenant)


God's action to make something out of nothing or to bring order from chaos

The "mystery" referred to in Ephesians concerns

God's plan to unite all people in Christ

What does Gospel Mean?

Good News, or God's News

Means "Good News"; there are 4 books of this in the NT.


What are the 2 Methods for studying the Gospels

Gospel by Gospel Blended Narrative

Themes of Luke

Gospel of Prayer, Gospel of Women, Gospel of Praise

Four "loudspeakers of the Gospels

Gospel says Jesus fulfilled the story of Israel, not just some old prophecy (Off) Tells the story of Jesus as the story of Israel's God the creator (Loud) The story of Jesus as the story of how the church was founded (Loud) The Story of Israel and how it is linked to the challenge of Ceasar's kingdom

How are they divided?

Gospels, History, Paul's Epistles, Other Epistles, Prophecy

God's undeserved gift of salvation



"anointed one"

Holy Spirit

"this is my beloved son; with you I am well pleased."


(1) A first century Jewish apocalyptic prophet (mentioned by Josephus) who predicted the parting of the Jordan River and, evidently, the reconquest of the Promised Land by the chosen people (2) An early Gnostic Christian, allegedly the disciple of Paul and the teacher of Valntinus


(1) a written account of a covenant-- it is in this sense that parts of the Bible are called the Old Testament and New Testament; (2) a genre of literature that provides a fictitious but pious account of a famous person's dying words, presented in a manner pertinent to present circumstances


(1) early Christian preaching or (2) written life of Jesus


(Judaism) Jewish holy day celebrated on the sixth of Sivan to celebrate Moses receiving the Ten Commandments


(Judaism) a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days) celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt


(Judaism) a portable sanctuary in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant on their exodus


(Judaism) the place of worship for a Jewish congregation


(Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions) chief spirit of evil and adversary of God


(New Testament) husband of Mary and (in Christian belief) the foster father of Jesus

Why is Resurrection important

- Death came through a human, so life (resurrection) comes through a human. - Resurrection is a basis for Christian morality - Without resurrection, Christianity is in vain!

Define resurrection (3)

-Life after "Life after death" -Reversal/Defeat of death -Restoration of Body to life

Explain the eschatological problems in Thessalonica and Paul's response to them. How are they the same and/or different in 1 and 2nd Thessalonians? How does eschatology affect ethics for the Thessalonians, for Paul, and for us today?


Dates of 1 & 2 Corinthians

1 Cor. = 54-55 AD 2 Cor. = 55-57 AD

paul's most complete teaching on the resurrection

1 Corinithians 15

Paul's great definition of love

1 Corinthians 13

What were the Pastoral Epistles?

1 Timothy and Titus

Pastoral Epistles

1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus

The 3 Pastoral epistles

1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus

What did the Jerusalem council decide about the requirements of the Gentiles?

1) Abstain from the things polluted by idols 2) Abstain from sexual immorality 3) Abstain from what has been strangled 4) Abstain from blood

What was Paul's advice to the Corinthians on Head Coverings?

1) Act or Worship according to your gender -Men uncovered, women covered.

What was the Oral law? (2)

1) Fence around the law 2) Pastoral

What was the purpose of Romans

1) Financial backing for mission to Spain 2) Treat division between Jews and Gentiles

In James, what is true about God?

1) God heals the sick and forgives sins 2) God favors the poor and oppressed 3) God answers the prayers of the righteous

What were Jesus 7 sayings from the cross?

1) It is Finished (John) 2) This is your mother, this is your son (John) 3) I'm thirsty (John) 4) My God, My God why have you forsaken me (Mark, Matt.) 5) Father forgive them, they don't know what they're doing (Luke) 6) Today you'll be with me in paradise (Luke) 7) Father, into your hands I commit my spirit (Luke)

Why did Paul persecute Christians? (4)

1) Lax view to the law 2) Critical of the temple 3) Accepted Gentiles without circumcision 4) Claimed Jesus as Messiah and Lord

Purpose of Prophecy (2)

1) Learning 2) Encouragement

What are the 4 sources for the study of Paul?

1) Letters of Undisputed Authorship -Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, Philemon 2) Acts 3) Other Works like 2nd Peter and the Apostolic Fathers 4) Letters of Disputed Authorship -Ephesians, Colosians, 2 Thessalonians, and Titus

Part of the reason the Corinthians are upset with Paul, prompting him to write 2 Corinthians, is

1) Paul changed his travel plans regarding when he would visit Corinth and Paul had a painful visit with them and wrote them a tearful letter that he regretted.

5 types of authorship that impact our understanding of Pauline Literature

1) Paul holding the pen 2) Paul dictating his thoughts to a scribe (Amaneusis) 3) Paul co-writing 4) A collegue composing 5) A disciple or admirer writing what he thought was faithful to Paul's teaching

What are the 3 things that occur in Acts 1:8?

1) Promise - Baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire 2) Q&A - Restore the Kingdom of Israel 3) Promise - Spirit - Acts is worldwide while Luke was Israel focused

What were the views of crucifixion in the Ancient World? (4)

1) Supreme form of Suffering preceded by severe punishment 2) Supreme form of humiliation through public nudity 3) Supreme show of Rome's power which is usually reserved for slaves and foreigners 4) Jews viewed it as a curse from God

Pauls epistles were written in this structure


The only event of Jesus' childhood that is recorded occurred when he was how many years old?


How many times does Eternal occur in the other Gospels?

12 times

significance of the Hasmonean Period

167-63 BCE; Maccabean revolt against Antiochus IV Epiphanes "God's Manifest"

When was the new impetus to Synoptic study given thy Griesbach's work on the Gospels published?


Revelations and 2 Peter end with the promise of two new things... What are they?

2 Peter 3:11-13 and Revelation 21:1 A New Heaven and A New Earth

What is the significance of Jesus' title as the Son of God?

2 Sam. 7: 1) Baptism 2) Transfiguration

Period which apocalyptic literature was common

200 BC - AD 100

What is the length of the Gospel John?

21 Chapters, and is one of the longest books in the New Testament


21 Letters in New Testament

How many documents were accepted in the Muratorian canon

24 documents

Combined with Luke's Gospel, the Book of Acts make up over WHAT percent of the New Testament?


About what percentage of people were slaves in the first-century Mediterranean world?


How many books are in the NT


How many books are there in the New Testament?



27 BC - AD 14

penecosts in ACTS

2; jews 8; samartians 10; gentiles

In what missionary journey was the church of Corinth founded?


Background of the Son of God in Judaism

2nd Sam. 7; Son of God will reign over Jerusalem forever....Jesus is the fulfillment of David's everlasting Kingship

Number of missionary journeys did Paul made


The Gospel of John covers a period of when to when years in the life of Christ?


How many times does Eternal occur in the Gospel John?

35 times

When was Athanaius Festal Letter written

367 CE

At a minimum, how many letters did Paul write to the Corinthians?


Provide a division outline of the NT by Genre

4 Gospels 1 Acts 13 Pauline Epistles 8 General Epistles 1 Revelation

27 Books of the New Testament

4 Gospels, acts of the apostles, 9 letters from Paul to the churches, 4 letters from Paul to specific people, Hebrews, 7 letters by other people ("catholic letters"), Revelation Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation

What happens between the Old Testament and the New Testament?

400 years of Silence from God, No Prophets, No words from God

What percentage of material is unique to Luke's Gospel


What was the date of the Second Temple Period

515 B.C. - 70 C.E.

Solomon's Temple Destroyed

587 BC

From when to when did Jesus live?

6 B.C. to 30 A.D.

what year was the perescution of Nero?


How many miracles did John put in the Bible, and how many actually took place? How did he choose?

7 in John, and at least 40 totally, he picked the best that showed who Jesus was

The Jesus Seminar concluded that out of all the words attributed to Jesus, WHAT percent were not spoken by him?


How can you divide the 13 Pauline epistles

9-Church 4-Individuals

What percentage of John's Gospel is unique


% of Gospel of John not found in Synoptics



A Christian woman mentioned in Romans as a "servant" or "deacon" depending on the translation.


A Jewish rebel who had 400 followers. They all were crushed.


A Jewish scribe who lived in Alexandria


A Jewish sect, which may have originated during the Maccabean period, that emphaisized strict adherence to the purity laws set forth in the Torah (See also Mishnah)


A Roman centurion who is considered by Christians to be the first Gentile to convert to the faith.

What is the overall theme of the New Testament?

A fulfillment of the Old Testament


A group of second-century adoptionists who maintained Jewish practices and Jewish forms of worship


A jewish designation for a non-jew

thematic method

A method used to study a literary text by isolating its leading ideas, or themes, and exploring them, seeing how they are developed in the text, as to understand teh author's overarching emphases


A second-century Christian scholar and evangelist, later labeled as a heretic for his docetic Christology and his belief in Two Gods - the harsh legalistic God of the Jews and the merciful loving God of Jesus - views that he claimed to have found in the writings of Paul

How do miracles relate to the kingdom of God

A sign of God's inbreaking into the world....God is doing something in the world

Caesarea Philippi

A town near the source of the Jordan, at the foot of Mount Hermon, rebuilt and enlarged by Philip (tetrach of Trachonitis). The northernmost point of Jesus' journeyings, scene of Peter's testimony of the Lord's Messiahship and divine Sonship.


AD 14 - AD 37


AD 37 - AD 41

Who is the father of all believers, whether Jew or Gentile



Abraham's slave. She has a son with him because Sarah could not. The son is Ishmael

The foundation of the gospel Paul preached was the WHAT covenant?


What did Athanaius Festal Letter do?

Accepted 27 documents


According to Luke, Jesus was born while he was governor of Syria, during a world-wide census.

The Pastoral Letters are so named because they are

Addressed to individuals who oversee a set of churches

Who did Jesus appear to after his resurrection?

After the Resurrection on the first Easter, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, the other women, two followers on the road to Emmaus, Peter, and the apostles who were assembled in Jerusalem

Who was the person who served a a reminder of God's provision for his people's needs?


332 BC

Alexander the Great conquer Persia; spread of Hellenism

323 BC

Alexander the Great dies

Pauline Corpus

All of the letters of the New Testament that claim to be written by Paul, including the Deutero-Pauline and Pastoral Epistles


An Ephesian who was an early Christian, one of at two heretical teachers at Ephesus—the other being Hymenaeus—against whom Paul warns Timothy.


An extended metaphor in story form. E.g. John 10 - The Good Shepherd

What is the Genre of Revelation


Literature of oppression; message of hope to the faithful


Three different genres in Revelation

Apocalyptic, Epistolary, Prophetic

Old Testament books of disputed canonical status are called the


4 BC - AD 6


Second Generation Herods

Archelaus, Philip, Antipas

Theme of 2 Corinthians

Aroma of Chirst- way to glory is the way of the cross

Mark portrays Jesus as what?

As a servant

How did other Gentiles view the newly converted Christians in Macedonia?

As irreligious and unpatriotic

Luke portrays Jesus as what?

As man

John Mark

Associate of the Apostles and Spokesperson for Peter


At one with God

Until the Enlightenment, the general approach to the Gospels was based on the view of who?


Event that started Jesus' ministry


Paul interprets this ritual as the believer's participation in Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.


He was released from prison instead of Jesus


Theme of Revelation

Be faithful/ready

Sayings about blessedness that open the Sermon on the Mount


Statements of divine blessing offered by Jesus in Matthew 5 have a particular name


Martin Kahler described Mark's Gospel as "a passion narrative with an extended introduction" Why?

Because Jesus' suffering and dying are central in Mark

Why do most scholars think Luke ends Acts in the ways he does - without narrating Paul's death or the destruction of Jerusalem

Because he fulfilled his goal of tracing the progress of the Gospel from Jerusalem to Rome

What did He do

Begin the build the Kingdom

Where was Jesus baptized by John the Baptist? (on the east side of the Jordan river)

Bethany beyond the Jordan

Jesus's birth place


Town where Jesus was born


When was the Gospel John written?

Between 80 and 90 AD

In the ancient world, what kind of writing portrayed the essential character of a person so that people would want to emulate that person?



Bishop of Smyma in the first half of the second century, and one of the best known of the early-proto-orthodox leaders. In addition to a letter written to him by Ignatius we have a letter written by him to the church of Philippi, and an allegedly eyewitness account of his martyrdom in the arena of Smyma around 155ce

First Timothy offers guidelines and qualifications for how to choose

Bishops and Deacons

Religious crime of which Jesus was found guilty


Ark of the Covenant

Box that was said to contain the ten commandments

The outward and visible signs in the Eucharist. Jesus said they were his body and blood

Bread and Wine

Jesus was said to be "the presupposition of New Testament theology" by who?


How did Jesus fulfill and redesign the role of the Son of God?

By Baptizing and Forgiving sins

How did Jesus fulfill and redesign the role of the Messiah

By showing his divine kingship through his healings and exorcisms

It was necessary for his safety to move the imprisoned Paul to where?


Lunar Calendar

Calendar used by Jews

AD 37 - 41



Celebration commemorating the reading of Esther in the synagogue


Celebration symbolizing the Jews' deliverance from Egypt

Theme of Titus

Character of the church

According to many Christians and scholars, who is James' target audience?

Christians living outside of Palestine

Who was the first known martyr?

Christians were persecuted and Stephen was the first known martyr


City in southeast Asia Minor (modern Turkey) that, according to Acts, was home to the Apostle Paul. The city was known as one of the great philosophical centers in the Roman empire, leading some scholars to suspect that Luke located Paul there in order to further his credentials (Paul never mentions his hometown in his letters)


Collection of gods in a certain mythology

What is the central emphasis of Colossians?

Greatness in God's kingdom comes through being lowly.

While Latin was the native language of Romans. the language of culture and commerce was WHAT?


Alexander the Great

Greek Leader of Hellenism


Greek city home to many philosophers


Greek culture under Roman rule


Greek for "dispersion", a term that refers to the dispersion of Jews away from Palestine into other parts of the mediterranean, beginning with the Babylonian conquests in the sixth century bce


Greek translation of the Old Testament


Group within Judaism which concerned themselves with being separate, pure, and following the law

The Holy Spirit gave the early Christians Power, Understanding, and ________.


maccabean revolt led to

Hanukkah, dec 167 annnnd it had 103 years of Sovereign Jewish rule

What is a Shammai Pharisee

Hard-Line (Militant right-wingers) -Paul

Theme of Philippians

Have the mind of Christ

Paul counsels Euodia and Syntyche to

Have the same mind in Christ

What three things are true of the author of Acts

He also wrote the Gospel of Luke He was likely a disciple or companion of Paul He did not identify himself

According to Acts, Paul has a very difficult time in Ephesus and makes many enemies there. What does Paul do that disturbs the Ephesians?

He denounced idolatry, interrupting the buying and selling of idols


He introduced Nathaniel to Jesus, and was from the same town as Andrew and Peter.


He led the hebrews from slavery in Egypt into freedom. God revealed himself to him as Yahweh.


He lived, worked, and traveled with the Apostle Paul, along with his wife, Priscilla.

What does John never do?

He never calls himself by name

Herod Archelaus

He quelled with the utmost cruelty a sedition of the Pharisees, slaying nearly three thousand of them. In Rome he was opposed by many of the Jews, who feared his cruelty, but he was shortly dethroned by the Romans. It was because of his rule that Joseph relocated his family to Nazareth.

Who did Paul set out on a second missionary journey with?

He set out with Silas,Timothy joined him later at Lystra, and Luke joined them at Troas

Ananias of Judea

He sold a piece of land and lied about the income gained to the church while giving his offering. He was struck dead on the spot. (Married to Sapphira)

Daniel 7 was a _______ portrayal of the kingdom of God

Heavenly, transcendent, everlasting, universalistic


Hebrew for "anointed." This is used in reference to Jesus because he accomplished perfectly the divine mission of priest, prophet, and king, signified by his being anointed as Christ.


Hebrew for "teacher"


Hebrew word meaning binding; can be physical as in a binding of love


Hebrew word that means contract of the heart. We are meant to have this relationship with God and one another

The "Faith" Chapters of OT characters

Hebrews 11

How does Hebrews illustrate faith?

Hebrews illutrates faith by going through and naming all the great people who have persevered in their faith.

General Epistles

Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude

Discuss the situation addressed by the letter to the Colossians. What is the apparant nature of the Colossian heresy, and how does the letter address that situation?

Heresy - Spirit Matter Dualism Situation being adressed is some type of false teaching. The letter addresses it by saying God affirms the fulness of creation in the incarnation to the point of death. I share in Christ by becoming lowly.

What is hermeneutics?

Hermeneutics is the theory and practice of interpretation

King of the Jews when Jesus was born


Acts 12

Herod Agrippa I

Third Generation Herod

Herod Agrippa I

Acts 25-26

Herod Agrippa II

scribes, Jewish

Highly educated experts in Jewish Law (and possibly its copyists) during the Greco-Roman period


Historian who recorded lots of Jewish history


Home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary


Household deities commonly worshiped throughout the Roman world, thought to protect the pantry and foodstuffs in the home


Household deities commonly worshipped in homes throughout the Roman world, thought to protect the home and its inhabitants, and often identified with the spirits of the family's ancestors

theme of John

I AM the word of the father

John 6:35

I am the bread of life


In chapter 1 of 2nd Corinthians, Paul mentions two of his colleagues.

The Good Samaritan

In response to a lawyers question to "Who is my neighbor?", Jesus answers with what parable?


Instrumental Jew involved with bringing King Solomon to the throne


Is celebrated as a Pharisee doctor of Jewish Law, who was the teacher of Paul- a man of great respect.

How does the book of Hebrews define faith?

It is the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance of thos things unseen.

Who was the German scholar who's work began the new approach to the Gospels?

J.J. Griesbach


Jacob's second wife after Leah.

Joseph and Benjamin

Jacob's sons with Rachel

Who was the first of the twelve disciples to die for his faith?

James (brother of John)

Who were the two famous half-brothers of Jesus in the NT?

James and Jude

Different men named James

James, the half brother of Jesus; James, son of Alphenus; James the less

City of David, Jesus and his friends went there to celebrate Passover, Jesus entered the city in triumph




Jerusalem and the Temple

Jesus foretells the destruction of two places that would have surprised any first century Jew. What are the two places?

Scribes and Pharisees

Jesus gives severe words of warning and judgement to a group of people. Who are they?

Station 2

Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested (Matthew 26:47-51)

How did Jesus train his followers?

Jesus trained his followers for the future by setting an example for them, by gathering disciples with twelve apostles to lead them, by sending them on preaching missions to gain experience, by sending them out with his own power, and by teaching them thing they needed to know.

What titles did Jesus use or accepted?

Jesus used and/or accepted the titles of Teacher, Rabbi, Son of David, and Son of Man

7 signs


Beloved Disciple (Lazurus)


Christ is the Sent one


Christology- revelation of Christ


Either independent or the Perrin Theory (link Matt's redaction of Mark to ____ and prove ____ used Matt


Gospel that is most symbolic, metaphorical, philosophical




He said, "One is coming after me who is greater than I am. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."

John the Baptist

The Johanine Jesus differs from the other Gospel presentations of Jesus in that

John uses multiple metaphors

Who where the three men who were most prominent in the rise and growth of the early church?

John, Peter, and Paul

Who wrote the gospel of John, when and where was it written?

John, the son of Zebedee, wrote the Gospel of John in the A.D. 90s in Ephesus

What did John author

John; 1/2/3 John; Revelation

Jesus's place where he was baptized

Jordan River

Mary's husband


Besides the New Testament, what were other ancient sources that Jesus included?

Josephus, Suetonius, Tacitus, and Talmud

He betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver


Second Peter borrows from what other New Testament writing?


Famous benedictions by Jesus' brother

Jude 24-25

When Jesus restores believers to a right relationship with God, this is called


Theme of Romans

Justification by faith alone through grace alone

Matthew portrays Jesus as what?


Most of Jesus' teaching was about this idea, a world ruled by God

Kingdom of God

What is the language of the NT

Koine Greek or common Greek

Who was pauls main traveling partner


Roman Numeral for Septuagint



Language in which the Hebraists spoke


Large Jewish sect which supported Hellenization and political submittance

Define Interpolation

Later Scribal insertion

What is a Hillel Pharisee

Lenient (live and Let live) -Gamaliel

N. T. Wright asks "Why did Jesus _____"


To the extent that Revelation is prophecy, it should be read as a communication intended primarily for people

Living at the time when it was written

Jesus said all the law could be summed up in this one word


Theme of 1 Corinthians

Love is the greatest gift of the church



Magnificant, Benediction


When was Mount Gerzim destroyed?

Maccabean Revolution

70 AD


nearly half of ____ is the last week of Jesus life


Jesus' mother


Gospel that contains parallels with Moses story; emphasizes the kingship of the baby


Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5;1-12. Jesus preached. He told everyone about what they should do.

What does the Griesbach Hypthesis suggest about the relationship between the synoptic gospels

Matthew first Luke Uses Matthew Mark Uses Luke and Matthew


Means good news


Means sojourner (traveler) or resident alien


Mediator between God and Man

The book of Acts makes extensive reference to the geography of WHAT region, mentioning over thirty countries and fifty towns and cities.


Hebrews 7 claims that Jesus is a priest in the order of


Joseph of Arimathaea

Member of the Sanhedrin, a rich and faithful Israelite who took no part in the condemnation of Christ. Christ's body was buried in his tomb (at his request).


Messengers of God

Ten Jewish men

Minyan; group of Jewish men needed to perform certain religious obligations

If 2 Thessalonians is pseudopigraphical, then it becomes

More difficult to date


Mother of Jesus. While she was still a virgin, the angel Gabriel told her that she would give birth to a son.

Simon Magus

Mysterious figure first named in Acts 8 (Called there simply Simon) who was able to perform magical deeds (hence the sobriquet Magus) and who was thought to be in competition with the apostles for followers. Later Christians insisted that Simon Magus tried to wrest converts from the apostles by doing magical deeds to convince them of his own power. One later noncanonical text, the Acts of Peter, narrates a series of miracle-working contests between Peter and Simon Magus (Peter, of course, wins). Startng in the second century, Christian heresy-hunters claimed that Simon Magus was the first Gnostic

Mark has jesus public ministry

NO mention of Geneology, just Jesus Christ, son of God

bread of life light of the world Good shepherd the Door Bread of life

Name 5 things that Jesus calls himself throughout John 1-12.


Name of the animal released on the Day of Atonement

Mary Magdalene

Name one of the three woman that find the empty tomb toward the end of mark.

Preach the Gospel Heal diseases Cast out demons

Name the three things that Jesus fits his disciples to do when he sends them out in Luke 9.

Mary and Martha

Name the two sisters that minister to Jesus.

Joseph and Nicodemus

Name the two wealthy Jewish men that collected Jesus' body and buried him.

Who was Epaphras?

Native of Colossae, church planter, pastor of the Colossians church

After the death of Herod the Great where did Jesus's parents take him and where did he grow up?


Jesus' home town; where he grew up


The parable of the Good Samaritan answered the question, "Who is my _____?"


Pastoral Epistles

New Testament letters that Paul allegedly wrote to two pastors, Timothy (1 and 2 Timothy) and Titus, concerning their pastoral duties.

Explian O-I-A the "inductive Bible study method"

O-Observation: see the text-who, what, where and when? I-Interpretaion: search the text-ask questions, and make connections. (Then and There) A-Application: surrender to the word. Apply. (Here and Now)

Hebrews demonstrating Jesus as superior to Levitical priesthood

OT priests are subject to weakness

All the references that emphasize that Jesus is the embodiment of transcendent divine attributes have roots in the WHAT?

Old Testament

Dominant source of Revelation

Old Testament


One of Jesus' disciples, who became the leader of the Twelve and of the Church. Named Simon, Jesus gave him the name Peter which means "Rock."

James the son of Zebedee

One of the "Sons of Thunder" who witnessed the Acension. "_ the greater."

Who is John

One of the 3 beloved disciples (Sons of Thunder)


One of the Seven Deacons who had the gift of prophecy, and was the man who converted the Ethiopian eunuch.

Justin Martyr

One of the earliest "Apologists," Justin lived in Rome in the Mid-second century


One of the two major Greek cities in Galilee, just four miles from Jesus' hometown of Nazareth. Scholars debate whether Jesus was influenced by the culture of Sephhoris or if, indeed, he ever went there.

Judicial Model

One of the two principal ways that Paul understood or conceptualized the relationship between Christ's death and salvation. According to this model, salvation is comparable to a legal decision, in which God, who sboth lawmaker and judge, treats humans as "not guilty" for committing acts of transgression (sins) against his law - even though they are guilty - because Jesus' death has been accepted as a payment. See also Participationist model


One of the women present at the crucifixion and one who went to the tomb. Possibly the wife of Zebedee.


One of the women recorded in Luke as accompanying Jesus and the twelve. She was the wife of Herod's steward, and provided for Jesus' needs, and went to see His tomb.

Holiday celebrating Jesus triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem

Palm Sunday

Short metaphorical story told to make a point


The Greek word refers to the second coming of Christ


Holy Place

Part of the temple in which the priests perform their daily duties

Holiday remembering the Exodus; Jesus went to Jerusalem to celebrate it


Second Timothy presumes what about Paul's circumstances?

Paul is in Rome, awaiting execution


Paul notes that he is the minister to the _______.

The disciples were never the same after WHAT?



Person who led worship services

Theme of 3 John

Personal letter to Gaius: Letter of Recommendation

Jesus argued with what group over ritual hand-washing


Luke's profession


Hebrews presents Christians as a people on a journey and expresses this idea in the

Pilgrimage motif


Place where Christ was baptized by John

In Acts the church is growing in all respects except


63 BC

Pompey invades Judea

Roman official who sentenced Jesus to be crucified.

Pontius Pilate

What are the We passages in Acts

Portions where the narrator speaks in the first-person plural "we", as if he and Paul were on mission together


Predicts the Future, fulfills Old Testament Prophesies

Church as a war college

Prepare followers to occupy enemy territory and advance the Kingdom of God

What purpose does John's preaching serve?

Preparing the Jews for repentance and Christ's coming as the fulfillment of God's promises

Act 1

Proclaiming the Kingdom in word and deed

Parable about a wasteful son who is forgiven when he returns home

Prodigal Son


Prophet who tied up his hands and feet with Paul's belt to predict the arrests of Paul


Prophet who was stoned by Saul; first martyr

What is contained in the Body of ancient letters?

Purpose the author is writing

In Matthew, Jesus appears most often as a _____




516 BC

Rebuilding of the temple


Received Paul during his shipwreck on the island, where Paul healed his father of dysentery.

What does redaction criticism focus on?

Redaction criticism focuses on the writers in their own right.

164 BC

Rededication of the temple under Judas Maccabeus


Reflecting on an experience to find meaning


Rejected all pretense and formalism

Mystery Religions

Religions in which the details are reserved for the initiated


Renouncers of food, luxury, sex, or comfort for spiritual purpose

The most important story in the New Testament


Apocalyptic Literature


What are the books in the Prophecy section?


Last book in the New Testament

Revelation (to John)


Roman Emperor from 98 to 117 C.E., known, in part, through his correspondence with Pliny the Younger


Ruled Egypt


Ruled Syria


Ruled Syria and Palestine second

Herod (the Great)

Ruler of all of Galilee, Samaria, and Judea (and so, "King of the Jews") from 40 to 4 b.c.e.; this Herod was allegedly ruling when Jesus was born, and is known in Christian history for killing all the baby boys of Bethlehem in an attempt to destroy the infant Jesus (based on the account of Matthew)

Herod the Great

Ruler of all of Galilee, Samaria, and Judea (and so, King of the Jews) from 40 to 4 bce; this Herod was allegedly ruling when Jesus was born, and is known in Christian history for killing all the baby boys of Bethlehem in an attempt to destroy the infant Jesus (based on the account in Matthew)

Define Canon

Ruler or measuring stick

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Ruler who was overthrow by Maccabean Revolt


Rules Egypt and Palestine first

Theme of Acts

SPIRIT in the CHURCH in the world

Day of rest and worship


Luke portrays ______ as "the quality of life that God enables people to have in the present."


Jesus spoke to a ___ woman at a well and offered her living water Jesus told a story about a good ___


Jesus told a surprising story about a good ___


Mount Gerizim was a ______.

Samaritan affiliated mountain

What is the importance of the "dual-conversion" in Acts

Samaritans to Christianity and the Apostles convert their views of Samaritans to further emphasize the inclusion of all the world

Paul uses the story of two women who stand for two covenants in Galatians. Who are these two women?

Sarah and Hagar

Persecuted People of the Way until he was converted


What was Paul called before his conversion?


Who was the man who persecuted Stephen who later became one of the greatest advocates of Christ?

Saul or Paul

What did Schweitzer point out?

Schweitzer pointed out that most nineteenth-century scholars seeking to find the historical Jesus removed Jesus from his place in history and placed him in their own historical period

The time in Jewish history between the return from the babylonian exile and the destruction of the Jerusalem temple is called

Second Temple Judaism

Herod Antipas

Second son of King Herod, order the death of John the Baptist. Saw Jesus but never heard him speak

Melito of Sardis

Second-century Christian leader from Asia Minor, whose eloquent Easter sermon on the Old Testament story of Exodus cast vitriolic aspersions on the Jews


Second-century Gnostic Christian who traced his intellectual lineage through the teacher Theudas back to the apostle Paul

Collection of Jesus' sayings on the subject of discipleship.

Sermon on the Mount

Feast of Unleavened Bread

Seven day celebration symbolizing the Jew's preparing to escape Egypt


She agreed with her husband to sell their land, but withhold a portion of the sales, having decided that they did not wish to give it all to the common purse. She died because of her lie.


She danced before Herod and her mother Herodias at the occasion of his birthday, and in doing so gave her mother the opportunity to obtain the head of John the Baptist.


Shortened form of Cultues Deorum, a Latin phrase that literally means "care of the gods" generally used of any set of religious practices of worship. In pagan religions, these normally involved acts of sacrifice and prayer.

Mark Gospel

Shortest one. Does not have an nativity story. Written in 70's C.E.


Similar to a metaphor, but uses "like" or "as" to make comparison. E.g. "The kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field."

Who was the man who offered John and Peter money for sharing their apostolic powers with him?

Simon the sorcerer


Slave who fled from Philemon to seek Paul's assistance. Became a Christian

Background of Messiah in Judaism

Someone who is anointed for a specific purpose

What was Jesus' favorite self-designation?

Son of Man

Define interlocutor

Speaks for other people to show potential objection

What is the situation addressed in 1 John?

Spirit Matter Dualism and the denial of material universe and immorality

It led the Magi to the Christ Child.


First Christian martyr


Low point of Paul's ministry

Stoned by irate mob; dragged out of city; left to die


Study of Salvation

Problems with authorship of the Pastorals

Stylistic differences, including grammar and vocabulary. Also seem to reflect movements of Paul that don't match up to what Acts says about his life.

Where did Paul usally begin his ministry in a new city?


The set of problems that involve the relationship of the first three Gospels is known as the WHAT?

Synoptic Problem

The woman who was raised from the dead by Peter was named WHAT which means WHAT?

Tabitha, gazelle


Technically an extended simile

Lukan Prologue

Tells us the Gospels are inspired accounts that are a product of careful historical research

Where Jesus and his friends worshiped; Jesus overturned the tables of merchants there



Temple priests

Why do scholars think that Paul's arguments in 2 Corinthians won out against the other apostles' in the long run?

The Corinthians eventually welcomed Paul back, as he wrote Romans from Corinth and The Corinthians preserved and copied Paul's letters

How did He do it

The Cross

What is the emphasis of John?

The Deity of Jesus

Sergius Paulus

The Proconsul of Cyprus under Claudius when Paul, accompanied by Barnabas and John Mark, overcame the attempts of Bar-Jesus converted Sergius to Christianity.

What was the dominant military and political power of the first century world?

The Roman Empire

Andrew the Apostle

The brother of Peter and the said founder of the church at Byzantium.

Ananias of Damascus

The individual who laid hands on Paul after he had been blinded by seeing Jesus.

Holy of Holies

The innermost part of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, which was completely empty, but in which God's presence on earth was believed to dwell. No one could enter this room except the High Pries on the Day of Atonement, to make a sacrifice for the sins of the people

John portrays Jesus as what?

The king is the Son of God

What is the issue in Corinthians with the Lord's Supper?

The rich are coming earlier than the poor so they can get all the food and drink. The poor are coming later and getting slim pickings.

How to gain eternal life

The rich man asked Jesus

Test him

The scribe was questioning Jesus to


The second Roman emperor, succeeding Caesar Augustus, and ruling 14-37 c.e./ It was under his rule that Jesus was crucified by Pontius Pilate


The use of exaggeration to emphasize a point


The view that Jesus was not a human being but only appeared to be, from a Greek word meaning "to seem" or "to appear"


The view that Jesus was not divine, but a flesh-and-blood human being who had been adopted at baptism to be God's son

Theologiea Gloriae

The way of glory, generosity and grace

What are the first 3 Gospels?

They are synoptic Gospels, and portray Jesus as a Historical Figure


They guy who fell out of a window while Paul preached, after falling asleep, and was then raised from the dead by Paul.

Matthew and Luke both used who for writing?

They used mark


Those Jews who stayed in the land of Israel during the Babylonian Exile (they therefore began to intermarry with the local populations). They claim to be the true preservers of the Jewish faith.


Those who could transcribe Torah scrolls and other religious writings.

100 BC - 100 AD

Time range of the Dead Sea Scrolls

AD 79 - 81


How does Titus assist Paul in Corinth?

Titus successfully reconciled Paul and the Corinthians

Paul's main reason for writing the second letter to the Thessalonians is

To address a rumor that the day of the Lord has arrived

What is most likely the purpose of the secrecy motif in Mark?

To ensure that any identification of Jesus' identity took into account his suffering and crucifixion

Luke wrote Acts to (3)

To present a long-term theology of mission that awaited a distant second coming of Christ (1) To stave off persecution by showing that Christians were politically innocent (2) To explain how a predominantly Gentile Christianity could inherit God's promises to Israel. (3)


To take joy or delight


To whom did Philip appear and clearly explain the gospel?


Torah teachers, scholars, rabbis


Town where jesus performed his first miracle (Water to Wine)


Traveled with Paul, who was also his mentor. He is addressed as the recipient of the two epistles, and is referred to as Paul's "son."

What is James's advice to people in the church when a rich person enters the sanctuary?

Treat rich and poor people equally

Simon the Sorcerer

Tried to offer money to the Apostles in exchange for miraculous abilities, specifically the power of laying on of hands.

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Tried to stamp out Judaism, ruled Syria 175-163 BC

Ephesians 1:3-14 is one sentence in the Greek text.


Inner circle of disciples (how many?)



Under what ruler did John the Baptist die?

Where was the new commandment presented in First John, first heard/learned this with Jesus?

Upper Room Discourse: John 13:34

AD 69 - 79



Visited by the Holy Spirit and told that he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Christ. He prophetised over Jesus at the temple.

Define Merkabah Mystecism

Wanting spiritual experiences like Elijah

Nicodemus (ben Gurion)

Was a wealthy Jew who lived in Jerusalem, thought to be the same man mentioned in John (a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, who showed favor to Jesus).

Ananias (Good)

Was sent to the house of Judas where Saul (Paul) was to remove the scales from his eyes


Was tried by the Sanhedrin for blasphemy against Moses and God, the first martyr.


Went on 2nd and 3rd Missionary Journeys with Paul


Went on Paul's 1st Missionary Journey; Got into argument over John Mark; ending up splitting with Paul


What city does Jesus enter to die?

Suffer, be killed, and be raised on the third day

What did Jesus tell his disciples he must do after entering Jerusalem?

The Glorified Jesus??

What did Saul of Tarsus see that knocked him to the ground?

Peter and John

What disciples approach the Jewish council?

End of the World

What does the harvest symbolize in the parable of the tares of the field?

Love one another

What is the "new commandment" that Jesus gave in John?

ancient biography

What is the genre of "Gospel"?


What was Simon and Andrew's occupation when Jesus calls them as disciples?


What young man stood by Stephen's stoning and held the coats of the perpetrators?

The Temple

When Mary and Joseph lost Jesus, where did they find him?

Antioch ??

When Paul states that God loves a cheerful giver, he does so after encouraging the Corinthians to give to the Christians in what city?

How can historical research be helpful to bring understanding of the Bible?

When historical research is conducted without presuppositions that rule out God's involvement, it can bring greater understanding of the Bible.

Define Amanuensis

When the author would dictate their thoughts to a scribe


When this word is capitalized, it refers to a literary genre: a written account of the "good news" brought to you by Jesus Christ, including episodes involving his words and/or deeds

Jordan River

Where Jesus was baptized

A well

Where did Jesus speak extensively to a woman?


Where did the woman from the well live?

A wedding

Where was Jesus when he turned water into wine?

The Temple

Where were Jesus and his parents when they met Simeon and Anna?

At Pentecost the room was filled with a mighty ___ and tongues of fire


First people to discover the empty tomb


2 Peter

Written to an unidentified group of believers; Author: Peter

1 Peter

Written to believers in the Asia Minor; Author: Peter

Paul is so angry that he calls the Galatians

You Fools


a Canaanite city conquered by David that became the capital and religious center of Israel


a formal religious act conferring a specific grace on those who receive it

IT period: sanhedrin council develops as...

a goverment within a goverment


a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified


a term for the Holy Spirit used in the Gospel of John, often translated in English Bibles as "Comforter," "Counselor," "Advocate," or "Helper"

What is not in the Gospel of Mark?

a tidy and refined ending

How many times does the word believe occur in the other 3 gospels?

about 40 times

Paul appealed to who and was sent where for trial?

appealed to Caesar and was sent to Rome

Herod Philip

appointed tetrarch of the districts north and east of Galilee; governed justly; was well liked

The Gospel of Mark was written ______ (3)

around 70 CE it was written around the time of the Jewish war It was written before the Gospel of John

John used the word SIGN because

because his miracles signify that Jesus is the Son of God

how are the Beatitudes related to each other?

becoming meek--being peaceful

how are the Beatitudes related to each other?

becoming mourning--being pure

how are the Beatitudes related to each other?

becoming poor in the spirit--Being merciful


before common era

Matthew mark and luke are similar/synoptic how?

book starts with telling you about the WRITER, intention, and FOCUS GROUP.

Theme of 1 John

broad letter written to the church; Jesus was fully man

John the Beloved

brother of James, an apostle, went to the mountain when Christ was transfigured, wrote St. John, Epistles of John, and Revelations, also known as John the Revelator

How was religion in the Roman Empire characterized

by belief in the occult and in astrology


common era

IT period: priesthood is increasingly corrupt

corrupt priesthood

Synoptic Problem

dealing with the overlapping material and paralleling structures, styles, perspectives, and tones found within the Synoptic Gospels

2 Corinthians

defends the idea that a true apostle will accept suffering and weakness

Reinterpretation of deity and incarnation is called WHAT?



emphasizes the sufficiency of Christ in order to show how unnecessary it is to follow the deceptive ideas and traditions of other religions

John original audience was...?

empire wide later church. jewish christians

3 John

encourages believers to respond with hospitality toward faithful Christian missionaries

Jesus had a special relationship to God in that he was WHAT to God?


Theme of 2 Peter


In john, jesus says he is the (I AM..)

eternal agent of creation the light became flesh and pitched a tent among us the fullness of grace and truth Jesus

Eschatology informs your _____


Recovering the text's original meaning is called WHAT?


original audience for Luke is?

gentiles in the days of early church spread

Jesus Seminar

group of seventy scholars, worked over six years to validate the words of Jesus and concluded that 82% of the words ascribed to Jesus were not actually spoken to him

Earthly Jesus

had his Jewish ministry and preached God's kingdom and himself, and healed


half bloods; Jewish + gentile

IT period: samaratians are increasingly

hated and distained

What did Paul believe about evil?

he believed that evil is real and influential but will be eternally curbed and punished by God/

i am the light of the world

healing the man born blind

i am the WAY, the truth and life

healing the officials son

i am the resurrection and life

healing the paralytic

When Paul talks about the "sound doctrine", what does he mean by "sound?" (related to the Greek word for "hygiene")


Where did Tabitha die?

in Joppa but was raised from the dead by Peter


in New Testament studies, an author of any one of the four Gospels; Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four evangelists

Herod the Great

in Roman power 37-4 BCE in Palestine; politically astute, enlarged Jerusalem Temple, initiated building programs (creating jobs, feeding people, and offending some by celebrating Greek culture)

where are the beatitudes?

in matthew-- sermon on the mount

A quiet spirit

in the light of proclaiming the Gospel, Paul notes that his and other Christians' lives are characterized by this major element. What is it?


in this sense 'Gentile' denotes a Christian as contrasted with a Jew

The Christian doctrine that God became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ is called


1 & 2 Timothy, Titus

instruct Christian leaders on how to help the church to function in an orderly manner as the household of God

Olivet Discourse

it is a prophecy about the destruction of the temple and the return of Jesus, it's an apocalyptic message. Message given on the Mount of Olives.

Why is the Book of John different?

it is evangelistic

theme of matthew

jesus is the messiah of isreal


law, prophets, and writings, aka Old Testament

Characteristic of a good shepherd

leads sheep. Calls them by name. Protects them

What do Paul and the Law both condemn?


For every believer, developing an appropriate hermeneutic should be a WHAT process?



literally means "rule" or "standard," but it is used by religious groups to refer to a list of books that are officially accepted as scripture

Luke has main distinction of saying jesus is..

luke says: son of Adam

Matthew Mark and luke are similar/synoptic how?

major chorological similarity. ONE trip to jerusalem, the last trip

witness means _____


The most influential religious belief in Rome was belief in the WHAT?


1 John

offers tests to help believers know with assurance that they have received eternal life

Judas Iscariot

one of the twelve original disciples of Jesus. He sold out to the Romans for thirty pieces of silver. He kissed Jesus in public so the Romans would know which man was Jesus and could arrest him. The "kiss of Judas" is an act of betrayal, especially one that looks like a loving action.

What did the second missionary journey do?

opened a ministry in Europe


original text

The favorite teaching device of Jesus was the WHAT?


types of materials in the Gospels

parables, miracle stories, pronouncement stories, individual sayings, and passion and resurrection narratives

Theme of 2 John

personal letter to the elder lady of the church: Walk by faith in love; guarded against false teachings

first half of acts character focus?


Luke 4:16-19

programmatic text in Luke

WHAT designates the exercise of divine rule in human affairs?


Jerusalem Council

provides an important record of how an issue should be debated and settled; the result was that the authentic gospel was clearly established early in the growth of the church

effects of the Pax Romana

public building programs (aquaducts, roads for trade and military movement, and gymnasiums and spas), crime reduction on roads and seas (protects trade routes and pleases merchant class), high taxes (peasant farmers pay for public works programs), and impoverished people became slaves

The logic of redemption requires a WHAT for the release of the prisoner.


Text criticism is a method of

reconstructing early christian manuscripts

Define Spirit Matter Dualism

represents part of a cultural movement that was trying to recapture Platonic thought with an emphasis on Spirit Matter Dualism. What really matters is the unphysical world.

The key truth for daily Christian living is the WHAT -- but for Paul this truth stands in close proximity to the word of the WHAT?

resurrection, cross

An essential assumption for interpreting New Testament data is that the New Testament must be seen as divine WHAT?


The word canon literally means


Luke says that jesus is

savior of the world

IT Period: scribes are increasingly important

scribes are increasingly important


sect of Jews from Judea consisting of citizens of all classes; liberal and sought to study the applications of Torah to everyday life


seek political freedom

Major problems in the Corinth church

self reliance and pride sex immorality family conduct and church turbulence diet, idolatry, personal freedom gifts,worship,body of Christ resurrection and the end times

Jesus told the rich man to

sell what he had, give it to the poor and he would have treasure in heaven

Some scholars think that Hebrews is a



shows the HS empowered Christians in the early church to live as witnesses for Jesus

What is the significance of the women at the resurrection?

shows the in-breaking of the kingdom because women were not reliable and they were the Apostles to the Apostles

Define canonization

signing out of writings for the faith and practice of a community

Synoptic means....?

similar in vision and seeing things the same way

Voltaire, Paine, and Woolston helped destroy respect for the Bible's truth in Western society by encouraging excessive WHAT?



study of end times

First Commandment

summary of the Old Testament and ten commandments

In order for Jesus to be historical, WHAT did critical scholars believe that they had to rule out?


Samaritan Woman

surprised when Jesus asked for a drink from the well


symbolic representation. Extended metaphor

impact of Hellenism

synagogues > temple, rabbis > priests, Greek > Hebrew/Aramaic, Septuagint writings > Hebrew writings

What is the Old Testament often called?

the Shadow

themes of Matthew

the abiding presence of God, Jesus as the son of God, the teaching of Jesus, discipleship, interpretation of scripture, binding and loosing, worship and doubt, faith and understanding, hostility toward Jewish leaders

Foot Washing

the activity Jesus performed prior to the Last Supper that becomes the model for all Christian service

Why is the resurrection important?

the christian message depends on its truth

What was the foundation of the gospel Paul preached?

the covenant God made with Abraham

Stations of the Cross

the recreation of the Via Dolorosa (Way of Suffering) that walks the path around the church


the southern part of the ancient Palestine succeeding the kingdom of Judah

theme of acts

the spirit in the church in the world


the study of God


the study of the church

Explain Redaction Criticism

the study of the way in which the gospel writers redacted or edited their source material....It aims to discover the Synoptic evangelists' literary and theological agendas, and, in the process, to learn more about the communities from which they came. Redaction criticism depends on source criticism in that it assumes a source theory.

Last Supper

the traditional Passover supper of Jesus with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion

Theologia crucis

the way of the cross, humility and suffering

What conditions did the first century produce that made the spread of Christianity possible?

there was relative peace, Greek was the common language, the development of cities, and religious syncretism

What was the Greco-Roman perception of Eunuchs?

they held high roles in government because they had no sexual temptation and were considered trustworthy

A Priori

this means "first"

the Greek word for synagogue

to gather together

the Greek word for church means

to go forth

Two factors that establish the common authorship of Acts and Luke are ancient WHAT and similar WHAT?

tradition, literary features

Sermon on the Plain

traditional name given to the teaching of Jesus found in Luke 6:20-49; it offers parallels to some of the material found in the better known Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

traditional name given to the teaching of Jesus found in Matthew 5-7; it includes such well-known material as the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer, and the Golden Rule

Define Catholicity

true for all christians in all places at all times

how are the Beatitudes related to each other?

turning point, becoming a disciple--being a disicple

Acts employs a wide-ranging WHAT?



"the circle" Northern Palestine in the days of Jesus. 60 miles long and 30 miles long. Jesus spent most of his life here. The area was densely populated during the time of Jesus.

Gospel of John

- Worked as a fisherman and was one of the twelve - His gospel is usually supposed to have been written last and it assumes that the readers already have the gift of the Holy Ghost - Differs in many ways from the "Synoptic Gospels" - Rich in symbolism and literary style - Not relate any parables but does present two allegories (true vine and good shepherd) - Starts with pre-existence of Jesus

I am the bread of life....

..raising lazarus from the dead

3 Epistles (first time)

1 and 2 Corinthians and Romans

Major Epistles

1 and 2 Corinthians and Romans

2 Epistles

1 and 2 Thessalonians

3 Epistles (second time)

1 and 2 Timothy and Titus

Pastoral Epistles

1 and 2 Timothy and Titus

Who was John?

1 of the 12 disciples, he was the beloved disciple, and he was the only disciple that was not killed for his beliefs

What is the significance of the 12 Disciples? What did they represent physically and symbolically?

1) 12 tribes of Israel 2) Restoration of Israel

What is Paul's instruction on Prophecy?

1) 2-3 People 2) One by One "in turn" 3) Accompanied bu others 4) Qualification

What is the relationship between Colossians and Ephesians?

1) 2/3 of Ephesians is verbally parallel to Colossians and 1/4 of Ephesians is parallel to Colossians

Paul interprets the fund-raising (or collection) he takes in Corinth as a symbol of (3)

1) A balance between poor and rich believers 2) A showing of unity among Jews and Gentiles 3) An imitation of Christ who gave his very self

What is salvation in Romans (4)

1) A central theme 2) Not just individual destinies 3) Social Terms - Jews and Greeks 4) Now "Belonging to the people of God"

Characterize Hebrews (3)

1) A person of flesh and blood 2) Learned obedience through suffering 3) Sympathizes with human weaknesses

What are the Strengths of the Griesbach Hypothesis (2)

1) Agrees with church tradition that Matthew was written first 2) No hypothetical source

Thesalonica was _____(4)

1) An ancient town in Macedonia 2) Greek city founded in 316 B.C. 3) Capitol of Macedonia in 146 BCE 4) Composed 1st of Pagan religion then of Jewish religion

Why did ladies not cover their heads (2)?

1) Ancient views of women and submission 2) Ancient views of nature -hair is not rooted in nature

Who is the man of lawlessness?

1) Anti type to Christ - Opposition to Christ 2) No modern figure can be thought of as lawlessness because of the time gap

List and briefly describe the 4 ways scholars interpret 1 Cor. 14:34-35 in an attempt to resolve this apparent contradiction

1) As a command for all women -Consistent with 14:33b -Consistent with 1 Tim 2 -Not consistent with 1 Cor. 11:5 or Romans 16 2) Adressing specific group of disorderly woman -Consistent with the context of disorderly worship -Fits with cultural norms about marriage -33b Does not fit if its a specific group 3) Interpolation - a later scribal insertion -Not written by Paul, but by a later scribe -Gets rid of 11:5 problem -Flows more naturally -33b floats, evidence suggests it may not have been there originally 4) Corinthian assertion or a diatribe -Rhetorical questions -Reflect Cultural Values -Resolves 11:5 -Relates well to verse 36

What theological tensions does 1 John discuss (3)

1) Atonement by expiration and propitiation 2) Loving one another and hating the world 3) Actual sinfulness and the ideal of sinlessness

What are issues that divide the Corinthian Church (4)?

1) Boasting in sexual relationships 2) Eating food offered to idols 3) Taking one another to court 4) Marrying or remaining celibate

Why do scholars relate Colossians to Philemon? (3)

1) Both letters are written from prison 2) Both letters are sent from Paul and Timothy 3) Both letters mention the same seven people

What are the good things about Prophesy in contrast to Tongues? (4)

1) Builds up the Church 2) Selfless 3) No Interpreter 4) Understood

What are the traits of Cornelius? (4)

1) Centurion in the Italian cohort 2) Roman Citizen-higher status 3) Gentile by birth 4) Devout - "God-Fearer"

What are the 4 components of Paul's Gospel? (4)

1) Christ died for our sins 2) Christ was buried 3) Christ was raised (more to come) 4) Christ appeared to hundreds of disciples

What are the 3 primary Jewish identity markers

1) Circumcision 2) Sabbath 3) Dietary Laws

From Paul's letters, we can say that Timothy was (3)

1) Co-author of a few Pauline letters 2) A trusted colleague sent to many churches 3) Serving with Paul like a son with a father

Paul's 4 solutions to disorderly worship in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35? (4)

1) Command for all women 2) Addressing specific groups of Disorderly women 3) Interpolation-later scribal insertion 4) Corinthian assertion or a diatribe

Why was Head Coverings an Issue in Corinthians? (2)

1) Confusing the boundary between home and church 2) Taking to literally Paul's teaching on "no male or female" in Christ. (Gal. 3:24)

Paul's issue to the Corinthian Problem at the Last Supper?

1) Contempt for God's Church 2) Humiliate the Poor

What is the Righteousness of God in Romans

1) Could be God's Righteousness or Righteousness from God 2) Paul says Righteousness is who God is and what God does 3) In Jesus God sets things right with the world through his covenant faithfulness with the world.

3 Reasons for the Development of the NT Canon

1) Demise of the Apostles (Only trusted link back to Jesus) 2) Different works in different churches (Stabilization) 3) Heresy

What are the 5 reasons for Paul's authorship being disputed?

1) Different Terminology 2) Different Style 3) Theological Difference 4) Assumptions Behind the Letters 5) Pseudopigraphy

According to the theology of Ephesians, Jesus' death on the cross accomplishes

1) Eliminating the divine preference for Israel 2) Forgiving the trespasses or sins of all people 3) Destroying divisions between Jews and Gentiles 4) Setting people on equal footing before God.

What describes the church in Corinth? (3)

1) Ethnically and socially homogeneous 2) Paul stayed there at least 18 months 3) They wrote to Paul after he left with several questions for him

What are the weaknesses of the two-source hypothesis? (2)

1) Explains many, BUT NOT ALL, of Matthew-Luke agreements against Mark 2) Requires hypothetical source for which we have no evidence

Hebrews interprets suffering and shame to be

1) Forms of divine disciples 2) God's way of teaching obedience

7 stages of Paul's relationship with the Corinthians

1) Foundation of Corinthian Church on 2nd miss. journey; Paul stays 18 months 2) Paul writes the "previous letter" 3) Paul receives oral and written word about issues in Corinth 4) Paul writes 1 Corinthians with Sosthenes from Ephesus 5) Paul's painful visit and "tearful letter" 6) Paul writes 2 Corinthians with Timothy from Macedonia 7) Paul visits Corinth and (probably) writes Romans

When Paul discusses his ministry in 2 Corinthians, how does he characterize it?

1) Full of integrity and authorized by God 2) Characterized by suffering and tribulations

What were Jesus' conflicts with the religious leaders? (6)

1) Gaining followers and makes them look foolish 2) Criticism of religious establishment 3) Jesus' identity as the Son of Man, Lord, Forgiveness, and Miracles 4) Challenging Traditions 5) Jesus' Company with sinners, prostitutes, gentiles, etc. 6) Temple Criticism

Describe Jesus' brother James (3)

1) He was a leader at the apostolic Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 2) He was killed around 62 C.E. 3) The risen Jesus appeared to him

What is the significance of Jesus' title as the Messiah?

1) Hebrew Term 2) Anointment of his rule

What are two ways of speaking in tongues?

1) Human Language -At Pentecost when everyone heard their own language 2) Ecstatic Speech -Gift of the spirit that requires a spirit filled interpreter

What were the two types of speaking in Tongues? (2)

1) Human Tongues or Xenolala - Known Languages (Acts 2) 2) Angelic or Spiritual Tongues or Glossalalia - Not Human Languages, not of this world (1 Cor. 14:2. 14:14)

The Hellenistic social world included (4)

1) Increased religious syncretism 2) Grotesque economic inequality 3) Acute awareness of honor and shame 4) Jews reading the Septuagint

What is contained in the Conclusion of ancient letters? (8)

1) Instructions 2) Travel plans 3) Autograph 4) Encouragement 5) Recommendations 6) Prayer Requests 7) Summary of the Body 8) Benediction

What describes Ancient Corinth (3)?

1) It was host of the Isthmian games, second in popularity only to the Olympics 2) It was capitol of the province of Achaia 3) It was prosperous because of its strategic geographical position

Describe the Roman Church (4)

1) Jew First and also to the Gentile 2) Not Founded by Paul 3) Not one church, but many (5 or more) 4) Both Jews and Gentiles with mixed ethical backgrounds

What is true of circumcision (2)

1) Jewish boys were circumcised on the 8th day 2) It was the sign of the covenant between God and the Jews.

Name 2 Significances of John's Baptism

1) Jews baptized themselves but John baptizes others 2) Jew baptized frequently but John baptized only once

What three things contribute to scholars new thinking that Jude is an authentic letter?

1) Jude's use of scripture depends on Hebrew writings, not the Septuagint 2) Early churches did not question the authenticity of Jude 3) The author did not choose to identify himself by his more famous brother, Jesus

What are the 3 promises of Gen 12:1-3

1) Land - The Promised Land 2) Nation - God's People 3) Blessing - A blessing to the Earth

What imagery does occur in both 1 John and the Gospel of John (3)

1) Light and Darkness 2) Love one another 3) Blood and water

What is the central idea in Phillipians (2)

1) Living the Gospel in All Circumstances 2) In Christ God takes the position of a lowly servant

What are the strengths of the two-source hypothesis? (2)

1) Makes sense of Mark's rough Greek and short length 2) Explains many, but not all, of Matthew-Luke agreements against Mark

What are the portraits of Jesus in the 4 gospels

1) Matthew - The forsaken Christ 2) Mark - The Forsaken Christ 3) Luke - Innocent Martyr 4) John - The triumphant king

Describe the Pharisees (4)

1) Most popular 2) Synagogue 3) Lay Leaders 4) Believe in the Ressurection

What is Paul's solution to Spiritual Gifts?

1) Motivation - Does this build up the community/church?

What is common in apocalyptic literature (4)

1) Mystical journeys 2) Dualistic worldviews 3) Symbolic language 4) Fantastic Creatures

What are the strengths of the Farrer Hypothesis? (2)

1) No hypothetical source 2) Makes sense of Mark's rough Greek and short length

What are the 5 principles for reading ancient letters?

1) Not written to us 2) Occasional - something that prompted their writing 3) One-Sided - Assumes a degree of knowledge upon the recipient 4) Only have some of Paul's letters 5) At least begin by, reading each letter on its own terms

What are the elements of Paul's argument in Philemon(8)

1) Onesimus carries the letter to Philemon 2) Paul opens up with stating that he is a prisoner or slave 3) Paul addresses them as fellow workers in Christ - equality 4) "Grace and Peace" Paul wants Philemon to give that to Onesimus 5) Paul is setting Philemon up to act out his faith 6) Shows approval of Onesimus 7) Plays on Onesimus' name 8) Tells Paul what to do without every directly commanding him to do anything.

What are the 3 components of ancient letters?

1) Opening 2) Body 3) Conclusion

List and describe the 4 aspects of Paul's portrayal of baptism in Romans 6. What is the significance of this portrayal for today?

1) Participation in Christ's death and resurrection -symbolic immersion -understood in early christianity 2) Defeat of sin and death -participation in the defeat of death -both present and future reality 3) Baptism is a present reality -walk in newness of life -life facing opposite of death -ongoing state of being dead to sin 4) Baptism is an event that gives identity -Identity change from enslaved to sin to free from sin -Drastic change in Identity -Christ becomes your identity Significance - Identity affects your ethics -We become like Christ because we are identified with Christ

What is the function of Romans 1:18-32 (2)

1) Paul's ame was to show a diagnosis of the disordered human condition. 2) Evidence that humans are in rebellion against God.

In what positive ways does Paul interpret his imprisonment for the Philippians?

1) Paul's imprisonment has advanced the gospel 2) Paul is now actively sharing in Christ's suffering

What are three ways that Powell explained the differences between the Paul in Acts and the Paul in Paul's Letters.

1) Paul's speeches in Acts are directed toward non-christians, but his letters are written to christians 2) Acts is written by a third party, not Paul himself 3) In Acts, unlike the letters, Paul is a spokesperson for Luke's Theology

Who were the 4 Rulers/Empires over Israel and the dates in which they ruledd

1) Persians 2) Greeks 3) Hasmonean Dynasty (167-63 BCE) 4) Romans (63 BCE-Several Centuries later)

Name three three things true about Philemon

1) Philemon hosts a church in his home 2) Philemon is probably a wealthy slave owner 3) Philemon usually practices generous hospitality

What are 3 descriptions of Philippi

1) Philippi belongs to the Roman province of Macedonia 2) Philippi was settled by retired Roman soldiers 3) Philippi was named for Alexander the Great's father

What were the two vies of cassation of the body?

1) Platonists and Stoics - good to get rid of the body 2) Most people - death is a problem without a solution.

Describe the Sadducees (7)

1) Powerful 2) Sided with Romans 3) Temple - Jerusalem 4) Priesthood 5) Denied Resurrection 6) Pentateuch 7) Aristocratic

What are the 4 Approaches to Revelation (4)

1) Preterist - Revelation is focused on things that were going on at the time of writing 2) Historist - Revelation refers to events through the history of the church 3) Futurist - Revelation refers to events in the future 4) Idealist - Revelation refers to the conflict between God and his opponents in all times

What is contained in the opening of ancient letter? (4)

1) Qualifications of the Writer 2) Recipient 3) Salutation 4) Prayer

What was the purposes of 1 Thessalonians? (3)

1) Reassurance despite Paul's absence 2) Strengthen them during persecution 3) Reiterate previous instruction

Paul's response to the Corinthian Problem of the Last Supper?

1) Remind them of Jesus' Words -Purpose of the meal -Proclaiming Jesus' death and selflessness not selfishness 2) Recognize the Body -Reference to Jesus' Body -Reference to the Church

Paul's Biographical traits? (12)

1) Roman Citizen 2) Spoke Greek 3) Tent maker/Leather worker 4) From Tartus 5) Spoke Aramaic 6) Circumcised on the 8th day 7) Tribe of Benjamin 8) Education by Gamaliel 9) Pharisee 10) Believed in resurrection 11) Interpreted law for the community 12) Concerned with ritual purity

Corinth was ____(4)

1) Roman Colony 2) Founded in 44 BCE 3) Isthmus - a strategic location as a port city with water on both sides 4) Religiously Diverse - Congregation is Diverse -Pagan cults, Emperial cults, Jewish Population (synagogue)

What are the issues in 2 Corinthians? (4)

1) Same as 1st Corinthians 2) The collection 3) Resurrection 4) Paul's Speaking Ability

Why do scholars think 2 Peter is pseudopigrahpical (3)?

1) Second Peter considers Paul's letters collectively and reads them as scripture 2) The letter regards Christ's parousia as thousands of years in the future 3) Second Peter reflects on the apostolic era as a sacred time, long since past.

What does the end of the Acts do for the book? (3)

1) Shows that the fate of Paul is secondary to the fate of the Gospel 2) Wraps up themes Acts 1 and the universal mission of the Kingdom 3) The Gospel is "unhindered"

What is sin in Romans 6 (6)

1) Slave master 2) "Entity" 3) Instrument of crookedness 4) Death 5) Impurity 6) Singular force or power that enslaves and exercises dominion

3 primary titles for Jesus in the Gospels?

1) Son of Man 2) Son of God 3) Messiah

What is the Colossian Heresy?

1) Spirit Matter Dualism 2) Gnosticism 3) Merkabah Mystecism

What were the 3 temptation narratives purpose?

1) Stones to Bread -Trust 2) Jerusalem - Jump off the pinnacle of the temple -Waiting for God's Deliverance 3) Bowing to Satan for Splendor, Authority, and Kingdom's -Idolatry

Who are Paul's opponents in 2 Corinthians?

1) Super Apostles, False-Apostles, Ministers-of-Satan 2) Jewish-Christian pneumadics -spirit people obsessed with the miraculous

What admonitions does 1 Peter give to the suffering church? (2)

1) The church should become an alternative community of support, a substitute family 2) The church should conduct itself honorably to dispel false accusations and possibly convert non-Christians

What was the pagan view of resurrection? (2)

1) The dead live without bodies usually in Hades. 2) Life after death, but no BODILY resurrection (resurrection of the body is not a part of pagan death).

Name three reasons why scholars question whether Paul wrote the Pastoral Epistles?

1) The language and style are not typical of Paul's letters 2) Some Theological ideas are different from what Paul expresses elsewhere 3) It is difficult to align the historical circumstances of the Pastoral Epistles with information elsewhere in the NT

What are three images 1 Peter uses to describe the church?

1) The new Israel 2) A woman 3) The priesthood of all believers

What is the Gospel in Romans (4)

1) The story of Jesus as the fulfillment of the story of Israel 2) The "power of God" for salvation 3) Capacity to change and transform lives 4) Breaks down barriers and changes hearts

What is the issue with how the Corinthians partook in the Lord's Supper? (2)

1) There was a distinction between the rich and the poor 2) They were not partaking as a unified body

How does one interpret parables? (3)

1) They are a difficult saying or story used to promote thought 2) Often a metaphor or a simile 3) 1-2 Main Points

Describe the original audience of hebrews (3)?

1) They have endured persecution, abuse, or suffering 2) They are in danger of drifting away from the faith 3) They have witnessed signs and wonders

What is true about Thessalonian Christians? (3)

1) They turned to God from idols 2) They endured persecution 3) They are Gentile believers

What are the characteristics of false teachers in 2 Peter? (3)

1) They twist Paul's words to their own interpretation 2) They love money and are incorrigible profit seekers 3) They reject God's coming judgement on world affairs

For what reason was Paul writing to the churches in Rome? (4)

1) To ask for contributions to the collection 2) To gain support for his next missionary journey 3) To introduce himself to the Roman churches 4) To offer theological advice on specific problems

Paul's instruction concerning the Corinthian Last Supper? (2)

1) Wait for one another 2) We don't eat like the rest of the world

What is the weakness of the Farrer Hypothesis

1) We would think that Luke would smooth out Matthew, but sometimes it looks like Matthew is more polished.

What are the weaknesses of the Griesbach Hypothesis (2)

1) Why would Mark exclude birth narratives 2) Greek in Mark is rougher

How did the Holy Spirit come upon the Apostles at Pentecost? (2)

1) Wind/Spirit -Audible 2) Fire -Visible

What is the cultural background on head covering?

1) Women typically had long hair 2) Women usually wore their hair tied up or covered 3) Women rarely let their hair down 4) If women let their hair down it could have been taken as a sign of permiscuity 5) Jewish women only appeared with their heads covered 6) Men had short hair 7) Both men and women who were Romans covered their head in worship 8) Issues related to hair were rooted in nature

What is the relationship between 2 Peter and Jude (5)

1) the text of 2nd Peter 2 is almost parallel to Jude 2) Both books use a common source 3) 2nd Peter is borrowing from Jude 4) Assumption - addressing similar situation 5) Denunciation of false teachers

How does the Gospel of John differ from Matthew, Mark, and Luke?

90% of it has no dirt parallel with these three: It postulates a ministry of three years rather than one, it focuses on different pats of Jesus' teachings, and it emphasizes Jesus' ministry in a different manner


A "Gospel Harmony" produced by the mid-second-century Syrian Christian Tatian, who took the four gospels and combined their stories into one long narrative (Dia-tesseron literally means "through the four": this then is the one long narrative told through the four accounts"


A "genre" is a kind of literature with specific literary features; in the modern world, for example, there are short stoires, novels, and limerick poems (each with their own distinctive features); in the ancient world there were biographies, epic poems, general histories - and many other genres. The major genres of the New Testament ar Gospels, which are most like religious biographies, Acts, most like general histories, epistles, and apocalypses.


A (legendary) female disciple of Paul whose adventures are narrated in the novel-like work of the second century, The Acts of Paul and Thecla


A Christian Philosopher and theologian from early-third-century Alexandria, Egypt, who wrote one of the best known Christian Apologies


A Christian preacher who spread the Gospel to his fellow Colossian citizens. When Paul was a prisoner in Rome, this man came to him with a favorable account of the Church at Colossae. He remained with Paul in Rome.


A Christian who insists that followers of Jesus need to keep (all or parts of) the Jewish Law in order to have a right standing before God (a view held, for example, by Paul's opponent in Galatia)


A Diana-worshipping silversmith who incited a riot against Saint Paul.


A Greek term meaning, literally, "hidden things," used of books on the fringe of jewish or Christian canons of Scripture. The Jewish Apocrypha comprises books found in the Septuagint but not in the Hebrew Bible, including 1 and 2 Maccabees and 4 Ezra


A Greek word meaning "presence" or "coming," used as a technical term to refer to the Second Coming of Jesus in judgement at the end of time

Law (See Torah)

A Hebrew word that means "guidance" or "direction" but that is usually translated "law". As a technical term it designates EITHER the law of God given to Moses or the first five books of the Jewish Bible that Moses was traditionally thought to have written - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy


A Jewish agricultural festival, celebrated fifty days after the feast of the Passover, from the Greek word for fifty (pentakosia)

Egyptian, The

A Jewish apocalyptic prophet of the first century c.e. who predicated the destruction of the walls of Jerusalem, mentioned by Josephus


A Jewish party associated with the Temple cult and the Jewish priests who ran it, comprising principally the Jewish aristocracy in Judea. The party leader, the high Priest, served as the highest ranking local official and chief liason with the Roman Governor


A Latin term meaning, literally, "daggermen", a designation for a group of first-century Jews responsible for the assassination of Jewish aristocrats thought to have collaborated with the Romans (See also fourth philosophy)


A Latin word meaning, literally, "blessings," used as a technical term for the sayings of Jesus that begin the Sermon on the Mount (e.g., "Blessed are the poor in spirit...," Matt 5:3-12).

Jesus, Son of Ananias

A Palestinian Jew (discussed by Jospehus) who, like Jesus of Nazareth, was an apocalyptic preacher of the comming end of the age; like Jesus he was arrested and prosecuted for his revolutionary proclamation, although he was not executed for his crimes. He was inadvertently killed during the siege of Jerusalem in the first Jewish Revolt of 66-70 c.e.


A Persian deity worshipped in a mystery cult spread throughout the Roman World


A Roman historian of the early second century c.e., best known for a multivolume work giving biographies of the Roman emperors, The Lives of the Caesars


A brilliant and acerbic Christian author from the late second and early third century. Tertullian, who was from North Africa and wrote in Latin, is one of the best known early Christian apologies.


A chief priest who, along with his sons, tried to exorcise a demon and failed. They were then questioned about their power by Paul.


A church historian who believed that Constantine had been chosen by god to help Christianity to develop fully

Sermon on the Mount

A collection of Jesus' teachings on many important topics, which the Gospel of Matthew presents as a speech given by Jesus.

Apostilic Fathers

A collection of noncanonical writings penned by proto-orthodox Christians of the second century who were traditionally thought to have been followers of the apostles; some of these works were considered Scripture in parts of the early church.


A collection of oral traditions passed on by generations of Jewish rabbis who saw themselves as the descendants of the Pharisees, finally put into writing around 200 c.e. see also Talmund


A common Semitic word for God used in the Bible. Elohim appears in Hebrew names like Mich-a-EL, Dan-i-EL, and Ari-EL.


A convert to Judaism from Paganism


A council of Jewish leaders headed by the High Pries, which played an advisory role in matters of religious and civil policy


A country of northeast Africa and the Sinai Peninsula on the Mediterranean Sea. Mary and Joseph fled here with Jesus shortly after he was born.

What is the central emphasis of James

A diaspora letter that Reminds us that Christianity and Judaism are one


A disciple who lived in Joppa, who was mourned by all the widows, and so the apostle Peter raised her from the dead.


A document (or documents, written or oral) that no longer survives, but that evidently provided Luke with traditions that are not found in Matthew or Mark (see also Four Source Hypothesis)


A document (or documents, written or oral) that no longer survives, but that evidently provided Matthew with traditions that are not found in Mark or Luke (see also four source hypothesis)

Signs Source

A document, which no longer survives, thought by many scholars to have been used as one of the sources of Jesus' ministry in the Fourth Gospel; it reputedly narrated a number of the miraculous deeds of Jesus


A famous Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria, Egypt in the first century, who saw the Jewish Scriptures as completely compatible with the insights of Greek philosophy and worked to interpret them accordingly


A fellow Christian missionary of Paul. He was also the delegate of the Christian community at Philippi, sent with their gift to Paul during one of his imprisonments.

Honi the "Circle-Drawer"

A first-century B.C.E. Galilean who was reputed to have done miracles and had experiences similar to those of Jesus


A first-century Jewish apocalypitic prophet (mentioned by Josephus) who predicted the parting of the Jordan River and, evidenly, the reconquest of the Promised Land by the Chosen people (2) An early Gnostic Christian, allegedly the disciple of Paul and the teacher of Valentinus


A follower, one who is "taught" (as opposed to an apostle, one who is "sent" as an emissary).

Proto-Orthodox Christians

A form of Christianity endorsed by some Christians of the second and third centuries (including the Apostolic Fathers), which promoted doctrines that were declared "Orthodox" in the fourth and later centuries by the victorious Christian party, in opposition to such groups as the Ebionites, the Marcionites, and the Gnostics


A form of Christianity endorsed by some Christians of the second and third centuries (including the Apostolic Fathers), which promoted doctrines that were declared "orthodox" in the fourth and later centuries by the vicious Christian party, in opposition to such groups as the Ebionites, the Marcionites, and the Gnostics


A form of divination in Greek and Roman religions in which a specially appointed priest (haruspex) would examine the entrails of a sacrificed animal to determine whether it had been accepted by the gods

Auspices (Auspicy)

A form of divination in which specially appointed priests could determine the will of the gods by observing the flight patters or eating habits of birds

What characterization best describes the Corinthian congregation?

A fractious church with problems

Muratorian Fragment

A fragmentary text discovered in the eighteenth century, named after its italian discoverer, Muratori, which contains, in Latin, a list of Christian books that its author considered canonical; the canon is usually considered to have been produced in the late second century, in or around Rome.

General History

A genre of ancient literature that traced the significant events in the history of a people to show how their character (as a people) was established. Examples of the genre include Josephus's Antiquities of the Jews and the Acts of the Apostles.


A greek word that literally means "one who ministers." In the early church deacons were Christian church leaders given the responsibility of tending to the physical needs of the community (e.g through the distribution of alms).


A group of Galilean Jews who fled to Jerusalem during the uprising against Rome in 66-70 ce who overthrew the reigning aristocracy in the city and urged violent resistance to the bitter end

Mystery Cults

A group of Greco-Roman religions that focused on the devotees individual needs both in this life and in life after death, so named because their initiation rituals and cultic practices involved the disclosure of hidden things that were to be kept secret from outsiders


A group of Jewish leaders, according to the Gospel of Mark, who were allegedly allied closely with the family of Herod and were thought, therefore, to be collaborators with the Romans

Gnostics (Gnosticism)

A group of ancient religions, some of them closely related to Christianity, that maintained that elements of the divine had become entrapped in this evil world of matter and could be released only when they acquired the secret gnosis (Greek for "Knowledge") of who they were and how they could escape. Gnosis was generally thought to be brought by an emissary of the divine realm.


A group of distinguished foreigners who were said to have visited Jesus after his birth.

Fourth Philosophy

A group of jews that Josephus mentions but leaves unnamed, characterized by their insistence on violent opposition to the foreign domination of the Promised Land

"I am" sayings

A group of sayings found only in the Gospel of John, in which Jesus identifies himself. In some of the sayings he speaks in metaphor ("I am the bread of life," "I am the light of the world," "I am the way, the truth, and the life"), and other times he identifies himself simply by saying "I am" - a possible reference to the name of God from Exodus 3 ("Before Abraham was, I am"; John 8:58)

Mount of Olives

A hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus entered the Garden of Gethsemane.


A hill outside Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. The name means "place of the skull."


A historic town in northern Israel that is mentioned in the Gospels as the home of Joseph and Mary. Where Jesus grew up.


A judge of the Areopagus who was converted to Christianity by the preaching of the Paul there.

What do all the Gospels have in common?

A large portion of them are the same material


A leading member of the Early Christian community, who later accompanied Paul in some of his missionary journeys.

How do scholars characterize the author of Luke's Gospel

A learned person who knew Jewish scripture

Fulfillment Citations

A literary device used by Matthew in which he states that something experienced or done by Jesus "fulfilled" what was spoken of by a Hebrew prophet in Scripture

Biography (ancient)

A literary genre consisting of a narrative of an individual's life, often with a chronological framework, employing numerous subgenres (such as sayings, speeches, anecdotes, and conflict stories) so as to reflect important aspects of his or her character, principally for purposes of instruction, exhortation, or propaganda


A literary genre in which an author, usually pseudonymous, reports symbolic dreams ore visions, given or interpreted through an angelic mediator, which reveal the heavenly mysteries that can make sense of earthly realities


A literary work in which characters, objects, or actions represent abstractions


A man who was proud, disrespectful of apostolic authority, rebellious, and inhospitable. He tried to hinder those desiring to show hospitality to the brothers and to expel these from the congregation.


A man's guardian spirit (that of a woman was called Iuno)

Speaking generally, Paul seems to have presented the gospel of Christ to the Thessalonians as

A meaningful moral system that allowed people to live with integrity and dignity.


A merchant of purple cloth, and perhaps the first convert in Europe to Christianity, who hosted Paul and his group in her home.

Literary-Historical Method

A method used to study a literary text by asking how its genre text function it its historical context and by exploring, then, its historical meaning (i.e., seeing how its meaning would have been understood to its earliest readers) in light of its literary characteristics.

Comparative Method

A method used to study a literary text by noting its similarities to and differences from other, related, texts, whether or not any of these other texts was used as a source for the text in questions

Contextual Method

A method used to study a literary text first by determining its social and historical context and then using that context to help explain the text's meaning.

Socio-Historical Method

A method used to study a literary text that seeks to reconstruct the social history of teh community that lay behind it

Apollonius of Tyana

A pagan philosopher and holy man of the first century c.e. reported to do miracles and to deliver divinely inspired teachings, a man believed by some of his followers to be a son of God


A personal scribe or secretary, who wrote (e.g. personal letters) from dictation

Firstfruits of the Resurrection

A phrase used by the apostle Paul to refer to Jesus as the first one to be raised from the dead. it is an agricultural image referring to the celebration held at the end of the first day of the harvest, in anticipation of going out to bring in the rest of the crops (the next day). If Jesus is the "firstfruits," then the rest of the resurrection (i.e., everyone else's resurrection) will happen very soon.

Church as a hospital

A place where the sick and hurt are healed and saved


A popular greek god known in particular for his ability to heal the sick.

How Revelation differs from "conventional apocalyptic" literature

A prophetic book; Not pseudonymous; Not pessimistic about God's intervention in history


A public political party, who distinguished themselves from the Pharisees and Sadducees by the fact that they were and had been sincerely friendly to Herod the Great.


A reasoned explanation and justification of one's beliefs and/or practices, from a Greek word meaning "defense"


A recent convert to Judaism


A reed-like plant that rows principally around the Nile, whose stalk was used for the manufacture of a paper-like writing surface in antiquity


A region in Palestine located between Galilee on the north and Judah/Judea on the south, and between the Jordan River on the east and the Plain of Sharon on the west.

What does Intercalation mean?

A rhetorical technique that wraps one story around another, forming a literary sandwich


A rite of purification using water


A sacred place where the gods answered questions brought by the worshipers of the resident holy person - a priest or, more commonly, a priestess - who would often deliver the divine response out of a trance-like state; the term can also refer to the divine answer itself.


A servant girl in the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. After Peter was released from prison he went to Mary's house, and this girl came to answer the door. She was so excited she forgot to open the door for Peter.

Songs of the Suffering Servant

A set of four poems or songs found in Isaiah 40-55, in which the prophet speaks of a "Servant of the Lord" who suffers for the sake of the people of God. Jewish interpreters typically understood this to refer to the Jews who were sent into exile to Babylon; later Christians claimed that the passages referred to a suffering messiah, Jesus. (The term "messiah" is not used in these passages.)


A shadowy figure first mentioned in Genesis 14, as a king to whom Abraham, the father of the Jews, paid tithes from his spoils of battle. Later Christians, such as the author of Hebrews, understood Melchizedek to be a prefiguration of Christ, who was greater than all thing Jewish (and hence worshipped by the father of the Jews)

How do Healings relate to the kingdom of God

A sign of temporal restoration illustrating the coming of eternal restoration


A small town near Jerusalem on the west bank of the Jordan River. Place where Christ was born

What does a sound hermeneutic recognize?

A sound hermeneutic recognizes that the New Testament relates the story of Christ as the Old testament foretold, that various witnesses depicted this story, that in Acts the story was spread, that the story was applied in various setting in the Epistles, and that it will culminate one day in cosmic judgement as prophesied in Revelation


A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God


A term that is notoriously hard to define, "magic" usually refers to religious practices that are not sanctioned by society at large or by the community in which they are found. Sometimes magic is referred to as the "dark side" of religion, involving sacred activities and words that are socially marginalized

Son of Man

A term whose meaning is much disputed among modern scholars, used in some ancient apocalyptic texts to refer to a cosmic judge sent from heaven at the end of time.

The writing of the Gospel of John is best characterized as

A theological reflection on the incarnation


A theoretical device used by Greek and Latin authors, including the apostle Paul, in which an imaginary opponent raises objections to one's views only to be answered successfully, so as to move an argument forward. (Paul uses the diatribe, for example, in his letter to be answered successfully, so as to move an argument forward. Paul uses the diatribe, for example, in his letter to the Romans.


A town on the Sea of Galilee that became Jesus' home during his Galilean ministry. Place of the most miracles.


A village on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee, It was the home of Philip, Andrew, and Peter. Jesus sent his disciples there by boat after the feeding of the 5,000.

Allegory of the Vine

A vine cut from the branch is useless except for use as fuel.


A wealthy portion of Jewish society, perhaps part of the priestly clan, who maintained the Temple.

Hanina Ben Dosa

A well-known Galilean rabbi of the first century, who was reputed to have done miracles comparable to those of Jesus


A word or group of words that uses one object or idea in place of another suggest likeness between them. E.g. "I am the bread of life."


A worldview held by many ancient Jews and Christians that maintained that the present age is controlled by forces of evil, but that these will be destroyed at the end of time when God intervenes in history to bring in his kingdom, an event thought to be imminent


A worldview held by many ancient Jews and Christians that maintained that the present age is controlled by forces of evil, but that these will be destroyed at the end of time when God intervenes in history to bring in his kingdom, an event thought to be imminent


AD 41 - AD 54

When were the Jews expelled from Rome and who was the emporer?

AD 49, Claudius


AD 54 - AD 68

When did Nero's persecution take place?

AD 64


AD 69 - AD 79

Herod's Temple Destroyed

AD 70

When was Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans?

AD 70

when was jerusalem destroyed

AD 70


AD 79 - AD 81


AD 81 - AD 96


According to Paul, "godly grief" leads to something in particular. What is it?


According to Paul, had God rejected Israel?

The Lord

According to Paul, if you are going to boast, boast in ___ _______.

when it isn't fresh

According to Paul, one can eat meat when it was sacrificed to idols, but when would it not be okay?


According to that Gospel, she was an aged Jewish prophetess who prophesied about Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem. She appears in Luke, and is the daughter of Phanuel.

Three Acts of Mark

Act 1, 2, 3

Historical Records


What are the books in the History Section?


Book of the history of the formation of the Church

Acts (of the Apostles)

What is the structure of the book of Acts?

Acts 1-12 - The people and places of the Jerusalem Church -Acts 1-7 - Jerusalem -Acts 8-12 - Beyond Jerusalem, but still associated with Jerusalem Acts 13-28 - Missionary Activities of Paul -Acts 13-19 - Mission to Gentiles -Acts 20-28 - Paul's farewell journey

missonary journeys of paul are in what book?

Acts 12-28

What is Acts?

Acts is a historical narrative that focuses on Jesus' followers rather than on jesus' deeds and teachings

How is Acts distinguished?

Acts is distinguished by its historical blue and its theological insights

Who was Agabus?

Agabus was one of the prophets of the early church.

Roman Empire

All of the lands conquered by Rome and ruled, ultimately by the roman emperor, starting with Caesar Augustus in 27 bce; prior to that, Rome was a republic ruled by the Senate

Textual Criticism

An academic discipline that seeks to establish the original wording of a text based on the surviving manuscripts


An act of the will, obedience to God's will, answering God's call


An agreement or treaty between two social or political parties that have come to terms; used by ancient Jews in reference to the pact that God made to protect and preserve them as his chosen people in exchange for the devotion and adherence to his law


An alternative name for the Maccabeans, the family of Jewish priests that began the revolt against Syria in 167 bce and that ruled Israel prior to the Roman conquest of 63bce


An ancient Jewish fort in which a major battle in the Jewish revolution occured


An ancient Jewish way of interpreting Scripture, used commonly in the commentaries from the Dead Sea Scrolls, in which a text was explained as having its fulfillment in persons or events of the Present Day


An apocalyptic and ascetic Jewish sect started during the Maccabean period, members of which are generally thought to have produced the Dead Sea Scrolls


An archangel who serves as a messenger from God. In Luke he foretold the births of both John the Baptist and of Jesus.


An assembly of twenty-three judges appointed in every city in Israel (who were still under Roman rule and could therefore not condemn people to death).


An authority in the early church at the Council of Jerusalem, and the brother of Jesus


An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed through the work of the Holy Spirit.


An extremist, separatist group in Judaism. Abandoned the temple and all the other groups in Judaism. They believed that Messiahs would come and lead them in victory in the last day. They were destroyed by the Romans


An influential Pharisee who came by night to hear Jesus' teachings. He defended Jesus when the other Pharisees attacked him, and finally became an open disciple of Jesus after the Crucifixion.


An influential fourth-century church father and bishop of the large and important church in Alexandria, Egypt. Athanasius was the first church writer to list our twenty-seven New Testament Books (and only those books) as forming the canon.


An upper-class Christian woman of Carthage, North Africa, who along with her slave Felicitas was martyred by being thrown to the wild beasts in 203 CE, we have an account of their martyrdom that includes a diary allegedly from Perpetuas own hand.

Why was Ananias a significant figure?

Ananias was a significant figure because he was sent by God to restore Saul's vision

Dead Sea Scrolls

Ancient Jewish writings discovered in several caves near the northwest edge of the Dead Sea, widely thought to have been produced by a group of apocalyptically minded Essenes who lived in a monastic-like community from Maccabean times through the Jewish War of 66-70 ce


Ancient apartment buildings in which the ground floor was used for shops and businesses, and the upper floors for residences. The apostle Paul evidently set up his (leather goods?) business and stayed, then, in inusla in the various towns he evangelized

Novel (ancient)

Ancient genre of literature. Novels in the Greek and Roman worlds were fictionalized narratives that normally told of the tragic separation of lovers and of the various mishaps they experienced in their attempts to become reunited. Novels typically included stories of travels, shipwrecks, piracy, banditry, enslavement, and persecution; they typically contained dialogues, speeches, and private letters. Some scholars have argued that the book of Acts is very much like an ancient Novel.


Ancient group of followers of the Greek philosopher Epicurus, who maintained that the gods were removed from the concerns of human life and so were not to be feared or placated. Happiness came in establishing a peaceful harmony with other like-minded people and enjoying the simple pleasures of daily existances

What genre are the 4 Gospels

Ancient-Theological Biographies

Hebrews says Jesus is superior to several things/other people:

Angels, Aaronic Priesthood, the Old Covenant, Promise land, Moses.

Hebrews demonstrating Jesus as superior to Angels

Angels: proves they are servants for God

Mary sister of Martha and Lazarus

Anointed the feet of Christ as a pre-burial ritual

Who is the author of Luke and Acts

Anonymous but assumed to be Luke, Paul's companion


Another designation for a private letter. Some scholars have differentiated between "epistles" as literary writings in the form of a letter, which were meant for general distribution, rather than for an individual recipient, and "letters" which were a nonliterary form of personal correspondence. The differentiation between epistles and letters is not widely held today, however, so that the terms tend to be used synonymously.


Another person Paul warns Timothy against along with his associate in error, Hymenaeus.

All three of Paul's missionary journeys began in which city?


The Roman general Pompey conquered the province Syria, where Christ's followers are first called Christians in the capital city of WHAT?


What is the city that replaced Jerusalem as the city of greatest importance in apostolic times?


The Gospel of Matthew was written in what place and what time?

Antioch around 80 CE

4 BC - AD 39



Any doctrine, idea, practice, or custom that has been handed down from one person to another


Any follower of Jesus


Any handwritten copy of a literary text

Gospel Harmony

Any literary attempt to take several Gospels and combine them into a longer, more complete Gospel, by incorporating the various accounts into one, such as Tatian's Diatesseron

The term Gentiles refers to

Any nation or people group other than Jews


Any of the polytheistic religions of the Greco-Roman world, an umbrella term for ancient mediterranean religions other than Judaism and Christianity


Any practice used to ascertain the will of gods. See also, Auspicy, Extispicy


Any teachings about the nature of Christ (See also Adoptionism, Docetism)

In addition to Hebrew scriptures, Jude also relies on

Apocryphal writings

What is the criteria for canonicity

Apostalicity Catholicity Orthodoxy Traditional Usage Inspiration

One who is sent out to spread the Gospel


Simon the Zealot

Apostle of Jesus who was a zealot

Like the missionaries to Corinth, the opponents in Galatia attack Paul's

Apostolic Authority

The event in which Jesus Christ left the physical earth and was raised into heaven, as reported in Luke 24 and Acts 1 is called


Define Pseudopigraphy

Ascribing a work to someone when they didn't actually write the work

What happened at Ephesus?

At Ephesus on his third missionary journey, Paul began his longest continuous ministry in a single location

At Pentecost what happened?

At Pentecost the unusual presence of the Holy Spirit involved the announcement of the gospel of Jesus the Messiah

The theological view, rooted in temple sacrifice, that says people have sinned against God and God therefore demands a sacrifice to set the relationship right again is called


Social Science Criticism

Attempts to understand New Testament writings using the perspectives of social history and the methods of social and cultural anthropology...It is rooted in the insight that the people who wrote the documents in the Bible, as well as the people whom they describe, are all foreigners to the modern, Western world.

27 BC - AD 14

Augustus Caesar

Who was the key figure in spreading the gospel in Antioch?


Herod the Great

Began building the temple in Jerusalem, and was the puppet King of Israel for Rome. He ordered the killing of all baby boys 2 and under after hearing that a new Jewish king had been born.

Herod "the great"

Began building the temple in Jerusalem, and was the puppet king of Israel for Rome. He ordered the killing of all baby boys 2 and under after hearing that a new Jewish king had been born.

Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah)

Beginning of the civil year

In Acts, The Gentile mission

Begins in Jerusalem and spreads to all nations

What is "realized eschatology"?

Belief that the blessings of the end times are available in the present life

What is the Important word in John?



Believed the greatest good in life was pleasure

Paul uses the metaphor of a footrace in his letter to the Philippians. This metaphor illustrates Paul's point that

Believers, like runners, should forget what lies behind and race to the goal


Beloved disciple of Jesus; Wrote John, 1-3 John, Revelation


Builder of the original temple destroyed by the Babylonians

Where did Jesus disclose to his disciples his true identity and the nature of his mission?

Caesarea Philippi

Jesus said "it is so hard for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God that it would be easier for a ____ to go through a ___.

Camel...Eye of needle


Category of divine beings in the Greco-Roman world. Daimonia were widely thought to be less powerful than the gods but far more powerful than humans and capable of influencing human lives.

Feast of Lights (Dedication, Hanukkah)

Celebration of the rededication of the temple under Judas Maccabeus


Celebration symbolizing the giving of the law on Mt. Sinai by Moses

Jesus said they are the most important ones in the kingdom of God and that you must become like one of these to enter the Kingdom


Ruler of the Synagogue

Chosen from the elders of the Synagogue

Means Messiah or Anointed One or Chosen One


What is the Greek word for Messiah?


In contrast to Corinthian claims to have special wisdom and knowledge, Paul claims the only thing worth knowing is

Christ and him crucified

What are the 3 main elements of the Gospels according to John?

Christ died for our sins, Christ was buried for our sins, and Christ rose again on the third day.

Define postmillenial

Christ returns after the millennium; prior to this return, the saints will evangelize the world and rule it in peace for 1000 years

Define premillineial

Christ returns before the millennium and the saints rule with him for 1000 years after the second coming but before the judgment

Define Amilliennial

Christ returns without any literal millennium; the saints experience spiritual victory symbolized in Revelation as a triumph equivalent to a 1000-year reign

Define parousia

Christ's coming

In the Johannine writings (3 letters and 1 Gospel), the early church is still working out which doctrines?

Christ's humanity and divinity

Holiday celebrating the Incarnation


what are three things that make John not synoptic?

Chronology distinct geographical focus is different, (more southern focus) Diction, language and word use is VERY distinctive

AD 41 - 54


One main reason some scholars think Colossians may not be written by Paul is

Colossians has a different style from Paul and a more developed theology

What is the relationship of Ephesians and Colossians?

Colossians is the shorter version of Ephesians


Common Greek

Simon of Cyrene

Compelled by the Romans to carry the cross of Jesus.


Corinth's "director of public works" (NIV) or the "treasurer."

What was the issue with head coverings in Corinthians?

Corinthian women who pray and prophesy without their head coverings

Who was the person that God used to show Peter and the early church that Gentiles who repented were acceptable to God?


The term justification comes from what kind of language in the traditions of Israel?


What are the 5 C's of the NT meta-narrative

Creation (Gen 1) Corruption (Gen 3) Covenant (Gen 5) Christ (Gospels) Church (Acts-)

Describe the challenges of establishing a church on the island of Crete. Who pastored the church in Crete in the time Paul wrote?

Crete was an lot with a lot of influence from outsiders due to its ports, they had a party mentality; formed many small house churches and was pastured by Titus


Criminal released instead of Jesus

text criticism

Critics analyze the various manuscripts of the New Testament that have been preserved over the centuries, comparing them, dating them, and employing various techniques to determine which are the most reliable. Their goal is to reconstruct what the original manuscripts probably said.

Jesus's triumph over evil was seen with the destruction of WHAT?


Luke authorizes the mission to the Gentiles except through

Demonstrating how God is on the side of the Gentiles instead of the Jews


Described as one of the first disciples to join Jesus. The Synoptic Gospels state that he and John were with their father by the seashore when Jesus called them to follow him. One of the three apostles to bear witness to the transfiguration.

What is the significance of Mark 8:27-9:1

Disciples validate Jesus' title as the Son of Marn


During the persecution of the church in Jerusalem, a brother of Jesus who is also a leader in the church, dies. What was his name?


Dynasty started by John Hyrcanus who ruled Judea during the Roman Occupation

What does it mean for the Gospels not to be "snapshots"? "motion pictures"? What does it mean for the Gospels to be "portraits" of Jesus?

Each Gospel must be read and respected in its own right.

What did the early Christians view themselves as?

Early christians viewed themselves as the people of god and inheritors of Old Testament promises


Early-fourth-century church father known as the "father of Church History," as his ten-volume book, History of the Christian Church, was the first to provide an extensive chronicle of Christianity's early years, from the days of Jesus down to Eusebius's own time (the early part of the reign of Constantine). Eusebius is the primary source of information for many of the events and writers fo the first three centuries of the church.

Name for Jesus, means "God with us."


What means God with Us


What is the main emphasis of 1 Peter

Emphasis on God's victory despite, and in suffering, and the Christ who is faithful in suffering.

Matthew Gospel

Emphasis on Jesus being the new moses. Intended audience primarily Jesus. Holy family flees Egypt.

Luke Gospel

Emphasizes Jesus's interactions with women, and the poor. Luke was a physician and one of the most scholarly writers of the New Testament.

Who was the founder of the church in Colossae?


Colossians is closest in content and themes to which of the other thirteen Pauline letters?


Where did John take care of Mary

Ephesians Church

What are the disputed letters of Paul? (5)

Ephesians, Collossians, 2 Thessalonians, Timothy, and Titus

The 4 Prison Epistles

Ephesians, Philipians, Colossians, Philemon

Prison Epistles

Ephesians, Philippians, Colossiana, Philemon

4 Epistles

Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon

Prison Epistles

Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon

Where did Timothy pastor his church?


Ephesus often earned the title neokoros for the region around the city. This title indicates that

Ephesus served as the official headquarters for the imperial cult

What are the seven churches of the Revelations?

Ephesus- lost their first love, Thyatira- had problems with Jezebel, Pergamus- held Satan's throne, Laodicea- lacked a good spiritual thermostat, Philadeliphia- faced an open door, Smyrna- Got an A, Sardis-spiritually asleep.

Letter. There are 21 of these in the New Testament


T/F - Luke's portrayal of Jesus is in link with Jewish images, but no pagan images


True or false: Paul views resurrection as a spiritual resurrection, not a bodily one


t/f Christians today can assume that the designations used for church officials in the Pastoral Epistles correspond in role to the same designations in the modern world.


t/f Scholars agree that the Pastoral Epistles' instructions about women being silent indicate divinely-mandated gender roles.


Themes of James

Faith without works is dead

What was John's reaction to Jesus when he saw him in the book of Revelation, Chapter 1? On what day?

Falls on the ground as if he was dead. The Lord's Day

TRUE or FALSE: the Corinthian church really learned from Paul eagerly and well and shaped up quickly.


The city of Thessalonica really loved Paul's visit to the city and it was no problem to establish a church.


Generally speaking, the letter to Timothy and Titus deal with two threats: persecution and

False Teaching

What was the source of problems for the church in Colossae?

False Teachings- "hyper religious"


Famous Greek philosopher from fourth-century bce Athens, many of whose ideas - including the tension between the realms of matters and spirit - influenced Christian thinkers in the early centuries of the church

House Churches

For centuries Christian communities did not meet in buildings specially built for the purpose, but in private homes. Often it was the owner of the home who was the leader of the church. Such communities, which met for worship, instruction, fellowship, and the celebration of rituals such as baptism and eucharist, are known as house churches.


From a Greek word meaning "ruler" or "straight edge." The term came to designate any recognized collection of texts; the canon of the New Testament is thus the collection of books that Christians accept as authoritative


From a Greek word meaning "universal" or "general" used of the New Testament epistles James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John, Jude, and sometimes Hebrews (the "Catholic epistles) to differentiate them from the letters of Paul


From a Greek word that means "suffering," used as a technical term to refer to the traditions of Jesus' last days, up to and including his crucifixion (hence the "Passion narrative").


From a Hebrew world that literally means "anointed one," translated into Greek as Christos, from which derives our English word Christ. In the first century c.e., there was a wide range of expectations aout whom this anointed one might be, some Jews anticipating a future warrior king like David, others a cosmic redeemer from heaven, others an authoritative priest, and still others a powerful spokesperson from God like Moses.

Where Paul got his information about the Corinthians

From some members of Chloe's household; From Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaichus; From the Corinthians themselves - a letter they sent to Paul


From the Greek term baptizo, which means "to immerse". The earliest Christian practice of baptism in water appears to have been an initiation rite (it was a ritual that one underwent when joining the Christian community); it probably derived from the practice of John the Baptist, who baptized Jews, including Jesus, in anticipation of the imminent arrival of the end of this age and the coming of the Kingdom of God. (Jewish cleansing rituals were repeated as the needs arose; John's baptism, like the Christians later, appears to have been a one-time occurrence). Later Christians assigned other meanings to the rite - the apostle Paul, for example, saw it as the mystical act of dying with Christ to sin. See Participationist model.


From the Greek word martus which literally means "witness". Christian martyrs are those who "bear witness" to Christ even to the point of death.


From the Greek, literally meaning "false writings" and commonly referring to ancient non-canonical Jewish and Christian literary texts, many of which were written pseudonymously

The Spirit on the Day of Pentecost

Fulfilled the prophecy of Joel

The 6 epistles of Paul DURING the book of Acts

Galatians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans

Paul During Acts

Galatians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Corintihians, 2 Corinthians, Romans

Part of the country where Jesus did most of his ministry


Where Nazareth is located



Generally, one who is commissioned to perform a task, from a Greek word meaning "sent"; in early Christianity, the term was used to designate special emissaries of the faith who were understood to be representatives of Christ


Gnostic living around 170 ce who wrote a commentary on the Gospel of John, the first known to have been written by a Christian on any part of the Bible

What 2 popular beliefs does John attack?

Gnosticism and the Mosaic System


God changes Sarai's name to symbolize a new beginning

What do Acts 8-12 demonstrate?

God takes note of each individual and is interested in them as persons

What is the significance of Joel 2:28-32 in Acts 2?

God's eschatalogical age is upon us now.

What point is made in Acts 13-28?

God's love is for all who will respond to the gospel, not for any one race or ethnic group

Discuss the argument of the Letter to the Phillipians. What situation does the letter apparantly address and what is the central idea addressing that situation? Illustrate how several different sections of the letter connect to that central idea?

God, in Jesus, sets aside privilege for shame and takes our position for our sake. The Phillipians are using their privilege to justify their action and treating privilege as a right.


Greco-Roman philosophers who urged people to understand the way the world worked and to live in accordance with it, letting nothing outside of themselves affect their internal state of well-being


Greco-Roman philosophers, commonly portrayed as street preachers who harangued their audiences and urged them to find true freedom by being liberated from all social conventions. The Cynics' decisions to live "according to nature" with none of the niceties of life led their opponents to call them "dogs"

What do we know about Luke

Greek parents, only Gentile writer, Close friend/traveling companion to Paul

God fearers

Group of Jews who saw God as terrifying

What are the major ideas in Philippians 2:5-11, What did Euodia and Syntyche not understand about this text?

Having the Mind of Christ, humbling oneself. Euodia and Syntyche (smelled and looked good) They need to get over their pride and lay their lives down for the sake of the Church.

Ananias (Bad)

He and his wife lied about their property and amount they paid for it; Were struck down and killed by God

John the Baptist

He baptized Jesus

Joseph of Arimathea

He donated his own prepared tomb for the burial of Jesus after Jesus' Crucifixion.


He is skeptical about the Messiah coming from Nazareth, but Jesus tells him that he was under a fig tree, and he believes. He sees Jesus after the resurrection, and works with Bartholomew.


He is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and taken to Egypt. He later forgave his brothers and they eventually joined him in Egypt

Herod Philip II

He married his niece Salome, the daughter of Herodias. She was the one who ordered for the beheading of John the Baptist. He was also called a Tetrarch.

Turing Water into Wine

He turned water into wine. This is impossible, but jesus did it and it was a miracle since he is divine. Jesus is thirsty and hungry. It shows Jesus is just like us. Hospitas.


He was a Greek traveler with Paul on his second missionary journey, as well as a fellow prisoner of Paul.


He was a relative and fellow prisoner of Saint Paul, and had become a follower of Jesus Christ before Saint Paul's, Damascus Road, conversion. Probably the husband of Junia.

Agrippa I

He was also known as Herod Agrippa or simply Herod, "King of the Jews." The king named Herod in the Acts of the Apostles. He had James son of Zebedee killed and imprisoned Peter.

Situation addressed by Hebrews

Hebrews makes no direct statements about setting. However, we can infer possible setting of social persecution and appeals to return to Jewish observance without affirming Jesus as Messiah.

What are the books in the Other Epistles?

Hebrews, James, 1&2 Peter, 1,2&3 John, Jude

Social consciousness in the first century was shaped by a process called WHAT?


What did Antioches IV Epiphanees do to the Jewish Culture?

Hellenized it or enforced Greek culture

Who did not respond appropriately to the message of Christ?

Herod Agrippa I and Simon the sorcerer

Fourth Generation Herod

Herod Agrippa II

37 - 4 BC

Herod the Great

First Generation Herod

Herod the Great

4 BC

Herod the Great dies

37 BC

Herod the Great established as King

What groups were found living in Jerusalem at the time of Herod the Great (3)

Herodians, Sadducees, and Pharisees


His house is used as a refuge by Paul, Silas, and Timothy in Thessalonica. He was arrested when the authorities could locate neither Paul nor Silas, and was made to post bail.


His name means "foster-child," was an Ephesian who accompanied Paul during a part of his third missionary journey. He was with Paul in Jerusalem, and the Jews, supposing that the apostle had brought him with him into the temple, raised a tumult which resulted in Paul's imprisonment.

What is the basic overview of Luke?


What is the basic overview of Mark?


What is the basic overview of Matthew?



Holiness of the church, set apart

What did James and Jude write about? and Why?

Holiness, because they grew up around it. They had witnessed it first hand through Jesus.

Sacrament that is the rite of initiation for Christians

Holy Baptism

Paul's opponents seem to have argued that holiness comes from keeping the Torah. From what does Paul argue that holiness comes?

Holy Spirit

Third person of the Trinity; giver of Power, Guidance, and Understanding

Holy Spirit

"Some say John the baptist, others say Elijah, and other Jeremiah or one of the prophets"

How does Peter respond to Jesus' question "who do people say that the son of man is?"

The Synoptic Problem

How does one explain the wide-ranging agreements and disagreements among Matthew, Mark, and Luke?


How many disciples does Jesus initially call?


How many lepers does Jesus heal?


How many lepers thanked Jesus?


How many men are chosen to serve the Hellenists windows?


How many people are allowed to speak in tongues during a worship surface?

In 1 Corinthians, Paul argues that God reveals God's power through

Human Weakness

John 10:7

I am the gate for the sheep

John 8:12

I am the light of the world

John 11:25

I am the resurrection and the life

What are three topics Paul adresses in 1 Thess?

Idleness Sexual Morality Death of believers before Christ's second coming


If you do not use your______ you will will lose it.


Ignatius was the bishop of Antioch, Syria in the early second century. He was arrested by the Roman authorities for Christian activities and sent to Rome in order to be thrown to the wild beasts in the area. On his journey to martyrdom, he wrote seven letters, which still survive. These letters are included among the writings of the Apostolic Fathers.

How do Exorcisms relate to the kingdom of God

Illustrate the war between God's kingdom and Satan's kingdom


In 2 Corinthians, a group of Paul's opponents who were rhetorically proficient and able to do spectacular deeds, who claimed that their remarkable abilities demonstrated that they, rather than Paul, were the true representatives of Christ

What is the evidence of Peter's conversion?

In Acts 10:48 when they asked Peter to stay

In English Bibles, Paul's letter to the Ephesians is addressed "to the saints who are in Ephesus and are faithful in Christ Jesus." Some of the oldest Greek manuscripts are missing a few of these words. Which are the missing words?

In Ephesus


In Gnostic myth, divine beings who are offspring of the one true, unknowable God.


In Gnostic mythology, the final (female) aeon who fell from the divine realm, leading to the birth of teh Demiurge, who then created the material world as a place to imprison her.


In Gnostic texts, the name of the creator God (i.e. the demiurge)

Day of Atonement

In Hebrew, Yom Kippur, the one day of the year when the high priest was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies in the Temple, first to sacrifice an animal to atone for his own sins, and then another animal to atone for the sins of the people of Israel


In Pagan circles, a temple was any holy place devoted to one or more divine beings where sacrifices could be made in accordance with established religious principles. For Judaism there was only one legitimate Temple, the one in Jerusalem, an enormous complex that contained the holy sanctuary and, within it, the Holy of Holies, where God's presence on earth was believed to dwell.

In Revelations 1:9-10, John was in two places at once, where was he?

In Patmos and in the Spirit


In Roman Religion, a specially trained priest skilled int he practice of extispicy


In ancient Israelite religion, a prophet was a person who delivered God's message to his people; eventually the term came to refer to writers who produced literary accounts of accounts of God's word (prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah). In Christian circles prophets were those who spoke God's message in the community's services of worship, possibly, on occasion, in a state of ecstasy

What happens in form criticism?

In form criticism, the material in the Gospels was broken down into isolated, independent units called pericopae for further study

Son of God

In most Greco-Roman circles, the designation of a person born to a god, able to perform miraculous deeds and/or to convey superhuman teachings; in Jewish circles, the designation of persons chosen to stand in a special relationship with the God of Israel, including the ancient Jewish Kings

Associations, Voluntary

In the Greco-Roman world, privately organized small group so people who shared common interests and met periodically to socialize, enjoy a common meal, and conduct business; two of the best-known types were trade associations (comprised of members of the same profession) and burial societies

resident aliens

In the Roman Empire, persons who took up permanent residence in a place that was not their original home and in which they did not enjoy the benefits of citizenship


In the Roman world of the New Testament philosophy (which literally means "love of wisdom") involved trying to understand the world and humans' place in it, so as to promote individual happiness through proper behavior and right thinking. Leading philosophical schools at the time were the Epicureans, Platonists, Stoics, and Cynics

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

Letter, spirit

In the context of talking about being ministers of the new covenant, Paul says that the _________ kills, but the _________ gives life.

Kingdom of God

In the teachings of Jesus, the Kingdom of God (or God's Reign) appears to refers to an actual Kingdom that will come to earth to replace the wicked kingdoms that are now in control of affairs, and of God's people, here. This would be a utopian Kingdom where truth, peace, and justice were restored; it would be ruled by God's anointed one (i.e., the messiah)

God becoming flesh, as in the birth of Jesus


What is in Mark (3)

Inclusio Intercalation Messianic Secret

How should interpreting the New Testament be done?

Interpreting the New Testament is essential and should be done within a framework that recognizes the uniqueness of Jesus, accepts the Bible as the Word of God, and acknowledges the real presence of God in human affairs

Explain narrative criticism

Interprets New Testament narratives as literary texts, using categories that are applied in interpreting all other forms of literature. Not concerned with sources, but with final product.

Jesus was aware though his life that he was fulfilling the prophecy from the Book of...?


John's writings shows that Jesus fulfills the hopes of who and who?

Israel, all humanity

What words does Jesus speak from the Cross in John's Gospel?

It is Finished

What can we say about the date John's Gospel was written?

It is difficult to date and it contains early eyewitness tradition, but was also compiled after a lengthy period of reflection

Where is the fact that Jesus is God incarnate in human flesh is found?

It is found in passages that a) emphasize his divine qualities, b) focus on Jesus as God's unique divine representatives; and c) show Jesus as the fulfillment of Israel's and all humanity's hopes

What is important in interpreting the biblical text?

It is important to consider which conditions are necessary to enter into the text, which methods are appropriate for analyzing it, and which aims shape out observation and application of our findings

What is the significance of Gen 12:1-3

It is the call of Abraham

What is the apparent situation being addressed by Hebrews? How does the letter make its case in that situation? How does this background help to explain the harshness of such passages as Hebrews 6:4-6

It makes it case -Emphasizes promise and fulfillment in God's work in Israel and through Christ. -Emphasizes that Jesus accomplishes what Israel doesn't -Emphasizes Jesus superiority and finality Harshness of Hebrews 6:4-6 -As long as the rejection of Christ continues one cannot truly repent. If you give up on Jesus there is no other way to God.

Place of Jesus's death


Where did Jesus returned to for the Feast of Tabernacles, the Feast of Dedication, and Passover?


Where was the issue of what salvation requires debated?

Jerusalem Council

Two cities Acts begins with and ends with

Jerusalem and Rome

Why did john focus on Judea rather than Galilee?

Jerusalem was the Central crossroads of the Middle East world

Name meaning "Savior"


What word is used more than Christ in the Gospel John?


Who does Paul's writings repeatedly ascribe messianic honor to?


Who ends the Science between The Old and New Testament?


How does John paint Christ?

Jesus as God

How does Matthew Paint Christ?

Jesus as a King

How does Luke Paint Christ?

Jesus as a Man

How does Mark Paint Christ?

Jesus as a Servant

What did Jesus believe and teach about our ultimate destiny?

Jesus believed and taught that our ultimate destiny depends on our relationship to God through him and on his evaluation of us

The letter, First John, begins by addressing a major issue in the early second generation of the Church. What was the issue?

Jesus came in the flesh, he was DIVINE and fully HUMAN.

What did Jesus come as primarily?

Jesus came primarily as a preacher-teacher who communicated his message so that people would be able to build their own knowledge base on his teachings and would also be challenged to apply the teachings to their lives

How did Jesus communicate his message?

Jesus communicated his message in a form similar to the rabbis of his day and used parables, illustrations, object lessons, contemporary proverbial sayings, and quotes from the Old Testament

Station 13

Jesus dies on the cross

What did Jesus emphasize about life and death?

Jesus emphasized that life does not end at death; the world will end someday at his second coming, which will be powerful, unexpected,glorious, personal, and visible

Station 12

Jesus entrusts Mary and John to each other (John 19:26-27)

The doctrine of preexistence refers to the idea that

Jesus existed before creation

Feeding the 5000

Jesus feeds 5000 people with a few pieces of bread and fish for passover. It shows he is divine. Jesus is a jew and has to celebrate passover too. It also shows he eats like you and me

A Roman Centurion

Jesus heals the servant if an important individual. What type of individual was he?

The Word

Jesus is called something unique in the first verses of the first chapter. What is it?

Station 3

Jesus is condemned by the Sanhedrin for blasphemy (Matthew 26:57-66)

Station 10

Jesus is crucified (Matthew 27:33-37)

Station 4

Jesus is denied by Peter (Matthew 26:69-75)

Station 8

Jesus is helped by Simon to carry His cross (Matthew 27:32)

Station 5

Jesus is judged by Pilate (Matthew 27:11-14; 24-26)

Where is Jesus' ministry linked to John the Baptist's

Jesus is linked with the ministry of John the Baptist in all of the Gospels

Station 6

Jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns (Matthew 27:27-29)

Theme of Colossians

Jesus is supreme over church, world... eternity

Theme of John

Jesus is the I AM the word of the father

Theme of Matthew

Jesus is the Messiah of Israel

Theme of Ephesians

Jesus is the head of the church

Theme of Luke

Jesus is the savior of the world

Theme of Mark

Jesus is the secret of the Kingdom

True Vine

Jesus is the source of life; we must remain attached to him

Why is Jesus unique?

Jesus is unique because he has a special relationship to God and to the human race and a special sense of mission here on earth

One idea that is unique to Hebrews is that

Jesus learned obedience and grew in faithfulness

What is a true disciple of Jesus?

Jesus made clear that a true disciple is one who follows in his footsteps.

Station 9

Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem (Luke 23:27-31) (found only Luke)

John and the Synoptics are different in that in John

Jesus ministry takes three years instead of one and Jesus washes the disciples feet instead of eating Passover

Station 1

Jesus praying in Gethsamane (Matthew 26:36-41)

Scholars find what statement to be evidence within the text for dating Mark after the destruction of the Jerusalem temple

Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple

When did Jesus present himself as the Messiah to the city of Jerusalem?

Jesus presented himself as the Messiah to the city of Jerusalem on the Sunday before Passover in April A.D. 30

Station 11

Jesus promises his kingdom to the repentant thief (Luke 23:39-43)

When did Jesus realize his special mission?

Jesus realized his special mission early in life, at least by the age of twelve


Jesus restores him to life four days after his death.

The Branches

Jesus states that he is the "true vine". What does he then go on to call his followers?

The Father

Jesus states that to see him is to see who?

What is the main point of the temptation narrative?

Jesus succeeds where Israel failed

Station 7

Jesus takes up His cross (Matthew 27:30-31)

What did Jesus teach about?

Jesus taught extensively about the kingdom of God and his own relationship to it as its proclaimer, embodiment, and fulfiller.


Jesus taught through these short metaphorical stories


Jesus tells a parable of two men, a Pharisee and a tax collector, what do they both do in the parable?

Stilling of the Storm

Jesus tells the storm to be calm. It shows Jesus has power over nature. Jesus is asleep before he is awaken. It shows that he is human and has to sleep.

Theme of Luke

Jesus the savior of the world


Jesus told his followers to call God this

Jerusalem, Judea, The end of the earth, and Samaria

Jesus told the disciples that they would be his witnesses to these four geographical locations.

his hometown

Jesus was rejected in a particular place, as mark notes in the case with all the prophets. Where was he rejected?

Who was Jesus sent to before he was crucified?

Jesus was sent to Pilate, Herod Antipas, and back to PIlate before he was taken to Golgotha to be crucified.

Station 14

Jesus will be laid in the tomb (Matthew 27:57-61)

The creed jumps from ____ to ___

Jesus' birth to death

What was Jesus' chief objective?

Jesus' chief objective was to make God real in the lives of his people by stressing the love and concern of God instead of legal requirements.

All of the following material is unique to Luke's Gospel (3)

Jesus' childhood visit to Jerusalem The parable of the Prodigal Son Jesus' appearance on the road to Emmaus

Palm Sunday

Jesus' last entry into Jerusalem to celebrate passover with the Jews. Palm Sunday begins holy week.

How long did Jesus' ministry in Galilee last and how any events of it are recorded in the Gospels?

Jesus' ministry in Galilee lasted a year and a half, and more that seventy events from it are recorded in the Gospels.

The sabbath

Jesus' opponents bring charges against him for healing non what day?

The Christ Hymn in Philippians 2:6-11 is one of the earliest literary references to

Jesus' preexistence

James's letter, more than any other New Testament letter, quotes

Jesus' sayings


Jesus' teachings about the meaning and path to true happiness; descriptions of the way to attain eternal blessedness, or holiness, to which God calls all of us

John the Baptist

Jesus's cousin (born of Elizabeth at old age), a messenger sent to prepare the way; baptized Jesus and pointed to him as the Messiah; preached repentance

What does John emphasize from a historical standpoint?

Jesus's words and works

The earliest preachers and hearers of the gospel were ethnically WHAT?


Who are the "superapostles" mentioned in 2 Corinthians?

Jewish Christian ministers who challenged Paul's authority based on worldly standards

Who were the Judaizers and what was their big issue?

Jewish Christians who believed one must become Jewish to become a Christian.

Judas Maccabeus

Jewish Patriot who led the family responsible for spearheading the Maccabean revolt

AD 66 - 73

Jewish War with the Romans


Jewish afterlife


Jewish council of 70 men


Jewish gathering place for worship


Jewish high priest said to have been in charge of organizing the plot to kill Jesus


Jewish high priest who felt Jesus should be put to death ("for the people, and that the whole nation perish not" John 11:50). He had no power to inflict death

Who brought the charges against Jesus to Pilate and Herod?

Jewish leaders


Jewish method of interpreting a word on the basis of the numerical value of its letters (in both Greek and Hebrew, the letters also serve as numerals)


Jewish place of worship and prayer, from a Greek word that literally means "being brought together."


Jewish teacher

matthews original audience was....?


Define Diaspora to whom James wrote his letter.

Jews outside of palestine


Jews who wanted to forcefully remove the Romans from Israel.

165 BC

Jews, lead by Judas Maccabeus, revolted against Syrian occupation; Maccabean Revolt

Lifting up "the son of Man"






Origin of Christ- God


Passion- Victorious, vanquishes enemies


Son of God


Spiritual Gospel


Symbol- Eagle


Unity- Love and Mission


Written parallel to Genesis


writes to the Jews


The Upper Room Discourse

John 14--17

Key Verse of John

John 20:31 "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name

When does John emphasizes Jesus's human nature?

John emphasizes Jesus' human nature in many incidents including a) traveling with his mother and brothers; b) asking for a drink of water in Samaria; c) crossing the Sea of Galilee in a boat; d) spitting on the ground to make mud for the blind man's eyes; e) weeping over Lazarus's death; f) washing his disciples' feet; and g) dying and being buried

who wrote mark and for who?

John mark wrote it for the roman christians

Who was noted as believe in Christ?

John notes many people who believe in Christ, starting with John the Baptist.

What principle does John represent in his Gospel?

John represents the principle of faith in his Gospel and makes clear that only those who believe in Christ will receive the gift of eternal life


Leader of the disciples


Leader of the disciples; Fisherman from Galilee; Known as Simon Peter; Acts 1-9

Describe the leading features of the book of Reveation. In light of these features, what approach to the interpretation of the book appears most in keeping with the book's nature? What key ideas emerge from the book, and how do they address the circumstances of the church, then and now?

Leading Features: -Tribulation - trouble/presence -Kingdom of God Proper Approach to Interpretation -Preterist and Idealist Key Ideas: -God is in control through Christ -God is overcoming the evil age by taking on suffering in Christ -Christ has the authority to enact God's work in the world. -Assurance of fulfillment -God is in control in the beginning and victorious in the end. Addressing Circumstances: -Persecution -Problem of Evil -Totality of the bible dealing with the reality of suffering

Judas of Galilee

Led a violent resistance to the census imposed for Roman tax purposes around AD 6.


Left in charge of Church of Colossae


Literally "maker", a term used in Gnostic texts to designate the powerful (but inferior) deitiy that created the world


Literally, "contrary statements," used as a technical term to designate six sayings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5:21-48), in which he states a Jewish law ("You have heard it said...") and then sets his own interpretation over it ("But I say to you...")


Literally, the "five scrolls" in Greek, a term used to designate the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Torah or the Law of Moses

Scribes, Christian

Literate Christians responsible for copying sacred scripture

Dead Sea Scrolls

Literature found in caves containing all of the OT books except Esther

Christology-work of Christ


Gospel that emphasizes Jesus' interactions with women, poor people, and outcasts


Holy Spirit


Jesus and prayer




L, Mark, Q


Parable of the Good Samaritan is where?


Passion: forgiveness, peace, acceptance, love


Symbol- ox


Travel Narrative


Typical biography


What gospel promises God will clothe his disciples with the Holy Spirit


Where are the stories of how Mary and Elizabeth saw angel visions?


Who wrote Acts


birth of john is found where?


Parable of the Prodigal Son

Luke 15

Key Verse of Luke

Luke 19:10 --> "for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost"

What does Luke discuss in Acts

Luke discusses Jesus' legacy in h leaving his own personal testimony, in his leaving standing orders, and in the recounting of Jesus' ascension

What does Luke narrate in Acts?

Luke narrates the development, discussion, and dissension surrounding the spread of the early preaching of Christ.

what books did Luke write?

Luke to the gentiles and acts to the greek upper class


Luke-Acts is dedicated to this person, who either was a real person, or a translation of "friend or lover of God"

According to the book of Acts, Paul's first convert in Philippi was


City Paul met Timothy


The first Gentiles who worshiped the Christ child, they were led by a star



Main Jewish worship center in Jerusalem


Main culture from which Hellenism spreads

The emphasis on the priority of Mark is called the WHAT?

Marcan Hypothesis

The Christians who lived in the second century created a canon that consisted of the Gospel of Luke and a collection of Paul's Letters


About 90 percent of the material from what other Gospel is also found in Matthew


According to the Majority of Scholars, which Gospel was most likely written first


Framed the disciples in a bad light


Jesus announcement by John the Baptist is in which Gospel


Jesus preaches the kingdom




Learning through the disciples (diadactic); what NOT to do


Lion as symbol


Messianic Secret


Poorly written; redundancies; "and immediately"


Power of a name (Epiphenic Explanation)


Q as main source; strung pearls together


Structure- Sandwiches the stories together


The shortest gospel, probably the first to be written


What is 92% of what gospel is almost word for word as Matthew?


writes to gentile Christians


What does the Farrer Hypothesis suggest about the relation of the synoptic gospels

Mark First Matthew uses Mark Luke uses both Mark and Matthew

what books before Fall of Jerusalem?

Mark and Luke

What does the two-source hypothesis suggest about the relation of the synoptic gospels

Mark first Matthew and Luke used Mark and Q

Markan Priority

Mark was written first, and Matthew, Luke (and John) follow

Four Source Hypothesis

Mark, Q, M, L

Apostle to the apostles, present at the empty tomb in all the gospel accounts.

Mary Magdalene


Mathew's genealogy begins with Abraham and ends with Jesus. With whom does Luke's genealogy of Jesus begin?

3's and 14


Delay of the Parasia


Discipleship- "follow"




Kingdom of Heaven


New Moses


Passion- Dark, mocked, abandoned


Prologue, 5 books, Epilogue


Source: Q; Mark


Which Gospel refers to "the Church" Twice?


Writing to Church in transition


person; teacher as his symbol


where is the story of the Wisemen found?


where is the sermon on the mount?

Matthew 5,6,7

Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5-7

the "Griesbach Hypothesis" argues

Matthew was written first, Luke used Matthew, then Mark used Matthew and Luke

What best describes the difference between Matthew's portrayal of Jesus and Mark's portrayal of Jesus

Matthew's Jesus has fewer moments of human frailty

Synoptic Gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke

Four Gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

What are the books in the Gospels Sections?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

What are the Synoptic Gospels

Matthew, Mark, and Luke

80 AD

Matthew; Luke

In contrast to Paul, the opponents claim that the "good news" to the Gentiles is that they can become

Members of Israel


Members of the Johannine community who, according to the author of 1 John, had "seceded" the community to form a community of their own. 1 John, which calls these people "antichrists" suggests that they had adopted a docetic Christology, now allowing that Christ was fully human

Hebrew for Anointed One, Chosen One, or Christ


The four gospels are compilations of (3)

Miracle stories Ressurection Narratives Parables

Hebrews demonstrating Jesus as superior to Moses

Moses was a faithful servant in God's House

What philosophical movements ave influenced modern critical methods?

Neo-Kantinism, phenomenology, and existentialism

AD 54 - 68


Early Christians suffered great persecution under the reigns of the emperors who and who?

Nero, Domitian

beloved disciple

Nickname for the "disciple whom Jesus loved" in the Gospel of John, who plays a prominent role in the passion narrative but is never named. Older tradition identified him as John the son of Zebedee and claimed that it was he who wrote the Gospel.

What was the primary purpose of the Gospel John?

Not to show what Christ did, but to tell who Jesus was


OT translated from Hebrew to Greek

Jesus was able to teach and get his points across because everyone understood the WHAT?

Old Testament

In 2 Corinthians, Paul's relationship with the churches in Corinth is best described as

On the rocks and troubled

Dissimilarity, Criterion of

One of the criteria commonly used by scholars to establish historically reliable material; the criterion maintains that if a saying or deed of Jesus does not coincide with (or works against) the agenda of the early Christians, it is more likely to be authenitic

Independent Attestation, Criterion of

One of the criteria commonly used by scholars to establish historically reliable material; which respects to the historical Jesus, the criterion maintains that if a saying or deed of Jesus is attested independently by more than one source, it is more likely to be authentic

Contextual Credibility, Criterion of

One of the criteria commonly used by scholars to establish historically reliable material; with respect to the historical Jesus, the Criterion maintains that if a saying or deed of Jesus cannot be credibly fit into his own first-century Palestinian context, then it cannot be regarded as authentic


One of the early Jewish converts (a Levite) , who traveled with Paul, and was influential at the church in Antioch.

Clement of Rome

One of the early leaders ("bishops") of the church of Rome, around 95 c.e., who is the dational author of the noncanonical book 1 Clement

Lucius of Cyrene

One of the founders of the Christian Church in Antioch.


One of the twelve disciples of Jesus. He was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah and he brought his brother, Simon Peter, to him.


One of the two disciples who encountered Jesus during the Road to Emmaus appearance in the Gospel of Luke 24:13-32.

Participationist Method

One of the two principal ways that Paul understood or conceptualized the relationship between Christ's death and salvation. This model understood sin to be a cosmic force that enslaved people; salvation (liberation from bondage) came by participating in Christ's death through baptism

Mary Magdalene

One of the women associated with Jesus during his ministry. Jesus healed her of many demons.

What was the name of the slave Paul asked Philemon to free?

Onesimus: the name means useful, which is ironic due to his previous "usefulness" as a slave.

High Priest

Only person permitted to enter the Most Holy Place


Opening of worship services in the synagogue. The first two words of the Old Testament

What were the two types of law in Jesus' time?

Oral and Written

What do the other Gospels emphasize that John doesn't, and what does John emphasizes the importance of?

Others emphasize historical incidents, John emphasizes the importance of Evangelism

Who was Epaphroditus?

Pastor of Philippians


Patron saint of Ephesus whose followers supported this deity publicly

Apostle to the Gentiles; wrote most of the Epistles in the NT


In 2 Corinthians, who says "be imitators of me"?


Who is the central figure in Acts 13-28?


second half of ACTS character focus


Governing Authorities

Paul admonished Christians to submit to all ________.

The first missionary journey was made by who and who?

Paul and Barnabas

The Acts of the Apostles focus on which two apostles?

Paul and Peter

Who were the two men who founded the Philippian church?

Paul and Timothy

What did Paul believe about the Old Testament?

Paul believed that the old Testament has application for all persons, yet condemned legalism

Man sleeping with father's wife. Dedliver him to Satan.

Paul describes a sexual situation among the Corinthian believers that is unacceptable. What is it? What does Paul admonish the Corinthian church to do about it?

What is the basis for Paul's apostleship -- his claim to have been personally sent by Jesus?

Paul met the resurrected Lord Jesus in a vision

Jesus is lord, believe

Paul notes that if you confess that _______ ____ ____ and ______ in your heart that Jesus was alive you would be saved.

Body with many members

Paul notes that the people of God are like a _____.


Paul states that he would rather be "cut off from ________" for the sake of his people, the Israelites.

What did Paul teach about the gospel?

Paul taught that gospel transforms believers' personal behavior and corporate identity.

Faithful sayings in the Pastorals

Paul uses expressions of "faithful/trustworthy sayings," and these sound like they are liturgical or catechetical. He was probably using popular sayings in order to clearly, aptly present doctrine good for pastors/leaders to use in teaching the church. These sayings had good orthodoxy and orthopraxy.

Paul's Biography Name

Paul was a Hellenistic, Diaspora Jew

Where was Paul imprisoned and who heard his case?

Paul was imprisoned in Caesarea and his case was heard by Felix, Festus, and Herod Agrippa II, he appealed to Caesar and was sent to Rome

How was Paul educated?

Paul was well educated and understood Judaism thoroughly, having studied under he leading rabbi, Gamaliel I

Paul uses many arguments to convince Philemon to do him a favor. Name 1

Paul will pay the debt Onesimus owes

Which were probably the first and last epistles that Paul wrote?

Paul's 1st: Galatians Paul's Last: 2 Timothy

Timothy and Titus were

Paul's emissaries

What is Paul's Epistles?

Paul's letters to churches

What is Paul's theology closely intertwined with what?

Paul's theology is closely intertwined with his distinctive ethics and eschatology

"Shalom" in Hebrew. How Jesus greeted his friends after the resurrection

Peace be with you.

Holiday celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit. The room was filled with wind and fire.



People living and or working together, sharing the same values, for the same goal


People trained to write using the earliest forms of writing before literacy was widespread.

What was the historical background for John's situation reflected in the Apocalyptic book?

Perscution under Domitian during the AD 90s


Persecuted the early followers of Jesus before converting to Christianity and becoming an instrumental missionary and writer.

Most scholars think Revelation was written under Domitian around 95 CE, even though

Persecution of Christians was not widespread under Domitian

538 BC

Persian Conquest of Babylon

Aeneas who had been paralyzed for eight years was healed by who?


Leader of the disciples. He denied knowing Jesus 3 times


Who was the person who announced the gospel of Jesus the Messiah at Pentecost?


Two Major Apostles in Acts

Peter and Paul

What did Peter learn from his contact with Cornelius?

Peter learned that Jewish customs forbidding contact with Gentiles were inconsistent with following Christ

What is the contrast between Cornelius and Peter?

Peter responds with Questioning Obedience while Cornelius responds with unquestioning obedience

"The Acts of Peter and Paul"

Peter was prominent in the beginning of Acts and Paul was prominent in the second part of Acts

Name means "Separated Ones"; They believed in keeping the Law perfectly


What were the two prominent religious leaders in Jesus' time?

Pharisees Sadducees

4 BC - AD 34


Who was among the first to take the gospel outside Jerusalem?


Why is Philip significant?

Philip is significant because he is among the first to take the gospel outside Jerusalem (to Samaria)

For me to live is CHRIST and to die is GAIN.

Philippans 1:21-If Christ isn't first we have nothing to gain.


Philosophers that believe that the world was controlled by Absolute Purpose


Philosophers who claim that there is neither purpose nor design in the universe


Place near the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1946, evidently home of the group of Essenes who had used the scrolls as part of their library

What three things are examples of Mark's focus on the human portrayal of Jesus (3)

Portraying Jesus as not knowing everything Showing Jesus with a full range of emotion Mentoring Jesus' hunger and tiredness


Possibly Nathaniel. Also may have lead missionary journeys to India.


Possibly the son of James.

The holy Spirit gave the Christians Understanding, Guidance, and ______.


Conversation with God; Jesus says do this in secret


What was the belief about the Gospels before the seventeenth century?

Prior to the seventeenth century, the Gospels were widely believed to be inspired by God and therefore true and binding for all persons

Which were written first, the prison or pastoral epistles?



Probably the greatest Roman philosopher of the second half of the first century C.E. and tutor to the young Nero, later thought to have entered into a prolonged correspondence with the apostle Paul

The problem is 1.____ by all; the solution is 2._____ by 3.______; the result is 4.______ by Grace; the evidence is sanctification by the 5.______.

Problem is SIN (Romans 1:19-3:20) Solution is justification by FAITH (Romans 3:21-8:17) REDEMPTION (Romans 8:18) Sanctification by the SPIRIT (Romans 12:1-15:13)

What three things is Christ revealed as?

Prophet, Priest, King

Hebrews demonstrating Jesus as superior to the prophets

Prophets serves the Lord

Recently there has been a renewed interest in the analysis of WHAT, the verses that Matthew and Luke but not Mark, have in common?


Similar material found in Matthew and Luke but not in Mark is called


What is "Q"

Q is the unknown source that both Matthew and Luke consulted. We know there is a Q because there is similar content that both Matthew and Luke share that was not included in Mark. Q could be one source or a group of sources

The sermon on the Mount in Matthew and the sermon on the plain in Luke likely come from _____

Q material

People have been unfaithful to God and destroyed the relationship between humanity and God. Jesus repairs this relationship. This is called



Roman Emperor from 54 to 68. It was under his reign that both Peter and Paul were allegedly martyred in Rome, as part of his persecution of Christians for the fire that destroyed much of the city (the Roman historian Tacitus indicates that Nero himself was responsible for the fire)

Pliny the Younger

Roman aristocrat who ruled the province of Bithynia-Pontus in the early second century C.E., and whose correspondence with the emperor Trajan contains the earliest reference to Christ in a pagan source

Pontius Pilate

Roman aristocrat who served as the governor of Judea from 26-36ce and who was responsible for ordering Jesus' crucifixion

who conquered Jerusalem in 63bc?

Roman conquest: general pompey conquered

Pax Romana

Roman emperor

Marcus Aurelius

Roman emperor from 161 to 80 c.e., best known for his writings of Stoic philosophy, but known in Christian sources for ruling when some of the most violent persecutions against Christians occurred.


Roman emperor in the early fourth century, the first emperor to convert to Christianity. Constantine's conversion played a highly significant role in the spread of Christianity, as it moved from being a persecuted minority religion to becoming the powerful majority religion of the entire empire


Roman historian of the early second century c.e. whose multivolume work of The Annals of Rome provides substantial information about Roman history from the beginning down to his own time.

AD 70

Roman's destroy Temple in Jerusalem

Undisputed Pauline Letters

Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon - letters that scholars overwhelmingly judge to be have been written by Paul

Undisputed Pauline Epistles

Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Glaatians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon - letters that scholars overwhelmingly judge to have been written by Paula.

What are the books in Paul's Epistles?

Romans, 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Thessalonians, 1&2 Titus, Philemon

What are the undisputed letters of Paul? (6)

Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Phillipians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon

Capital of the Empire that ruled the holy land when Jesus lived


Map Left to Right

Rome, Thessalonica, Phillipi Corinth, Athens, Ephesus, Tarsus Ceasera, Samaria, Jerusalem

Jesus often taught by quoting _______.


What is necessary, besides the Holy Spirit, for the understanding of sound doctrine and the resistance of false teaching and the seduction of the church by the world?



Secretive, ascetic, extreme separatist Jews

Court of Israel

Section of the Jewish temple accessible by Jewish men

Court of Women

Section of the Jewish temple accessible by Jewish women

Court of the Gentiles

Section of the Jewish temple accessible by everyone


See Presbyter: From a Greek word that literally means "elder." The term came to apply not only to older men, but in particular to the leader of the Christian churches who were principally in charge of spiritual (as opposed to material) affairs (contrast "deacon"); eventually the lead presbyter came to be known as the "overseer" (i.e. the bishop)


See Torah: A Hebrew word that means "guidance" or "direction," but that is usually translated "law." As a technical term it designates either the Law of God given to Moses or the first five books of the Jewish Bible that Moses was traditionally thought to have written - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy


She lived, worked, and traveled with the Apostle Paul, along with her husband, Aquila.


She was a relative and fellow prisoner of Saint Paul, and had become a follower of Jesus Christ before Saint Paul's, Damascus Road, conversion. Probably the husband of Andronicus.


She welcomed Jesus into her home, but was busy with chores. She was the sister of Lazarus and Mary.

Jesus said he was the good ____.


The first people to see the Christ child, they were sent by angels.


Mary of Bethany

Sister to Martha and Lazarus. She sat at Jesus' feet.

What are the postures of the Christian disciple as presented in Ephesians?

Sit- 2:6, Walk- 5:2, Stand-6:14

Temple Mount

Site of the 1st & 2nd Jewish Temples, where Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, currently is Dome of the Rock

Explain the situation adressed by the letter to Philemon. Describe Paul's strategy for addressing the situation and persuading Philemon to act.

Situation addressed is Paul is writing to his fellow brother in the faith Philemon who is the slave owner of Onesimus who flled to Paul to plead to Philemon on Onesimus' behalf. Paul's strategy is to allow Philemon the opportunity to live out the faith he believes. He persuades Philemon to act by talking about himself as a prisoner, approving Onesimus' faith, reaffirming Philemon's position as a fellow worker in Christ, and sending Onesimus back carrying the letter that breaks down the barrier between slave and master.

What was the issue that the Jews were having?

Some Jews could not accept the fact that salvation was a free gift go God's grace; they insisted that to be acceptable to God it was necessary to establish one's righteousness through Jewish beliefs and customs

What are news methods of criticism?

Some newer methods of criticism are narrative criticism, reader-response theory, rhetorical criticism, and deconstructionism

Christians believe Jesus in God's ________.


Herod Antipas

Son of Herod the Great, and ruler of Galilee from 4 to 39 ce; this is the Herod who exectued John the Baptist and who was involved with the trial of Jesus according to the Gospel of Luke (and the Gospel of Peter)


Son of Isaac. God renewed the covenant with him and changed his name to Israel.

Key Phrase of Luke

Son of Man

What is the Important word in Luke?

Son of Man

What is the basic overview of John?


The Gospel of John is traditionally known as the

Spiritual Gospel

What is the New Testament often called?

Substance, and A love letter to man

The threes in James

Swift to hear slow to speak, and slow to become angry; A tongue is like a horse bitt, ship rutter, and like a spark

T/F - In Mark Jesus' parables are a way for him to talk about the Kingdom of God in ways only insiders will understand


T/F - Many of Luke's stories include parallel references to men and women to demonstrate that Jesus' words and deed apply to men and women alike


T/F - Outcasts and marginalized people are of special interest to Luke.


T/F - When scholars ecamine the Gospels to study the "Historical Jesus" they seek to understand how Jesus lived as a man in first-century Galilee apart from, or "behind", faith confessions that developed around him in early Christian belief


True or false: Judaizers believe that anyone who would follow Christ must become Jews by following the laws of Torah and keeping Jewish dietary laws and the practice of circumcision


True or false: Many scholars think Ephesians was written for widespread distribution among Christians churches, not just the church in Ephesus.


True or false: Revelation both constructs a sociopolitical critique of wealth and access and presents readers with the choice to worship God or the beast.


True or false: Scholars usually understand James as responding not to Paul's teachings but to a misunderstanding of Paul's teachings.


True or false: The New Perspective on Paul claims that Paul is less interested in combating "works righteousness" and more interested in the universal scope of the gospel.


Jesus told a parable about a master who gave these to 3 servants. One was afraid, hid his in the ground, and had it taken away



Talks of the Kingdom of Heaven, King of the Jews

In which hellenistic city was Paul born?


Act 2

Teaching of the cross and discipleship


Temporary change so that one can abide in the presence of God


Term used in the societal sciences to indicate the ways a social group understands itself in terms of the beliefs, rituals, practices, worldviews, shared experiences, and so on that bind it together as a group and that differentiate it from those who are not in the group

"We" Passages

Term used to describe a set of four passages in the book of Acts in which the author stops speaking in the third person about what Paul and his companions ("they") were doing, and speaks instead in the first person about what "we" were doing. Some scholars take these passages as evidence that the author of Luke-Acts was a companion of Paul; others believe that in these passages the author of Luke-Acts has utilized a travel narrative as a source (much as he utilized other sources, such as Mark and Q, for his Gospel).

In the letter to the Galatians, Paul is so upset he leaves out what basic part of the letter?


Antipas of Pergamon

The "faithful martyr" of Pergamon, "where Satan dwells".


The Alexandrian Jewish Christian who was a helper of Paul in Corinth, and missionary to Ephesus.

"Some Acts of Some Apostles"

The Apostles performed miracles through the Holy Spirit, but only covers some of the acts of only a few of the Apostles

Who wrote the book of Acts and when?

The Book of Acts was written by Luke probably no later than the ear A.D. 60s

Who is Jesus

The Christ

In Corinthians the body of Christ refers to

The Christians in Corinth

What do 1 and 2 Thessalonians and 1 and 2 Peter have in common?

The Endtimes


The Gentiles are considered _________ that are grafted in to the people of God.

The early church associated 1, 2, and 3rd John with _____.

The Gospel of John

What are the themes of the Gospel of John?

The Gospel of John has many themes but all flow out of the basic truth that Jesus is a divine and human savior who was sent by God for us to believe in and follow

Synoptic Gospels

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, which narrate so many of the same stories that they can be placed side by side in parallel columns and so "be seen together" (the literal meaning of synoptic)


The Gospels record that during his (probably the same as all of the Cesar references too) reign, Jesus of Nazareth preached and was executed. He is also mentioned when Luke tells that John the Baptist started his ministry in the 15th year of his reign.

Who is the audience of Luke?

The Greeks

What is the History Section about?

The History of the Church

"Acts of the Holy Spirit"

The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost and played an important role in the disciples

What is the emphasis of Luke?

The Humanity of Jesus


The Jewish high priest at the time of Jesus' death.

Maccabean Revolt

The Jewish uprising against the Syrians and their king, Antiochus Epiphanes, starting in 167 bce, in protest against the forced imposition of Hellenistic culture and the proscription of Jewish practices such as circumcision

Who is the audience of Matthew?

The Jews

What is the primary source of information about Jesus from?

The New Testament Gospels provide the primary source of information about Jesus

Is the New Testament history or theology?

The New Testament is both history and theology simultaneously

What was matthews source to "prove" jesus was messiah?

The OLD testament


The OT book not found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Also center of the celebration of Purim

Act 3

The Passion and the Resurrection

What event in the life of Jesus made the big difference in the faith of Jude and James?

The Resurrections


The Roman centurion who may have been the first Gentile convert to Christianity.

Pontius Pilate

The Roman governor of Judea. Although he found Jesus guilty of nothing, he sentenced him to death by crucifixion.


The Roman-appointed Jewish high priest who is said to have organized the plot to kill Jesus, and is also said to have been involved in the trial of Jesus.

Who is the audience of Mark?

The Romans

Who destoryed the Temple and when?

The Romans in 70 CE

Antiochus Epiphanes

The Syrian monarch who attempted to force the Jews of Palestine to adopt Greek culture, leading to the Maccabean revolt in 167 bce

What is the emphasis of Matthew?

The Words of Jesus

What is the emphasis of Mark?

The Works of Jesus

Emperor Worship

The act of praising Roman rulers as gods

Scriptuo Continuo

The ancient practice of writing without using spaces to separate words


The apostle chosen by the remaining eleven apostles to replace Judas Iscariot

Matthias the Apostle

The apostle chosen by the remaining eleven apostles to replace Judas Iscariot

John the Apostle

The apostle who Jesus loved,the writer of 5 NT books, and the brother of James.

Judas Iscariot

The apostle who betrayed Jesus.


The area in which Jesus carried out most of his ministry

Explain Source Criticism

The attempt to discover the sources used by an author when he constructed a text


The attendant of the Synagogue


The author of Luke and Acts.


The author of Mark.

Matthew the Apostle

The author of one of the gospels, and a former tax collector.


The belief that there are many gods, a belief that lies at the heart of all of the ancient pagan religions


The belief that there is only one God (sometimes distinguished from "henothiesm" which acknowledges that other gods exist, but insists that only one is to be worshiped).

Which disciple unseats Peter and is presented as the disciple closest to Jesus in John's Gospel

The beloved disciple


The blasphemer who Paul, along with Alexander, told over to Satan, that they might learn not to blaspheme.


The bodily rising of Jesus from the dead, as he had foretold, on the third day after his death on the cross and burial in the tomb. By virtue of his resurrection, Christians have the hope of resurrection with Christ on the last day.

What image does Paul use to address the divisions in the Corinthian church?

The body


The brother of Moses who served as Moses's mouthpiece

Paul encourages the Roman Christians to give money for a collection to be offered for

The care of the poor in Jerusalem

Feast of Tabernacles

The celebration remembering the Jews' wandering in the wilderness for 40 years


The church met in his or her house in Laodicea.

Who were the recipients of Luke and Acts

The church or "God-Lovers"

The new teaching mentioned in 2 Thessalonians (but not in 1 Thessalonians) concerns

The coming lawless one

Johannine Community

The community of CHristians in which the Gospel of John and the Johannine epistles were written. We do not know where the community was located, but we can reconstruct some of its history using the socio-historical method.

John the Baptist

The cousin of Jesus who called for repentance in the desert. He also baptized Jesus.


The criminal whom Pontius Pilate freed at the Passover feast in Jerusalem (instead of Jesus).

What is the cross?

The cross is the means and central symbol of the redemption of Christ won

In the Gospel of John what is God's good news?

The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus

Justification by Faith

The doctrine found in Paul's letters (see Judicial Model), that a person is "made right" (justified) with God by trusting in the effects of Christ's death, rather than by doing the works prescribed by the Jewish Law

Two Ways

The doctrine found in the Didache and the Epistle of Barnabas that people must choose between two ways of living, the way of life (or light) and the way of death (or darkness)


The doctrine originally devised within circles of apocalyptic Judaism which maintained that at the end fo the present age those who had died would be brought back to life in order to face judgement: either torment for those opposed to God or reward for those who sided with God. The earliest Christians believed that Jesus had been raised, and concluded therefore that the end of the age had already begun (see First Fruits of the Resurrection). In Christian apocalyptic thought it was believed that the reward and punishments in the future resurrection would hinge on one's relationship to Christ, as either a believer or nonbeliever.


The doctrine that indicates how a person who is condemned by sin can be placed in right standing before God by means of a sacrifice. In traditional Christian teaching, it is Christ's death that brings atonement

What were the critical common beliefs of the early Christians?

The early Christians held a variety of distinctive beliefs, but the critical common beliefs were Jesus' divine uniqueness and his saving death and resurrection

What philosophies did the early church have to deal with?

The early church had to deal with the influence of a variety of philosophies, especially Stoicism, Cynicism, and Skepticism


The earthly father of Jesus.

Define eschatology

The end


The family branch of Judaism that can be priests


The father of James and John, and possibly the husband of Salome.


The father of three of the Twelve Apostles, namely: Matthew Levi, James, Jude Thaddaeus.

Pontius Pilate

The fifth Prefect of the Roman province of Judaea. The judge at Jesus' trial and the man who authorized the Crucifixion of Jesus.

Farewell Disclosure

The final disclosure that Jesus delivers in the Gospel of John (and not in the synoptics), chaps 13-16 (sometimes thought to include Jesus' prayer of chapter 17 as well); this discourse may have been created by combining two different accounts of Jesus' last words to his discpiles before his arrest.

Augustus, Caesar (see Octavian)

The first Roman emperor, 27 bce-14ce. Octavion was the great nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, and a great general who brought unity to Rome after it had experienced prolonged and bloody civil wars. Early in his reign OCtavian assumed the name "Casesar Augustus" which means something like "most revered emperor"


The first high priest under Roman rule

First missionary journey

The first missionary journey went from Syrian Antioch to Cyprus to Perga in Pamphylia to Galatia and back to Syrian Antioch

Peter the Apostle

The fisherman brother of Andrew. He also witnessed the Transfiguration.


The followers of Jesus. There were 12


The great collection of ancient Jewish traditions that comprises the Mishnah and the later commentaries of the Mishnah, called the Gemarah. There are two collections of the Talmud, one made in Palestine during the early fifth century c.e. and the other in Babylon perhaps a century later. The Babylonian Talmud is generally considered the most authoritative

Alexander The Great

The great military leader of Macedonia whose armies conquered much of the Eastern Mediterranean and who was responsible for the spread of Greek Culture (Hellenism) throughout the lands he conquered.


The high priest before whom Jesus was brought for judgment, prior to being brought before Pontius Pilate.

Ananias son of Nedebaios

The high priest who presided during the trial of Paul at Jerusalem and Caesarea


The husband of Elizabeth and the father of John the Baptist.


The king of tormenting locusts and the angel of the bottomless pit.

Greco-Roman World

The lands (and culture) around the Mediterranean from the time of Alexander the Great to the Emperor Constantine, roughly 300 bce to 300 ce

Chief Priests

The leaders of the priests in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Many of them would have been actively involved in the Sanhedrin; their ultimate leader was the high priest

James is called a "Catholic Epistle" because

The letter was adressed to the whole church

Deutero-Pauline Epistles

The letters of Ephesians, Colossians, and 2 Thessalonians, which have a "secondary" (Deutero) standing in the Pauline corpus because scholars debate whether they were written by Paul

Mercy Seat

The lid of the ark of the covenant


The magician who was struck blind by Paul, because of his opposition to Christian work.

Simon of Cyrene

The man who was forced to help carry jesus' cross to Golgotha.

John Mark

The missionary with Paul and Barnabas who was the center of a fight between the apostles.


The most important and widely celebrated annual festival of Jews in Roman times, commemorating the exodus from Egypt


The most influential Jewish sect who fiercely opposed Hellenization


The mother of Jesus.


The mother of John the Baptist and the wife of Zacharias.

Theme of Hebrews

The new cov. of Jesus is the ultimate point of the old cov.

Vicarious Suffering

The notion that one person's suffering occurs int he place of or for the sake of another.


The original manuscript of a literary text, from a Greek word meaning the "writing itself"

Holy of Holies

The perfect cube on top of the temple which only the high priest could enter


The person to whom "Luke" addressed both of his volumes, the Gospel and the book of Acts. Scholars debate whether Theophilus was a real person - possibly a highly placed Roman administrator - of whether the name was instead symbolic. It literally means either "beloved of God" or "Lover of God". If symbolic, it would refer to the Christian individuals or communities who were the author's intended audience.


The person to whom Luke and Acts are addressed.

Sexual immorality

The phrase "the body is the temple of the hold spirit" is typically used to prohibit one from tobacco and alcohol use. What is the actual context of this statement?


The practice of writing under a fictitious name, evident in a large number of pagan, Jewish, and Christian writings from antiquity

What did James suggest that was endorsed by Peter and Paul

The principle that Gentile Christians should forgo their won freedom in the interest of cultural sensitivity when this could be down without theological compromise


The process by which Jesus Christ put right what sin put wrong. Christ's suffering and death are an atonement, a making amends, for sin.

Porcius Festus

The procurator of Judea from about AD 58 to 62, succeeding Antonius Felix. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul had his final hearing before him, who wanted Paul to go to Jerusalem for trial; Paul appealed to the Emperor, and was deported to Rome.


The prophet who may have been one of Jesus' seventy disciples. He prophesied about a famine and the capture of Paul by the Romans.

What is the purpose of interpreting the New Testament?

The purpose of interpretation of the New Testament should be to apply it to our lives, to lead us to worship God in the context of the church, and to equip us to share this knowledge with others


The recipient of Philemon. His slave is mentioned as Onesimus in Colossians.


The second-highest socioeconomic class of ancient Rome (below Senator), comprising wealthy aristocrats

Sermon on the Mount

The sermon found only in Matthew 5-7, which preserves many of the best known sayings of Jesus (including Matthew's form of the Beatitudes, the antitheses, and the Lord's Prayer).

John portrays Jesus as what?

The servant is God


The servant of the Jewish High Priest, Caiaphas, who had his ear cut off by Peter.

Herod Antipas

The son of Herod the Great who ruled over Galilee and Perea during the time of John the Baptist and Christ. He executed John because he had criticized his marriage to his brother's wife. He also was the Herod who sent Jesus back to Pilate.

Eseau and Jacob

The sons of Isaac and Rebecca


The source used by both Matthew and Luke for the stories they share, principally saying, that are not found in Mark; from the German word Quelle, "source." The document no longer exists, but can be reconstructed on the basis of Matthew and Luke

Religio Licita

The special status of Judaism under Roman rule

Spiritual gifts

The spirit gives a variety of these to Christians


The spread of Greek language and culture (hellenism) throughout the Mediterranean, starting with the conquests of Alexander the Great.

What is the story of Jesus unique for?

The story of Jesus is uniquely supernatural; it challenges us to believe and commands us to follow him, and it teaches us that death is not the end but rather the beginning of a new existence

How many incidents of Jesus' childhood were recorded?

The story of Jesus' birth is presented in the Gospels, but only one incident about his childhood is recorded


The story of the prodigal son was about God's willingness to ______ us if only we would come home freely

Explain Form Criticism

The study and classification of the literary patterns and typical features of text often with the aim of gaining an insight into the context which shaped them. This is an attempt to access a period of time before the sources were written-the oral period- and the setting in life

Redaction Criticism

The study of how authors modified or edited (i.e. redacted) their sources in view of their own bested interests and concerns

What is the significance of Isa 53:78 in Acts 8:30-33?

The suffering servant is eventually exulted and the eunuch identifies with the servant in hope of eventual exultation


The tax collector who climbed up in a tree to see Jesus, and who was converted after Jesus said he would come to his house.


The tempter of the Gospels.

How is the tone of 2 Thessalonians different from that of 1 Thessalonians?

The tone is sharper, more urgent


The translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, so named because of a tradition that seventy (Latin: septuaginta) Jewish scholars had produced it.


The translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, so named because of a tradition that seventy (latin: septuaginta) Jewsih scholars had produced it


The view that Jesus was not divine, but flesh-and-blood human being who had been adopted at baptism to be God's son.

Markan Priority

The view that Mark was the first of the Synoptic Gospels to be written and was one of the sources used by Matthew and Luke

Does Theologia cruis or Theologiea gloriae reflect Paul's theology in the New Testament and how does this reflect on the Church as bearers of the "aroma of Christ?"

The way to glory is the way of the cross. The aroma of Christ is humiliy and suffering and it is generosity and grace, Paul's suffering is key to his argument we must live this Christian life with sincerity. We smell one way it may smell bad to some and good to others but we don't change.


The widow's son who Christ raised from the dead.


The wife of Herod Philip II and then Herod Antipas. She had Salome request the head of John the Baptist after pleasing her step-father, Antipas, with a dance.

Mary Magdalene

The woman who first sees a resurrected Jesus at his tomb. She is present also present at the foot of Jesus' cross and she accompanies Joseph of Arimathea in taking Jesus' body to the tomb. She is present in Mark, Matthew, and John but NOT Luke.

How does Powell describe Luke's ultimate interest in writing Acts


What are the Genre of the Gospels

Theological Ancient Biographies

What is the Genre of Acts

Theological Historical Account

How many criteria were used to find the authentic words of Jesus?

There are over 25 criteria used to find authentic words of Jesus

What is a method of Gospel interpretation that is agreed upon?

There is currently no one method of Gospels interpretation on which scholars agree


These were assistants to the priests in the temple and descendants of the tribe of Levi.

Euodia and Syntyche

These women argued with each other at Philippi.

What are the differences in the Gospels?

They all paint Christ in a different way

What makes the General Epistles "General"

They are circular letters, not addressed to a specific person or church

Why did the book of Hebrews include a long list of faithful people who dies before they saw all that was promised? What was the problem for Jewish believers..What were they dealing with?

They wanted to go back to being Jewish. They were under extreme persecution from both jews and gentiles, and they weren't seeing promises fulfilled.

What was the Corinthian problem with Spiritual gifts?

They were a competitive culture who used their spiritual gifts to build up the self as opposed to building up the body.


They were at various times a political party, a social movement, and a school of thought among Jews. They practiced adherence to the laws and traditions of the Jewish people in the face of assimilation.


Thick darkness, chaos, anguishes of life

The current attempt to reconstruct a historical portrait of Jesus is called the WHAT?

Third Quest

Messianic Secret

This is a technical term used for one of the intriguing literary features of the Gospel of Mark, which is that even though Jesus is shown to be the Messiah, he tries to keep his identity a secret (e.g., by silencing those who recognize him and by hushing up the reports of his miracles)


This is the term used by Bultmann and his disciples to describe the process of "peeling back" the elements of a first-century Jewish (apocalyptic) worldview that are no longer applicable or meaningful for contemporary people. The process of demythologizing yields a contemporary existential interpretation of the gospels. Such as the incarnation and deity of Christ

Sea of Galilee

This lake was only 12 miles long and 5-6 miles wide. It was known also as The Gennesaret and The Tiberias. Because of the mountains around the lake it was known for its sudden and violent storms. The disciples were called here and Jesus spoke to the multitudes from here. Jesus stilled the storm and walked on the waves here.

Disciple who doubted Jesus' resurrection


In John's Gospel, the world refers to

Those who oppose Jesus and his followers

In response to those among the believers in Thessalonica who have no desire to work, Paul tries

Threatening them with excommunication Giving them an example of full-time work Counseling believers to take away their food

Sea of Galilee, Sea of Tiberias, Lake of Gennesaret

Three names for the "Sea" of Galilee

Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos

Three significant leaders in the church of Ephesus.

How did Jesus fulfill and redesign the role of the Son of Man?

Through his suffering and death he established God's kingdom

AD 14 - 37

Tiberius Casear

Babylonian Tradition

Tradition from which astrology was derived

The fact that there is unity and diversity within the Divine Being eventually produced the Christian doctrine of the WHAT?



Uncovering, unveiling, or revelation

The Holy Spirit gave the Christians Power, Guidance, and _________.


Philemon is counted in which category of Pauline letters?


Apocalypse means


Evidence of Luke being an historian

Use of historical datelines

Define Traditional Usage

Used in a variety of communities

Nag Hammadi

Villiage in upper (southern) Egypt, near the place where a collection of Gnostic writings, including the Gospel of Thomas, were discovered in 1945


Was with Paul and Barnabas at Antioch and accompanied them to the Council of Jerusalem, although his name doesn't occur in Acts.

In 2 Corinthians, Paul argues that he is a better apostle than the superapostles because he has more:



Welcoming acceptance of strangers; means our welcoming acceptance of other people and also God's welcoming acceptance of us

Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations...baptizing them...teaching them

What are the words from Mathew that form a significant aspect of CBU's mission?


What cleansing ritual does Jesus subject himself to at the hand of his cousin, John?

What was the key debate/question of the early church?

What do Gentiles have to do to become a part of the church?


What do the reapers symbolize in the parable of the tares of the field?

Children of the Wicked One

What do the tares symbolize in the parable of the tares of the field?


What does Jesus call Peter that he does not call anyone else?

To give away his wealth and follow him

What does Jesus tell the rich ruler that the path to salvation is?

A preacher??

What does Paul call himself at the beginning of 1 Corinthians?

A donkey

What does he ride?

Son of Man

What does the Man which sowed good seed in his field symbolize in the parable of the tares of the field?

The World

What does the field symbolize in the parable of the tares of the field?

Children of the Kingdom

What does the wheat symbolize in the parable of the tares of the field?

Jesus was Strengthened for his coming ordeal. Peter, James and John received the priesthood keys

What happened on the "Mount of Transfiguration"?

The coming of the Holy spirit

What happens at Pentecost that fulfills old testament prophecy?

Washing their feet

What is Jesus doing to all of the disciples that Peter initially protests?


What is Saul's new name?

half of material is unique

What is distinctive about the Gospel of Luke?

centrality of the cross

What is distinctive about the Gospel of Mark?

only Gospel to mention the church

What is distinctive about the Gospel of Matthew?

Jesus' second coming

What is it that no man, including Jesus, knows?


What is patient, kind, and does not envy?

Christian views of Resurrection

What is resurrection to Christians? - Life after "Life after death" - Reversal / defeat of death - Restoration of the body of life When is resurrection? - Split in two: Christ first, believers at end Relation to Messiah? - Because of Jesus' resurrection, they connected - Resurrection with Messiah

Jewish beliefs on the resurrection

What is resurrection to the Jews? - Life after "life after death" - Reversal / defeat of death - Restoration of body to life When is resurrection? - Hasn't happened yet; will happen all at once Relation to Messiah? - No expectation of Messiah being resurrected


What is the feast toward the end of Mark during which time the Jewish leaders seek to arrest Mark?

Moses and Elijah

What two old testament figures does Jesus speak with at his transfiguration?


What type of tree does Jesus curse for having no fruit?

A Painful one

What type of visit to the Corinthians did Paul determine he would not make again?


Which disciple preaches at Pentecost?

Governing Authorities

Who "carries the sword", according to Paul?

Zachariah and Elizabeth

Who are John the Baptist's father and Mother?

Three Questions in Mark's Gospel

Who is Jesus, What did He do, How did He do it


Who is converted on the road to Damascus?


Who is the disciple that comes along side of Saul after his conversion and acts as his liaison?


Who is the disciple that will betray Jesus?

The Devil

Who is the enemy that sowed tares among the wheat?


Who is the first martyr in the book of Acts?

John the Baptist

Who says they are not the Christ in John 1-12?


Who was sent to minister to Saul after he was blinded?

What is the new commandment John presents in First John?

Whoever loves God, loves one another.

They had no faith?

Why could the disciples not cast the demon out of the young boy that Jesus liberates?

To show his power

Why did God harden the Pharaoh's Heart.?

To see whether they are in the faith

Why did Paul want the Corinthians to examine themselves?

Immediately after his baptism, Jesus was tempted in the ______.


Two signs of the presence of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Wind and Fire

The letter of James has a lot in common with what other kind of literature?

Wisdom Literature

Bread and Fish

With what did Jesus feed 4000 people in Mark?


World soul, which all persons were a part

Which best describes the date composition of 1 Corinthians?

Written between 53 and 57 from Ephesus

2 John

Written to "the chosen lady"; Author: John


Written to "those who have been called"; Author: Jude

3 John

Written to Gaius; Author: John


Written to Jewish Christians in the Diaspora; Author: James, half brother of Jesus

1 John

Written to a church; Author: John


Written to a small, Jewish-Christian church; Author: Unknown

Parable of the Ten Virgins

You must always be prepared for the final judgment entering God's Kingdom requiresfaith but also action. Love is faith in action. Bridegroom = Christ Virgins = Church Wise Virgins = devoted, worthy, prepared disciples Foolish Virgins = Lukewarm and unworthy disciples


a Christians slave owner whom Paul himself converted


a Hebrew member of the ancient Israelite kingdom


a Hebrew title of respect for a Jewish scholar or teacher


a Semitic language similar to Hebrew that was the native tongue for Jesus and many other Jews living in Palestine during the New Testament period


a day of rest and worship: Sunday for most Christians

Define Inspiration

a derivative of the criteria (does it fit all other categories)


a descendant of the ancient Hebrews, the founders of the religion of Judaism: also, any person whose religion is Judaism

What view did Paul hold of Christ?

a high view not only because of his divine identity but because he is an expression of God's concern for sinners


a literary device according to which parallel expressions are used at the beginning and ending of a literary unit


a literary device in which one story or narrative is inserted into the middle of another

Two-Source Hypothesis

a majority proposal that offers one solution to the Synoptic Puzzle: Mark was written first, then Matthew used Mark, Q, and M (oral source of Matthew), and Luke was written


a man who Jesus raised from the dead, even though he'd been buried for three days. A symbol of Jesus's power and of possibilities.

Farrer Theory

a minority proposal that offers one solution to the Synoptic Puzzle: Mark was written first, then Matthew used Mark, then Luke used both Mark and Matthew

Two-Gospel Hypothesis (Greisbach)

a minority proposal that offers one solution to the Synoptic Puzzle: Matthew was written first, Luke used Matthew, and Mark used both Matthew and Luke


a name for the God of the Old Testament as transliterated from the Hebrew consonants YHVH


a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties


a pool at Jerusalem where the sick gathered, hoping to be cured, place where Jesus cured an infirm man

Intercessory Prayer

a prayer form in which you ask God's help for other people's needs; also called intercession. , a prayer form in which you ask God's help for other people's needs; also called intercession.


a priestly aristocracy in Judea, they had control of the temple which made them powerful until A.D. 70 when the temple was destroyed


a religious perspective that typically offers a pessimistic forecast for the world at large, combined with an optimistic outlook for a favored remnant, who will be rescued out of the evil world through some imminent act of divine intervention


a ruling body of the Jewish people during the time of Roman occupation; composed of the high priest, chief priests, and other powerful Jewish leaders


a simple story that illustrates a moral or religious lesson


a small case containing text of scripture worn on the forehead or left arm by pious Jews in obedience to Exodus 13:9, 16 and Deuteronomy 6:8, 11:18


a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny

Messianic secret

a term employed in biblical studies to describe the motif in Mark's Gospel according to which Jesus' identity appears to be intentionally shrouded in mystery

deuterocanonical writings

a term used primarily by Roman Catholics with reference to books Protestants call "the Apocrypha"; the books are thus regarded as a "secondary canon," part of scripture, but distinct from both Old and New Testament writings


a type of figurative speech in which the elements or characters that make up a story signify concepts or other entities in the real world

What are the two major division in Acts

a) chapters 1-12, focus on the gospel's spread in and around Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria b) chapters 13-28 focus on early witness to the ends of the earth

What are Prominent features of early Christian life and impact in the wake of Pentecost

a) the centrality of the apostles' teaching b) the developing of fellowship c) a prevailing sense of awe d) sharing of material possessions e) meeting in the temple courts f) heartfelt praise of God g) the favor the apostles enjoyed with outsiders h) the spiritual growth of believers

What assumptions did the Enlightenment critics who interpreted the New Testament hold?

a) the church had misread the Bible b) Jesus was not the divine Son of God c) miracles in the New Testament may not have been real and cannot be the basis for Christian belief d) the Bible should be ridiculed because it is offensive to the modern mind e) the only legitimate way to interpret the Bible is to use the historical-critical method

Exalted Jesus

abides with believers and believers abide in Him, communicates with believers, present at the baptism of believers, answers prayer, will return again, receives believers' devotion, and equal to God and subject to God

After the Enlightenment, the Gospels where not considered to be the story of Jesus but only stories WHAT Jesus.



about 6,000 of them existed during the time of Jesus, the held all of the OT to be the word of God. Believed in angels, demons, resurrection and life after death. Legalistic view of Torah.

Signs Gospel

according to some theories, a now lost book containing numbered miracle stories that may have served as a source for the Gospel of John

Second Temple Judaism

aka Persian Period (537-332 BCE); emphasis on the Torah and synagogues; considered the Jewish "New testament"

The Book of Glory

aka the Gospel of John because Jesus' death is His glorification

The Book of Signs

aka the Gospel of John because of the Seven Signs

how is johns chronology different from mark matthews and Luke's?

all three trips to jerusalem were recorded.

How many times does the word Believe occur in the Gospel John?

almost 100 times


an ancient kingdom of the Hebrew tribes at the southeastern end of the Mediterranean Sea

What is canon

an authoritative list of scripture providing norms for a community


an event narrated in the Synoptic Gospels in which the physical appearance of Jesus is momentarily altered to allow his disciples a glimpse of his heavenly glory (Mark 9:2-8)

Beloved Disciple

an unnamed follower of Jesus whose written testimony is said to be incorporated into the Gospel of John; church tradition has associated this individual with the apostle John, one of Jesus' twelve disciples

The author of hebrews is


Good Samaritan

answered the question who is my neighbor


any non Jew


anyone who is not Jewish

After his arrival in Jerusalem at the end of his third missionary journey, Paul was WHAT?


Paul's treatment of the church places it at the what?

at the heart of his Christology.

The major condition affecting interpretation is the interpreter's position on the WHAT of Scripture?


Theme of 1 Thessalonians

be faithful and steadfast during times of persecution

Theme of 2 Thessalonians

be faithful until the end dont drop out give up or delay


calls on believers to endure in their faith because what they have received in Christ is better than what was provided in the old covenant


calls on believers to live an overcomers in light of Jesus' final victory at the end of the age


calls on believers to live with unity by taking on the humble attitude of Christ

1 Corinthians

calls on the church to turn away from the negative influences of the worldly culture around them

Define Orthodoxy

can form to the rule of faith


capital and largest city of the modern state of Israel

First Peter was intended for many congregations in various regions within the Roman Empire. It is therefore known as

circular letter

Jesus was one of the world's greatest WHAT?


Form critics focused on the WHAT that kept Jesus' memory alive.


"love one another"

community's defense is strong, so the internal ethic is this

Who are the redactors that are central to redaction criticism?

compilers, writers

Define Apostaliity

consistent with the apostles teaching

Theme of Jude

contend for the faith


defends the idea that salvation comes not through works through works of the Law but through faith in Christ

Theophany; Epiphany; Numinous

describes the experience of being in the presence of God


details the blessings that we have received in Christ and how we should walk in light of these blessings

What do we know about the author of the Gospel of Mark? (3)

devout Christian He did not assume that his audience knew much about Judaism in Palestine Church tradition associates him with the John Mark from Acts with being Peter's interpreter


dictates that anything that seems supernatural be ruled out or reinterpreted


disciple of Jesus and leader of the apostles

In Matthew's Gospel the people of little faith are the ______


Parable of the Talents

disciples are called to take risks master praises two who double the talents given them and punishes the servant who hordes his god blesses us with unique talents and expects us to use them in his name so they may grow

According to Enlightenment critics, Paul tuned the gentler or revolutionary Jesus into an idealized WHAT man?


Early Christians believed in the WHAT of Christ and his WHAT with God, a belief that quickly expressed itself as the doctrine of the Trinity.

divinity, oneness

Golden Rule

do unto others as you'd have them do unto you


dominated by priests

the original audience for mark is?

early church outside Palestine


explains godly Christian social relationships through the example of the relationship between a Christian slave owner and runaway Christian slave


explains the gospel of justification by faith and its implication

1 & 2 Thessalonians

express comfort and hope about the future because we are waiting for a Savior who will rescue us from the wrath to come

What principle is fundamental to the Gospel of John?


Main characteristics of the Intertestamental period

farm commerce hebrew language(greek/armanic)

The philosophy of Stoicism stressed WHAT?


what is only miracle recorded in all 4 gospels?

feeding of 5000

a am the good shephard

feeding the 5000


figurative stories or sayings that convey spiritual truth through reference to mundane and earthly phenomena

Theme of 2 Timothy

finishing well


fled the city for the desert; credited for probably preserving the Dead Sea Scrolls

Those who were most concerned about how the material of the Gospels passed through oral to written stages developed the method known as WHAT criticism?

form criticism


founder of the Jewish race. God made a covenant with him and promised he would be the father of a great nation

canonization of the New Testament

from oral tradition to written word

What is the Important word in Matthew?


John says jesus is the son of ABRAHAM

geneaology of the word David


generally, any statement of divine blessing, but the term is usually applied more specifically to the blessings offered by Jesus in Matthew 5:3-12 and Luke 6:20-23

Parable of the Sheep and Goats

help the "least of these"

The theory and practice of interpretation is called WHAT?


Law of the Gospel

higher law, came into effect once Christ came. No more animal sacrifices. Celestial law.

In Matthew 28, Jesus gives the Great Commission to ______.

his disciples

What are the primary sources for Paul's theology?

his own writings and Acts

The first thing that was questioned about Christ was his WHAT?


What is the Important word in Mark?



in Christian theology, a term used to refer to the suffering and death of Jesus Christ


in Greek philosophy, a word referring to ultimate truth or reason; in John's Gospel, the term is used for the eternal divine entity that becomes the human being Jesus Christ

theme of mark?

jesus is the secret of the kingdom

keener said themes of mark were....?

jesus was SECRET of kingdom Jesus mission was different than the percieved messiah

Where is the upper room discourse?

john 14-17


just as you have never sinned

relationship of the law of OT and sermon on the mount?

kingdom ethics, what it takes to belong to the kingdom

What books were written after them?

matthew and John


means God is with us

matthew says that jesus is the

messiah of Isreal

One of the predominant literary forms in John's Gospel is


When was the Muratorian Canon finalized

mid 3rd century

During the early days of the Christian church, the most striking evidence that God was at work was demonstrated by WHAT?


The aims for interpretation should be personal, doxological, and WHAT?


What activity were Paul's writings a result of?


Part of handling the New Testament properly is understanding WHAT to it?

modern approaches


more cooperative with Rome to keep the peace

How many times does Jew occur in the Gospel of John?

more than 60 times

Define Gnosticism

movement that arises in the context of Christian proclamation that emphasizes the idea of secret knowledge and mystical experiences that removes the spirit from the body and thereby attain spiritual exhaltation

The criterion of WHAT requires that the sayings of Jesus be found in more than one place in the Gospels?

multiple source attestation


name given to founding fathers of the Hebrew people, particularly Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph

Hebrews, Israelites, Jews

names for the same culture of people at different times in their history

themes of Jesus' ministry

nomadic, rural, and Jewish; preaches God's kingdom (present and future), teaches about himself, parables and prophetic acts, healings, and conflict with religious leaders

There was also great influence from WHAT, which was much more religion-like than its modern counterpart.


In contrast to widespread WHAT belief, Paul insisted that God is one.


IT period: sadduces

power base is the temple system

Jesus knew that doing what is right did not always bring WHAT, and he predicted WHAT for his followers?

praise, persecution

In addition to the various methods to be used in interpretation, it is important to recognize the need for WHAT?


WHAT is the newer theory that focuses on what happens to the reader as he for she reads?


Scholars like Augustine, Calvin, Luther Bengel, and Wesley struggled to interpret the Bible in a WHAT and intellectually WHAT fashion.

reasoned, responsible

historical criticism

refers to the way in which a historian might use the New Testament to learn about history

WHAT must people first do in order to enter the kingdom of God?



reports signs that Jesus did in order to encourage people to believe in him and find true life in his name

Theme of Philemon

slave freed for nothing

A result of the generous yet stern gospel at the church's beginning was WHAT among converts.

social cohesion or growth


son of Abraham. Father of Jacob

Mark defines jesus as the..

son of God

Theme of 1 Timothy

sound doctrine

IT period: the synagogue

started in babylonian exile

What is structuralism

structuralism, which is part of literary criticism. It maintains that there is a structure within our minds that determines the direction of our thoughts, and that it is necessary to understand that deep structure in order to understand a story

Theme of 1 Peter

suffering on the journey

"Seen Together" defines what concept


Jesus came not as a researcher or writer but as a WHAT and a WHAT?

teacher, preacher

1 Peter

teaches that as foreign residents in the world believers must be prepared to suffer for the sake of Christ


teaches that genuine faith results in practical works of righteousness

Acts furnishes trustworthy WHAT and not just reliable WHAT information.

teaching, historical

2 Peter & Jude

tell believers to contend for the faith by standing against the ideas and behaviors of false teachers


tells the story of Jesus in a way that demonstrates that he is the Savior for everyone in the world


tells the story of Jesus in a way that demonstrates that he is the king of Israel


tells the story of Jesus in a way that demonstrates that he is the perfect example of living a living a life of sacrificial service

What methods does historical criticism use

textual criticism, source criticism, form criticism, redaction criticism, literary criticism, canonical criticism, sociological criticism, and structuralism


the Apostle who would not believe the resurrection of Jesus until he saw Jesus with his own eyes


the Christian doctrine that God became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ

While in Rome, Paul wrote letters to Philemon and to who else?

the Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians

Synoptic Gospels

the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, so-called because their overlapping content allows them to viewed as books that offer parallel accounts


the Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red sea on a journey known as the Exodus; received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai

matthew has a main distinction of saying jesus is..

the Messiah

Pontius Pilate

the Roman governor who condemned Jesus for treason


the dispersion of Jews outside of Israel and the strives made to continue following Judaism outside the land

John says that jesus is

the eternal Word of God, the son of the father, word made flesh


the event in which Jesus Christ left the physical earth and was raised into heaven, as reported in Luke 24:50-51 and Acts 1:9


the first five books on the Torah; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy


the first of the great Biblical patriarchs, father of Isaac, and traditional founder of the ancient Hebrew nation: considered by Muslims an ancestor of the Arab peoples through his son Ishmael.

What was the focus of the form critics?

the focus of the form critics was on the comment that kept the memory of Jesus alive

What is the relationship of persecution and proclamation in Acts?

the gospel is proclaimed, the proclaimers are persectued, and still the gospel is proclaimed.

Great Commission

the instruction of the resurrected Jesus Christ to his disciples that they spread his teachings to all the nations of the world. It has become a tenet in Christian theology emphasizing ministry, missionary work, evangelism, and baptism.

Law of Moses

the laws (beginning with the Ten Commandments) that God gave to the Israelites through Moses

Bar Kochba

the leader of the 2nd jewish revolt against rome, many considered him the messiah

to what does the german phrase Sitz im Leben refer

the life setting of a particular story or writing


the mother of Jesus

What does John call himself?

the one that Jesus loved

Why were the Samaritans so despised by the Jews?

they were outsiders who polluted the Jewish faith who mixed the Israel faith which is shown in 2 Kings 17:24-41

John also portrays Jesus as what?

this man is the creator of the universe

How many phases does the quest for the historical Jesus have?

three: The Old Quest, the New Quest, and the Third Quest

How are we familiar with Paul?

through his own writings and the Book of Acts

themes of Mark

urgency, Messianic secret, ambiguity, human portrait of Jesus, cross and crucifixion, present kingdom, and future kingdom

I am the gate of the sheep

walking on water

2 John

warns believers not to offer hospitality to false teachers or to welcome them into their house church


was a small village, probably located between Jerusalem and Bethany and close to or on the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of his disciples there to fetch to colt for his ride into the city


was born in Jerusalem at a time when his Jewish homeland was occupied by Roman forces; eyewitness to the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple

i am the true vine

water to wine

Sadducees can generally be described as

wealthy, politically well-connected men

whats the turning point in the Synoptic gospels of jesus?

when jesus predicts his death, mark 8:27-9:8

themes of Luke

women, ministry to the excluded and disadvantaged, Samaritans, Jerusalem as a focal point, worship and prayer, food, riches and poverty, work of the Holy Spirit, disciples of Jesus are examples for imitation, salvation, and muted eschatology

Paul was the primary founder of many assembles of WHAT and missions.


Define Scripture

writings a community holds to be authoritative for faith and practice

historical background of Mark

written 65-73 CE for Roman Christians whom were in need of comfort and encouragement; the anonymous author is a devout Christian who cites Hebrew scriptures as word of God and is less knowledgeable about Palestine

historical background of Luke

written 80s-ish CE for general gentiles by an anonymous Gospel with knowledge of classical literature, styles of writing, and Hebrew scripture

John: who when and where?

written by john in ephesus, AD 80-100

historical background of Matthew

written mid-80s CE for an urban Jewish Christian community more prosperous than Jesus' disciple; the anonymous author is a devout, educated Christian who knew Jewish scriptures inside and out

John 1:12

yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God

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