Nicholas and Alexandra Questions

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What does Nicholas' prime minister, Count Witte, tell Nicholas the Russia people want and what does Count Witte say will happen if Nicholas does not listen to his people?

Count Witte tells Nicholas that the Russian people want a constitution and the right to vote. They also want a Duma. If Nicholas does not listen to his people, there will be strikes and riots.

What is Count Witte's prediction if Russia goes to war?

Count Witte's predicition is that if Russia goes to war, they will be slaughtered like flies--they are NOT industrialized!

What do Lenin and Trotsky want to happen in Russia?

Lenin and Trotsky want a socialist government. They want to overthrow the Czar and also want Russia to withdraw from the War. "Bread, peace, and land"

Why does Nicholas also abdicate for the Czaravich Alexii?

Nicholas abdicates for Czaravich Alexii because he wants his so to stay alive.

Why does Nicholas leave for the front lines, who does he put in charge, and what happens in St. Petersburg while Nicholas is away?

Nicholas leaves for the front lines because there is no ammunition. While he is away, he puts Alexandra in charge and St. Petersberg is in turmoil--the Russian people do not trust Alexandra and believe that she is a German spy.

What does Nicholas' mother mean when she said, "We are an 18th century country in a 20th century world?

Nicholas' mother means that Russia is not ready for war. They are not strong enough/not well equipped enough to be in the war. Russia has not even industrialized -- they do not even have railroad transportation through the country.

How do the Czar and his government deal with student protesters?

The Czar and his government deal with student protesters by fighting them.

Does the Czar ever see the error of his ways? Why or why not?

The Czar realizes the error of his ways because of Alexii. He realized that he did not make good decisions or listen to others.

Why is the birth of Alexii in 1905 so significant?

The birth of Alexii in 1905 is significant because he is the first son of Nicholas and Alexandra.

Why does the Czar and his government react to the assassination in the way that they do?

The czar and his government react to the assassination of Stolypin by infiltrating people homes and the factory's. They hurt the people because they are angry.

What ultimately happens to the Czar and his family, and why?

Ultimately, the Czar and his family are shot and killed --- assassinated.

How is the Czar Nicholas treated after he abdicates and returns to the palace?

Upon returning to the place after abdication, Czar Nicholas is treated well in the country house, however that shifts and no one respects him.

How does Alexii's hemophilia first appear?

Alexii's hemophilia first appears because Alexandra is a carrier.

Why do people march on the Winter Palace and what kind of reception did they receive?

People march on the Winter Palace because they want to see their czar, they come in peace. The reception is that they are killed on the spot.

How does Rasputin die?

Rasputin dies via being poisoned, shot with 4 poisoned gun shots, and whipped with chains multiple times and lastly drowns in the St. Petersburg River.

Why does Rasputin have such a hold over the royal family, and what does Prime Minister Stolypin want the Czar to do with Rasputin?

Rasputin has such a hold over the royal family, because the czarina Alexandra believes that he is the voice of god and can help Alexii. The prime minister Stolypin wants the czar to get Rasputin out of Petersberg.

Who is Rasputin and what is he known for doing?

Rasputin is a man from Siberia. He is religious, a pilgrim, and spent two years in a monastery. He is a holy man known for being crazy and healing people.

What does Rasputin predict will happen if he is assassinated by members of the royal family?

Rasputin predicts that if he is assassinated by the members of the royal family, chaos will occur.

Why is Russia at war with Japan in 1905?

Russia is at war with Japan in 1905 because Russia wants a warm water port in Korea.

How do the living conditions of most Russians conflict with the living conditions of the Czar, his family, and his ministers?

The living conditions of most Russians are horrible. They live and die where they work.

After the Czar abdicates, a provisional government takes over. Why isn't it popular? What happens to it?

The provisional government is not popular because the people do not want Russia to go to war, they want peace.

What does the treatment of Nicholas and Alexandra as they enter and leave the palace for the party show about the concept of divine right?

The treatment of Nicholas and Alexandra illustrates that the concept of divine right is viewed as highly important.

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