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Children who act on impulse and act aggressively have _____ tendencies.


T/F Child maltreatment is caused only by parents' personality problems.


T/F Child maltreatment is caused only by parents' personality problems.


T/F The key to helping children raise their self-esteem is to continually tell them that they are special and wonderful.


Crystal and her husband are divorcing, and Crystal is worried about the impact of the divorce on her 10- and 13-year-old children. According to the text, which of the following would be good advice?

Give the children some input into custody decisions.

Who is LEAST likely to be prosocial in elementary school?

a person who gets overwhelmed by anxiety

In lecturing on child maltreatment, Professor Caring should make which statement?

abused children tend to be rejected by their peers

If a family is moving to a dangerous area of the world, the text suggests that it might be BEST to

adopt a more rigid, rule-oriented parenting style.

According to Susan Harter, which child is MOST vulnerable to low self-esteem?

an 8-year-old, whose passion is sports, but isn't good enough to make the team

An information-processing researcher would state that learning

and memory go through stages.

Mick and Katsumi require their children to do homework right after school. If a child asks, "Can you make an exception today, as I have a party?" they always say "No." According to Baumrind's parenting-styles framework, Mick and Katsumi have a(n) _____ parenting style.


Cedro and Margaret have clear rules and expectations. When a child breaks a rule, they listen to their son's or daughter's side of the story before deciding on a consequence. According to Baumrind's parenting-style framework, Cedro and Margaret have a(n) _____ parenting style.


Self-esteem tends to decline during elementary school because children

can realistically compare their abilities to their peers.

The term for any act that endangers children's emotional or physical well-being is _____.

child maltreatment

Which of the following is NOT an ability that involves executive functions?

freely expressing a child's emotions

Which part of the brain is responsible for thinking through and inhibiting actions?

frontal lobes

Which of the following may cause the development of ADHD?

genetic predispositions

Which of the following has NO relationship to academic success?

gross motor skills

Danny's mother has just decided to divorce her husband. Based on the research, how is this woman MOST apt to feel?


Elementary schools that are exceeding expectations based on the socioeconomic status of their pupils tend to do which of the following?

have teachers who expect children to succeed

Jeremy was administered the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) and received a score of 65. According to this test, he should be classified as

having an intellectual disability.

Researchers typically find the highest child maltreatment rates

if they ask adults to report on their own childhoods.

When her brother gets up and starts to leave the room, Shara can't follow the instructions to sit still and listen to her mother. Shara is having trouble with

inhibition and selective attention.

According to Erikson, a preschooler's challenge is to try new things; in elementary school, a child's challenge is to _____.

work hard to succeed

Research suggests teachers are reluctant to report their suspicions to authorities when they think a student is being abused. Which is a reason why?

worrying that if they make a mistake, they might ruin a family's life

In lecturing on child maltreatment, Professor Caring should make which statement?

"Abused children tend to be rejected by their peers."

Based on the text, what is the BEST advice to give a father who is considering leaving his spouse?

"Consider staying together, but only if you can keep from fighting a lot."

Which statement does NOT support Judith Harris's peer-power principle?

"Genetics governs whether children succeed or fail."

When Susan Harter asks, "What are you like as a person?" only a 10-year-old might answer

"I am one of the best readers in my class, but I sometimes have trouble with long division."

Professor Adachi is giving a lecture on the qualities that promote resilience. Which statement is she LEAST likely to make?

"It helps to have brothers and sisters."

A teacher says that he's horrified that his fourth-graders are always making comparisons among one another. A developmentalist should answer

"When children reach concrete operations, that's normal."

If Celinez gets an "A" on her science test, which is the MOST helpful response?

"You have been trying so hard, so I'm thrilled!"

In order, which are examples of studying by using (1) rehearsal, (2) selective attention, and (3) inhibition?

(1) repeating the chapter definitions; (2) focusing only on material that needs to be known; (3) deciding to keep studying even though there is a party to go to

At roughly which age do the frontal lobes begin their pruning phase?

9 years

Children who are incredibly anxious, timid, and frightened

: have internalizing tendencies

Erikson labeled the developmental task of middle childhood "industry versus inferiority" because at this age children first

: need to work to be successful

Developmentalists agree that child maltreatment is caused by

A combination of factors

Which U.S. child is most likely to live in poverty?

Andrew, who is being raised by a single mother

The ratio of a person's height to weight is called that individual's


Who coined the term moral disengagement?


Which child is MOST likely to recover quickly from divorce?

Casey, whose mother and father are able to stay civil with each other

Which parent is LEAST likely to spank her child?

Clarissa, who felt that during her childhood, spanking got excessive and out of hand

Which is NOT a take-home message from the text's parenting-styles discussion?

Difficult children are destined to experience little success in their lives.

To determine if a parent is at high risk of abusing a child, a health-care worker should ask which question?

Does this parent have a hostile attributional bias?

Edite was abused as a child. According to the text, which will NOT be a direct effect on Edite from that abuse?

Edite will decide to have many daughters and sons.

Jeremy was administered the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) and received a score of 65. According to this test, he should be classified as

Having an intellectual disability

Sara's son has just been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A developmentalist can predict which of the following of Sara's son?

He has trouble getting ready for school.

Which is the BEST example of inhibition?

Ida stops herself from checking social media sites during class.

Researchers typically find the highest child maltreatment rates

If they ask adults to report on their own childhood

Which is the BEST example of selective attention?

Kanesha highlights material she needs to know for a test and studies that information.

It is illegal today to use corporal punishment in

Many developed nations

Psychologist Judith Harris argues that human behavior primarily is shaped by

Peer groups

Which child raised under difficult conditions is most likely to have a successful adult life?

Petronella's parents are alcoholics, but Petronella is a mellow, optimistic child who spends her days with a loving grandmother.

According to Baumrind's parenting-styles framework, which is the authoritative parent?

Petula insists on bedtime at 10, but she relaxes the rules for special occasions and offers lots of love.

Which person is showing prosocial behavior?

Quentin, who goes out of his way to be nice to the new boy in class

Which of the following is a "take-home message" regarding the text's discussion on resilience?

Resilience depends on having at least one loving attachment figure.

Developmentalists agree that child maltreatment is caused by

a combination of factors.

Which is the BEST example of information that is currently in working memory?

Seki keeps the number of her classroom in her mind as she walks to class.


Single-mother-headed families are far more likely to live in poverty than two-parent families. : True

T/F According to Judith Harris, peers are the main force determining how children turn out as adults.


Which ex-spouses are engaged in parental alienation?

The Joneses constantly badmouth each other in front of their children.

According to the text, which statement best reflects the "child's contribution to the risk of being abused"?

The child's temperament can influence the risk of being abused.

Which parenting inconsistency is the WORST for children's well-being?

The parents' household rules unpredictably change.

Claire and Mario are expecting their first child. They enjoy hiking and riding bikes together. What can you predict about their unborn child?

Their child will more than likely have better motor skills compared to children whose parents are not physically active.

T/F Friendships help teach children how to relate as adults.


T/F According to Judith Harris, peers are the main force determining how children turn out as adults.


T/F Proactive aggression refers to aggressive acts used in the service of "getting something."


T/F Single-mother-headed families are far more likely to live in poverty than two-parent families.


Magda admits, "I'm less loving with my son than with my daughter. I realize that a lot of what is called good parenting depends on the child." Magda would agree with _____ perspective on parenting.

a behavioral geneticist's

Infants who _____ are at high risk for child abuse.

cry excessively and have medical problems

Infants who _____ are at high risk for child abuse.

cry exessively and have medical problems

Which statement currently describes childhood obesity rates in the United States?

declining at young ages, but still unacceptably high

Alicia is being raised in a blended family. This means that Alicia's parents

divorced and remarried, so Alicia has step-siblings.

Paula's IQ is 114, yet, in the seventh grade, Paula reads at a third-grade level. Paula is MOST likely


Paula's IQ is 114, yet, in the seventh grade, Paula reads at a third-grade level. Paula is MOST likely


Tara feels incredibly frightened when she sees a highway crash; Tara is exhibiting _____. Halina feels terrible for the people who were hurt, and rushes to help; Halina is exhibiting _____.

empathy; sympathy

Studying only in order to raise your grade point average is an example of

extrinsic motivation.

True or false-Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has clear-cut causes and a single best treatment.


Regular spanking is MOST apt to be dangerous for a child who is

fearless and has trouble controlling her impulses.

Jason, a 3-year-old, is continually testing his abilities in the wider world. Ng, a second grader, is learning that he has to work for what he wants. According to Erik Erikson, Jason is in the _____ stage, and Ng is in the _____ stage

initiative versus guilt; industry versus inferiority

Although Tim just turned 7, he tends to hide behind his mother every time he is in a social situation. His intense anxiety is sparked whenever others are around him. Tim MOST likely suffers from _____ tendencies.


Bolek believes that he is a failure at everything he does. He is timid, anxious, and has given up trying, even when he could succeed. Bolek MOST likely is suffering from which of the following?

internalizing issues

Raquel seems to have a natural ability to understand other people. Howard Gardner would label Raquel as high in _____ intelligence.


Victor enjoys playing the guitar and practices for hours at a time. He says that practicing is a very pleasurable activity for him, and he does not do it for any tangible reward. Regarding his guitar playing, Victor is

intrinsically motivated.

An 8-year-old is making negative comments such as, "I'm not that smart or pretty." Based on Harter's research, the child

is acting normally.

If a parent has been abusing her preschool son, research suggests that over time the situation

is apt to get worse.

A child who believes that he will fail no matter how hard he tries has developed

learned helplessness.

Today, being raised in a traditional two-parent family is _____ in the United States.

less common than before

Contemporary parents should offer children lots of _____.


Rationalizing moral or ethical lapses by invoking justifications is called

moral disengagement.

Young children can run and jump well before they can follow the rules of games because the

motor cortex develops before the frontal lobes.

Psychologist Judith Harris argues that human behavior primarily is shaped by

peer groups.

Which of the following is a treatment for ADHD?

psycho-stimulant medications

Dante wants a cupcake, so he shoves Tom aside. Tom reacts by bopping Dante over the head. Tom is showing _____ aggression.


Four-year-old Rachel has parents who provide no rules and are not very affectionate. According to Diana Baumrind, Rachel's parents have a(n) _____ parenting style.


Eleven-year-old Sarah loves to tattle on her older sister. Last week, Sarah told her sister's boyfriend that her sister had kissed another boy. Sarah is demonstrating _____ aggression.


The most popular discipline technique in the United States is _____.

removal of privileges

Talia grew up in an impoverished home and was abused as a child. Yet now, she has a loving, successful marriage, and a middle-class life. The developmental science label for Talia is _____.


Jinjing can observe her own actions and abilities from an outside frame of reference and is still able to reflect on her own inner feelings. Jinjing is showing _____ and is probably in the _____ stage.

self-awareness; concrete operational

Who tends to be bullied MOST often?

socially anxious children who do not fight back

_____ is an example of corporal punishment.


According to Judith Harris's theory, to predict how children will act as adults, people should look to

the norms of their peer group.

What should be the PRIMARY criterion in awarding custody after divorce?

the quality of a particular spouse's parenting

Mary's son, Adam, is 2 years old. If Mary falls down and hurts herself, Adam MOST likely will then _____ her.

try to comfort

Dr. McKinna is lecturing about U.S. spanking practices. He should state that corporal punishment is

used more often by certain U.S. groups.

Child abuse rates

vary dramatically, depending on who is being surveyed.

Which of the following is TRUE of working memory?

where cognitive action takes place

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