NR 232 module 4.06

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What patient benefit has telehealth provided for rural hospitals that has allowed those hospitals to enhance their ability to provide trauma care? (Select all that apply.) A decrease in the length of stay at the initial hospital A decrease in transfer time to trauma centers A decrease in the cost of care A decrease in psychiatric complications of the trauma A decrease in long-term physical complications of the trauma

A decrease in the length of stay at the initial hospital, A decrease in transfer time to trauma centers, A decrease in the cost of care

What is the greatest benefit of telehomecare for the chronically ill patient? Allows for ongoing monitoring Provides for a nurse-patient relationship Decreases anxiety regarding re-occurring illness Provides a means of effective patient education

Allows for ongoing monitoring

What is the fundamental benefit of telehomecare for the patient? (Select all that apply.) Care is provided in the patient's home Quality of life is improved Avoidance of time-consuming office appointments Decreased costly office visits Increased patient level of computer literacy

Care is provided in the patient's home Quality of life is improved Avoidance of time-consuming office appointments Decreased costly office visits

Research supports which benefits of using remote monitoring for chronically ill patients? Select all that apply. Reduced emergency room visits Reduced costs Reduced hospital readmission rates Higher patient satisfaction Improved health literacy

Reduced emergency room visits Reduced costs Reduced hospital readmission rates

In which of the following areas has telehealth made one of the greatest impacts? Colleges and universities City centers Rural communities Canada

Rural communities

What has been the focus of telehealth regarding the delivery of psychiatric care? Service to areas where access has been historically difficult Education regarding the identification and prevention of domestic violence Depression and anxiety assessment of victims of natural disasters Service to military personnel and their families

Service to areas where access has been historically difficult

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