NU230 therapeutics - chapter 21 med admin

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The nurse is caring for a client with a yeast infection. Which medication does the nurse anticipate will be prescribed?


After administering medication to a client subcutaneously, the nurse removes the needle at the same angle at which it was inserted. Which explains the nurse's action?

minimizes tissue trauma to the client

Oxymetazoline is a

nasal decongestant used to alleviate congestion;

Nurse A is having difficulty logging into the automated medication-dispensing system, and asks Nurse B to log in momentarily so that Nurse A is not delayed in administering client medications. What is Nurse B's appropriate response?

"I will get the hospital's information system's phone number for you."

A nurse is converting the dosage of a medication to a different unit in the metric system. The medication label specifies the drug as being 0.5 g per tablet. The order is for 500 mg. How many tablets will the nurse give?


The health care provider prescribes ciprofloxacin 500 mg PO q12h for a pediatric client with bronchial pneumonia. The nurse has liquid ciprofloxacin 250 mg/10 mL on hand. How many milliliters would the nurse dispense? Record your answer using a whole number.


Which gauge needle is the nurse expected to use to administer dimenhydrinate 50 mg?


A nurse is taking care of a 56-year-old man with end-stage liver disease. The nurse has a prescription to give 20 g of lactulose every 6 hours to treat the client's hepatic encephalopathy. On hand, the nurse has containers of lactulose that have 30 g in 45 ml. How many milliliters is the nurse going to administer every 6 hours to the client?

30 mL

A nurse is applying a vaginal cream to a client with a fungal infection. Which guideline is recommended for this application?

A nurse is applying a vaginal cream to a client with a fungal infection. Which guideline is recommended for this application?

A nurse is caring for a client in the nursing unit when the physician, during the rounds, prescribes a medication for the client. What appropriate action should the nurse take to ensure the accuracy of the verbal medication order?

Ask the physician to write out the order.

The nurse is preparing to give medications to a client with anxiety. The order indicates that the client is to have bupropion, 7.5 mg by mouth twice daily. What is the appropriate nursing action?

Contact the health care provider for order clarification.

A nurse is preparing an injection by withdrawing the solution from a multidose vial. What is necessary to facilitate withdrawing a medication from the vial?

First, inject an equal amount of air into the vial.

The nurse is preparing to administer a medication via a nasogastric tube. Which guideline is appropriate for the nurse to follow when administering a drug via this route?

Flush the tube with water between each drug administered.

Which situation accurately describes a recommended guideline when administering oral medications to clients?

If a child refuses to take medication, crush the medication, if allowable, and add to a small amount of food.

In preparing to administer a drug to a client, the nurse has pierced a multi-use vial of medication. What is the appropriate nursing action?

Place the date on the vial and retain for future use.

The nurse is assessing a client who was seen 7 days ago with strep throat. The client states, "I felt better after 2 days of the antibiotic the provider prescribed, so I quit taking it." What would the nurse do to address this situation?

Provide education on taking all antibiotics for effective treatment

While administering a medication via a syringe, a client sharply moves and the nurse accidentally encounters a needlestick. What is the priority nursing action?

Report the needlestick to the nurse manager.

A client is ordered to receive an intramuscular injection of medication. When preparing to administer the injection, the nurse selects the ventrogluteal site based on which reason?

The area is free of major blood vessels and fat.

ventrogluteal muscles

The nurse should apply the medication directly to the skin.

What is the term used for the concentration of drug in the blood serum that produces the desired effect without causing toxicity?

Therapeutic range

The "rights" of medication administration help to ensure accuracy when administering medications. What are some of these rights? Select all that apply.

medication client dosage route

Which client receives a drug that requires a parenteral route?

a woman who has been ordered intravenous antibiotics

A nurse needs to administer a subcutaneous heparin injection to a client. Which injection site is most suitable for heparin?


timolol is a

eye drop used to treat glaucoma.

A nurse is using an 18-gauge needle to administer medication to a client. The nurse knows that, when compared with a 27-gauge needle, an 18-gauge needle has which feature?

larger diameter

bisacodyl is a

rectal suppository used for softening stool

The 22-gauge needle

this size is long enough to reach the client's muscle

A nurse is bunching the tissue of a client when administering a subcutaneous injection to that client. What is the reason for bunching when injecting subcutaneously?

to avoid instilling medication within the muscle

A nurse is conducting an interview for a health history. In addition to asking the client about medications being taken, what else should be asked to assess the risk for drug interactions?

use of herbal supplements

Which anatomic site is recommended for intramuscular injections for adults?

ventrogluteal muscles

The nurse has received a telephone order for a client from a health care provider. How will the nurse indicate in the documentation that the order was received via telephone?

Record "T.O." at the end of the order.

Gauges 27, 26, and 25 are

not long enough to reach the muscle and therefore are used to administer injectables, such as insulin.

An acute care facility follows the unit dose supply method to supply medication to the clients. What is meant by the unit dose supply method?

self-contained packets that hold one tablet or capsule for individual clients

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