nu271 week 8 antibiotics

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Which of the following are broad spectrum antibiotics?

Cephalosporins are broad spectrum antibiotics. Broad spectrum antibiotics effectively treat gram-positive as well as gram-negative bacteria.

what STI you have to report to the healthcare public?

Chlamydia (Chlamydia trachomatis) Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) Syphilis (Treponema pallidum)

what are the symptoms of syphilis?

Infection is asymptomatic for 2 - 3 weeks. A painless chancre appears at the site of infection and disappears in a few weeks.

Rotavirus ...causing severe diarrhea is admitted for treatment. Which action should the nurse take first?

Insert an IV line and begin IV fluids

what are normal liver disease signs?

Itching "pruritus" Elevated bilirubin ● Jaundice ● Dark colored urine ● Clay color stools "Pale stools" Elevated PT & aPTT ● Bruising Low Albumin ● Edema

What complications may occur in the fetus if the mother is diagnosed with gonorrhea in the first trimester? Select all that apply. 1. Pneumonia 2. Blindness 3. Sepsis 4. Conjunctivitis 5. Low birth weight

Pneumonia 2. Blindness 3. Sepsis 5. Low birth weight

what is the treatment for HPV? papiloma

TX=0.5% podophyllotoxin solution gel applied topicall to the lesion twice a day for 3 days imiquimoid 5% cream prevention: vaccine at age 10-12 3 doses

the client is 7 weeks pregnant and was told that she would be tested for syphilis during pregnancy. When is the best time to test a pregnant client for syphilis?

The client should be tested on the first prenatal visit, once during the third trimester, and at the time of delivery (if high risk).

when the HCP needs to be notified with side effects antibiotics? Gentamycin

The healthcare provider must be notified for an increased BUN and creatinine, or vertigo, ataxia, and tinnitus of the ears-these are signs of nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. The elderly, clients with renal dysfunctions, and clients taking high doses of gentamicin should be monitored closely.

Type I herpes simplex virus... Which instruction about the treatment does the nurse expect the health care provider to give?

The infection will clear up by itself in 10 to 14 days

what is the latent phase of syphilis?

The latent phase can cause deafness, blindness, paralysis, headache, dementia, and sensory deficits.

what are the causes of excess fluid?

Malnutrition Burns Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) Excess fluid intake either orally or intravenous Excess sodium intake Kidney failure Heart failure Liver failure

Which of the following is the first drug choice to treat clostridium difficile infection? Metronidazole Azithromycin Erythromycin Penicillin


what is the treatment for trichomoniasis?



yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes caused by an accumulation of bile pigment (bilirubin) in the blood M: dark urine, light stools, T=

fluoroquinolones are contraindicated with tendonitis?


Which diagnostic test is beneficial in the diagnosis of pneumonia? Select all that apply.

white blood cell, sputum culture, chest x-ray

what are the fluoroquinolones drugs?

levofloxacin ciprofloxacin germifloxacin ofloxacin

what is a clinical manifestation for trichomoniasis?

strawberry cervix A sexually transmitted infection caused by a parasite.

Which statement regarding type 2 herpes simplex, ... indicates a need for further education?

"With medication, I will be able to cure my herpes virus infection."

what are the types of pneumonia?

- community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) - Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) - ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP) -Aspiration pneumonia

what is the education for hepatitis?

. 1. Small frequent meals to prevent nausea. ● Low Protein (all liver disease) ● Low fat foods (until nausea subsides) 2. Frequent rest periods 3. Protected sex! 4. AVOID drinking alcohol / Acetaminophen (tylenol) 5. AVOID sharing shaving razors, toothbrushes

A client is admitted with hepatitis and complains of constant itching. What interventions would the nurse recommend? SATA

1. Apply a moisturizer 2. Avoid the sun 3. Apply a cold compress

what are the three stages of hepatitis?

1. Prodromal (pre-icteric) Stage: After 2 weeks of exposure. Client is very contagious. General nonspecific manifestations: Malaise, fatigue, muscle aches, N/V, anorexia Jaundice, light "clay-colored" stool, dark urine 2. Icteric Stage: Recovery stage, last up to 6 weeks. Jaundice, light "clay-colored" stool, dark urine 3. Recovery stage= when jaundice resolves, 6-8 weeks after exposure.

what is prevention of hPv?

1. Vaccination: Age 9 - 26 2. Annual Pap test (papanicolaou test) Spread: • Skin to skin contact (Oral sex & others) • Condoms do NOT protect 100% • Transmits even when asymptomatic (no symptoms)

How many days after exposure to genital herpes would an outbreak generally occur?

14 days

what is the hepatitis memory trick?

A - Anus to mouth BC - Blood Cultures & Sex E - E. Coli water (contaminated water)

What is the route of transmission of hepatitis A-E?

A Acute only=Fecal- oral (contaminated food) vaccine B Both=Blood &body supplies, Id drugs vaccine C both=blood &body fluids "most common IV drugs usser" no vaccine treated with interferon and antivirals D both=co-infection with hepB, no vaccine treated with interferon and antivirals E acute only= fecal -oral (contaminated water),

An 18-year-old female client presents to the clinic and reports she has had unprotected sex with a male who was just diagnosed with syphilis. The nurse completed a head to toe assessment. Which of these findings was noted on the client's body? Select all that apply.

A painless ulcer is also called a chancre. display a generalized light rash on the body

If a pregnant client has gonorrhea and is left untreated, which of these complications of gonorrhea may be seen? Select all that apply.

A symptom of untreated gonorrhea is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can further be complicated by infertility and ectopic pregnancy. A pregnant woman should be tested during the initial prenatal visit and the third trimester of pregnancy for all sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

What is metronidazole used for?

AKA Flagyl; antibiotic for colitis and diarrhea nitroimidazole antimicrobial and works to stop bacterial growth. drug of choice to treat clostridium difficile (c-diff). I

What is Chlamydia trachomatis?

An eye disease that can cause blindness. transmitted from maternal at birth to a neonate, causing neonatal pneumonia or conjunctivitis.

what antibiotics use for chlamydia?

Antibiotics: Azithromycin & doxycycline • "NO sex for 7 days after starting." • Sex partner should get treatment too • Still spread the infection = Asymptomatic Infertility & PID: Untreated chlamydia & gonorrhea infections Screening: • Yearly (annually) • Sex partner checked too

ncelx tip for syphilis

Assess: which type of allergic reaction Intervention: penicillin desensitizatio

what is the sign of symptoms rotavirus?

Diarrhea & Vomiting Dehydration: Decreased urinary output. Dry Mucous membranes Orthostatic hypotension

what are nursing interventions for excess fluid volume?

Enforce fluid restrictions and educate on the ... Record accurate intake and output. ... Record daily weights. Educate the patient and family on signs of fluid gain. ... Administer diuretics. ... Review dietary restrictions. ... Consult with a dietician. ... Provide mouth care.

what is the typical pneumonia bacteria in children?

Escherichia coli

what are the bacteria most common cause UTI?

Escherichia coli women greater at risk

A client comes to the health department with suspected gonorrhea. What clinical method of monitoring for gonorrhea is recommended?

Gonorrhea infections are diagnosed with a vaginal culture.

A 25-year-old pregnant G1P1 woman comes to the emergency department complaining of creamy discharge from her vagina, urinary frequency, and lower abdominal pain. Which of these diagnoses are suspected?

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that initially is asymptomatic, however, when symptoms arise, creamy vaginal discharge, urinary frequency, and lower abdominal pain are assessed.

what is the most common hepatitis?


what are sign and symptoms of hepatitis?

Headache • Fever • Fatigue (malaise) • N/V Elevated Liver Enzymes ● ALT & AST ● Bilirubin

what is the antibiotic for gonorrhea?

IM injection of ceftriaxone or oral dose azithromycin all partners treated.

A diabetic client goes to the urologist clinic with signs of a urinary tract infection. The urologist prescribes a sulfonamide. The client's only allergy was glyburide causing a rash. Which of the following should the nurse implement?

If the client is allergic to glyburide causing a rash, there is a high probability that the client will be allergic to sulfonamides. The nurse should notify the urologist to prescribe another antibiotic for the client's UTI.

what is pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infection of the alveoli causing inflammation and consolidation of fluid within the affected area of the lung(s). Patients with pneumonia are at risk for respiratory acidosis due to the buildup of CO2 which could lead to respiratory failure.

what is the pathophysiology of HIV?

Refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver, commonly caused by a viral infection. Non-viral causes are: • Alcohol • Autoimmune dissease where the body attacks itself There are 5 types, but the most tested are the B & C

what is the rotavirus pathos?

Rotaviruses are the most common cause of diarrheal disease among children. Nearly every child in the world is infected with a rotavirus by the age of five. The primary mode of transmission is the fecal-oral route, by scratching the anus & putting fingers in the mouth.

what is the difference between sit and std?

STI=sex, bacteria, virus, fungi, paprasites, most cured STD= not cured

What is syphilis caused by?

Treponema pallidum Bacterial infection commonly spread by sexual contact & during pregnancy can cross the placenta which can harm or kill the bab

what are the SUPER Toxic antibiotics affecting (Kidney + Ears)?

Vancomycin Gentamicin -aminoglycosides Neomyci--aminoglycosides

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

a virus that can cause genital warts or asymptomatic infection TX=0.5% podophyllotoxin solution gel applied topicall to the lesion twice a day for 3 days

While providing care to a client two days after surgery, what clinical manifestation can be an early indicator of the development of pneumonia? chest discomfort loss of appetite decreased energy anxiousness and confusion

anxiousness and confusion Hypoxia results in decreased oxygen and perfusion. The first area to present changes with hypoxia is the brain. This will present as a change in level of consciousness.

what are the macrolides drugs?

azithromycin claritromycin Erythromycin The nurse should monitor the electrocardiogram (ECG) and report any changes to the healthcare provider.


capillary permeability increase, build up fluid. M:Weight gain, decreased appetite, abdominal discomfort, dyspnea. T=diuretics, Na sodium restriction

what is the most common STI?

chlamydia Most clients are asymptomatic or may have minor symptoms

A client suspected of having hepatitis undergoes a liver biopsy for further diagnostics. After the procedure, which of the following positions is the client instructed to lay?

clients are instructed to lay on the right-side putting pressure on the liver to prevent bleeding.

How do you get rid of fluids?

diuretics This can relieve high blood pressure, edema, and shortness of breath

esophageal varices, manifestations and treatments

increased risk for bleeding M: dyspnea, fatigue. T= vasoconstriction, blood transfusion esophageal band ligation vasodilators

What is acute liver failure?

loss of liver function altered mental satus decreased toxic clearance

The nurse is educating a client with acute hepatitis about the proper dietary plan to ensure nutrition. Which of the following diets should the nurse instruct the client to follow? Select all that apply.

low protein, low fat diet avoiding any alcohol consumption

Which of the following are indications for cephalosporins? Select all that apply.

urinary tract infections, pneumonia, strep throat, gonorrhea, and sinus infections. Also indicated for ear infections and meningitis.

what are symptoms of chlamydia?

very painful urination, vaginal, and penile discharge.

What is the Ebola virus?

most lethal in history spread with direct contact body fluids, saliva, urine, feces, sweat, breast milk, vomit.

what are the differences between passive, active and natural immunity?

passive= protection from an infectious agent by administration of antibody. maternal antibody is transferred antibody placenta to fetus. Active=activation of the host owns immune system, induced artificial with vaccines. natural= individual adquires an infectios disease naturally and immune memory cells are formed.

what kills syphilis?


A client is experiencing frequeny, pain and burning upon urination. The nurse has obtained a urinalysis, culture and sensitivity (C & S) What does the nurse suspect the healthcare provider to prescribe for the pain?

phenazopyridine is a urinary tract infection analgesic given for pain relief, burning, increased urination, and a heightened need to urinate during a urinary tract infection (UTI). It works on the urinary tract mucosa.

Which complication can occur in the client that does not respond to the treatment plan for pneumonia? Select all that apply.

pleurisy acute respiratory distress syndrome, and septic shock.

What are the most common complications with liver impairment failure?

portal hypertension-increase venous pressure cirrhosis more than 80% to 90% has to be compromised for symptoms to appear.

what clients are risk for pneumonia?

post-surgery, history of emphysema, ventilator treatment, and older adults with an upper respiratory infection

what are the bacteria that causes typical pneumonia?

streptococcus pneumoniae most common cause of acquired pneumoniae in adults.

what is the dead side of effect of metronidazole?

syndrome as an adverse reaction from the metronidazole. Steven Johnson's Syndrome is a deadly adverse effect and causes necrosis of the skin, beginning as a rash with blisters and peeling, and necrosis of the mucous membranes as well.

the develop of chancre what sti?

syphilis A painless chancre appears at the site of infection and disappears in a few weeks.

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

the main cause of herpes (sores around the mouth or genitals) genital painful, fever, malaise, headache,

Which of the following are used for clients with urinary tract infections?

trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, phenazopyridine, and sulfadiazine.

are fluoroquinolones safe for pregnancy during UTI?

unsafe for pregnant woman

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