NUR 414A Infant Development

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What liquid should a nurse recommend that a parent offer an 8-month-old infant who has diarrhea? 1. Formula 2. Skim milk 3. Ginger ale 4. Orange sports drink


Which stage of Erikson's theory focuses on the needs of an infant? 1. Trust vs mistrust 2. Intimacy vs isolation 3. Autonomy vs sense of shame and doubt 4. Generativity vs self-absorption and stagnation


A nurse teaches a parent about appropriate play for an 8-month-old infant. Which of the parent's suggestions indicate that the teaching has been understood? Select all that apply. 1. Textured book 2. Modeling clay 3. Stuffed animal 4. Play telephone 5. Hanging mobile

1, 3, 5

gross motor development at 2-3 months

-can lift head -tummy time while supervised

gross motor development at 10-12 months

-cruising (walking upright while holding onto furniture)

The nurse is providing discharge teaching to the parents of a 3-day-old infant. The mother expresses concern regarding sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). To reduce the risk of SIDS during sleep, how does the nurse instruct the parents to position the infant? 1. Prone 2. Supine 3. Side-lying 4. Next to an adult in bed for closer monitoring


The nurse at a well-baby clinic is providing nutrition instructions to the mother of a 1-month-old infant. What instruction should the nurse give to the mother? 1.Introduce strained fruits 1 at a time. 2.Breast milk or formula is the main food. 3.Introduce strained vegetables 1 at a time. 4.Offer rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula.


The nurse at a well-baby clinic is assessing the language and communication developmental milestones of a 4-month-old infant. On the basis of the age of the infant, what should the nurse expect to note as the highest-level developmental milestone? 1.Cooing sounds 2.Use of gestures 3.Babbling sounds 4.Increased interest in sounds


The nurse is assessing a newborn after circumcision and notes that the circumcised area is red with a small amount of bloody drainage. Which nursing action is most appropriate? 1.Apply gentle pressure. 2.Reinforce the dressing. 3.Document the findings. 4.Contact the primary health care provider (PHCP).


Which medication should the nurse plan to administer to a newborn by the intramuscular (IM) route? 1.Tetracycline 2.Erythromycin 3.Phytonadione (vitamin K) 4.Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination


What safety factor should the nurse teach parents about using a crib for an infant? 1. Ensure the crib has a drop-side rail 2. Place soft toys and pillows inside the crib 3. Attach toys with hanging strings over the crib 4. Check the slats are less than 6 cm (2.4 in) apart


Which would be the highest expected growth and development occurrence at 12 months of age for an infant who has had appropriate growth assessed at each well-child visit? 1.Imitates sounds 2.Smiles spontaneously 3.Sits steadily unsupported 4.Walks holding on to someone's hand


Which would be the highest expected growth and development occurrences at 9 months of age for an infant who has had appropriate growth assessed at each well-child visit? Select all that apply. 1.Will smile spontaneously 2.Rolls over in both directions 3.Able to sit steadily unsupported 4.Should be able to say "mama" and "dada" 5.Will pull up and stand for several seconds holding on to furniture 6.Will be able to pick up small pieces of food when placed in a high chair

4, 5, 6

The nurse is listing the major developmental characteristics of hearing in infants. Which characteristics appear for the first time at 24 to 32 weeks? Select all that apply. 1. Responding to own name 2. Locating sounds by turning head in a curving arc 3. Locating sound by turning head to side, then looking up or down 4. Locating sound by turning head to side and looking in same direction 5. Localizing sounds by turning head diagonally and directly toward sound

1, 2

The nurse is providing care to a hospitalized infant with poor physical growth who is diagnosed with failure to thrive (FTT) due to inadequate caloric intake. Which nursing actions are appropriate when providing care for this infant? Select all that apply. 1. Consulting with social work 2. Assessing juice consumption 3. Teaching the parents how to prepare formula 4. Monitoring for symptoms of cow's milk allergy 5. Reviewing laboratory data related to thyroid function

1, 2, 3

Which questions regarding gross motor skills should the nurse include when conducting the interview portion of the developmental assessment with the parent of an infant between 10 and 12 months of age? Select all that apply. 1. Does your baby stand independently? 2. Is your baby able to walk with assistance? 3. Does your baby sit from a standing position? 4. Is your baby able to place objects into a container? 5. Does your baby hold a crayon and make marks on paper?

1, 2, 3

The nurse is caring for a 12-month-old infant with a diagnosis of failure to thrive. The infant's weight is below the third percentile, and development is delayed. Which behaviors of the child suggest to the nurse the possibility of parental neglect? Select all that apply. 1. Stiff 2. Withdrawn 3. Easily satisfied 4. Minimal smiling 5. Responsive to touch 6. Little interest in environment

1, 2, 4, 6

What should the nurse teach the parents about preventing sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)? Select all that apply. 1. Refrain from smoking around the infant 2. Refrain from co-sleeping or bed-sharing 3. Position the infant on the side while sleeping 4. Use soft pillows to support the infant while sleeping 5. Refrain from placing stuffed toys on the infant's bed

1, 2, 5

The nursery room nurse is assessing a newborn infant who was born to a mother who abuses alcohol. Which assessment finding should the nurse expect to note? Select all that apply. 1.Tremors 2.Lethargy 3.Irritability 4.Poor feeding 5.Higher-than-normal birth weight 6.A greater-than-normal appetite when feeding

1, 3, 4

The student nurse is learning about the developmental characteristics of vision. Which major developmental characteristics does an infant start exhibiting around age 6 weeks? Select all that apply. 1. Having binocular vision 2. Having doll's eye reflex 3. Having visual acuity 20/40 to 20/60 4. Having peripheral vision to 180 degree 5. Having strabismus if binocular vision is absent

1, 4

rotovirus immunization schedule

1st dose: 2 mo 2nd dose: 4 mo 3rd dose: 6 mo

pneumococcal vaccine (PCV) immunization schedule

1st dose: 2 mo 2nd dose: 4 mo 3rd dose: 6 mo 4th dose: 12-15 mo

haemophilus influenzae type B (HiB) immunization schedule

1st dose: 2 mo 2nd dose: 4 mo 3rd dose: 6 mo 4th dose: 12-18 mo

diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP) immunization schedule

1st dose: 2 mo 2nd dose: 4 mo 3rd dose: 6 mo 4th dose: 15-18 mo 5th dose: 4-6 yr

hepatitis B immunization schedule

1st dose: birth 2nd dose: 1-4 mo 3rd dose: 6-18 mo

A 1-year-old infant is brought to the pediatric clinic for the first time. During the assessment the nurse suspects a developmental delay. What developmental milestone should have been achieved by this age? 1. Saying six words 2. Responding to peek-a-boo 3. Building a tower of two cubes 4. Pointing to things when they are named


A 3-month-old infant hospitalized with severe diarrhea has excoriated skin in the diaper area. The parents become concerned when they discover that the nurse has left the infant without a diaper. What is the nurse's explanation for this action? 1. Exposing the excoriated areas helps reduce the fever 2. Cleansing of the skin followed by air-drying reduces excoriation 3. Air-drying the perineal area prevents the diaper from sticking to the skin 4. Leaving the area exposed allows observation of when the infant passes stool


A nurse is administering intravenous (IV) fluids to a dehydrated infant. What intervention is most important at this time? 1. Calculating the total caloric intake 2. Continuing the prescribed flow rate 3. Making hourly temperature assessments 4. Maintaining the fluid at body temperature


A nurse is teaching a parent how to prevent accidents while caring for a 6-month-old infant. What ability should be emphasized with regard to the infant's motor development? 1. Sits up 2. Rolls over 3. Crawls short distances 4. Stands while holding on to furniture


The nurse is preparing to administer an oral medication to an infant. In which position should the nurse place the infant? 1.Prone 2.Semi-Fowler's 3.Trendelenburg's 4.Dorsal recumbent


The nurse is preparing to administer exogenous surfactant to a premature infant who has respiratory distress syndrome. The nurse prepares to administer the medication by which route? 1.Intradermal 2.Intratracheal 3.Subcutaneous 4.Intramuscular


The nurse is providing care to an infant who is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis (CF). Which parental statement indicates the need for further education related to the potential for poor growth? 1. My child's diagnosis causes delayed bone growth 2. My child will have a poor appetite, which will lead to poor growth 3. My child will have increased oxygen demands, which will lead to poor growth 4. My child will have a decreased ability to absorb nutrients, which will cause poor growth


The nurse observes dental caries in an 8-month-old infant. Which action of the parents is likely responsible for this condition? 1. Giving the infant canned fruit 2. Giving the infant fruit juice in a bottle 3. Giving the infant 960 mL of milk daily 4. Giving the infant cheese as a finger food


What toys should a nurse suggest to the parent of a 4-month-old infant to help promote the child's growth and development? 1. Push-pull toys 2. Soft squeeze toys 3. Nesting blocks and cups 4. Wooden hammer and pegboard


Which chart should the nurse use to plot an infant's physical growth during a scheduled health maintenance visit? 1. Center for disease control (CDC) 2. World health organization (WHO) 3. American academy of pediatrics (AAP) 4. National association of pediatric nurses (NAPN)


Which intervention should the nurse implement in order to enhance sensorimotor development for an infant who is diagnosed with a chronic illness? 1. Encouraging consistent caregivers for the infant 2. Encouraging the infant to hold his or her own bottle 3. Encouraging periodic respite for the infants parents 4. Emphasizing the healthy attributes of the infant to the parents


A nurse is caring for an infant with a cleft lip and palate. What information should the nurse include when teaching the parents about this diagnosis? 1. Anticipation that these children will have psychological problems 2. Emphasis that the two defects follow the laws of Mendelian genetics 3. Assurance that the defect is rare and probably will not occur twice in the same family 4. Expectation that these children will have no other defect and otherwise will be healthy


The hepatitis B-positive mother of an infant born earlier in the day wants her infant to receive the hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) vaccine. What is the proper dosage of this vaccine? 1. 1.0 mL subcutaneously before discharge 2. 0.5 mL subcutaneously within 24 hours of birth 3. 1.0 mL intramuscularly within 24 hours of birth 4. 0.5 mL intramuscularly within 12 hours of birth


The nurse assigned to the pediatric unit finds an infant unresponsive and without respirations or a pulse. What is the nurse's next action after calling for help? 1.Check for carotid pulse. 2.Call anesthesia for intubation. 3.Begin rescue breathing with head tilt-chin lift. 4.Perform compressions at 100 to 120 times per minute.


The nurse in the well-baby clinic has provided instructions regarding dental care to the mother of a 10-month-old child. Which statement by the mother indicates a need for further instruction? 1."I need to limit the amount of concentrated sweets." 2."I need to use fluoride supplements if the water is not fluoridated." 3."I need to start dental hygiene as soon as the primary teeth erupt." 4."I can coat a pacifier with honey during the day as long as I do not give my child a bottle at nap or bedtime."


The nurse is admitting a 10-month-old infant who is being hospitalized for a respiratory infection. The nurse develops a plan of care for the infant and includes which most appropriate intervention? 1.Keeping the infant as quiet as possible 2.Restraining the infant to prevent dislodging of tubes 3.Placing small toys in the crib to provide stimulation for the infant 4.Providing a consistent routine with touching, rocking, and cuddling throughout hospitalization


The nurse provides instructions to the parent of a newborn to bring the infant to the well-baby clinic for a phenylketonuria rescreening blood test. The nurse determines that the parent understands the need for the test when which statement is made? 1."It can detect heart disease in my baby." 2."It will discover the presence of cancer in my baby." 3."It will check for the presence of a genetic condition in my infant." 4."It will allow me to institute measures to prevent complications if the level is elevated."


The parent of a 5-month-old infant asks the nurse in the well-baby clinic the order in which new foods should be introduced. What does the nurse say are the best foods for an infant of this age, after cereal has been introduced? 1. Boiled eggs 2. Mashed fish 3. Pureed meats 4. Strained vegetables


The parents of a 3-month old infant who is breastfed ask the nurse how to prevent nutritional anemia. What is the best response by the nurse? 1. Supplemental iron will not be needed for the first year 2. Solid foods need not be introduced until 7 or 8 months of age 3. Anemia will not develop as long as the infant is gaining weight 4. Baby cereal or an iron supplement should be given around 4 months of age


The parents of a 5-month-old infant tell the nurse that they have started to feed the baby fortified cereal mixed with formula. They ask in which order they should introduce new foods. What foods should be selected first? 1. Meats and fish 2. Eggs and cheeses 3. Citrus fruits and bread 4. Vegetables and noncitrus fruits


The student nurse compares the major developmental characteristics of vision in 12-week-old infants to those at 28-weeks-old. Which statement demonstrates that the student nurse has correct knowledge regarding the developmental milestones? 1. The infant can recognize the feeding bottle at 12 weeks and can follow rapidly moving objects by 28 weeks 2. The infant develops functional tear glands for the first time at 12 weeks and starts to accommodate to near objects at 28 weeks 3. The infant can adjust posture to see an object at 12 weeks and develops binocular vision for the first time at around 28 weeks 4. The infant is able to fixate on a 1.25-cm (0.5-inch) block between simple geometric forms by 28 weeks


Which nursing actions are accurate when measuring a head circumference for an infant? Select all that apply. 1. Using a cloth tape for accuracy 2. Obtaining one measurement per visit 3. Documenting the information in the progress notes 4. Using paper tape marked with tenths of a centimeter 5. Placing the tape slightly above the eyebrows and pinna of the ears

4, 5

The nurse is talking to the mother of a 2-month-old infant who is being seen in the primary health care provider's office for a well-child visit. Which statement by the mother would indicate that further teaching is needed about nutrition for this infant? 1."My sister said to start her on a cup, but I think she is too young." 2."I started my daughter on cereal a week ago, and she loves the rice cereal." 3."I remembered that my daughter needs to stay on formula for an entire year." 4."My friend has a 4-month-old child, and I told her that I am not going to start solid food until my daughter is at least 6 months old."


A 6-month-old infant is admitted to the hospital. The nurse weighs the infant and notes that the infant's weight is 14 pounds. Which statement by the mother indicates that further teaching is needed? 1."His weight for his age is just right." 2."I am so glad he is gaining the correct amount of weight for his age." 3."I will have to increase his milk intake because he is not gaining enough weight." 4."He weighed 7 pounds when he was born so he is at the correct weight for his age."


An infant is being seen in the pediatrician's office for a 2-month-old well-child visit. The nurse encourages the mother to allow the infant to suck on a pacifier during a routine immunization. The nurse explains to the mother that the child is at which stage of Piaget's cognitive development? 1.Trust development 2.Autonomy development 3.Sensorimotor development 4.Preconceptual development


During the routine assessment of an infant, the nurse finds that the child demonstrates a certain neurologic reflex for the first time. When the infant is suspended in a horizontal prone position, the head is raised and legs and spine are extended. What is most likely to be the infant's age? 1. 2 months 2. 3 months 3. 7 months 4. 36 months


The clinic nurse assesses the communication patterns of a 5-month-old infant. Which assessment finding should lead the nurse to determine that the infant is demonstrating the highest level of developmental achievement expected? 1.Coos when comforted 2.Links syllables together 3.Uses monosyllabic babbling 4.Uses simple words such as mama


The nurse is assessing four clients. Which infant has exhibited a gross-motor skill? Client A -- brings object from hand to mouth Client B -- holds a baby bottle Client C -- sits alone without support Client D -- picks up small objects 1. Client A 2. Client B 3. Client C 4. Client D


The nurse is performing an initial assessment on a newborn infant. When assessing the infant's head, the nurse notes that the ears are low-set. Which nursing action is most appropriate? 1.Document the findings. 2.Arrange for hearing testing. 3.Notify the pediatrician. 4.Cover the ears with gauze pads.


The nurse is preparing to administer an injection of vitamin K to a newborn and provides the mother with information about the injection. Which information should the nurse provide? 1."It's a single injection given by the intravenous route." 2."The injection is given after birth and then again one month later." 3."The injection is extremely important to prevent bleeding in your baby." 4."It's fine if you want to refuse giving it to your baby. Once your baby starts on baby food vitamin K deficiency will be replaced."


The nursing instructor teaches a group of students about cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The instructor asks a student to identify the most appropriate location at which to assess the pulse of an infant younger than 1 year of age. Which response would indicate that the student understands the appropriate assessment procedure? 1.Radial artery 2.Carotid artery 3.Brachial artery 4.Popliteal artery


What is most important for the nurse to include in the plan of care to best meet the needs of a neglected 6-month-old infant? 1. Arrange to have staff members pick up and play with the infant whenever possible 2. Design a program that provides activities geared to a 6-month-old's developmental level 3. Provide consistent caregivers who will provide stimulation that is moderate and purposeful 4. Schedule care that allows for stimulation and physical contact by a variety of staff members


What should the nurse teach the parents of an infant about the use of car seats? 1. The infant should ride in a front-facing car safety seat 2. The infant should ride in a car safety seat until one year of age 3. The infant should be restrained properly in a federally approved car safety seat 4. The infant should always ride in a car seat restrained to the front seat of the car


When does the anterior fontanel of an infant close? 1. At 4 to 10 months 2. At 8 to 12 months 3. At 12 to 18 months 4. At 18 to 26 months


Which auditory test is appropriate for infants? 1. Play audiometry 2. Pure tone audiometry 3. Behavioral audiometry 4. Auditory brainstem response (ABR)


Which fine motor skill should the nurse anticipate when assessing an infant who is 3 months of age? 1. Complete head lag 2. Turns from side to back 3. Looks at and plays with fingers 4. Ability to sit erect with support


gross motor development at 10 months

-crawls with abdomen on floor -may crawl backwards initially

what's included in anticipatory guidance

-health habits -prevention of illness and injury -prevention of accidents (poisonings) -car seat safety -bicycle use -nutrition -dental care -sexuality

sensory development at birth

-hearing and touch well established -differentiates between light and dark -sight not fully developed until 6 years old

what are some reasons women cannot breastfeed

-milk supply issues -mom on certain meds -substances unsafe for baby -women who return to work right after birth

what are factors that influence infant development

-nutrition -genetics -family hx -prenatal environmental factors -family community -cultural factors

gross motor development at 5 months

-rolls from abdomen to back

gross motor development at 6 months

-rolls from back to abdomen -will sit alone and lean forward, be cautious

gross motor development at 4 months

-total head control -rolls from back to side

gross motor development at 8 months

-will sit alone without support

A 1-year-old child with hypospadias is scheduled for surgery to correct this condition. While preparing the nursing care plan for this child, which factor should the nurse take into consideration? 1.This surgery is taking place at a time when fears of separation are great. 2.This surgery is taking place at a time when sibling rivalry will cause regression to occur. 3.This surgery is taking place at a time when concern over size and function of the penis is present. 4.This surgery is taking place at a time when embarrassment about voiding irregularities is common.


A mother of a seven-month-old infant reports that her baby still cannot sit without support. Upon asking further questions, the nurse realizes that the child's gross-motor skills are not properly developed. Which question did the nurse most likely ask the mother? 1. Can your child hold on to furniture 2. Can your child show hand preference 3. Does your child move on his or her hands and knees 4. Can your child place objects in containers


A parent tells the nurse that she is concerned about her 8-month-old baby's diet because the infant will eat only mashed potatoes and drink only milk. The nurse anticipates that this diet will result in a deficiency of which nutrient? 1. Iron 2. Vitamins 3. Potassium 4. Amino acids


An infant has been admitted with failure to thrive (FTT). The nurse knows that more education is needed when one of the parents makes what statement? 1. I can double the amount of water in the formula to save money 2. I need to hold her head up a little higher than her stomach when I feed her 3. I need to burp the baby when the feeding is done to get rid of swallowed air 4. I need to make sure that the formula is in the nipple so she doesn't swallow so much air


Before administering the first series of immunizations to a 2-month-old infant, the nurse tells the parent that reactions may occur. What are the characteristics of these reactions? 1. Local or systemic and usually mild 2. Often serious, possibly requiring hospitalization 3. Sometimes causing ulceration at the injection site 4. May be responsible for permanent neurological damage


On a routine visit to the pediatric clinic, the mother of a 6-week-old infant tells the nurse that her baby has the "cutest little folds on her legs, two on one side, and three on the other." What might this sign indicate? 1. Hip dysplasia 2. Neonatal obesity 3. Slipped epiphysis 4. Talipes equinovarus


The nurse at the well baby clinic is assessing the gross motor skills of a five-month-old infant. Which finding is a cause for concern? 1. The baby has a head lag when pulled to sit 2. The baby can turn from the side to the back 3. The baby can turn from the abdomen to the back 4. The baby supports much of his own weight when he or she is pulled to stand


The nurse is assessing the reflexes of a newborn infant. In eliciting the Moro reflex, the nurse should perform which action? 1.Make a loud, abrupt noise to startle the newborn. 2.Stimulate the ball of the foot of the newborn by firm pressure. 3.Stimulate the perioral cavity of the newborn infant with a finger. 4.Stimulate the pads of the newborn infant's hands by firm pressure.


The nurse is caring for a term newborn. Which assessment finding should alert the nurse to suspect the potential for jaundice in this infant? 1.Presence of a cephalhematoma 2.Infant blood type of O negative 3.Birth weight of 8 pounds, 6 ounces (3800 gm) 4.A negative direct Coombs' test result


when are meats introduced to baby

8-10 months

what is the single greatest risk to infants life

automobile crashes

what is developmental age

based on behavior

fine motor development at 3 months

begins to grasp

how long is a baby considered a neonate

birth to 28 days

fine motor development at 6 months

can hold a bottle and grasp their feet

how do you elicit the moro (startle) reflex

elicited by a sudden noise disappears by 6 months

how long is breastfeeding recommended

exclusively breast feed for the first 6 months of life

how do you elicit the babinski reflex

fanning of toes when sole of foot is stroked upwards disappears by 1-2 years, usually when infant begins to walk

what are the infant reflexes

moro (startle) tonic neck grasp rooting babinski

how much formula can baby have in 24 hr period

no more than 28-30 oz in 24 hr period, can lead to iron deficiency anemia

when should solids be introduced to baby

no sooner than 6 months

fine motor development at 10 months

pincer grasp

sensory development at 2 months

prefers human faces and smiles searches and turns head to locate sounds

fine motor development at 12 months

refined pincer grasp with thumb and finger

fine motor development at 1 month

hands/fingers predominately closed

sensory development at 6 months

has taste preferences

how long is a baby considered an infant

1 month to 12 months

when can table foods be introduced to baby

1 year

Which fine-motor skills may be observed in an 8 to 10 month-old infant? Select all that apply. 1. Using pincer grasp well 2. Picking up small objects 3. Showing hand preference 4. Crawling on hands and knees 5. Pulling oneself to standing or sitting

1, 2, 3

The nurse is assessing a newborn infant with a diagnosis of hiatal hernia. Which findings should the nurse most specifically expect to note in the infant? Select all that apply. 1.Failure to thrive 2.Excessive oral secretions 3.Bowel sounds heard over the chest 4.Hiccups and spitting up after a meal 5.Coughing, wheezing, and short periods of apnea

1, 5

what is the age of a toddler

1-3 years

when does the anterior fontanel close

12-18 months

Hepatitis A immunization schedule

12-23 mo At least 6 mo later May need to get it once again

The nurse is caring for an 8-month-old infant. A urinalysis has been prescribed, and the nurse plans to collect the specimen. Which method should be used for urine collection in an infant? 1.Catheterizing the infant using a Foley catheter 2.Attaching a urine collection device to the infant's perineum 3.Obtaining the specimen from the diaper, using a syringe, after the infant voids 4.Monitoring the urinary patterns and preparing to collect the specimen into a cup when the infant voids


The nurse is discussing the neurologic reflexes seen in an infant with the parents. Which reflex will the nurse state as being present indefinitely? 1. Landau 2. Parachute 3. Body righting 4. Neck righting


fine motor development at 5 months

2 handed voluntary grasp

The nurse is inspecting the ears of a 1-month-old infant during a routine physical assessment. Which are the appropriate steps for performing an ear inspection in this client? Select all that apply. 1. Pull the pinna up and back toward a 10 o'clock position 2. Pull the pinna down and back to the 6-9 o'clock range 3. Perform auditory tests by placing electrodes on the child's head 4. Refrain from restraining the child during the ear examination 5. Insert a 2 mm speculum only till 0.60 to 1.25 cm (0.23 to 0.5 inch) into the canal

2, 3

The nurse is teaching expectant parents about infant development. Which parental statements indicate the need for further education? Select all that apply. 1. My baby will enjoy sucking on a pacifier 2. Toilet training is an expectation during infancy 3. A chronic illness shouldn't impact my baby's development 4. My baby will begin to realize that he or she is separate from me in early infancy 5. If my wife experiences postpartum depression this could impact my baby's development

2, 3, 4

Which gross motor skills should the nurse anticipate when assessing an infant who is 3 months of age? Select all that apply. 1. Complete head lag 2. Turns from side to back 3. Looks at and plays with fingers 4. Ability to sit erect with support 5. Holds a rattle for a short period of time

2, 4

After returning from surgery an infant suddenly becomes cyanotic. What is the nurse's priority intervention? 1. Checking vital signs 2. Administering oxygen 3. Suctioning the nasopharynx 4. Placing the infant in the side-lying position


what is the age of a preschooler

3-6 years

A newborn male infant was circumcised 2 hours ago. Thirty minutes later, the nurse notes blood oozing from the penis. Which intervention is the priority for the nurse at this time? 1. Cleansing the area with warm water and mild soap 2. Applying vaseline gauze over the area of bleeding 3. Documenting the amount of bleeding in the infant's chart 4. Donning sterile gloves and applying direct pressure, using sterile gauze


A nurse counsels the mother of an 8-month-old infant to be sure that the floors are free of small objects when her child is crawling. What is the rationale for this instruction? 1. Sharp objects can injure the fragile skin of an infant 2. Eight-month-old infants hide small objects, making them difficult to locate 3. Floors may cause infections in infants when they pick up and mouth objects 4. Eight-month-old infants pick up small objects and place them in their mouths


At what age does an infant achieve permanent eye color? 1. 2 weeks 2. 30 months 3. 2 months 4. 6 months


sensory development at 6 weeks

first smile from gas

what food do you introduce after rice cereal (the 1st food)

ALL VEGGIES -- one at a time! for several days

fine motor development at 7 months

can transfer object from hand to hand

language development at 3-4 months

crying becomes differentiated, babbling is common

how do you elicit the tonic neck reflex

elicited when infant lies supine and head is turned on one side; will assume a fencing position disappears by 6 months

how do you elicit the rooting reflex

elicited when side of mouth is touched, infant will turn to that side disappears by 4 months

sensory development at 1 year

able to follow moving objects visual acuity of 20/50 or better can vocalize 4 words

pneumococcal vaccine-13 (PCV-13) immunization schedule

administered to older child that didnt get PCV in infancy

when do you introduce juices to baby and how much can they have

over 6+ months, no more than 4-6 oz per day

erikson's stage for infant (birth to 1 year)

trust vs mistrust trust is established for ppl who provide care mistrust develops if needs are inconsistently or inadequately met

what comfort care can you give a child after a vaccination

tylenol and warm compress

how long should you only give baby one type of food at a time during meal time

until 9-12 months

what is the most common place for a vaccine for infants

vastus lateralis

language development at 9-12 months

vocab of 2-3 words gestures used to communicate speech development may slow temporarily when walking begins

how do you know when baby is has a "readiness to wean"

when baby is throwing bottle, chewing on nipple, refusing the breast

The medication prescribed for an infant is to be given intramuscularly. Which site will the nurse select for administration of the medication? 1. Vastus lateralis 2. Ventrogluteal 3. Dorsogluteal 4. Deltoid


when do baby teeth come in

5-6 months, incisors come in first

what is the age of school aged child

6-12 years

birth weight changes in infancy

DOUBLES at 6 month TRIPLES by 1 year

what food product should baby absolutely not ingest until 1 year

HONEY -- baby cannot break down honey and can develop botulism

if not breastfeeding, what formula should be used

IRON formula, thats closest to breastmilk

car seat safety

approved rear facing car seat in the middle seat of the car until 20 pounds OR 1 year of age (starting to recommend 2 years)

what is anticipatory guidance

understanding upcoming developmental needs and providing caregivers the resources to meet those needs

piaget's stage for infant (birth to 2 years)

sensorimotor infant learns about world from senses to motor activity starts developing sense of cause and effect language develops to understand world object permanence is fully developed

language development at 6-8 months

single constant babbling increasing interest in sounds

gross motor development at 12 months

-walks well with one hand being held

gross motor development at 11 months

-will crawl with abdomen OFF the floor

A 1-month-old infant is seen in a clinic and is diagnosed with developmental dysplasia of the hip. On assessment, the nurse understands that which finding should be noted in this condition? 1.Limited range of motion in the affected hip 2.An apparent lengthened femur on the affected side 3.Asymmetrical adduction of the affected hip when the infant is placed supine with the knees and hips flexed 4.Symmetry of the gluteal skinfolds when the infant is placed prone and the legs are extended against the examining table


The maternity nurse is providing instructions to a new mother regarding the psychosocial development of the newborn infant. Using Erikson's psychosocial development theory, the nurse instructs the mother to take which measure? 1.Allow the newborn infant to signal a need. 2.Anticipate all needs of the newborn infant. 3.Attend to the newborn infant immediately when crying. 4.Avoid the newborn infant during the first 10 minutes of crying.


Which interventions are appropriate for the care of an infant? Select all that apply. 1.Provide swaddling. 2.Talk in a loud voice. 3.Provide the infant with a bottle of juice at nap time. 4.Hang mobiles with black and white contrast designs. 5.Caress the infant while bathing or during diaper changes. 6.Allow the infant to cry for at least 10 minutes before responding.

1, 4, 5

what is the age of an adolescent

13-18 years

how much does baby sleep

17-20 hrs/day

Varicella immunization schedule

1st dose: 12-15 mo 2nd dose: 4-6 yr

measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) immunization schedule

1st dose: 12-15 mo 2nd dose: 4-6 yr Booster: ~12 yr

inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) immunization schedule

1st dose: 2 mo 2nd dose: 4 mo 3rd doses: 6-18 mo 4th dose: 4-6 yr

Influenza immunization schedule

1st dose: b/w 6 mo-8 yr receives 2 doses separated by 4 weeks Annually after 8 yr

The nurse is monitoring a 3-month-old infant for signs of increased intracranial pressure. On palpation of the fontanels, the nurse notes that the anterior fontanel is soft and flat. On the basis of this finding, which nursing action is most appropriate? 1.Increase oral fluids. 2.Document the finding. 3.Notify the pediatrician. 4.Elevate the head of the bed to 90 degrees.


when does the posterior fontanel close

2-3 months

when do infants/toddlers experience separation anxiety

6-30 months, peaks at 15 months

safety measures to prevent SIDS

sleep on back, but if baby rolls over on their own its okay nothing in crib sleeps solely in the crib do not overheat or underdress no crib bumpers pacifier do not fall asleep in car seat (too tight on chest for too long, can lead to death) no smoking around baby bed can be put in parents room but co sleeping is not recommended tight fitting, firm mattress no blankets or toys in bed sleep sac recommended

infants play characteristics

solitary mobile hung 8-10 inches from face provide different sensory experiences -- bath, balls, rattles, musical toys unbreakable mirror in crib face to face play -- peekaboo, reading, laughing

language development at 8-9 months

stringing of vowels and consonants together first few words have meaning -- mama, dada, bye bye, baby understands simple commands "wave bye bye"

where should you NEVER give a vaccine in a child who is under 1 y/o

the deltoid

why do you want to give baby a certain type of food for multiple days in a row, before moving onto the next food?

to make sure baby doesnt have reaction to that food

what TWO age groups accompany "early childhood"

toddlers (1-3 y/o) and preschoolers (4-6 y/o)

what is an excellent indicator of health during infancy


how do you elicit the grasp reflex

hand or foot will grasp when stimulated disappears by 3 months

neonatal height, weight, and head circumference

height - 20 inches weight - 6-8 lb head circumference - 33-35 centimeters will grow 1 inch monthly for the first 6 months (height increases 50% by year 1) will gain 5-7 oz weekly for the first 6 months head circumference is greater than chest circumference

you are swaddling a baby, but need to put baby down. should you keep the baby in the swaddle?

no. the american pediatrics ppl recommend you put the baby in a sleep sac if you are going to put baby down

what is chronological age

number of years since birth

what is adjusted age

premature infant # of weeks the infant is premature - present age since birth = developmental age adjusted age is stopped by age 2, tries to make sure the premature infant is developing on track even though they were born early

language development at 1-3 months

reflexive smile; reciprocal smiling with parents

language development at 4-6 months

repeating sounds to self can identify mothers voice may squeal in excitement

sensory development at 7 months

responds to own name

what food should you start baby with

rice cereal

sensory development at 2-3 months

first SOCIAL smile :)

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