NURS 547 Chap 6/7/8 Review Questions

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What parts should be included in a research question? a. The study variables, if appropriate b. The study design c. A questioning part d. What is to be learned e. The population of interest, if appropriate

Answer: A, C, D &E - questioning part = what is, what are, is there, etc... - Population usually named, but sometimes is not named, especially if researcher is trying to define a concept that transcends one particular population

There are four basic steps in the process of reading and critically appraising sources. What activities might help the reader enhance his or her own comprehension? a. Determine whether the publication represents a primary or secondary source of information b. Highlight or note important content and ideas throughout the article c. Develop a summary statement about what is presented in the set of articles reviewed d. Quickly review the entire article for general content

Answer: B

What type of research objective is the following statement? "The aim of this research is to identify the extent to which a community sample of adolescent females in grades 9 through 12 in a public school report a desire to become pregnant during adolescence." a. Predictive b. Description c. Difference d. Relational

Answer: B - Research objectives that focus on description aim to describe a variable in a selected population. - In the objective above, the variable to be described is the level of desire for pregnancy in the adolescent years.

Which terms best describe the following hypothesis? Guided-imagery relaxation produces lower heart rate, lower blood pressure and lower perceived anxiety levels in adults practicing technique, compared with those not using the technique. a. Simple, causal, research b. Complex, causal, directional c. Simple, directional, research d. Complex, nondirectional, null

Answer: B - complex hypothesis because more than two variables - Causal because it is indicating a cause and effect relationship (Intervention will lower heart rate) - It is directional because it predicts the value of the second variable will be lower with treatment - This is also a research hypothesis, rather than a null hypothesis

Which of the following reflect the primary differences between a research question and a research hypothesis: SATA a. A research question is worded in the present tense, while the hypothesis is worded in the past tense b. Research questions are interrogative statements; hypotheses are declarative c. More variables are listed in research question that hypothesis d. Hypotheses state a predicted or expected outcome and are tested e. A research question is more concrete than is a hypothesis

Answer: B & D - research questions are written as questions while hypotheses are declarative - hypothesis state what the researchers predict or expect from the study outcomes where as questions do not - both research questions and hypotheses are written in the present tense -

Research hypotheses may be classified as "associative" or "Causal." Which statement accurately describes an associative hypothesis? a. It suggests that two or more groups will be compared on some variable of interest b. It examines cause and effect relationships between the variables c. It identifies variables that vary or change together in an identified population d. It states that there is no association between variables in the identified population

Answer: C - An associative hypothesis identified existing variables whose values vary or change together - An associative hypothesis presents a on causative relationship between or among variables

Demographic variables are attributes of subjects that are collected to allow the researchers to do which of the following? a. Identify environmental factors that might influence findings in an interventional study b. Identify extraneous variables so that they can be controlled c. Develop a description or profile of the sample d. Change the environment so that subjects are more comfortable with participating in the study

Answer: C - Demographic variables are subject characteristics measured during a study used to describe a sample - In Nursing research, common demographic variables include age, gender, race, ethnicity, - Thorough description of the sample guides the researcher in making appropriate generalizations, conclusions and recommendations at the study's end.

Which statement is true about research hypotheses? a. They are stated at a high level of abstraction and are found in conceptual models b. They are stated as general questions to be addressed in research c. They are broader in scope than specific propositions found in theories d. They are stated at the concrete level of abstraction and are testable

Answer: D - Hypotheses are stated very concretely and are specific enough to be tested in research studies

When searching databases, it is important for the researcher to identify keywords to enter into the search process. Which statements are true about keywords? (SATA) a. The researcher may need to find synonyms or alternate terms to describe the concepts b. It is not appropriate to include the population, intervention, measurement methods, or outcome variables among the keywords in a search of a database since this complicates the search c. Identification of keywords for the core concepts of the study will yield sufficient citations for literature review d. Keywords are every day words and phrases used for the major concepts or variables in the study for which the researcher is seeking information e. Wikipedia and blogs are not to be used for gathering preliminary information on a topic

Answer: A, D & E - - Keywords are the every day words used to describe study concepts and variables serve as the starting point for searching a database - It is often necessary to find synonyms for the keywords we use - even though the starting point for identifying keywords is concept identification, it is entirely appropriate to also enter keywords associated with areas such as the study's population, planned intervention, tools for measurement and/or outcomes

Characterizing a concept in terms of the operations or procedures by which it is to be measured for a specific research endeavor is a way of expressing which of the following? a. A variable b. An operatonal definition c. A conceptual model d. A conceptual definition

Answer: B - An operational definition is a description of how concepts will be measured in a study, essentially converting them to variables

A nurse is hoping ti study the effects of exercise on stress in nursing students. Prior to designing the study, a literature search s conducted using the terms "stress" AND "Nursing Student." The best database for the search is likely: a. Medline b. CINAHL c. Academic search premier d. psycARTICLES

Answer: B - CINAHL = Cumulative Index to Nursing and Health Literature - subject specific database widely used in nursing research - Uses more nursing terminology in subject headings than do other databases

Which statement about theoretical frameworks is NOT accurate? a. Frameworks allow the researcher to link study findings to nursing's body of knowledge b. Frameworks are concrete structures of meaning c. Frameworks are used to guide the development of the study d. Frameworks are important in the interpretation phase of every quantitative study

Answer: B - Frameworks themselves are abstract, not concrete.

What is the primary reason that a qualitative researcher might access the literature following data analysis rather than in the early stages of research design? a. Qualitative research is interpretive. Knowledge of the literature could prevent interpretation b. The researcher wants to base analysis on the data, not the literature review c. The process of moving ahead with a study progresses more quickly if data can be collected first, followed by the literature review All qualitative types of research postpone literature review until after the data analysis is complete

Answer: B - Phenomenologists believe that after an initial brief literature review t establish absence of prior studies in the area, no further literature review should be undertaken until after the data have been collected and analyzed so the knowledge of results of prior studies do not impact the researchers interpretation of the interview data.

Which statements accurately characterize hypotheses? SATA a. The hypothesis specifically states the research design to be used in the research b. A single research study may have several hypotheses c. The hypothesis includes at least two variables and a statement predicting how these variables are related d. All quantitative research studies have a research hypothesis e. A hypothesis predicts the relationship between the variables

Answer: B & C - The hypothesis must include at least two variables and the researchers prediction about how these are related - Not uncommon for researchers to include several hypotheses in studies when more than one relationship among three or more uncommon variables is investigated - It is not true that all studies must have a hypothesis - for example, descriptive studies aim to describe phenomena rather than explain, predict or control and may not include a hypothesis because there may not be sufficient information to make a prediction -

A statement that "the relationship between two concepts is expected to be linear and positive" can be translated as which one of the following? (SATA) a. A positive relationship states that the changes in concepts will benefit the subject b. As values of concept A increase, values of concept B are expected to decrease c. As values of concept A decrease, values of concept B are expected to decrease d. As values of concept A increase, values of concept B are expected to increase

Answer: C & D - Positive linear relationship means that as one concept changes, the other concept changes in the same direction

In a study examining cause and effect interactions, what is the name of the variable that is the stimulus or activity to be varied (The cause) to create and affect the outcome? a. Deendent variable b. Research variable c. Extraneous variable d. Independent variable

Answer: D - Independent variable is the one that is manipulated to create an impact or effect on the dependent or outcome variable. - In intervention studies, the independent variable is often the intervention received - one group is given the experimental intervention while the other group is given the control intervention

Research hypotheses may be classified in terms of being simple or complex. In stating that he or she is testing a complex hypothesis, what is the researcher saying? a. Two groups of subjects are included in the study b. The variables have been defined in complex terms c. Two variables are included which may be either causative or associative d. More than two variables are included in the hypothesis to be addressed

Answer: D - More than two variables in the hypothesis - A complex hypothesis predicts the relationship among three or more variables - It may be either causal or associative - Associations or interactions between more than two variables will be tested in this hypothesis, thus it is a complex hypothesis. - SIMPLE hypothesis would just include two variables

In most research reports the researcher sates at least one hypothesis. Which of the following is true of the statistical or null hypothesis? a. It is not considered unless it is explicitly stated in the research study b. It states the opposite direction of what the researcher anticipates will happen c. It states that any identified relationships or interactions have no clinical relevance d. It specifies there is no relationship or no interaction between variables being studied

Answer: D - The null hypothesis states that there is no interaction or relationship among or between variables - The null hypothesis also referred to as the statistical hypothesis, is used for statistical testing and interpretation of results - Even if the null hypothesis is not stated, it may be derived by stating its opposite.

Reading and critiquing research reports are important steps in the review of literature. The first step in reading a research report is to skim it. This means that the reader will: -carefully read all of the components of the study and make notes about what he or she thinks is important b. Read only the abstract, conclusions and/or summary of the study to know what is relevant c. Carefully read and critique elements of the study d. Quickly review the article to get an overall sense of the content

Answer: D - skimming a source is quickly reviewing a source to gain a broad overview of its content - involves reading the title, the abstract, major headings, tables figures and conclusion

The primary distinction between grand theories and middle range theories is/are which of the following? (SATA) a. Both grand and middle range theories are called substantive theories because they both address issues of importance to clinical practice b. Middle range theories focus more on explanation and implementation than do grand theories c. Middle range theories address more specific phenomena than do grand theories d. Middle range and grand theories both address specific phenomena, the distinction lies in the theories direct application to nursing practice

Answers: B & C - Middle range theories differ from rand theories primarily in their level of abstraction - Middle range theories tend to be more specific and concrete (less abstract) than grand theories - Middle range theories apply directly to practice, with a focus on explanation of the specific condition, symptom, and on implementation - Another term for middle range theory is substantive theory

In quantitative studies, researchers make a formal statement about the expected relationship between two or more variables in a specified population. This formal statement is called a research: a. Hypothesis b. Purpose c. Question d. Objective

Answer: A - A hypothesis is a statement of the relationship between or among variables, within a specific population. - It uses the same variables originally identified as concepts in the research purpose and subsequently given operational definitions. - The purpose of the hypothesis statement is to begin the logical process of hypothesis testing

Which statement does NOT accurately characterize concepts and constructs and the differences or similarities between them? a. Both concepts and constructs are abstractions, both are equally abstract b. Very abstract concepts are sometimes referred to as constructs c. Constructs can subsume multiple concepts d. Both concepts and constructs are abstractions, but constructs tend to be more abstract than concepts

Answer: A - Both constructs and concepts represent abstract phenomena and idea, but constructs are generally more abstract than are concepts

A researcher proposes that adolescent pregnancy rates are associated with communication effectiveness, study skills, knowledge of the basic facts of sex and reproduction, home visitation support and peer support. This is an example of which of the following? a. A relational statement b. A conceptual mapping c. A hierarchal statement d. A directional hypothesis

Answer: A - Relational statements are characterized by a statement that identifies that a relationship of some kind exists between or among two or more concepts - In this case, the author is speculating that future pregnancy rates will decline if high risk adolescents receive a particular intervention -

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