NUT 10 Chapter 1-5

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True or False: Health professionals use standards called the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) when establishing nutrient intakes for planning and assessing the diets of sick individuals.


True or False: Most of the body's water exists in extracellular fluid compartments (outside of the body cells).


True or false: As long as a protein contains the same amount of each specific amino acid, the order/sequence of these amino acids does not impact the structure of the protein, hence its function.


True or false: Olive oil and olives supply essential fats.


The end product of protein digestion is

amino acids

In an 18:1 fatty acid, the "18" represents the number of __________ and the "1" represents the number of __________.

carbon atoms; C=C double bonds

Anything that is not digested or absorbed by the body, such as a paper clip, appears in the _________.


What is the Daily Value for trans fat?

0 grams, there is no set daily value for trans fat

Given the following proteins, fill in the correct turnover rate from the list provided for each protein location.

1. intestine: fast 2. brain: slow 3. muscle: medium 4. protein in stool: dead-end protein 5. red blood cells: medium 6. immune system: fast 7. top layer of skin: dead-end protein 8. hair: dead-end protein 9. central nervous system: slow 10. toe nails: dead-end protein 11. skin: medium

What is her TEF?

123 kcal/d (TEF is 5% of BMR + activity)

To calculate the % Daily Value for this slice of bread, we take the amount of carbohydrate the slice of bread provides ( ___ g) and divide that by the DV for carbohydrate ( ____ g). Which set of numbers represents this calculation?


What is the BMR for a 76 kg female?

1642 kcal/d (male: 1kcal/(kgxhr); female: 0.9 kcal/(kgxhr))

What is the percent of Daily Value for fiber in 1 bean burrito with 8 grams of fiber?

32% (8g/25g x 100) 25g: the DV for fiber

1 lb of body fat is equivalent to _____ kcal.


How many calories are released during the aerobic energy metabolism of carbohydrate?

4 calories/g

The result of the previous calculation is not a percentage. To convert this value into a percentage you will need to multiply it by 100. The result of that calculation is the percentage of the Daily Value of carbohydrate for this slice of whole-wheat bread. So, if you ate this slice of bread, it would provide you with ____% of the carbohydrates you should eat today.


What is the Daily Value for protein?


What is the approximate average body water content for a young adult expressed as a percent of body weight?


Check all that apply: The process of protein digestion leads to protein being`

Absorbed as essential and nonessential amino acids Broken down into individual amino acids

Which of the following is true about water-insoluble fiber? Check all that apply.

Absorbs water and bulks up the stool Lowers the risk of colon cancer Speeds the passage of waste

What is the basic unit of protein?

Amino acid

Calculate the total energy intake for a 20-year old male weighing 72 kg with a light activity level and who is gaining 1 pound a week. Type in the correct answer from the options given in parentheses.

BMR The first step is to identify the BMR equation for a male, which is 1 kcal/kg body weight per hour. Next, multiply this number by 72 kg and 24 hours/d to calculate this BMR of 1728 kcal/d. Activity Multiply his BMR by the activity coefficient for light activity to calculate his activity level of 864 kcal/d. Gain Since he is gaining 1 lb per week, the next step is to identify the amount of calories in 1 pound of body fat, which is 3500 kcal. Then, divide this number by the number of days in 1 week to find that he is overeating 500 kcal/d. TEF Add up his BMR, activity, and gain, and multiply this total by 5% to calculate his TEF of 155 kcal/d. Total Energy Intake Add up his BMR, activity, gain, and TEF to find his total energy requirement of 3247 kcal/d.

Identify the approximate value for each component of the energy requirement for an adult:

BMR: 1000-2000 kcal/d Activity: equal to or less than the value of the BMR growth: this is not a component of an adult's energy requirement TEF: 50-200 kcal/d

Check all that apply. Insulin resistance is a problem because it causes:

Blood glucose level to rise above normal Damage to artery walls/blood vessels due to elevated glucose, ultimately leading to cardiovascular disease Loss of circulation, which can lead to amputation of limbs Loss of eyesight Infection

Check all that apply: The process of protein digestion leads to protein being

Broken down into individual amino acids Absorbed as essential and nonessential amino acids

Which of the following are good food sources of saturated fat? Check all that apply.

Butter Palm oil Beef Coconut oil

Check all that apply: The end products of fat energy metabolism are

CO2, H2O, and energy the same as in carbohydrate energy metabolism (aerobic energy metabolism)

What are a few take home messages from this carbohydrate unit? Check all that apply.

Carbohydrate can be used as an energy source in two ways: anaerobically and aerobically Glycogen is stored in the muscle and liver During a prolonged fast, our bodies can make carbohydrate, but this will cause a loss in muscle mass Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrate in the body

What type of carbohydrate do diet drinks represent?

Diet drinks do not represent any type of carbohydrate.

The protein in black beans would meet your need for protein just as well as beef protein.


To determine the quality of a food protein, we look at the ________ content of the food protein in relation to our need.


Slow turnover proteins are most affected by protein deficiency.


In a given food fat such as flaxseed oil, the triglyceride contains exclusively one type of fatty acid (saturated or unsaturated).


Indigestible energy losses from protein appear in the stool, while indigestible energy losses from carbohydrates appear in the urine.


Protein quality is primarily determined by the amount of each of the 20 amino acids a protein contains.


When glycogen stores in the muscle and liver are full, excess carbohydrate is converted to and stored as ___________.


Which of the following are good food sources of linolenic acid (18:3)? Check all that apply.

Fatty fish (salmon, tuna), flaxseed meal, flaxseed oil, walnuts

What are good food sources for water-soluble fiber? Check all that apply.

Fruits Oats Beans

Which of the following is true about water-soluble fiber? Check all that apply.

Helps slow gastric emptying and keeps you full longer Forms a gel when in contact with water Helps lower blood cholesterol levels Helps slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream

Which of the following statements about fiber are true? Check all that apply.

Humans don't have the enzyme to digest the bonds between the monosaccharide units that make up fiber. Fiber contains potential energy.

Why is it that we need protein in the diet? Check all that apply.

In order to get the 9 EAA As a nitrogen source

Which of the following fat(s) is/are essential in the diet? Check all that apply.

Linoleic acid (18:2); Linolenic acid (18:3)

What are some benefits of a plant-based diet? Check all that apply.

Lower risks for cardiovascular diseases Lowers risk for colorectal cancer More healthful body composition Lowers risk for type II diabetes

What are the benefits of water-insoluble fiber? Check all that apply.

Lowers the risk of developing hemorrhoids. Helps relieve constipation. Lowers the likelihood of developing diverticulitis. Helps lower the risk of colon cancer

Check all that apply: In the body, cholesterol is

Made in the liver incorporated into cell membranes converted into vitamin D used as a precursor to bile

Which of the following statements is true?

Males have a greater BMR per unit of body weight because of body composition differences, including more lean body mass, which requires more calories to maintain.

What are essential nutrients? Check all that apply.

Nutrients that cannot be made by the body Nutrients that cannot be made at a rate sufficient to meet needs Nutrients that are required in the diet

Check all that apply. Which of the following food sources are a protein with a low chemical score:

Olive oil Coconut milk Rice Nut butters Whole-wheat bread Oats Barley Nuts Beans

Which of the following are good food sources of monounsaturated fat (18:1)? Check all that apply.

Olive oil Peanut oil Avocado

Match each food source to the correct category. Answer only for the food source listed in the caption of each picture.

Salmon: complete Whole-wheat bread: incomplete Walnuts: low PER Chicken: high PER Tofu/edamame: high chemical score peanut butter: low chemical score

What is the RDA for protein for a 67 kg male?

Step 1: The first step is to identify the RDA for protein, which is 0.8 g/kg of body weight Step 2: The next step is to multiply the RDA for protein by his body weight to calculate his RDA for protein to be 54 g/day

Which of the following is true about the chemical score? Check all that apply.

The chemical score is a direct measure of EAA content The chemical score compares amino acid percentages to the "gold" standard, egg white protein

Why is it important to consume enough protein? Check all that apply.

To supply nitrogen to be used in building the NEAAs To replenish body proteins To supply the 9 EAAs since these are not made by the body and are required from dietary protein

Which of the following are good food sources of unsaturated fat? Check all that apply.

Tofu Peanut butter Salmon

True or False: The RDA is designed to be averaged over several days.


True or false: Fat's insolubility in water affects digestion, absorption, and transport through the circulation.


Which of the following lists contains ALL of the classes of nutrients?

Water Proteins Carbohydrates Fats Minerals Vitamins

Which of the following food proteins have a limiting amino acid? Check all that apply.

Wheat bread Refried beans Peanut butter

Check all that apply: Which of the following are good food sources of probiotics?

Yogurt Kimchi Miso Tempeh

What happens to energy metabolism after a prolonged fast? Check all that apply

Your body first uses your glycogen stores for energy When glycogen stores run out, we can make our own glucose from amino acids by breaking down body protein. The resulting nitrogen is excreted in the urine. Nitrogen levels in the urine increase

Which of these individuals requires the most protein per day?

a 100 kg male weightlifter

Which of these individuals has the highest relative protein requirement?

a 4-month old newborn

What is a calorie?

a measurement of heat energy

The energy needed to perform any activity above the BMR is the


BMR can be altered by a number of factors, including age, fasting, and exercise. Which of the following statements about the impact of these factors on BMR are true? Check all that apply.

age decreases BMR fasting decreases BMR exercise increases BMR

The amount of energy needed to keep basic body functions going is the

basal metabolic rate

Check all that apply: If saturated fatty acids predominate in a fat, the fat will

be solid at room temperature

Which of the following contain cholesterol? Check all that apply.

butter beef salmon

On a Nutrition Facts food label, the energy value of a food is expressed in ______ and represents the ______ present in the food.

calories/physiologically available energy

Which of the following protein sources contain all 9 essential amino acids? Check all that apply.

complete proteins animal sources of proteins fish soy

Which of the following are good food sources of linoleic acid (18:2)? Check all that apply.

corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil

____________ is the process of breaking food down into a form that can be absorbed by the intestines.


What type of carbohydrate does this yogurt represent?


Fluid balance proteins are important because they help prevent:


Protein, carbohydrates, and fat are the only nutrients that provide _______ in the body.


You ate dinner last night, went to bed, and woke up in the morning. Describe energy metabolism this morning. First, select the energy statement for this scenario:

energy nutrients are brought out of storage

Check all that apply: Protein is dietarily essential because we need

essential amino acids nitrogen

If you eat more protein than you need at any given time, in an otherwise adequate diet, the excess amino acids are largely converted to:

fatty acids

Fats are made up of

fatty acids and glycerol

The most common monosaccharide in the body is:


___________ is/are the primary fuel for the brain and red blood cells.


The storage form of carbohydrate in the body is:


Which of the following factors alter protein needs? Check all that apply.

growth pregnancy lactation illness exercise

Check all that apply. Body functions that contribute to the BMR include:

heart beating lungs breathing in and out liver doing its maintenance duties

Fats In butter and Beef are ____ in saturated fat, ____ in polyunsaturated fat, and ___ in form


____________ is the maintenance of relatively constant internal conditions, such as body temperatures and blood sugar levels, through the efforts and control of many systems in the body.


Which of the following protein sources do NOT contain all 9 essential amino acids? Check all that apply.

incomplete proteins beans and grains nuts and seeds

After a prolonged fast (>24 hrs), levels of nitrogen in the urine _________ as compared to the fed state.


Which of the following happens to the excess dietary protein? Check all that apply.

it is converted to and stored as fat it can be used to fuel muscles it is excreted in the urine

_____________ occurs when someone is not getting enough protein in their diet. This condition is usually seen in first-born children in underdeveloped countries after they are weaned from their mother's breast milk and given poor sources of protein, such as root vegetables.


Which of the following is true about lactose intolerance?

lactose intolerance is the inability to digest the milk sugar, lactose.

In any given food, the amino acid present in the lowest amount relative to our need is called the ___________.

limiting amino acid

The basic unit of all carbohydrate is a/an ___________ that contains potential energy which comes from the sun.


What type of carbohydrate do energy drinks represent?


What type of carbohydrate does this pile of fruit represent?


Arrange the 3 levels of carbohydrates in the order of least to most carbon ring units.

monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide

Check all that apply: Hydrogenation is a process that makes unsaturated fats

more solid contain trans fat more resistant to oxidation (more stable)

The ________ in excess dietary protein is stripped off and excreted in the ________.

nitrogen; urine

During protein synthesis, if the body is lacking the specific amino acid called out in the DNA instructions, can another amino acid be substituted in this missing amino acid's place?


Do all males weighing 72 kg have the same energy requirement? Why or why not?

no because they have different activity levels

The food you eat supplies you with the ________ needed for your body to build new cells and renew itself.


The _______ of amino acids determines the protein's structure, which then determines _________.

order/sequence; its function

Digestive enzymes for protein, carbohydrate, and fat come from the


Protein is involved in the regulation of all of the following except?

physical digestion

The amount of energy listed on the food label that represents what your body gets when you eat a food item is the:

physiological fuel value

What type of carbohydrate does this pile of bread represent?


What type of carbohydrate is plain white pasta?


What type of fat is in pistachios, brazil nuts, and cashews ? Check all that apply.

polyunsaturated fat, linoleic acid

What type of fat is in salmon? Check all that apply.

polyunsaturated fat, linolenic acid

Essential fats are used to make


_____________ occurs when someone is not getting enough calories and protein in their diet. This condition is characterized by severe wasting of muscle and fat due to the body breaking itself down for fuel.

protein-calorie malnutrition

It's important to examine the _______ of a protein (i.e. amount of _______ in a protein) to prevent protein deficiency.

quality; EAA

What are the basic functions of protein? Check all that apply.

regulation, energy, structure

Identify the activity profile expressed as a percentage of BMR for the four activity levels:

sedentary activity is 30% of the BMR light activity is 50% of the BMR moderate activity is 70% of the BMR strenuous activity is 100% of the BMR

What are the basic functions of nutrients?

structure, regulation, energy

Which of the following are true about the RDA for protein? Check all that apply.

the RDA for protein is 0.8 g/kg of body weight per day the RDA takes into account protein from a mix of food sources the RDA is the same for both males and females

What is a lipoprotein?

the transport form of fat and cholesterol in the circulation

The amount of energy needed to digest and assimilate food is the

thermic effect of food

True or false: Generally, males have more protein present in their bodies than females because males have more muscle mass.


Metabolic waste, such as excess sodium, appears in the __________, whereas food components that are not digested or absorbed, such as fiber, appear in the __________.

urine and stool

Which of the following is true about vegetarians and protein?

vegetarians are recommended to combine protein sources in order to complement incomplete proteins

The surface of the small intestine is designed for maximum surface area through tiny folds, called ___________.

villi and microvilli

Water-insoluble fiber holds _______, bulks up the intestines, and ________ passage of waste.

water, speeds up

What are good food sources for water-insoluble fiber? Check all that apply.

whole grains beans vegetables

Fat calories = 90 kcal Carbohydrate calories = 144 kcal Protein calories = 48 kcal Total calories = 282 kcal Using the information above, calculate the percent of calories coming from fat, protein, and carbohydrates in the hummus from the previous question. You will type in the correct answer from the options given in parentheses.

% Fat Calories Divide the number of fat calories, 90 kcal by the total calories, 282 kcal, and multiply it by 100 to get our percentage of 32% fat calories same way for carbohydrates and proteins

Insulin resistance occurs when _________ can't get into the cells, leading to elevated blood sugar levels.


You ate dinner last night, went to bed, and woke up in the morning. Describe energy metabolism this morning.

Glycogen in the liver and muscle: glucose: brain energy and energy for other tissues Body fat stores: triglyceride/fatty acids: energy for other tissues

Type in the physiological fuel value for the following:

The physiological fuel value for carbohydrate is 4 kcal/g The physiological fuel value for protein is 4 kcal/g The physiological fuel value for fat is 9 kcal/g

Which of the following is true? Check all that apply.

The storage form of carbohydrate in the body is called 'glycogen' Glycogen is stored in the muscle and liver

______________ is the chemical breakdown of food through the use of digestive enzymes.

chemical digestion

Which of the following is true about energy metabolism during a 24- to 36-hour fast? Use this diagram from the video to assist you. Check all that apply.

glycogen stores in the liver and muscles have run out glucose can be made from amino acids ketones are made from fats

Which of the following are specific to protein deficiency occurring in early development (during gestation to the first 2 years of life)? Check all that apply.

mental retardation; stunning of growth

What are the end products of carbohydrate digestion?


What type of fat is in avocados, olives, and olive oil? Check all that apply.

monounsaturated fat, oleic acid

Check all that apply. Which of the following food sources are a protein with a high PER:

Egg Cow's milk Tofu Yogurt Beef Fish Soy Chicken

What are the end products of carbohydrate aerobic energy metabolism? Check all that apply.

Energy (4 calories/g) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Water (H2O)

Which of the following is true about the definition of "energy?"

Energy can refer to doing metabolic work Energy is the ability to do work Energy can refer to doing physical work

The amount of energy needed to support the cost of building new tissue and the material that makes up tissue (i.e. muscle and bone) is the cost of __________ and is taken into consideration for ___________.

Growth, children only

Would you expect the amino acid profile (the amount of amino acid) to be the same in protein from beef, almonds, refried beans, and a human blood cell? Why or why not?

No, I would not expect the amino acid profile to be the same because each protein has a unique amino acid order/sequence, which determines how the protein is shaped, and the protein shape determines its function.

What are the benefits of water-soluble fiber? Check all that apply.

Slows digestion, leading to greater feeling of fullness. Maintains better blood glucose levels. Helps lower blood cholesterol level. Helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Helps control appetite, which helps with weight loss and management

Which of the following is true about protein structure? Check all that apply.

The R-group determines how the protein folds, thus creating its structure The structure of the protein determines its function The sequence of amino acids in the R-group determines how the protein is shaped

You just finished a workout at the gym and ate a couple of eggs washed down with a chocolate soy protein drink. The dietary protein replenishes ___________ first.

body protein

Bile is made from __________ and aids in __________.

cholesterol/fat digestion

The transport form of fat and cholesterol in the blood stream resulting directly from a meal is a


Which of the following foods are sources of trans fat? Check all that apply.

margarine vegan cookies with hydrogenated oil vegetable shortening (Crisco) chips made with hydrogenated oil

___________ is the chemical form in food fat and body fat.


The difference between high fructose corn syrup and table sugar is that high fructose corn syrup is made up of monosaccharides and table sugar is made up of disaccharides.


What is glycogen? Check all that apply.

Glycogen is an animal/human "starch" made from glucose units. Glycogen is a type of polysaccharide. Glycogen is stored in the muscle and liver of humans and other animals.

Describe what happens when carbohydrate is eaten in excess of energy needs. Check all that apply.

Glycogen stores in the muscle and liver are filled After glycogen stores are filled, the remaining carbohydrate is converted to and stored as fat

What are some of the drawbacks of a low-carb/high-protein diet? Check all that apply.

Muscle is lost Initial rapid water loss, as opposed to fat loss Constipation Bad breath

Determine the calorie content of 2 tablespoons of hummus. Fat 3 g Carbohydrate 4 g Protein 2 g Let's walk through how to do this calculation in 3 steps. You may want to have a calculator handy. You will type in the correct answer from the options given in parentheses.

Step 1: The first step is to identify the physiological fuel values. For fat, the physiological fuel value is 9 kcal/g. For carbohydrate, the physiological fuel value is 4 kcal/g For protein, the physiological fuel value is 4 kcal/g Step 2: You will now need to multiply the number of grams of fat, carbohydrate, and protein by each macronutrient's respective physiological fuel value you identified in step 1. From this, we get 27 kcal of fat. From this, we will get 16 kcal of carbohydrate. From this, we get 8 kcal of protein. Step 3: Finally, you will add up the resulting products to get the total available energy, which is 51 kcal.

What happens when "bad" bacteria dominate the intestine? Check all that apply.

The immune system is weakened Intestinal problems may occur Inflammatory diseases, such as obesity, may be more likely to occur

What is her activity cost if she has light activity level?

821 kcal/d

What type of protein is in this piece of sushi?

Both incomplete and complete

Measuring ___________ losses is the best way to estimate protein need.


What did Magendie learn from his experiment involving the dogs and nitrogen?

Nitrogen is essential in the diet

Most of the enzymes responsible for the digestion of the energy nutrients come from the:


Energy (calories) eaten in excess of calorie needs for a given individual leads to:

weight gain (increase in fat stores)

There are ____ essential amino acids that we need to get from the diet.


What is the Daily Value for added sugar?

<50 g

Which of the following has the highest relative protein requirement expressed in grams of good protein per kg of body weight per day?

A 2-year-old child

Which of the following statements about nutrients are true? Check all that apply.

Certain nutrients provide energy Nutrients serve as building material Nutrients help maintain/repair body parts

Would you expect salmon protein to have the same amino acid profile as peanut protein?

No because both salmon protein and peanut protein are made up of different amounts of specific amino acids and the order/sequence of the amino acids determines how the protein is folded, thus dictating its structure and determining its function

Which of the following are true about protein turnover? Check all that apply.

Protein turnover is the process in which a protein is made and then broken down again into individual amino acids Protein turnover allows the body to adapt to changing the needs for specific proteins

Why would it be impractical or impossible to feed a 9-month-old almond milk as an exclusive protein source? Check all that apply.

The child is growing and requires more protein than can be provided by almond milk. Almond milk is an incomplete protein, so it's low in one or more essential amino acids in relation to our need. It would physically be impossible for the child to consume enough almond milk to meet his or her protein needs.

What is the % Daily Value for 1 cup of edamame with 17 grams of protein?

The first step is to identify the Daily Value for protein, which is 50 grams The next step is to divide the amount of protein in the edamame 17 grams by the Daily Value for protein 50 grams. Then, multiply by 100 to get the % Daily Value of 34%.

A slice of whole-wheat bread supplies 15g of carbohydrate. What percent of the Daily Value for carbohydrates does this slice of whole-wheat bread supply? The next few questions will walk you through how to do this calculation. You will need paper and pencil so that you can make calculations that carry from one question to the next.

The first step is to write down the Daily Value (DV) for carbohydrate. The Daily Value is the fixed value for a 2000-calorie diet. For carbohydrate, the Daily Value is: 300 g

The RDA should be used to determine nutrient needs for which of the following people?

a healthy college student

Typically, females have a ______ percentage of water in their bodies than males because females have a ______ percentage of fat in their bodies, as compared to males.

lower, higher

The ____________ makes most of the digestive enzymes for protein, carbohydrate, and fat.


Which organ secretes the majority of digestive enzymes?


A bomb calorimeter is used to calculate the number of calories in foods. The total or maximum number of calories in foods represents the ______________.

potential energy

Which of the following nutrients contain calories? Check all that apply.

protein fats carbohydrate

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