Nutrition 1000 Chapter 3

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The small intestine is considered small because its diameter is only _________, it is actually quite long about _____feet, beginning at the stomach and extending to the large intestine

1 inch(2.5 cm), 10,

for heartburn and peptic ulcer you should elevate the head of the bed ___to____inches and avoid eating at least ___to____hours before bed.


A small amount of energy for use by the cell can be produced by chemical processes that occur in the cytoplasm. This contributes to the survival of all cells and is the sole source of energy production in red blood cells. This energy production is called because it does not require oxygen.

Anaerobic metabolism

_______is stored in the gallbladder and aids in fat digestion in the small intestine


substance that aids the digestion and absorption of fat in the small intestine is


Place the following in order from the time food matter enters from the small intestine until it exits the body

Cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon

Chemical digestion refers to the chemical breakdown of foods by acid and enzymes secreted into the GI tract. Enzymes are a key part of digestion. Each enzyme is specific to one type of

Chemical process

________ refers to changes in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence


the following are what type of medications Cimetidine (Tagamet)® Ranitidine (Zantac)® Nizatidine (Axid)® Famotidine (Pepcid)®

H2 blockers

Which digestive organ has no villi or digestive enzymes, has a number of mucus producing cells, and absorbs water, some vitamins, some fatty acids and the minerals sodium and potassium

Large intestine

Digestive enzymes are very specific with regard to the _____of the environment in which they function, ______or ____ cofactors they require to function and the type of chemical reaction they catalyze.

PH, vitamin, mineral

Cells of the same type join together to form _________


the name of the primary taste sensation is


_____pormotes digestion of proetin, destroys pathogens, solubilizes some minerals and activates some enzymes


When a nutrient requires a carrier protein and energy in order to be absorbed, this is called

active absorption

the pancreas and intestinal cells secrete _____ to neutralize the acid in the small intestine


This is like soap it enables large portions of fat to break into smaller bits so that they can be suspended in water


As food passes from the small intestine through the ileocecal sphincter, it first enters the part of the large intestine known as the _____


The goal of diet therapy for any form of diarrhea is to prevent


The acidic environment of the stomach is beneficial in making ______soluable, activating some ______, and partially digesting _____

dietary minerals, digestive enzymes, protein

Arrange the parts of the small intestine in order they appear in the gi tract from top to bottom. illeum, duodenum, jejunum

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

Near the pharynx is a flap of tissue called the _______that prevents the bolus of swallowed food from entering the trachea


true of false, the storage capacity for nutrients is similar for all nutrients


T/F soluble fiber worsens symptoms of IBS

false-insoluble fiber does(whole grains, vegetables)

the storage form of glucose in the body is


The liver produces bile, which is stored and concentrated in the gallbladder until it receives _________ to release the bile

hormonal signal

Which digestive organ has no villi or digestive enzymes, has a number of mucus producing cells, and absorbs water, some vitamins some fatty acids and the minerals sodium and potassium

large intestine

______prevents the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus

lower esophageal sphincter

bicarb, lipase, amylase are produced where


the____ and the ____ produce most of the digestive enzymes

pancreas, small intestine

The contraction of muscles in the esophagus is called _____


Cells also need water; building supplies, such as _____and _____

protein, minerals

Most of the digestion and absorption of food occurs in the _________

small intestine

saliva contains a_______-digesting enzyme, salivary amylase) and a fat-digesting enzyme, _____, _______, another component of saliva, makes it easy to swallow a mouthful of food.

starch,lipase, Mucus

hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor are produced where


small amounts of water and alcohol are absorbed in the ______


T/F storage capacity varies for each different nutrient


True or false, each enzyme is specific to only one type of chemical process


the combined surface area of ___,___and____ increases the surface area for nutrient absorption in the small intestine.

villi, microvilli, mucosa folds

long- term use of antibiotics can kill the bacteria in the large intestine thereby leading to _______deficiency

vitamin K

n addition to nutrients from the food we eat, the bacteria that live in the large intestine produce some vitamins ______and _____ that can be absorbed

vitamin K and Biotin

Approximately ____%of cancers have a genetic link. Approximately ____% of cancers are related to environmental and lifestyle factors


On average digestion and absorption of a meal takes about _____. food Matter tends to pass more quickly through the GI tract of men than women.

2 days

Partially digested food spends about __ to __ hours in the stomach (longer for large meals

2 to 3

if you have a peptic ulcer, Some people experience no symptoms at all, but most notice stomach pain about_____hours after eating. Stomach acid acting on a meal irritates the ulcer after most of the meal has moved from the site of the ulcer. Other symptoms may include weight loss, lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, or bloating. Vomiting blood or what looks like coffee grounds and the appearance of black, tarry stools are signs of bleeding in the GI tract


How long is the Large intestine

3 1/2 feet

Passage through the small intestine takes ____ to _____ hours followed by upt to 72_hours in the large intestine.

3 to 10,

The stomach is a large sac that can hold up to _______cups of food for several hours until all of the food is able to enter the small intestine. Stomach size varies individually and can be reduced surgically as a radical treatment for obesity While in the stomach, the food is mixed with gastric juice, which contains ______, ________, and _______. The acid in the gastric juice destroys the biological activity of proteins, converts inactive digestive enzymes to their active form, partially digests food protein, and makes dietary minerals soluble so that they can be absorbed

4, water, hydrochloric acid, enzymes

Though true for some nutrients, such as vitamin C, the large dosages of other nutrients frequently found in supplements, such as vitamin ___ and ______, can cause harmful side effects because they are _________This is one reason why obtaining your nutrients primarily (or exclusively) from a balanced diet is the safest means to acquire the building blocks you need to maintain the good health of all organ systems.

A,iron, not readily excreted

________is when nutrients move form a lower concentration to a high concentration which requires both a carrier protein and energy

Active absorption

___________is another component of the cell membrane. It is fat soluble, so it is embedded within the bilayer. This provides rigidity and thus stability to the membrane.


Genetic variations that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease are a delay in the removal of _____from the blood and high levels of _____in the blood

Cholesterol, homocysteine

The anus contains two anal sphincters, internal and external, ____is under voluntary control.

External sphincter

________is when nutrients move from a higher concentration to a lower one with the aid of a carrier protein

Facilitated diffusion

The more serious form of acid reflux is called


Once absorbed through the stomach or intestinal wall, nutrients reach one of two destinations. Some nutrients are taken up by cells in the intestines and portions of the stomach to nourish those organs. Most of these water-soluble nutrients from recently eaten foods, however, are transferred into ____________

Hepatic portal circulation

To enter portal circulation, the nutrients pass from the intestinal capillaries into veins that eventually merge into a very large vein called ___________

Hepatic portal vein

_______are sometimes called the power plants or powerhouse of the cell. These organelles are capable of converting the food energy in energy yielding nutrients to a form of energy that cells can use. it uses oxygen so it si an _____process

Mitochondria, Aerobic

Mucus are found in what areas of digestion _____,_______,________ ,________,________

Mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

_______protects GI tract cells and lubricates food as travels


________ is the branch of nutritional genomics that examines how variations in genes can affect nutritional health


This is a gland of the endocrine system, it manufactures hormones insulin and glucagon that are secreted into the blood to regulate blood flucose


At the top of the esophagus, nerve fibers release signals to tell the GI tract that food has been consumed. This results in an increase in GI muscle action, called _______. These continual waves of muscle contractions, followed by muscle relaxation, force the food along the digestive tract from the esophagus onward


__________are medications that inhibit the ability of gastric cells to secrete hydrogen ions and thus reduce acid production. prolonged use of these could impair vitamin______status.

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), B-12

_____controls the passage of chyme fro the stomach into the small intestine

Pyloric sphincter

gallstones may develop during rapid ______or ________ (as the liver metabolizes more fat, it secretes more cholesterol into the bile)

Rapid weight loss, prolonged fasting

Feces or stool remains in the last portion of the large intestine, know as the ______, until muscular movements push it into the _____to be eliminated

Rectum, anus

A common concept in nutrition is that nurture—how people live and the environmental factors that influence them—allows nature—each person's genetic potential—to be expressed T/F


most fat is stored in the ______

adipose tissue.

The chemical breakdown of starch that occurs in the mouth is due to the enzyme action of


Calcium or iron supplements and medications such as _______ can also cause constipation


_______suspends lipids in the watery chyme in the small intestine so that lipids can be more easily digested by lipase enzymes


Chemical processes (reactions) occur constantly in every living cell; the production of new substances is balanced by the breakdown of older ones. An example is the constant formation and degradation of bone. For this turnover of substances to occur, cells require a continuous supply of energy derived from dietary ______,_______,_______

carbs, protein, fat

The large intestine can be subdivided into five main segments. they are ____, _____,_____, ______, _______

cecum, ascending colon, transversecolon, descending colon, ,sigmoid colon

There is an outside and inside to every cell, separated by the

cell (plasma) membrane

About one of every 500 people in North America has a defective gene that greatly delays _______ removal from the bloodstream


a mixture of acids, enzymes and partially digested foods are called___


The ________is the combination of fluid material and organelles within the cell, not including the nucleus

cytoplasm (also known as cytosol)

what are the three parts of the small intestine

duodenum, jejunum, ileum

Acid can also erode the lining of the esophagus and the first part of the small intestine, the ______. This can cause pain, blood loss, and even ______


which of the following are needed to facilitate active absorption. lipase, bile, energy, protein carrier

energy, protein

_________is when the components of bile are reabsorbed from the small intestine, returned to the liver via the portal vein and reused

enterohepatic circulation

While our genome contains the code for the proteins that can be made by our bodies, our epigenome is an extra layer of instructions that influences gene activity. In many cases, _______ and _____factors can alter the epigenome.

environmental, dietary

Humans are composed of four primary types of tissue: _______, _______, _______, and _________

epithelial, connective muscle, nervous tissue

The ________ is a long tube that connects the pharynx with the stomach


A lipase is an enzyme that digests


treatment for mild constipation is

fluids, exercise, relaxation, scheduled bowel movements

name three organs that are an important part of the digestive system, even though they do not come in direct contact with food matter in the gastrointestinal tract.

gallbladder, liver, pancreas

The processes of digestion and absorption take place in a long tube that is open at both ends and extends from the mouth to the anus. This tube is called the __________

gastrointestinal (GI) tract

Development of celiac disease depends on two factors: a __________ and _______ to a protein called gluten. Gluten is a type of protein found in certain grains: wheat, rye, and barley

genetic predisposition,dietary exposure

A medical family tree is know as a


The ______ and the ______ control the expression of genes and determine individual traits such as eye color and susceptibility to many disease

genome, epigenome

What nutrients are absorbed directly into the blood and transported by the hepatic portal vein to the liver

glucose, amino acids, water soluable compounds

In contrast to the small intestine the large intestine

has increased bacterial action, lacks villi, lacks digestive enzymes

Another genetic variation can lead to elevated blood levels of an amino acid, called _______, which increases cardiovascular disease risk


laxatives lessen constipation by doing what three things.

increase fecal bulk, draw water into the large intestine, stimulate GI tract nerves

______which is found in the stomach, facilitates absorption of vitamins


____is necessary for the body to absorb vitamin b-12

intrinsic factor

water potassium and sodium are absorbed in the

large intestine

what part of the digestive systmem forms feces

large intestine

components of saliva are ___, ___,____

lipase, mucus, amylase

In addition to ______and _____, the membrane also contains ________ that mark the exterior of the cell.

lipids, proteins, carbs

The _______, ________, and ______ work with the GI tract and are considered accessory organs to the process of digestion

liver, gallbladder and pancreas

Carbs cann be stored in the form of glycogen in the _____and ____

liver, muscles

the ____ produces bile, the ____manufactures hormones and the ____stores bile

liver, pancreas, gallbladder

fat soluble nutrients are absorbed into the _____system


You can find probiotic microorganisms in certain forms of fluid such as milk, fermented _____and _____, and in pill form. A related term is prebiotic. Prebiotics are substances that increase _________

milk, yogurt, growth of probiotic microorganisms

place the pathway of food in order from start to finish with the following pharynx, esophagus, mouth, epiglottis

mouth, epiglottis, esophagus, pharynx

short term storage of carbohydrates occurs in the ___ and ____ in the form of glycogen

muscle and liver

Each person's genetic potential describes what


How people live and the environmental factors that influence them define what.


______ refers to the many ways dietary components affect gene expression—particularly as it relates to development and treatment of nutrition-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease


Collectively, the interactions between genetics and nutrition are known as __________

nutritional genomics

Chemical digestion refers to the chemical breakdown of foods by acid and enzymes secreted into the GI tract. Enzymes are a key part of digestion. Each enzyme is specific to

one type of chemical process

Several organs that work together form an _____ such as the digestive system.

organ system

one, two or more tissues combine to form more complex structures called


_______is when nutrients move from higher concentration to lower without the aid of a carrier

passive diffusion

What is the function of the digestive system

perfomr the mechanical and chemical processes of digestion of food, absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste.

Foods containing certain live microorganisms such as lactobacilli have been linked to some health benefits, such as improving intestinal tract health. These microorganisms are called_____ because once consumed, they take up residence in the large intestine and confer health benefits.


the following are what type of medications Omeprazole (Prilosec OTC)® Lansoprazole (Prevacid)® Rabeprazole (Aciphex)® Esomeprazole (Nexium)

proton pump inhibitors

glucose, fats, amino acids, most vitamins and minerals are absorbed in the ____

small intestine

peptic ulcers occur where

stomach, small intestine, esophagus

digestive enzymes are very specific with regard to the ___ or _____ cofactors they require to function, the _____ of the environment in which they function, type of chemical reaction they _____

vitamin or mineral, catalyze

cells need chemical regulators such as ______and almost cells need a steady supply of ______. .

vitamins, oxygen

which of the following can be absorbed by the cells lining the stomach water, fatty acids, minerals, alcohol

water, alcohol

gluten is normally found in what grains

wheat, rye, barley

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