Nutrition 11

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The average adult male needs about _________ cups of fluid per day


The US department of health and human services recommends that healthy adults under 65 years of age should perform moderate intensity physical activity for ____________ minutes per week.


Carbohydrate is primary fuel

200 meter hurdles

Approximately how much carbohydrate should an athlete consume 3 to 4 hours before competing?

200 to 300 g

How would you calculate your individual target zone?

Multiply maximal heart rate by 0.50 and 0.70


Physical activities that are planned and structured

__________ __________ is defined as the ability to perform moderate to vigorous activity without undue fatigue.

Physical fitness

The observation that some athletes perceive benefits from the use of ergogenic aids in enhancing their athletic performance is most likely due to the __________ effect


The observation that some athletes perceive benefits from the use of ergogenic aids in enhancing their athletic performance is most likely due to the _________________ effect.


Heat exhaustion

Profuse sweating; elevated body temperature, headache, dizziness, weakness

There _____________ much rellable scientific evidence supporting the effective use of dietary supplements as ergogenic aids

is not

Put in correct order the steps of the process that is followed when glucose is converted into ATP

-Glucose is degraded into pyruvate -Pyruvate undergoes further degradation in the mitochondria -Carbon dioxide, water and ATP are formed

Place in correct order the steps by which lactic acid is converted into glucose.

-Lactic acid accumulates in the muscle cell -Lactic acid is released in the bloodstream -Lactic acid is extracted by the liver -Glucose resynthesis occurs

Body cells must convert the chemical energy in carbohydrates,protein or fats into _____________ _______________ in order to fuel body functions

Adenosine Triphosphate

Running,jogging,rapid walking, and swimming are considered _____________ activities


Which of the following are important components for an exercise program for a beginner?

Aerobic exercise Strength exercises Flexibility exercises

To find your age-related maximal heart rate, subtract your _________ from __________

Age 220

_____________ is addictive;discontinuing its use results in withdrawal and temporary unpleasant side effects especially headache.


Manipulating your food intake 3-7 days prior to an event in order to increase glycogen stores is the practice known as ___________________ or ______________ loading

Carbohydrate glycogen

Which of the following is the correct definition of catabolize?

Chemical reactions that progressively break down

Rank the activities bellow, begin with the activities that should be done infrequently are at the top of the physical activity pyramid. End with activities that belong at the base of the physical activity pyramid

Computer games and watching television Recreational activities such as gold, bowling or baseball Aerobic,strength, and flexibility exercise Physical activities such as taking the stairs and ranking leaves

Irregular menstrual cycles in female athletes adversely affect bone density due to :

Decrease estrogen


Decreases protein catabolism, and causes a growth-promoting effect

Heat stroke

Dry, hot and red skin

Heat stroke

Elevated body temperature; hot, dry, skin, poor circulation

1.2g/kg/day - 1.4g/kg/day

Endurance athletes

Which function of iron are associated with optimizing athletic performance?

Energy production Red blood cell production Oxygen transport

Athletes who take __________ aids such as dietary supplements, special foods, and drugs are hoping to improve their performance


High humidity keeps the body from cooling itself by preventing

Evaporation of sweat

True or false : Excess protein is converted to glucose and used for energy


Which fuel provides the most energy (kilocalories) per gram?


Rank the macronutrients in order of energy contribution, beginning with the macronutrient that contributes the most energy and ending with the macronutrient that contributes the least during low intensity low duration exercise.

Fat Protein

List the order which substrates the body uses beginning with 1)rest 2)steady-state exercise (moderate-intensity endurance exercise) and 3) a short burst of high intensity exercise.

Fats Carbohydrate Phosphocreatine

What are some examples of good food choices for pre event meals?

Frozen yogurt English muffin Banana

Athletes can consume sports drinks, candy, sugar sweetened soft drinks and fruit juices to restore _____________ stores quickly following an athletic event



Healthy adults

What adverse condition is a frequent complication of heat exhaustion ?

Heat cramps

A heat-related illness that occurs after intense exercise in hot weather, especially when water and salt intakes have been inadequate is called

Heat cramps Heat exhaustion Heat stroke

Which injury is considered an immediate medical emergency?


which of the following chronic conditions would be improved by a program of regular exercise?

Hypertension Obesity Type 2 Diabetes Osteoporosis

Branched-Chain Amino acids

Important energy source,especially when carbohydrates are depleted

Which definition best describes the outcome of aerobic training?

Improves the muscle cells' ability to generate ATP rapidly

Symptoms of heatstroke include______________

confusion irritability

What are the benefits of the warm-up prior to the start of an exercise routine?

Increased range of motion Decreased risk of injury


Increases PCr in muscle to keep ATP concentration high


Increases use of fatty acids to fuel muscle, promotes mental alertness

Place in the correct order, the stages one would follow when beginning an exercise program

Initiation Improvement Maintenance

Athletes who dont consume sufficient calories can experience

Loss of bone density Muscle mass loss Fatigue

Which of the following best describes aerobic activity?

Low to moderate intensity exercise

Physical fitness is the ability to perform

Moderate to vigorous activity without undue fatigue

Physical Activity

Movement that results from skeletal muscle contraction

Physical activity

Movement that results from skeletal muscle contraction

Heat exhaustion

Nausea and vomiting

Protein is the primary fuel

Supplies only a minor percentage of energy

Physical fitness

The ability to perform moderate to vigorous intensity activities without becoming excessively fatigued

Fluid replacement is necessary if an athlete loses more than ____________ percent of body weight following exercise


Which are important parts of a good fitness program?

Warming up and cooling down Strength training aerobic training

The following are considered the effective ergogenic aids

Water Adequate carbohydrate intake

Physical fitness

ability to perform moderate to vigorous intensity activities without becoming excessively fatigued

Foods, devices dietary supplements, and even drugs taken to improve physical performance are called.

ergogenic aids

A frequent complication of heat exhaustion is ___________

excessive sweating dizziness muscle cramps

Sodium Bicarbonate

Counters lactic acid build up

______________ Is the most useful from of biological fuel


Fat is the primary fuel

Walking at slow pace

Describe the steps by which atp is produced from a phospocreatine molecule

-The enzyme in muscle cell splits PCr to phosphate and creatine -Energy is release -Energy is used to reform ATP from its breakdown products

I weight 50 kg, what is my RDA for protein

40 g

Moderate intensity exercise is calculated at what percent of maximal heart rate?


Heat cramps

Painful contractions of skeletal muscle

Heat cramps

Painful muscle spams

Which of the following are important components of an exercise program for a beginner?

Progress to 30 minutes of consistent moderate intense activity Incorporate short periods of physical activity into the daily routine Set specific goals for both aerobic and resistance training


Resistance athletes

What is a convenient way to add a source of glucose during lengthy and vigorous physical activity?

Sports drinks

Heat ________________ is considered a medical emergency and requires immediate medical assistance


Multiplying your weight in kilogram by 6 and then by 10 is used to calculate the

recommended range of carbohydrate intake

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