nutrition 3 quiz

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A major underlying personal characteristic of both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is having a distorted body image.

Mrs. Dawson is the director of health education for her school district. She is planning an eating disorders prevention campaign for her students. To have the most impact, what should be the target age group for the campaign?

12 to 14

increase risk of dementia

higher intake of margarine and butter high sodium

Exposure to high levels of ______ from the water supply is known to have harmful effects on the pregnant woman and the fetus. Check all that apply

lead arsenic

Protein recommendations are highest for which of the following groups?

High-intensity interval training athletes

Compared to sports drinks, energy drinks contain: (check all that apply)

Higher amounts of carbohydrate Caffeine B vitamins Amino acids

Which of the following foods should not be fed to an infant, because they may cause choking? (Check all that apply.)

Hot dogs cut into coin-shaped pieces Peanut butter Grapes

Which of the following factors contributes to childhood obesity? (Check all that apply.)

Lack of opportunities for physical activity Easy access to empty-calorie foods and drinks at or near schools Large portion sizes of foods sold from vending machines and in restaurants and grocery stores

Rob, Shayla, and their 2-year-old daughter are a low-income family. Rob is a seasonal construction worker, who often cannot find work; Shayla is not employed outside the home. The couple is expecting another baby in 6 months. They have a difficult time making their weekly food budget last, especially when Rob is unemployed. What federal assistance program would you recommend for the family?


Which of the following are characteristics of night eating syndrome? Check all that apply.

Waking up to binge-eat in the middle of the night Needing to eat a large meal to fall asleep Consuming 50% or more of total calories after the evening meal

extrusion reflex

Which of the following infant reflexes helps prevent young infants from eating foods before they are able to digest them?

should be avoided or limited during pregnany

caffeine, vitamin a, alcohol, swordfish


chop, blend or grind hard to chew foods

lactic acid energy system

exercise lasting 30-40 seconds

True or false. Fluid recommendations for athletes are the same as fluid requirements for nonathletes and are based on a person's weight.


decreases during the aging process

saliva production, activity of bone forming cells, brain weight, cardiac output, thyroid hormone production, kidney cell function


season foods w herbs and spices

food insecurity

seek community nutrition assistance programs

Which of the following chronic health problems is NOT associated with childhood obesity?

type 1

Physiological changes are an inevitable part of the aging process. As the body ages, all of the following decrease EXCEPT:

vitamin d needs

Which of the following are fat recommendations for athletes? (check all that apply)

20-35% of energy should come from fat. Consume health-promoting fats, including monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids. Limit saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet.

Which of the following are health problems associated with childhood obesity?

Breathing problems, including sleep apnea and asthma Joint discomfort Elevated blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels

Many pregnant women experience constipation during pregnancy as the intestinal muscles relax and the growing baby competes with the GI tract for space in the abdominal cavity. What can be done to help alleviate constipation during pregnancy? Check all that apply.

Exercise regularly. Increase water intake. Increase fiber intake.

Treatment of eating disorders requires a multidisciplinary approach. Which of the following health professionals should be involved in the treatment of a patient with an eating disorder? Check all that appl

Registered dietitian or registered dietitian nutritionist Psychiatrist or psychologist Medical doctor

1. Laurie is a college student who became obsessed with losing weight after breaking up with her boyfriend. She avoids any foods she perceives as "fattening." Laurie is 5'9" and now weighs 113 lbs. She has not had a menstrual period in over a year.


Brianna is a high school cross-country runner who experienced a season-ending injury. She is feeling depressed about not being able to compete and her grades are beginning to suffer. She consoles herself by eating large quantities of food, including cakes, cookies, and ice cream. She feels an overwhelming sense of guilt after these binges, but she does not engage in any compensatory behaviors, such as vomiting or laxative abuse

binge eating disorder

Poor vitamin D status, in conjunction with inadequate _______________ intake, contributes to reduced bone density and increased risk of fracture.


Form of psychotherapy that addresses unhealthy behavior by challenging current beliefs and replacing them with more realistic thoughts:

cognitive behavioral therapy

Form of psychotherapy that strives to improve skills used to manage stress, anxiety, or feelings of inadequacy:

dialectical behavioral therapy

T/F People with bulimia nervosa attempt to control body weight with inappropriate compensatory behaviors, such as purging calories by vomiting. However, people with anorexia nervosa do not engage in purging behaviors. True


True or false. Creatine is most beneficial for endurance athletes.


True or false: The best time to correct maternal nutritional inadequacies is during the first trimester.


As many as 10% of America's school-age children suffer from constipation related to inadequate consumption of dietary _______________.


should be included during pregnancy

folic, iron fortified cereal

Of the following factors that impact the dietary needs of an athlete, all of the following can be adjusted EXCEPT:

genetic endowment

Jim's grandmother was hospitalized recently, and Jim was surprised to see anorexia on her list of diagnoses. He asked the attending physician if his grandmother had an eating disorder, and the physician explained the difference between anorexia and anorexia nervosa. What does the word anorexia mean?

loss of appetite

heat exhaustion symptoms

low grade fever, heavy sweating, headache, nausea

Heat cramps symptom

painful muscle spasms

The only medication that is currently FDA-approved for treatment of eating disorders is


School-age children tend to consume excessive amounts of: (Check all that apply.)

sodium, sugar, saturated fat

Which chronic disease is the most likely consequence of the female athlete triad?


If a new mother had a nutritionally adequate diet during pregnancy, she needs only to add ______ to support breastfeeding

3 to 4 cups of water

Which of the following are goals of treatment for patients with eating disorders? Check all that apply.

Address unresolved emotional needs, such as sources of anxiety Correct nutritional deficiencies, such as iron-deficiency anemia or low calcium intake Address medical conditions, such as heart arrhythmias or gastrointestinal bleeding

Which of the following ergogenic substances has been banned by at least one athletic association? (check all that apply)

Anabolic steroids DHEA Androstenedione

Cassidy is a 14-year-old girl with Irish ancestry. Since she was 9 years of age, she has participated in Irish dance competitions and won many awards. When she turned 12, she noticed her body shape was beginning to change. Now, she thinks she has too much fat in her buttocks and thighs. Cassidy is concerned that the extra weight will affect her ability to win dance competitions, so she restricts her food intake. Which of the following elements of Cassidy's case description are risk factors for the development of eating disorders? (Check all that apply.)

Being an adolescent female Restricting food intake to control weight Feeling dissatisfied with her body shape

PCr-ATP Energy System:

Exercise lasting a few seconds

T/F When Polly's heart rate is 70-85% of her age-related maximum heart rate, she is exercising at a moderate intensity.


True or false. Children experience food jags when their usual diets lack essential nutrients.


When determining the dietary needs of an athlete, which of the following factors must be considered? (check all that apply)

Gender Environmental conditions Age Frequency of training

Which of the following are consequences when athletes don't consume enough energy to support their physically active lifestyles? (check all that apply)

Loss of muscle mass and bone density Fatigue Menstrual irregularities Greater risk of injury

Maternal iron deficiency is associated with increased risk of several pregnancy complications. Check all that apply

Low birth weight Preterm birth

Now that Quinn is six months old, her mother Kelly is wondering if she is ready to start solid foods. What factors determine if Quinn is ready for solid foods? Check all that apply:

Quinn no longer thrusts her tongue forward and pushes out food when it is introduced. Quinn can sit up with back support. Quinn can control her mouth, head, and neck.

Which of the following behaviors is typical of someone who has disordered eating but not an eating disorder?

Skipping breakfast when late for an exam

What is the significance of grapefruit juice in the treatment of cardiovascular disease?

The vitamin E in grapefruit juice prevents oxidation of LDL and thereby lowers risk of atherosclerosis.

Which of the following factors can contribute to dehydration among older adults? Check all that apply.

Use of diuretic medications Decreased sensation of thirst Urinary incontinence

Although the Dietary Guidelines advise Americans to consume 8 to 12 ounces of seafood per week to obtain omega-3 fatty acids, seafood can be a source of methylmercury, a toxin that leads to neurological damage during fetal development. Can pregnant women safely consume seafood?

Yes, but pregnant women should avoid swordfish, shark, tilefish, and king mackerel.

Which two of the following are common causes of taste disorders among older adults?

Zinc deficiency Side effects of medications

Mrs. McLaren is a 68-year-old retired music teacher who still gives piano lessons in her home and accompanies her church choir. For several years, she has been taking two or three doses per day of ibuprofen, a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), to keep the arthritis in her hands from affecting her ability to play music. What nutritional problem may result from long-term use of NSAIDs?



eat meals w friends and family

decreases risk of dementia

eating 2-3 serving cold water fish per week, physical activity, fruits and veggies, healthy relationships w friends and family

increases during the aging process

heartburn and constipation hardening of the arteries

About 9% of teenage girls are deficient in this micronutrient, because it is lost in menstrual blood


According to the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines, which of the following nutrients is a nutrient of public health concern, specifically for pregnant females.


Anthony is training for a half-marathon. On long-run days, which of the following snacks would be the most appropriate to consume after one hour of running and why?

A banana and pretzels because they provide carbohydrate, which helps prevent fatigue.

Which of the following affect athletic fluid needs? (check all that apply)

Gender Environmental conditions Choice of sport Athlete's fitness level

Which of the following health problems may occur in people with bulimia nervosa who use self-induced vomiting to purge excess calories? (Check all that apply.)

Heart rate disturbances Damaged walls of the esophagus Swelling of salivary glands Demineralization of teeth

Over the past century, the life expectancy of Americans has increased by more than 30 years. Which of the following factors contributed to this increase in life expectancy? Check all that apply.

Improved diets Improved public sanitation Advances in medical treatment for infectious diseases

Which of the following statements describe Alzheimer's disease? Check all that apply.

Irreversible Form of degenerative dementia

Breast milk is a near perfect food for infants, although it may be low in some micronutrients that babies need. Breastfed infants may require supplementation with which of the following vitamins? Check all that apply.

Vitamin D Vitamin B-12

A year ago, Larissa gave birth to a baby. She was slim before she became pregnant, and she was alarmed by the amount of weight that she gained during the pregnancy. After the baby was born, she went on a very-low-carbohydrate diet. Now, she weighs less than she did before the pregnancy, but she continues to restrict her caloric intake to only 500 kcal/day. Although her BMI is 16.9, she still thinks she is too fat. Because her friends are concerned about her extreme weight loss, she avoids eating with them. Based on this information, what eating disorder does Larissa have?


Which of the following athletes will benefit the most from carbohydrate loading?

cross country skier

Samantha is a stay-at-home mom who is struggling with her marriage. She is overweight and often wakes up in the middle of the night to binge on large quantities of food while her husband is asleep. She feels isolated and angry and confides to her therapist that more than 50% of her caloric intake occurs in the middle of the night.

night eating syndrome

Brenda is a college student suffering from bulimia nervosa. When her roommate is at class, Brenda regularly binges on large quantities of food, sometimes up to 3000 kilocalories in an hour. She then feels so guilty, she feels an overwhelming need to purge.. What types of compensatory behaviors are used by people with bulimia nervosa to rid the body of excess calories? Check all that apply. Excessive exercising

Excessive exercising Self-induced vomiting Laxative abuse

Celeste is an elite gymnast who recently transferred to a very competitive gym. The girls on her new team commented that she is heavier than they are. Her teammates' nagging has led Celeste to severely restrict her food intake. She has lost so much weigh that she has stopped menstruating. Last week at practice, she fractured her ankle after falling off the balance beam.

female athlete triad

Females involved in competitive sports, especially _____, are at risk of the female athlete triad.


Risk factors for eating disorders include _____.

having a history of frequent attempts to lose weight

True or false: Colostrum, which is rich in proteins that support immune development, is the first milk secreted by the breasts.


True or false: The placenta allows for the exchange of oxygen, nutrients, and wastes between the maternal and fetal blood supplies, but the maternal and fetal blood supplies do not mix.


At what age does the first primary tooth generally emerge in infants?


True or false. Infants younger than 4 months should not be given cereals or other starchy foods because their bodies do not make enough amylase.


Engaging in regular physical activity is an important component of a weight-management or weight-loss program. In addition to the effects on weight, regular physical activity also decreases chronic disease risk. What disease risk does regular physical activity help reduce? Check all that apply:

Type 2 diabetes Certain types of cancer Osteoporosis

oxygen energy system

endurance exercise activities


engage in strength traing

True or false: Dementia is a normal part of the aging process.


Emily is a 30-year-old woman who wants to have a baby. She likes to drink a glass of wine with dinner or when she's with friends. She asks you how much alcohol can be safely consumed during pregnancy. What should you tell her?

pregnant women should not drink any alcohol

Hypertension in toddlers and preschoolers may result from excessive intake of...


What are the primary electrolytes is sports drinks?

sodium and potassium

The major goal of the Elderly Nutrition Program is

to provide nutritionally balanced meals to adults who are 60 years of age and older.

T/F Individuals with binge-eating disorder often experience other psychological disorders, such as depression, or substance abuse disorders.


T/F People with night eating syndrome are not always overweight or obese; some people may maintain a normal BMI if they compensate for nighttime binges by eating less or exercising more during the day.


True or false. Breastfed infants should be given 400 IU of vitamin D each day for their first year of life


True or false. Compared to preschoolers, older children often skip breakfast.


True or false. Ergogenic aids include dietary supplements such as caffeine pills, creatine, and glucosamine.


True or false. UV exposure promotes vitamin D synthesis and improves aerobic fitness, muscle strength, and optimal performance in timed sprints


Dana and her husband are on vacation at a resort that features a variety of outdoor activities. Because she is pregnant, Dana is cautious about the types of exercise she should perform. All of the following are appropriate exercises for pregnancy EXCEPT: _____.

water skiing

About 10% of adults suffer from hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid glad produces low levels of thyroid hormone. Click to select the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.

weight gain, fatigue, depression

Which of the following vitamins is often lacking in the diets of older adults, especially elderly women?


To reduce the risk of obesity, caregivers should limit children's screen time to fewer than _______________ per day.

2 hours

Mrs. Dawson is collecting topic ideas that will be shared as part of morning announcements during National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. She has received the following submissions from her student advisory board. Which of these topics would be appropriate? Check all that apply.

Beyond the Looking Glass: a message that aims to build confidence and body acceptance by encouraging students to compliment each other on characteristics and accomplishments that have nothing to do with appearance Powerfully Fit: a message that emphasizes the importance of a balanced and nutritionally adequate diet for student athletes and informs students that being thin is not a predictor of optimal athletic performance The Media's Ideal is Not for Real: a visual presentation that shows how advertisers use very thin females to portray thinness as the ideal for beauty rather than show females who have healthy body weights.

Which of the following are common behaviors of a person with binge-eating disorder? Check all that apply.

Eating very rapidly beyond feelings of fullness Eating alone to hide binge-eating behavior Feelings of guilt or shame after eating large quantities of food

Which of the following may help a person stick to their physical fitness plan? (check all that apply)

Encouragement from an exercise partner Planning a variety of physical activities Use of a pedometer or smartphone-based tool to track steps

Which of the following factors contributes to iron-deficiency anemia in adult female athletes? (check all that apply)

Menstrual blood losses Vegetarian diets Gastrointestinal bleeding Low-calorie diets

Jim is a high school wrestler who is struggling to keep his weight in a healthy range. After a stressful practice, he will sometime binge on very large quantities of food. He feels so guilty afterward that he exercises for hours to try to burn off the extra calories.


Treatment of which of the following conditions involves drinking cool water and spraying or sponging with cool water? (check all that apply)

heat exhaustion, heatstroke

heat stroke symptoms

high fever, confusion, shallow breathing, lack of sweating

Protein recommendations are highest for which of the following groups

high intensity interval training athletes

Which of the following are common health risks associated with binge-eating disorder? Check all that apply.

hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of whey protein?

improves stamina

For a variety of reasons, many adults experience decreased stomach acid production as they age. Anemia may result because hydrochloric acid is required for optimal absorption of ______. Check all that apply.

iron and vitamin b-12

easily fatigued

keep east to prepare foods on hand

Throughout her pregnancy, Dana has been experiencing heartburn. A registered dietitian told Dana that hormones produced by the placenta relax muscles in her GI tract, which contributes to heartburn, but Dana can take steps to alleviate the discomfort. All of the following help prevent or lessen heartburn EXCEPT:

lying down after meals.

Female triad

menstrual disturbances, low energy, low bone mineral density

good advice that can help a woman with gestational diabetes maintain her blood sugar level within a normal range

monitor blood glucose levels, engage in moderate physical activity, focus on whole grains, beans fruits, veggies

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