Nutrition Chapter 15

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that healthy adults under 65 years of age should: •Perform moderate-intensity aerobic activity for ________min/wk •________min/wkof vigorous activity for more physically intense workouts

150 min/week of moderate intensity 75 min/week of vigorous activity

Strength training should be performed at least ______ days per week


Athletes should avoid losing more than __% of their body weight during exercise


Fat should supply ____ to _____% of energy for most physically active people

20 to 35%

Powdered Pure Caffeine compared to coffee: one teaspoon of pure caffeine is roughly comparable to drinking ____ cups of caffeinated coffee


Consuming protein within ____ hours after exercise can promote:

2; protein synthesis and maintain a net positive nitrogen balance

While performing prolonged physical activity, athletes can delay reaching "the wall" by consuming ___ to _____ g of carbohydrate per hour of activity

30 to 60 g

How to calculate target heart rate zone

50 to 70% of an individual's age-related maximum heart rate ARMHR X.5 X.7 Vigorous - 70-85% ARMHR

Fewer than ___% of all American adults meet the minimum physical activity recommendation of obtaining at least 2.5 hrs/wk of physical activity


To maintain adequate muscle glycogen, athletes engaging in 1 to 3 hours/day of moderate to high-intensity exercise should consume ___ to ___ g of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight daily


Caffeine can increase _______ and decrease ________

Increases mental alertness Decreases pain perception and perceived exertion during exercise

__________ use is greatest in low- to moderate-intensity physical activity

Plasma FFA

To fuel activity, muscle cells can use fatty acids from a variety of sources:

Plasma free fatty acids (FFAs) Intramuscular triglycerides Plasma triglycerides (Chylomicrons; Very-low-density lipoproteins)

How to calculate age-related maximum heart rate

To calculate age-related maximum heart rate, subtract a person's age from 220

Physical fitness

ability to perform moderate to vigorous intensity activities without becoming excessively fatigued

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)

amino acids with a unique branched side chain; preferentially utilized by muscle cells for energy

Exercise can produce a temporary imbalance between free radical generation and the ability of ____________ to counteract them


Carbohydrate loading helps ______ fatigue in athletes participating in events lasting more than _____ minutes

delay; 90

Anabolic steroids

drugs that mimic the action of the male sex hormone testosterone

Side effects of energy drink consumption

elevated heart rate and BP, increases likeliness of people engaging in risky behaviors

Compared to nonathletes, athletes need more ___________ to support their physically active lifestyles


Skeletal muscles need _____________ to move

energy sources

Practical way to measure aerobic capacity:

engage in vigorous exerciesand note when the breathing rate increases to the point when he or she cannot carry on a conversation

Glycogen depletion is a major cause of _______ during endurance exercise


Caffeine raises the level of _________ in the blood

fatty acids

_____ athletes are more likely to develop iron deficiency anemia


Carbohydrate loading

practice of manipulating physical activity and dietary intake of carbohydrates to increase muscle glycogenstores

Heart rate can be measured using the _____________ artery in the wrist



refers to low blood sodium •Results in serious and even deadly side effects •Symptoms include headaches, confusion, vomiting, bloating, and seizures •Immediate treatment is necessary to prevent death

Delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS)

refers to muscle soreness occurring 1 to 2 days following intense exercises Result of microtears to muscle fibers Treatment includes: •Consuming a specialized diet •Supplementing with certain nutrients, including BCAAs


results from discontinuing an exercise training program

Caffeine enhances the ability of ______ and ______ to contract

skeletal and heart muscles

Lactic acid energy system provides a ____________ amount of ATP to last for up to 180


moderate exercise

small increases in breathing and heartrate for 150 minutes/week

After strenuous exercise, muscle cells repair themselves by using available amino acids to:

synthesize new proteins

Sports anemia

temporary condition that develops during the early stages of training in endurance athletes; a result of an increase in the liquid portion of blood (plasma) that results in low hemoglobin levels

Target heart rate zone

the heart rate range that reflects intensity of physical exertion

Genetic endowment

the inherited physical characteristics that can affect athletic performance

Sports nutrition

the practice of applying nutrition principles and research findings to improving athletic performance and recovery following a training session

During prolonged physical activity, muscles lose some protein because:

they metabolize certain amino acids for energy

Plasma FFAs must be constantly replenished by using ________ stored in adipose tissue


Total vegetarian athletes or those that restrict their consumption of dairy products can have marginal or low _______ and ________ intakes

vitamin D and calcium

An effective aerobic workout program should include the following components:

warmup, aerobic workout, and cooldown

About 3 g of _____ are incorporated into muscle tissue along with each gram of glycogen


__________ is the recommended source of fluid for athletes exercising at low to moderate intensity for less than 30 to 60 minutes


Ingredients in sports drinks

water, carbs, and electrolytes (sodium and potassium)

Athletes generally require more _____ than nonathletes to:

water; keep their bodies cool during muscular activity

Maintenance stage

when the individual has reached their goals after improvement stage

Multiple factors should be considered when determining the dietary needs of an athlete:

•Age •Gender •Height •Weight •Body composition •Type of training •Frequency of training •Environmentalcondition •Current dietary habits

Whey protein

is a nutrient isolated type of protein found in milk •Essential amino acids •Vitamins •Minerals


physical activities that are usually planned and structured for a purpose

Aerobic exercise

physical activities that involve sustained, rhythmic contractions of large muscle groups

Resistance exercises

physical activities, such as pull-ups and push-ups, that develop muscle strength and muscle endurance

1 to 4 hours before competing, athletes should eat a meal that supplies ___ to ____ g of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight

1 to 4g

To restore glycogen levels quickly after an event, athletes should consume ____ to ____ g of carbohydrate/kg of body weight per hour for 4 to 6 hours

1.0 to 1.2 g

Individuals training for aerobic sports consume ____ to ____ g of protein/kg of body weight/day

1.1 to 3.0

In general, athletes should consume ______ to _____ g of protein/kg of body weight/day to support:

1.2 to 2.0; metabolic adaptation, repair, remodeling, and protein turnover that results from moderate- and high-intensity physical activity

Drinking ___ to ____ liters of fluid can replace each kilogram lost during exercise

1.25 to 1.5

Drinks with sugar contents above ___% may cause intestinal discomfort


ATP is formed from:

ADP and inorganic phosphate

Physical Activity Pyramid bottom to top

Activities of daily living Aerobic, flexibility, and strength exercises Light recreational activity Sedentary activity

Physical signs determining the intensity of exercise

Breathing rate Sweat production

Vitamins _____ and _____ may increase aerobic endurance capacity

C and E

t/f: cells store a large amount of ATP.


Those who train indoors should consider taking:

a vitamin D supplement

2 of the most crucial factors that influence athletic performance

Genetic endowment and physical training

Age-related maximum heart rate

Normal maximum heart rate of an individual of a given age during exercise

Muscle cells rely on three major systems to obtain energy:

PCr-ATP system- anaerobic Lactic acid system- anaerobic Oxygen system

Initiation stage

The first 3 to 6 weeks of an individual's new exercise program The initial fitness goal is to accumulate a total of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity types of activity a week

Improvement stage

The next 5 or 6 months of the program after initiation stage Here, the intensity and duration of exercise are increased


a drug found in many beverages and food products, including coffee, tea, and cola drinks, that stimulates the central nervous system and may enhance physical activity

Protein is not a major ___________

biological fuel

What happens to excess protein?

body converts the extra amino acids into fat for storage in adipose tissue

Aerobic capacity increases ___________ and decreases ____________

by engaging in endurance training; as people grow older

Sports gels

carbohydrate rich gels developed for athletes, particularly those engaged in endurance training and competition

Ergogenic aids

foods, devices, dietary supplements, or drugs used to try to improve physical performance

Source of glucose

glycogen that is stored in muscles

Heat exhaustion

heat-related illness that can occur after intense exercise and is characterized by weakness or dizziness

Phosphocreatine (PCr)

high-energy compound used to re-form ATP under anaerobic conditions; provides energy for ____ bouts of high-intensity activity

Energy drinks

highly caffeinated beverages containing a variety of product-specific "energy blends" such as: caffeine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin, and taurine

_________________ facilitates the breakdown of adipose cell triglycerides into glycerol and FFAs

hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL)

Built environment

human-made resources, including buildings, roads, parks, supermarkets, and restaurants, within a community This environment will often encourage more physical activity

Exercise-associated muscle cramps

involuntary and painful muscle contractions occurring during or after exercise

When a cell needs energy to drive a chemical reaction:

it uses an enzyme to break the bond between the last two phosphate groups of ATP, releasing energyand reforming ADP and Pi

In anaerobic conditions, muscle cells metabolize glucose to pyruvate and then convert pyruvate to:

lactic acid

Vigorous exercise

larger increases in breathing and heartrate

The amount of plasma FFAs available at any one time is very _____


Highest use of ergogenic aids

males, individuals who participate in individual sports, and elite athletes

Aerobic capacity (VO2 max)

maximal oxygen uptake; a measure of the amount of the maximal amount of oxygen consumed during physical activity

Athletes should focus on consuming health-promoting fats (_____ and _____)

monounsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids


most dangerous form of heat-related illness; potentially fatal condition characterized by body temperatures greater than 104°F

Physical activity

movement resulting from contraction of skeletal muscles

NCAAs limit on caffeine

no more than 15 micrograms of caffeine per milliliter in urine can be banned

Should iron supplements be taken?

only when being monitored by health professional

Consuming protein with carbohydrates before and during exercise will provide:

optimal support and optimal recovery

Potential sources of ATP during exercise:

•Glucose •Triglycerides •Amino acids

Physical activity may increase the need for certain vitamins and minerals because of:

•Increased energy metabolism to support the activity •Enhanced turnover and loss from the body •Consumption of low-calorie diets by some athletes

Various environmental factors contribute to whether or not an individual meets physical activity recommendations:

•Location of home •Safety of neighborhood •Ability to walk to destinations •Availability of parks, trails, and fitness centers

Athletes who do not consume enough energy can:

•Lose muscle mass and bone density •Experience fatigue and menstrual irregularities •Be at risk of injury •Not perform well

If consumed 10 to 60 minutes before exercise, energy drinks may improve:

•Mental focus •Alertness •Sports performance

Consulting a physician before beginning a fitness program is recommended for:

•Sedentary men over 40 years •Sedentary women over 50 years •Those with an existing health problems

Perform the following at least 2x/wk:

•Strength-training exercises •Neuromotor exercises •Flexibility exercises

Regular physical activity has numerous health benefits:

•Weight control •Improved body composition •Prevention of chronic diseases (Cancer, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease) •Management of depression •Improved sleep

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