Nutrition Chapter 19

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Are natarual intoxicants all hazardous?

Two familiar principles: First, any substance can be toxic when consumed in excess. Second, poisons are poisons, whether made by people or by nature. Remember, it is not the source of a chemical that makes it hazardous, but its chemical structure and the quantity consumed.


U S D A ( U S D e p a r t m e n t o f A g r i c u l t u r e) : the federal agency responsible for enforcing standards for the wholesomeness and quality of meat, poultry, and eggs produced in the United States; conducting nutrition research; and educating the public about nutrition.

What are pesticides

chemicals used to control insects, weeds, fungi, and other pests on plants, vegetables, fruits, and animals. Used broadly, the term includes herbicides (to kill weeds), insecticides (to kill insects), and fungicides (to kill fungi).

preservatives :

antimicrobial agents, antioxidants, and other additives that retard spoilage or maintain desired qualities, such as softness in baked goods.

Hormones: BGH:

bovine growth hormone- not considered harmful by FDA because its absorption does not occur in human is BGH is biologically inactive in human.


buy only seafood that has been properly refrigerated, iced cooked , seafood should be stored seperately from raw seafood to avoid cross contamination.

food borne intoxication

caused by eating foods containing natural toxins or, more likely, microbes that produce toxins.

What are some of the harmful contaminants?

Methylmercury- from fish. Manufacturers discard industrialized waste in water and fish accumulate that poison in the body. PCB and PBB: toxic organic halogens used in pesticidal, plants and flame retardants.


found in Raw or undercooked eggs, raw milk, other dairy products, shrimp, frog legs, yeast , pasta a Symptoms: fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps. b Prevention method: cook food thoroughly, pasteurize milk and sanitary food handling.


found in potatoes, narcotic like substance, can be removed by peeling the potatoes. Symptoms: gastrointestinal and neurological disturbances

generally recognized as safe (GRAS),

g e n e r a l l y r e c o g n i z e d a s s a f e (G R A S ) : food additives that have long been in use and are believed to be safe. First established by the FDA in 1958, the GRA


given to livestock and residues remain. May contribute to the antibiotic resistance in human.

ii Clostridium botulism:

growth without o2, in low acid environment. 1 Most frequent food source: canned food 2 Symptoms: nervous system problems, including double vision etc. 3 prevention: use proper canning method, avoid leaky seals

inspection doesnot

guarantee that meat is free of harmful bacteria

de minimis r u l e :

guideline that defines risk as a cancer rate of less than one cancer per million people exposed to a contaminant over a 70-year lifetime.

Bovine Spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)

thee) or BSE: an often fatal illness of cattle and wild game that affects the nervous system and is transmitted to people by eating infected meats; commonly called mad cow disease.

Decaffeinated coffee:

to remove the caffeine methylene chloride is added and some of the residues are left in the final product

Ground Water

Groundwater is the water in underground aquifers—rock formations that are saturated with and yield usable water.

how people can protect themselves against contamination.

In all cases, two principles apply. First, remain alert to the possibility of contamination of foods and keep an ear open for public health announcements and advice. Second, eat a variety of foods. Varying food choices is an effective defensive strategy against the accumulation of toxins in the body. Each food eaten dilutes contaminants that may be present in other components of the diet

Explain how to minimize nutrient losses in the kitchen. r.

In the marketplace, food labels, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and MyPlate all help consumers learn about nutrition and how to plan healthy diets. At home, consumers can minimize nutrient losses from fruits and vegetables by refrigerating them, washing them before cutting them, storing them in airtight containers, and cooking them for short times in minimal water

Safe refrigerator store times

*1-2 days= raw ground meats, breakfast and raw sausages *3-5 days - Raw steaks, roasts, or chops; cooked meats, poultry, vegetables, and mixed dishes; lunchmeats (packages opened); mayonnaise salads (chicken, egg, pasta, tuna); fresh vegetables (spinach, green beans, tomatoes. 1 week- hard boiled eggs , bacon, hotdogs , smoked sausages and seafood , milk cottage cheese 1-2 weeks- yogurt, carrot , cellery, lettuce 2-4 weeks: Fresh eggs (in shells); lunchmeats, bacon, or hot dogs (packages unopened); dry sausages (pepperoni, hard salami); most aged and processed cheeses (Swiss, brick) 2 months: Mayonnaise (opened jar); most dry cheeses (Parmesan, Romano

stuffing poultry, cassarole reheated leftovers

- 165 degrees

how to chill to prevent foodborne illness

- Refrigerate perishable groceries. -buy only foods that are solid from the store freezer - keep cold food at 40 degree of less -keep frozen fooda t 0 degree marinade meat at refrigerator not counter -thaw meat or pultry in refrigerator not at the room termperature -freeze meat fish poultry immidiately

Most contaminated

- apple, celerery , strawberry

For specific food items

- canned foods- throw out the leadky canned foods -milk and cheese- use pastaurized milk -eggs: cook eggs until white and firmly set and yolk begin to thicken honey- may contain bacterial pores, can cause human to produce potulin- younger kids must not be fed honey.

Ground meat more susecptible becasue

- goes through more handling and has more SArea exposed to bacteiral contamination

foodborne Infection vs intoxication

- infection- food contaminated by infectious microbes-- from uncooked poultry, unpasteurized meat. -Intoxication- food containing toxin produced by microbes

For specific food items

- mized salands and chopped are most suseptible to bacteria becasue it comes in contant with hands, cutting bards kitchen utensils that easily transmit bacteria to food. -chill them well before and during serving

Sell by meaning

- mostly for looks, not an expiration

Sushi grading

- sushi grade implies wholesome but not legally defined and doesnot grade on quality, purity and freshness. eating raw oyesters- can be dangerous, 10 species of bacteria are found in raw oyesters. Also contain hep A virus which can cause liver disease - pastaurize raw oysters to kill the bacteria

Foods that have acrylamide

French fries, potato chips, cookies, cereals

How to cook to prevent foodborne illness

- use thermometer to test the internal temperatures. -hambrgur should be atleast medium well done -insert the thermometer betwwen the thigh and the body or into the thickest part of the meat and make sure that the tip of the thermometer is not touching the bone -cook stuffing seperately or stuff poultry prior to cooking -donot cook large cut meat in microwave , ir leaves some part undercoooked . -ccook eggs before eating them - soft boil- 3.5 minutes -scrambled- until set not runny -fry for atleast 3 minute on 1 side and 1 min on the other -cook seafood throoughly - when serving food maintain temp at 140 or higher - heat leftovers at 165

How to clean -- in order to prevent food borne illnesses?

- wash fruit and vegetable in clean sink -store washed and unwashed product separately. - use hot soapy water t wash ahnds, utensils, dishes non pourous cutting boards and countertop before handling food and between tasks when working. -Use bleach solution on cutting boards -cover cuts with clean bandages before -mix food with utensils and not hands -avoid caughing -wash, replace towels and sponges regularly - clean up food spills and crumbs

What are the natural intoxicants

- you get from eating natural foods. -goitrogens -cyanogens -solanine

What are some concerns about water?

-Bottled water and tap water both are FDA regulated. -Home treatments are not thus the consumer have to be more careful when choosing one. -

Food Born illnesses can be caused by

-Leading safety concern -food poisoning outbreaks -traveling to other countries -vunerable populations such as elderly

Consumer concerns about pesticide d

-New pesticides are being developed all the time - imported food may have illegal pesticide concern abut poisoning of soil,water, wildlife workers -RDA doesn't sample all the shipment of all products

picnic foods

-choose food that last without refrigerator, such as food vege bread, crackers, spreads cheese that can be opened immidiately


-contaminant of rice corn grain- in tropical countries where stored food has fungus

Safehandling of seafood

-cook seafood until opaque -eating raw or undercooked seafood can cause severe illness -comemrcial freeing kills maure parasites but only cooking can kill worm eggs and other microorganisms that cause illness -cook seafood until opaque -

what are the general rules to follow to prevent food borne illness

-donot use disposable container -donot taste the food that is suspicisous -donot buy item with broken seal -most food poisoning bacteria are odorless and tasteless -follow label introductions for storing and preparing packaged or frozen food.

Use by meaning

-eat before then, same as expiration

Best by meaning

-indication of freshness -not an expiration

Advances in food safety

-irradiation- sterilizing a food by exposure to energy waves - protects from food borne illness

How to minimize nutrient loss from kitchen

-losses. Water-soluble vitamins are the most vulnerable of the nutrients, but both vitamins and minerals can be lost when they dissolve in water that is then discarded. To slow the degradation of vitamins, most fruits and vegetables should be kept refrigerated until used.*(Degradative enzymes are most active at warmer temperatures.) readily dissolve in water. To prevent losses during washing, rinse fruits and vegetables before cutting. To minimize losses during cooking, steam or microwave vegetables. Alternatively, use the cooking water when preparing meals such as casseroles and soups.

least contaminated

-onion -corn -pineapple

How to minimize pesticide

-select food and residues that donot have holes select variety of food, consider buying certified organic food when preparing food: trim fat, remove skin of poultry and fish, discard fat and oil. Wash fresh produce in running water, use knife to peel orange and grape fruit- donot bite the peel -discard outer leafs of leafy vegetables such as cabbage and lettuce -peel waxed fruit and vege- wax dont wash off and can seal in pesticide. -peel vege such as carrot and fruit such as apple

Most common foodborne intoxication

-staphylococcus aureus less common- clostridum botulism -- caused by improperly canned food -- botulism - paralyzes muscles Aflatoxin:

PUblic Water system

-the EPA does not certify or endorse these water-treatment systems, - activated carbon filters are particularly effective in removing chlorine, heavy metals such as mercury, and organic contaminants from sediment. -Reverse osmosis forces pressurized water through a membrane, flushing out minerals such as sodium and some microorganisms such -Ozonation uses ozone gas to disinfect water. And distillation systems, which boil water and condense the steam to water, kill microorganisms but leave behind minerals such as lead.

how to seperate foods to prevent foodborne illneses

-wash hard surgaces that have come contact with raw stuff - serve cooked food on clean palte with clean uteinsils -seperate raw food from cooked -dont use marinade that came in contact with raw meat for basting or sauces

vi Food additives: nutrient and vitamin

1 Purpose: improve nutritive value by placing vitamins and minerals lost in the processing or adding vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in the diet. 2 Example : thiamin, niacin , riboflavin, iodine, vitamin D , folate, iron , calcium, vitamin b 12

Risk and benefit of organic food:

1 Using organic product does not reduce the risk of pesticides. 2 Use of unprocessed animals manure such as organic fertilizers may transit bacteria such as E.coli

Food additive: Antimicrobial

1 purpose : prevent food spoilage from microorganism 2 Examples: salt, sugar, nitrates, bacteriophages ii Food additive: antioxidants 1 purpose : prevent oxidative changes in color, flavor, texture, delay rancidity and other damage to foods caused by oxygen 2 Examples: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, BHA, BHT

iii Food additive: colors

1 purpose :enhance appearance 2 Examples: artificial indigitone, erythrosine, tartazine, natural: yellow , caramel ,

microbes that cause food born infection

1. camphylobacter 2. Ecoli 3. norovirus 4. listeria 5. clostridium perfinges 6. salmonella

What are the 2 types of water sources

1. surface water 2. Ground Water

medium rare beefs, burgers


beef should be cooked at what temperature

160 degrees

Bacteria multiply rapidly at

40-140 degree celcius food msut be cooked with 14 degree or higher

i Staphylococcus aureus

: Toxin produced in improperly refrigerated meats. causes diarrhea abdominal pain and fever. 1 prevention: use sanitary food handling method, refrigerate , cook thoroughly

the mandatory inspected and passed by usda sseal ensure that the meat

and poultry products are safe, wholesome and correctly labeled


A compound found during chlorine treatment of wood pulp during paper manufacture. Coffee filters, milk cartons and frozen food packages are made from bland paper - can contaminate food in small quantities. Can cause cancer. Not considered as dangerous because plastic donot yield dioxins when broken down. Dioxins are not released from plastic wraps when microwaved. Human exposure to dioxin can come from beef, milk products, and shell fish.


A compound found in carbohydrate rich foods when they are fried in deep oil in high temperature. Can cause cancer and nerve damage in people. It is both carcinogen and genotoxicant.


A leach from hard plastic bottle into the water and beverage.

What is bioaccumulation?

Accumulation of contaminants in the flesh of the animals high on the food chain. shows how bioaccumulation leads to high concentrations of toxins in animals and in people at the top of the food chain.

Goitrogen is found in

Cabbage, bok choy, turnips, mustard greens, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, kohlrabi, and radishes c

Genetic pollution Crop vulnerability loss of gene pool

Genetic pollution- other kind of pollution can be cleaned with time effort and money . once gene are spliced into the living things, those genes are forever bear the imprint of human tampering. v Crop vulnerability: Pest and diseases can quickly adapt to overtake genetically identical plants around the world. Diversity is the key vi Loss of gene pool: loss of genetic diversity threatens to deplete valuable gene banks from which scientists can develop new agricultural crops.

incidental food additive

Find their way into foods during harvesting, producing, processing, storage or packaging. May include tiny bits of plastic, papers, and sealants.

Harmful environmental contamination

Foods may become contaminated as pollutants enter the air, land, and sea. So far, the hazards Appear relatively small.

Debate the risks and benefits of using pesticides.

Pesticides can safely improve crop yields when used according to regulations, but they can also be hazardous when used inappropriately. The FDA tests both domestic and imported foods for pesticide residues in the fields and in market basket surveys of foods prepared table ready. Consumers can minimize their ingestion of pesticide residues on foods by following the suggestions in Table 19-3 on p. 640. Alternative farming methods may allow farmers to grow crops with few or no pesticides.

Cleansing method of surface Water

Public water systems treat water to remove contaminants that have been detected above acceptable levels. During treatment, a disinfectant (usually, chlorine) is added to kill bacteria. The addition of chlorine to public water is an important public health measure that appears to offer great benefits and small risks. activated carbon filters are particularly effective in removing chlorine, heavy metals such as mercury, and organic contaminants from sediment. Reverse osmosis forces pressurized water through a membrane, flushing out minerals such as sodium and some microorganisms such Ozonation uses ozone gas to disinfect water. And distillation systems, which boil water and condense the steam to water, kill microorganisms but leave behind minerals such as lead.

Surface Water

Readily contaminated • Contamination is reversible • Cleansing methods


Regulates pesticide and water quality

Date labeling 3 methods

Sell by Best by Use by

Ground water problem

Slower rate of contaminatio but Contaminant remain for a long time

How is Surface Water contamination reversible

Surface water contamination is reversible, however, because fresh rain constantly replaces the water. It is also cleansed to some degree by aeration, sunlight, and plants and microorganisms that live in it.

Bottled Water

The FDA regulates bottled drinking water and has established quality and safety standards ♦ compatible with those set by the EPA for public water systems. In addition, all bottled waters must be processed, packaged, and labeled in accordance with FDA regulations. -Water may vary by brands Approximately 75 percent of bottled waters derive from protected groundwater (from springs or wells)— -Bottled waters donot contain fluoride.

Meat and poultry labeling

The graded seals- indicate that the product has been graded for tenderness, juiciness and flavor. Prime: abundant marbility of the meat muscle. Choices- less marble. Select: lean. -

170 degree

Well done meat


a Most frequent food source undercooked ground beef, unpasteurized milk, raw fruit and vegetables, contaminated water, person-person contact. b General symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, bloody stools. c Prevention method: cook food thoroughly, pasteurize milk and sanitary food handling.


a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services that is responsible for, among other things, monitoring foodborne diseases.

Delaney clause :

a clause in the Food Additive Amendment to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that states that no substance that is known to cause cancer in ppl even in little amount can be added in food

a Intentional additives:

added to the foods to give them special desirable characteristics: resistance to spoilage, color, flavor, texture and stability.


commercial products have higher pesticides, 1 Use of organic may be benefiting to the environment, avoiding pesticide, protecting animals and improving worker safety. Producers may not call a product organic if they have been irradiated, genetically engineering or grown with fertilizers made from sewer sludge. 2 May have longer shelf life and better flavor.


compound that can enlarge the thyroid, aggravate preexisting thyroid conditions. Cooking can deactivate the enzyme


consumers must learn and use sound principle as thought

food safety Transportation:

containers and vehicles transporting food must be clean, cold food needs to be refrigerated.


danger zone , donot keep foods between 140-40 for more than 2 hours or more than 1 hour when the air temperature is greater than 90

food safety in Retail:

employees in grocery stores and restaurant must follow FDA guidelines on how to prevent foodborne illness. Establishment must pass local health inspection and train stuff in sanitation.

Argument in support of the genetic engineering: Ethical and moral issue advanced technology

i Ethical and moral issue: Scientist have been persecuted and even put to death by fearful people who accuse them of playing God. Yet, today many of the world's citizens enjoy a long and healthy life of comfort and convenience due to once feared scientific advances put to practical use. ii Advanced technology: recombinant DNA technology is precise and reliable. Advances in medicine, agriculture and technology were made by the application of this technology.

b Arguments in opposition of genetic engineering: Ethical and moral issues imperfect technology Environmental concerns

i Ethical and moral issues: immoral to play god, Nature should be left alone. ii Imperfect technology: potential effects are impossible to predict. Toxins are likely to be produced as desired trait. iii environmental concerns: - environmental side effects are unknown

organic produces

i Organic food: are grown and processed according to USDA regulation-defining the use of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, preservatives and other chemical ingredients. Meat and poultry may be called organic if the livestock been raised according to the USDA regulation defining the grading condition and use of organic fed hormones and antibiotics.

Health hazard associated with pesticides

i Pesticide can be left in the environment and the food we eat. ii Pesticide applied in field may linger in foods. iii Many foods are imported from other counties- those food may contain higher levels of pesticide and pesticides that are banned in the USA.

food safety in Kitchen

i Safe handling of meals and poultry. Wash hand -20 seconds, hot water, with soap, 1 environment favors microbial growth, ground meat needs to be cooked thoroughly ii prevent cross contamination - the contamination of food by bacteria that occurs when the food comes in contact with surface previously touched by raw meat or poultry

g Food safety while traveling: Risk of contracting food borne illness is higher, cleanliness standards for food and water. Every regions microbes are different. Precautions while traveling:

i Wash hands frequently with soap and hot water. ii Eat well cooked, hot and canned food. Eat raw or canned food only if washed in purified water and peeling with clean hands. iii Use purified bottled water for drinking, making ice cubes and use disinfecting tablets or boil water. iv refuse dairy product, travel in antidiarrheal medication incase efforts to avoid illness fails v Boil it, cook it, peel it or forget it.

Opposition profit motive unproven safety for people increased allergens decreased nutrient no product tracking

ii Profit motive: genetic engineering will profit industry more than the world's poor and hungry viii unproven safety for people- human safety testing are lacking ix increased allergens: allergens can be transferred into food x decreased nutrient: A fresh looking food may be days to weeks old xi No product tracking: without labeling the food industry cannot track the problem to source r

Enviromental protection improved crop persistence Genetic improvement gene pool preserved

iii Environmental protection: may be only way to save the rainforest and other habitant from destruction. Farmers can use previously unproductive land such as salt rich soils or arid areas iv Improved crop persistence: pest and disease can be specifically fought on a case by case basis. Biotech- key to defense v Genetic improvement: genetic side effects are more likely to benefit the environment than harm it. vi Gene pool preserved: able to stockpile the genetic materials of millions of species that without such advances would have been lost forever. able to stock genes due to advances


lima beans and fruit seeds- produce cyanide upon activation by specific plant enzyme. Laitrelle b17


person-person contact, salad ,sandwhiches a symptoms: vomiting b prevention method: sanitary food handling methods.

food safety Processing:

processes must follow FDA guidelines, concerning contamination, cleanliness, education and training of workers and must monitor safety at critical points. All foods produce must use hazardous analysis critical control point HACCP plan to prevent food borne illness at their source

iv Food additive: flavors

purpose :enhance taste 2 Examples: MSG, sugar, salt v Food additive: Emulsifiers and gums 1 purpose thickens, stabilize and improve consistency and texture Examples: emulsifiers, lecithin, alginates, mono and di-glycerides , gum, agar alginates, , carrageenan, guar, locust bean, psyllium, pectin, xanthan gum, gum Arabic, cellulose derivatives

below 40



substances not normally consumed as foods but added to food either intentionally or by accident.


the federal agency responsible for ensuring the safety and wholesomeness of all dietary supplements and foods processed and sold in interstate commerce except meat, poultry, and eggs (which are under the jurisdiction of the USDA); inspecting food plants and imported foods; and setting standards for food composition and

t o l e r a n c e l e v e l :

the maximum amount of a residue permitted in a food when a pesticide is used according to label directions. .

c e r t i fi c a t i o n :

the process in which a private laboratory inspects shipments of a product for selected chemicals and then, if the product is found to be within acceptable levels of those chemicals, issues a guarantee to that effect

Genetic engineering

the use of biotechnology to modify the genetic material of living cells so that they will produce new substances or perform new functions. Foods produced via this technology are called genetically modified (GM) or genetically engineered (GE) foods


the use of biological systems or organisms to create or modify products. Examples include the use ofbacteria to make yogurt, yeast to make beer, and cross-breeding to enhance crop production

UHT treatment

ultra high temperature treatment - sterilizing a food by brief exposure to temperature above those normally used milk is given the UHT treatment

Everyone profits safe for people control of allergens

vii Everyone profits: industries benefit from genetic engineering and thriving food industry benefits the nation and its people, as witnessed by countries lacking such industries. Genetic engineering promises to provide adequate nutritious food for millions who lack such food today. Developed nations gain cheaper food with greater variety and availability year round. viii Safe for people: human safety testing for genetically altered products is unneeded because products are same as the original stuff ix control of allergens: a few allergens can be transferred into food, but these are not known

margin of safety

when speaking of food additives, a zone between the concentration normally used and that at which a hazard exists. For common table salt, for example, the margin of safety is 1/5 (five times the amount normally used would be hazardous).

a Food safety in farm:

workers growing must use safe methods of growing, harvesting, sorting, packing, storing food to minimize the contamination hazard.

increased nutrient excellent food tracking conservative use of herbicide

x increased nutrient : enhancing the nutrient of food xi excellent product tracking: The identity and location of the genetically altered foods are known and they can be tracked easily if any problem arise xii Conservative use of herbicide: Farmers will not waste expensive herbicide in 2nd or 3rd application when the prescribed amount gets the job done in the first place.

overuse of herbesticides increased consumption of pesticide lack of oversight

xii overuse of herbesticides: Farmers knowing their crop resist herbicide will use them liberally xiii Increased consumption of pesticide: when pesticide is produced by the flesh of the produce, consumers cannot wash it off the skin of the produce with water. xiv Lack of oversight :- government oversight run by the industry people, - no one is watching out for the consume

reduced pesticide of food sufficient regulation and rapid response

xiii Reduced pesticide of food: Pesticide produced by plants in tiny amounts known to be safe for consumption are far more predictable than application any agricultural worker who make mistakes. Will eliminate the need for post-harvest spraying, fewer pesticide will reach the dinner table. xiv Sufficient regulation and rapid response: government agencies are efficient in identifying and correcting problems as they occur in the industry.

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