nutrition chapter 7 and 8

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How does Vitamin D act to keep blood calcium levels up?

If calcium intake is low, vitamin d activates osteoclasts resulting in the release of calcium from bone to maintain blood levels

What deficiency disease is associated with iron deficiency?

Iron deficiency anemia

The relationship between iron and hemoglobin is best described as:

Iron is found in every blood cell. Every molecule of hemoglobin has 4 iron molecules, iron is what makes blood red.

What minerals make up table salt?


Which of the following is NOT true about osteoclasts?

Osteoclasts break down bones, causing minerals to be released for the use of the body

Which of the following food storage practices will lead to a greater loss of the vitamin content of fruits and vegetables?

Oxygen, heat, will cause loss of vitamin content. Or anything exposed in water.

Which of the following is true about peak bone mass?

Peak bone mass is around the age 30 when osteoblasts work faster than the osteoclasts

What categories of foods tend to be good sources of Beta-carotene?

Pigment in Orange, yellow, red veggies

What results from excess dietary intake of fat-soluble vitamins?

Stored in fat storage sites and the liver

Which of the following is NOT true about iron deficiency anemia?

TRUE- iron deficiency anemia is most common in the world. Most prevelant in kids

All of the following statements about iodine deficiency are true EXCEPT:

TRUTHS- 3rd most common deficiency in world. In adults we call It goiter. In children its called cretinism.

Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 Ds of pellagra?

The four D's of pellagra are: diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia and even death

The antioxidant vitamins are:

Vitamin C, Vitamin , and Beta-carotene

Which of the following is not true about the roles of the mineral iodine?

WORKS WITH THYROID***. Regulated metabolism, homeostasis, body temp

What is the relationship between electrolyte minerals and water?

Water follows minerals and particles. Water regulates these particles.

to increase dietary potassium intake a person should eat ...

fruits and veggies

niacin deficiency


How do antioxidants work to stop free radical reactions?

- Destroy free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to cells - Helps protect the body against damage from pollutants and other environmental hazards - Reduce inflammation in blood vessel walls

All the following statements about phytonutrients are true EXCEPT:

ALL OF THESE ARE TRUE: § Phytonutrients are nonnutritive substances in plants that possess health-protective benefits § Often referred to as "Phytochemicals" § A number are described in Table 7-15 in text § An individual fruit or vegetable may contain 50 or more of the thousands of known phytochemicals § Phytochemicals have many different modes of action (beyond the scope of this course)

Which of the following foods is likely to be highest in dietary sodium?

Any processed or foods made in resturant

Which of the following vitamins does NOT act as a coenzyme?

B vitamins DO ACT as coenzymes; Thiamin Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic acid ,Biotin, vitamin C and vitamin K

Deficiencies of 3 different vitamins can cause anemia. These vitamins are:

B12, folate, and B6

Which vitamin is synthesized by the microbes in our large intestine?

B12, folic acid and thiamine

All of the food components below can interfere with mineral absorption EXCEPT:

CAN INTERFERE- phytates, oxalates, tannins, and fiber

The role of cofactors in enzymatic reactions is...

Change the configuration of the enzymes so that the substrate can be acted upon.

All of the following is a role for circulating calcium except...

Circulating calcium is needed for nerve impulses, muscle contraction, blood pressure regulation, blood clotting mechanism and is a cofactor for enzymes

Which of the following best characterizes how a vitamin acts as a coenzyme?

Coenzymes facilitate chemical reactions performed by enzymes

Historically, what conditions made people at risk of developing pellagra?

Corn based diet. Low protein and not many veggies. Bad living conditions. Mostly poor women and children got it.

Which of the following is NOT a physiological risk associated with iron overload?

Damage liver, free radical damage

Electrolytes are lost from the body in the following ways EXCEPT:

Electrolyes ARE LOST WHEN body loses fluid to sweat, blood loss, urine and diarrhea and vomiting

All of the following are roles of electrolytes inside the body EXCEPT:

Electrolytes DO keep the fluids inside and outside of cell in balance. Creates environment for cells to work. Nerve to nerve communication. Heartbeats and contraction of muscles

In general, where are fat-soluble vitamins found in food?

Fats and oils in food

What are the two ways that we can get niacin from our diet?

From intake of food or We can make niacin from tryptophan ( amino acid)

What are the best dietary sources of non-heme iron?

Green leafy veggies, legumes, eggs

How can a person reduce their risk of developing osteoporosis

Have a moving lifestyle, don't smoke or drink, be healthy, keep bones well supplied with calcium

In order for B12 to be absorbed the following is needed:

Intrinsic factor (produced by stomach) needed for absorption

Salt is commonly fortified with the mineral ________.


Adults are at risk of the following Vitamin D deficiency disease:

Osteoporosis: adult bone loss, bones become porous and fragile OR --Osteomalacia: softening of the bones in adults

What role does magnesium play in bones and teeth?

Promotes resistance for teeth decay

Vitamin A deficiency

Retinol - needed for proper vision, night blindness - helps with genes

What groups of foods are the best sources of zinc?

Shellfish, meats,liver

All of the following trace minerals are involved in making red blood cells EXCEPT:


All of the following are true about folate except:

The true things about folate: Also called folic acid or folacin Coenzyme participating in DNA synthesis and formation of red blood cells Deficiency leads to -A type of anemia -Increased risk for certain cancers -Neural tube defects (birth defects) § Because of the link to neural tube defects, most grain products are now fortified with folate § Folate is lost in foods that are overcooked, canned, or dehydrated

1. Vitamin C has several diverse functions, but __________ is not one of them.

This is what vitamin c does: § Helps stop free radicals in molecules in water parts of the body § Is a powerful scavenger of environmental air pollutants -Is needed in greater amounts by smokers § Protects against heart disease and other chronic diseases and certain types of cancer § Deficiency disease is scurvy § Vitamin C is required for the § production and maintenance of collagen § Collagen is part of connective tissue, gums and blood vessels. Body starts to fall apart in Scurvy § Boosts the immune system in fighting infection

What happens when someone consumes an excess amount of water-soluble vitamins?

Usually detected and excreted by the kidneys

What dietary factor increases bioavailability of non-heme iron?

Vitamin C

Which of the following best describes how Vitamin D can be made in our body:

Vitamin D is synthesized by the body with the aid of sunlight

What is a benefit of eating whole foods instead of taking a vitamin supplement?

Vitamin Supplements may not have all the nutrients they say it does. The combination of the phytochemical with other phytochemicals or food components provides the protection

How quickly can one develop symptoms from a deficiency of water-soluble vitamins compared to a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins?

Water soluble deficiency- relatively quickly Fat soluble- slow to develop

Which of the following dietary strategies would NOT contribute to an optimal intake of phytonutrients?

You should eat a rainbow : )

Which of the following is NOT a common symptom of zinc deficiency?

Zinc deficiencies manifest as growth retardation, delayed sexual maturation, night blindness, hair loss, poor appetite, decreased taste and smell

folate deficiency

anemia - making blood -important for fetal development

B12 deficiency

anemia - making blood

The role of osteoblasts in bone formation is...

build bones

The minerals found in bone are...

calcium and phosphorus

Historically, who was a risk of developing rickets?


Which mineral helps insulin to work efficiently to regulate glucose metabolism?


Which mineral, along with vitamin C, is important for collagen synthesis in the body?


Severe potassium loss can result in

irregular heartbeat

What groups of food tend to be naturally high in folate?


What mineral should never be taken as a supplement unless prescribed by a doctor?


The chief electrolytes inside the cell are

potassium and phosphorus

As a group, B vitamins are involved in reactions that....

produce energy from carbohydrate, fat, protein and alcohol

What is the best dietary source of fluoride?

public drinking water

Vitamin D deficiency

rickets (children)- skeletal deformation - osteoporosis- adult bone loss - osteomalacia - softening of the bones in adults

vitamin C deficiency


and the chief electrolytes outside the cell

sodium and chloride

What diet-related factors are associated with increased risk of high blood pressure?


Why are the trace minerals required in the diet in only small amounts?

they are reused, they dont get destroyed or excreted

The major minerals Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium required in relatively larger amounts because...

they physically make up our bones and teeth

What does it mean that minerals are "inorganic"?

theyre not carbon based

Free radicals are:

toxic compounds created in the body by normal cellular chemical reactions that use oxygen; also created due to pollutants

Indicate the vitamin that acts as an antioxidant in the watery parts of the body.

vitamin C

The vitamins that act as hormones in the body and turn certain genes on and off are:

vitamin K and Vitamin A

What best describes the relationship between sodium intake and blood pressure?

About 30-50- % of people with. High blood pressure and 15-25 % of people without high blood pressure are salt sensitive

What is the primary role of thiamin?

Acts primarily in reactions that release energy from carbohydrate. Also crucial for nerve function.

thiamin deficiency


The relationship between Beta-carotene and Vitamin A is:

Beta- cartone is precurser of Vitamin A.

Heme iron would not be found in _______.

Dark green. Leafy veggies, legumes or eggs

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the DASH diet?

Dash diet includes- high veggies, fruits, whole. Grains and low fat dairy foods. Low in fats and oils

What best describes the relationship between potassium intake and blood pressure?

Eating more potassium makes blood pressure lower

What condition is caused by too much fluoride?


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