Nutrition Chapter 8 Homework

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b. flushing of the skin.

A common adverse effect of niacin toxicity is: a. dermatitis. b. flushing of the skin. c. dementia. d. hives.

b. Riboflavin

A person consuming a diet deficient in dairy products but otherwise adequate, would have the most difficulty obtaining sufficient amounts of which vitamin? a. Niacin b. Riboflavin c. Iron d. Vitamin C

d. facilitate the production of energy from glucose.

A primary function of thiamin is to: a. increase iron incorporation into hemoglobin. b. regulate cell differentiation. c. promote blood clotting. d. facilitate the production of energy from glucose.

d. pyridoxine.

Another name for vitamin B 6 is: a. pantothenic acid. b. biotin. c. pyruvate. d. pyridoxine.

c. anemia with large, deeply colored red blood cells.

B 6 deficiency does NOT cause: a. neurological symptoms. b. numbness in the extremities. c. anemia with large, deeply colored red blood cells. d. decreased antibody formation.

b. thiamin

Beriberi is a disease caused by lack of ______________ in the diet. a. riboflavin b. thiamin c. vitamin C d. niacin

b. development of diabetes.

Choline deficiency may contribute to all of the following EXCEPT: a. neurological disorders. b. development of diabetes. c. atherosclerosis. d. liver disease.

b. an essential nutrient

Choline is: a. a form of Vitamin C. b. an essential nutrient. c. needed for the synthesis of the other B vitamins. d. one of the B vitamins.

b. Iron

Consumption of orange juice enhances the absorption of which nutrient? a. Glucose b. Iron c. Zinc d. Fluoride

c. B 6, folate & B 12

Elevated homocysteine is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. In clinical studies, which vitamins have been shown to decrease homocysteine levels in the blood? a. Vitamins A, C & E b. Riboflavin, A & folate c. B 6, folate & B 12 d. Pantothenic acid, riboflavin & biotin

a. grain products are now fortified with folate.

Folate deficiency symptoms are less of a problem recently because: a. grain products are now fortified with folate. b. green tea is more popular. c. more people are drinking low-fat milk. d. taking vitamin supplements is more common.

b. women who may become pregnant

Folic acid supplements are most frequently recommended for: a. post-menopausal women. b. women who may become pregnant. c. toddlers. d. the elderly.

a. People eating diets high in animal products

For which group is taking vitamin B 12 supplements the LEAST beneficial? a. People eating diets high in animal products b. Older adults with significantly reduced stomach acid c. People who do not consume animal products d. Breast- fed infants whose mothers are vegans

c. mask a vitamin B 12 deficiency, giving rise to permanent nerve damage.

High folate intake may: a. increase the incidence of colon cancer. b. cause other vitamin deficiencies because folate competes for absorption sites. c. mask a vitamin B 12 deficiency, giving rise to permanent nerve damage. d. cause acne.

d. They help metabolize the macronutrients.

How are thiamin and riboflavin similar? a. They are a source of energy for the body. b. They appear in animal protein foods. c. They can be readily synthesized by the body. d. They help metabolize the macronutrients.

a. Vitamin B6 breaks down homocysteine.

How is vitamin B6 associated with heart disease? a. Vitamin B6 breaks down homocysteine. b. Vitamin B6 removes the LDL-cholesterol from the body. c. Vitamin B6 promotes the formation of HDL-cholesterol. d. Vitamin B6 reduces the blockages found in the blood vessels.

b. heart disease.

Low folate status increases the risk of: a. type 1 diabetes. b. heart disease. c. renal dysfunction. d. All of the above

c. coenzymes

Many B vitamins function as ______________, which bind to enzymes to promote their activity. a. provitamins b. transport proteins c. coenzymes d. hormones

c. vegans.

Meeting vitamin B 12 needs from the diet is especially difficult for: a. athletes undergoing rigorous training. b. infants. c. vegans. d. pregnant women.

c. may decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol.

Niacin supplements: a. are commonly used in the US since niacin deficiency is a public health concern. b. provide an essential energy boost. c. may decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol. d. are associated with an increase in heart attacks.

a. Coenzyme A

Pantothenic acid forms part of which molecule? a. Coenzyme A b. Flavinadenine dinucleotide c. Pyridoxal phosphate d. Adenosine triphosphate

b. sunflower seeds.

Pantothenic acid is abundant in: a. raw spinach. b. sunflower seeds. c. apples. d. All of the above.

a. corn

Pellagra occurs when ______________ is the staple grain in the diet and the diet does not provide a mixture of different foods. a. corn b. wheat c. rice d. barley

d. relay signals between nerve cells.

Riboflavin forms active coenzymes that do all the following EXCEPT: a. assist with energy production from carbohydrates, proteins and fats. b. function as electron carriers. c. participate in the citric acid cycle. d. relay signals between nerve cells.

a. light

Riboflavin is most easily destroyed when exposed to: a. light b. vitamin C c. oxygen d. acid

d. does not provide an energy boost.

Riboflavin supplementation: a. is recommended for those with low fiber intake. b. can decrease the high risk for deficiency in the American public. c. can improve vision. d. does not provide an energy boost.

d. megoblastic anemia.

Symptoms of ariboflavinosis do NOT include: a. inflammation of the eyes and mouth. b. scaly, greasy skin eruptions. c. confusion. d. megoblastic anemia.

a. increases

The RDA for B 6 in adults ______________ with aging. a. increases b. decreases c. stays the same d. increases for males but decreases for females

c. small intestine

The ______________ is the site of most vitamin absorption into the body. a. large intestine b. stomach c. small intestine d. mouth

b. fortification.

The process of adding nutrients to foods is called: a. enrichment. b. fortification. c. milling. d. supplementation.

b. rapidly dividing cells

The role of folate in DNA synthesis makes it particularly important in: a. lipid synthesis. b. rapidly dividing cells. c. nerve cells. d. old age.

a. depression and weakness.

The symptom(s) of thiamin deficiency best explained by its role in glucose metabolism are: a. depression and weakness. b. paralysis. c. hunger. d. atherosclerosis.

c. pernicious anemia.

Vitamin B 12 deficiency caused by a lack of intrinsic factor results in: a. beriberi. b. scurvy. c. pernicious anemia. d. pellagra.

c. Collagen formation

Vitamin B 6 is NOT involved in which physiologic process? a. Formation of non-essential amino acids b. Hemoglobin synthesis c. Collagen formation d. Formation of white blood cells important for immunity

a. the amount of fat in the diet.

Vitamin B 6 status is affected by all of the following EXCEPT: a. the amount of fat in the diet. b. oral contraceptives. c. exposure of food to heat and light. d. alcohol ingestion.

a. bleeding gums.

Vitamin C deficiency causes: a. bleeding gums. b. hemolysis. c. pernicious anemia. d. megaloblastic anemia.

c. enriched

Vitamins may be lost when food is processed. When these vitamins are added back to the processed food at the same or higher level, the food is said to be: a. enhanced. b. fortified. c. enriched. d. supplemented.

b. Vitamin B12 is required for nerve transmission.

What is a function of vitamin B12? a. Vitamin B12 promotes the absorption of tryptophan. b. Vitamin B12 is required for nerve transmission. c. Vitamin B12 is essential for fat metabolism. d. Vitamin B12 is necessary for muscle formation.

a. Vitamin C helps to maintain body tissues.

What is a role of vitamin C in the body? a. Vitamin C helps to maintain body tissues. b. Vitamin C prevents the common cold. c. Vitamin C is required for energy metabolism. d. Vitamin C promotes iron excretion.

a. Thiamin may be destroyed during cooking.

What is true about thiamin? a. Thiamin may be destroyed during cooking. b. Thiamin is sensitive to an acidic environment. c. Thiamin can be synthesized by the body. d. Thiamin is a source of energy for physical activity

c. Vitamin B6 is important for protein metabolism.

What is true about vitamin B6? a. Vitamin B6 is found in only in animal food sources. b. Vitamin B6 is stable during cooking. c. Vitamin B6 is important for protein metabolism. d. Vitamin B6 is absent from both fortified grains and breakfast cereals.

d. Additional nutrient intake may increase the likelihood of toxicity

What risk might be associated with the overconsumption of fortified foods? a. Fortified foods lose nutrients more easily during cooking. b. Adding nutrients to foods may help reduce deficiency diseases. c. Fortifying food leads to fewer food choices to obtain nutrients. d. Additional nutrient intake may increase the likelihood of toxicity.

c. Pantothenic acid

When the vitamins lost in grain processing are restored, which is a nutrient typically NOT added back? a. Iron b. Thiamin c. Pantothenic acid d. Riboflavin

d. Folic acid

Which B vitamin decreases the risk of neural tube defects in developing babies? a. Riboflavin b. Biotin c. B 12 d. Folic acid

c. Pellagra

Which disease is caused by niacin deficiency? a. Beriberi b. Scurvy c. Pellagra d. None of the above

a. Lentils

Which food is the best source of folate? a. Lentils b. Chicken c. Cheese d. Brown rice

a. Adults who consume plenty of fruits and vegetables

Which group is LEAST at risk for developing vitamin C deficiency? a. Adults who consume plenty of fruits and vegetables b. Infants fed cows' milk c. Alcoholics d. Elderly people consuming nutrient poor diets

d. All of the above

Which group is at risk for folate deficiency? a. Premature infants b. Elderly c. Smokers d. All of the above

d. Chronic alcoholics

Which group of people is most at risk for developing thiamin deficiency? a. Tobacco users b. Endurance athletes c. Older adults d. Chronic alcoholics

c. Biotin is produced by enzymes in epithelial cells that line the small intestine.

Which is the FALSE statement regarding biotin? a. Biotin functions in the metabolism of some amino acids. b. An RDA for biotin has not been determined. c. Biotin is produced by enzymes in epithelial cells that line the small intestine. d. People on tube feedings may become deficient.

c. Vitamin C is efficiently stored in the liver, so deficiency symptoms take weeks or months to develop.

Which is the FALSE statement regarding vitamin C? a. Vitamin C may decrease the duration of the common cold. b. People prone to developing certain types of kidney stones should avoid vitamin C supplementation. c. Vitamin C is efficiently stored in the liver, so deficiency symptoms take weeks or months to develop. d. Vitamin C supplements are unlikely to cause toxicity.

a. Strawberries

Which is the best source of vitamin C? a. Strawberries b. Corn c. Milk d. Beef

c. Biotin deficiency is common in people dependent on feeding tubes.

Which is true about biotin deficiency? a. Biotin deficiency is only found when raw eggs are consumed. b. Biotin deficiency leads to the formation of weak bones. c. Biotin deficiency is common in people dependent on feeding tubes. d. Biotin deficiency is best avoided by using fortified foods.

a. It can be synthesized in the body from the amino acid tryptophan.

Which is true regarding niacin? a. It can be synthesized in the body from the amino acid tryptophan. b. Eggs are a good source of preformed niacin. c. The niacin deficiency disease is beriberi. d. Corn has a protective effect against niacin deficiencies.

c. Smoking cigarettes

Which lifestyle factor increases the requirement for vitamin C? a. Drinking alcohol b. Exercising frequently and intensely c. Smoking cigarettes d. Eating a diet high in fiber

a. Presence of other vitamins

Which of the following does NOT affect thiamin availability in food? a. Presence of other vitamins b. Enzymes found in raw fish c. Compounds found in blueberries, tea and coffee d. Heat, as generated in cooking

c. Myelin degeneration can cause neurological symptoms.

Which of the following statements about vitamin B 12 deficiency is true? a. Connective tissue abnormalities are common. b. Symptoms can appear quite rapidly. c. Myelin degeneration can cause neurological symptoms. d. All of the above are true.

a. Dementia

Which one of the following symptoms is associated with pellagra? a. Dementia b. Dandruff c. Diabetes d. Deafness

d. Maintenance of myelin and normal nerve transmission

Which physiologic process requires vitamin B 12? a. Division of red blood cells b. Synthesis of proteins c. Activation of niacin d. Maintenance of myelin and normal nerve transmission

d. There is an established UL for choline intake due to toxicity symptoms.

Which statement about choline is correct? a. It has no identified, important roles in normal homeostasis. b. It is classified as a vitamin since it cannot be synthesized in the body. c. Deficiency causes kidney problems. d. There is an established UL for choline intake due to toxicity symptoms.

b. Niacin is important in the production of energy from dietary nutrients.

Which statement about niacin is true? a. There is no UL established for niacin intake. b. Niacin is important in the production of energy from dietary nutrients. c. Niacin deficiency causes adverse effects in limited areas of the body. d. Niacin is needed to synthesize tryptophan.

b. If a vitamin is not provided by the diet, the body will synthesize it.

Which statement concerning vitamins is INCORRECT? a. Vitamins are organic compounds. b. If a vitamin is not provided by the diet, the body will synthesize it. c. The vitamin content of a food may be affected by cooking and processing. d. Vitamins are essential for growth, reproduction and health.

d. All of the above are false

Which statement is FALSE regarding pantothenic acid? a. Deficiency has been associated with consumption of raw eggs. b. It is found only in a few select foods. c. Toxicity is a concern due to food enrichment in the U.S. d. All of the above are false.

a. Vitamins provide energy.

Which statement is NOT true? a. Vitamins provide energy. b. Deficiency of a fat-soluble vitamin is less likely than of a typical water-soluble vitamin. c. Vitamins are necessary in many biochemical reactions in the body. d. Vitamin deficiencies are rare in the United States.

a. Fortification is always regulated by the FDA.

Which statement regarding fortification of foods in the U.S. is NOT true? a. Fortification is always regulated by the FDA. b. Fortification can be an arbitrary act of the food manufacturer. c. Fortification can lead to nutrient imbalances and toxicities. d. Fortification of juice can help individuals meet their daily calcium requirement.

c. Bioavailability

Which term describes how well a vitamin is absorbed and used by the body? a. Adsorption b. Assimilation c. Bioavailability d. Functionality

d. Folic acid supplementation reduces the risk of neural tube defects.

Why is folic acid supplementation recommended for women of child bearing age? a. Since folic acid is poorly absorbed, additional intake is recommended. b. Folic acid deficiency results from insufficient milk intake. c. All women of child bearing age experience folic acid deficiency. d. Folic acid supplementation reduces the risk of neural tube defects.

b. The niacin in corn is bound, decreasing its absorption.

Why is niacin deficiency associated with the consumption of corn-based diet? a. Corn contains an ingredient that destroys the niacin. b. The niacin in corn is bound, decreasing its absorption. c. The pancreas does not secrete enough enzymes to digest the niacin found in corn. d. The tryptophan that is required for niacin absorption is not available in corn.

c. Pantothenic acid is particularly abundant in the food supply

Why is pantothenic acid deficiency rare? a. Pantothenic acid is not susceptible to damage by exposure to heat. b. Pantothenic acid supplements are widely used. c. Pantothenic acid is particularly abundant in the food supply. d. Pantothenic acid is produced by the body as needed.

b. Avidin in egg whites binds biotin and prevents its absorption.

Why might consuming raw eggs cause a biotin deficiency? a. The cholesterol in egg yolks destroys the biotin in eggs. b. Avidin in egg whites binds biotin and prevents its absorption. c. The fat in raw egg yolks blocks the absorption of biotin. d. Cooking eggs liberates the bound biotin increasing its bioavailability.

c. The riboflavin in milk can be destroyed by exposure to light.

Why might milk sold in clear bottles be low in riboflavin? a. Clear glass bottles keep the milk at a lower temperature. b. The glass in the bottles interacts with the riboflavin found in milk. c. The riboflavin in milk can be destroyed by exposure to light. d. Riboflavin is sensitive to ingredients used in manufacturing clear glass bottles.

b. It is necessary for synthesis of acetylcholine.

Why might thiamin deficiency cause neurological symptoms? a. It is required for amino acid synthesis. b. It is necessary for synthesis of acetylcholine. c. It is essential to the formation of the myelin sheath. d. It can be easily denatured.

d. All of the above

hich is a good dietary source of thiamin? a. Sunflower seeds b. Pork c. Whole grains d. All of the above

d. amylase

Absorption of vitamin B 12 is dependent upon all of the following EXCEPT: a. adequate stomach acid. b. pepsin. c. intrinsic factor. d. amylase.

a. egg whites

Biotin is tightly bound by avidin, which prevents absorption of the vitamin. Avidin is commonly found in: a. egg whites. b. kidney beans. c. peanuts. d. spinach.

b. microcytic anemia.

Folate deficiency may cause all the following EXCEPT: a. development of cancer. b. microcytic anemia. c. poor growth. d. inflammation of the tongue.

b. Facilitating release of energy from glucose

Which of the following is NOT recognized as a major function of vitamin C in the body? a. Formation of collagen b. Facilitating release of energy from glucose c. Protection against damage from free radicals d. Enhancing iron absorption

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