Nutrition Chapters 11-15

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An atherogenic diet is characterized as one that is:

high in saturated fats and trans fats

Which of the following may worsen the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?

high intake of vitamin C

In general, studies of populations have suggested that low cancer rates correlate with:

high vegetable intakes and high whole grain intakes

Nitrites are commonly found in:

hotdogs and ham

The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that older adults:

incorporate balance exercises if they are at risk of falling

Nitrites are added to foods to:

inhibit rancidity and preserve their color

On the average, about ___ of a teenager's total daily energy intake comes from snacks.


Only ___ synthetic color additives are still approved by the FDA for use in foods


Resting blood pressure should ideally be ____ or lower

120 over 80

After cooking, foods should be held at ___ degrees or higher until served.


To help prevent hypertension health Caucasians less than 51 years old should limit their sodium intake to ___ mg per day


A nursing mother produces about ___ ounces of milk a day


A pregnancy weight gain of ___ lbs is recommended for women who are at their appropriate weights


The ideal pattern of weight gain for a healthy-weight woman is thought to be about ___ lbs total during the first 3 months of pregnancy

3 1/2

A pregnant teenager with a body mass index in the normal range is encouraged to gain ___ lbs or so.


In men, aging becomes a significant risk factor for heart disease at age


After the age of 50, the intake recommendation for energy assumes a ____ percent reduction in energy output per decade


Hyperactivity occurs in ___ percent of young, school-age children


It is desirable to begin feeding the infant iron fortified cereals by about ___ months


One out of every ___ Americans receives food assistance of some kind


According to recommendations for reducing CVD risk saturated fat should provide no more than ____ percent of total calories.


Chronic hunger causes many deaths worldwide, especially among:


The purpose of food recovery programs is to:

collect foods from fields, commercial kitchens, and restaurants to distribute to programs for needy individuals

Which of the following groups of food additives is allowed no margin of risk?

coloring agents

Which of the following holds the key to maintaining the best possible immune system support?

adequate nutrition

Salt-sensitive individuals are likely to include:

african americans and those who have diabetes

Which of the following is a risk factor for the development of hypertension?

age and genes

Which of the following should be avoided during pregnancy?

alcohol and dieting

Which of the following is always a component of allergies


The nausea of morning sickness:

arises from hormonal changes of early pregnancy and can often be alleviated

Ways to prevent a child from choking include:

avoiding dangerous foods such as chips and popcorn and encouraging the child to sit when eating

A pregnant woman should strive to meet her DRI for___ by increasing intake of milk, cheese, yogurt, and other foods rich in this mineral, or by taking a 600 mg supplement daily


Which of the following may offer a protective effect against colon cancer?


Laboratory studies suggest that diets high in ___seem to promote cancer


A processing technique that preserves food by boiling it and sealing it in an imperious container is called:


The best way to determine if a teenager is growing normally is to:

compare his or her height and weight with previous measures taken earlier

The word organic on the label is no guarantee that a food is:

completely pesticide-free

Heart disease in women is characterized by:

development at a later age than in men

The best action to take to decrease your risk of cancer is to:

eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits in generous quantities everyday

To prevent serious illness form consuming oysters you would:

eat them fully cooked and not raw

Results of commercial drying of foods include:

elimination of microbial spoilage and removal of water from foods

Switching to local foods grown close to home results in:

environmental advantages

The stage of human gestation from eight weeks after conception until birth of an infant is called


The CDC, American Heart Association, and other groups have collaborated to create a program that encourages people to:

fill half their plate with vegetables and fruits

If the water supply is severely deficient in ___, both breastfed and formula fed infants require supplementation after 6 months of age


Which of the following nutrients plays a special role with respect to esophageal and colon cancer?


Facilities that collect and distribute food donations to authorized organizations feeding the hungry are called:

food banks

Research suggests that ___ may worsen "hyper" behavior in children

food colors

Living in a country at war or lack of transportation can lead to:

food poverty

Which of the following must be given careful attention when feeding the person with AIDS?

food safety

Which of the following causes the loss of a third of food produced worldwide?

food waste

The difference between foodborne infection and foodborne intoxication is that:

foodborne intoxication results from chemicals produced by microbes

A major cause of preventable mental retardation among the poor is

iodine deficiency


is a high-calorie edible paste

Monosodium Glutamate:

is used widely in Asian restaurants and is an example of a flavor enhancer

Which of the following is characteristic of colostrum?

it contains antibodies form the mother's blood and it contains white cells from the mother's blood

How does modified atmosphere packaging protect foods?

it excludes oxygen needed by many bacteria

Which of the following is true concerning the GRAS list?

it includes a list of additives believed to be safe and it stands for "generally recognized as safe"

Characteristics of the artificial fat olestra include

it passes through the digestive tract unabsorbed and it is fortified with vitamin E

Characteristics of breast milk include that:

its sodium content is low and its protein is largely alpha-lactalbumin

The predominant form of hunger in the United States today is caused by:

lack of money

To promote dental health, children should be taught to:

limit consumption of sweet bottled beverages and brush their teeth soon after eating sticky, sweet foods

Regulations for the production of certified organic foods specify that:

plant foods must be produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and producers must submit to USDA inspections

To prevent heartburn during pregnancy you would recommend:

relaxing and eating slowly and avoiding greasy and spicy foods

Kwashiorkor and marasmus:

result from inadequate diet

Which of the following is the best choice for grocery bags?

reusable cloth bags

Which of the following food packages is best for the environment?

reusable ones

The foodborne infection that is most commonly a result of eating contaminated eggs or poultry is caused by:


Which of the following is the best known and most widely used antimicrobial agents

salt and sugar

In dietary reccomendations to decrease the risk of CVD, trans-fatty acids are classified with ___ fat


Deforestation results in:

soil erosion

Wherever dietary fat consists mostly of ____ fats and fish, fruits, and vegetables are eaten in abundance, blood cholesterol and the rate of death from heart disease are low


For CVD prevention, trans fat in the diet should account for less than ____ percent of calories


The metabolic syndrome greatly increases a person's risk of developing:


The agency charged with the responsibility of deciding which food additives area allowed is the:

Food and Drug Administration

Which of the following would be considered a risk factor for CVD?

LDL 160 mg/dL or higher

Which of the following appears to help prevent and treat hypertension in certain populations?

Magnesium and Potassium

Which of the following programs is the centerpiece of U.S. food programs for low-income families?

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

At eight weeks of development, the fetus is characterized by:

a beating heart and a fully formed digestive system

Constipation during pregnancy should be relieved by:

a high fiber diet and plentiful water intake

To avoid poisoning by toxins you would:

consume a variety of foods and eat all foods in moderation

Which of the following is not intentionally used in or on foods


Frozen foods' nutrient content is similar to that of:

fresh foods

Hormones the regulate the menstrual cycle also alter:

glucose tolerance and food intake

The extruding process is based on:

grinding and temperature

Which of the following is most susceptible to bacterial contamination?

ground meat

Which of the following is associated with a reduced risk of CVD?

high HDL

To lower LDL cholesterol levels you would tell someone to:

lose weight and increase physical activity

A woman who craves nonnutritious substances during pregnancy:

may do so for cultural reasons and is called pica

Moderate doses of ___, a common fish contaminant, is/are thought to cause headaches and impair mental functioning in adults


Which of the following hazards in our food supply is of most concern according to the Food and Drug Administration?

microbial foodborne illness

Alcohol intake in non smokers is associated with cancers of the:

mouth and breast

Which of the following causes cancer in animals?


Since 1950, the number of people ___ years old in the U.S. has increased 7-fold.

over 85

Which of the following is among the minerals that are in great demand during pregnancy because they are invloved in building the skeloton

phosphorus and magnesium

Individuals with hypertension being treated with certain diuretics should consume foods rich in:


The primary cause of hunger is:


Sulfite additives added during the drying of fruits result in:

prevention of browning and destruction of thiamin

The effect of physical activity for the elderly is to:

reduce development of the "dwindles"

The effect of maternal nutritional deprivation during lactation is to:

reduce the quantity of milk

Examples of cruciferous vegetables include

turnips and broccoli

To solve the world's environmental, poverty, and hunger problems, rich nations must:

stem their wasteful and polluting use of resources

Which of the following nonnutritive sweeteners is made from sucrose?


Which transportation choices saves energy?

taking public transportation and making planned bulk food shopping trips by car

Which of the following groups should avoid all uncooked or undercooked eggs

the elderly and those who suffer immune dysfunction

Which of the following determines whether the mother is able to grow a healthy placenta?

the mother's prepregnancy nutrition

Effects of malnutrition on the body's defense system include:

the skin becomes thinner with less connective tissue and antibodies and immune cell numbers are reduced

A food desert is a location where:

there is limited access to affordable and nutritious foods

You cannot rely on a food that contains sulfites as a significant source of:


Which of the following is not a cause of "hyper" behavior in children?

too much sugar

To reduce your intake of pesticides you would:

trim fat off meat and discard the outer layers of cabbage

Foods that have undergone extrusion:

usually have had colors added to them and have lost many of their nutrients

Exclusively breast fed babies need supplements of ___, but formula fed babies do not.

vitamin D

Which of the following raises HDL concentration?

weight loss and physical activity

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