Nutrition Exam 1

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The host of a radio program makes a "red flag" claim about a nutrition-related product, because the claim is generally an indication that the information about the product is unreliable. The radio program host said, ________.

"All ingredients in this product have been scientifically tested and clinically proven"

Bathsheba usually consumes 1900 kcal/day. She wants to meet the AMDR for fat intake (20-35% of total kcal). Based on this information, her acceptable range of intake for fat is ________ kcal/day.


Which of the following statements is true?

A diet that has variety contains many different kinds of nutritious foods.

Which of the following compounds is not secreted by the human stomach?


Which of the following foods is not nutrient dense?

Chocolate cookies

Which of the following statements is true?

Daily Values are dietary standards developed for food labeling purposes.

Which of the following conditions or diseases is a leading diet-related cause of death in the United States?


Scientific studies that are designed to investigate the same question can have different findings.

Disclaimers are clues that a product may not meet your expectations or the manufacturer's claims.

Jewel reads food labels of processed foods to learn about the products' nutrient contents as well as the kinds of ingredients they contain. She wants to avoid purchasing ultra-processed foods. Which of the following ingredients is in foods that Jewel is likely to avoid?

Distilled monoglycerides

Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving?

Fat-free milk

Jamie wants to eat more foods that are naturally high in phytochemicals and fiber. Based on this information, which of the following foods would you recommend?

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Which of the following substances is secreted by the human stomach?

Hydrochloric acid

Which of the following foods is not a source of phytochemicals?

Lean meat

Which of the following recommendations supports one of the overarching guidelines of the Dietary Guidelines?

Limit your intake of foods that are high in saturated fat

________ is an example of a food that supplies a lot of empty calories.

Lite beer

Which of the following nutrients is a micronutrient?


While baking, Max wants to use an ingredient that contains healthy fat in a recipe. Which of the following fats should he use?

Peanut oil

A group of scientists conducts a scientific study to investigate dietary factors that influence the development of obesity. Which of the following activities is not likely to be a component of their research efforts?

Posting findings at the main researcher's Internet web site

Which of the following menu items has primary ingredients that represent all MyPlate food groups?

Salad made hard-cooked eggs, grapes, leaf lettuce, cooked pasta, and cheddar cheese

Which of the following statements is true?

Scientific studies that are designed to investigate the same question can have different findings.

Sheena prepared a casserole with canned tuna, cooked egg noodles, shredded Cheddar cheese, and mayonnaise. She would like to serve the casserole with side dishes or beverages that would make the entire meal have items from 4 different food groups. Which of the following items should she include?

Sliced ripe tomatoes

Which of the following foods is the most nutrient dense per serving?

Soy milk

Which of the following foods is a rich source of prebiotics?


Which of the following menu items has major ingredients that represent three different MyPlate food groups?

Stir-fry made with shrimp, rice, green peas, broccoli, and onions

Which of the following statements is true?

The adult AMDR for carbohydrates is 45 to 65% of total energy intake.

Which of the following statements is true?

The pyloric sphincter controls the rate at which chyme enters the small intestine.

Which of the following statements is true?

The traditional Mediterranean diet supplies more olive oil and fish than the traditional American diet.

When following recipes, Candice wants to use a type of fat that is not a solid fat. Which of the following fats should she use?

Walnut oil

Andre wants to eat more foods that are sources of healthy fats. Based on this information, which of the following foods would you recommend?


Scientists at a major university have isolated a chemical from grapes. Which of the following features is an indication that this chemical could be a vitamin?

When a person's diet lacks the chemical, his or her body experiences abnormal functioning.

Which of the following observations is an example of a positive correlation?

When a population's vitamin D intake decreases, the percentage of people in the population that have healthy immune systems decreases.

Which of the following foods is considered to be a probiotic?

Yogurt with live and active cultures of Lactobacillus

To establish a nutrient's RDA, nutrition scientists add ________ of the nutrient to its EAR.

a "margin of safety" amount

After examining a patient, a health care practitioner tells the patient that her mild back pain is caused by poor flow of energy from her mind to her back. The practitioner treats the patient with acupuncture, ginseng, and massage therapy. Based on this information, the practitioner's treatments indicate that he relies on ________.

alternative health care

An Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) is the

amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 50% of healthy people in a particular population.

Derek takes protein supplements before and after his workouts. He told his workout partner that he became 200% stronger within a couple of months after he added the supplements to his diet. His report about the effects of the supplements is an example of a(an) ________.


The back (rear) portion of your tongue is very sensitive to foods that taste ________.


Jeremy would like to know the amount of vitamin C that is recommended for his life/stage group. He can obtain this information by

checking the RDA table for vitamin C.

In general, food guides do not group ________ with dairy foods.

cream cheese

For five years, Michael ate only plant foods. He recently developed numbness in his feet and a sore swollen tongue. A few days after he added eggs and milk to his diet, his tongue healed and the numbness in his feet stopped bothering him. Based on this information, Michael probably ________.

developed a nutrient deficiency disorder that was cured by the eating animal foods

Lynne consumes 6 ounces of a beverage that supplies 63 kcal from alcohol. To determine how many grams of alcohol are in that amount of the beverage, she should ________.

divide 63 by 7

Lynne wants to estimate the grams of carbohydrate in a sugar-sweetened soft drink that supplies 200 kcal/serving. The soft drink contains no fiber, protein, fat, and alcohol. To obtain this value, she should ________.

divide the number of kcal by 4

Chyme moves from the stomach into the ________.


The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for a nutrient is the

highest average amount that is unlikely to harm most people when consumed daily.

Leonard has a disease that causes his lacteals to become blocked. Based on this information, his ________.

intestinal tract does not absorb much fat

Feces form in the ________.

large intestine

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, adults should limit their intake of added sugars to

less than 10% of daily calories.

A group of registered dietitian nutritionists is planning to conduct a scientific study to investigate the effects of eating honey on school-age children's behavior. At first, the researchers will ________.

make observations

Each day, Phil takes ten pills that each supply 1000 mg of vitamin C. The recommended amount of vitamin C is 90 mg/day. His daily vitamin C intake is an example of a ________.


The process of digesting food begins in the ________.


Small amounts of food move through the esophagus by involuntary muscular movements called ________.


Phil is a participant in a study designed to examine the effects of taking a dietary supplement on muscle tissue development. Phil suspects he is in the experimental group, because he is certain his muscles are bigger and stronger as a result of taking the product supplied by the researchers. When the study is completed, Phil learns that he did not receive the dietary supplement. Phil thinks the researchers made a mistake—he is certain his muscle mass increased while he took the supplement. According to this information, Phil's belief that his physical condition improved while he participated in the study is an example of the ________ effect.


Researchers are conducting a study to determine the effects of vitamin C on the human immune system. The study involves providing pills that contain vitamin C to one group of human subjects and pills that do not contain vitamin C or other active ingredients to another group of people. The pills that do not contain the vitamin are _______.


A magazine article about weight loss diets includes false information about the process of digestion that uses scientific-sounding terms to make it seem factual. The faulty information is an example of ________.


According to one of the selected messages of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, ________ should be consumed in amounts that are as low as possible while following a healthy diet.

trans fat

The lining of the small intestine is covered with ________, tiny, finger-like structures that absorb nutrients from food.


In general, food guides do not group ________ with dairy foods.

whipped cream

Dorothy is an 85-year-old woman who is having difficulty swallowing. Food seems to enter her stomach too slowly. Based on this information, Dorothy probably has a (an) ________.

condition characterized by loss of peristaltic functioning

Sam wants to estimate the grams of carbohydrate in a sugar-sweetened soft drink that supplies 100 kcal/serving. The soft drink contains no fiber, protein, fat, and alcohol. To obtain this value, he should ________.

divide the number of kcal by 4

Food guides usually classify seeds, dried beans, and dried peas in the ________ group.

protein-rich foods

Ellisha typically consumes 2100 kcal/day. She wants to meet the AMDR for protein intake (10-35% of total kcal). Based on this information, her acceptable range of intake for protein is ________ kcal/day.


Maria limits her sodium intake to 2.3 g/day. This amount is equivalent to ________.

2300 mg/day

Which of the following organs is not an accessory organ of the digestive system?


A nutrition researcher evenly divides a large group of 3-week-old healthy laboratory mice into two groups and keeps the animals in separate rooms. He adds 30 mg of the mineral iron to the daily diet of one group of the mice. The other group of mice receives the same diet as the first group, but their diet does not contain additional iron. After ten weeks, the scientist takes blood samples from each mouse. According to his findings, the mice that obtained the iron supplement developed abnormal levels of certain enzymes in their red blood cells. Based on this information and your knowledge of scientific research, what would you tell him?

He should report his findings to other nutrition scientists, so they can repeat his study and confirm the results.

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