Nutrition Exam 3

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A deficiency of ____ results in large, immature red blood cells because of insufficient DNA, production. a) folate b) niacin c) riboflavin d) vitamin C


A goiter may form as a consequence of an inadequate intake of a) magnesium b) copper c) sodium d) iodide


A herbal remedy commonly used to prevent/treat cold symptoms is: a) valerian b) ginseng c) echinacea d) garlic


Adults should consume about _____ cups of fluid daily. a) 4-6 b) 6-8 c) 9-13 d) 15-20


All B vitamins function as: a) coenzymes b) electrolytes c) intrinsic factors d) sources of calories


Among those listed, the most common deficiency disease in the world is: a) pernicious anemia b) iron deficiency anemia c) osteoporosis d) goiter


Drying of the cornea due to vitamin A deficiency is called a) cachexia b) dysphagia c) apnea d) xerophthalmia


Heme iron is found only in _____, while non-heme iron is mostly found in _______. a) grain products, milk products b) animal foods, plant foods c) plant foods, animal foods d) milk products, meat products


If an adult female is anemic, her physician would most likely initially suspect: a) a bleeding ulcer b) cirrhosis of the liver c) an insufficient diet d) kidney disease


In healthy individuals, potential signs of insufficient fluid consumption could include all but which of the following: a) dull headache b) mild fatigue c) dilute urine d) concentrated urine


In oder for a health adult to get the AI of calcium, which is _____ mg per day, he would need to consume about ____ servings of high-calcium foods per day. a) 1500, 3 b) 1000, 3 c) 1200, 2 d) 800,2


In the body, iron: a) has a very high absorption rate b) is absorbed in the presence of calcium c) is required in the same amount for both males and females d) is found in every living cell


Iron is rapidly depleted from the body during: a) vigorous exercise b) high calcium intake c) weight loss d) blood loss


Lowering blood pressure is associated with which of the following minerals? a) sodium b) chloride c) cadmium d) potassium

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Megadoses are defined as vitamin intake ________ times the estimated human need to prevent a deficiency.


Minerals involved in fluid balance are: a) calcium and magnesium b) copper and iron c) calcium and phosphorus d) sodium and potassium


Persons MOST likely to be encouraged to supplement their diet with certain specific vitamins or mineral include all of the following except: a) pregnant woman b) strict vegans c) individuals who are on a low-calorie weight loss diet d) sedentary (but healthy) males


Probiotics are: a) live microorganisms that are similar to beneficial microorganisms found in the human gut. b) are unstable in acidic environments c) unsafe for use in humans d) not shown to be effective.


Scurvy can be prevented with adequate intakes of a) riboflavin b) thiamin c) niacin d) vitamin C


Significant food sources of potassium do NOT include a) orange juice b) butter c) bananas


The amount of water in each compartment in the body mainly is controlled by: a) ion concentration b) oxygen concentration c) the presence of fatty acids d) glucose concentration


The childhood disease rickets is due to a _____ deficiency. a) vitamin C b) vitamin D c) vitamin A d) vitamin K


The following recommendations can be made to lower one's blood pressure EXCEPT: a) lose excess weight b) follow the DASH diet c) limit potassium d) limit sodium


The nutraceutical Glucosamine-Chondroitin is generally utilized because of its claims to help with all of the following but: a) reduced pain from arthritis b) improve join mobility c) help rebuild cartilage d) preserve lean body mass


The nutrient essential for synthesis of several blood clotting factors is vitamin a) E b) C c) A d) K


The nutrient that can be considered both a vitamin and a hormone is a) vitamin A b) vitamin E c) niacin d) vitamin D


The sodium content of the average diet of most North Americans is ______ the amount needed in the body. a) slightly in excess of b) only a small percentage of c) equal to d) much in excess of


The thirst mechanism is Unreliable in all the following circumstances EXCEPT: a) during vigorous exercise b) in a healthy teenager c) during illness (especially in children) d) in older adult years


This mineral can be protective for the teeth when introduced into the water supply; however it can cause tooth mottling when consumed in high quantities. a) copper b) iron c) fluoride d) selenium


Vitamin B12 is supplied almost entirely by a) intestinal bacteria b) whole grain cereals and legumes c) animal products d) vegetables and fruits


Vitamin D is unique among the vitamins because: a) it can be formed in the body by skin exposure to the sun b) absorption requires bile and fat c) it is absorbed and transported via the lymphatic system. d) it can be stored


Vitamin E functions in the body: a) to maintain vision and skin integrity, as well as growth of nails and bones. b) as an antioxidant to prevent cell damage. c) to calcify bones and teeth d) to supply energy and spare protein


Vitamin K is found in higher amounts in: a) seafood, iodized salt, and dairy products b) cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, and acorn squash c) fortified cereal, milk, and cheese d) green, leafy vegetables


Water functions to: a) regulate temperature b) participate in chemical reactions c) lubricate joints d) all of the above


Water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins differ in which way? a) water-soluble vitamins are generally less likely to be toxic b) water-soluble vitamins are best absorbed in the presence of dietary fat c) water-soluble vitamins are stored, whereas fat soluble vitamins are excreted readily d) fat-soluble vitamins have much less potential for toxicity


Well-documented reasons to supplement one's diet with essential fatty acids/fish oils include all of the following BUT: a) reducing inflammation b) decreasing risk of cardiovascular disease c) reducing joint tenderness associated with arthritis d) relieving symptoms associated with urinary tract infections


When choosing a supplement, keep in mind: a) absorption is uniform with most supplements so timing is irrelevant b) the more the better, in most cases c) high amounts of one nutrient may adversely affect absorption of another d) amounts of ingredients in a pill are always validly listed on the label.


Which of the following is NOT a function of calcium? a) muscle contraction b) blood clotting c) normal nerve transmission d) insulin release from the pancreas


Which of the following is NOT a good source of vitamin D? a) sunshine b) fatty fish c) fortified milk and margarine d) fruits, vegetables, and whole grains


Which of the following is NOT associated with antioxidant systems? a) thiamin b) vitamin C c) vitamin E d) selenium


Which of the following is NOT required to appear on the Supplement Facts Label? a) serving size b) USP symbol c) manufacturer d) nutrients and amounts


Which of the following is converted to vitamin A in the body? a) vitamin E b) carotenoids c) phenylalanine d) cholesterol


Which of the following is most likely to be considered a possible ergogenic aid: a) valerian b) St. John's Wort c) cranberry d) caffeine


Which of the following is true about mineral bioavailability? a) minerals from animal products are better absorbed than those from plants b) minerals from plants are better absorbed than those from animal products c) the trace mineral content of plants is relatively constant no matter which soil serves as the medium d) refining the foods will increase the trace mineral content


Which of the following poses the LEAST risk of toxicity in high dosages? a) vitamin A b) vitamin C c) fluoride d) lead


Which of the following symptoms would indicate a potential vitamin D deficiency in infants and young children? a) hypercalcemia b) rupture of red blood cells c) bowed legs d) sunburn


most water is lost daily via: a) the skin b) the lungs c) urine d) feces

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