nutrition final

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sources of _____ and _____ for older people includes while grain breads, cereals, rice and pasta the ____ needs for optimal functioning; benefits of ____ prevents constipation dn fruits and vegetables supply _____ fibers and other food components to help ward off chromic diseases

-carb -fiber -brain -fiber -soluble

mealtimes and snacking during _____ years can have implications for ______; most infants are fed too few ____ and ______; by 15 months _____ and _____ are the predominant fruit/veg; sugar sweetened beverages and desserts are commonly added to the diet during infancy and their intake increases with age; most children take in too little vit _____, vitamin ____, ______, _______, _________, and fiber and too much dietary _____ and added ____ for health

-childhood -adulthood -fruit -vegetables -fries -bananas -E -D -calcium -magnesium -potassium -fiber -fat -sugar

a child who is ______ may make no sound so an adult should keep an eye on children when eating; to prevent this, encourage child to ____ when eating; food to avoid is grapes, nuts, hard candies, pieces of hot dog, popcorn, chips, and peanut butter eaten by the spoonful

-choking -sit

___ _____ when there is chronic food deprivation; this can lead to _____ which is when growth ceases because they chronically lack the nutrients required to grow normally and is often irreversible; this can lead to ____ risks of infection and diarrhea and vitamin and mineral deficiencies and can also impair brain development and learning ability

-chronic malnutrition -stunting -increased

core practice 1 is ______ which includes keeping ____ clean healthy ____ and ____, adequate hand washing, and using _____ based hand sanitizer and keeping _____ clean by cleaning _____ and ____ _____

-clean -hands -skin -nails -alcohol -surfaces -sponges -cutting

honey can contain dormant spores of ____ _____ that. can germinate dad gibing to grow and produce their deadly toxin within the human body

-clostridium botulinum

a recent concern focuses on private vendors in school lunchrooms who off _____ foods; smart snacks in school regulations now require that _____ foods and beverages offer students healthier options with more fruit, vegetables, dairy products and whole grains

-competitive -competitive

roles of ____ is to keep local profits local through ____ share; eat a _____ diet high in legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables and lower in grain fed beef; _____ ______ is production land and water required to supply all the resources an individual consumes and to absorb all of the wastes generated

-consumer -farm -sustainable -ecological footprint

for older people restaurant foods are _____ but might be too high in fat, sugar, salt, etc. but to _____ these meals can restrict _____ sizes, and ask that excess portions be taken in take out container right away; manage _____ by asking people to eat with you and make ____ choices at the grocery store

-convenient -improve -portion -lonliness -healthy

which of he following can contribute to choking in children? -a) peanut butter eaten by the spoonful b) hot dogs and tough meat c) grapes and hard candy d) all of the above

-d) all of he above

which of he following is a threat to the future food supply a) fossil fuel use b) water shortages c) ocean pollution d) all of the above

-d) all of the above

which of he following may be contracted from fresh raw or undercooked seafood a) hepatitis b) worms and flukes c) viral intestinal disorders d) all of the above

-d) all of the above

today, famine is most often a result of a) global food shortage b) drought c) social causes such as war d) flood

-d) flood

an infants appetite _____ markedly near the first birthday and ______ thereafter; at times children sam insatiable and other times barely eats; also need to ______ treats that are high in added sugars, saturated fat,, refine grains, and calories throughout the day

-decrease -fluctuates -regulate

energy needs often _____ with age because the metabolism controlling hormone diminishes reducing the BMR; ________ happens as older people reduce their physical activity and their lean tissue diminishes; physical activity including _____ training is recommended

-decrease -sarcopenia -resistance

_____ is a major risk for older adults and symptoms can be mistaken for senile ______ and can cause pressure ______; _____ deficiency is due to diminished appetite with low food intake as the cause; _____ deficiencies are known to impair immune function and may increase the likelihood of infectious diseases ; may benefit form a single balanced low dose _____

-dehydration -dementia -ulcers -iron -zinc -supplements

sage food supply depends on ____ and ____ food producers which includes on the ____ or at ____, in processing plants, during _____, and at supermarkets, institutions, and restaurants and the final handling is by the _____

-domestic -foreign -farm -sea -transportation -purchasers

eating undercooked ____ at home accounts for about 30% of US _____ infections; all commercially available eggs are ____ and _____ before packing, and some are _____ in the shell to make them safer

-eggs -salmonella -washed -sanitized -pasteurized

the _____ impacts of agriculture and the food industry take many forms such as water use and pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and resource overuse;


t/f it is possible to eliminate all toxins form your diet by eating only natural food


t/f vitamin a absorption decrease with age

-false -increaes with age

t/f the threat of food borne illness formats or seafood is serious, but produce causes illness only rarely

-false - the chance of getting food borne illness is the same

t/f most children who die of malnutrition starve to death

-false -die from dehydration

t/f only the federal governments and large corporations have ht resources necessary to make an impact in the fight against poverty, hunger, and environmental degradation

-false -everyone has an opportunity

t/f pregnant women are advised not to eat certain species of fish because the FDA and EPA have detected high lead levels in them

-false -high mercury levels

t/f antioxidant supplement have been shown to slow down the progression of Alzheimers disease

-false -no proven benefits

t/f research to date supports the idea that food allergies or intolerances are common causes of hyperactivity in children

-false -research doesn't support the idea

t/f single elderly people who routinely eat alone most often prefer isolation and should be left to themselves

-false -want someone to join them for meal

the most visible form of hunger is _____, a true food crisis in which multitudes of people in an area starve and die; this can be caused from ____ causes and ____ and ______ causes

-famine -natural -political -societal

many farmers report worldwide report both _______ and _____ benefits form planting genetically engineered crops; energy ____ consumption and production of energy must change; energy _____ calls for converting wastes into energy at many levels of food production

-financial -conservation -conservation -recycling

properly cooked ____ and other seafood sold in the US are safe from _____ threats; ______ can contain dangers that might not make it safe to eat

-fish -microbial -sushi

there are diminishing ____ due to overfishing and _____ in ocean temperatures; _______ provides more than half of the worlds food fish and shellfish and contains similar levels of nutrients and contamination as wild fish

-fisheries -increase -aquaculture

the world food program of the United Nations responds to _____ emergencies around the globe


____ provides ideal conditions for bacteria and the three conditions needed to thrive is ______, _______, and ______ of a temp from ____ to _____ degrees Fahrenheit

-food -nutrients -moisture -warmth -40 -140

children love to be included in _____ preparation and they like to eat foods they helped to ______

-food -prepare

the form of malnutrition takes in a hungry child depends partly on the nature of the _____ shortage that caused it; the most perilous condition is ___ ____ ____ which occurs when food suddenly becomes unavailable and less immediately daily but still damaging to health is ____ ______

-food -severe acute malnutrition (SAM) -chronic malnutrition

a child who are cream f broccoli soup and became ill now feels whenever it is served. the child most likely has a

-food aversion

____ _____ is having little or nothing to eat because of lack of money and affects over ____ million households in the US

-food insecurity -6

____ ______ is characterized by no immune response and ____ _____ is the intense dislike for food due to _____ and ____ response

-food intolerance -food aversion -biological -psychological

______ ______ is the fear of new foods; children should be believed when said they are full and the "____ ____ ____" dictum should be stamped out for all time; ______ should be free of conflict for good appetite; and _____ influence is important for child nutrition

-food neophobia -clean your plate -atmosphere -parent

in the US and other developed counts, hunger results primarily form ___ _____; _____ with problems such as abuse of alcohol and other drugs, metal or physical illness, lack of awareness of or access to available food programs, and reluctance to accept what some perceive as government handouts or charity

-food poverty -increases

______ illnesses can be life threatening and likely to occur


______ energy in food production comes from fertilizers, pesticides, and irrigation; ___ and ____ account for most of the pesticide use which carries an additional cost to the environment

-fossil -corn -soybeans

____ ____ threatens the future of food production by contributing to pollution and global climate changes; ______ divert resources from growing food crops and increase greenhouse gas emissions

-fossil fuel -biofuels

one in every ____ American receives food assistance of some kind; nationwide efforts include _____ program that is administered by the FDA by using a card to purchase food and food bearing plants and seeds

-four -SNAP

many children prefer sweet ____ and mild flavored ____ seed raw or undercooked; cooked foods should be served _____ and flavors should be _____; ______ a child to eat certain foods often fats to produce the desired effect

-fruits -vegetables -warm -mild -bribing

_____ and _____ influences aging and in general people who reach old age in good mental and physical health most often are nonsmokers, abstain from a lot of alcohol are physically active etc.; _____ of America is a continuing trend; 70-80% of the average person's ____ ____ depends on individual health related behaviors and ____ influence about 20-30%; the human ____ span is believed to be about 125 and there is no specific diet or nutrient supplement that will increase _____

-genetics -lifestyle -graying -life expectancy -genetic -life -longevity

many people take ___ _____ to improve memory but instead experienced _____ bleeding (opposes blood clotting); alcohol interacts with a wide range of ______; marijuana enhances the _____ of eating and has medical use; drugs of abuse cause ____ of appetite, weight ___ and malnutrition

-ginko biloba -increased -medicatons -enjoyment -loss -loss

______ is used by the brain sets the carb intake recommendations and ____ recommendations are based on adult intakes and she be adjusted downward for children who are _____ eaters and take in little energy

-glucose -fiber -picky

____ policies can change to promote sustainability; private and community enterprises can take the initiate to help; _____ and students to solve problems relating to food nutrition and spread awareness; food and nutrition ______ can make careful conservative choices in procurement, reuse, recycling, energy use, water use, etc.; ______ can make small decisions each day that add up to large environmental impacts; _____ part of the world is insulted against food shortages

-government -educators -professionals -individuals -no

needs for vitamins, minerals, and the energy yielding nutrients are ____ during teens than at any other time of life except pregnancy; increase need for _____, _____, and vitamin ____

-greater -iron -calcium -D

___ _____ is to increase the productivity of available land while protecting or restoring the environment so many people have adopted a _____ diet to ensure that resources are conserved as people are fed

-green revolution -sustainable

_______ is using the word natural on food labels, appealing green claims such as eco friendly have no legal meaning but may give a false impression that using th product could have fair reaching environmental effects; _____ buying and more doing; include new daily habits that benefit health, budget, and the planet; choose wisely; bigger ideas such as joining an organization can make a difference and buying efficient appliances

-greenwashing -less

experts advise cooking ____ or meat to the well done stage because it exposes much more ___ _____ for bacteria; stuffed turkey or chicken raises special concerns because ______ from the birds cavity can contaminate the stuffing because the center can stay cool; cook any _____ meat, poultry, or shellfish before additionally it to stuffing, mix wet and dry ingredients right before stuffing into the cavity and stuff loosely; cook _____ afterward in a preheated oven set no lower than _____ degrees F, and use a _______ to test the center of the stuffing, which should read _____ degrees f

-ground -surface area -bacteria -raw -immediately -325 -thermometer -165

breakfast is the central feature of a child's diet that supports healthy ____ and _____; if child skips breakfast the ______ missed are rarely made up at lunch ad dinner; children who skip breakfast are more likely to be ______, have difficulty paying _______ in the classroom, perform poorly on tasks requiring ____ and have _____ test scores; US _____ funds nutritious high qualities meals including breakfast for the US school children

-growth -development -nutrients -overweight -attention -concentration -lower -government

adolescent ____ ____ begins at 10 or 11 and peaks at 12 for _____ and begins at 12 or 13 and peaks at 14 for _____; energy needs for teens ______ depending on growth rate, gender, body compositions, and physical activity; weight standards meant for adults are _____ for teens; girls normally develop a somewhat higher percentage of body ____ than body do

-growth spurt -girls -boys -vary -useless -fat

food choices made during the teen years affect ______ now and in the future; _____ influencers are parents, peers, and the media; teens who eat meals with _____ eat more fruits, genitals, grains, and calcium rich foods and fewer soft drinks

-health -primary -parents

in the US poverty and low food security exist die by side with affluence and the _____ food security enjoyed by most US citizens


food insecurity often leads to _____ which is a worldwide issue; there are many differences that ____ person can make

-hunger -one

______ foods poses an enormous food safety challenge because the methods and standards of many thousands of food producers in far away countries vary; to prevent ______ of _______ foods have to bear a ______ ____ _____ label specifying where they were produced

-imported -contamination -imported -country of origin

_____ pressure on worlds farmers due to population growth which will require more land, water, and energy


the worlds trends in meat consumption is ____ meat and dairy consumption


total amount of protein needed _____ somewhat as a child grows larger; age 1-13 male and female need _____ to _____ g/kg

-increases -0.95-1.05

nutrient needs in the later years become more _______ with age depending on genetics and individual medical history


____ and ____ are more susceptible than _____ to the ill effects of pesticides because of _____ human detoxifying system, ______ pesticide tolerance, and eat proportionally _____ food consumption

-infants -children -adults -immature -lower -greater

microorganisms can cause foodborne illness either by _____ or ______; ______ agents include _____ or _____ and intoxication includes _____ or ______ which are poisonous chemicals released by bacteria as they multiply; common food intoxication is ____ _____ and most deadly is ____ ____ by paralyzing muscles

-infection -intoxicaton -infection -salmonella -hepatitis -enterotoxins -neurotoxins -staphylococcus aureus -clostridium botulinum

food ____ and ____ often exist side by side; ___ _____ may help to explain why obesity rates rise as incomes fall because these areas often lack access to markets that sell fresh produce, dairy, lean meats, etc. as well as ____ foods costing more

-insecurity -obesity -food deserts -nutritious

irration causes _____ changes to taste of food and some ______ loss; irradiation _____ make food radioactive and there is more of a concern for _____; foods that are irradiated are ______

-insignificant -vitamin -doesn't -workers -labeled

_____ is protection for consumers; _____ salmonella, e coli, and parasite, decrease ______; destroys ____ on fruits; ____ sprouting and ripening; _____ of dried herbs, spices, and teas

-irradiation -eliminates -spoilage -insects -delays -sterilization

lead poisoning in young children

-is likely because they absorb 5 to 10 times more lead than do adults

agriculture clears _____, fertilizers, rain or ittigaiton; ____ _____ is when algae die and decompose where while areas are deleted of oxygen; ______ can also deplete the fresh water supply over time because much of the water taken for surface or underground supplies evaporates or runs off

-land -dead zones -irrigation

_______ are convenient but microbes on serving utensils and in the air can quickly contaminate freshly cooked foods so _____ them promptly and reheat them to steaming hot before eating

-left overs/ take out -refrigerate

______ factors can affect physiological age including eating regular nutritious food, weight control, and abstinence or moderate alcohol


problems of ____ includes the land used for grains because of loss of native plants and animals as well as soil erosion, water depletion, dn desert formation; if animals raised in ____ huge masses of manure produced in these overcrowded factory style farms leach into local soils and water supplies polluting them; animals in ____ must be fed and grain is grown for them on other land

-livestock -feedlots -feedlots

obstacles of nutrient adequacy of older adults include the ____ situation and _____ and alcohol; some programs that can help is _____ and _______ on ______

-living -medication -SNAP -meals -wheels

vulnerable populations to food borne illness is someone who is ill or ______, compromised _____ system, lives in a institution, has _____ or stomach illness, _______, _____ or _____

-malnourished -immune -liver -pregnant -old -young

persistent hunger leads to _______; micronutrient deficiencies include _____, _____, vitamin _____, and _____; this can cause a scope of problems including fatigue, blindness, decreased developmental and intellectual capabilities and premature death; these can affect _____ and also entire _____

-malnutrition -iron -iodine -A -zinc -individuals -nations

______ testing of foods before they reach consumers is a critical step toward preventing ______ illnesses and has ______ accuracy

-microbial -foodborne -improved

FDA areas of concern

-microbial food borne illness -natural toxins in foods -residues in foods -nutrients in fods -intentionally approved food additives -genetically engineered foods

_____ _____ _____ reduces _____ inside a package making foods much safer; perishable foods packaged with _____ must be chilled properly

-modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) -MAP

foods high in _____ and ______ are most likely to cause illness and those that are______ or _______ are especially favorable hosts

-moisture -nutrients -chopped -ground

limited _____ food intakes with low food security consume enough cal form inexpensive low nutrient foods; the more ____ their circumstances, the more likely children are to be in poor or fair health and the greater their likelihood of _______

-nutritious -severe -hospitalization

rehabilitation to help malnourished people is ____ ____ ____ which is reversing dehydration and ____-___-___ ______ _____ which is commercial products intended to promote rapid reversal of weight loss and nutrient deficiencies

-oral rehydration therapy (ORT) -ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF)

_______ is a process that heats milk to kill most disease causing organism thereby making the milk safe to consume; growing food usually involves ____, and _____ contains abundant bacterial colonies that can contaminate food from animal waste;

-pasteurization -soil -soil

what foods are most likely to cause anaphylactic shock

-peanuts -tree nuts -fish -shellfish

what are the most common allergens (8)

-peanuts -treenuts -milk -egg -wheat -soy -fish -shellfish

advantages to _____ use is to protect crops from _____ damage and ____ potential yield per acre; disadvantages include ______ accumulating in the food chain, kill _____, kill pests natural _____, and _____ water, soil and air

-pesticide -insect -increase -pest -pollinators (bees) -predators (birds and insects) -pollute

a child who suffers form nutrient deficiencies exhibits ____ and ____ symptoms; ______ deficiency can have an affect on ____ ______ and is a key problem among ____ _____ children; _____ is toxic and overdoses can easily injure or even kill a toddler or child who accidentally ingests iron pills

-physical -behavioral -iron -intellectual performance -United States

____ and ____ bags can contain become contaminated so choose foods that are safe without ______, ______ foods and pack them in a thermal lunch bag with ice packs, and choose well aged ______; foods containing ________ with mixed ingratiated can spoil readily

-picnics -lunch -refridgeration -chill -cheese -mayonnaise

many pesticides are broad spectrum _____ that damage all living cells, not just those of pests; and minute quantities of pesticide _____ on products can survive processing and traces are often present in foods served to people

-poisons -residues

challenges to banishing hunger for all is to provide enough food for expanding ____ without destroying all ____ resources and ensure all people have ____ to enough food to live healthy lives; the total world food supply is enough to _____ feed the world entire population today

-popultiaon -natural -access -abundantly

drugs that can harm includes _____ and _____; factors that make interactions likely includes ____ drugs and ______

-prescription -OTC -multiple -alcohol

_______ rich foods require special handling because they are often mingled together; people who prepare ____ should follow these basic ____ safety rules which is to cook all ____ and ____ to the suggested temp, never defrost at ______ temp or in ______ water, and don't cook large, thick, dense, raw _______ or ______ in the microwave or pep rare foods that will be eaten raw with the same utensils or on the same cutting board as was used to prepare the raw _____

-protein -meat -meat -meat -poultry -room -warm -meat -meatloaf -meat

community effort includes food _____, food ______/_____, emergency kitchens; developing _____ long term solution that attack the underlying problems of limited food access, low wages and poverty are equally important

-recovery -banks/pantries -sustainable

physical changes of aging that can affect nutrition include

-reduced stomach acid -tooth loss and gum disease

the word determine is a acronym used in assessing an elderly persons

-risk of malnutrition

protein DRI recommended intakes remain about the ____ for older people as for young adults but older adults may not consume enough protein; _____ calorie sources such as lean tender meats, poetry, fish, build eggs, fat free milk product and legumes can help hold weight to a healthy level and underweight or malnourished older adults need ______ calorie sources such as eggs scrambled with margarine, tuna salt wit mayonnaise, peanut butter and milkshakes

-same -low -high

which of the following is not associated with peak bone mass a) physical activity b) scholastic achievement c) vitamin d status d) calcium intake

-scholastic achievement

human diet changes faster during the ______ year of life than any other time in a life of a human; changes from infant food to _____ food; _____ and _____ ______ changes so body demands more nutrients than can be provided by milk alone

-second -adult -growth -body composition

core practice 2 is ____ and do this to prevent ____ _____; core practice 3 is _____ which is ____ to a safe internal ______ and use a food thermometer to check and _____ foods after cooking; core practice 4 is _____ by _____ and thawing frozen items in the _____

-separate -cross contamination -cook -cooking -temperature -store -chill -refrigeration -refrigerator

several grains of the e coli bacterium produce particularly dangerous protein known as ___ ____ a cause of severe disease, the most notorious strain, e coli is _________ that can cause outbreaks

-shiga protein -O157:H7

_____ should include two or more food groups in theme; at restaurants ____ meals, or look at ____, _____, ______, or _____ dishes for a more nutritious meal

-snacks -split -appetizers -soups -salads -side

foods that grow close to the ground (fruits and vegetables) might get bacterial contamination form the ______, animal ______ run off, and manure ______ likely; _____ produce at home to remove dirt and debris is important but might not entirely remove certain bacterial strains; _______ or _____ juices and ciders pose a special problem because producers mingle fruit from many different trees and orchards and any _____ introduced into a batch of juice can multiply rapidly in the sugary fluid; ______ grow in the warm, moist, nutrient rich conditions that microbes need to thrive so the only way to eat them safely is to _____ them

-soil -waste -fertilizer -wash -unpasteurized -raw -bacteria -sprouts -cook

cafeine is a _____ adn a ______ so the interactions are subtle but significant; ______ has many adverse health effects and depresses _____ and body _____ and accelerates vitamin ____ breakdown

-stimulant -diuretic -tobacco -hunger -fatness -C

_____ acid and drugs can cause nausea and interfere with _____ absorption; _______ can also interfere with enzyme activity and spice ____ and ____ supplements can also affect absorption of nutrients

-stomach -mineral -MAOIs -phytochemicals -herbal

a _____ det is a diet with low environmental impact that contributed to food and nutrition security and to healthy life for present and future generations


______ to the food supply includes hunger, poverty, and population growth; ____ of food producing land; ___ fuel use; and atmosphere and global ____ changes; _____ loss form the outer atmosphere; fresh water ____; increased _____; ocean pollution; and many problems are _____ so solution efforts for one will affect others

-threats -loss -fossil -climate -ozone -shortages -flodding -related

t./f food packaging can contribute to food safety


t/f a vegetarian diet requires jsut one third of the energy needed to produce the average meat containing diet


t/f evidence does not suggest that conventional foods pose health risks orhtat using organic produce reduces risk


t/f infants under one year of age should never be fed honey because it an contain spores of clostridium botulinum


t/f microorganisms can cause forborne illness either by infection or by intoxication


t/f nutrition does not seem to play a role in the causation of osteoarthritis


t/f on a pound for pound basis, a 5 year olds need for vitamin a is double the need of an adult man


t/f poverty and hunger drive people to bear more children


t/f the worlds poorest poor spend about 80 percent of their income on food


t/f today the keys to solving the world poverty, hunger, and environmental problems are within the reach of others poor and rich nations


t/f reducing food waste is a great way to save money


______ raw milk and raw milk products cause the majority of dairy related illness outbreaks; _____ stable milk is sterilized by an ___-____ _____ treatment and so needs no refrigeration until it is open

-unpasteurized -shelf -ultra-high temperature

individual children's energy needs ______ depending other growth and physical activity; some children on _____ diet might have trouble meeting their energy needs

-vary -vegan

a person planning a nutrition diet for an elderly person should play particular attention to providing enough

-vitamin b12

____ and _____ are usually the poorest poor; this continues the ____ of hunger, malnutrition, and poverty; and _______ drives people to bear more children

-women -children -cycle -poverty

during adolescence, food habits change for the _____; few teens choose sufficient whole grains, milk, fruits, juices, and vegetables; the adult becomes the _____ controlling the type and availability of food in the teenager's environment, can set example and teachable moments; on average about _____ of a teens total daily energy intake comes form snacks

-worse -gatekeeper -1/4

children often fail to consume adequate amounts of _______ a) diary b) meats c) vegetables d) sugar sweetened beverages

-c) vegetables

______ of total annual production lost to spoilage, waste, or pests; ____% of fresh water used producing food food ultimately wasted and ____ million barrels of oil fuel production of wasted food

-1/3 -25 -300

_______ of the worlds people have no land and no possessions at all and survive on less than one US dollar a day; spend about _____ percent of all they earn on food but still hungry and malnourished and a US house cat eats _____ as much protein every day as one of these people

-1/5 -80 -twice

for children ages 1-3 the fat recommendations are _____-____ percent of energy; older children aged 4-18 require ___-____ percent of energy from fat

-30-40 -25-35

to defeat bacteria there are ___ core practices including ______, ______, _______, and ______

-4 -clean -separete -cook -chill

what percentage of its food supply does the United States waste each year a) 20 b) 30 c) 40 d) 50

-40 percent

_____ percent of children ages 2-11 have dental caries; a method to reduce dental caries had been ________ of community water

-42 -fluoridation

____ percent of children in the US are living with a food _____ and many people seem to grow out of it so rates in adults are much lower at ____ percent of the population

-8 -allergy -1

vit _____ absorption increases with aging; vit _____ recommendations becomes a critical concern due to bone loss and synthesis in skin ______; dark green leafy vegetables may protect form ____ ______; vitamin ____, carotenoids, and vitamin _____ may delay onset of ______

-A -D -decreases -macular degeneration -cataracts

_______ occurs in ____ to ____ percent of young school aged children or in ____ to ____ in every classroom of 30 children; characterized by the chronic inability to pay _____, along with overly active ____ ad poor impulse control; can delay _____, lead to academic _____ and cause major ____ problems

-ADHD -5 -10 -1 -3 -attention -behavior -growth -failure -behavioral

food allergies have been blamed for _____ but research is insufficient to draw conclusions; _____ doesn't cause children to react behaviorally; ____ and _____ can influence a Childs mental health and subsequent behavior

-ADHD -sugar -hunger -poverty

children might have deficiencies in vitamin _____, ______, and possibly _____; intake of vitamin _____ fortified foods should provide 15 micrograms each day to maximize their absorption of calcium and ensure normal healthy bone growth and if don't consume those products might need a supplement; _____ deficiency is a worldwide problem and food must deliver 7-10 milligrams per day and excess milk should be avoided

-D -iron -fluoride -D -iron

the _____ sets tolerance limits on pesticides; _____ and ______ test food samples for compliance; some insects are ____ to the pesticides used to kill them; _____ pesticides can be used and used in ____ gardens; the alliance for food and farming is a non profit organization comprised of both ____ and _____ farmers

-EPA -USDA -FDA -resistant -natural -organic -organic -conventional

______ is when food is suddenly unavailable and is often diagnosed by their degree of ______; _____ is when lean and fat tissues have wasted away and the less common form is ______ which is edema and loss of hair color

-SAM -wasting -marasmus -kwashiorkor

which of the following may lessen symptoms of depression associated with pms a) alcohol b) caffeine c) vitamin d d) all the above

-c) vitamin d

national school lunch and breakfast programs are ______ regulated meals that provide age appropriate servings of need foods each day and designed to meet _____ of recommended energy intake for total and saturated fat, protein. calcium, iron, vitamin A and C; recent changes have made a greater availability of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fat free and low fat milk and decreased levels of sodium. saturated fat, and trans fat in meals served to school children

-USDA -1/3

worldwide, ______ of those who die each year form starvation and related illnesses are children a) 3/4 b) 1/3 c)1/4 d) none of the above

-a) 3/4

the most perilous form of malnutrition which occurs when food suddenly becomes unavailable itch as in drough tor was scaled a) SAM b) CM c) VDM d) PAM

-a) SAM

in research which of the following is associated with a longer life span in many species a) energy restriction b) superoxide dismutase c) omega 3 fatty acids d) none of the above

-a) energy restriction

which of these items can be purchased with electronic debit transfer cards from the supplemental nutrition assistance program a) hot dogs b) cigarettes c) dishwashing liquid d) red wine

-a) hot dogs

some microorganisms produce illness causing a) neurotoxins and entertains b) neurotransmitters and aflatoxins c) enzymes and hormones d) none of the above

-a) neurotoxins and enterotoxins

which of ht following is correct concerning fruits that have been irradiated a) they decay and ripen more slowly b) they lose substantial nutrients c) they lose their sweetness d) they emit gamma radiation

-a) they decay and ripen more slowly

ideas for sustainable food production are emerging form a new field of study called _____ that conserves critical systems; ____ input and ____ agriculture includes integrated pest management (IPM) and ____ used to help target specific land areas that need treatment; the us conservation reserve program provides federal assistance to farmers and ranchers who wish to improve their ______ of soil, water, and related natural resources on environmentally sensitive lands

-agroecology -low -precison -satellites -conservation

nutrients and drugs can interact a) before ingestion or absorption b) within the body tissues c) at the level of gene expression d) all of the above

-all the above

avoiding ____ can be tricky because they sneak into foods in unexpected ways


food labels must announce the presence of common _______ in plain language


allergies always involve _____ and hey sometimes involve _____ so they can't be diagnosed form symptoms alone; some ______ have an immediate reaction and others are _____ reactions

-antibodies -symptoms -allergies -delayed

the immune system of an allergic person reacts to the foreign molecules as it does to any other ______ so it releases _____ and _____ to attack the invaders; ____ _____ can involve symptoms such as tingling oft tongue, through or skin or difficult breathing so have ______ can help save a person when having a reaction

-antigen -antibodies -histamine -anaphylactic shock -epinephrine

______ _____ and ____ hold promise to decrease bacterial growth on foods

-antimicrobial wraps -films

a healthy Childs normal appetite control system a) cannot be trusted to provide the right levels of calories for growth b) can be short circuited by a constant stream of foods high in added sugars, saturated fat, and refined grains c) hold the Childs appetite constant without much fluctuation form day to day d) none of the above

-b) can be short circuited by a constant stream of foods high in added sugars, saturated fat, and refined grains

irradiation can a) destroy vitamins b) sterilize spices c) make food radioactive d) promote sprouting

-b) sterilize spices

which of the following is a symptom of food insecuring? a) you worry about gaining weight but cannot afford diet foods b) you can't always afford to purchase nutrition foods for balanced meals c) you shop daily to get the best prices and use coupons to stretch your budget d) you buy fresh rather than frozen foods to save money

-b) you can't always afford to purchase nutrition foods for balanced meals

food industry controls of grocery safety includes ____ numbering, ______ date, seals, wrappers and safely buttons; and when shopping select ____ or ______ foods and fresh _____ last

-batch -freshness -frozen -refrigerated -meats

to prevent food borne illnesses the refrigerators temper should be less than a) 70 degrees F b) 65 degrees F c) 40 degrees F d) 30 degrees F

-c) 40 degrees F

the scientific discipline that uses ecological theory to study, design, manage, and evaluate productive agricultural systems to conserve critical resources is known as a) integrated pest management b) sustainability c) agreocology d) non of the above

-c) ago ecology

compared with conventionally grown produce, organic produce is often a) lower in pesticides b) high in phytochemical c) both a and b d) none of the above

-c) both a and b

the malnutrition of poverty inflicts all of he following except a) learning disablities b) mental retardation c) deafness d) blindness

-c) deafness

which of the following organisms can cause hemolytic uremic syndrome a) listeria monocytogens b) campylobacter jejune c) escherichia coli d) salmonella

-c) e coli

which of the following is most commonly deficiency in adolescents a) folate b) zinc c) iron d) vitamin d

-c) iron

the primary cause of hunger in the us is a) living in food deserts b) lack of food aid c) lack of nutrition knowledge d) food poverty

-c) lack of nutrition knowledge

to save a starving child who has weak heartbeat and low blood pressure a necessary fist step is to quickly administer a) protein supplements b) vitamin a suppleents c) oral rehydration therapy d) ready to use therapeutic food

-c) oral rehydration therapy

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