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Oils are less fattening than solid fats. Select one: True False


To help in reducing their risk for dental caries, toddlers and children should not be given in-between meal snacks. Select one: True False


Foods rich in fiber lower blood cholesterol Select one: True False


For a tooth to demineralize, the plaque pH needs to be 5.5 or lower when cariogenic foods are being consumed. Select one: True False


Good nutrition is possible regardless of a patient's cultural habits Select one: True False


The RDA for protein for healthy adults is ______ grams per kilogram of body weight. Select one: a. 1.6 b. 0.8 c. 0.6 d. 0.2

b. 0.8

Excessive consumption of carbs is the main cause of obesity. Select one: True False


Fats are a good source of quick energy. Select one: True False


Hunger is the same thing as appetite. Select one: True False


Lactovegetarians consume only eggs and plant-derived foods. Select one: True False


Lactovegetarians eat eggs and plant foods. Select one: True False


Lifelong dietary habits, preferences, and attitudes will be influenced most by parents/caregivers during the adolescent stage of life. Select one: True False


A key nutritional challenge for most people throughout life is to obtain recommended amounts of calcium on a daily basis. Select one: True False


Foods containing primarily natural sugars, can be just as cariogenic as processed foods with added sugar. Select one: True False


Health risks may follow the overconsumption of proteins at the exclusion of carbs. Select one: True False


PEM is the world's most widespread form of malnutrition. Select one: True False


The B complex vitamins are considered to be the "energy" vitamins. Select one: True False


The energy needs of children and adolescents are high to support growth and development and physical activity level. Select one: True False


Too much OR too little Vitamin D during tooth development can result in hypoplastic effects in the teeth. Select one: True False


Firm, fibrous foods physically remove plaque from the gingiva and tooth surface. Select one: True False


Food labels are regulated by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission). Select one: True False


Milk is a perfect food for everyone. Select one: True False


Patients taking anti-coagulants should be advised to take Vitamin K supplements Select one: True False


Protein-rich foods are obtained almost exclusively from animal sources. Select one: True False


A food with the term "healthy" as part of its name cannot contain any nutrient or food constituent in an amount known to increase disease risk. Select one: True False


A multi-vitamin/mineral supplement may be recommended to the elderly patient for the purpose keeping their immunity strong if their eating habits are poor and inconsistent. Select one: True False


A protein deficiency during childhood may lead to increased caries susceptibility related to alterations in tooth development and diminished salivary flow. Select one: True False


Active listening involves interpreting the words the patient says, the manner in which the words are said, and any other non-verbal cues (body language the patient may give). Select one: True False


Allowing the patient to identify potentially cariogenic foods in their completed diet diary is helpful because it can give the RDH insights about the patient's awareness level concerning which foods are cariogenic and which ones are not. Select one: True False


Americans typically consume nearly twice as much protein as recommended by the RDA's. Select one: True False


An individual's lifestyle is the primary or "biggest" factor which influences eating habits. Select one: True False


An issue of concern with adolescent nutrition is that this age group tends to make poor food choices if they are not supervised by a responsible parent and/or caregiver. Select one: True False


Because of the potential toxicity with fat-soluble vitamins, patients should not take more than the suggested daily RDA in a vitamin supplement unless they are properly advised by their physician. Select one: True False


Beginning with adolescence, males will typically need a higher daily calorie intake than females of the same age. Select one: True False


Cariogenic food intake may increase in the elderly due to a decreased sensitivity to smell and taste. Select one: True False


Current dietary guidelines promote daily physical activity. Select one: True False


Current dietary guidelines stress the importance of variety, moderation, and portion control in food choices. Select one: True False


Current evidence indicates that moderate intakes of artificial sweeteners pose no health risks. Select one: True False


Current research indicates that mega-doses of Vitamin C does help relieve symptoms of the common cold but does not help in preventing it. Select one: True False


Dietary fat intake should be less that 30% of total calories. Select one: True False


Even during sleep the body requires energy or burns calories. Select one: True False


Excessive or overconsumption of proteins could be problematic for individuals with liver and/or kidney disease. Select one: True False


Fat intake has been linked more frequently to cancer than any other dietary factor. Select one: True False


Fat yields 9 calories per gram. Select one: True False


Fluoride is the most essential nutrient needed for caries prevention. Select one: True False


Fluoride supplements are generally not recommended before 6 months of age. Select one: True False


Fluorosis is possible if an infant or toddler over-consumes formula and/or fruit juice constituted with fluoridated water. Select one: True False


For adults, consumption of refined sugars should be no more than 10% of total caloric intake. Select one: True False


Good nutrition is possible for every person, regardless of their cultural or ethnic background. Select one: True False


Hemorrhagic gingivitis may be related to Vitamin C deficiency Select one: True False


It is the frequency of sugar consumption that is influential in the development of dental caries Select one: True False


PEM can be a contributing factor to the development of NUG in overly-stressed college students. Select one: True False


Pork is an exceptionally rich source of thiamin. Select one: True False


School age children, ages 7 to 12 need to eat about every 4 hours to maintain mental alertness and concentration levels. Select one: True False


Starches are not as easily metabolized by plaque microbes as simple sugars. Select one: True False


Strict vegatarians may be prone to Vitamin B-12 deficiency. Select one: True False


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans were written for healthy people to help reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases. Select one: True False


The intake of refined, added sugar is a contributing cause of chronic health problems that are related to nutrition in this country. Select one: True False


The majority of the body's glycogen stores are in the muscles. Select one: True False


The reason why trans-fats are to be avoided is because this type of fat resembles saturated fat in the way the body breaks it down. Select one: True False


The tendency for lactose intolerance increases with advancing age. Select one: True False


Toxicity problems can occur when one consumes amino acid supplements. Select one: True False


Type II diabetes is often controlled by successful weight loss management. Select one: True False


Which is the most nutritious choice? Select one: a. apple b. apple juice c. applesauce d. apple pie or cobbler

a. apple

Which of the following would be a better snack choice for a caries prone patient? Select one: a. apple slices and cheese cubes b. peanut butter sandwich c. Snickers bar d. yogurt with banana slices

a. apple slices and cheese cubes

"Although fat intake may have a positive effect on the teeth, the _______________ of the patient MUST be considered when providing nutritional counseling." Select one: a. medical history b. likes and dislikes c. social eating habits d. ethnic customs

a. medical history

The B vitamins act as part of __________ in energy metabolism. Select one: a. anticoagulants b. antibodies c. coenzymes d. intrinsic factors

c. coenzymes

In subsequent (follow-up) dietary sessions with the patient, the RDH needs to: Select one: a. Determine the patient's level of compliance with previous dietary recommendations b. Ask the patient if they have experienced any problems in making dietary changes c. Reinforce previously made dietary recommendations & review important dietary concepts as needed d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Lipids should not be totally eliminated from the daily diet because: Select one: a. Lipids make foods palatable and will therefore encourage consumption of a wider variety of foods. b. Lipids contain essential vitamins and micronutrients which are important to good health. c. Lipids provide satiety in the diet, which may prevent an overconsumption of other macronutrients such as carbs or protein. d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Suzy noted on her dietary history that she ate a salad for lunch on Thursday. Which of the following supplemental items of information should the RDH request from Suzy? Select one: a. ingredients of the salad? b. approximate serving size of the salad in ounces? c. salad dressing used? d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Teenagers who consume large amounts of soft drinks on a daily basis are at risk for which of the following? Select one: a. dental caries b. overall nutritional deficiency c. obesity d. all of the above

d. all of the above

The roles of the essential fatty acids include: Select one: a. form parts of cell membranes b. support infant growth and vision development c. support immune function d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following are classified as macronutrients? Select one: a. carbohydrates b. proteins c. lipids d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following are classified as polysaccharides? Select one: a. starch b. fiber c. glycogen d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following are standard recommendations during pregnancy? Select one: a. Abstain from alcohol consumption b. avoid dieting for the purpose of weight loss c. restrict or greatly limit caffeine consumption d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following conditions may impair folate absorption? Select one: a. alcholism b. kidney dialysis c. GI disease or disturbances d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following factors may influence the oral clearance time for certain cariogenic foods? Select one: a. texture of the food b. amount of saliva produced c. masticatory forces d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Good nutrition for the 7-12 year old age group requires all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. prior planning of after-school snacks b. limited soft drink consumption c. good parental role modeling d. asking the child what they want to eat

d. asking the child what they want to eat

Which of the following would you recommend for a person with lactose intolerance? Select one: a. skim milk b. aged cheese c. yogurt d. b and c

d. b and c

The thiamin deficiency disease is known as: Select one: a. pellagra b. osteomalacia c. scurvy d. beriberi

d. beriberi

All of the following are water-soluble vitamins EXCEPT: Select one: a. thiamin b. niacin c. riboflavin d. beta-carotene

d. beta-carotene

A primary characteristic of fat-soluble vitamins is that they are easily lost during cooking or preparation of foods. Select one: True False


An appropriate instruction to a patient after periodontal surgery is "Eat whatever foods you can manage." Select one: True False


Breast milk is naturally low in sugar, so daily cleansing of the oral cavity is unnecessary. Select one: True False


Carbohydrates originates from plants through a process referred to as respiration. Select one: True False


Carbohydrates provide 9 calories per gram while lipids provide 4. Select one: True False


A calcium deficient diet may produce alveolar bone loss over time. Select one: True False


A complete protein food will contain all of the essential amino acids and will therefore tend to have a higher biologic value. Select one: True False


A food that contains 12 % of the daily value for Vitamin A is considered a "healthy" food. Select one: True False


For any adult, the age at which one should have their blood cholesterol levels evaluated is: Select one: a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 50

a. 20

Which of the following is the most potentially toxic of all vitamins? Select one: a. A & D b. B & D c. C & E d. K

a. A & D

Patients should be counseled to substitute foods with trans fats for those with saturated fats, because saturated fat has a less detrimental effect on blood lipids. Select one: a. Neither the statement nor reason is correct b. Both the statement and reason are correct and related c. Both the statement and reason are correct, but not related d. The statement is not correct, but the reason is correct

a. Neither the statement nor reason is correct

Which micro-nutrient is essential for the integrity of epithelial cells and their differentiation in producing ameloblasts? Select one: a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin B complex c. Vitamin D d. Vitamin K

a. Vitamin A

An uninformed, strict vegetarian is at special risk for ___________ deficiency. Select one: a. Vitamin B-12 b. folic acid c. Vitamin B-6 d. niacin

a. Vitamin B-12

The vitamin D deficiency disease in adults is known as: Select one: a. osteomalacia b. pellagra c. rickets d. osteodystrophy

a. osteomalacia

The type of vegetarian most at risk for nutrient deficiencies is the: Select one: a. vegan b. lacto-ovovegetarian c. ovovegetarian d. semi-vegetarian

a. vegan

Caries incidence is still a problem in which of the following segments of the population? Select one: a. socio-economically challenged people b. people with little to no education c. people without dental insurance d. all of the above

all of the above

If a food contains 10 grams of carbohydrates, how many calories will those carbohydrates supply the body in energy? Select one: a. 90 b. 40 c. 20 d. 10

b. 40

It is advisable to incorporate iron-rich foods into the infant's diet by: Select one: a. 3 months b. 6 months c. 9 months d. 12 months

b. 6 months

All of the following are TRUE statements regarding Vitamin B-12 EXCEPT: Select one: a. The liver can store up to 5 years worth of B-12. b. B-12 is a fat-soluble vitamin. c. B-12 contains a mineral component. d. B-12 requires intrinsic factor for it to be absorbed in the stomach

b. B-12 is a fat-soluble vitamin.

All of the following are fat-soluble vitamins except: Select one: a. A b. C c. D d. K

b. C

Which of the following steps must be carried out prior to giving the patient a food diary to complete? Select one: a. Review the number of servings that must be obtained according to ChooseMYPlate b. Explain to the patient how to complete the diary c. Discuss the difference between cariogenic & non-cariogenic foods d. Warn the patient about overeating the wrong kinds of foods

b. Explain to the patient how to complete the diary ?

Each of the following is true of metabolic interrelationships except one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? Select one: a. Carbohydrates can be used in forming nonessential amino acids. b. Glucose can be converted to fatty acids and some amino acids. c. Proteins contribute to synthesis of some lipids. d. The glycerol from triglycerides can be used for synthesis of carbohydrates.

b. Glucose can be converted to fatty acids and some amino acids.

The standard that specifies the average daily amount of a nutrient considered adequate to meet the nutrient needs of most healthy people is referred to as the: Select one: a. DRI b. RDA c. UL d. EAR

b. RDA

The amount of ________ people need is proportional (dependent and related to) to their protein intake. Select one: a. niacin b. Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine) c. folate d. Vitamin B-12

b. Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)

High levels of Vitamin E supplementation can interfere with: Select one: a. Vitamins C and K b. Vitamin K and iron c. iron and Vitamin C d. beta carotene and Vitamin A

b. Vitamin K and iron

The best way to increase consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is to: Select one: a. limit intake of seed oils b. consume fish 2-3 times per week c. limit intake of polyunsaturated fats d. take fish oil in supplements

b. consume fish 2-3 times per week

Which of the following statements is inconsistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? Select one: a. choose more fruits b. decrease consumption of low-fat dairy products c. choose more whole grain foods d. decrease portion sizes of animal products

b. decrease consumption of low-fat dairy products

When Vitamin A is severely deficient in a child's diet during the time of tooth development, which of the following may occur? Select one: a. hyperdontia b. enamel hypoplasia c. dentin hypoplasia d. smaller pulp

b. enamel hypoplasia

Excess calories from carbohydrate that the body cannot use as energy will be stored as _______ in the body. Select one: a. protein b. fat c. carbohydrate d. neither a, b, or c; it will be eliminated from the body as waste

b. fat

The dietary monosaccharides include: Select one: a. sucrose, glucose, lactose b. fructose, galactose, glucose c. galactose, maltose, glucose d. glycogen, starch, fructose

b. fructose, galactose, glucose

Negative nitrogen balance occurs in: Select one: a. a surgery patient b. growing children c. pregnant women d. lactating women

b. growing children

A non-food source from which Vitamin K can be obtained is: Select one: a. sunlight b. intestinal bacteria c. antibiotics d. minerals

b. intestinal bacteria

Vitamin C supplements (excessive doses) enhance the absorption of ____________, making overload likely in some people. Select one: a. Vitamin E b. iron c. copper d. Vitamin K

b. iron

Substances within food that provide taste, aroma, color, and possible biological effects are referred to as: Select one: a. nutrients b. phytochemicals c. vitamins d. fillers

b. phytochemicals

Which of the following items of nutrient information is not required on food labels? Select one: a. fat in grams per serving b. polyunsaturated fat in grams per serving c. saturated fat in grams per serving d. cholesterol in milligrams per serving

b. polyunsaturated fat in grams per serving

Characteristics of Daily Values include all of the following except: Select one: a. they apply to all people b. they are used for making nutrient comparisons between different foods c. they are useful as nutrient goals for individuals d. they are a nutrient standard that can be used in place of the RDA

b. they are used for making nutrient comparisons between different foods

The American Heart Association and current Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend the percentage of total calories that come from fat should not exceed: Select one: a. 10% b. 20% c. 30% d. 40%

c. 30%

Increasing whole grains in the diet can lead to improved gastrointestinal and cardiovascular health. Although increasing whole grains can improve periodontal conditions, it has insignificant impact on caries rates. Select one: a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true; the second is false d. The first statement is false; the second is true

c. The first statement is true; the second is false

Three fatty acids attached to a glycerol is a triglyceride. Each of the fatty acids attached to a particular triglyceride is the same. Select one: a. Both statements are false b. Both statements are true c. The first statement is true; the second is false d. The first statement is false; the second is true

c. The first statement is true; the second is false

Vitamin deficiencies, especially the B-complex vitamins, seldom occur in isolation. Folic acid, a b-complex vitamin, is the EXCEPTION because it functions separately from other vitamins. Select one: a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true; the second is false d. The first statement is false; the second is true

c. The first statement is true; the second is false

Vitamin E primarily serves as a(an): Select one: a. precursor b. vitamin antagonist c. antioxidant d. antivitamin

c. antioxidant

Any disease that produces ___________ malabsorption can bring about deficiencies of vitamins A, D, E, & K. Select one: a. carbohydrate b. protein c. fat d. phytochemical

c. fat

All of the following are acceptable benefits of fats in foods except one. Which is the EXCEPTION? Select one: a. fats contribute to the taste and smell of foods b. fats carry fat-soluble vitamins c. fats provide a low-calorie source of energy compared to carbohydrates d. fats provide essential fatty acids

c. fats provide a low-calorie source of energy compared to carbohydrates

Which of the following nutrients is related to the prevention of neural tube defects? Select one: a. Vitamin B-6 b. Vitamin B-12 c. folate d. Vitamin C

c. folate

Which of the following B vitamins is especially important for women of childbearing years to prevent neural tube defects? Select one: a. Vitamin B-6 b. Vitamin C c. folic acid d. Vitamin B-12

c. folic acid

All of the following are good sources of Vitamin C except: Select one: a. citrus fruits b. strawberries c. milk d. broccoli

c. milk

Which of the following accounts for the difference between different amino acids? Select one: a. the amine group b. the acid group c. the side chain d. a and b e. b and c

c. the side chain

How many grams of protein are needed daily during pregnancy? Select one: a. 30 b. 45 c. 50 d. 60

d. 60

Lipids provide the most concentrated source of energy in the diet with ______ calories per gram. Select one: a. 4 b. 5 c. 7 d. 9

d. 9

All of the following are key pointers for an effective dietary counseling session except: Select one: a. Establish a positive atmosphere b. Use just a few simple A-V aids c. Guide the patient to make their own decisions regarding dietary habits d. Avoid spontaneity

d. Avoid spontaneity

Which of the following vitamin combinations pose a potential antagonistic effect in the body? Select one: a. A and K b. A and D c. D and K d. E and K

d. E and K

If the patient you treated on Tuesday morning arrived for treatment Thursday morning and said she never really stopped bleeding from the scaling and root planing procedure you did on Tuesday, which vitamin could she possibly be deficient? Select one: a. A b. D c. E d. K

d. K

What changes in lifestyle could bring about reductions in blood cholesterol? Select one: a. regular exercise b. restricting protein intake c. restricting intake of saturated fats d. a and c

d. a and c

Which of the following has an anti-inflammatory role in promoting disease resistance in the periodontium? Select one: a. riboflavin b. Vitamin B-6 c. Vitamin D d. Vitamin E

d. Vitamin E

Characteristics of the fat replacer Olestra include: Select one: a. it passes through the digestive tract unabsorbed b. it is fortified with vitamin E c. it has no undesirable side effects d. a and b e. b and c

d. a and b

Which of the following characteristics determines the various properties of fats? Select one: a. carbon chain length b. degree of saturation c. total number of oxygen atoms present d. a and b e. a, b, c (NOT THIS ONE)

d. a and b ?

By definition, a vitamin is all of the following except: Select one: a. an organic compound b. indispensable to body functions c. needed in minute amounts d. a non-essential nutrient

d. a non-essential nutrient

The hormone that is secreted when the blood glucose level is high is: Select one: a. glucagon b. thyroxine c. epinephrine d. insulin

d. insulin

Caries resistance begins pre-eruptively with adequate consumption of all of the following except: Select one: a. Vitamin A b. protein c. phosphorous d. lipids

d. lipids

Which of the following is NOT one of the functions of Vitamin C? Select one: a. protects against infections b. produces and maintains collagen c. promotes the absorption of iron d. maintain blood pH

d. maintain blood pH

Which of the following is NOT a cause of "hyper" behavior in children? Select one: a. lack of exercise b. overstimulation c. too much TV d. too much sugar

d. too much sugar

General symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency include all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. lack of energy b. mental changes (mood, irritability) c. reduced immunity d. weight gain

d. weight gain

"That which enters the mouth" and from which nutrients are derived is referred to as: Answer:


Each of the following is true of phospholipids EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION? Select one: a. Contains phosphorous and a nitrogen base b. Contains fatty acids and glycerol c. Cannot be absorbed intact; must be broken down d. Are a structural component of tooth enamel, dentin, and cell membranes e. Can be used for energy

e. Can be used for energy

The physiologic role of proteins includes all categories except one. Which one is the EXCEPTION? Select one: a. Resistance to disease b. Regulation of fluid balance c. Energy d. Repair of tissue e. Primary source of energy

e. Primary source of energy

A teenager consumes a fast food meal consisting of a cheeseburger, chocolate shake, and french fries. In order to consume as adequate daily diet, which of the following should be chosen at other meals during the day? Select one: a. foods high in Vitamins A & C b. good fiber sources c. foods high in calories d. a, b, c e. a and b only

e. a and b only

Increased water intake is important for the elderly because: Select one: a. it keeps them well-hydrated b. it helps in managing xerostomia c. it helps in stimulating their appetite d. a, b, c e. a and b only

e. a and b only ?

The exact purpose for which a protein will be used in the body depends on: Select one: a. one's state of health b. the food source of the protein and its digestibility c. its amino acid assortment d. a and b e. a, b, c

e. a, b, c

In the lecture discussion of basic food groups, legumes (dry beans) are included in which of the following groups? Select one: a. dairy and protein b. fruit and vegetables c. protein and vegetables d. vegetable and dairye. protein and vegetable

e. protein and vegetable

Dental caries is a disease that results from a nutrient deficiency. Select one: True False


Oils are less "fattening" than solid fats. Select one: True False


RDA's are the required daily allowances essential to ensure that we consume the necessary nutrient amounts daily. Select one: True False


Self-medication with vitamins is a safe and healthy practice for the elderly. Select one: True False


The best strategy for long-term success is to present the patient with a complete list of all the dietary changes that should be made and let them pick which ones they want to do. Select one: True False


The consumption of foods with added refined sugar is the primary cause of dental caries. Select one: True False


The desire for sweetness or sugar in the diet is a learned behavior. Select one: True False


The major dietary cause of high blood cholesterol is due to an overconsumption of foods with a high amount of cholesterol. Select one: True False


The only nutrients that provide energy are carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. Select one: True False


Because it is difficult to tell exactly which B-vitamin a patient is lacking, it is advisable to recommend a B-complex vitamin. Select one: True False


Vitamin D is necessary to regulate the absorption of calcium Select one: True False


Water is the most important nutrient. Select one: True False


When talking to all adult patients, the hygienist should use terminology that the individual patient can understand. Adults will vary according to intellectual level of understanding. Select one: True False


Xerophthalmia results from advanced vitamin A deficiency and can lead to permanent blindness. Select one: True False


Xerostomia can be a contributing factor of malnutrition in an older patient. Select one: True False


This vitamin aids in the conversion of trytophan to niacin. Select one: a. Vitamin B-6 b. Vitamin C c. folic acid d. Vitamin B-12

a. Vitamin B-6

Foods with hidden fat include: Select one: a. coconuts b. biscuits c. fat on a steak d. a and b e. b and c

a. coconuts ?

Oral symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency include all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. enamel hypoplasia b. angular chelitis c. stomatitis d. glossitis

a. enamel hypoplasia

The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) are appropriately used for all of the following except: Select one: a. estimating the nutrient needs of persons with medical problems b. estimating the adequacy of an individual's nutrient intake c. planning the diets for population groups like military personnel d. ensuring that minimum nutrient requirements are met

a. estimating the nutrient needs of persons with medical problems

The most significant dietary influence on the development of dental caries is: Select one: a. fermentable carbohydrates b. vitamins c. minerals d. fats e. proteins

a. fermentable carbohydrates

Which of the following food groups does not supply proteins? Select one: a. fruits b. breads c. vegetables d. milk

a. fruits

To follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, one must do all of the following except: Select one: a. give up their favorite foods b. watch portion sizes c. exercise d. omit or limit a few fat-rich foods

a. give up their favorite foods

Which of the following foods would be the most appropriate snack for an active, normal weight child? Select one: a. ice cream b. candy c. oreo cookies d. cola

a. ice cream

When the body uses fat for fuel (energy) without the help of carbohydrate, this results in the production of: Select one: a. ketone bodies b. glucose c. starch d. cellulose

a. ketone bodies

Lipoproteins are compound lipids composed of each of the following EXCEPT one. Which is the EXCEPTION? Select one: a. linoleic acid b. triglycerides c. phospholipids d. cholesterol

a. linoleic acid

Consistently high doses of folic acid can: Select one: a. mask a deficiency of Vitamin b-12 b. act as an antioxidant c. increase the risk of heart disease d. increase the need for other B vitamins

a. mask a deficiency of Vitamin b-12

The strategy of combining two incomplete plant protein sources so that the amino acids in one food make up for those lacking in the other food is called: Select one: a. mutual supplementation b. mutual subtraction c. augmentation d. protein pairing

a. mutual supplementation

A ________ bond is formed between the amine group end of one amino acid and the acid group end of the next amino acid in a protein. Select one: a. peptide b. amino acid c. denaturized d. saturated

a. peptide

The role of calcium and phosphorous in tooth development is to: Select one: a. promote normal mineralization b. provide the organic enamel matrix c. initiate collagen formation d. aid in synthesis of ameloblasts

a. promote normal mineralization

Which fatty acid has the most hydrogen atoms? Select one: a. saturated b. monounsaturated c. polyunsaturated d. bisaturated

a. saturated

A primary purpose of proteins in foods is to: Select one: a. supply the amino acids that the body needs in making proteins that support growth, tissue maintenance and body functions b. supply the body with calories to support its demand for energy c. build the body's muscle mass d. supply the amino acids that the body needs for growth and development

a. supply the amino acids that the body needs in making proteins that support growth, tissue maintenance and body functions

______________ occurs with a deficiency of Vitamin A. Select one: a. Rickets b. Xerophthalmia c. Osteomalacia d. Hypervitaminosis

b. Xerophthalmia

Which of the following would be most likely to develop pellagra? Select one: a. a person who consumes a mixed diet of meat and plant sources b. a person who does not consume meats and eats corn as a dietary staple c. a person who is vegetarian but consumes milk d. none of the above; pellagra is no longer a deficiency of concern in the US

b. a person who does not consume meats and eats corn as a dietary staple

A critical intervention which the RDH should initiate with the parent/caregiver of an older infant is to: Select one: a. help them choose the appropriate sugar-substitute b. advise them not to add fluoride supplements to milk c. recommend vitamins with fluoride as a standard caries prevention strategy d. suggest appropriate sulcular brushing methods

b. advise them not to add fluoride supplements to milk

A family of organic compounds soluble in organic solvents but not in water is called: Select one: a. triglycerides b. lipids c. fats d. oils

b. lipids

Foods that contain high amounts of fiber are generally considered to have a _______ glycemic index. Select one: a. high b. low c. neglible d. extreme

b. low

Pellagra is a ___________deficiency disease. Select one: a. Vitamin C b. niacin c. thiamin d. Vitamin B-12

b. niacin

Which of the following B-vitamins may be prescribed therapeutically for cardiovascular disease management? Select one: a. thiamin b. niacin c. riboflavin d. biotin

b. niacin

What is the recommended daily intake for saturated fat? Select one: a. 10% or more b. no more than 10% c. 12-14% d. less than 30%

b. no more than 10%

Which of the following factors is most closely linked to the occurence of Type II Diabetes? Select one: a. sugar content of the diet b. obesity c. fat content of the diet d. proportion of lean to fat body tissue

b. obesity

Which of the following terms would you look for on a bread label to choose the most nutritious carbohydrate-based product? Select one: a. wheat flour b. whole grain c. unbleached flour d. brown bread

b. whole grain

Amino acids combine with each other to form polypeptides which are components of food and body proteins. The number of amino acids in a protein varies between 10 and 25, but each protein has a specific number. Select one: a. Both statements are true. b. Both statements are false. c. The first statement is true; the second is false. d. The first statement is false; the second is true.

c. The first statement is true; the second is false.

Which of the following synthetic sweeteners should not be given to individuals with phenylketonuria (PKU)? Select one: a. saccharin b. sucralose c. aspartame d. neotame

c. aspartame

During early phases of nutritional deficiency, which epithelial tissue is the most likely to show the deficiency? Select one: a. gingival b. lips c. glossal (tongue) d. palatal

c. glossal (tongue)

So that the body obtains energy from carbohydrate food sources, it must break down digestible carbohydrate into which of the following monosaccharide? Select one: a. fructose b. lactose c. glucose d. galactose

c. glucose

Triglycerides are the most common fat (lipid) present in animal or protein foods and consists of _____________ and ______________. Select one: a. glycerol, 1 fatty acid b. glycerol, 2 fatty acids c. glycerol, 3 fatty acids d. glycerol, no fatty acid

c. glycerol, 3 fatty acids

Tennis players require immediate bursts of energy which come from Select one: a. amino acids (proteins) b. fatty acids (fats) c. glycogen (carbohydrates) d. glycerol (fats)

c. glycogen (carbohydrates)

Which consumption pattern of fermenable carbs is considered most cariogenic? Select one: a. a single exposure to a large quantity b. a single exposure to a small quantity c. multiple exposures of small quantities d. multiple exposures of followed by chewing sugarless gum

c. multiple exposures of small quantities

Which of the following elements is found in proteins and not in carbohydrates or fats? Select one: a. carbon b. hydrogen c. nitrogen d. oxygen

c. nitrogen

When providing nutritional counseling for the adolescent patient, the RDH should: Select one: a. determine current dietary habits b. assess their nutrition awareness level c. ascertain their current level of physical activity d. a, b, c e. a and b only

d. a, b, c

Blood cholesterol is impacted by: Select one: a. lifestyle b. nutrition c. heredity d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Chewing gums containing Xylitol inhibit enamel demineralization by producing: Select one: a. greater salivary flow b. enhancing the buffering effect c. promoting efficient oral clearance d. all of the above

d. all of the above

High-fiber foods are helpful for people who wish to lose weight because they: Select one: a. take longer to eat b. are more filling c. provide fewer calories d. all of the above

d. all of the above

If the patient indicates he or she likes to drink Coca-cola, which of the following questions should the RDH ask the patient? Select one: a. How much? b. How often? c. What type? (diet, caffeine free, etc.) d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Lipoproteins... Select one: a. transport lipids through a watery medium, the blood. b. are protein-based vehicles for the transport of lipids c. are composed of lipids and proteins d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Basic principles for making dietary changes to a dental patient's diet include: Select one: a. Limiting the consumption of cariogenic foods to mealtimes b. Incorporating items from all food groups c. Recommend non-cariogenic foods for in-between meal snacks d. Encourage daily use of fluoride through water, foods, toothpastes, and rinses e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which of the following nutrients are most closely associated with the health of the oral cavity? Select one: a. protein b. B-complex vitamins c. Vitamin C d. iron e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which of the following groups may be prone to sub-clinical or clinical deficiency in protein? Select one: a. elderly b. low-income c. strict vegetarians d. alcoholics e. any of the above may be deficient

e. any of the above may be deficient

Compared to meat eaters, vegetarians tend to have: Select one: a. higher fat intakes b. higher intakes of fiber c. higher intakes of complex carbohydrates d. a and b e. b and c

e. b and c

True statements concerning the water-soluble vitamins include: Select one: a. are stored in the body tissues to a large extent b. are easily excreted in the urine c. can be leached out of foods by cooking in water d. a and b e. b and c

e. b and c

Which of the following statements about trans-fatty acids is true? Select one: a. They are made by the body b. Their amounts must be listed on food labels c. They are formed when polyunsaturated oils are hydrogenated d. a, b, c e. b and c

e. b and c

As an infant ages to one year old, the RDH should: Select one: a. remind the parent/caregiver to begin giving low-fat milk instead of formula b. evaluate for thumbsucking and pacifier use c. determine if fruit juices are being given on demand d. a, b, c e. b and c only

e. b and c only

Which of the following is true with regard to the ingredients list on a food label? Select one: a. ingredients must be listed in ascending order b. ingredients must be listed in descending order c. the ingredient listed first is the primary ingredient d. a, c e. b, c

e. b, c

Which of the following nutrients supplies the greatest amount of energy (calories) per gram? Select one: a. vitamins b. minerals c. phytochemicals d. proteins e. fats

e. fats

Fiber is provided by which of the following food groups? Select one: a. meat b. dairy c. vegetable d. grain e. fruit f. all of the above g. c, d, e

g. c, d, e

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