Nutrition Minerals

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B vitamin supplements have been taken to reduce this, a non-lipoprotein marker for CVD


Pellagra is the deficiency disease of what vitamin?


This mineral plays a key role in proper fluid balance.


Insufficient intake of this vitamin can be identified with weakness, inflammation of the mouth and tongue, and cracked skin at the corners of the mouth.


What vitamin donates electrons to neutralize free radicals?

Vitamin E

Does Liver contain Performed vitamin A or pro vitamin A carotenoids?

performed vitamin A

The primary source of sodium in the typical American's diet is...


Polar bear liver contains toxic levels of this vitamin

vitamin A

Condition where too much water is consumed

water intoxication

What vitamins or provitamins have antioxidant properties that help protect against free radical damage to cells?

Beta-carotene, Vitamin E, Vitamin C

Insufficient intake of this mineral can lead to osteoporosis.


Thiamine deficiency may result in this condition


Diets that lack niacin can lead to


Vitamins that act as reactive oxygen species scavengers


vitamin D helps absorb these two minerals

calcium and phosphorous

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy results in children with this disorder


All vitamins are this, meaning that they contain carbon


Vitamins are...

organic molecules

Do Fish oils contain preformed vitamin A or provitamin A carotenoids?

preformed vitamin A

Do carrots contain preformed vitamin A or provitamin A carotenoids?

provitamin A carotenoids

Major mineral that balances sodium


Children who lack Vitamin D can develop


What is not considered a weight-bearing activity?


Meat is a good source of this iron

heme iron

Major food sources of vitamin B-12 include

meat and milk products

What vitamin is important for vision?

Vitamin A

Pernicious anemia is the deficiency disease of what vitamin?

Vitamin B-12

A young woman develops difficulty walking after taking megadoses of this vitamin to treat PMS.

Vitamin B-6

What vitamin is important for hemoglobin synthesis?

Vitamin B-6

A person who takes megadoses of this vitamin develops kidney stones.

Vitamin C

Deficiency of this vitamin results in scurvy

Vitamin C

Insufficient intake of this vitamin can be identified with poor wound healing, bleeding gums, and bruises.

Vitamin C

consuming non-heme iron with this vitamin increases its bioavailability

Vitamin C

This fat-soluble vitamin can be manufactured by the body if exposed to UVB radiation

Vitamin D

Insufficient intake of this vitamin can be identified with weakness, poor appetite, and poor muscular coordination?


T or F: Water intoxication can occur, but is rare.


The only water-soluble vitamin that the body stores in significant amounts

Vitamin B-12

Name three modifiable risks for osteoporosis.

physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, low calcium and vitamin D diet

Found in processed foods and many Americans consume too much of the positively charged mineral


The vitamin content of a vegetable can be affected by

soil composition, the vegetable's maturity when harvested, and sunlight exposure.

Under certain conditions, excessive _____ results in water depletion, which is called_______. A sign of water depletion is ________.

sweating, dehydration, weight loss

A young man who consumes only fruit to lose weight develops fatigue, depression, and edema in his lower legs because he lacks this vitamin.


Beriberi is the deficiency disease of what vitamin?


T or F: Dizziness, headache, and confusion can result from water toxicity


Osteomalacia is the deficiency disease of what vitamin?

Vitamin D

What vitamin increases calcium absorption?

Vitamin D

What vitamin increases calcium and phosphorus deposition in bones?

Vitamin D

This fat-soluble vitamin is primarily known as an antioxidant

Vitamin E

Green leafy vegetables are a good source of this fat-soluble vitamin important for blood-clotting

Vitamin K

What vitamin assists with blood clotting?

Vitamin K

Exercising in warm conditions causes your body to overheat and then cool itself by perspiring. Why?

Water contributes to body temperature regulation

Tears keep the eyes moist. Why?

Water helps form lubricants that protect certain body parts.

Drinking too much alcohol can contribute to dehydration and headaches, because alcohol is a diuretic. Why?

Water helps remove waste products

During pregnancy, the elevated blood volume causes water to shift out of the bloodstream and into the space between cells, causing edema. Why is this?

Water is part of intracellular and extracellular fluid

Fat-soluble or water-soluble? Vitamins that are easily lost during food processing and preparation


Fat-soluble or water-soluble? Vitamins that are readily excreted from the body


Sources of heme iron include ____.


Minerals are generally lost when cooking foods using this method


Which of the following foods is not a good source of calcium? a. butter b. American cheese c. canned sardines d. kale


Which of the following are high in sodium? Deli meat, pears, cheese, canned soup, and brown rice

deli meat, cheese, canned soup

What practice may reduce your risk of cancer?

eating fruits and vegetables

Your body cannot make most vitamins, meaning that they are this


Megadoses of vitamins...

may be toxic

Do eggs contain preformed vitamin A or provitamin A carotenoids?

preformed vitamin A

Do mangoes contain preformed vitamin A or provtiamin A carotenoids?

provitamin A carotenoids

Do sweet potatoes contain provitamin A carotenoids or preformed vitamin A?

provitamin A carotenoids

Does spinach contain provtiamin A carotenoids or preformed vitamin A?

provitamin A carotenoids

Does winter squash contain preformed vitamin A or provitamin A carotenoids?

provitamin A carotenoids

Light exposure destroys vitamin C, vitamin B-6, and this vitamin found in milk


What is normal blood pressure?


What is prehypertension blood pressure?


What is hypertension blood pressure?


The bioavailability of these vitamins increases if consumed with fat or oil


The fat-soluble vitamins


Lack of vitamin ______ causes scurvy.


Excess vitamin D can result in this mineral being deposited into soft tissues


What are the 4 D's of pellagra?

Death, dementia, dermatitis, diarrhea

Laura lives in a community that does not have fluoridated water. What action can Laura take to boost her fluoride intake?

Drink tea

Fat-soluble or water-soluble? Vitamins that are stored mostly in the liver and fatty tissues.


Fat-soluble or water-soluble? Vitamins that travel with dietary fats through the bloodstream.


Inadequate intake of this non-essential mineral leads to dental caries.


Most B vitamins function as a component of _______.


What mineral decreases copper absorption?


Enlarged thyroid due to iodine deficiency


What, from this list, increases calcium absorption? A. being over 70 years old B. Eating vitamin D-enriched food C. pregnancy D. Having a high-fiber diet rich in phytic acid E. Infancy

Infancy, Eating vitamin D-enriched foods, pregnancy

This mineral is needed for hemoglobin synthesis.


During pregnancy, excess ______ intake is known to be teratogenic.

Vitamin A

Night blindness is an early symptom of deficiency of this nutrient

Vitamin A

Night blindness is the deficiency disease of what vitamin?

Vitamin A

People who are unable to absorb fat are likely to develop a _______ deficiency.

Vitamin A

An older adult who takes medication to reduce stomach acid develops a form of anemia and difficulty walking, because he cannot absorb this vitamin.

Vitamin B-12

What vitamin increases iron absorption?

Vitamin C

consuming this vitamin may reduce the duration of colds

Vitamin C

Of the following medicinal uses of vitamin megadoses, which is the only one for which scientific research indicates there is some benefit?

Vitamin C to lessen signs and symptoms of the common cold

Scurvy is the deficiency disease of what vitamin?

Vitamin C/ Absorbic acid

Deficiency of this vitamin results in rickets

Vitamin D

This antioxidant vitamin actually increased the risk of death when taken as a supplement

Vitamin D

Minerals from animal products are better absorbed than minerals from plant products because _______ inhibit absorption.

certain substances in plants

Vitamin needed to form strong collagen

Vitamin C

Sweating helps with this body process

temperature regulation

To reduce the likelihood of giving birth to babies with neural tube defects, women of childbearing age should obtain adequate


Sensation felt when you are dehydrated


Determine whether each mineral is a trace mineral, a major mineral, or a possible essential mineral: Zinc, Copper, Iron

trace mineral

Insufficient intake of this vitamin can be identified with megaloblastic anemia and paralysis.

vitamin B-12

Fat-soluble or water-soluble? B & C


Types of vitamins that are excreted in the urine


Colonic bacterial synthesis provides some of your daily requirements for this fat soluble vitamin

Vitamin K

Excessive water depletion can cause the body's temperature to________. This change in body temperature is referred to as _________.

increase, hyperthermia

Water soluble vitamin only found in animal products


Rickets is the deficiency disease of what vitamin?

Vitamin D

Inadequate intake of this mineral can lead to poor growth and sexual immaturity.


The only mineral added back during enrichment of grain products is ______.


Factors that can increase hypertension risk include which of the following: 1. Lance is overweight and has a knee injury that prevents him from doing any exercise 2. Blanche follows the DASH diet, consuming 8-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. 3. Bob is an African-American male in his 70s. 4. Charlie reads nutrition labels and makes sure he eats less than 100% of the Daily Value of sodium. 5. Linda is an executive who regularly has 2-3 drinks each day with clients.

1. Lance is overweight 2. Bob is an African-American male in his 70s 3. Linda is an executive who regularly has 2-3 drinks each day with clients

Mineral nutrients can have a variety of functions in the body. Name 3:

1. form structural components of tissues 2. some minerals function as cofactors for chemical reactions 3. components of certain amino acids, vitamins, and hormones

To be classified as a vitamin, a compound must generally meet these 2 criteria.

1. the body requires the substance for maintaining good health 2. absence of the compound from the diet for a defined period produces deficiency symptoms, that if caught early, are quickly cured when the substance is resupplied.

Which of the following increase the risk of osteoporosis? A. Male B. Post-menopausal women C. Non-smoker D. Slender frame E. Smokes cigarettes F. Asian or Caucasian G. Inactive H. Overweight, large frame I. Excessive Alcohol intake

B. D. E. F. G. I.

This pro-vitamin A antioxidant actually increased the risk of developing cancer in smokers


Henry is concerned about his risk of osteoporosis. Which of the following characteristics is modifiable risk factor for this chronic condition? A. family history B. racial/ethnic background C. physical activity level D. age

C. physical activity level

Mineral found in dairy and seafood bones that is important for bone health


What mineral is most important throughout life to assist in maintaining strong bone?


Name three UNmodifiable risks for osteoporosis

Caucasian or asian ancestry, small body frame, family history of osteoporosis

Not technically a vitamin, this is a water-soluble, vitamin-like substance


Which nutrient is not technically classified as a vitamin, but is referred to as "vitamin-like"?


Camillia is iron deficient. What actions should she take to enhance her body's iron absorption?

Consuming vitamin C-rich foods or supplements along with iron-containing plant foods and Eating heme and nonheme iron foods together

Food preparation and storage methods may result in considerable losses of minerals in foods. What food-handling method can result in such loss?

Cooking in large amounts of water results in minerals leaching into the water.

True or False: In the United States, milk is usually fortified with iodine.


True or False: Storing fresh produce in a warm, dry, and well-lit place conserve the vitamin content in his fresh fruits and vegetables.


Fat-soluble or water-soluble? A, D, E, K


Excessive intake of this mineral can inhibit thyroid gland function.


Determine whether each mineral is a trace mineral, a major mineral, or a possible essential mineral: Calcium, Potassium, Sodium

Major mineral

Insufficient intake of this vitamin can be identified with poor appetite, weakness, dermatitis, diarrhea, and abnormal mental functioning.


A scientist has difficulty creating a diet of naturally-occurring foods that is deficient in this nutrient.

Pantothenic acid

Deficiency of niacin results in this condition


Determine whether each mineral is a trace mineral, a major mineral, or a possible essential mineral: Boron, Arsenic, Nickel

Possible essential mineral

Twenty-year-old Darlene is concerned about her risk of osteoporosis. She has heard that it is important for young women to consume adequate amounts of calcium, but she is not sure which foods to eat. To increase her calcium intake, which of the following foods should she choose?

Sardines Fat-free plain yogurt

T or F: Marathon runners that consume water could be at risk for water toxicity.


How can you enhance the body's absorption of beta-carotene when preparing low-fat foods that contain this provitamin?

add olive oil or margarine to vegetables after they are cooked

Vitamin C is destroyed in high pH environments, also known as this

alkaline or basic conditions

Organic substances that assist enzyme function


Food processing can also affect a food's mineral content; refining a grain ______ the mineral content of the food.


Bones in the legs, arms, spine, and pelvis...

grow at different rates

If the body's ______ status cannot be corrected, ______ may occur.

hydration, death

This condition is defined by a blood pressure greater that 140-90


Spinach has a good amount of calcium, but the ______ in the spinach binds calcium, reducing its _______.

oxalic acid, bioavailability

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