Nutrition Test #1

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the "vision" of healthy people 2020 is

"a society in which all people live, long healthy lives"

The host of a radio program makes a "red flag" claim about a nutrition-related product, because the claim is generally an indication that the information about the product is unreliable. The radio program host said,

All ingredients in this product have been scientifically tested and clinically proven."

Fruits and vegetables generally are

All of these are correct

The fourth step of the scientific method usually involves

Analyze data and draw conclusions based on the results

key components of the dietary guidelines 2010

Balance calories to manage weight, foods and food components to reduce, foods and nutrients to increase, building healthy eating patterns, and helping americans make healthy choices

elements in the body

CHON (car, hydro, oxy,nit) Ca, P, K, S, Na, Cl, Mg, Fe, I, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, Cr, Se, Mo, F, Sn, Si, V, Ni, B, As

List the six major classes of the nutrients. [a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]

Carbohydrates Lipids Fats Proteins Vitamins Minerals Water

Which of the following is not a key recommendation of 2010 Dietary Guidelines?

Decrease physical activity and increase time spent in sedentary behaviors

Scientists who investigate lifestyle factors that influence the prevalence of obesity among different population groups are conducting a(n) ____ study.


scientific method order

Make observations that generate questions 2. Formulate hypotheses to explain events 3. Design studies, perform, tests, and collect data 4. Analyze date and draw conclusions based on the results 5. Share results with peers (report findings) 6. Conduct more research, the results of which may confirm or refute previous findings

A group of scientists conducts a scientific study to investigate dietary factors that influence the development of obesity. Which of the following activities is not likely to be a component of their research efforts?

Posting findings at the main researcher's Internet website

The amount of vitamin C that meets about 98% of the population's need for the nutrient is the ______________ for the vitamin.


To establish a nutrient's RDA, nutrition scientist add ________ of the nutrient to its EAR.

a "margin of safety" amount

Comparing individuals with iron-deficiency anemia to individuals who have very similar characteristics but are healthy would be an example of

a case-control study

protein-rich foods

beef pork lamb fish shellfish liver and poultry. beans eggs nuts and seeds are included. Rich sources of micronutrients especiallly iron, zinc, and b vitamins.

Which of the following substances is a phytochemical?


Which of the following groups of Americans is most at risk of undernutrition?

chronic alcoholics

nutritional facts panel on packaged food

displays information about the energy and nutrient contents of a product. indicates the amount of serving size, the number of servings in the entire container, must display the total amount of energy and energy from fat (indicated as calories), through grams and milligrams it shows amount of fiber and nutrients in serving. Must provide total fat, sat and trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbs, fiber, sugas, protein, vitamin a and c, calcium and iron contents.

Iron, calcium, and carbon are


examples of enzymes

end in -ase sucrase, glucose, and fructose, lactose

lipids functions

energy (fat), cellular development, physical growth, and development, regulation of body processes (certain chemical messengers, for example), absorption of certain vitamins

carbohydrate function

energy (most Forms)

Which of the following organs helps maintain the body's acid-base balance by removing excess hydrogen ions?


cardiovascular system

main function is to circulate blood throughout the body


means to look back, researchers collect information about a groups past exposurers and identify current health outcomes.

Which of the following kinds of studies would be the best to use when designing a scientific investigation to determine whether there is an association between consuming diets high in sodium during adolescence and developing high blood pressure in adulthood?

observational study

negative correlation or inverse

occurs when one thing increases and one decreases

Which of the following groups of foods is not a major food group of MyPlate?


Which of the following organs produces and secretes enzymes that are essential for proper digestion?


Tyler smokes cigarettes, drinks excess alcohol, and takes aspirins regularly to treat his headaches. Tyler avoids foods that contain added sugar and trans fat. His father has hypertension, and his mother has diabetes. Based on this information, Tyler has a high risk of developing

peptic ulcers

vitamin functions

regulation of body process, including cell metabolism, maintenance of immune function, production, and maintenance of tissues, and protection against agents that can damage cellular components


reports of personal probles

deficiency disease

state of health that occurs when a nutrient is missing from the diet

Identify at least four factors [a], [b], [c], [d] that influence your eating habits

Family Peers Ethnic background Education Occupation Income Food flavor, texture, and appearance Religious beliefs Habits Moods

The government agency that enforces consumer protection laws by investigating false or misleading health related claims is the

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Derek takes protein supplements before and after his workouts. He told his workout partner that he became 200% stronger within a couple of months after he added the supplements to his diet. His report about the effects of the supplements is an example of a(an)


Zack takes 500 mg of vitamin C daily. He advises his friends to take vitamin C supplements because, he claims, the vitamin protects him from cold viruses. His claim about the usefulness of the vitamin is an


A primary function of the digestive system is the

breakdown of food into nutrients

examples of nutrient dense foods

broccoli, leafy greens, fat-free milk, orange juice, lean meats, and whole-grain cereals

empty calories examples

cakes, cookies, pastries, and donuts sugar-sweetened soft drinks, sports drinks, and fruit drinks cheese(source of solid fat) pizza (source of solid fat) ice cream

Acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges for adults

carbohydrates 45-65% of AMDR (% of total energy intake) Protein 10-35% and Fat 20-35% (includes essential fatty acids)

Which of the following kinds of studies would be the best to use when investigating whether cigarette smoking influences weight gain?



compounds made by plants that are not nutrients

nutrient dense foods

contain more vitamins and minerals in relation to its fat, sugar, and/or alcohol contents.

urinary system

contains bladder, kidneys filter needed substances- from blood and help maintain proper fluid balance. Bladder stores urine until it can be eliminated

Foods and food components to reduce according to Dietary guidelines 2010

Reduce daily sodium intake to less than 2300 mg. African americans and people who are 51 years or older or those who have hypertension, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease should reduce their daily sodium intake to 1500 mg. Consume less than 10% of calories from saturated fat by replacing with unsaturated fat Consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol per day Keep trans fat intake as low as possible by limiting foods that are sources of synthetic trans fat, such as partially hydrogenated oils, and by limiting intake of other solid fats. Reduce the intake of foods that contain refined grains, especially solid fats, added sugars, and sodium If alcohol is consumed, it should be consumed in moderation


fresh, cooked, canned, frozen, and dried and 100% juice. good source of micronutrient fiber and phytochemicals low in fat and energy

Today, the only food Meghan ate was a casserole that contained 24 ounces of lemon-flavored yogurt, 16 ounces of cooked turkey, and 10 ounces of cooked noodles. According to MyPlate, she ate nothing from the food group that includes


Which of the following statements is true?

The adult AMDR for carbohydrates is 45 to 65% of total energy intake.


generally defined as 10 times the recommended amount of a vitamin or mineral

Which of the following substances would be classified as a dietary supplement according to the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act of 1994?



include fresh, dried, frozen, sauced, and canned fruit as well as 100% fruit juice good source of phytochemicals and micronutrients such as potassium and vitamins c and folate.

A substance has a pH that is lower than the pH of pure water but higher than the pH of gastric juice. Based on this information, the substance is

lemon juice

essential nutrient

nutrient that must be supplied by food

protein functions

production of structural components, such as cell membranes, and functional components such as enzymes, cellular development, growth, and maintenence, regulation of body processes, and energy

Scientists enroll 500 healthy adults in a study and collect dietary and other lifestyle information about the group. After 6 years, the scientists determine that study participants who ate at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily were less likely to develop high blood pressure than participants who ate fewer than 5 servings of these foods daily. This study is an example of a(n) ____ study.


Which of the following nutrients is a source of energy?


mineral functions

regulation of body processes, including fluid balance and metabolism; formation of certain chemical messengers; structural and functional components of various substances and tissues; and necessary for physical growth, maintenence, and development

A group of nutrition researchers interviews 100 adults who have chronic high blood pressure to determine whether there is an association between consuming diets low in calcium during adolescence and developing high blood pressure in adulthood. This study is an example of a ____ study.


peptic ulcer disease

sore in lining of stomach or duodenum or the upper small intestine. Symptoms: deep, dull upper abdominal pain

Salivary glands secrete amylase, an enzyme that enables a minor amount of _____ to be digested in the mouth.



total of all chemical processes that take place in living cells

In general, food guides do not group ___________ with dairy foods.

unsalted butter

Which of the following nutrients is the most essential for life?


the main goal of healthy people 2010

were to promote healthful lifestyles and reduce preventable death and disability among americans

positive correlation

when both variables increase

Which of the following observations is an example of a positive correlation?

When women gain less weight than average during pregnancy, the birthweights of their babies tend to be lower than average.

Proteins are necessary for

all of these are correct

Which of the following statements is true?

Most enzymes have names that end with -ase.

The primary function of the cardiovascular system is

circulation of blood throughout the body

[A] and [B] are two of the 10 leading causes of death that are diet related.

heart disease stroke cancer diabetes

ten leading causes of death in the US

heart disease*, cancer*, chronic lower respiratory infections, stroke*, accidents, Alzheimer's disease*, diabetes*, influenza and pneumonia, kidney disease*, suicide

The Tolerable Upper Limit for a nutrient is the

highest average amount that is unlikely to harm most people when consumed daily

three ways to know if it is an essential nutrient

if the nutrient is missing from the diet, a deficiency disease will occur. when the missing nutrient is added to the diet, the abnormal physiological changes are corrected. after scientists identify the nutrient's specific roles in the body, they can explain why the abnormalities occurred


include milk and products made from milk that retain their calcium content, such as yogurt and hard cheeses. Excellent sources of protein phosphorus and riboflavin. Ice cream pudding and frozen yogurt


include products made from wheat, rice, and oats. Pasta, noodles, and flour tortillas are members of this group because of wheat flour. Cornmeal and popcorn. Carbs and proteins are primary macronutrients.

water functions

maintenance of fluid balance, regulation of body temperature, elimination of wastes, and transportation of substances participant in many chemical reactions


means to look forward a group of healthy people are followed over a time period and any diseases that eventually develop are recorded

________ is the total of all chemical activities that occur in cells.


Hillary consumed a handful of peanuts, a bowl of chocolate pudding, a sugar-sweetened soft drink, and three hard-cooked eggs. According to MyPlate, which of these foods is empty calories?

soft drink


study of the occurrence, distribution, and causes of health problems in populations

cohort study

study that measures variables of a group of people over time

Phil wants to eat more foods that are sources of healthy fats. Based on this information, which of the following foods would you recommend?

sunflower seeds

When she sampled a spoonful of hot soup, Bekha burnt the tip of her tongue. During the 24 hours that followed the injury, Bekha had difficulty detecting foods that tasted


digestive system

the primary roles are the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients into the circulatory or lymphatic systems

Which of the following conditions is not a leading cause of death in the United States?


Which of the following behaviors is a risk factor for heart disease?

all of these are correct

Researchers at a major American university plan a scientific study to investigate lifestyle factors that contribute to heart disease. Which of the following activities is likely to be a component of their research efforts?

Submitting an article describing the study to a peer-reviewed journal

According to a key goal of Healthy People 2020, Americans should

create environments that foster good health for everyone

what makes food organic

foods produced without the use of antibiotics, hormones, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides, genetic improvements, or spoilage killing radiation

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