Nutrition Test 4 Rebecca Bibby Fall 2021

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72. It is pizza night at the Murphy home and everyone has an opinion about what they should get as a topping on the pizza. Which choice would best support the Murphys in their goal of maintaining healthy weights? a. Peppers and pepperoni b. Sausage and garlic c. Extra cheese and sliced tomatoes d. Mushrooms and onions e. Pepperoni and Italian sausage


31. A muscle will _____ when a person stops using a muscle for a period of time due to injury, illness, or neglect. a. hypertrophy b. atrophy c. intensify d. overload e. elasticize


32. Stan sweats profusely when he works out at his college's weight room, even though the facility is always very cool inside. Why is this? a. Stan has a high metabolism that causes him to perspire all the time. b. Stan's working muscles give off a lot of heat, which must then be released. c. Stan drinks too much water during his workouts. d. Stan's plasma volume is not being maintained at an appropriate level. e. The room's humidity level is too low causing Stan's body to try to compensate.


34. _______ has the greatest impact on long-term health. a. Flexibility b. Cardiovascular endurance c. Strength d. Muscle endurance e. Fight-or-flight response


73. At what point during a moderate-intensity workout does the body start to use rely less on glycogen and more on fat for fuel? a. The first 5 minutes b. The first 10 minutes c. At 15 minutes d. After 20 minutes e. Between 40 and 60 minutes


76. Which would be an appropriate reward for meeting weight loss goals? a. Celebrate with friends at your favorite restaurant. b. Go out for drinks with your boyfriend or girlfriend. c. Attend a Sunday brunch with a buffet. d. Go to a theatre with friends to see a show. e. Skip a meal and splurge by having a favorite sweet treat instead.


79. Which individual is most likely to succeed in her/his goal of losing weight? a. Susan, who is going through a divorce and has two small children b. Bob, who was just laid off from his job c. Melissa, who is in the middle of studying for final exams in college d. Dan, who is happily married and likes his job e. Karen, who has just relocated to a new city after graduating from college


82. Which statement correctly identifies a specific food intake behavior? a. A physiological need to eat is called satiety b. A pleasurable desire for food is called hunger c. An intense feeling of hunger is called insatiable nervosa d. A desire to eat without feelings of hunger is called appetite e. A desire to eat excessive amounts is called negative satiety


30. The _____ refers to the energy needed by the body to support the involuntary processes such as beating of the heart, inhaling and exhaling of air, and maintenance of body temperature. a. total energy output b. basic calorie intake c. base-level rate d. body mass index e. basal metabolic rate


51. To improve cardiovascular fitness, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that an individual exercise continuously for ____ at least five times a week. a. 10 to 25 minutes b. 20 to 40 minutes c. 60 to 90 minutes d. 15 to 55 minutes e. 30 to 60 minutes


67. If Tim eats enough to provide an extra 500 calories per day above his energy needs, how long will it take him to gain about 5 pounds of body fat? a. 1 week b. 10 days c. 2 weeks d. 4 weeks e. 5 weeks


70. Two pounds of body fat is equal to approximately ____ calories. a. 2,500 b. 3,500 c. 5,000 d. 6,500 e. 7,500


74. Twins raised by adoptive parents tend to have body shapes similar to their biological parents. This supports which theory of obesity? a. External cue b. Fat cell c. Behavioral d. Social influence e. Genetics


80. The member of a treatment team working with a person who has anorexia nervosa would be most focused on proper nutrition is the ________. a. Psychotherapist b. Nurse practitioner c. Family therapist d. Social worker e. Dietitian


37. Kelly visits her pediatrician and he notes several symptoms. Which of these symptoms is unlikely to be due to anorexia nervosa? a. Growth of hair on the body b. Intolerance of warm temperatures c. Drying and yellowing of the skin d. Lowered blood pressure e. Severe sleep disturbance


39. A person wishing to develop larger muscle should ____. a. eat more protein b. train the muscles more c. take in more carbohydrates d. cut back on fatty foods e. take arginine as a supplement


33. Which component of fitness has Jill lost if she cannot touch her toes? a. Cardiovascular endurance b. Strength c. Flexibility d. Muscle endurance e. Muscle-stimulus reaction


35. The mineral _____ is a key component of the body's oxygen-transporting system. a. zinc b. phosphorus c. iron d. magnesium e. chromium


35. Trends that promote obesity in the United States include the ____. a. abundance of green space and attractive sidewalks in most communities b. availability of milk, juice, and healthful snacks in most workplaces c. large amount of time children spend watching TV or playing video games d. small food portion sizes sold at restaurants e. increase in physical education classes in public schools


36. Tom runs for his school's track team. He weighed himself before and after his race and found he had lost 2 pounds. Approximately how much water loss does this represent? a. 1/2 cup b. 1 cup c. 4 cups d. 6 cups e. 8 cups


38. What is not one of the benefits that regular physical activity provides to a weight-management program? a. Increased self-esteem b. Increased lean body mass c. Decreased lean body mass d. Increased motivation to continue healthy behaviors e. Increased calorie expenditure


39. Obesity is defined as weight that is ____ or more above the desirable weight for height or a BMI of ____ or greater. a. 10; 25 b. 25; 30 c. 20; 30 d. 20; 28 e. 15; 35


40. _______ is not true iron-deficiency anemia and is related to increased blood volume. a. Amennorhea b. Iron-deficiency anemia c. Sports anemia d. "Hitting the wall" e. Pernicious anemia


31. Who probably expended the most calories during her or his workout? a. Joan, who weighs 130 pounds and ran 2 miles in 17 minutes b. Bernice, who weighs 130 pounds and walked 3 miles in 45 minutes c. Jason, who weighs 170 pounds and ran 3 miles in 30 minutes d. Boris, who weighs 200 pounds and walked 3 miles in 1 hour e. Alexis, who weighs 140 pounds and rode her bicycle 3 miles in 20 minutes


32. ______ is the most valid criterion by which to judge the effectiveness of a diet. a. Speed of weight loss b. Amount of weight lost c. Amount of fat lost d. Maintenance of weight loss afterward e. Amount of water lost


33. Ordinarily, the brain and nerves rely on ____ for energy. a. fat b. ketones c. glycogen d. glucose e. maltose


40. If a dancer and a typist are the same height and have the exact same body build, the dancer will be heavier because she has ____. a. more body fat b. longer bones c. more body water d. more muscle mass e. a lower BMR


41. ___________ refers to the length of time that you can keep going with an elevated heart rate—that is, how long your heart can endure a given demand. a. Cardiovascular flexibility b. Cardiovascular strength c. Cardiovascular stroke volume d. Cardiovascular endurance e. Cardiovascular load capacity


42. ________ is a technique that can trick the body into storing extra fuel for endurance competition. a. Overloading b. Intensity training c. Glycogen depletion d. Carbohydrate loading e. Fiber restricting


43. What is Jill's target heart rate if she wants to workout at 50 to 65 percent of her maximum heart rate? a. 220 to 250 beats per minute b. 200 to 210 beats per minute c. 103 to 169 beats per minute d. 94 to 122 beats per minute e. 85 to 100 beats per minute


43. Which of these foods did Todd have to severely limit while he was on the Atkins diet? a. Cheddar cheese b. Hot dogs c. Eggs d. Brown rice e. Steak


45. The effect of regular exercise on heart and lung function is known as a. muscle fitness. b. muscle endurance. c. cardiopulmonary adaptation. d. cardiorespiratory conditioning. e. aerobic fitness.


47. What would be the best way for the parents to approach Kelly about this problem? a. Go to school and confront her with the school nurse present. b. Refuse to accept Kelly's assertion that there is no problem; tell her that they know best c. Let Kelly go to the pediatrician alone and then call the pediatrician afterward. d. Enlist the help of a reputable counselor before intervening. e. Allow Kelly to work through her own problems without intervening.


52. Excess calories, no matter whether the calories are from hamburgers or carrot sticks, will be turned to ____ within a few hours. a. glucose b. protein c. cellulose d. fat e. glucagon


53. Which of the following is an example of a resistance training activity that John could do? a. Yoga b. Swimming c. Power walking d. Lifting free weights e. Ballistic stretching


59. Nancy wants to prevent her daughter Andrea from developing disordered eating patterns as she grows up. What should Nancy do? a. Scold Andrea for expressing negative emotions like anger or fear in public. b. Help Andrea learn which foods are good and bad so she can avoid bad foods. c. Ensure Andrea understands that overeating results in body fatness. d. Teach Andrea to eat only when she is hungry and stop when she feels full. e. Help her sign up for a popular diet plan that she can follow long term.


60. When Jill is jogging, which characteristic determines whether this activity is aerobic or anaerobic? a. The quantity of glucose in her muscles b. The quantity of lipids in her muscles c. The quantity of amino acids in her muscles d. The quantity of oxygen in her muscles e. The rate of lactic acid conversion in her liver


60. Which phrase best describes a very low-calorie diet? a. It contains just enough carbohydrates to avoid ketosis. b. It requires a certain amount of stress management techniques. c. It is only used as a transition to regular meals. d. It requires medical supervision. e. It is typically low in fiber and high in saturated fat.


64. What nutrient is not recommended for an athlete to eat right before physical exertion because it slows down digestion? a. Sugars b. Sodium c. Starch d. Fiber e. Water


65. What lifestyle or health characteristic was seen in preagricultural hunters-gathers that is not seen in modern humans? a. The food supply was much more varied than it is today. b. Efficient processing of foods eaten was not required. c. The body's metabolism was faster than it is now. d. Daily physical exertion was necessary for survival. e. Food was processed based on the "thrifty gene," which no longer applies today.


68. A likely result of exercising vigorously for an hour in hot, humid weather without drinking any fluids is ____. a. decreased body temperature b. decreased heart rate c. muscle swelling and inflammation d. muscle cramping and fatigue e. increased risk of hypernatremia


69. The protein RDA for adults is ____ g/kg/day but up to ____ g/kg/day is recommended for athletes. a. 0.4; 0.8 b. 0.4; 1.7 c. 0.8; 1.7 d. 0.8; 2.0 e. 1.1; 2.0


29. Sharon weighs 145 pounds and has tried to lose 15 pounds since 10th grade. She loses the weight without too much effort but then over the next few months she returns to her original weight. This would support which obesity theory? a. Set-point b. Fat cell c. Leptin d. External cue e. Behavioral


34. The _______ theory claims that the body tends to maintain a certain weight by means of its own internal controls. a. set-point theory b. external cue theory c. internal cue theory d. fat cell theory e. evolutionary preset theory


36. Repeatedly losing and regaining weight without engaging in regular weight-bearing exercise is unhealthy primarily because ____. a. this can change body composition b. this can cause depression/anxiety c. body fat is lost and regained equally d. lean muscle tissue is lost and regained e. damage can occur to vital organs as lean tissue is spared


37. The type of activity that relates to endurance and cardiovascular fitness is termed ____. a. aerobic b. anaerobic c. flexibility d. fast-twitch activity e. metabolic


38. _______ refers to when muscles increase in size. a. Hypertrophy b. Atrophy c. Hypotrophy d. Isotrophy e. Auxotrophy


44. What are the body's primary fuels used during exercise? a. Glucose and fatty acids b. Protein and fatty acids c. Protein and glucose d. Vitamins and glucose e. Glucose and B-complex vitamins


45. The enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL) ____. a. determines the rate at which adipose cells store fat b. signals the pancreas to release insulin c. signals the gallbladder to secrete bile into the small intestine d. determines the rate at which the liver makes LDL cholesterol e. affects the hypothalamus stimulating appetite


48. Which statement best describes amino acid supplements? a. Your body cannot store them and so any excess will be converted into fat. b. The amino acid arginine can enhance weight loss by stimulating production of human growth hormone. c. The FDA has approved claims that they help control weight. d. They have been demonstrated to be safe in children and teens. e. They help prevent dehydration, which improves performance.


52. ______ has been falsely claimed to increase the use of fatty acids and spare glycogen during exercise. a. Carnitine b. Caffeine c. Sodium bicarbonate d. Creatine e. Coenzyme Q10


55. _______ is a procedure that involves stapling the stomach closed near the top, leaving only a small pouch that is connected directly to the jejunum (middle section of the small intestine). a. Gastric bypass b. Liposuction c. Vertical-banded gastroplasty d. Horizontal-banded gastroplasty e. Gastric constriction


61. Kyle wants to improve his fitness and drop a few extra pounds. The most important thing Kyle can do to achieve these goals is to ____. a. start a daily or weekly exercise routine and stick to it consistently b. join a fitness club and sign up for personal training sessions c. buy some high-quality athletic shoes and exercise DVDs d. order a book with a popular exercise program and follow it exactly e. purchase exercise equipment recommended by a close friend


61. What mistake did Todd make when eating the cheeseburgers and shake? a. Allowing negative emotions to reduce self-control b. Wanting to improve appearance to get love and affection c. Not exercising to compensate for the extra calories d. Focusing on hunger when making food choices e. Using appearance as a measure of self-worth


63. For maximum benefits, cardiorespiratory endurance episodes should be sustained for at least a. 20 minutes. b. 40 minutes. c. 1 hour. d. 1 1/2 hours. e. 2 hours.


69. The two factors most responsible for the epidemic of obesity are ____. a. physical inactivity and excess calorie intake b. excess calorie intake and genetics c. genetics and hormonal imbalances d. hormonal imbalances and physical inactivity e. socioeconomic status and genetics


71. Which substance is promoted for quick weight loss by stimulating secretion of human growth hormone? a. Arginine b. DHEA c. Caffeine d. Bee pollen e. Carnitine


75. Ted changed his eating habits to lose weight 2 months ago. Yesterday, he bought a gallon of cherry ice cream because it was on sale and he needed a dessert to take to a family party next week, but then couldn't resist eating two bowls of it last night. Ted is very upset that he has "blown it" and reverted to his former overeating. What should he do now? a. Forgive himself and avoid keeping ice cream in his freezer overnight in the future. b. Give up on his improved eating habits because relapses mean certain failure. c. Practice resisting temptation by keeping ice cream around and not eating it. d. Eat the rest of the ice cream quickly, and then resume healthful eating habits. e. Resolve not to purchase any ice cream in the future.


84. Mary is looking at a menu trying to decide what to order. She is mindful of her weight, and wants to make a healthful selection. Which item would be the best choice? a. Rotisserie chicken and mashed sweet potatoes b. Pasta Alfredo c. Chicken parmigiana d. Tempura shrimp e. Filet with a béarnaise sauce


46. Which statement best describes athletes who eat well-balanced diets? a. These athletes are less likely than sedentary people to need vitamin-mineral supplements because training reduces the body's requirements. b. These athletes are less likely than sedentary people to need vitamin-mineral supplements because they eat more food. c. These athletes are more likely than sedentary people to need vitamin-mineral supplements because training increases the body's requirements. d. These athletes are more likely than sedentary people to need vitamin-mineral supplements because they enhance performance effectively. e. These athletes have increased caloric needs, and vitamin-mineral supplements along with balanced meals significantly improves their performance.


49. The ob gene produces a hormone called ____ that tells the body to stop eating when it is released from fat cells. a. insulin b. leptin c. glucagons d. growth hormone e. lipase


51. Bulimia nervosa may best be described as ____. a. eating closely monitored amounts of low-calorie foods b. the compulsive consumption of food followed by purging c. eating in response to social stimuli d. absence of hunger and refusal to eat e. extreme social isolation and preoccupation with death


54. What helps keep the body from consuming its vital tissues for energy in a prolonged diet or starvation? a. Metabolism b. Ketosis c. Carbohydrate loading d. Glycogenation e. Glycolysis


55. The more fit a muscle is, the ____ it can burn for energy when oxygen is present. a. less fat b. more fat c. more glycogen d. more protein e. more lactic acid


59. The strength of a muscle is most accurately reflected in the ____. a. size of the muscle b. muscle's ability to work against resistance c. muscle's response time to a stimulus d. muscle's contractibility and elasticity e. muscle's performance for long periods


63. If Todd's starting weight was 240 pounds, what would have been healthy and realistic goal weight in six months? a. 204 pounds b. 216 pounds c. 230 pounds d. 196 pounds e. None of these weights are healthy or realistic goal weights.


67. The clerk recommends John purchase creatine. Which statement describes a false claim attributed to this substance? a. Creatine combines with phosphate to increase CP production in muscles. b. Creatine increases performance in long, endurance-type events. c. Creatine may enhance glycogen storage. d. Creatine may help a strength athlete complete more repetitions. e. Creatine may increase performance when doing quick, high-intensity exercises with short recovery time.


68. Todd is trying to evaluate his new weight-loss program. Which of the following would indicate that the diet plan offered by the program is healthful and beneficial? a. The weight-loss program insists on specific food combinations that should or should not be eaten at the same time. b. The weight-loss program promises a weight loss of about 0.5 to 2.0 pounds per week. c. The weight-loss program has rigid menus. d. The weight-loss program sells products that burn fat to be taken along with the foods. e. The weight-loss program eliminates one group of foods from a person's eating pattern.


70. A trained muscle is better equipped to use ____ for energy and can conserve its ____ supply for a longer period of time. a. glucose; fat b. fat; glycogen c. amino acids; glucose d. glycogen; amino acids e. glucose; amino acids


77. A measurement that correlates strongly with body fat content but does not identify the location of body fat is ______. a. body mass total b. body mass index c. body mass tables d. chart weights e. height-weight-ratio


41. How can a health professional usually distinguish between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa? a. The person needs to lose weight initially with anorexia nervosa but not bulimia nervosa. b. They are not easily distinguishable. c. Anorexia nervosa leads to an emaciated look, while bulimics may be at their desirable weight. d. The bulimic usually has low self-esteem while the anorexic does not. e. Most anorexics are men and most bulimics are women.


42. Ketosis occurs when ____. a. a person overeats b. a person draws on glycogen for glucose c. glycogen has been depleted and body fat is used to nourish the brain d. glucagon runs out and the pancreas stops synthesizing it e. evenly spaced meals are eaten throughout the day with snacks in between


44. What advice would you offer to Todd? a. "Go back on the Atkins diet plan long term." b. "Focus on your appearance." c. "Set achievable goals for yourself." d. "Just eat soup and fruit juices for five days." e. "Have weight-loss surgery."


46. Mimi, who weighs 190 pounds, is trying to figure out a reasonable daily calorie level that will help her lose weight. You suggest she apply the "10-calorie rule," which would mean she should aim for ____ calories a day to begin with, and switch to ____ calories a day after she loses 10 pounds. a. 2,000; 1,700 b. 1,900; 1,700 c. 1,900; 1,800 d. 1,600; 1,800 e. 1,200; 1,000


47. The _______ is the heart rate a person must work at to achieve cardiovascular fitness. a. exercise rate b. pulse rate c. target heart rate d. training load e. maximum heart rate


48. On average, a man is considered obese if he has over _____ percent body fat. a. 8 b. 13 c. 25 d. 33 e. 45


49. The clerk suggests that John look into anabolic steroids to give him the quickest results. What would you say to John about this? a. Steroids do not help build muscle. b. Excess amino acids from steroids are converted to fat. c. Steroids can lead to liver abnormalities. d. Steroids can cause diarrhea. e. Steroids help prevent male-pattern baldness.


50. Lucy and Marcy are sorority sisters whose heights, weights, and ages are almost exactly the same. Lucy is studying engineering and walks several times a week for exercise. Marcy is an exercise physiology major who aspires to be a professional tennis player, and runs marathons as a hobby. How would you expect their healthful diets to differ? a. Lucy needs more calories and less carbohydrates than Marcy. b. Lucy needs fewer calories and more proteins than Marcy. c. Marcy needs more calories and more carbohydrates than Lucy. d. Marcy needs less carbohydrates and more proteins than Lucy. e. Since Lucy and Marcy are nearly the same heights, weights, and ages, their nutritional needs are nearly the same.


50. The "rule of three" recommends that ____. a. you should drink three cups of milk daily b. older adults should exercise 3 days each week to prevent weight gain c. if you want to change a behavior, you might need to try the new behavior three times before you can accept it d. individuals on weight-loss diets should eat at least three meals daily to maintain their energy levels e. three servings of fresh fruits or vegetables should be consumed each day


53. Among popular diet plans, which has been mentioned as a good option in recent research because of its food variety and evidence-based principles? a. The South Beach Diet b. Dr. Ornish Eat More, Weigh Less c. Weight Watchers d. The New Glucose Revolution e. The Atkins diet


54. When a marathon runner experiences the phenomenon known as "hitting the wall," what nutrient is most likely depleted? a. Water b. Protein c. Glucose d. Fatty acids e. Lactate


56. Adding about 50 mg of ____ per cup of a beverage is thought to enhance water absorption from the GI tract. a. sucrose b. glucose polymers c. sodium d. calcium e. glycine


56. Kelly's parents suspect she is purging as a means of maintaining her weight. What complication may occur as a result? a. Hair loss b. Constipation c. Tearing of the esophagus d. Excessive sleeping e. Nail growth


57. Mary is trying to lose weight and realizes that if she reduces her calorie intake by only 200 calories per day below her energy needs, she will lose about ____ pounds in one year. a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 35 e. 0


57. Muscles respond to the overload of exercise by gaining ____. a. strength and fat b. size and oxygen c. strength and endurance d. glucose and carbon dioxide e. flexibility and glycogen


58. Joe is 50 years old and wants to calculate his target heart rate. What would be the lower and upper limits of Joe's target heart rate? a. 85 to 95 beats per minute b. 100 to 130 beats per minute c. 85 to 145 beats per minute d. 170 to 199 beats per minute e. 200 to 220 beats per minute


58. Stephanie goes to a personal trainer who tells her she is overweight based on her BMI. Which BMI represents a value that would be categorized as overweight? a. 21 b. 17 c. 26 d. 24 e. 31


62. Which athlete would most likely be at risk for iron deficiency? a. A 22-year-old male long-distance runner b. An 18-year-old male strength athlete c. A 19-year-old female long-distance runner d. A 30-year-old female who is sedentary e. A 21-year-old male who is sedentary


62. Which of the following does not decrease basal metabolic rate? a. Increasing age b. Sleep c. Smoking d. Low-calorie diets e. Stretching exercises


64. What is a feature of the basal metabolic rate (BMR)? a. Fever decreases the BMR. b. Fasting increases the BMR. c. Pregnancy increases the BMR. d. Females have a higher BMR than males on a body weight basis. e. Strength training decreases BMR while endurance training increases it.


65. The person who wishes to gain weight often has to ____. a. stop all activity b. eat lots of fats c. eat more frequently d. take vitamin pills e. focus primarily on high-carbohydrate foods


66. Research in obese people seems to show that there is less susceptibility to health problems provided that the excess body fat is distributed around the ____. a. stomach b. arms and chest c. hips and thighs d. neck e. shoulders


66. Vitamin ____ is important for collagen formation to ensure joint integrity. a. K b. D c. C d. A e. E


71. Gerald has restricted his calorie intake while continuing to exercise, and has been losing 1.5 pounds per week. However, when he weighs himself at the end of week 4, he notices he has not lost any weight since last week. What does this likely mean? a. Gerald's internal thermostat has slowed down his metabolism to prevent fat loss. b. Gerald is eating in his sleep at night as a response to deprivation. c. Gerald's body is retaining water temporarily as part of the fat-burning process. d. Gerald needs to reduce his calorie intake by an additional 500 calories a day. e. Gerald needs to increase his calories a small amount to prevent ketosis.


72. Jonathan is on his school's cross-country ski team. He finds that his weight drops about 1 pound after skiing for a few hours. What accounts for this difference? a. Jonathan has lost 1 pound of body fat. b. Jonathan has lost 1 pound of muscle tissue. c. Jonathan has lost 2 cups of fluid. d. Jonathan has lost some bone and some fat. e. Jonathan has lost primarily fat and some glycogen.


73. Mary wants to lose weight in her thighs and stomach only. What should you tell her about weight loss and "spot reducing"? a. It requires special exercises. b. It works best with food reduction. c. It is not possible. d. It works best with exercise and fasting. e. It works best if vitamin supplements are also taken.


78. The physiological need to eat is _______. a. satiety b. appetite c. hunger d. obesity e. starvation


81. _____ is removed and excreted in the urine when excess amino acids are converted to fat. a. Oxygen b. Hydrogen c. Nitrogen d. Carbon e. Ammonia


83. A high risk of weight-related health problems is seen in women whose waist circumference begins to exceed ____. a. 24 inches b. 28 inches c. 35 inches d. 42 inches e. 48 inches


85. Among the following groups, which has the highest metabolic rate? a. Females b. Older individuals c. Younger individuals d. People with smaller surface areas e. Sedentary people


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