OB-3 Attitudes and job satisfaction

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The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance (3)

*) Happy workers are more likely to be productive workers. *) organization with more satisfied employees tend to be more effective than organizations with fewer. *) Satisfied workers are more productive AND more productive workers are more satisfied!

Measuring the A-B Relationship

Recent research indicates that attitudes (A) significantly predict behaviors (B) when moderating variables are taken into account. *)The attitudes people hold determine what they do.

Two approaches for measuring job satisfaction are popular:

The single global rating and summation of job facts.

Organizational Commitment

an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.

The Single global rating

is a response to one question such as " all things considered, how satisfied are you with your job?" circle a no. between 1 and 5 on a scale form "highly satisfied" to "highly not satisfied"

Cognitive Dissonance

is any incompatibility between two or more attitudes or between behavior and attitudes

Job Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction

*) Satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. *) They are more friendly, upbeat, and responsive. They are less likely to turnover, which helps build long-term customer relationships. They are experienced.

Job Satisfaction and OCB ( organisational citizenship behaviour)

*) Satisfied employees who feel fairly treated by and are trusting of the organization are more willing to engage in behaviors that go beyond the normal expectations of their job. *) People who are more satisfied with their jobs are more likely to engage in OCBs. *) Those who feel their co-workers support them are more likely to engage in helpful behaviors. *) when people are in a good mood, they are more likely to engage in OCBs.

Job satisfaction and turnover.

*) The relationship between job satisfaction and turnover is stronger than between satisfaction and absenteeism. *) Job dissatisfaction is more likely to translate into turnover because they have, or perceive, many available alternatives. *) Satisfied employees are less likely to quit.

Manager always "don't get it"

*) many managers are unconcerned about employee job satisfaction. *) regular surveys can reduce gaps between what mangers think employees feel and what they really fee. *) Organization need to find out where they can be improved.

Job satisfaction and absenteeism

*) there is negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism. *) dissatisfied employees are more likely to miss work. *) dissatisfied employees have high absence rate. *) Satisfied employees have fewer avoidable absences.

Organizational Commitment Facts

- Employee who are committed will be less likely to engage in work withdrawal even if they are dissatisfied, because the have a sense of organization loyalty. - Relationship between commitment and performance is strongest for new employees and weaker for more experienced employees. - Reductions in commitment lead to lower levels of creative performance. - negative relationships between organizational commitment and both absenteeism and turnover.

How employee responses to dissatisfaction?

- Exit: response directs behavior toward leaving the organization, including looking for a new position as well as resigning. - Voice: response includes actively and constructively attempting to improve conditions, including suggesting improvements, discussing problems with superiors, and undertaking some forms of union activity. - Loyalty: response means passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to improve, including speaking up for the organization in the face of external criticism and trusting the organization and its management to " do the right thing" - Neglect: response passively allows conditions to worsen and includes, chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced effort, and increased error rate.

Psychological Empowerment Facts

- Good leaders empower their employees by involving them in decisions, making them feel their work is important, and giving them discretion to their own thing. - High levels of both involvement and psychological empowerment are positively related to organization citizenship and job performance, reduced absences and lower resignation rates.

Outcomes of Job Satisfaction

- Happy workers are more likely to be productive workers - People who are more satisfied with their jobs are more likely to engage in OCB. - Satisfied employees increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. - There is a consistent negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism, but it is moderate to weak.

Employee Engagement Facts

- Highly engaged employees have a passion for their work and feel a deep connection to their company, disengaged employees have put time but not energy or attention into their work. - Employees had high average levels of engagement had higher levels of customer satisfaction, more productive, higher profit, lower levels of turnover.

What are the major job attitudes?

- Job Satisfaction - Job Involvement - Organizational Commitment

Perceived Organizational Support (POS) Facts

- People perceive their organization as supportive when rewards are deemed fair, when employees have a voice in decisions and when the see their supervisors as supportive - POS perceptions have been found more likely to have higher level organizational citizenship behaviors.

Relationship between attitudes and behavior

- The importance of the attitude reflect our fundamental values, self interest, or identification with individuals or groups we value. - Its correspondence to behavior; over all job satisfaction would better predict a general behavior such as whether the individual was engaged in her work or motivated to contribute to her organization. - Its accessibility; attitude that our memories can easily access are more likely to predict our behavior. - The presence of social pressure - Whether or not a person has had direct experience with the behavior - The attitude/behavior relationship is stronger if it refers to something in our direct personal experience.

Causes of Job Satisfaction

- The work you did - Co-workers - Training - Variety - Independence and autonomy - Benefits - Feeling safe in the work environment - Flexibility to balance life and work issues. - Job security - Management recognition of employee job performance - Networking - Opportunities to use skills - Contribution of work to organization's business goals.

Are these job attitudes really all that distinct?

-No: these attitudes are highly related -Variables may be redundant (measuring the same thing under a different name) -While there is some distinction, there is also a lot overlap. -overlap may cause confusion. - If people feel deeply engaged by their job isn't it probable they like it too. Won't people who think their organization is supportive also feel committed to it.

What are the main components of Attitudes?

1) Cognitive Component 2) Affective Component 3) Behavioral Component

Employee Engagement

An individual's involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work he or she does.

Perceived Organizational Support (POS)

Degree to which employees feel the organization cares about their well-being.

Psychological Empowerment

Employees' belief in the degree to which they affect their work environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job, and their perceived autonomy in their work.


Evaluative statements or judgments either favorable or unfavorable about objects, people, or events " how we feel about something "

How Satisfied Are People in Their Jobs?

In general, people are satisfied with their jobs. Depends on facets of satisfaction — people overall satisfied with their work itself, supervisors, co-workers than they have been with their pay and with promotion opportunities. Al though job satisfaction appears relevant across cultures, that doesn't mean there are no cultural differences in job satisfaction.

The summation of job facts

It identifies key elements in a job such as the nature of the work, supervision, present pay, promotion opportunities, and relationships with co-workers.

Workplace Deviance

Job dissatisfaction and antagonistic relationships with co-workers predict a variety of behaviors organizations fund undesirable, including unionization attempts, substance abuse, stealing at work, undue socializing, and tardiness.

How Personality plays a role in job satisfaction?

People who believe in their inner worth and basic competence " Core self- evaluations" are more satisfied with their jobs than those who do not. Those with negative core self-evaluations set less ambitious goals and are more likely to give up when confronting difficulties.

Cognitive Component

consists of the beliefs, knowledge, and thoughts you have about the attitude object. Example:My supervisor is unfair

Behavioral Component

deals with how act in relation to the attitude object Example: I am looking for other work.

Job Satisfaction

describes a positive feeling toward his or her job resulting from the evaluation of the job characteristics, while a person with a low level holds negative feelings.

Affective Component

has to do with the feelings and emotions you hold regarding an attitude object. Example:I dislike my supervisor.

Job Involvement

the degree to which an employee identifies with his or her job, actively participates in it, and considers his or her job performance to be important to self-worth.

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