OB chapter 3

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build teams

As manager of Kids Skids, Meghan wants to develop her relationship management skills. In order to do this, she learns how to


Ben and Jen are arguing over individual differences. Which of the following does a person have the most control over?

knowing his or her own strengths and limits

By ___________, a person can develop self-awareness.


Core self-evaluations represent a broad personality trait comprised of all of the following except


Len is the top swimmer on his school's team. Star athletes are likely to be high in ______ intelligence.

creating routine jobs that are boring but easy to perform.

Managers should attempt to raise subordinates' self-efficacy by all of the following except

The game will assess Terrence's cognitive abilities and thought processes.

Terrance applies for a job at Jos Smith & Co. He prepares for the interview and expects some form of personality testing. Instead, after the interview, he is given a computer game to play. What does this represent?


are complex, relatively brief responses aimed at a particular target.

proactive person

someone who is relatively unconstrained by situational forces and who effects environmental change.

external locus

Jennifer wins an art contest. She attributes the outcome to luck. Jennifer is likely to have


Johan does well at work because he is able to think constructively, reason, and problem solve. Johan is exhibiting


John hasn't started working on his term paper. He wants to do well in the course, but he's struggling with how to identify a solid topic and start an outline. Most of the other students appear to be moving ahead. John is procrastinating because he is


Jonathan speaks four languages fluently. He is likely to have a high level of _______ intelligence.


Josephine scored very high on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) on all three parts. She is likely to possess high ________ intelligence.


Katherine does especially well in her language courses, but struggles in chemistry. She has ______ intelligence.

Wait until after the meeting and point out how important respect is between co-workers.

Nancy is at a staff meeting. Her manager asks if anyone has an idea for how to pull more customers into the restaurant at lunch time. Nancy starts to make a suggestion and her manager cuts her off mid-sentence, saying: "Oh Nancy, no...anyone else?" Nancy is feeling angry because her manager was disrespectful and didn't allow her to explain the idea. What should Nancy do to deal with these negative emotions?


Nathan is dependable, responsible, and achievement-oriented, while Martin is relaxed and unworried. Nathan is likely to score high on

the potential to live in harmony with one's environment.

Naturalist intelligence is

Nora might get the job, but find she is unhappy in the role.

Nora wants to be a buyer for Marstons Stores. She knows that they are looking for outgoing, social people. She purposely tries to present herself as an extrovert on the personality test that she takes even though she is shy and retiring. What is the likely result of this?

emotional stability

Owen leads a team tasked with developing a client tracking system. He is nervous and worried, afraid that if this assignment doesn't go well, he won't be promoted. Jack, a team member, is relaxed, unworried, and secure in the feeling that they have all the necessary resources and talents to make this work. Jack is likely to score high on

curiosity and broad-mindedness

People who are high on openness to experience are likely to demonstrate


People who are outgoing, talkative, sociable, and assertive are likely to score high on

internal locus of control

People with __________ see themselves as masters of their own fate.

have stronger expectations that effort leads to performance.

People with an internal locus of control

core self evaluations

People with high _________ see themselves as capable and effective.


Pietro has his bachelor's degree in management. He comes from a middle-class background; his father worked in lower management for his entire career. Pietro wants a different life than his father's. He has saved his money, and he's always been lucky. Pietro might be a(n)


Sandra has a new assignment. She is confident that she can successfully complete the task. This is an example of

is that managers have little or no impact on fixed differences.

The distinction between flexible and fixed individual differences

self efficacy

The part of CSE that can best be enhanced because it is most flexible is

social competence

Together, social awareness and relationship management constitute

higher levels of stress

Tony has a high CSE. He is not likely to experience

personal competence

Vanessa receives her evaluation. Her supervisor gives her high marks in __________, noting that Vanessa is especially strong in self-awareness and self management.

locus of control

Vivek and Warren are working on an assignment for their marketing class. Warren finishes his part of the assignment; Vivek doesn't. Vivek apologizes because he took an extra shift at work and didn't give the assignment the priority it needed. He promises Warren he will stay home tonight and finish his work. What personality characteristic does this show?


_____ intelligence is the potential to understand and regulate oneself.

high self esteem

_______ is reflected in this statement: "I feel I am a person of worth, as good as other people."

emotional intelligence

_______ is the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions.


_______ is the personality trait with the strongest positive relationship with job performance.

core self evaluations

_______ provides broad and useful ways to describe personality in terms of our individual differences in self-efficacy, self-esteem, locus of control, and emotional stability.


________ intelligence will be most closely related to a performance on tests like the Scholastic Aptitude Test and the Graduate Management Admissions Test.


_________ is your general belief about your own self-worth.


____________ is associated with entrepreneurialism.

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