OB Study Guide

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1. A recent National Association of Colleges and Employers survey indicated all of the following are important skills for evaluating job candidates EXCEPT: a. Ability to verbally communicate. b. Ability to dress the part. c. Ability to work in a team structure. d. Ability to analyze data.


1. A stereotype is a. an attribute along which a group is split into subgroups. b. a generalization about a particular group of people. c. a way in which people are similar or different from each other. d. a difference in values, attitudes or beliefs.


1. An auditory learner a. learns primarily by taking tests. b. learns primarily by listening to others. c. learns by reading and seeing diagrams and graphs. d. learns best by trial and error.


1. An entity that takes on different values is a. a hypothesis. b. a variable. c. a survey. d. a field study.


1. Attitude surveys conducted by companies produce more useful information if a. surveys are completed electronically. b. the management is perceived as credible by employees. c. past surveys were conducted but no action has resulted from them. d. individual survey responses are made public.


1. To be effective in keeping up your skill set in the future, make sure to a. purchase and use every new technological gadget that comes out on the market. b. make as many connections as you can on Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn. c. avoid change as much as you can. d. excel at something so it sets you apart.

a, b, d

1. A mid-sized manufacturing company produced one thousand component assemblies in July of this year, far exceeding the previous record of 843 assemblies. One week later, the firm had grills brought on site and employees were treated to a steak luncheon. The steak grill-out is an example of a. an award. b. a bonus. c. gainsharing. d. merit pay.


1. Companies track employee work attitudes through a. performance evaluation interviews. b. attitude surveys. c. employee suggestions. d. overhearing workplace conversations.


1. Facing contradictory demands at work is a form of a. role ambiguity. b. role conflict. c. role overload. d. information overload.


1. Job enlargement a. is breaking down jobs into their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person will perform few tasks in a repetitive manner. b. refers to expanding the tasks performed by employees to add more variety. c. involves moving employees from job to job at regular intervals. d. allows workers more control over how they perform their own tasks.


1. A faultline is a. an attribute along which a group is split into subgroups. b. a generalization about a particular group of people. c. the way in which people are similar or different from each other. d. the values, beliefs and customs that exist in a society.


1. A kinesthetic learner a. has a preference for doing things and learning by trial and error. b. retains information by reading and seeing diagrams and flow charts. c. learns primarily by listening to others. d. learns best by attending videotaped lectures.


1. A visual learner a. learns by retaining information from reading and seeing diagrams. b. has a preference for doing things and learning by trial and error. c. learns best based upon the circumstances of the situation. d. learns primarily by listening to others.


1. Ability refers to a. having the resources, information and support one needs to perform well. b. having the skills and knowledge required to perform the job. c. the intention of achieving a goal, leading to goal-directed behavior. d. the function of performance, motivation, and environment.


1. Adequate notice refers to a. letting employees know what criteria are used in appraisal. b. documenting performance problems and using factual evidence in rating performance. c. ensuring that there is two-way communication during the appraisal process and the employee's perspective is heard. d. the process where feedback is confidentially gathered from peers, customers and subordinates.


1. An attitude is a. our opinions, beliefs and feelings about our environment. b. an outcome of our efforts. c. the drive that energizes an individual. d. the degree to which people have freedom to decide how to act


1. Employees with which of the following personality traits would experience high job satisfaction? a. Those with positive affective dispositions. b. Those with neurotic personalities. c. Those with low self-esteem. Those who are introverted


1. Goodwill Industries was founded on the philosophy of providing people a. a "hand up", not a "hand out". b. a chance to prove themselves. c. a fun place to work. d. an opportunity to work for the greater good.


1. High power distance cultures tend to a. view an unequal distribution of power as relatively acceptable. b. prefer predictable situations and have low tolerance for ambiguity. c. emphasize caring for the weak and quality of life. d. are comfortable in unpredictable situations and have high tolerance for ambiguity.


1. If one looks at the number of studies conducted on attitudes, which of the following seems to be the most important? a. organizational commitment b. job satisfaction c. satisfaction with supervisors d. cognitive ability


1. Internal attribution a. is the belief that a behavior is caused by the internal characteristics of a person. b. is the causal explanation given for an observed behavior. c. explains someone's behavior by referring to the situation. d. is the tendency to attribute failures to the situation while attributing successes to internal causes.


1. Job satisfaction refers to a. the feelings people have toward their jobs. b. the emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for. c. an unwritten understanding about what the employee will bring to the work environment. d. the degree of emotional intelligence an employee exhibits.


1. Job specialization a. is breaking down jobs into their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person will perform a few tasks in a repetitive manner. b. refers to expanding the tasks performed by employees to add more variety. c. involves moving employees from job to job at regular intervals. d. allows workers more control over how they perform their own tasks.


1. Low distinctiveness is characterized by a. a person acting the same way he always does in that situation. b. a person behaving differently than he usually does in different situations. c. a person behaving the same way in different situations. d. everyone else behaving in the same way.


1. Maslow's physiological needs may be satisfied by a. food. b. feeling danger-free. c. feelings of importance. d. human bonds.


1. Maslow's theory of motivation suggests a. employee needs are ordered. b. employee needs are grouped in three categories. c. employee needs are divided into motivator and hygiene categories. d. employee needs are acquired as the result of life experiences.


1. One Big Ten University wanted to determine whether a Wellness Program that focused on walking to enhance employee health would cut down on employees' use of health benefits. Employees in the Liberal Arts department were invited to participate and received a $25 gift card to Best Buy for taking part in the program. Employees in the Engineering department did not participate in the program. Health benefits data was examined for both departments. In the scenario described above, the Liberal Arts school employees are a. the treatment group. b. the control group. c. the survey group. d. the case group.


1. One way to satisfy self-actualization needs is to a. pursue a master's degree through a company's tuition reimbursement program. b. go out to dinner once a month with coworkers from your department. c. get a $100 suggestion bonus from your firm for a labor cost saving tip you placed in your department's suggestion box. d. receive an employee of the week award.


1. Research conducted in an actual organization and with real employees is a. a field study. b. a survey. c. a lab study. d. a meta-analytic study.


1. Research on stress and leisure time around the world suggests which of the following? a. Compared to Europeans, Americans work longer hours. b. Japanese work 500 hours less than their counterparts in the USA. c. Americans are better in time management compared to their European counterparts. Americans are less likely to be employed than Europeans


1. Role conflict, role ambiguity, organizational politics, and job insecurity are indicators of a. stress at work. b. high responsibility at work. c. work-life balance. organizational justice


1. Skill variety refers to a. the extent to which the job requires a person to utilize multiple high level skills. b. the degree to which a person is in charge of completing an identifiable piece of work from start to finish. c. whether a person's job substantially affects other people's health, work or well-being. the degree to which a person has the freedom to decide how to perform his tasks


1. TIAA-CREF considers diversity a key investment criterion because they believe a. a diverse board will be less beholden to management. b. diversity makes for stronger teams. c. a diverse workforce is more representative of the U.S. customer base. d. diversity is more important than productivity.


1. The "M" in "SMART" goals stands for a. Measurable b. Motivating c. Minimal d. Management


1. The dimensions of psychological capital (PsyCap) are a. efficacy, optimism, hope, resilience. b. efficacy, optimism, positive affect, hope. c. Optimism, positive affect, hope, resilience. d. positive affect, self-confidence, strength, hope.


1. The most likely individual to rate an employee is a. the employee's supervisor. b. a coworker of the employee. c. a customer of the employee. d. a subordinate of the employee.


1. The triple bottom line refers to evaluating an organization on all of the following performance criteria EXCEPT: a. Demographic. b. Economic. c. Social. d. Environmental.


1. The values, beliefs, and customs that exist in a society is a. culture. b. diversity. c. power distance. d. affirmative action.


1. When an individual is attempting to empathize with another person but nevertheless is displaying emotions he does not feel, he is engaging in a. deep acting. b. surface acting. c. genuine acting. d. cognitive dissonance.


1. Which of the following cultures is most likely to be categorized as individualistic? a. USA. b. Guatemala. c. Pakistan. d. China.


1. Which of the following federal laws prohibits discrimination in employment against lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender individuals? a. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act b. Family and Medical Leave Act c. Americans with Disabilities Act d. There is currently no federal law protecting lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender individuals.


1. Which of the following is NOT an emotion that is part of the Affective Events Theory? a. jealousy b. surprise c. anger d. fear


1. Which of the following is an instrumental value? a. clean b. self-respect c. family security d. a world of beauty


1. Which of the following is considered a building block of emotional intelligence? a. self-awareness b. business management c. cognitive intelligence d. self-insight


1. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding job rotation? a. Rotation is the regular movement of employees through firm jobs. b. Rotation leads to increased turnover. c. Rotation is an opportunity for employees to use skills they already have. d. Rotation leads to slightly elevated blood pressure measured in employees using the process due to their movement between jobs.


1. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Performance is a function of the interaction between motivation, ability and environment. b. Motivation is a function of the interaction between ability, environment and performance. c. Ability is a function of the interaction between motivation, performance and environment. Performance is a major influence on motivation, ability and environment


1. __________ is the degree to which a person is anxious, irritable, aggressive and moody. a. Neuroticism b. Extraversion c. Conscientiousness d. Openness


1. ______________ is (are) a downside to goal setting. a. Learning decreases b. Adaptability increases c. Developing broadmindedness d. Ethical problem decreases


Work on team processes has been carried out in what area? a. Sociology b. Finance c. Economics d. Physics


1. Judgment based on evidence refers to a. letting employees know what criteria are used in appraisal. b. documenting performance problems and using factual evidence in rating performance. c. ensuring that there is two-way communication during the appraisal process and the employee's perspective is heard. d. the process where feedback is confidentially gathered from peers, customers and subordinates.


1. Lauren takes a personality survey and finds she strongly exhibits the trait of agreeableness. She might be described as being a. organized, punctual, systematic and dependable. b. nice, tolerant, sensitive and kind. c. outgoing, talkative, and sociable. d. curious, creative and original.


1. Maria is a customer service agent for a large Telecom. During her shift she gets a call from an irate customer who is screaming at her and calling her names. This event would be considered a(n) a. role stressor. b. interpersonal stressor. c. challenge stressor. d. life change.


1. Organizational commitment refers to a. the feelings people have toward their jobs. b. the emotional attachment people have toward the company they work for. c. an unwritten understanding about what the employee will bring to the work environment. d. the degree of emotional intelligence an employee exhibits.


1. Research on the relationship between personality and job performance indicates a. people who are extraverted perform slightly less well than those who are introverted. b. dependable people are better performers than those less dependable. c. there is little relationship between reliability and job performance. d. achievement-oriented people are so goal-oriented that they often fall short in their performance.


1. Research on work attitudes and performance indicates a. work attitudes are strong correlates of job performance. b. work attitudes are a stronger correlate of performance in complex jobs than in simpler jobs. c. dissatisfied employees always reduce performance level. work attitudes are a moderate correlate of performance


1. SAS Institute's commitment to its employees is demonstrated through which of the following practices? a. Results-oriented pay structures. b. Regular administration of employee satisfaction surveys in which employees provide important feedback. c. Matching perks for employees offered by other similar organizations. d. Paying employees below market salaries but offering additional perks.


1. Self-enhancement bias is a. the tendency for people to underestimate their performance, undervalue capabilities, and see events in a way that puts them in a more negative light. b. the tendency to overestimate our performance and capabilities and see ourselves in a more positive light than others see us. c. the overestimation of how similar we are to other people. d. the process with which individuals detect and interpret environmental stimuli.


1. Self-esteem is a. the belief that one can perform a specific task successfully. b. the degree to which a person has overall positive feelings about him or herself. c. the degree to which people feel accountable for their own behaviors. d. the inclination to change the status quo.


1. Self-monitoring is a. the degree to which a person has overall positive feelings about himself. b. the extent to which a person is capable of monitoring his/her actions and appearance in social situations. c. the belief that one can perform a specific task successfully. d. a person's inclination to fix what is perceived as wrong, change the status quo, and use initiative to solve problems.


1. Task identity refers to a. the extent to which the job requires a person to utilize multiple high level skills. b. the degree to which a person is in charge of completing an identifiable piece of work from start to finish. c. whether a person's job substantially affects other people's health, work or well-being. d. the degree to which a person has the freedom to decide how to perform his tasks.


1. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act a. prohibits discrimination against employees older than 65. b. prohibits discrimination against employees age 40 or older. c. prohibits discrimination against employees only with regard to pay. d. is seldom cited in lawsuits as age discrimination is largely absent from the American workplace.


1. The belief that one's own culture is superior to other cultures is a. geocentrism. b. ethnocentrism. c. monocentrism. d. polycentrism


1. The body's "fight or flight" response causes which of the following physical symptoms to occur? a. narrow-eye focus. b. digestion interruption. c. decreased heart rate. deep breathing.


1. The concept of flow refers to a. applying the principles of athletic performance to workplace performance. b. a state of consciousness where a person is totally absorbed in an activity. c. the regulation of feelings and expressions for organizational purposes. d. ongoing negative emotional states resulting from dissatisfaction.


1. The first step of an organizational behavior modification (OB Mod) program is a. evaluate and maintain. b. identify behavior to be modified. c. analyze behavior antecedents and outcomes. d. measure the baseline level.


1. The relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has is a. values. b. personality. c. self-esteem. d. conscientiousness


1. Which of the following conditions contribute to the effectiveness of goal setting? a. performance b. goal commitment c. time pressure d. group, as opposed to individual goals.


1. Which of the following is a need-based theory of motivation? a. Expectancy theory. b. ERG theory. c. Reinforcement theory. d. Equity theory.


1. Which of the following is not a culture that is characterized as feminine (nurturing) in its orientation? a. Norway b. Japan c. Sweden d. Costa Rica


1. Which of the following is one way to alleviate cognitive dissonance? a. Engage in surface acting. b. Change the facts of the situation. c. Leave the situation. d. Smile more


1. Which of the following need-based theories has received the greatest amount of research support? a. Herzberg's two-factor theory b. Maslow's hierarchy of needs c. Alderfer's ERG theory d. McClelland's acquired needs theory


1. Which of the following recommendations might you give to a friend regarding ways to deal with late coworkers? a. Try ignoring lateness and not imposing negative consequences. b. Reward timeliness by verbally recognizing those who arrive on time. c. Schedule meetings when most people can attend, even if it doesn't work for everyone. d. Consider assigning less work to those who are late, they are probably juggling too many things right now.


1. Which of the following represents a negative emotion? a. stress b. fear c. surprise d. joy


1. Which of the following statements regarding work attitude and performance is accurate? a. Those with the most positive work attitudes are always strong performers. b. In engineering, there tends to be a stronger link between work attitude and performance than one finds in an assembly line job. c. The correlation between organizational commitment and performance is strong. d. Your skill level in performing a job does not matter much if your attitude toward work is positive


1. Workforce satisfaction is related to a. greater customer loyalty. b. more absenteeism. c. reduced team cohesion. d. more accidents in the workplace.


1. __________ is a terminal value. a. Broad-minded b. Inner harmony c. Forgiving d. Obedient


Organizational behavior draws heavily on personality and motivation studies from what other discipline? a. Psychology b. Physiology c. Economics d. Political Science


Organizational behavior is: a. common sense. b. a systematic approach to understanding human behavior. c. only relevant for large businesses. d. most important for executives


Which of the following is a key level of analysis investigated in Organizational Behavior a. industry. b. individual. c. Meta d. Society


1. A culture categorized by high uncertainty avoidance is a. Denmark. b. Jamaica. c. Greece. d. China.


1. A management by objectives program includes a. detaching individual goals from organizational strategy. b. setting individual goals aligned with personal strategy. c. developing action plans. d. periodically reviewing your coworker's goals.


1. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, what dimension describes those who would like to have clarity and closure? a. thinking b. feeling c. intuition d. judgment


1. Cultural intelligence is a. the ways in which people are similar or different from one another. b. the values, beliefs and customs that exist in a society. c. a person's capability to understand how a person's cultural background influences one's behavior. d. the degree to which the society views an unequal distribution of power as acceptable.


1. Emotional resonance refers to a. a technique that ignores the negative emotions of clients. b. the gap between individuals' words and their true feelings. c. a technique that identifies employees' feelings about their work. d. an emotional barrier between individuals.


1. Esteem needs are a. the need to bond with other human beings. b. the desire to form lasting attachments. c. the desire to feel important. d. the freedom from an uncertain future.


1. Fair hearing refers to a. letting employees know what criteria are used in appraisal. b. documenting performance problems and using factual evidence in rating performance. c. ensuring that there is two-way communication during the appraisal process and the employee's perspective is heard. d. the process where feedback is confidentially gathered from peers, customers and subordinates.


1. Feedback refers to a. the extent to which the job requires a person to utilize multiple high level skills. b. the degree to which a person is in charge of completing an identifiable piece of work from start to finish. c. the degree to which people learn how effective they are being at work. d. the degree to which a person has the freedom to decide how to perform his tasks.


1. Gender discrimination is prohibited by which of the following laws? a. Age Discrimination Act b. Americans with Disabilities Act c. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act d. Occupational Safety and Health Act


1. Genuine acting is a. pretending to experience emotions not really felt. b. exhibiting physical signs that reflect emotions not felt. c. displaying emotions in alignment with your emotions. d. a mismatch of emotions.


1. In expectancy theory, valence is a. the perception that high levels of effort will lead to outcomes of interest like performance. b. the perception that performance is related to subsequent outcomes such as rewards. c. the anticipated satisfaction that will result from an outcome. d. the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness, and dignity.


1. In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, what dimension describes those who derive their energy from inside? a. intuition b. perception c. introversion d. judgment


1. Interactional justice is a. the degree to which outcomes received from the organization are perceived to be fair. b. the degree to which fair decision-making procedures are used to arrive at a decision. c. the degree to which people are treated with respect, kindness and dignity in interpersonal interactions. d. the belief that high levels of effort will lead to high performance.


1. Job rotation a. is breaking down jobs into their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person will perform a few tasks in a repetitive manner. b. refers to expanding the tasks performed by employees to add more variety. c. involves moving employees from job to job at regular intervals. allows workers more control over how they perform their own tasks


1. Motivation refers to a. having the skills and knowledge required to perform the job. b. a function of performance, ability and environment. c. the intention of achieving a goal, leading to goal-directed behavior. d. the only key to high performance


1. Negative reinforcement a. decreases the desired behavior. b. decreases the frequency of negative behavior. c. increases the desired behavior. d. reduces the frequency of undesired behavior


1. Person-organization fit is the a. degree to which a person's skill, knowledge, abilities and other characteristics match the job demands. b. degree to which a person likes an organization. c. degree to which a person's values, personality, goals and other characteristics match those of the organization. d. degree to which a person's attitude matches the culture of the work group.


1. Positive reinforcement a. decreases the desired behavior. b. decreases the frequency of negative behavior. c. increases the desired behavior. d. reduces the frequency of undesired behavior


1. Role overload refers to a. inability to reconcile the demands of one's work and home life. b. facing contradictory demands at work. c. having insufficient time and resources to complete a job. d. vagueness in relation to what job responsibilities are.


1. Task significance refers to a. the extent to which the job requires a person to utilize multiple high level skills. b. the degree to which a person is in charge of completing an identifiable piece of work from start to finish. c. whether a person's job substantially affects other people's health, work or well-being. d. the degree to which a person has the freedom to decide how to perform his tasks.


1. The car was traveling very slowly on the highway in front of Ned. He turned to Sally and said, "This is ridiculous, we are never going to get there on time. That must be a woman driver in front of us!" Ned is engaging in a. false consensus error. b. self-fulfilling prophecy. c. stereotyping. d. first impressions.


1. When organizational behavior modification (OB Mod) is used to examine employee absenteeism, which step looks at why employees are absent? a. Step 5: Evaluate and maintain. b. Step 1: Identify behavior to modify. c. Step 3: Analyze behavior antecedents and outcomes. d. Step 2: Measure the baseline level.


1. When you understand how OTHERS feel you are exhibiting which of the building blocks of emotional intelligence? a. self-awareness b. self-management c. social awareness d. relationship management


1. Which of the following is a dimension by which individuals are grouped in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)? a. seeing/hearing b. organized/disorganized c. extraversion/intraversion d. emotional instability


1. Which of the following is a hygiene factor in Herzberg's theory of motivation? a. promotion opportunities. b. interesting work. c. salary. d. achievement.


1. Which of the following is a process based theory of motivation? a. Alderfer's ERG theory. b. Herzberg's two-factor theory. c. Skinner's reinforcement theory. d. McClelland's acquired needs theory.


1. Datum refers to a. multiple observations. b. the consistency of a measure. c. the degree to which a measure captures what it is intended to measure. d. a single observation.


1. Which of the following statements is true of organizational commitment? a. There is very little overlap with job satisfaction. b. Organizational commitment is a strong predictor of performance. c. Those with high organizational commitment are absent less often than those who are not so committed. d. Relationships at work have little influence on organizational behavior.


1. a control group a. receives experimental manipulation. b. is an entity that can take on different values. c. receives no experimental manipulation. d. is a tentative guess on an observation that can be tested.


According to the authors of Organizational Behavior, a company's greatest asset is a. its product. b. its financial resources. c. its people. d. its location.


1. A Type B personality displays which of the following characteristics? a. impatience b. deep levels of job involvement c. high level competitiveness d. logical decision making


1. A culture that values maintaining good relationships, caring for the weak and quality of life is most likely a a. a low power distance culture. b. a masculine (aggressive) culture. c. a high power distance culture. d. a feminine (nurturing) culture.


1. A piece rate system refers to a. a program providing one-time rewards to employees for specific accomplishments. b. a company-wide program where employees are rewarded for performance gains compared to past performance. c. a permanent pay raise based on past performance. d. a program where employees are paid on the basis of individual output produced.


1. Accommodating religious diversity in the workplace does not include a. work schedule modifications. b. dress code modifications. c. work duty modifications. d. pay level modifications.


1. According to Rokeach, which of the following is not accurate about values? a. Values are grouped into terminal and instrumental categories. b. Values are hierarchically ordered. c. Values are shaped late in life. d. Values are relatively stable over time.


1. Age is positively correlated with the following work behaviors: a. citizenship behaviors. b. compliance with safety rules. c. performance. d. all of the above.


1. All of the following are general mental abilities refer to a. reasoning abilities. b. verbal and numerical skills. c. analytical skills. d. all of the above


1. Analyzing Zappos success using Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation would suggest that addressing a. hygiene factors, like being among the best paid employees in the retail industry, are the only reason for the firm's success. b. content factors, like the collaborative atmosphere each employee creates are the only reason for the firm's success. c. motivators, like the autonomy in customer service, are the only reason for the firm's success. d. hygiene factors and motivators all help to contribute to Zappos' success.


1. During the first day of an organizational behavior class at your university, the instructor tells the students that during the term they will learn all of the following EXCEPT: a. How to work effectively on team projects. b. How to make more effective decisions about their academic and social lives. c. How different organizations interact with each other. d. How to cope with the stress of finals week.


1. Goodwill Industries is an advocate for ________. a. survival of the fittest b. sales tax c. using interviews to weed out diverse applicants d. diversity


1. Hypotheses are a. entities that take on different values. b. research tools that elicit respondents' reactions to specific questions. c. the process of writing out thoughts and emotions on a regular basis. d. tentative guesses for expected observations that can be tested.


1. In what stress phase does the body release cortisol and begin to adjust to the demands of the stress? a. alarm phase b. exhaustion phase c. adaptation phase d. resistance phase


1. Individuals with a high need for affiliation a. want to influence others. b. have a strong need to be successful. c. desire to make an impact on the organization. d. want to be accepted by others.


1. Job enrichment a. is breaking down jobs into their simplest components and assigning them to employees so that each person will perform few tasks in a repetitive manner. b. refers to expanding the tasks performed by employees to add more variety. c. involves moving employees from job to job at regular intervals. d. allows workers more control over how they perform their own tasks.


1. Major organizational changes can cause employees to experience higher levels of stress at work. Which of the following is considered a type of organizational change? a. changes in executive leadership b. changes in policies and protocols c. changes in workforce due to a merger or acquisition d. all of the above


1. SAS Institute has been ranked annually as "one of the best places to work." The company achieves this ranking by a. providing "perks" such as a full gym and swimming pool. b. giving employees opportunities to work on challenging and interesting projects. c. eight-hour work days. d. all of the above.


1. Stressors are defined as a. demands to perform interactions and internal calculations that exceed the supply or capacity of time available for processing. b. states of consciousness in which a person is totally absorbed in an activity. c. events on the job which cause different people to feel different emotions. d. events or contexts that cause a stress reaction by elevating levels of adrenaline and forcing a physical or mental response.


1. The faculty of a Midwestern business school is comprised of 33 males and 4 females. The past five candidates hired have all been male. There seems to be a (an)__________ diversity issue in this workplace. a. age b. race c. religion d. gender


1. The likelihood that findings in a given study would be found in another setting or study is known as a. reliability. b. validity. c. meta-analysis. d. generalizability.


1. Values a. encompass the relatively stable feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns a person has. b. are initial thoughts and perceptions we form about people, which tend to be stable and resilient to contrary information. c. are generalizations based upon a perceived group characteristic. d. refer to stable life goals people have, reflecting what is most important to them.


1. Which of the following employees is more likely to turnover? a. Those who have been in the company for a long time. b. Those who have negative work attitudes. c. Those who have very little stress. d. Those who are high performers.


1. Which of the following factors contribute to job satisfaction? a. personality. b. job characteristics. c. work/life balance. d. all of the above.


1. Which of the following factors has been shown to be a cause of HIGH levels of absenteeism in a firm? a. positive work attitudes b. personality c. age of the worker d. work-life balance issues


1. Which of the following factors has the most influence on worker motivation? a. pay b. growth opportunities c. job design d. recognition


1. Which of the following is a key factor in understanding what kind of attributions we make? a. past experiences b. mood c. perception d. consensus


1. Which of the following is a motivator factor in Herzberg's theory of motivation? a. working conditions b. salary c. company policy d. recognition


1. Which of the following is a surface-level diversity trait? a. Aggressiveness b. Type A personality c. Being smart d. Being Asian


1. Which of the following is accurate according to organizational behavior research? a. Successful companies are more centralized. b. Successful companies emphasize the status differences between their employees. c. Successful companies have very simple and informal hiring systems. d. Successful companies treat their employees well.


1. Which of the following would be considered a sound piece of advice to help build your self-confidence? a. Set challenging, not impossible goals. b. Ignore negative advice, especially when it comes from a negative person. c. Take a self-inventory. d. all of the above.


1. ich of the following is NOT a type of response to stress? a. physical b. mental c. emotional d. societal


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